in today’s fast developing world we have forgotten the most important thing to the...


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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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In today’s fast developing world we have forgotten the most important thing to the world,children.We come across many cases of deaths of children but we rarely pay attention to such news.Its high time we took notice and prevent such acts.Today we shall take a look at Rights of Children regarding Nutrition and Health .


The Convention on Rights of Children states the Right to Live is applicable to every child

It is the Government’s duty to ensure that its nation’s children survive and become healthy


Every child whether born rich or poor,in any caste or creed has the right to proper nutrition

Nutrition simply means “The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth”

Lack of nutrition is the a major cause for stunted growth in children

Children are not able to get proper nutrition due various causes such as poverty,increasing food prices and dietary habits

Lack of Nutrition is also known as “Malnutrition”


Malnutrition is the condition that results from taking an unbalanced diet in which certain nutrients are lacking, in excess (too high an intake), or in the wrong proportions.

Malnutrition occurs not only in poor countries but also in fast developing nations like ours.

Malnutrition is a global crisis which has hampered the growth of millions of children.

The World Health Organization(WHO) considers malnutrition as a major threat to world health

The effects of malnutrition are very severe and lead to growth disorders.

Malnutrition is the cause of about 5 million child deaths every year!So many innocent lives lost all because they couldn’t get proper nutrition.This tells us how grave the situation is.We shall now look into malnutrition along with its causes,effects and prevention


Malnutrition is not something that has occurred suddenly.It is the result of various factors that are a result of todays lifestyle and politics.Some major factors causing malnutrition are:

1. Population Explosion2. Lack of nutrtious food3. Poor feeding habits4. Over priced food due to inflation5. Constant infections like diarrheoa,jaundice etc

Population explosion causes scarcity of food products which the poor people cannot procure

New hybrid varieties of crop are produced which give more yield but at the cost of their nutritious value.Therefore less nutrients are obtained from the same amount of food.As not everyone can afford more expensive varieties,again malnutrition is caused.

Poor feeding habits also play a important role.Today’s children like to binge on junk food which are filled with nothing but empty calories in the form of saturated fats and sugars.

Government policies and taxes often cause the price of food grains to skyrocket leaving the poor in lurch to fill their stomachs

Constant illnesses affect the child’s body and it can no longer absorb nutrients from food effectively.

The common scene we see here is that the poor are the worst affected.They have no resources to fill their stomach let alone have nutritious food


The effects of malnutrition can range from mild to life threatening .Some of them are harmless but the severe ones can kill.Some of the effects are:

1. Fatigue2. Nausea3. Dizziness4. Very low immunity against infections5. Dry scaly skin6. Hair loss7. Anemia8. Memory loss

The more harmful effects are; Learning disabilities Unhealthy weight loss Stunted growth Weakness Hypokalemia- potassium deficiency Hemorrhage- vitamin K deficiency Behavioural DisordersWe often see images of children with twig like limbs

and a large belly and head.Such disfigurements are not uncommon in those affected by malnutrition.


Following are the ways to prevent malnutrition: Educating women Improve diet Replenish deficient nutrients through high

energy foods like peanut butter or. Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food

There aren’t much methods to prevent or treat malnutrition exept creating awareness and fullfill missing nutrients


The right to good health come under the Right To Survival and health is key to one’s survival

Children are one of the most vulnerable of all humans.Their immune system is not strong enough and they are more likely to contract infections.This risk is however most high in child labourers

Sadly it’s a fact that India is one of the hubs for child labour.Thousands are employed in dingy factories and warehouses all over India doing harmful jobs such as firework making,zari work etc.This evil has been going on for a very long time and has a very adverse effect on the children.

The health hazard due to child labour are; Rapid skeletal growth Hearing loss Greater absorption of chemicals Stunted growth Premature growth of organs and tissues Allergies Those working in agrilculture and industries are

exposed to dangerous pesticides and chemicals. Being forced to live in cramped dirty rooms,there is

high chance of infections


The most number number of deaths are in under developed countries

Mortality in India due to malnutrition

Some Comparisons with Other Nations

Malnourishment in States

Nutrition to the top

% of infants with low birthweight, 1998-2005*


% of children (1996-2005*) who are: exclusively breastfed (<6 months)


% of children (1996-2005*) who are: breastfed with complementary food (6-9 months)


% of children (1996-2005*) who are: still breastfeeding (20-23 months)


% of under-fives (1996-2005*) suffering from: underweight, moderate & severe


% of under-fives (1996-2005*) suffering from: underweight, severe


% of under-fives (1996-2005*) suffering from: wasting, moderate & severe


% of under-fives (1996-2005*) suffering from: stunting, moderate & severe


Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (6-59 months), 2004


% of households consuming iodized salt, 1998-2005*



World’s 40% of severly malnourished live in India 47 percent of India’s children below the age of three

years are malnourished At least half of Indian infant deaths are related to

malnutrition, often associated with infectious diseases.

Damages caused by malnourishment are irreversible In developing countries 1 in 15 will die before

reaching the age of 5 years In India, close to one million newborns die each year

during the first month of life

Malnourishment is a global evil and must be stopped at any cost.It is not only killing millions of infants every year but also taking away bright and vibrant futures.Thousands of parents watch helplessly as their child dies a slow painful death right in front of their eyes .Creating awareness is the key to eradicate malnourishment

Created by:Vipul Vignesh Pranav Gaurav Spencer