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Chapter 8 In other w'ords: Conoluding Remarks

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Page 1: In other w'ords: Conoluding 8.pdf · 109io ·ofappl'ecia_ion of ita C~oMbt subptogntnmesor thaotles Buonos the

Chapter 8

In other w'ords: Conoluding Remarks

Page 2: In other w'ords: Conoluding 8.pdf · 109io ·ofappl'ecia_ion of ita C~oMbt subptogntnmesor thaotles Buonos the

Th1s i$ aR account of an Gntin reseaJ:dh pJ:OgranlRlG

tin tbo Lakatoat.tlsensa) Oft the methodology of gJ:'OWtb of

~J..l\t1'tc knowldge,.anclithenfoze ahattf.lUpt at its

.tlona~ :t'eOQlls\i:Uction. Analysis of the hiet.ol7 and

109io ·ofappl'ecia_ion of ita C~oMbt subptogntnmesor

thaotles Buonos the epiStemologies Of Kubn,Popper, ' ....

Lakatos ,ana.'ey~na8hows that none oft.be11l 1s radical

or nvol.ut1onaw enc\lgh ~o b$Uaai:ed as what Kuhn. l(-OY&"e, #

.eyoraben4 and otha'r:cU.econt1ftuists 14ke .pOpper wou14 ,

_11 an ow.nhroW:!.hg ftVOllltl0Daa:y tbeoJ:'Y.. nor: Cloes' sllCih

an analysis meet. aby eV14enca of a &'evolutionary, dlscontl ...

hUist, irrational or: non .... aU_al and' rat,1onaJ.1.Y Ulltntel11-

,glble transitions in science d\lJ:'lng its growth. In a

seDse, all thElse epistemoloc;1es (tbeoZ'.1es ·o.g p~ress ,of

SQlcmtlf1C .kftowledge) appeal' as parts of a DOJ:'nHlll science,

and survive for ;a long time 81ong$1_.8a fel"lrabon4

,Stlggest.e4,W'lt,11 theyweaJ:' t;hemeaelvee into disuse Gnu

ex_1nc~loJl ill the face of $oo:Lal eXpariebGa, ncalc1tC'ant

eVidences ,and liuE'V1v1ngtheoa:eticala,,.a pl'&ctlQal p:tab1.enllii. , \

NOI' is in soience 8,I1Y instance of a revolution, ,a C01I'plete

'or suaaenovettbrow ana replacement. oft-heold by the

:1nC~Ds\1nble ll~W. ,The phrase • so1entif:ic revolution'

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is _ mlSJlOtfter.fl'lGn 1emuchlesB evidence or Justification

tnblstozoy fo~ K,~rd.6\il ges~lt . sWitch ,or fot that mat-ter

'eJ8l"abe.dial'l Gaarcb1c meth04 of·snyt.h1Dg goes allel

eWZ"Yth1rlg stays-,

ThlsUGly ••• also sbc.lwe thai; thiallOlmal, 8=1$*'Q$

aa poitl1:04 out baN ,.. S\Q)stal'lt.tal1ytiff •• Dt fl'Om l¢.uhntan

no_al science \tbleb is' a Grippling anClUIU."Galtstio

conoept 1D _reways than 411e984. PLrstly. it 1& not. a

me&9 'puzzle solVing Jju:,'Og'rammo ))ut. a$ crucal to the .

process of8dleoQa eeany the hj.stoJ:'y ana pnctiee of

sci.ence indioilto. Secondly the labouJ:' that. goes 1ftto

t.bis nortnGlsa1ence18 relevant, aoant.iobal, motilE tcatoJ!'y

ana penatcatl,.'n value and leads to De~ 41scove.1es,

laeas, ttbeoJ:lesjGte. un).,tke 8. KUhn Qlaime.-,h1r41y

it 41ffets from ."ho1fl. 'normal $Cience ift that. t1bal'eiS

'110 p'raaorRiIlant theory or pamtigm dominant enough 'to

COl1\Plet-elyoppI'8sS" oontrol, conta11'l and limit pnl.U'e ... , .

nt101l aD4altemat~_s. Pluralism phvcsllsllntl ail

tbeories 11e side bysi4e untl1 eventually ,hay become

d1s\1&&b1e GD4 until they weu: t:henIS$lves out. They lie

$~de by side aaa' ctorqpete toSEJI'V8 andf,orslU'V1val, lmt

sQJect pft.r:t...bywpart ellminat.ion anel 4$.S\lSfh

Pourthly, \bere is no or·flclal G.&' eKtr:aol'41Qfllyi SOienca.

,iftbly, ·dle~ 1sI10 _cas ion or maohac1Gm -ofttiSge,stalt

switcMs anti COh'V8J:Blon eJq)Elr1ellces that \Jive 'birth 4e

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novo OJ: sui ~~1$.. to new evolUf:io • ., ',",cmmensu~l..

PElradl-,ms 1ibatQOnlp1&te17 -eiim1Mt.e :tbs preva-t11ng ol'thoCloq.'

Cl'Uc1altr.ests moy gel'Sl.1a4e .1#JnU1ati'~.s ,Pogpersuggastea;

but. they oah QCClirany -1tne 1ft, tbe p&'a~lde of science. 4

All 'times, scienae 4.8 tlozmal des.p1,te aiscQvetr,tes an4 . . J:$jectiOlls" S.~x_l\l.,,f' all)' i.W :moaificeU~l1 ..,r cOJ:'.t'ect.1on

£e$ ed\fancemeQt ,j.n .kraow1eage ,or lnformesid.oft __ which

WbG'Dsufflo1ently 'dGUDte~$1ftg to ,:be old tbeoq caQ

serve elSa ~ramewo.k fCN'Ust.ncclon of .new )!ela:ttOllships

and CJC)nce,pt:\1e;J. sc:bsmes. AU sucbt1mae, tlWy leaA to end

mGtivate41sQ,Wil1£'iCat1onanc1 even reject1cm ,of 'the·old' , '" " .. '. - , -

t.beo~ _ often pettlaUy OJ;'eveo the major oon~e'ftUone of

'the tbeoxy_ S.veft~ly; elthQugb alsoo_~1ea -V .. '.~\, '" ., I

fma11ae4 by sagle indl'v,i4\l&ls, JOOst. often, the '!>'

.1'lvih~~t.4 .aa4 ,1.u:'OImat.lorial s\990R CQmestbl'e)u9h

·t:eatO\1S, prOlonged.' aetezmlDeuefforts ofse_.rtal

, S(Jient1stenone Of whom alon8 gossesseel .11 Womat1ona, , .

.-e1ni:.el'1u:et eagerlenoe end test sl.lch l'8Oonst.uottons

aDd __ 01'05. .

. 0££0#1;, an4 _(:1lU$$ ofa11 ~se fact-ore., is G ~aw.... .

goverrne4;l:U7~te:ma t;tc...log1Cij,l. ·e.ccQ1n\li~t'oD lIase

,eti4 pilOGeQ&ta9. of infoz.mat~'tG sa.t.tefy the oQnt1n~ousl:v .

. ,cl\allg1ng ana e1q)all41ng demancts .0J1. thef.'l'.:isttngtheoltY O~ . .

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theot1fU. to aCdount ~o'ral1 of ~hsm in fa mota effiLc:a.ent

atta"agreeableway .. "sgZ$eable'to·t:M scd.GD.ti.e ic·' •• t1

canmohsGftSO ex.PGd.~n_ ,Qf'f;bePhctistra\1Scisnt1sts.

'the accumQ1a~'o ... ofinfoJ:mat.iOft Just: .8 tbeagreei.nt.

1s l'eachec1 evol\1tlonaI'Uy,. ~betefo.n tb$ wbol.e p~"ss • l "

of science ,fJ:OlU. & ,,4!achmnlQ po!fl~ of vtew 1s ,evolutionary # , '

J'at1onal,jI rat:1ollal1y 1n_l1ig1ble,1 oOllt:lnU()~s ,acCl'ee.l.obal

aha. mOtilf ica1:1ona1 process.

, a~1enCfl ~$ bot ~be ~el'l~ll _tween, t.he ~ntlnu_

of two llOal'by 'or 41sttaftt;. theories a't, two, elltls, :l.t is Q

lorjg. con~1,n ... um wi t1\ _ _ginnlng root$!· in the first

conscious man·s curosltysaek1ng .1ntenst . to the end of

mankind." It aoes not. st~~ with't.he .\ata$t;t:heory_ .t has a long bj.storyand n1stor1da.lrat10nal'i~allC1 rational.;

1ntelL1gibl~1 ty. There ,1a no sUc:h r&410a1 :.LnC<ln!il8nsw:8.­

b11i.ty in oclel\co,.. viewed from tbis rational. .historical

poiptof view.. K~bn ;t S I Popper' s, i.aKet.os t aDd

',eyeraben.4' s ~ol1'les GP! a.11partof the selen_ that

seeks ,to ,z:ewalthe un6erlylng "~ory that; elQ:)la;lns the

p~ess o£ Progz:eS$ ofsclence GPd ittslogl<h 'They am

'ilQt the liteg1aner$,. l'lOJ" the last" they az:a :cot.tevolu.'t:1.onat;y

discoverers,;, nol; Qn1mportaDt. .'to 1s tbeno:tmalse1ence . ,,- .

end that is only Jloz.tQQ' ,soienee 1n seJ.enc:cJ,.IUll$s$ .va,:y

silly claim of' S'ultGka, 1~ a ... eal-mu"~ ..

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'this stu4yel1deavo\la;:'S ~ flJilOse tb8 hol1ownessd

'thOepi-stemology ,cf •. jecU<»1 ad .-vo1utioD8 ;tba~ .i~o"~

·the !cumUlatiw. .b1st<Jl.", contln1.l1st ana evolut1oll8&7

char.eta.1" of sQ1e .... t.leiC! pzog.tess anel; 4ef!on4., exhofteftta

&ft4 nbabll.ltt$tQ J:.Gvolut1one With the h$~ of 'haDe OV1<=&8.

,$.Dd .samat'ltic twist.s i:osc_ .appeaS'EihOi:lS. It .t~t.,to

advocate that.; ~ tbe ,fI'amEJWOJ:'k of tID old. theollY

baoomes oonstrtC!ltlng as alltbe po&!islbll1t1es ofdeWlop~

m$nt .... thin it. .U'Q. exhau.sted,; sa$,epce can Qnd ,aOO$ fAevelog

un4move€o~ri.notne.s_,"ilY ,by ~jeC'tiOh end

hplacement iftt()t:o of tbe ola tbeoJ:'Y'# but by pa4u.01

and sUbstantial. modif 1cat.iObsantlexgallJJtons of tbG

theory;; If zeplacenu!tht OQcuJ:s at. 43.1 it; OQcu~graaual1y

ana evolutlono1!11Yllnd in'lalrl.ably '~$vanlJ'~ e~1'Y ohange

anti W'll:'avsll.S;ng of the c:r:eatl_ .MW dtrwantJlona of theories

,13 4acompantedby %' discourses of san.tJ or. othel:!;!let~ by ,C:;t, hett'ardhyof tl'luu:este· oVal: a

~oU'l'e.t'.toa.i't. :&].$0 1nvolws ccmtlnQ.o\\si.nflow of

·sttmulQS .tt? tecueQfl1Qt met'Oly ldeasbut also~Qbn1q,_#

instt'umeJ)ts ,Of datQ.a't101'1~ .measu~nt -.aye).!',lfif;i!iJtlOl'l$. F -. :,.," • T '

. practices b1thsR(,) but £l!'4n " I

inside the entl.t'G 'realm .of SC,1ence and 'tecbnolQ(Jy,# "sQC;

'03pQrle'o'C#$ ena ·alaltt:u:e .•

¢onUnu1s't b1storY'l'ecGgn':ses' tbet tb$pest 'notooc1:y

c.oDstralntr;t tits bistor1Cal agents' 10f. change ~t also ",' .. ' . -~

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at1ntulai:estbam of~en·. aesic1estt.hepustMstotF;Of-~ I

theory, the Whole·~J:'azyofe.eJtl$i1C&. tbehorJ.zon of

expact.etJ.ons, 'backgJ."OUn\i k.Jlow1edge ana wbat~OP.P8l:'woul4

ca.J,l tba ttbid world: of abstl'actknqwledge, ·8 Mowle4ge

ldtbout. aknOWUlg SUbjeat,serve 'as a .sto_bOus~to "fer to and caraw ~r:om., Dl- fsetftom, Plat.ow Bolzano ,.ft4

'iI'1ge haa anticipated a pOSition .similar to that: of

P .• p$1"'ts lfo~la411 1ft th1ecoMectton., _.,4 haC'! beld tbat.:.,

oVi)1:' ana -a'bovca materiel things and mental Gta.tes Was a

timele$$ 0.&-0£<:~$ or _ ebst.racUons· or

logicalessen_so£' univet:salsan<l pt'OPOSlt1ofto,ln the

actual mpd,g,ogpea:ts -r;1ght 1ft qua11fy1ngehaee

knowledge.' iUS, o~j.ct.#..w a1'14 aut.onomous beC«.lGS$ t,hey. ~J:e

expressions ·of -logical. relat10nsand logi.callY.mlcteCl

atru.ct'1.I1e ofebtiit:J:act essencats ana*",-&son trans,i.-ent. of

ell actual humi.ln 'thinking.

'1'llese changes espectallyascontatbe4 ill i:he l\f)W

14etls anaaiscoveries 40 hot.a~i_ as fantaslGs,tDor ill:8

'they PQt5ue4 on -the basi. of blind :faitb as l(\iM would

bave U;,# or ino,ltnat.ons as Feyeraberaci thai •• a Upon.

A11t.hadlsc\&sseti ba~el're4 1n Il()'t. *ce1y

d'st.~ngulshlftg a aepscate context of 41$coveq, ~UfeJ:_t

from the! context Qf j~stlf~C6tton. They ~.~ igbored

the £s'O.1;- thet -t:be .P",CGss,of 41soovery !e ,nottQn. il',l'8 ....

t.ional pt'Qa$$$,f!b$ #$s1l1~ of a,gasblt. ,$\f1tcbj - ",,114

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4zeam or fehtasy. 'that is why tbisscUdy 'heg1ns ft:em the

p#ertd._ (and a1S~UlgQ1sheGitaelf f,~ the ep1s*01og1ea . , ,

dlec\\$sed hea:e)t.hllt there !elnOra ·to sCie."C8 Qna. ita

growt:h ana blstozr.ic)g."gbi' OJl'ph11.QSoghy Of $C1_-.:. tban

e~'1ttat.1n9 theoo~t:ext. ,of justiS; ,cat.lon, demarcat,1on

pl:'o'blemot' GllamUJ$t:J.o. of the finished z:e-arab "pon.

1ft fact th1$stUc1F tZ'8.~8 elaborat.elytbe quast,1cm ,of

,(1iscove17 t.hrough &J\\ovolut.1onuye.,1st.emologywIl11e

Q~ the, ,sa.itl$ .~imedollfi8t:,1ng ·'tsoS. :4tSCQV8X'Y

tatleiju.sttf,qat10l:!. ,ris ¢hey G" ,1htegnlpha_e of on4$1

ana tbesame phlincmen8,. aatl~.l 8p,&,r.alsal $,san

"nte9ra~ pltocas$ 'of 4i,sQova:t'Y._

'This s'Cu4y recognises ,tilt!. gr~a~ valUQ. of Poppe.t'len

i;\'ls1st.enca on 'th0 logic: of d.lseowry., although tbJre 1:8 '-' .. ...

~ gre~t ","nt.b hi44an ,in Kuhn,i,an~taJi?hQr ofsoc1Q ...

psycholog:1sm. aut, as long ss t.hey h~la ~otbai.r qwn

$tQss to the a:lo].\18108 of the ether an4 tOd\e e~clusion

of the role of61t~;:t'bat1.V$ ~spetJts, ElQtS tol'l$teby lost

touch with, haltty aftd ~ascn" tbs:te rameiftei! llO, PQ$s;lbLll.ty ¢;~i&J.:~. provj.4ing: Ii cOlllpt,\allh&ns1ve aha.

j:flteg~atet\ app.t'Qaeh tow~l"as t.he babavJ.O\1~·~· so,ehoe

Gila tll~ rl0g:i~1 prDCedu}r$ of ,. .. ts gr()wtb.. ,oI;t.Uha~ely# 1. • 1

SQ:LeJ:1'.' :fjllcQae(iad 1ft: conttn\K11lS1y tan~.1ehing1t.seif (luring

its growth ,l;)a9au$a ~9i'act.lG$ri9an4 4!t;covaring

~lent'.,$1:$., tJy atltl lElJ!ga.. .bad f,Qll.owe4 botlt. Popper 8114

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~tll1ft .• ,oppe ... . ttl thei# 'W.P'11ca~1ol'l of C'eason~ .log10 ·Gd

,Qate.t.l~WCJ:.1t'AC'sm .as wail as~alsJ:f'~.t:lonl_, .4 .Kubl\

1ft ~hel" hconQl1ia'tlOb eo ~gafte.talwls4Gm , .. "CG~$eDSua moul4ec1 1'Iy peez;s ,Ut tbefle14Gf scl._. Jt, .ls 'tbnugb

a JU41cU.ous p~atJftQt>10 aR4 fat,ef~ comb.lnatioft ·oftbl'ty 'ofaeason. logic ana sttUct.U&eci an4lnfoznta4

imaginatiOn ·~ndCZ'$8t'W tb:LDit.1Dgd\at, sclence f0\U14 ih

evargrov1nt aDa wlc1enlng horizons. aneS cUmensiona of

p"aic~ab,le~o&9t1cal ~oJ'._s,pOlldeDGe witb .t.b$ .s~rl.lC'uze

_ eocta~ ••. J:lence oinatunl phenomena. The fonalgl\t

,Qlld wisdcm of 'tb~laomlnaDt 'scientists of tntegdt;F .od

&,'90UI: tba1:_1.Ps,b1l114 an4sbake up 1:ba sUQc'tU. of

. selen., 1s a g\la1\"Gl):tG$ tbat:. 418C1pJ.1A9S science . -"to e

nc:m-non •• nse .Bct'.'Uyoi sOCial nCoDst&"UottoD of ~al1ty.

Both paych0109F ,etta 10910 GJ:e .iDse,p8J:'ab:lepans ~

.sct-ca.or ltsmst.boa. .Pun peyehologlsm without .t.ha

~pUcatiql'lQflQglc vou14 bow made ac1eD_ aftf.u:ohto',

logioalC'eaaon1Ilgwltb)lIt p$YObologlcal .4@_.lnl$m ana ccmGebS\lSmouJ.aea by dnetive scientists _ t ... teUl:lty

'" \ . ~" .

WCNlci be..,. maGe all k.nowJ,eagEi ~st.or,cal1y J:elativJ.8tJ.o

to suah .ft 'ax\$ft~tbat at no Uma''WOu14 ~e bavebeea. , '

allY knOlfled9B any' two me. aO\lld eve~ 8'J:e$ Upon.

eo.pperian $cbame Gn$uns the outlawing· of 'fX-lvolo\lsness

. ~science. Ku.bn1.n pi!yc~log'l~ W1.l1 ,provide ilba$!8 . .

fot: . acceptance _ ~CltiEln~ 11'1. socle_y~ 'lire .. " ~ftOfsClen_

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.i'Oft iDOt ,p&I'SWllctea by tbe aes~ba_iC8Jlgeal w tID hew

. -~.Orv. as~~t:l-oD -ana -.pla __ at. may pncede j elt$ftate t

·.vez-leg· QI' evan pl.",y S~$aW'. be .. t.o "t1sfy

. ,aot. _J.,. tbe 109'0 but G"Periertee, but. eyeh

••• t.he bumanbetngG~

9qp.P8tlea dOi'lCl$ptiOft ·of. gl:'QW'i:b as'~ibg01lpos1-

t!onan4'ra1:,.onel (!~lt'c,_'of the he;J,J:C1Z'Cby ~ t.haoi'1es

that arise 1n tNt. ,QoD.t$xt. of problems ad pm'blerDeof

·graatGJt4ep1:b .4~neec.a" actonl!" foriU ,sp.bs1:QnU ..

tion of .vol\&tI.OM·ft'~ nt .... l ilnd het_ally lnt.el11g1b1e

,prooeeao' 8al(fft'ttC;i;Q p.J:'4MJI'8SS _-1$1." 'fQJ:' ,.1t·serqpb&s4s

l3othCl:Ll'ectan4Aa.l.J:'eot.. ~h the· $Pp.J.,'eoiati- ofpa:oagmatic

Gn4 S'Qa1.1sttc f1<:JaeJP1UUl. of 'tbeodes#ae they Breana

:f,C'¢ what they aft woztb, .l.bfI1tteJltet1valy .S1s "solute

OppoSition to Cf.J#1:1tUc:a ~n9C1en.. aD4 »h11osopby 1.' /.

lauCla..,le as sc1e~1fio tempe!:", . xt .,8 al~o en 8~etnp~

to overcome 'th$ p,.oblemsGJ"ls1b.g frQRl. aa:elat1vJ.&t:Lo£~\lae a. mllOh as blstOl'ic:1Si; an4pqcbologl.stio, . ; ',' . .

ntionaUty ,as Op1hst.theep'st.eM1o end' j)J:sgmet.1c .-at4.o­

ttallty,. Popg&l'i4'f.'Clftfth1tton ~1i.'Qtiotlal1ty thallk£Uly

,"8 coDflrle4 ~$howin9 wbat\ .it .1S aad bow it can be

.*,cbieW4.,· 'Stis in hi-. pl:8scriptiO!i$ I'8ga:l'4iog the .

.p~4~s,~ftO~.t~_ I" aa4 ·att.1t;qtlea 'to sc1ebt;J.f' 10

~cct·tl~ •• G'.imellt.$;~c:1 m,Gt,bQ4·t-bat. ".·pUJipOI.'Ub;) e,u;;~

,_.oDa~'ty ..

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1(. ana J?eyGl'a1;teh4 '·aU on t"_e~eftQ8 - the

~O_.l' SUh1ld&t1ftg 'the· #9epGft.$h11lt., u- peel' 9fO.saad­

'tllalrinclinat1on, ana the: lat.terr qllest.lon1ng the .'stance 'Qf r:atlOfteltty ,j.tseU. S~h _ttlb~ae.also ~ .. ' ,"-

"S,. for ,tbe4 •. ,6114$_. to ~'o..p$yohologtsm ;tncase

of J(~ ast4bistc> col.ativism,;. aaBJ:Obiem an4 recklees

aemaDds of free4Cin ,in -ca- .Qf the latt.e:t. 80th att.1tu4es

op'UtIlr:aalistlc, in'pwan1eable Ulc1 'u:n4esslra:ble I.nscience.

,he f~f:- attl_\\dQ WQQ14 haW1\)"ilt. a c:luu:ab .of! .soienQ8j

.helat~r would. bav .. ob11:1teratea eciOJlae asaceo~g

to it thare daft Mv,er' _ any .reliable kn~ie4ge, st~nul!aJ."ds

Q~ S'at,lonelit;y .a 'Val.14 meth040109ieal log1c.. ~b$1t

£u.nbe&" flaw is '~~~1Ji' convo~n_in 1:81y1ng ,9ft t.he / ,

_~J:'atiollal,.a~e.t.ori_l# atl:Jit.l'aty f1ashas of 1ftslght,

'"tic ,lnt\d.t;10DI' ,.antaS,l1., 1nc1;'tl_., il'" gesta).t: '

.-1tchea as 'tOe metoD ·of 'aeva).opment..-'.1'.bis is 'baca,use

t:hey a. ~o&me4bY • ,,'gi4 dlaUncl:lcll bettweenpS!rG:ho.

logy ena 109*c; ana be~. 4isc()v~ an4J\&$t'f1~ati_. fbls P$~e<lU'" hils 'nfl\telleei t::bea~:I4. t;.helJ:

a_i~ot'1ea1 bl~OlrlO\lrapby .non ....;mal .aD4 _ntional1y ,

If 'dle elemeilts oflAw .. g1vlntnat.u&"$ lm»11e411ra

•. 'J?OJI'pertaD' f·alslf:Lc8tlonism tba. daman4a elim#.M'tiOft 01

·Jre~ut~tl'aew'esafi:e .. ;s~safid.ftil'$1f .icat1-onattemgts

p.1Qce· paera1;eS :a,uthot'' tendencies" moaomallUl ana

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. stUfling l.!tnI.tat,ions Ob t.b$sCl$n.t1Gt.~ as WEill as the

~futed th~ry~ iK~":S--6ftd ta somewaY's LrAketosAf #;tlal

stlr:rendel" tQ arbl tI'Qt1onOf lea.ding sQ'entt~s f·or vaU .....

~ ... OD otthec)I".1QS ,1$., ftO lessC\llpabllia to autborltat'1an.:Lsm

and mobps:yCholQgy,., Ja£eC~ltham tbcaaisa4valltage of

alt:oga'thel' $Cu..ttl:l;ng tlt$J:QlEi of 10g4.0' .nO _8S0ft .. in '

~!ent.tfle .pl'actloa p,,£-.wur .of' .inQ':U;nattiQlla~-ta.stes

. and 9aredl1#;ct1oil*" of .tbe lea4tng scientists

~ose .fal11b11..1t.y ,oannot altoget.he~be tust:snteed figal11s-t.

"nm this po1Dt ·of ,,;Lew Po,pper bas p"~1dea a motor,

• J:aasonably St.'CU&"e4 .flSoclalfoun4Gt:.1on fortbe stl'uc:tul:9

of progJ:ess tbl"Ollgh rational cr;i.tici.~. 4iSC:1i'J.tne4

e~I'JmentaUol'l.i'la e-'.l.lyst.a-naa .. 4sof "Wlt,if.location

0# demarcat1in.ais beg-timing ,., the problems ill bis

t:e~ndic $cbama is a viable fo_lila to exp1.Gu. ."late ~

and eDsu~sQ1·~tif to Pt'og_~$!, Kt.ibD' .8D4Feyorabeai . ~ _ ~~J, i. . ,

ba,..· llothUigtq ,g1va in t.belJ:'ep1stemologles by wal'Of

fl mote.l' ,0£ ~wl~Etbtas they' '+.eava ,solan. to the -- ~/ ~/" - ~ .. .

'.gal'JA.sof wh.t.rn.'ioa, faatasie's # __ J.a~'ODS ,- dreams,

.. OOft.lU:~"OD .. ed.enc::es •. ,8vell.fu_ tbet, they "ao :Ilot. .' _ _ • '" ~ ,to- __.", t.. _. . _ _ " _ _ _ r;'

pcescribB e. .1abieallQ .11a~le:oJ,"'lo91cal method •.

eDs'Lim" wliCiation'0;1'4lsc:te411;at'1onoftheor:1es;.aDfJ -< ' ,

_.fore 'to '(i;Jfts\P:e"th$ movGmehtaact grognsfS ofsc1enae. '. " .

"be .-eCOtn1tiOnbr popper Of, . the eoclaliuDcticD

,.4 tbt.\ soc1al I'GIlU:aoa fOI: human 1rl_1J.ecWaJ. acttvi.t_

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a, ,pzro'b1em Sol.~9thto\tgb,="elect.l_ hygotbasisauoD 1s "

~U11aam.Dtal tio~e W'1ae!tlil~n41D9 Of -_lie p..-oc:eesan4 ,legit:

•• rlylagin the 91'OWthoi kaowlEkige. ,\ provJ.4$s .t.bQ

_to.l' for aiacOWtY*, poppe.... basignoJ'El4 ittUs '

,asp.t .• ,IU.8 pnl:$Jl\p~.iYa,sm'8_1 ,of tbe· pl'~;of ;, the

ntalill8i: '0£ 8.:.rtVPl\J ~, '....., idaa,ilea rob 'baa l'Qucdl of' the ,"

wiuooe h:'sQOtDn11_nt:. to ntiollal,ea41o,loai methoi"

uCl. 'p~8S ~·.reason1J'l9 •. That.· .. c:ou1d not. ViSual1'.

~ .. s~steDtlYlft hts \f.t'ltings.t.bat tb&.li'toc:esB,ofdl$eovery

involvesth. reasoned andstru.ctuzosCi 111QrQlnet1on of a

new£abr.1o of 'relat:ionsh1ps 8fQong t:he uniVac. 'of factual

and ~rivatlwdata. '&tad the aonscio\lszewGling.of new

dimensJ,ol'i$ of, ,relationships, 16 \Ulfortunat.tIJ • . '! I

':be .. :ta, evergrC)w1ag evlclence fi:Gntbe f1e1.4 of

pi" 801 •• $ ttu\ts\lppoi't theoon~DtlG1l that. the

ClisC0V8q ,of an_ice. tsa st;ructll~4., .I'eauOfte4,.rat1cma1.

!rationally #.Rtel1tg1b1e, conttftl.lOU~4'/ curtl1;alati ve 1/ modlf1-, .

catlonal ana evolutl.onary P"OCQI:'~, that et14s .Ul. ';he. a:e-

draw,1..:ngof the p"CCil~~.1Cpllcation ~ _1s proce$.,en4

tb.$. 2:010' ,of ,.luaSQa '41.4 conttin .. 't.y. in ·t:bep.~ss .haIl . .

.enat~tsa ~n' t_ . p_V.i01lS c~ptJlJ: ~o prOvi.40'.

'moJ:.'e S\1l:il3'taD~1~8f,l4 "£o .. 4at~on to t.he evolut:lQ"",

Il8ry ep~stientOlogy ,of IJcieat.if*'c PJ:'09"S$~ ,

This ·of o.\l~ liO$s not-bagG_or a.valW1tt.he

strengtbsof K"1'11\1&,., ,£jakatosiatl ,an4I'~Y'.rabendi.aft· c:ontri-

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buttes. 'trhe".C:Jt9aSing .uthent:1f 1cSUOD that we f1.4

'il"KUhh,ts an4-ilaket:.s· CI~teUPt-. 'Q) thIJ PI'8gm&t.j;O'.Dc!i

.'al'1stie 'appa:oac:h to,t:he Ubdel"st,an41h9 ,of thepl"O(te,ea

of soi_tiflc p,~_$a .is l'loteworthy~ '.fa ac:na_Mnse, ,of blstolY aDel $octQo.p&YOhologioa~ lnfl.n.the .. '.~4s

, '

lIC~nCe ,tha.ttUlm ,_4 z.akilt.08 ua4Gl.'milfte aatlJlot. 'be,' >set, ,

l')$3.4e. ewn 1f1t 'J$ Cliff iwit to g. to ~1J:' e~es~

'1heSuJ'B .... ,,...., '~l. t.hai,ca_ ,pbt~osqpbe ... 'to t"he):'ole . "

,of no~nt1~1 ,tn' (ll$COWQ ~ ,Gwl'l't.hc;nlgh bon it 119 ".1

. erg'ueil a,ga~nsti"CaritlQt ~lt~a~ly ,be ,#eJected tn, etlt.t'rltf' ' '. '. .

01' <!ategot'1_11y~l'h"S1S baca,usea'i! cb01~;ia

involveClin the .t4en't1f1cat,1on a_a pJ:efe,nnCl$ of new.

:lei.SlP SoweV$t" Wh~i'r. t;b~ __ 'a&:t.ed is "ifttlOt ncogw...

n1singtlw f&ct'ha't, e'Cfen this ,1ntolpl.y of aeetbeUc

atldlntult:t\le a(~~$~n~1iQk1og 1s :ultj,mately l1ilked 'to

',aildgowrne4 by \~Q 10g10 ,bot diffe:rtentfr:om t.helcgl0 of

all Ciecis10n tna'kiug that_ know of. ,The_fort! the ilftal .

fall »aclc. ofUl the_, pl1il~.~pbe'r8 onthehOn-RUona,l

. ana thereferet;he .~volu.tlonary p'x-ogress· In tbet.

ahistC?t'ical pers.piict,lCV8S .of 9.t'owt'h Gf sQ.$.Gnce~ '$gener1c

t;9, their. .flGwa #.lJ'1te£p"ata~:1on of· _be p:l'oaaas ofdSoaoGVezr.r

a~dJU$tU 1¢at.19n.

"< ... 1

skspt$;-<:lsm ti'M!4twe' .f'$.~tl tn,tbe-eml)ryo of popper1&ft .' t

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~ ,

1ftgon 'Dotbing_ no'teveQ, tentatively. the facts, exper 1enC$"

tbeo.t1$s,t)tatlQJl~ltty"trtletboa or truth. '1'0 f Qllow , '1' , .

'eyerai1end tbru:eiore'would meaD .rUQl'liQgaround in endless

circles. aut. for ,Feyatabend. tMn. t.besearch fQZ' t.xouth .. . ., .

~Dd tha~oWl(,bOWledg9'1' is ~ttraetiye)as tbegoal.

,His al1e,e4 hunt. fot; ,be4onlst.S.oleals ana· means caD

hardly serve eseha socia~ ze4son in t.ha pursuit. of

s;;:i-encze. BecauGC;!the-n; '·cme may ask., whyshou14 anyone , ; .

do ,it 11l·nclence if one could obtain it 1n .relaxation.

and raanat1Qn?

Yet Felte rab end • sj,dealism 1s a f,,;r:ther: exten~1on ... ~ .

o1fPopper: t $ ,own seal:dh' for human freedom ·ana totbet extent. .r • I... ,.

1:he.refQIG;#Peyerabond' couio. bed(lndoried ·ana pel:h~ps, ~habl11tGtea.

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