in the waiting room - foreshadowing

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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  • 8/7/2019 In the Waiting Room - Foreshadowing


    Starter Target word puzzle

    T E HE F RL A T

    RulesYou can only use each letter

    once.You must use the centre

    letter There is one 9 letter word

    No foreign wordsNo words with initial capitalletter, e.g. peoples names

  • 8/7/2019 In the Waiting Room - Foreshadowing


    M aking ConnectionsSome or all of

    Mondays lesson will bedevoted to theM aking Connections internal

    assessment and moving that forward. Whawant to see from you is a confirmed topic want you to have brought in the first text tyou want to use to explore that theme.

  • 8/7/2019 In the Waiting Room - Foreshadowing


    Intentions today...By the end of today you will:1) have solidified the learning that happened yesterday abothe intentions of the poet in her opening.2) be able to describe what foreshadowing is.3) be able to point out examples of foreshadowing in the op

    and suggest how they make the poem richer.4) be able to describe how tone is affected and developed bthe use of foreshadowing.

  • 8/7/2019 In the Waiting Room - Foreshadowing


    A Reminder Paragraph...Bishop aims to create a very objective opening in her poem.

    *objective: not influence by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

    How does she do this and to what extent is she successful in hattempt to achieve this tone/atmosphere?

    Im going to collect this paragraph in, so I want to see you mof evidence to support your points. I want to see you using mjust one quote. And I want to see you explaining HOW your supports your opinion.

  • 8/7/2019 In the Waiting Room - Foreshadowing


    Foreshadowing...What is it?Write this down:Foreshadowing is a literary technique in which the writer sucertain developments that might come later.(stop writing)Basically, what were looking for are elements within a text that return later in the text and become significant. Sometimare easy to spot physical objects and sometimes they are mosymbolic and trickier to spot.Foreshadowing is often only fully appreciated after the first

  • 8/7/2019 In the Waiting Room - Foreshadowing


    D o you think anything is foreshadowedwhat we looked at yesterday?

    In Worcester,M assachusetts,I went with Aunt Consueloto keep her dentist's appointmentand sat and waited for her in the dentist's waiting room.

    It was winter. It got darkearly. The waiting roomwas full of grown-up people,arctics and overcoats,lamps and magazines.

  • 8/7/2019 In the Waiting Room - Foreshadowing


    What about here?(I could read) and carefullystudied the photographs:the inside of a volcano,black, and full of ashes;then it was spilling over in rivulets of fire.

    A dead man slung on a pole"Long Pig," the caption said

    Imagery:Something volatile and ready to

    explode, suddenly exploding violently.

    Could this be symbolic of whathappens to the speaker?

    InnocenceWe get a clear sense of thespeakers innocence here. She cantyet see the world for what it really isyet.But that is all about to change...

  • 8/7/2019 In the Waiting Room - Foreshadowing


    Solidify the informationD

    ivide your page in two...Foreshadowing

    Example of foreshadowing What is being foreshadow

    To what extent does the use of foreshadowing make reading a richer experience for the reader? What complexities does

    Physical description of people in waiting room

    D escription of volcano

    Description of innocence