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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Global Health Action ISSN: 1654-9716 (Print) 1654-9880 (Online) Journal homepage: In the eye of the beholder: to make global health estimates useful, make them more socially robust Elizabeth Pisani & Maarten Kok To cite this article: Elizabeth Pisani & Maarten Kok (2017) In the eye of the beholder: to make global health estimates useful, make them more socially robust, Global Health Action, 10:sup1, 1266180, DOI: 10.3402/gha.v9.32298 To link to this article: © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Published online: 22 May 2017. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 208 View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 1 View citing articles

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    In the eye of the beholder: to make global healthestimates useful, make them more socially robust

    Elizabeth Pisani & Maarten Kok

    To cite this article: Elizabeth Pisani & Maarten Kok (2017) In the eye of the beholder: to makeglobal health estimates useful, make them more socially robust, Global Health Action, 10:sup1,1266180, DOI: 10.3402/gha.v9.32298

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    Published online: 22 May 2017.

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    In the eye of the beholder: to make global health estimates useful, makethem more socially robustElizabeth Pisania and Maarten Kokb,c

    aThe Policy Institute, King’s College London; bInstitute for Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam; cTalmaInstitute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

    ABSTRACTA plethora of new development goals and funding institutions have greatly increased thedemand for internationally comparable health estimates in recent years, and have broughtimportant new players into the field of health estimate production. These changes haverekindled debates about the validity and legitimacy of global health estimates. This paperdraws on country case studies and personal experience to support our opinion that theproduction and use of estimates are deeply embedded in specific social, economic, politicaland ideational contexts, which differ at different levels of the global health architecture.

    Broadly, most global health estimates tend to be made far from the local contexts inwhich the data upon which they are based are collected, and where the results of estimationprocesses must ultimately be used if they are to make a difference to the health of indivi-duals. Internationally standardised indicators are necessary, but they are no substitute fordata that meet local needs, and that fit with local ideas of what is credible and useful. In otherwords, data that are both technically and socially robust for those who make key decisionsabout health.

    We suggest that greater engagement of local actors (and local data) in the formulation,communication and interpretation of health estimates would increase the likelihood thatthese data will be used by those most able to translate them into health gains for the longerterm. Besides strengthening national information systems, this requires ongoing interaction,building trust and establishing a communicative infrastructure. Local capacities to use knowl-edge to improve health must be supported.

    ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 17 May 2016Accepted 19 August 2016

    RESPONSIBLE EDITORPeter Byass, UmeåUniversity, Sweden

    SPECIAL ISSUEBringing the indicatorshome: Country perspectiveon the utility of global 40estimates for healthindicators (WHO)

    KEYWORDSPolitical economy; worldhealth organization;monitoring and evaluation;sustainable developmentgoals


    The validity and legitimacy of global health estimateshave been a topic of debate for at least two decades[1–5], but it was the Global Burden of Disease esti-mates of 2010 that really set the discussions alight.The publication by the Institute for Health Metricsand Evaluation (IHME) of estimates for the burden ofvery many diseases in very many countries drewsharp responses, in two waves. The first wave focusedlargely on technical issues. Academics and healthofficials from several countries were confronted withestimates they found hard to reconcile with the factsas they saw them; this led to many questions aboutdata sources [6–10]. Experts working globally onspecific disease areas questioned methods, complain-ing that they could not see the workings inside the‘black box’ of IHME models [3,11]. Rumbling underboth of these areas of concern was a larger discom-fort, which built into a second wave of responses,questioning power relationships in global health.

    The second wave of responses focused mostly onsocial issues, such as the role of health estimates inshaping the global health agenda. Who is making the

    estimates, and by what right? How ‘robust’ are they,and how ‘legitimate’ [12–20]? Several contributors tothis debate recognised that data and concepts inglobal health are institutionally and politically con-structed: a health issue rises up the internationalagenda because people deemed to be experts haveused accepted methods to demonstrate its impor-tance, and have communicated that in forumswhich entrench that importance (and which influencefunding decisions). But there has been less discussionof how these constructions come about. Who desig-nates the experts? Which methods are consideredrobust? Which forums confer legitimacy to commu-nicated data? Whose funding decisions areinfluenced?

    A few authors have argued that the political legiti-macy and technical validity of global health estimateswould be improved if estimation processes workedfrom the bottom up [2,11,20]. However most of thedebate so far has centred on the interests of institu-tions and individuals who work at a supranationallevel, as though ‘global health’ were in some wayindependent of the health of billions of individuals

    CONTACT Elizabeth Pisani [email protected] 28 Smalley Close, London N16 7LE, UK

    GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION, 2017VOL. 10, 1266180

    © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


  • living in specific local and national settings, as thoughglobal health estimates were independent of datacollected by people and institutions in very concretecontexts. We believe that health data and estimates atany level are only useful if they are demonstrablyused to improve the health of individuals other thanthose (including ourselves) who make a comfortableliving out of the health estimates industry. We thusturn our attention to what makes health estimatesuseable, and useful.

    In this opinion paper, we draw on the country casestudies presented in this volume, on our own work incountries as diverse as China, Indonesia and Ghana,and on discussions with health officials from middle-income countries and international organisationsdescribed at greater length in this volume by Abou-Zahr and Boerma, to examine which health dataprompt changes that lead to better health [21].(Phrases in italics are verbatim quotes from discus-sants.) We argue that health estimates are deeplyembedded in specific social, economic, political andideational contexts that differ at different levels of theglobal health architecture [22]. What is consideredlegitimate, robust and useful thus differs also. Weintroduce the concept of ‘social robustness’ and sug-gest ways in which these different norms might bealigned so that the needs of different actors can bemet without undermining one another.

    What makes estimates ‘robust’?Commonalities across contexts

    Health data, including estimates, are produced by avariety of organisations whose mandates, aims, incen-tive structures and institutional cultures differ. Thesedifferences shape both the processes through whichdata are collected and analysed, and the interpreta-tion of the results. Health data are often presented as‘objective’, but like all other knowledge they are aconstruct that derives meaning from the very processof its construction.

    This process of construction, the interpretation ofdata and their perceived utility are shaped by theactors involved, their priorities and the institutionsand circumstances in which they are embedded.Institutional priorities are themselves shaped by simi-lar (often interacting) factors. The most salient ques-tions to ask in understanding how and why prioritiesrelating to the production of knowledge may differinclude the following.

    Who chooses the questions, and what’s theirgoal?

    Data are produced in response to some perceivedneed, which must be articulated in questions thatdetermine what data are collected, and in analysesdetermining how they will be understood. Thosechoosing the questions may or may not be the endusers of the data; but their interests and aims willcertainly influence the utility of the data to all poten-tial users.

    Who pays for the data collection and knowledgeproduction?

    The source of funding often (though not always)strongly influences the questions that get asked, andthe ways in which they get answered [23,24]. Healthauthorities may need to take into account the inter-ests and concerns of tax-payers, politicians or exter-nal funding agencies in planning knowledgeproduction; these interests can lead to the overem-phasis or neglect of different types of information,health issues and populations.

    Who produces the data/knowledge?

    Data and knowledge producers are driven by a vari-ety of personal, professional and institutional incen-tives: the reward system for academics has little incommon with that of national health authorities.These differences can affect the timing as well as thenature of knowledge production.

    Box 1. The pillars of socially robust knowledgeThe ‘robustness’ of a knowledge claim is similar to that of otherconstructions, such as a bridge. The more well-constructedpillars there are supporting a bridge, the more likely it is to berobust. Our confidence in the construction is increased after thebridge has been tested by a variety of vehicles in differentweather conditions.

    Scientific knowledge is also constructed: the solidity of scientificachievements is a matter of alignment between data,arguments, interests, dominant values and circumstances [41].The quality and validity of knowledge are made, and the‘robustness’ of such constructions is tested, through ongoingdebate, new research and the challenges that arise when theknowledge is acted upon.

    Scientists tend to consider a knowledge claim more robust when itis based upon more and increasingly specific data, andconstructed using ever-improving technical methods. Scientificstandards and norms are not always universally agreed evenwithin the scientific community, however, hence the importanceof transparency about methods and data, which allows others totest a knowledge claim.

    Once the ‘knowledge’ produced by scientists migrates outside ofthe research community, it faces a broader challenge: it mustlink up to what matters for those people who make decisionsabout health policy and practice in concrete local circumstances.In other words, it will be tested against social as well as scientificstandards. If those standards have been taken into accountwhen designing the pillars that underpin the new construction,that knowledge will function better in the real world.

    Knowledge is always linked to concrete practices and institutions,and has to be understood, accepted and trusted by real peoplein the broader context of their daily lives and beliefs. As Figure 2illustrates, knowledge becomes more socially robust when morepeople, from more diverse communities and institutions with awider variety of worldviews and practices, understand, acceptand trust it, and find it useful for their own aims in their ownsituation.


  • How are the data communicated, by whom, towhom?

    Communication is an inherent part of the process ofknowledge production; it confers meaning on rawinformation. The perceived credibility of health datais very much influenced by the format of its commu-nication, the communicator, and the interactionbetween the communicator and the audiences, eachof which will understand the data within the frame-work of their existing worldview.

    How are the data used, by whom and for whom?

    The same data can acquire meaning and utility invarious ways that are not always consistent with theaims of their producers.

    Though the constellation of actors and factorsinvolved in producing data is by definition locallyspecific and deeply contextual, it does tend to man-ifest in broadly ‘typical’ patterns for different dataproducers at different levels of the global healtharchitecture. Next, we examine three typical constel-lations and suggest how they affect the perceivedlegitimacy of data outputs, and their utility.

    Sub-national and national levels

    At country level, the most important function ofhealth data is to inform the prospective planningand continual evaluation and adjustment of healthservice provision. While questions may be deter-mined at the national level, data are most commonlyused at the sub-national level: ‘For us, the national isnothing’ (health official, Latin America).

    In middle- and higher-income countries, sub-national data collection is part of the routine functionof health systems funded out of routine governmentspending. In low-income countries they may beexternally funded through international survey pro-grammes such as the Demographic and HealthSurveys (DHS) or the Multi-Indicator ClusterSurveys. These surveys, like routine data collection,are generally carried out by government staff. Thiscreates an institutional imperative to use the data:they are locally owned, produced by colleagues whomay be directly involved in communicating resultsand who can help explain anomalies in the data andtheir meaning in the specific local situation [25].These empirical data are seen as robust in that theyare concrete, easy to interpret and directly relevant tothe local context [26]. However, survey data are rarelyrepresentative at the district level at which decisionsabout service provision are increasingly being made.

    The idea of the ‘concrete’ affects the communica-tion of sub-national and national data. Since they areoften empirical measures or simple adjusted

    measures, sub-national and national health data arecommonly presented ‘as is’, with limited recognitionof the uncertainty associated with the measures.Complex modelled estimates of the type producedby international agencies do include measures ofuncertainty, but they are seen by national policy-makers as the product of smoke and mirrors, andmistrusted. ‘If you’ve just done a DHS, you don’treally want to hear about an estimate’ (health official,Africa). They are also seen by national authorities ascomplicating the communication of health data: ‘Ican’t say in parliament or to the media that theindicator is either 40% or 100%. That implies thatwe don’t know. It’s just not possible. We pick anumber and that’s it. We’re certain’ (health official,Latin America).

    The media, for their part, are not always convincedby this certainty. They understand that in-countrydata producers are themselves embedded in a politi-cal system, and are often under strong pressure toreport statistics that support the political powers ofthe day. ‘If the national policy is to expand ARV[antiretroviral] coverage, well, it is hard to interpret[the data] against that’ (health official, Asia).

    National interest can also affect the likelihood thatdata will be communicated at all, especially in thecase of infectious disease outbreaks. Severe acuterespiratory syndrome, avian influenza, cholera andEbola all provide examples in which countries wereinitially reluctant to share health data with globalhealth authorities because they feared the economic,social and political consequences that can come withcontainment measures.

    Of all the types of knowledge produced, locallydetermined empirical measures are most likely to beused in ways that directly affect health service provi-sion. They can sometimes be aggregated upwards tomeet national and international needs, although localspecificities do not always map neatly onto the stan-dardised, comparable measures required at otherlevels of the global health architecture.

    International organisations

    United Nations (UN) organisations, and especiallythe World Health Organization (WHO), are man-dated by their member states to track the state ofhealth internationally. The information they generatefalls into two broad categories: occasional ‘toursd’horizon’ of issues of current interest, and regularreporting on key indicators. The appetite for both hasgrown enormously in recent years, in the former casebecause voluntary bilateral and philanthropic donorsnow provide over three quarters of the institution’sannual budget, and make demands of it according totheir particular interests. One year, national healthministries will be bombarded with requests for data


  • about drowning. Another year, the demand may befor data about dental or mental health [27–29]. Weare not aware of any rigorous evaluations of the costsof these focused estimation exercises, nor of theirpolicy outcomes at the national level.

    The regular reporting of internationally agreedindicators such as the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals has become the bread and butter of statisticiansat the WHO and other specialist UN agencies. Thereis a huge demand for these estimates, which involvethe regular publication of standardised indicators thatallow all UN member states to be compared at asingle point in time. Organisations that fund devel-opment efforts demand indicators with a regularityincompatible with lengthy consultation. They alsowant a level of comparability not easily achievedgiven the diversity (and sometimes the sheer absence)of underlying data. The estimation process is fiercelypolitical, because the results of these estimates areused to ‘grade’ country progress towards agreedgoals, and to rank the relative importance of condi-tions in which money will be invested and in whichdifferent institutions – including within the UN‘family’ – have an interest.

    The types of data produced by the WHO and someother specialist UN organisations are greatly influ-enced by a mandate that goes beyond the simplecompilation of country-reported statistics: these orga-nisations seek to add value through technical advice.This institutional culture has led to a huge investmentof time and energy in developing health estimatesthat are technically robust. Together with the impera-tive to publish comparable statistics on a very regularbasis, this focus on the technical has underminedconsultation and other social processes which mightincrease the utility and uptake of data at the nationallevel.

    Currently, international organisations most com-monly communicate data in published reports thatare positioned for maximum public exposure, includ-ing through the media. The media, which see theWHO and other UN organisations as the repositoriesof technical expertise, generally oblige. Nationalauthorities, however, are sometimes blind-sided byinternationally comparable estimates, which oftenderive from a country consultation that is littlemore than cursory, and that differ from the figuresused locally. National authorities are sometimesunable to respond appropriately because they do notunderstand the ‘black box’ which produced the data.The WHO and other producers of health estimatesare actually rather transparent about their methods,making them available on websites and sometimespublishing them in the scientific literature. Howeverthese publications are usually highly technical, oftenonly in English, and rarely give details of country-level adjustments. A health official from Europe

    expressed frustration at international organisations’failure to consult with or explain their methods tonational experts:

    They ask for data from us, and then they publishwithout even showing us first, without a chance togive feedback. . . We were told there was no new data[used in the estimates], only the quality assessmenthad changed. But there were no methodology notesthat told us how or why.

    Internationally standardised health data (includingthose produced by standardised surveys and aca-demic institutions, to be described later) are mostuseful to development agencies including large pri-vate foundations such as the Bill and Melinda GatesFoundation, multi-funder organisations such asGlobal Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria and bilateralagencies such as the United States Agency forInternational Development. Admirably, these institu-tions want to identify areas of need and to comparedifferent investment opportunities, as well as to trackthe health impact of initiatives they support. Indeedthe desire to increase accountability and show mea-surable results has been a major driver of the hugerise in demand for these sorts of data; some globalhealth funds use these estimates not just to guide theallocation of resources but to withdraw funding ifcountries don’t meet numerical targets set and mea-sured through internationally produced estimates.

    National governments also use externally madeestimates as stop-gaps for areas which have beenrelatively neglected by local health information sys-tems, and as an advocacy tool: ‘Global estimates arecompletely useless for planning, but they are usefulfor political lobbying’ (health official, Latin America).Benchmarking national progress using global com-parisons can help secure continued support fromnational authorities for successful programmes.

    Academic institutions

    Academic institutions have long collaborated withnational health authorities in generating health-related data and knowledge, and international orga-nisations have also sought advice from academics indeveloping methods and estimates. In these instances,academics answer questions posed by their partners.Many also develop research agendas driven by theirpersonal interests.

    More recently, specialised global health researchinstitutions situated within academic institutionshave become important producers of health estimatesand statistics, often in collaboration with UN andother multi-country organisations. Examples includethe London School of Hygiene and TropicalMedicine, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School ofPublic Health and the Norwegian Institute of PublicHealth. The most significant recent arrival is the


  • IHME, based at the University of Washington inSeattle. IHME is funded primarily by the Bill andMelinda Gates Foundation to the tune of some US$35 million a year; the main thrust of its work to datehas been to produce the standardised and interna-tionally comparable data that the private foundationneeds to inform its investment choices.

    IHME is staffed by hundreds of well-trained datascientists and analysts who have access to teraflops ofcomputer processing power; it is thus supremely wellplaced to develop new data processing and statisticalmodelling methods. Though feathers have beenruffled, especially among the international organisa-tions that had enjoyed a near monopoly on technicalexpertise at the international level since global esti-mates became fashionable in the 1990s, IHME hasdone a great deal to push forward the technical fron-tiers of health estimates production. To this extent,their estimates compete with those of the WHO andother international organisations to be considered themost technically robust. Data produced by IHME andother academic institutions have in some cases forcedactors in both governments and international organi-sations to revisit their own data and methods, and tomake both more transparent.

    Academic researchers are to a great extent drivenby the incentives of their profession, which rewardpublishing papers in peer-reviewed journals, regard-less of whether or not the data are used to improvehealth outcomes. This necessarily influences the com-munication of results. High-level, multi-countrycomparisons have proven attractive to the editors ofhigh-profile journals, The Lancet in particular [30–36]. Publication in these journals in turn imbuesacademic estimates with a legitimacy that is notshared by data produced at the country level.

    When academic analyses are demand driven, forexample when national governments outsource theirdata collection and analysis to academic institutionsor where there is a genuine collaboration betweenacademic institutions and end users, the results arelikely to be valued and used to influence a country’spolicy choices. In Ghana, for example, a detailedimpact assessment of 30 studies showed that researchwas most likely to be used when it was aligned tonational priorities and led by people embedded in thecontexts in which results can be used [37].

    Collaboration between academic, government andcivil society partners can also increase the credibilityof estimates in the public view, because citizens per-ceive academics to be more objective than civil ser-vants, while the inclusion of non-government voiceskeeps the process ‘honest’. In Indonesia, for example,HIV estimates made in Geneva at the start of thisdecade were largely ignored by a government unin-volved in their production. A national estimationprocess led by the Ministry of Health but involving

    academics, non-government organisations, the police,the narcotics control board and others led to techni-cally sound estimates that were widely acceptedbecause so many deeply disparate groups had con-tributed data, argued over methods and agreed on theoutcome [38].

    Increasingly, IHME is working with governmentsto produce health estimates at the sub-national level –China, Mexico and the United Kingdom are recentexamples. These are all countries with relativelystrong health information systems; they have thedata to produce meaningful local estimates, as wellas the indigenous capacity to interpret and use modeloutputs. If countries such as these can learn fromacademic organisations the skills needed to runsophisticated models, the increased understandingof national diversity that results will doubtless beilluminating, and perhaps even be useful and used.

    The same is not true when these models are usedby countries with poor data. Standardised modelsthat use estimated parameters to produce comparabledata for close to 200 countries inevitably iron outprecisely the differences and nuances that are mostimportant for local decision-making. Trying to cor-rect for that by making sub-national estimates indata-poor settings simply multiplies the likelyinaccuracies.

    Utility, in the eye of the beholder

    From the foregoing discussion, we see that health datathat are considered high quality and valid by some, areconsidered more or less useless by others; we havefound this in our own experience, but it is reflectedalso in the literature and in the widely differing opi-nions that were expressed even within the discussionwhich led to this paper. Figure 1 tries to summarisegraphically these opinions about how different poten-tial users see health estimates made by knowledgeproducers at various levels. We make a distinctionbetween credibility – the belief that an estimate pro-vides a good approximation of reality – and utility –the potential for the data to be acted upon in ways thatmay contribute to improved health.

    A traditional and technocratic view would holdthat data must be credible to be useful, and, further,that if data do reflect reality, they are likely to beuseful. Decades of studies of the use of research haveshown that the relationship is not so simple [22].Consider the example of a journalist who is awarethat an estimate in an academic report is the productof guesstimated data adjusted using an assumed para-meter. They may not find that estimate particularlycredible, but it may be useful to them because itprovides comparability and comes with seductivevisualisations. Another example: consider the case oflocal health officials who know that estimates made


  • by academics are far more accurate than their ownofficial reports, but who are unable to act on the‘credible’ data because of local political constraints(a situation which arose, for example, during theoutbreak of HIV among plasma donors in centralChina [39]).

    The extent to which data are believed and useddepends not just on their technical quality. It dependsalso on whether and how data are communicated tousers; on whether and how those users trust the

    source of, understand and accept the data; and onthe extent to which they have the capacity to combinedata with existing knowledge and give meaning tothem for their specific aims in their specific localsituation [37,40]. These processes are in turn shapedon the demand side by the political and institutionalcultures of potential users and their perceived needfor the data. On the supply side, they are shaped bythe constellation that is calling the shots intellectually,financially and institutionally.


    ...are considered useful/credible by these users



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    Somewhat useful


    Somewhat credible


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    Figure 1. Perceived utility and credibility of health data and estimates to various users, by institutional level at which data areproduced.

    Figure 2. A graphic representation of the robustness of knowledge.


  • In short, the moment we become interested in theactual use of data and their contribution to action, weare forced to look beyond the technical and take intoaccount the social robustness of data. Technicalrobustness is necessary, but it is not sufficient anddoes not exist in a vacuum; without people who areaware of, understand and accept data, they have nomeaning. When we take into account the socio-poli-tical dimensions of knowledge, we are obliged toconfront the fact that narrowly technical processesproduce data that are only valued by very specificgroups in very specific situations.

    Towards socially robust data

    The perceived robustness of health data is, as we haveseen, a movable feast: different actors come to thetable with different needs, expectations and profes-sional norms, both on the supply side and on thedemand side. In principle, there is no harm in the factthat various producers are generating data to meetthe need of different consumers. Private organisa-tions have every right to spend money supportingthe analysis they believe they need to guide invest-ment decisions. International organisations arebound to fulfil their mandates to provide memberstates with comparable indicators of progress towardsinternationally agreed goals. Countries inevitablyinvest public money in generating the granular infor-mation they need to plan and deliver health serviceslocally.

    The problem arises when these processes duplicateor, worse still, undermine one another; at themoment, both are happening. Duplication occurs inpart because international organisations and aca-demic groups driven by a seemingly implacableneed for comparable data are unwilling to acceptfrom countries contributions which do not meet glo-bal definitions or standards. Using imputation andother statistical techniques, they substitute estimatesmade in Geneva or Seattle for those made in Ankaraor Pretoria. One must assume that the groups pub-lishing these substitute estimates consider them to beof better quality than the originals, perhaps becausethey have been technically validated. But substituteestimates are often made with minimal consultationwith the people who provided the data which werefed into the maw of the multi-country model – peo-ple who could point out specificities, biases or alter-native data sources that should be considered ininterpreting the validity of the modelled outputs.Academic researchers from one African countrygave an example: an international group estimatedmortality at a figure lower than the number of deathsactually registered by the country’s incomplete vitalregistration system. Local researchers suggestedadjustments to data inputs based on their own

    granular knowledge of what is and is not capturedin national health statistics. ‘But we hit the roadblockof one size fits all. We were told: “we can’t changethings just for [your country], it has to fit into this bigglobal model”’ (academic researcher, Africa).

    Neither engaged in the process of making newestimates nor fully understanding the complexity ofthe model, people responsible for health data at thelocal level have little incentive to push for actionbased on the outcome. Where the substitute estimateis better than the original, this represents a wastedopportunity for learning and improvement at thecountry level. But as long as countries have locallydriven data to fall back on, the existence of substituteestimates is not fatal.

    In many cases, however, estimates exist becausereliable measured data don’t. This is in part becauseof decades of under-investment in local health infor-mation systems, including by the very organisationsthat now demand annual estimates. ‘Of the 40 or socountries that account for 90% of child mortality,only a handful have functioning vital statistics sys-tems,’ noted a senior official from one internationalorganisation. ‘It’s borderline criminal for donors tobe bragging about anything having to do with datawhen their billions have left that kind of legacy.’ Inweaker countries, running complex computer pro-grammes to generate ‘data’ intended to fill informa-tion gaps can form part of a vicious circle which leadsto ever weaker health information. If under-resourced ministries of health, planning or financesee apparently credible groups using computingpower to make up estimates in the absence of mea-sured data, they are unlikely to invest in health infor-mation systems. And without local engagement indata collection and interpretation, there’s little chancethat data will be understood and integrated into localsystems of belief and action. It’s worth noting thatengaging data collectors in an active feedback loopprobably increases the technical validity of the dataalso: nurses and other frontline workers who collectand report the raw information on which estimatesshould be based are more likely to fulfil that appar-ently peripheral task diligently if they see the databeing used to improve service provision.

    It is the process of engagement with differentactors, their institutional contexts, political impera-tives and belief systems, that makes data sociallyrobust.

    Aligning interests

    In discussions around the utility and legitimacy ofhealth estimates, ‘inclusiveness’ is sometimes set inopposition to ‘productivity’. In other words, the sortof engagement that produces socially robust estimates(inclusiveness) can undermine the timely production


  • of technically accurate estimates (productivity). Wecontend that the two are not opposed, because webelieve there is nothing productive about pumpingout technically credible data that are not used toimprove health. Social and political engagement arenot substitutes for technical validity, but are an inte-gral component of data and knowledge that arewidely accepted and used.

    The balance of emphasis may vary by setting,because the different institutional imperatives of thevarious data producers and users are not going todisappear. However, we would argue that more inclu-sive engagement could turn a vicious into a virtuouscircle, beginning with greater investment in local dataproduction, interpretation and use.

    At the local and national levels, data producers mustfirst and foremost meet the data needs of the policy-makers who decide how resources will be allocatedbetween local communities and health priorities. To dothat well, they must by definition engage with both thepolicy-makers and the local communities; effective localknowledge-generation processes are thus inherently themost socially robust among those who make key deci-sions. Much locally produced data can be aggregatedupwards to meet national and international needs. Thisis not always the case, however. (Brazil, for example,reports the percentage of women who have had sevenantenatal visits rather than the globally standardisedindicator based on four visits.) In this case engaginginternational actors can lead either to acceptance bysupra-national bodies of local standards or to technicaland/or financial support for new data collection efforts,where these would represent a benefit to local actors also.

    At the international level, meaningful engage-ment may slow the process, but it will improve theresult. The WHO and other international organisa-tions are wary of prolonged consultation in partbecause it disrupts the production scheduledemanded by their paymasters, and in part becauseministries of health often pressure them to publishestimates deemed politically acceptable. We believethat’s an argument for more consultation, not less.The widest possible engagement, including withacademic institutions and civil society organisationsat the national level, protects against lopsided poli-tical pressure. It also makes use of local knowledge;that’s generally an improvement on the knowledgegenerated by a globally standardised computer pro-gramme. The experience in developing national andsub-national HIV estimates, described by Mahy andcolleagues in this volume, provides strong evidenceof the effectiveness of this approach.

    Achieving these changes would require the institu-tions that demand internationally comparable datafrom international organisations –mostly UN memberstates and their development organisations but alsoprivate foundations and multilateral health funds – to

    recognise that socially robust processes may result inslightly lower frequency and even somewhat less stan-dardised measures, even as they lead to more use ofdata to guide service provision locally and nationally.We note that many richer nations do not themselvesreport health data in the formats required of most low-and middle-income nations, so they should have littledifficulty understanding the utility of local variation.

    It is unclear how we should go about developingsocially robust processes in places where there are nodata at all, including in areas of conflict and failedstates. At the moment in these situations, we simplymake up figures with the help of computer models.This does not seem useful: where there are no data,there is unlikely to be the capacity or the will to acton data produced with no reference to whateverlimited social or political structures may be in place.If the international community is not willing or ableto work with local powers to develop health informa-tion systems, then it should perhaps be willing to livewith blanks in its global disease estimates.

    Systematic monitoring of the use of health data,and further case studies of how information sys-tems at different levels co-evolve and can bestrengthened, may help to guide efforts and invest-ments, stimulate a virtuous cycle and enhance thelikelihood that research contributes to action.Existing methods for monitoring the use ofresearch have been used in both high- and low-income countries [37,42,43].

    In summary, if we wish health estimates to beused to improve health, then it is not enough topublish technically robust indicators in journalsand the reports of international organisations.Estimates must be arrived at through a processthat is understandable and relevant to the peoplewho can act on the data to improve health policiesand programmes. This requires ongoing interac-tion, trust and a communicative infrastructurethat support genuine consultation and dialogue,not just between producers of global estimatesand national health authorities, but within coun-tries, between those who have knowledge to con-tribute – very often groups with a stake in theoutcome, who are also in a position to promoteappropriate action.



    Author contributions

    The intellectual content of the paper was jointly conceivedby both authors. EP developed an initial draft; it wasrevised by MK Both read and approved the final manu-script, and both assume responsibility for the contents.


  • Disclosure statement

    No potential conflict of interest was reported by theauthors.

    Ethics and consent

    Not required.

    Funding information

    Elizabeth Pisani received consultancy fees from the WorldHealth Organization to cover participation in a meetingabout the utility of global health estimates held in Glion,Switzerland, in July 2015. Maarten Kok declares no conflictof interest.

    Paper context

    This paper arose from a meeting convened by the WorldHealth Organization and entitled “The utility of estimatesfor health monitoring and decision-making: global, regio-nal and country perspectives.“ The meeting, held in June2015, brought health officials from low- and middle-income countries together with technical staff fromWHO, IHME and other organisations that make healthestimates at the global level. Both authors attended themeeting and were struck by the very different ways inwhich participants representing national and global orga-nisations perceived the utility of health estimates.


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    AbstractBackgroundWhat makes estimates ‘robust’? Commonalities across contextsWho chooses the questions, and what’s their goal?Who pays for the data collection and knowledge production?Who produces the data/knowledge?How are the data communicated, by whom, to whom?How are the data used, by whom and for whom?

    Sub-national and national levelsInternational organisationsAcademic institutionsUtility, in the eye of the beholderTowards socially robust dataAligning interestsAcknowledgmentsAuthor contributionDisclosure statementEthics and consentFundingPaper contextReferences