in the supreme court of the united states€¦ ·  · 2017-01-27in the supreme court of the united...

IN THE Supreme Court of the United States IMPRESSION PRODUCTS, INC., Petitioner, v. LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC., Respondent. BRIEF OF ASSOCIATION OF SERVICE AND COMPUTER DEALERS INTERNATIONAL, INC./NORTH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF TELECOM DEALERS AND OWNERS’ RIGHTS INITIATIVE AS AMICI CURIAE IN SUPPORT OF PETITIONER On a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit No. 15-1189 W. Douglas Kari, Esq. Counsel of Record Principal in ASCDI Member ARBITECH, LLC Attorney for Amici Curiae 15330 Barranca Parkway Irvine, California 92618 949-936-2302 [email protected] >> >> January 23, 2017

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Supreme Court of the United States








On a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Federal Circuit

No. 15-1189

W. Douglas Kari, Esq.Counsel of Record

Principal in ASCDI Member ARBITECH, LLCAttorney for Amici Curiae15330 Barranca ParkwayIrvine, California [email protected]

>> >>

January 23, 2017

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In Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 133 S.Ct. 1351 (2013), the Court held that textbooksmanufactured and first sold abroad, which borelegends to the effect of “Not for sale in the UnitedStates,” could lawfully be imported and resold inthe U.S. under the first sale doctrine. This casepresents essentially the same issues under patentlaw:1. Whether “conditional sale” of a patented

item—a sale that transfers ownership while pur-portedly imposing restrictions, much like the “Notfor sale in the United States” legends inKirtsaeng—trumps patent exhaustion.2. Whether the principles underlying the holding

in Kirtsaeng—that the first sale doctrine is basedon common law’s abhorrence of restraints on alien-ation and makes no geographical distinctions—apply with equal force in the patent arena.


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QUESTIONS PRESENTED .......................... i

TABLE OF AUTHORITIES .......................... iv

STATEMENT OF INTEREST....................... 1

SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT........................ 2

ARGUMENT ................................................. 4



A. Users of NAND Flash Memory ....................................... 8

B. Users of Hard Drives .................. 10

C. Users of Other Tech Products..... 12

D. Users of Defense Systems........... 14

E. Users of DVDs and Blu-ray Discs ............................................ 15

F. Users of Consumer Products ...... 17




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A. A Bright-Line Rule Is Consistent with Intuitive Reasoning and Aligns with Kirtsaeng ..................................... 18

B. The Federal Circuit’s ApproachIs Impractical and Also Inconsistent with the Court’s Precedents................................... 20

C. Conditional Sales Interfere With Ownership Rights .............. 21

D. Do Not Count on Rights Holders To Exercise Restraint ..................................... 23

CONCLUSION .............................................. 24



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Bowman v. Monsanto Co.,133 S. Ct. 1761 (2013).............................. 4, 21

Jazz Photo Corp. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n,264 F.3d 1094 (Fed. Cir. 2001) ................ 23

Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,133 S. Ct. 1351 (2013)..............................passim

Lexmark International, Inc. v. Impression Products, Inc.,816 F.3d 721 (Fed. Cir. 2016) .................. 3

Mallinckrodt, Inc. v. Medipart, Inc.,976 F.2d 700 (Fed. Cir. 1992) .................. 23

Omega S.A. v. Costco,541 F.3d 982 (9th Cir. 2008), aff’dper curium (no. 08-1423) .......................... 7

Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc.,553 U.S. 617 (2008) .................................. 4, 21

United States v. Univas Lens Co.,316 U.S. 241 (1942) .................................. 22

Other Authorities

American Library Ass’n, ALA Annual Membership Statistics, .............................................. 16




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America Library Ass’n, Outreach to Underserved Populations, 16

Andy Geldman, The World’s Top eBay Sellers, WEB RETAILER (Jul. 19, 2016), ........8, 15, 17

Ann Bednarz, IBM Scores Most Patents in 2016, Apple Just Misses Top Ten, NETWORK WORLD (Jan. 9, 2017), ............................................... 5

Ben Kuchera,Patents on Video Game Mechanics Strangle Innovation, Fun, ARS TECHNICA (Mar. 9, 2008), ....... 7, 15



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Benj Edwards, If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It: Ancient Computers in Use Today, PC WORLD (Feb. 19, 2012), today.html ... 14

Blog, Libraries Lend More Movies Than Netflix, Study Finds, HUFFINGTON POST (Jul. 30, 2010), ............................. 16

Blog, Patent Pool One-Blue and Several Licensors File Suit Against Imation Over Blu-ray Patents, ESSENTIALPATENT BLOG (May 24, 2013), .................. 15

Dale Vito, IN THE WORKS: Omega’s High Tech Bezel, WATCHBASE (Dec. 6, 2016), ..... 7, 17



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Daniel Siegal, Ex-Weil Attys DQ’d By Micron In Flash Memory Patent Fight (May 18, 2015), 3, 10

Dennis Crouch, Can Patent Rights Overwhelm Traditional Notions of Title?, PATENTLYO (Mar. 22, 2016), ........ 21

Design Patent,The Rolex Watch Design Patent, ............... 7, 17

Doug Kari, How an eBay Bookseller Defeated a Publishing Giant at the Supreme Court, ARS TECHNICA (Nov. 25, 2014), ................................... 7



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Doug Kari, Op-Ed: Lexmark’s War Against a Man Who Recycles Toner Cartridges, ARS TECHNICA (Aug. 29, 2015), ...... 23

DVD6C Licensing Group,DVD Patent Joint Licensing Program Frequently Asked Questions, 15

DVD6C Licensing Group, ............ 7

Editor, Shortage of NAND Flash to Cause Prices of SSDs and EMMCs to Rise by Over 10% in Q1 2017,CTIMES (Dec. 12, 2016), 3

Editor, Too Many Patents, PATENT PROGRESS, 6

Editorial, The Limits of Copyright Law, LA TIMES (Mar. 20, 2013), 19



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Featured Customers, 167 Lexmark Case Studies, 13

Gary Shapiro, Supreme Court Gives American Consumers Victory Over Copyright Owners in Kirtsaeng vs. John Wiley & Sons, FORBES (Mar. 20, 2013), supreme-court-gives-american-consumers-victory-over-copyright-owners-in-kirtsaeng-vs-john-wiley-sons......................................... 19

Gina Roos, Supply Shortage of NAND Flash Worsens in Q4, EPS NEWS (Oct. 12, 2016), ............. 3, 8

Jean Murray, What is the Book Value of an Asset?, THE BALANCE (May 7, 2016), .......... 21

Jennifer Waters, Your Right To Resell Your Own Stuff Is In Peril, MARKET WATCH (Oct. 12, 2012),; .............................. 19



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Joe Mullin, Chipmaker Hopes to Overturn Largest Patent Verdict Ever: $1.5 Billion, ARS TECHNICA (Apr. 10, 2015), 12

Justia, Bookbinding: Process And Apparatus Patents (Class 412), ................................. 7

Justia, Patents by Assignee Timex Corporation,; .................................... 7, 17

Kim Velsey, Study: Libraries Top The Competition In Lending Movies, HARTFORD COURANT(Jul. 26, 2010) .......................................... 16

Kingston, NAND Flash Technology and Solid State Drives (SSDs), 9



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Marvin Ammori, If You’ve Ever Sold a Used iPod, You May Have Violated Copyright Law, THE ATLANTIC (Jun. 8, 2012), ............................. 19

Mike Masnick, Supreme Court Gets It Right In Kirtsaeng: You Can Resell Things You Bought Abroad Without Infringing,TECHDIRT (Mar. 19, 2013), 19

Mike Masnick, There Are 250,000 Active Patents That Impact Smartphones; Representing One In Six Active Patents Today,TECHDIRT (Oct. 8, 2012), ...................... 5, 20



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Monica Anderson, Technology Device Ownership: 2015, PEW RESEARCH CENTER (Oct. 29, 2015), ..... 8

NAND flash memory,TECHTARGET, ............... 2

NAND Flash patents, FRESH PATENTS, 3, 10,Facts About Redbox, .................... 16

Richard Waters, Technology: Mired in a Legal Morass, FINANCIAL TIMES (May 9, 2012), 6

Robert A. Modansky, Asset-Based Financing Basics, JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTANCY (Jul. 31, 2011), ............... 22



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Robert Castellano, A Shortage of NAND Flash Memory Is Coming Soon—What Caused It and What Will Be Its Impact, SEEKING ALPHA (May 16, 2016), .............................................. 9

Santosh Das, Parts of a Mobile Cell Phone and Their Function (Big Parts), (Aug. 18, 2015), ............................ 20

Santosh Das, Small Parts/Electronic Components of Mobile Cell Phone and Their Function (Aug. 18, 2015), ..... 20

SEC Form S-1 filed on Sept. 2, 2011 by RPX Corporation, ............................ 2



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Stefan M. Meisner & James Buchanan Camden, Supreme Court Will Spill Some Ink Regarding Patent Exhaustion Doctrine, NAT’L L. REV. (Dec. 28, 2016), ..... 3

Stephen J. Bigelow, Secondary-Market Resellers Thrive in the Tech Industry, TECHTARGET (Apr. 2008), ....................2, 8, 17

Steve Brachmann, The Evolution of Digital Cameras—A PatentHistory, IPWATCHDOG (Oct. 28, 2014), ......................... 7, 17

Steve Brachmann, “Inventing for Convenience–Whirlpool Focuses on Optimizing Home Appliances,IPWATCHDOG (Jan. 19, 2015), 17



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Thomas Fuller, Thailand Flooding Cripples Hard-Drive Suppliers, NY TIMES (Nov. 6, 2011), 10

Tom Kivett, IFI CLAIMS Announces 2016 U.S. Patent Ranking, IFI CLAIMSPATENT SERVICES (Jan. 6, 2017), ........... 5

Wikipedia,Sony Digital Audio Disc Corporation, 15



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The questions presented have enormous practicalimplications for the organizations represented inthis brief and the constituencies they serve.1 Ami-cus curiae Association of Service and ComputerDealers International, Inc./North American Associ-ation of Telecom Dealers (“ASCDI”) is a trade groupof nearly 300 small-to-medium technology compa-nies.2 ASCDI members deal in technology productsthat practice U.S. patents, are often acquired over-seas, and support technology users across America.Amicus curiae Owners’ Rights Initiative (“ORI”)

is a broad coalition that seeks to protect ownershiprights in personal property.3 ORI’s membersinclude nonprofits such as the American LibraryAssociation, the Association of Research Librariesand Goodwill Industries International, Inc. (“Good-will Industries”); companies such as eBay Inc.(“eBay”), Redbox Automated Retail, LLC (“Redbox”)and Radwell International Inc.; and trade groups

1 This brief is filed with the written consent of the par-ties pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 37.3(a). Petitioner con-sented in an email sent to counsel for amici curiae;respondent filed a blanket consent on December 16, 2016.Pursuant to Rule 37.6 the amici curiae submitting this briefand its counsel represent that no party to this case or itscounsel authored this brief in whole or in part, and no personother than amici curiae and its counsel paid for or made amonetary contribution toward the preparation and submis-sion of this brief.

2 See See

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such as United Network Equipment Dealers Asso-ciation and ASCDI.


The bright-line rule of patent exhaustion advo-cated by petitioner is crucial to everyone in theU.S. who relies on technology products. Technologyproducts are entwined in patents; the averagesmartphone, for example, is covered by approxi-mately 250,000 patents.4 The products are oftentraded in secondary markets, and cross interna-tional borders, before they land with the “endusers.”5 This trade is essential to keep suppliesflowing and computers running, especially in timesof shortage. Case in point: “NAND flash memory,” a type of

memory used in smartphones, tablets and computerservers.6 As of January 2017, NAND flash memory


4 See SEC Form S-1 filed on Sept. 2, 2011 by RPX Corpo-ration, a company providing patent services,

5 See Stephen J. Bigelow, Secondary-Market ResellersThrive in the Tech Industry, TECHTARGET (Apr. 2008),

6 NAND flash memory is a type of computer memory thatdoes not require power to retain data, and unlike conventionalhard drives has no moving parts. See NAND flash memory,TECHTARGET,

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is in short supply.7 To alleviate the shortage, endusers across America are relying on ASCDI mem-bers to source NAND flash products overseas andimport them to the U.S. However, a thicket ofpatents surrounds NAND flash products.8 If thedecision by the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals9 isaffirmed, and rights holders emerge from the thicketand claim patent infringement, this vital supplychannel will be threatened.10

It is ironic that Lexmark advocates for conditionalsales and against international exhaustion when


7 See Editor, Shortage of NAND Flash to Cause Prices ofSSDs and EMMCs to Rise by Over 10% in Q1 2017, CTIMES(Dec. 12, 2016),; Gina Roos, Supply Shortage ofNAND Flash Worsens in Q4, EPS NEWS (Oct. 12, 2016), (two of the numerous trade articles about theNAND flash memory shortage).

8 See NAND Flash patents, FRESH PATENTS, (list of patentapplications related to NAND flash memory); Daniel Siegal,Ex-Weil Attys DQ’d By Micron In Flash Memory Patent Fight,LAW360 (May 18, 2015), (referencing multiple patents related to NANDflash memory).

9 Lexmark International, Inc. v. Impression Products,Inc., 816 F.3d 721 (Fed. Cir. 2016).10 See Stefan M. Meisner & James Buchanan Camden,

Supreme Court Will Spill Some Ink Regarding PatentExhaustion Doctrine, NAT’L L. REV. (Dec. 28, 2016),

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the company, its counsel Sidley Austin LLP, andmajor Lexmark customers rely on secondary mar-ket trade in patented products to support theircomputer systems. So do countless other end usersacross America.The Court has consistently enabled such trade by

establishing clear boundaries between ownershiprights and intellectual property (“IP”) rights. Incopyright law under cases such Kirtsaeng v. JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., 133 S. Ct. 1351 (2013), and inpatent law under cases such as Quanta Computer,Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 553 U.S. 617 (2008) andBowman v. Monsanto Co., 133 S. Ct. 1761 (2013),the Court has held that an authorized saleexhausts IP rights in the item being sold. Thisintuitive and easy-to-apply rule allows products tomove through commerce to where they are needed,and to be put to use, without fear of reprisal by IPrights-holders. ASCDI and ORI respectfully urgethe Court to reaffirm the exhaustion rule in thecontexts presented here.


The decision by the Federal Circuit Court ofAppeals clouds title to countless items and givespatent holders the right to restrict supply of essen-tial technology products. This approach to patentexhaustion is fraught with danger, especially intimes of shortage. ASCDI and ORI urge the Courtto reaffirm a bright-line rule of patent exhaustion,unencumbered by international borders and


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shrink-wrap conditions, because such rule is con-sistent with Quanta, Bowman and Kirtsaeng, andenables organizations and consumers to obtain theproducts they need.


Every major technology product in demand todayexists amidst a thicket of patents. The smartphone,entangled in 250,000 patents, is the quintessentialexample,11 but countless other technology productsare subject to active patents. In 2016 alone, theU.S. Patent & Trademark Office (“USPTO”) issuedan average of more than 25,000 patents permonth.12 Nearly all of the top twenty patent recip-ients were technology companies.13


11 See Mike Masnick, There Are 250,000 Active PatentsThat Impact Smartphones; Representing One In Six ActivePatents Today, TECHDIRT (Oct. 8, 2012), (includes theillustration reproduced in the brief of the smartphone patentthicket).12 See Tom Kivett, IFI CLAIMS Announces 2016 U.S.

Patent Ranking, IFI CLAIMS PATENT SERVICES (Jan. 6, 2017), (stating that USPTOissued 304,126 utility patents in 2016).13 See Ann Bednarz, IBM Scores Most Patents in 2016,

Apple Just Misses Top Ten, NETWORK WORLD (Jan. 9, 2017),

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As a result, for most technology products it isfunctionally impossible to identify all of the patentholders and what they claim, yet for someone whogets caught in the thicket the risks are enormous:Searching patents is prohibitively costlyand inconclusive, yet the risks of inadver-tent infringement are substantial, includinginjunction, disproportionate damages or anorder barring importation from the Interna-tional Trade Commission.14


14 See Editor, Too Many Patents, PATENT PROGRESS,; Richard Waters, Technology: Mired in a Legal Morass,FINANCIAL TIMES (May 9, 2012),

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Besides smartphones, myriad everyday items areentwined with patents—for example DVDs,15 videogames16 and cameras.17 Another example is thewristwatch,18 a product type that came before theCourt in Omega S.A. v. Costco,19 a first sale doc-trine case that was a predecessor to Kirtsaeng.20Even books can implicate patents in how they arebound and covered.21


15 See DVD6C Licensing Group, (referencing some of the many DVD patents).16 See Ben Kuchera, Patents on Video Game Mechanics

Strangle Innovation, Fun, ARS TECHNICA (Mar. 9, 2008), See Steve Brachmann, The Evolution of Digital Cam-

eras—A Patent History, IPWATCHDOG (Oct. 28, 2014), See, e.g., Design Patent, The Rolex Watch Design

Patent,; Justia, Patents by Assignee Timex Corpo-ration,;Dale Vito, IN THE WORKS: Omega’s High Tech Bezel,WATCHBASE (Dec. 6, 2016), (discussing apatent application for an Omega watch).19 541 F.3d 982 (9th Cir. 2008), aff’d in an equally-divided

per curium decision, (no. 08-1423). 20 See Doug Kari, How an eBay Bookseller Defeated a Pub-

lishing Giant at the Supreme Court, ARS TECHNICA (Nov. 25,2014), See Justia, Bookbinding: Process And Apparatus

Patents (Class 412),

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The point is that in today’s technology-ladenworld, patents have become ubiquitous and inmany cases impenetrable.


The constituencies of ASCDI and ORI—and byextension, virtually all people and organizations inAmerica—rely on availability of technology goodsand other patented products. As a practical matter,those products are often traded in secondary mar-kets and cross international borders before theyreach the end users.22 Following are examples ofthe constituencies who benefit from this.

A. Users of NAND Flash Memory Many Americans have never heard of NAND

flash memory, yet most carry it within reach.NAND flash is a type of memory found in tablets,USB drives and smartphones.23 According to PewResearch, some 68 percent of U.S. adults own asmartphone and 45 percent own a tablet.24 NAND


22 See Bigelow, supra n.5. See also Andy Geldman, TheWorld’s Top eBay Sellers, WEB RETAILER (Jul. 19, 2016), (top 100 eBay sellers include dealers in computers,watches and DVDs).23 See Roos, supra n.7.24 Monica Anderson, Technology Device Ownership: 2015,

PEW RESEARCH CENTER (Oct. 29, 2015),

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flash memory is also utilized in many computerservers, especially in solid state drives that holdvaluable data.25

However, starting in the summer of 2016, ashortage developed of NAND flash, due to a surgein demand for smartphones, especially the iPhone7, and solid state drives used in servers.26 As aresult, ASCDI members began acquiring NANDflash products in overseas markets. Here is a sam-pling of end users in the U.S. who benefitted fromthat trade:27

National Center for Genome Resources Santa Fe, NMAdvocate Christ Medical Center Oak Lawn, ILCity of Paso Robles Paso Robles, CANumeric Investors Marlborough, MA


25 See Kingston, NAND Flash Technology and Solid StateDrives (SSDs), See Robert Castellano, A Shortage of NAND Flash

Memory Is Coming Soon—What Caused It and What Will BeIts Impact, SEEKING ALPHA (May 16, 2016), This list, compiled by ASCDI’s membership, represents

a sampling of end users who received shipments of solid statedrives that were acquired overseas in the secondary market,imported to the U.S. and shipped to end users in the latterhalf of 2016. All of these shipments are evidenced by packinglists that show the products shipped and the recipients.

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Flightsafety Services Corp. Centennial, COYMCA of Long Island Glen Cove, NY

This is only a sampling—there are numerousother end users in the U.S. who have receivedNAND flash products that were acquired throughinternational, secondary-market trading. However,because NAND flash exists in a thicket ofpatents,28 the limitations on patent exhaustionimposed by the Federal Circuit threaten that trade.ASCDI members and their customers should nothave to risk patent infringement liability for reach-ing overseas to find the NAND flash products thatthey need. See Kirtsaeng, 133 U.S. at 1365 (apply-ing a geographical limitation to the first sale doc-trine would subject trade in copyrighted items to“the disruptive impact of the threat of infringementsuits”).

B. Users of Hard Drives Five years ago Thailand was battered by

typhoons—it was the worst monsoon season inhalf-a-century. As seen below, floodwaters inundat-ed the industrial zone in Thailand where most ofthe world’s hard drives are manufactured:29


28 Supra n.8.29 Photo by Thomas Fuller. See Thomas Fuller, Thailand

Flooding Cripples Hard-Drive Suppliers, NY TIMES (Nov. 6,2011),

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As the shortage intensified, ASCDI membersscoured overseas markets to find hard drives fortheir U.S. customers. Following are a few of theend users who benefitted from that trade:30

U.S. Navy—Strategic Systems Washington, D.C.N.Y. Museum of Modern Art New York, NYVA Medical Center Dayton, OHUnderwriters Laboratories Northbrook, IL


30 This list, compiled by ASCDI’s membership, representsa sampling of end users who received shipments of harddrives that were acquired overseas in the secondary market,imported to the U.S. and shipped to end users during late2011 or early 2012, during the time of the worldwide harddrive shortage. All of these shipments are evidenced by pack-ing lists that show the products shipped and the recipients.

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Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NYThe Nature Conservancy Arlington, VA

Again, this is only a sampling of the many Amer-ican end users who received gray-market harddrives in a time of shortage. But hard drives aresubject to numerous patents; the largest patentverdict in history involved hard drives.31 Enforce-ment of the restrictions advocated by Lexmarkwould have imperiled this supply channel duringwhat was, in the technology world, a time of crisis.

C. Users of Other Tech Products Many other patented technology products move

through secondary markets to end users in the U.S.Ironically, those products sometimes end up bene-fitting organizations that oppose gray markettrade. Examples of this include:Lexmark International Inc. Lexington, KY

Lexmark has received hard drives, host busadapters, PCI cards, port replicators andother items traded in secondary markets.32


31 See Joe Mullin, Chipmaker Hopes to Overturn LargestPatent Verdict Ever: $1.5 Billion, ARS TECHNICA (Apr. 10,2015), This list, compiled by ASCDI’s membership, represents

products that were acquired in secondary markets, mostlyoverseas, and shipped to Lexmark International, Inc. All of

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Sidley Austin LLP Chicago, IL

Counsel for Lexmark has received servers, harddrives, memory, daughter cards, DVD-ROMsand other items traded in secondary markets.33

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. East Millstone, NJ

Respondent in Kirtsaeng has received storagecontrollers, PCI cards, memory, host bus adaptersand other items traded in secondary markets.34

Additionally, major customers of Lexmark35 relyon international, secondary market trade inpatented technology products to keep their computer systems operational. There are many exam-ple of this—below are just a few:36


these shipments are evidenced by packing lists that show theproducts shipped and the recipient.33 This list, compiled by ASCDI’s membership, represents

products that were acquired in secondary markets, mostlyoverseas, and shipped to Sidley Austin LLP. All of these ship-ments are evidenced by packing lists that show the productsshipped and the recipient.34 This list, compiled by ASCDI’s membership, represents

products that were acquired in secondary markets, mostlyoverseas, and shipped to John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All of theseshipments are evidenced by packing lists that show the prod-ucts shipped and the recipient.35 See Featured Customers, 167 Lexmark Case Studies, (case studies involving Lexmark customers).36 This list, compiled by ASCDI’s membership, represents

shipments of products that were acquired in secondary mar-

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Ardent Health Systems Brentwood, TNU.S. Army Winchester, VAColumbia Sportswear Portland, ORMethodist Hospital Brooklyn, NYLoyola University Baltimore, MDCummins Inc. Columbus, IN

In other words, Lexmark advocates for crushingrestrictions on gray market trade, while disregard-ing that its customers, its counsel and its own per-sonnel utilize gray market products to keep theircomputer systems running.

D. Users of Defense Systems Availability of spare parts is vital for national

defense. Because many defense systems continue touse older technology, defense contractors are some-times “desperate to find the parts they need.”37ASCDI members such as XS International, Inc. inAlpharetta, Georgia, and Sotel Systems LLC inMaryland Heights, Missouri, supply refurbishedtechnology products to every branch of the military


kets, mostly overseas, and shipped to Lexmark customers. Allof these shipments are evidenced by packing lists that showthe products shipped and the recipient.37 Benj Edwards, If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It: Ancient

Computers in Use Today, PC WORLD (Feb. 19, 2012),

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and most major defense contractors. Sometimes theonly way for them to find these older parts is toacquire products that were first sold overseas.Encumbering overseas products with unexhaustedpatent rights threatens this mission-critical sourceof supply.

E. Users of DVDs and Blu-ray Discs DVDs exist amidst a thicket of patents, with

claimants such as Hitachi, Sanyo, Toshiba, Sony,Phillips, Pioneer and others.38 Blu-ray discs39 andvideo games40 also implicate numerous patents.Many of these products are produced at manufac-turing plants overseas41 and move through com-merce via international trading platforms providedby companies such as eBay (an ORI member) andAmazon.42 The constituencies who buy and sell onthese trading platforms need a clear and workablerule, not a rule that requires them to investigate


38 See DVD6C Licensing Group, DVD Patent Joint LicensingProgram Frequently Asked Questions, See Blog, Patent Pool One-Blue and Several Licensors

File Suit Against Imation Over Blu-ray Patents, ESSENTIALPATENT BLOG (May 24, 2013), See Kuchera, supra n.16.41 See, e.g.,Wikipedia, Sony Digital Audio Disc Corpora-

tion, (listing manufacturing plants).42 See Geldman, supra n.22.

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the place of first sale and whether there was a con-ditional sale, on pain of being sued for patentinfringement. Libraries in the U.S. also provide DVDs and

Blue-ray discs to their constituencies, lendingapproximately two million units per day.43 ORImember American Library Association, which rep-resents some 57,000 libraries nationwide,44 focusesspecial attention on reaching underserved popula-tions such as rural and native communities, olderadults and people of color.45 The movies collectedby its member libraries include not only main-stream titles but also many foreign films.46 Compa-nies such as Redbox, another ORI member, alsolend millions of DVDs, Blue-ray discs and videogames to customers nationwide.47


43 See Blog, Libraries Lend More Movies Than Netflix,Study Finds, HUFFINGTON POST (Jul. 30, 2010), American Library Ass’n, ALA Annual Membership Sta-

tistics, See America Library Ass’n, Outreach to Underserved

Populations, See Kim Velsey, Study: Libraries Top The Competition

In Lending Movies, HARTFORD COURANT (Jul. 26, 2010), Redbox rents movies and games at approximately

35,000 locations in the U.S. See, Facts AboutRedbox,

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These constituencies cannot reasonably beexpected to navigate through a thicket of patents indeciding which discs they can lend and borrow, ver-sus which are tainted by patent restrictions. SeeKirtsaeng, 133 S. Ct. at 1364 (“How, the AmericanLibrary Association asks, are the libraries to obtainpermission to distribute these millions of books?”)They need a user-friendly rule: Once there hasbeen an authorized sale, patent rights in that itemhave been exhausted, and the item can be distrib-uted without fear of infringement liability.

F. Users of Consumer Products Many other consumer products, such as cam-

eras,48 watches49 and home appliances,50 are impli-cated by patents. Again, these products often movethrough commerce via trading platforms such aseBay and Amazon.51 See id. at 1365 (“Retailers tellus that over $2.3 trillion worth of foreign goodswere imported in 2011”). Then, as the products age,some are donated to charity. The buyers and sellersof these patented products, the trading platformson which they do business, charities such as ORImember Goodwill Industries, and the constituen-


48 See Brachmann, supra n.17.49 Supra n.18.50 See Steve Brachmann, “Inventing for Convenience

–Whirlpool Focuses on Optimizing Home Appliances,IPWATCHDOG (Jan. 19, 2015), See Bigelow, supra n.5; Geldman, supra n.22.

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cies they serve, need a rule of patent exhaustionthat can readily be applied to everyday transac-tions. They cannot reasonably be expected to assessthe patent-exhaustion status of every item thatchanges hand.


ASCDI and ORI concur in the legal analysisoffered by petitioner Impression Products, Inc., andwill not restate that analysis here. However, fourpoints are worth emphasizing in the context ofamici and the constituencies they serve.

A. A Bright-Line Rule Is Consistent withIntuitive Reasoning and Aligns withKirtsaeng

Most owners of technology products and otherpatented goods have an intuitive sense of wherethe boundaries lie between IP rights and owner-ship rights. For example, an eBay user who buys aDVD that was originally sold in Canada presum-ably knows that he has not acquired manufactur-ing rights, but probably assumes that he can usehis copy of the game in the U.S. and later loan it toa friend. A traveler who buys a watch in Switzer-land has no reason to think that she is entitled tosell knockoffs, but probably believes that she canbring the watch back to the U.S. without it beingseized as contraband.


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However, prior to Kirtsaeng, uncertainty existedunder copyright law about owners’ rights to engagein such intuitively-reasonable transactions.52 TheCourt in Kirtsaeng, by affirming a rule of exhaus-tion without geographical limitation, struck theproper balance between copyright and ownership.53The opinion by Justice Stephen Breyer garneredpraise and there has been no legislation introducedin Congress to undercut it.54 Put simply, the ruleworks. ASCDI and ORI respectfully submit thatthe same intuitive rule should be applied in thecontext of patent exhaustion.


52 See Jennifer Waters, Your Right To Resell Your OwnStuff Is In Peril, MARKET WATCH (Oct. 12, 2012),; Marvin Ammori, If You’ve Ever Sold a Used iPod, You May Have Violated Copyright Law, THEATLANTIC (Jun. 8, 2012), See Mike Masnick, Supreme Court Gets It Right In

Kirtsaeng: You Can Resell Things You Bought Abroad With-out Infringing, TECHDIRT (Mar. 19, 2013), See, e.g., Editorial, The Limits of Copyright Law, LA

TIMES (Mar. 20, 2013),; Gary Shapiro, Supreme Court Gives AmericanConsumers Victory Over Copyright Owners in Kirtsaeng vs.John Wiley & Sons, FORBES (Mar. 20, 2013),

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B. The Federal Circuit’s Approach IsImpractical and Also Inconsistentwith the Court’s Precedents

Technology products contain many components;the smartphone is a prime example. It has “bigparts” such as the on/off switch, processor (akaCPU), memory (aka RAM) and at least a dozenother items,55 and also “small parts” such as capac-itors, diodes, resistors and transistors.56 Each ofthese parts is layered in patents.57 With so manyparts and so many patents, as a practical matter,who can say whether a given diode or resistor wasfirst sold domestically or abroad, and what condi-tions one of the patent holders may have purportedto impose?In past cases, the Court has avoided such quan-

daries by applying a bright-line rule of exhaustion.Under copyright law, as stated in Kirtsaeng, thefirst sale doctrine “frees courts from the adminis-


55 See Santosh Das, Parts of a Mobile Cell Phone andTheir Function (Big Parts), 18, 2015), See Santosh Das, Small Parts/Electronic Components

of Mobile Cell Phone and Their Function, (Aug. 18, 2015), See Masnick, supra n.11 and accompanying illustra-


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trative burden of trying to enforce restrictionsupon difficult-to-trace, readily moveable goods.”133 S. Ct. at 1363. Under patent law, the Court’srecent cases articulate similar rationales; there isno hint of any policy or other reason why the doc-trine of patent exhaustion should diverge. SeeQuanta, 533 U.S. at 625 (“the initial authorizedsale of a patented item terminates all patent rightsto that item”); Bowman, 133 S. Ct. at 1764 (“theauthorized sale of a patented article gives the pur-chaser, or any subsequent owner, a right to use orresell that article”). ASCDI and ORI respectfullysubmit that the Court should take the sameapproach in the contexts presented here.

C. Conditional Sales Interfere WithOwnership Rights

As stated by one commentator, the Federal Cir-cuit’s decision is “dangerous in the way that itundercuts the notion of ownership and transfer oftitle.” 58 For example, when a seller sells a comput-er, title passes to the buyer, and the buyer (now theowner) generally recognizes the computer as anasset on its books.59 But what if the computer wasoriginally sold with conditions—is it still a viable


58 See Dennis Crouch, Can Patent Rights Overwhelm Tra-ditional Notions of Title?, PATENTLYO (Mar. 22, 2016), See Jean Murray, What is the Book Value of an Asset?,

THE BALANCE (May 7, 2016),

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asset?Or suppose the owner wants to get asset-based

financing. Typically the owner and a lender wouldenter into a loan agreement that grants the lendera security interest in the computer. In the event ofdefault, the lender could exercise its security inter-est by liquidating the computer.60 Again, what ifthe computer was originally sold with conditions—is it valid collateral? In effect, the Federal Circuit has created a com-

promised category of personal property, with rightsdivided among the so-called owner and any patentholders who hold a continuing interest. Do youthink you own your smartphone? Not so fast—patent holders may control your right of resale.This is a modern-day illustration of why the lawhas long disfavored restraints on alienation. SeeKirtsaeng, 133 S. Ct. at 1364-66 (explaining whycommon law’s reluctance to permit restraints onalienation remains relevant). A bright-line rule ofpatent exhaustion avoids such a morass by con-firming that sale of a patented item is truly a sale,with the buyer gaining the full bundle of ownershiprights. See United States v. Univas Lens Co., 316U.S. 241, 250 (1942) (holding that sale of a patentedarticle “exhausts the monopoly in that article andthe patentee may not thereafter, by virtue of his


60 See Robert A. Modansky, Asset-Based FinancingBasics, JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTANCY (Jul. 31, 2011),

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patent, control the use or disposition of the arti-cle”).

D. Do Not Count on Rights Holders ToExercise Restraint

As in Kirtsaeng, rights holders in this case mayclaim that the concerns expressed by interestedparties such as ASCDI and ORI are hypothetical,and ask why the “horribles” have not happened yet.See 133 S. Ct. at 1366. The realistic answer is thatthe market has not caught on. Patent law is viewedas an arcane discipline, and the exhaustion caseshave mostly involved recycling of patented prod-ucts.61 However, if Lexmark is willing to devotetime and money in litigating against a small toner-recycling company such as Impression Products,imagine what patent holders will do if emboldenedby a favorable decision of this Court.62 They mayprofess an intention to exercise restraint, but toborrow from Justice Breyer in Kirtsaeng, “we areless sanguine.” Id.Access to essential technology products should

not depend on the good graces of patent holderswho may not have the best interests of American


61 See, e.g., Jazz Photo Corp. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 264F.3d 1094 (Fed. Cir. 2001); Mallinckrodt, Inc. v. Medipart, Inc.,976 F.2d 700 (Fed. Cir. 1992).62 See Doug Kari, Op-Ed: Lexmark’s War Against a Man

Who Recycles Toner Cartridges, ARS TECHNICA (Aug. 29, 2015),

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end users in mind. ASCDI, ORI and the con-stituencies they serve require the legal protectionof a clear and workable exhaustion rule.


The Federal Circuit’s decision clouds title tocountless patented items, and gives patent holdersthe right to interfere in trade that is vital for mem-bers of ASCDI, ORI and the constituencies theyserve. The decision is unworkable as a practicalmatter, and unwarranted under Quanta, Bowman,Kirtsaeng, and other precedents. ASCDI and ORIrespectfully urge the Court to reverse the decisionand reaffirm a bright-line rule of patent exhaus-tion.

Dated: January 23, 2017

/S/ W. Douglas Kari W. Douglas KariCounsel for Amici Curiae