in light times december 2012


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In Light Times, Concepts for Conscious Living magazine, natural health for the body, mind and spirit. In print for over 23 years, available hard copy and online. Articles by Alan Cohen, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Vishali and many more. Natural health, beauty, metaphysics, astrology, numerology and more.


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IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 3

PAGE 4 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

From ThePublisherAs we begin to experience the full force of the holiday season there seems to be an excitement in the air. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and

sale pitches everywhere we look reminds us of the coming tides of shopping.

I find myself watching the Christmas stories on Hallmark…visiting old and new stories alike. Of course, we all know how they end; happily ever after. They truly are feel good shows that say, despite our challenges in life, everything turns out for the better.

I realize the higher vibrations and happy energies of the season are balanced out with the “humbug” feelings of those wishing the holidays to end. However, we must not judge those who do not enjoy these times. It is important to keep our focus on the joys and excitement of all we encounter and be a part of life’s experiences.

We all have days that challenge us; yet, do we let them overwhelm us or do we take the attitude of, “the show must go on?” Remember, we write our own scripts and cast our roles in which we play various characters. Like Scrooge, he chose to be the “humbug” character until he rewrote his script upon awakening to certain information.

Perhaps we can think of the holidays as opportunities to switch our roles and create new scenarios and is it not great that, within the 365 days in the year, we have many chances to wear different hats.

So, whether your are caught up in the excitement of the holidays or not, be at peace and offer the world your best.

Be in the moment and see the beauty that surrounds you.

Blessings this day. Take care my friends,

In Love & Light,Michelene

PUBLISHER • EDITORmichelene K. bell

ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett

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dr. doreen Virtue


• Michele Avanti• Gina Robison-Billups



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IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 5

2013What Lies Ahead?

Andrew Brewer

Michele Avanti

4 From the Publisher by michelene K. bell As we begin to experience the full force of the holiday season…

6 silent Drum by christine stevens Tips for rhythmic meditation

7 bring it on by AlAn cohen We have arrived at December 2012, the month prophesied as …

8 chAnging times oFFers us oPPortunity by vAishAli Every person’s journey is different and leads them on a different path.

9 ADDictions by susyn reeve The automatic obsessive thinking and compulsive behavior resulting from …

10 your choice = your story or trAnsFormAtion by soPhiA FAlKe The anticipation is palpable. You can almost touch the greater good that you …

11 WisDom From WAyne by Dr. WAyne W. Dyer The spiritual dimension calls to us in this material world of beginnings and endings.

smooth out eye WrinKle by WilloW tohiLaugh lines are not funny.

high glycemic FooDs & gooD glycemic FooDs by Alison mcKenzie For people who are diabetic, particularly those who are insulin dependent, a low glycemic index diet is preferable. sitting mAy Kill, it cAn Also heAl by Dr. isAAc eliAz We aren’t designed to sit eight, 10, 12 hours during the day.

hoW to hAve A successFul energy heAling by cinnAmon croWWhat is really happening during an energy healing?

six olD Wives’ tAles thAt WorK by sAbine green… many ‘Old wives’ tales’ have been handed down by midwives and healers …

O N T E N T SC December, 2012


Books & Music Reviews 14Sudoku Puzzle 15Classifieds 25

Quick Reference Guide 26Business Card Directory 27Clarice’s Mystical Realm Astrology 28

Clarice’s Life Path Numerology 29Light Happenings 30Business Profiles 32

birD WAtching - stArt in your oWn bAcK yArD by mAry Fesio

builDing A better liFe For your PArrot With birD toys by Peter nAne

ADoPt me Pleez

Feature 162013 ~ What Lies Ahead?

by Andrew Brewer & Michele Avanti

HealtH ligHts

enligHtening Views

Our(ur) Pets & animals

gems fOr tHe sOulchristmAs customs ArounD the WorlD by FreDA J. glAtt, ms












PAGE 6 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

EnlightEning ViEws By Christime Stevens

What could meditation and drumming possibly have in common? I’ve been asking myself this question ever since I heard world-famous sound healing expert Jill Purce say, “The purpose of sound is silence.”

First, both meditation and drumming help us get out of our heads and into our hearts. They just go about it in different ways. In meditation, placing our attention on the breath occupies the mind. In drumming, the rhythm becomes a mantra that captures our attention. You can’t drum while thinking. Both act as mind sweepers; to clear the mental space of worries and negative thought patterns.

Second, both meditation and drumming are practices that focus on remembering

rather than learning. Meditative states are quite natural and simple, but not easy. Drumming is similar. Within the rhythm, we encounter remembering of heartbeats in the womb and rhythms our bodies long to express.

Third, both meditation and drumming are tools to connect with spiritual realms and the non-physical. We travel along both the silence and rhythm paths as portals into the spiritual space where we breathe deeply, relax and re-connect with the heart and soul.

But there is one difference. Drumming just may get you there quicker. Drumming just may be better suited for hyper, over-active, ADHD types of people, like me! After a drum circle at the Teton Wellness Festival, a participant came up to me and shared that drumming helped her “drop in” to her meditation practice immediately.

Here are some tips on how to drum your way into silence:

• Create a sacred space where you can settle in.

• Prepare to drum by placing your hand over your heart. Take a deep breath. Breath into an intention for your meditation. Place your open hand on the drum and rub the drum in a circular fashion, infusing your intention into the drum.

• Now you are ready to drum. Play a simple pulse, rhythm or whatever feels good to you. Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think. You may use a play-along CD as well, like The Healing Drum Kit which includes twenty-seven play-along rhythms for specific intentions. The specific rhythm is not as important as releasing all self-criticism and allowing yourself to liberate your creative spirit.

• Give yourself at least a minimum of four minutes to fall into the beat. Significant biological signs of relaxation typically occur after four minutes of drumming.

• When you are ready, come to a stop by fading your drumming into silence.

• Put down your drum and focus on your breath. Feel the rhythm of your breath gently drumming your body. Stay in this meditative state for as long as you desire in a sitting meditation.

• Complete your practice by gently returning and honoring your drum.

Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC, MA holds masters degrees in both social work and music therapy. She is author of, Music Medicine, The Healing Drum Kit and The Art and Heart of Drum Circles. The founder of UpBeat Drum Circles, she has appeared on NBC, PBS, KTLA, and is a featured speaker in the DVD Discover the Gift. She has trained facilitators from more than twenty-five countries in the evidence-based REMO group drumming HealthRHYTHMS program. Christine has worked with many Fortune 500 companies, survivors of Katrina, students at Ground Zero and most recently, led the first drum circle training in a war-zone in northern Iraq. Visit

Silent DrumTips For Rhythmic Meditation

“Drumming may be the oldest form of active meditation

known to humanity.”

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 7

Monthly Inspirations from

Alan CohenEnlightEning ViEws

Much ado has been devoted to the December 21st solstice date. The Mayan calendar is said to end here; some soothsayers predict the end of the world; others predict the beginning. Groups are gathering at the Great Pyramid in Egypt, Machu Picchu, and sacred sites around the planet. All year people have been asking me, “What do you think will happen on December 21st?” I recently picked up a hitchhiker who asked me this very question. Millions of people are wondering, some are fearing, and others are hoping.

I believe there is a core of truth to the import of this date, sprinkled with a generous helping of bunk. Perhaps the date is less about cosmic significance, and more of a seminar in which we face the hopes and fears we have projected onto it. To those who have asked me about it, I suggest we take our power back from externally-issued predictions and astrological configurations, and tap into a place of choice within us. What would you like to happen? How can you participate in making it happen? Are you waiting for God or the planets to change your life, or a savior to descend from a cloud and rescue you from hardship? Or are you willing and ready to build the life you would choose by elevating your

consciousness and actions to match the circumstances you desire?

If anything cosmic occurs—and I certainly hope it will—it will not be because someone out there is doing it to us or for us. It will be because humanity (or at least a portion of it) has evolved to the point where we are ready for it. The planets, E.T.s, and the Mayan calendar do not create our experience. They reflect it. Over millions of years of reaching for more, the human race has arrived at a point where we are ready for better. A positive turn of events accompanying the solstice represents the culmination of that growth and awakening. I personally don’t believe anything dramatic will happen on that date, unless people create something dramatic. I believe we will enter a new season of humanity. Just as the spring equinox signifies the gentle entry of spring, and the temperature does not automatically rise to seventy degrees just because the calendar says so, I expect a gradual turning toward more good. The more you expect drama, the more you will get it. The more you move gently and firmly ahead, the more solid will be your growth and experience.

There will always be people who use the date to reinforce stinky, stale

beliefs in damnation and the wrath of God. Let them rant. They are having great fun scaring themselves and each other. But if terror is not your idea of entertainment, you don’t need to go there. Let the damned be damned and let the blessed be blessed. Everyone is creating their own experience. One day the damned will be damn tired of being damned, and they will choose to be blessed, as they are, as we all are.

Perhaps the people who will suffer most are those who have had a field day capitalizing on the 2012 phenomenon. Many filmmakers, authors, seminar leaders, and preachers have jumped on the bandwagon to profit from the hype. Certainly many of these people are sincere and their points are well taken and helpful. Yet another portion are simply opportunists. They will experience the end of their world, or at least its latest chapter. But I do have a prediction: If nothing world shaking happens on December 21st, the exploiters will retool and either say the date was miscalculated and focus their sensationalism toward a later date, or they will find another cosmic cause to hype. And the beat goes on. Ho hum.

eckhart Tolle declared, “Suffering needs time.” This pithy statement implies that any event in time is subject to suffering, because time is an illusion and we are bigger than it. He goes on to say, “it [suffering] cannot survive in the now.”

Tolle has mined gold here. Why make a big deal about events in time? Why not dive into the eternal now moment and let time take care of itself? As Ram Dass said in his classic book, Be Here Now, “If you can be here now, when ‘then’ becomes ‘now,” you will have super consciousness and super awareness and know exactly what to do.”

So I suggest you worry not, wonder not, and hope not for any event associated with the December 21st solstice. A more powerful approach is to live fully in the present moment. If you waste the ‘now’ by thinking or worrying about the ‘future’, when the future comes you won’t be there to receive it. It’s all a lot simpler than we have been told.

I wish you and the planet an awesome December 21st. I am looking forward to it. I think it’s a fabulous opportunity for us to live what we believe. But then again, we can do that right now. As A Course in Miracles asks us, “Why wait for heaven?”

Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. Join Alan this February 10-15 in Hawaii for the extraordinary program Miracles, Metaphysics, and Maui. For more information visit, or call 800-568-3079 or 808-572-0001.

Bring It On

We have arrived at December, 2012,the month prophesied as a turning

point in human history.

PAGE 8 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

EnlightEning ViEwsBy Vaishali

… from the Eastern perspective, there will never be one single pill, diet, exercise or lifestyle that will

cure what ails all people. Each person is amicrocosmic Universe unto themselves.

Continued On Page 24 *

hen the Eastern systems of self-healing examine h e a l t h a n d balance , they

offer a very different paradigm t h a n o u r m o re f a m i l i a r “Western” point of view. The differences are most noticeable and significant when it comes to understanding the nature of the individual life and the life of the collective. For example, from the Eastern perspective, there will never be one single pill, diet, exercise or lifestyle that will cure what ails all people. Every person is a microcosmic Universe unto themselves. Each person is unique and must be understood, examined and healed separately from the rest of humanity.

This philosophy is not just limited to the comprehensive understanding of an individual’s physical well being. It applies to every aspect of a person’s life. What is experientially, emotionally and perceptually toxic to one person could be liberating to another. There is not one accepted standard that will equally measure every nuance of every person’s life. The “average person” does not exist in Eastern philosophy. Each person, each case, is unique…a completely separate reality unto itself.

So it is when it comes to career development and the turmoil in our present job market. The media has dominated the intellectual landscape with reports of dire changes, catastrophic employment shifts and unsustainable economic losses. “How will I ever find a job when millions of people are out of work? My world situation is dire, catastrophic and unsustainable. Hey, where have I heard that before?” Just because CNN is selling across the board economic fear doesn’t mean you have to buy it. You have free will. And, that may not be your Universe.

While the need to live within one’s means is not disputed, what is debilitating in one person’s reality may actually be liberating and powerfully transformative

Offer Us OppOrtUnityin another’s. Shaking up the status quo is an opportunity to make different choices, to take another career path. Just because the news tells you everyone is losing their jobs does not mean you have the whole story. Human evolution allows old, tired and outdated methods of expansion to die out. If life has offered you a new

set of circumstances, it is Nature’s way of saying, “You are ready to grow in a new direction; there is nothing left for you in the old way; move on.” Focus on breakthrough by taking and making the most of this fortuitous event rather than being paralyzed by breakdown from lamenting the loss of what you have grown beyond. Your neighbors lost their jobs and are in crisis. Does that mean there is a career crisis in your world? You are a Universe unto yourself. That employment setback may be your neighbors’ next biggest opportunity to re-evaluate their lives and what is important to them. It does not mean you need to bookmark or other online headhunters, or spend sleepless nights worrying

about your job security. There is not one developmental driving reality that visits all people simultaneously.

Crisis, dire, catastrophic, impossible are all different names for fear. From a bigger picture perspective, what is presently occurring is a global fear

epidemic spreading locally. Not by germ or bacteria but rather by worldview. The outer world conditions again reflect the inner world conditions. What that means is just because some people get the flu, doesn’t mean everyone on the planet is sick or even going to get sick. When you refuse to accept change when it appears in your microcosmic Universe, you have not only opened the door to suffering, but also personally invited it in, offered it drinks and a comfortable place to stay. The details of life on Earth will always be changing; that is the nature of this impermanent world. Nothing here stays for long. Everything on the planet has a shelf life. What were the only consistent career choices a hundred years ago versus today’s world, aside from undertaking, tax collecting and prostitution? There are none. The job you thought was a safe and secure employment two years ago may not even exist today. Even the pace of change has gained speed and momentum. The more we as a global community advance, the faster these changes will take place.

Eastern Spiritual philosophies point out the shortcomings to an inherent basic human desire: control. We attempt to control every detail of the outer world and hold it in a fixed place, until we have everything right where we want it to be. We all desire to create a comfortable external reality and then maintain that position forever. We want to solve a problem once in our lives and then never have to revisit it again. We want to find a job once, then never have to deal with job or career transitions again. We invest in a position of some kind and expect it to pay us dividends the rest of our lives. What this leads to is an escalated experience of personal suffering due to the inescapable reality that life is constantly in a state of flux, change and motion, forever vulnerable and subject to the permeable forces of life on Earth.

You are no different than your 401K! Just as the macrocosmic, Universe is ever-

Changing times

Every person’s journey is different and leads them on a different path,

however, as individuals we must embrace and evolve with change.


Confused about Medicare Health Plan?

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 9

EnlightEning ViEws

Addictions are any habitual psychological and/or physiological dependence on substances, thoughts, behaviors, or practices that you cannot easily control. The automatic obsessive thinking and compulsive behavior resulting from your addictions leave little room for making the conscious creative choices that are the hallmarks of an inspired life.

We tend to look at addiction from a limited point of view, focusing on typical addictions like drugs, alcohol, food, sex, smoking, exercise, gambling, shopping, and work. It is obvious that these addictive habits can and do create obstacles in all aspects of life.

It is also crucial to understand that there are other addictions, mental addictions, which are subtler than a specific substance or behavior, and are deadly in terms of your self-esteem and joyfulness. These are addictions to habits of thinking that result in ongoing misery and suffering. Here are some examples:

• If you cannot stop arguing with the people you love, you are addicted to your opinions and judgments.

• If you cannot end your self-deprecating internal dialogue, you are addicted to self-hate.

• If you cannot forgive those you are angry with, you are addicted to resentment.

• If you cannot cease making a big deal out of everything, you are addicted to drama.

• If you cannot discontinue your need to be right and make others wrong, you are addicted to pride.

• If you cannot prevent yourself from replaying negative self-talk, you are addicted to incessant abusive internal dialogue.

• If you cannot stop talking about yourself, you are addicted to self-importance.

• If you cannot stop self-sabotaging behaviors, you are addicted to failure.

• If you cannot end your need for painful relationships, you are addicted to victimization.

The good news is, once you see you are addicted to so many harmful thoughts and actions, you can change these patterns. These changes begin by creating new brain pathways that access inspired wisdom and acknowledge the power inherent in the statement; Thoughts Create Reality.

Lee McCormick is the founder of The Ranch Recovery Center, but before recovery, being an addict was more than a diagnosis for him. Here is Lee’s story:

In the beginning, I was told and believed that I was somehow not normal. Addiction was not just a diagnosis; it was a definition that came immediately after my name, “Hello, my name is Lee, and I’m an addict.”

I was told that if I did not live always conscious of my disease—addiction—I would be lost in suffering, mental illness, or death. I learned that I needed to ask forgiveness from all those I had harmed. What I wasn’t taught was to forgive myself. Someone had to be wrong, and I was the one on trial. There was no forgiveness in that scenario and no chance to change the thinking that resulted in my excessive drug use in the first place.

Forgiveness was the answer, but not coming from my self-judgment and guilt. Once I took responsibility for my actions without judgments, I forgave because I wanted to free myself from suffering and guilt, as a gift of self-love and respect.

In addition to freeing myself from my addiction to drugs, I discovered total freedom from my deadly habits of self-berating stories…of being less-than and not good enough.

InsPIred LIfe exerCIse:Identify Automatic Thoughts and Change Self-Defeating Behavior

Use this exercise to free yourself of the mental addictions that create blocks, barriers, and obstacles to living an inspired life.

Choose an addiction you would like to be free of and do the following: Observe it. Make a list of the real reasons behind the addiction. In other words, what are you telling yourself to justify your actions? For instance, if you are a workaholic, do you believe the only way to get ahead and be appreciated and validated is by being a workaholic? If this is your belief then you will continue this addiction

until you realize it is through loving and appreciating yourself—through self-love—that true validation is experienced.

Imagine yourself free of your addiction. What are the thoughts you would be thinking about yourself when these mental addictions no longer consume your time and energy? Make a list of not-doings—actions you can take to free yourself of the compulsive behavior associated with the addiction. For example, if you tend to talk about yourself incessantly, a not-doing would be to listen rather than talk during a conversation, or ask questions about the topic the other person is talking about.

Blocks, barriers, and obstacles pop up in life. It is your reaction to them, based on the meaning you give to them, that is of primary importance in either fueling them or freeing yourself from them.

Remember: An inspired mind is free of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that are inherent in addictions. When living an inspired life you are free to use the full resources of your imagination to create and live in your vision of fulfillment.

Susyn Reeve is a Coach, Corporate Consultant, Educator, Inner Faith minister and an award winning author of, “Choose Peace and Happiness”, “The Inspired Life…” and co-creator of To learn more about Susyn visit

Go from Habitual to Happiness

Addictions encompasses more than drugs, gambling, d r i n k i n g … a d d i c t i o n s involve all living experience.

By Susyn ReeveAddictionsAddictions

Addictions block you from

fully accessing your creative

resources because you feel

powerless in their presence.

—Sheri Rosenthal

PAGE 10 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

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EnlightEning ViEws

Perhaps you’re anticipating a great transformation at the end of December,

2012. Or you’re looking to 2013 with great expectation because finally, finally, your ship

will come in, you will reach Enlightenment, or you will achieve whatever else you see

as a better state of being.

By Rev. Sophia Falke

The anticipation is palpable. You can almost touch the greater good that you envision because it is so real to you. But first there are the holidays, a time when many of us get together with family and friends and resurrect negative and harmful old stories that put a hiccup in our spiritual and emotional growth. The old stories are the ones that have the negative charge. You know, how someone yelled at you for no good reason. How a family member always knows the right buttons to push when you get together so that you feel lousy about yourself. Or your life isn’t what you thought it would/should be, so you find it necessary to tell anyone and everyone who will listen how bad it is. Then, of course, there’s the litany that goes with every story. “If only (fill in the blank) would change, my life would be better.”

I used to enjoy regurgitating my old stories to feel better about myself when I felt hurt or lost in an uncomfortable situation. Then I discovered that revisiting old tales keeps us from moving forward in our emotional and spiritual growth. And until we are free of the negative charge we give our stories, the great transformations, the better life, or enlightenment isn’t going to happen any time soon. Fortunately, there are simple tools that can free us from our stories. They’re not always easy, but they’re definitely worth the effort. Here are some of my favorite “freedom tools.”

Prayer and meditation. Many of us believe there is a higher power at work in the world. Prayer is a way to turn over whatever is troubling us to that higher power. An effective prayer is to admit a situation, person, or story is bothering us, turn the outcome over to the higher power, and affirm a right outcome. Or simply say, “I let go and let God.”

Meditation is an opportunity to release tension we might feel because of a situation or person. I recommend simply breathing deeply and focusing on the breath. When thoughts start to wander into your mind, do not judge, simply observe that you are having the thoughts and return your focus to the breath. It’s surprising to those of us who feel the need to “fix” things, how powerful it can be to simply observe.

Forgiveness and Love. These are among the most powerful tools for releasing attachment to old stories that prevent emotional and spiritual breakthroughs. I hear people say how they have forgiven someone and then describe the individual as “lousy,” “loser,” or “a bum.” That tells me there’s still forgiveness work to be done. I’ve used many forgiveness tools over the years, but the ones I use and teach currently come from Ho’oponopono, taught by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, and Why is This Happening to Me…Again? by Dr. Michael Ryce.

Ho’oponopono teaches four simple phrases: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” I started saying these phrases for myself and counseled others to use them even before I knew what they meant. Yet, we all experienced healing even without understanding the “why.” I’ve since studied with Dr. Hew Len and learned the underlying significance. I don’t have the space to explain in this article; however, as I learned, simply saying the words, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” can bring transformation. To learn more, search online for Ho’oponopono. You will find a wealth of information.

Another powerful forgiveness tool can be found in Dr. Michael Ryce’s book, Why Is This Happening to Me…Again? It’s a worksheet called “Reality Management: Empowering True Forgiveness.” Its premise is that “our Essential Nature, as Human Beings, is Love. The work of healing is to remove anything unlike our True Nature so we come back to the experience of Love 24/7/365!” The worksheet with instructions, plus a free download of the book, are available at

Find the Gift. Another powerful tool to release the stories that hold negative energy for us is to look for the gift in the experience. Painful as a situation or relationship may be, there is always a gift or a blessing within it and when uncovered healing can occur and we can begin to release any negative energy (pain) we may be experiencing. We can also more easily express gratitude, a most potent transformational tool.

It’s your choice: your “story” or transformation. Which will you choose? For my part, I affirm for you love, light, laughter, peace, joy, abundance, good health, forgiveness, finding the gift in every experience, and transformation. Namaste.

Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Information on programs at Unity Center, including their forgiveness support group on Wednesday evenings, can be found at,, or Sophia is a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness ( You can e-mail her at [email protected] or call 702-456-9133.

Your Choice =

Your “StorY”or tranSformation

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 11

EnlightEning ViEws

Wisdom from


By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer(excerpt. Newsletter)

By Peter Baksa

High Wisdom Consultations

[email protected]

Are you at a crossroads in life?Do you know how to put your imagination in motion?

Benefit from Ancient Universal teachings…

with KathrynPeters-Brinkley

Discover your passion

Attract your soul-mate

Improve your health

Enrich your life

Recalibrate your course

Align your soul-purpose

Revitalize your relationship

Discern your soul lessons

E-m ail m E for an ap p t.

High Wisdom Consultations


efore merging into form, we were a part of God, with all the inherent qualities of a Creator who sends forth abundance, creativity, love, peace, joy, and well-being. The spiritual dimension calls to us in

this material world of beginnings and endings. When we listen and allow it to, Spirit guides us to something greater than our life as a physical being. When I let myself align with Spirit, I have a feeling of contentment, but more than this, I experience joy. I’m able to receive the vibrational energies of my Source—call them voices, messages, silent reminders, invisible suggestions, or what have you—they’re vibrations of energy. I’ve learned to get my “self” out of the way and remove resistance to the free flow of this spiritual energy.

Spirit doesn’t dwell on the impossibility of anything—that is, it doesn’t focus on not being able to create, on things not working out, on expecting the worst, or on being stuck in place. When I’m in-Spirit, I want my present moment and thoughts to align perfectly with what I desire to share. I want to offer an experience of inspiration to my audience, so I don’t give a speech thinking, I’ll probably disappoint them. I choose to think that if I stumble or forget something in the middle of my talk, the inspiration to get me through it will be there. When I sit down to write, my desire is to invite Spirit to express through me, and I encourage ideas to flow freely. I’m connected in-Spirit, expecting to be the instrument of my spiritual Source.

When we remember that we’re always connected to Source, we can summon the well-being of God. Each and every one of us represents God or Spirit revealing Itself here on our planet. Experiences of being in-Spirit are available to all of us. Remember that your life is bigger than you are. Dedicate your life to something that reflects an awareness of your Divinity. You can begin by committing to at least one daily experience where you share something of yourself with no expectation of being acknowledged or thanked. For example, before I begin my daily routine, I go to my desk and choose my gift for that day. Sometimes, it’s just a phone call to a stranger who’s written to me, or perhaps I order flowers or send a book or present to someone who has helped me in a local store. It doesn’t matter if this activity is big or small—it’s a way to begin the day in-Spirit. Make a silent dedication to encourage and express your Divine nature.

Love you,

WayneWayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Author of over 30 books, he has created many audio programs, videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting messages, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. If you would like to receive Wayne’s newsletter visit:


PAGE 12 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES



Bird watching is the fastest growing hobby in the country. This is, probably, because it is the most economical pastime around. You can start in your

own backyard for a minimal amount of expense. For backyard bird watching, instead of looking for a lone bird, you can start out by attracting multiple species. It’s all in the food and water that you lay out.

The main staple for birds is water and food. By providing these necessities in your yard you are sure to have a swarm of guests. To provide water you will need a birdbath or a water fountain. You should place the birdbath in an open space so you can engage in your new activity with an unobstructed view. To bring hummingbirds to your site, a little sugar in the water will do the trick. If you live in an area with harsh winters, you will be rewarded for a heated birdbath with excited chirping.

As for food, birds love eating seeds from numerous

Start in Your Own BackyardBy Mary Fesio

types of fruit and flowers. Numerous plant species planted in your yard is a wonderful way to entice a large variety of bird species. But a well-stocked birdfeeder will, definitely, bring the wild birds to your yard instead of that of your neighbors. Various books and articles online will help you decide what kind of seeds and food will give you the best results.

Another point to keep in mind is the placement of the birdfeeders. They should be placed at a height away from walls, bushes or hedges to keep the dining place away from the reach

of predators. This will give the dining birds a clear view of the surroundings and the opportunity to fly away in the case of approaching danger.

Whatever you decide to install you need to remember to clean them regularly to remove bird droppings and moldy seeds before replenishing them with a fresh supply. A clean environment will entice the birds to keep coming back and leaving healthy and refreshed. Finding innovative methods to keep squirrels out of the bird food will also make the birds want to come back.

By following some of these ideas you will insure that the birds will keep coming back and that you have a reoccurring show anytime you want. Bird watching

will not only be an economical recreation. It will become an interesting and rewarding show.

Mary Fesio is the owner and webmaster of This is a website that offers a large variety of quality outdoor bird houses, wooden bird feeders, garden statuary, indoor water fountains, and outdoor water fountains for every taste and decor. Prices are exceptional. Browsers are welcome.

Bird watching

will not only be an economical recreation.

It will become an interesting and

rewarding show.

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 13

et birds, particularly pet parrots, need mental and physical stimulation. Owners of pet parrots know that happy parrots

are birds that enjoy an active life, full of diversion and mental enrichment.

A parrot is not a happy bird if he is kept in a cage with nothing but a little food to keep him occupied. You can help enrich your parrot’s life with bird toys, which are specially developed for pet birds. Along with specialist bird toys, you can also use household objects to build a stimulating environment for pet birds to live. For example, you can use the plastic caps from milk containers and juice bottles strung together as a bird toy.

Wrapping parrot treats in paper and placing in the cage can give pet birds hours of diversion. And uncooked pasta taped

inside a bag can be fun for foraging parrots. Pinecones and safe pieces of wood make good bird toys also.

In addition, there are many toys on the market that have been designed for parrots.

However, when you buy a parrot toy you may find that your pet bird isn’t as excited about the toy as you expect them to be. Bird toys are great for parrots because they provide mental stimulation but it is important to remember that parrots are not all the same.

Parrots, like humans, have individual likes and they dislike different things. You need to take a look at your parrot and observe which kinds of toys he or she likes. Preferences will change over time, so you will need to change the types of toys you provide, as your bird gets older. You can also monitor the behavior of your parrot, so you can judge which types of toy he is most likely to enjoy.

For example, does the parrot like walking and discovering fallen food or lost scraps of wood? Does he enjoy trying to open the lock in the cage? Or does the parrot chew his cage or the wooden struts of his perch? If your bird is always chewing, a toy that gives him the opportunity to chew will be welcome.

For parrots with other tastes, choose foraging toys, or bird puzzles. Parrots may prefer toys made from wood or metal, hanging toys or toys that stay on the floor, noisy toys or quiet toys. Some birds are very wary of something new, so you will need to introduce toys into the cage gradually. supplies parrots and their owners with bird toys and bird supplies specially designed for the health, socialization and enrichment of pet parrots and pet birds. Visit for quality bird supplies delivered directly to your door. (Article Source:

Adopt Me! Pleez

In Light Times is sponsoring All Fur Love Rescue Center by featuring various pets that need adoption. They need a home and a family. Please contact All Fur Love and see if there is a pet that you can adopt today.


DOB: June 12, 2012

Kaira takes a moment to figure out who you are, but once she is comfortable, she enjoys climbing on you and chasing her toys and sibling’s tails. She enjoys the company of other cats and her people as she will occasionally have conversations with them. She will do best in a home with other cats.

QUENALLBreed: DLHDOB: May 16, 2012

Quenall loves kisses and to be picked up and loved. She favorite thing to do is to play fetch. She is a real player but she also is a good listener and loves for you to talk to her. She gets along well with other cats and even dogs.

Please contact All Fur Love Animal Society at: [email protected].,

This Month's Great Pix

Building a Better Life for

Your Parrotwith Bird Toys

By Peter Nane


PAGE 14 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

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Merry Christmas, Baby

“I have always been tempted to do a Christmas album,” said Rod Stewart. “And now that I once again have young children, the timing couldn’t be better. Additionally, Merry Christmas, Baby gave me a chance to reunite with David Foster.”

Foster added, “And I’m thrilled that this is the first project for both of us on Verve.”

This Christmas season, share your greatest holiday memories-and make some new ones with this “memorable” double-disc set! Includes: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas/Perry Como & the Fontane Sisters; This Time of the Year/Brook Benton; Christmas Auld Lang Syne/ Bobby Darin; Silent Night/Dinah Washington; Santa Baby/Eartha Kitt with Henri Rene & His Orchestra; Frosty the Snowman/Gene Autry; Silver Bells/Earl Grant; Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas/Judy Garland, plus Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Greg

Lake, Eva Cassidy, Andy Williams and more!

M i r a c u l o u s M o m e n t s a n d E x t r a o r d i n a r y S t o r i e s f r o m People All Over the World Whose Lives Have Been Touched by Louise L. Hay. In this truly inspirational book, people all over the world express their appreciation for the

writings and teachings of Louise L. Hay . . . and for the miracles she has brought to their lives. Through uniquely heartfelt and awe-inspiring true stories, men and women of all ages and backgrounds reveal how one individual whose life has been devoted to spreading good can touch so many in a positive and miraculous way . . . and then those people spread the good to others . . . and on and on it goes, in a tremendous spiral of joyous energy.

As you read the accounts within these pages, you will laugh, cry, and nod with empathy and understanding.

The subject matter is diverse (relationships, work, finance, health, and more); and the outpouring of emotion is genuine and very personal.

As we contemplate l e a v i n g t h e morning of our life, where ego h a s p l a y e d a commanding role, and entering the a f te r n o o n ( a n d evening), where m e a n i n g a n d purpose replace a m b i t i o n a n d struggle, we may

encounter unexpected occurrences that accompany this new direction.

It’s almost a universal law that we’ll experience a fall of some kind.

Yet these falls or low points provide the energy we need to move away from ego and into a life of meaning and purpose.

The Shift doesn’t mean that we lose our drive and ambition; it signifies that we become ambitious about something new.

We make a commitment to living a life based on experiencing meaning and feeling purposeful, rather than a life based on never-ending demands and false promises that are the trademark of the ego’s agenda.

S i n c e t h e publication of her best-selling book E a r t h A n g e l s ( m o r e t h a n 8 0 , 0 0 0 co p i es s o l d ) , D o re e n Virtue presented workshops about these lightworkers t o s e v e r a l i n t e r n a t i o n a l audiences, which

yielded additional information about the various realms that these beings originate from. In addition to the “core realms” that Doreen discussed in the first book (Incarnated Angels, Incarnated Elementals, Star People, and Wise Ones), some new realms have been discovered.

In Realms of the Earth Angels, Doreen discusses the original Earth Angels book, plus gives updated descriptions about the new realms, which include Mystic Angels (half-angel, half-wise one); Leprechauns (half-elemental, half-wise one); Merpeople; Knights; and more.

As with the original book, you, the reader, can take an expanded quiz to help you recognize your own realm.

Books & MusicBrowse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are

available in the online in the In Light Times Book

Recommended ReadingBooks That Make A Difference

Barefoot Contessa foolproof: reCipes You Can trustIna Gartene

threat VeCtortom ClanCy, mark Greaney

MY Year in MealsraChael ray

super Brain: unleashing the explosiVe power of Your Mind to MaxiMize health, happiness, and spiritual well-Beingrudolph e. tanzI, deepak Chopra

A Must ReAd

Music to Make Note Of

Merry Christmas, BabyBy Rod Stewart

Realms of the Earth Angels: Incarnated angels, elementals, WIzards, and Other lIghtWOrkersBy Doreen Virtue

The Shift: Taking Your Life from Ambition to MeaningBy Wayne W. Dyer

Modern-Day Miracles: mIraculOus mOments and extraOrdInary stOrIes frOm PeOPle all Over the WOrldBy Louise Hay

Time-Life Music: Treasury of Christmas - Holiday Memories by Various Artists

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 15

Gems for the Soul

Answers on Pg 27

❄AustraliaGreeting - Merry Christmas

Santa’s Name - Santa Claus. Children leave him a piece of cake or biscuits and a glass of milk or a bottle of beer.

• Food - Many Christmas dinners include roasted meats and vegetables, special fruitcakes, and puddings with a coin baked

inside. Since the temperature can reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit, people are starting to eat

c o l d m e a t s and salads, tropical fruits like mangoes, and stone fruits like plums. Often, the main meal is eaten for lunch.

• Gifts - These are left under the Christmas tree and opened Christmas morning.

• Decorations - Shops and homes are decorated with tinsel, Christmas trees, decorations for the holiday, and special lights.

•Customs - Traditional and Australian carols are sung by candlelight on Christmas Eve and are broadcast on television. On Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, two sporting events take place:

• The Boxing Day Test Match (cricket game) and the start of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.

❄BrazilGreeting - Feliz NatalSanta’s Name - Papai Noel (Father Noel), who is dressed in a red, silk suit with boots.

•Food - Many people eat a traditional feast with roast turkey and vegetables, while others eat chicken and rice or beans. Beer and wine are also served. Some regions begin eating around 9 PM on Christmas Eve, while others eat around midnight.

•Gifts - Local charities take in donations but do not seem to have enough presents for all the children.

•Decorations - Brazil has a mixture of people so Christmas is celebrated in different ways. In the northeastern area, it is common to find Nativity Scenes; in the southern part, snow is simulated with little pieces of cotton on pine trees.

•Customs - Brazilians sing a number of Christmas carols.

❄GreeceGreeting - Eftihismena ChristougennaSanta’s Name - Hagios Nikolaos

•Food - Special holiday cakes are baked.•Gifts - Most Greek people exchange gifts on Saint Basil’s Day, January 1.•Customs - To honor Saint Basil, the holiday cakes have gold coins hidden inside

them. The cakes are cut at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Whoever has a gold coin in his piece of cake will have good luck the following year.

❄HungarySanta’s Name - Mikulás - Actually, the Baby Jesus is said to bring presents on Christmas Eve. A bell sounds signaling that the Angels have brought the tree and gifts.

•Customs - On December 5, children leave out their shoes. During the night, Mikulas and Black Peter come to fill them with goodies for well-behaved children and switches for naughty children.

❄IndiaSanta’s Name - Ganesha

•Decorations - Sometimes, houses are decorated with mango leaves; mango or banana trees are also decorated. Small, clay, oil-burning lamps are placed on the edges of flat roofs as decorations.

❄IsraelGreeting - Chag Semeach (Happy Chanukah)Santa’s Name - Actually, parents, grandparents, and other family members give presents to the children.

•Food - Because oil is an important part of the holiday, many foods are prepared with it. A favorite is potato latkes (pancakes).

•Gifts - Since Chanukah lasts for eight days, children may receive one present each night.

•Decorations - Jewish stars, blue or silver foil garlands, dreidels (spinning tops),

Chanukah gelt (chocolate coins), and pictures of the Macabees (Jewish army that recaptured the Holy Temple and Jerusalem from the Assyrian Greek King Antiochus) are found around the house.

•Customs - The menorah (candelabra) is lit each night. On the first night, one candle is lit; on, the second night, two candles; and so on until all the candles are lit on the eighth night. After lighting the candles, families eat a festive meal, dance, play games, and open presents. They also attend Chanukah parties.

❄JapanGreeting - Kurisumasu OmedetoSanta’s Name - Santa Kurohsu. He does not appear in person but is pictured in advertisements as a kind old man with a round sack on his back.

•Food - Depending upon the family’s custom, they eat turkey on Christmas Day or on Christmas Eve. Japanese families also eat Christmas cake.

•Gifts - Stores sell merchandise for men, women, and children; and on Christmas Day, families exchange gifts.

•Decorations - More and more artificial Christmas trees are beginning to appear. They are decorated with small toys, gold paper fans, dolls, lanterns, paper ornaments, and wind chimes. A popular ornament is the origami swan. Other decorations are mistletoe, evergreen, tinsel, and lights. An amulet is put on the front door for good luck and children exchange ‘birds of peace,’ pledging there must not be anymore war.

•Customs - The daiku, or Great Nine, refers to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and is performed many places.

There are so many amazing customs around the world - too many to list here. Research other countries for more fun details. However you celebrate the holidays, have a safe, wonderful season and a Happy New Year! Remember...Reading is FUNdamental!

Freda J. Glatt, MS, retired from teaching after a 34-year career in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. Her focus, now, is to reach out and help others reinforce reading comprehension and develop a love for reading. Reading is FUNdamental! Copyright ©Sandral Sensations, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida All Rights Reserved

Christmas CustomsAround the World

By Freda J. Glatt, MS

December is well known for Christmas but do you know howpeople in countries around the world celebrate it?

Here are some customs from various parts of the world.

PAGE 16 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Special edition

we move into 2013, the theme I see is one of “hope”. In the past few years, because we psychics tend to get asked

each December what we see upcoming for the year ahead, most of what I had to say

went against what people, ideally, wanted to hear. This year is different – as this year brings positives galore for a year of renewed economic opportunity and prosperity, as well as a healing/coming together amongst people across the world.

The past five to six years have been “complex”. Many people have gone through what I have labeled “the shamanic roto-rooter”, a dark night of the soul, when we’ve been tasked with outer complications that have compelled us, whether we’ve wanted to or not, to look deep within. 2013 is the year when the flowers bloom, when the seeds we’ve planted through the long dark nights of the past five years bear glorious fruit.

On the ecological front, our glorious Mother Earth is changing. People are waking up to the role we, as humans, have played in modifying long-standing patterns. Global warming will, more and more, be seen as a serious issue and steps, gradual at first, will be taken, on a collective level, to help mitigate the impact of climate changes. Over the next 15-20 years we are likely to see more and more migratory waves, moving towards the center and away from the coast lines.

I think this is inevitable, no matter how beautiful and healing our oceans are for the soul; weather patterns are going to continue to play havoc with those along the coasts – not everywhere, of course, but it will be seen more and more clearly that these large destructive storms are the norm rather than the exception.

One of my “claims to fame” has been my ability to predict times of increased earthquake activity. I, personally, believe man has played a role in destabilizing the Earth’s core, through nuclear testing and drilling, but I don’t expect 2013 to be significant in terms of large-scale “Earth changes”. We have a new yardstick now; however, based on those “new expectations”, I don’t see 2013 as being a significant year. My expectation is that there will be less damage in 2013, just in terms of natural disasters and violent weather, than we’ve seen over the

past 2-3 years. Remember, patterns have shifted and what was once unusual is now more commonplace. But, within that framework, I don’t believe 2013 will be unusual or especially problematic.

In January 2009, just before President Obama’s inauguration, I did a series of radio shows outlining what I expected to happen with the economy. As many were then basking in the expectation of a sudden change for the better, I said just the opposite. I predicted long-term unemployment, of unimaginable levels, that would last until at least the summer of 2011. I laid out a picture that no one really wanted to hear, with systemic problems at every juncture.

But this time, as we look to President Obama’s second term, things are different. The problems of the past few years have played out in such a way to contract the economy quite dramatically. Moving forward, I expect money will be flowing once again, people will be working and, like the late 1990’s, things will be “humming”.

That is the good news. But an economic disaster, such as the past five years has been, will not suddenly correct itself without leaving a few scars. The scar of the economy, I believe, has been the erosion of currency stability and the big losers of this “economic correction” have been people on fixed incomes or pension holders. They have suffered and I don’t see that completely being “fixed”.

I have been predicting for the past six months or so that a second “dot com” era was approaching. I believe that will happen, driven in large measure by technological innovations in home health care, security, and telecommunications.

There will be many amazing discoveries within home health care. I expect medical technicians to do two things: one, come to the homes of the ill or elderly with a portable home lab, that does diagnostic tests that are wirelessly transported back to a resident physician for real-time analysis and two, more and more monitoring tools will be installed and connected to a central home computer system, kind of like a home security system for theft deterrence, that will revolutionize the ways we do medicine going forward.

There are going to be major breakthroughs in medical diagnostic tools that will provide both a higher level of care “on the run” as well as bring down costs. Good news will abound in the areas of medicine and health & wellness.

I have been saying for several years that people would ultimately go to a small “mini-laptop” that is both phone and computer rolled in to one. Whoever patented this device would be, well, happy with their income. This device is now in its infancy and has been called the “phablet”. I have been saying for several years this device was coming and that it would have a HUGE impact. My expectation/timeline for adoption of this device on a large scale was the end of 2013, early 2014. I still expect that to happen.

Laptops and “Phablets” [phone/tablets] will ultimately be giveaways, as the production costs go

down, because the revenue stream will be in services that you connect to through these devices. In other words, the providers of specific services will partner with the computer makers to imbed their service applications into the devices and will underwrite some of those costs, which will be passed on to the consumer.

A change in habit, one which companies hope will lead to long-term customer loyalty.

On the world political stage, my expectation is that we will, across the globe, actively seek measures to “just get along” with one another and much as the voices from some scream out for global conflict, I believe cooler heads will prevail. I expect there to be a change in tone and a renewed commitment to finding diplomatic solutions. There will still be pockets of armed conflict across the globe but, in this arena, my expectation is for a more peaceful and balanced world stage.

Within the United States, my expectation is for a far more “progressive” approach to local and state governance. I believe Citizens United, the provision that sees corporations as “people”, will be overturned and many of the basic rights we have seen eroded recently will return. People will soon be smiling and optimistic again, in a manner we’ve lost touch with over the past 5-6 years.

I talked a lot from 2007 onwards about what I called an upcoming “War against Women”. I believe we have faced a serious crisis, but have weathered the storm and the onslaught against women and women’s health issues will, in my opinion, be less intense than we have seen in the recent past. I expect things to go back to a more balanced state, one in which the gains in women’s rights and civil rights of the past 50 years will not be reversed, as many have attempted over the past few years.

LGBT issues will also be looked upon far more favorably in 2013 and no longer will we deny all citizens the rights to a legal bond. States will soon, in large numbers, pass legislation giving full and equal rights to members of the LGBT community. I would love to say this will happen in every state, but I don’t believe that will be true. However, progress IS progress and more states will adopt equal opportunity initiatives over the next two years.

All in all, I expect 2013 will be a glorious year. The dark clouds are lifting; it is time to step back in to the light.

Labeled “The Rock n Roll Psychic” due to his many clients in the entertainment industry, Andrew Brewer is an internationally televised clairvoyant with over 1000 radio and TV appearances to his credit, perhaps most notably as the Featured Psychic and Co-host of “Kebrina’s Psychic Answer”, which aired throughout the United States and Canada from 1992-94. Recently voted as “The 57th Best/Most Trusted Psychic in the World” in a poll conducted by UFO and Supernatural Magazine of over 500,000 voters in 126 countries, Andrew is the author of ten books and creator of 3 Tarot / Divination Decks. He is a former corporate executive as well as being a film actor in Hollywood. Andrew can be reached at


So, What Can We Expect?

Andrew Brewer

2013 What

Lies ahead?

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 17

Feature Story

The practice of Kundalini Yoga raises ones vibrational level through a series of krias

(movements), asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), chants, mantras and

deep meditation.

Special edition

This chart immediately speaks to a sudden, wild, fast, furious and explosive fire, which causes sudden changes in property. There is also a challenge of water, which may be a need for it, or it may be that there is water in the way, making it harder to control the situation. But it also appears help will be flown in quickly.

It also indicates people are emotionally angry, explosive, wanting immediate help, but are stressed by a lack of money, a need to save money, and a need for government to cut spending. This stress causes people to re-examine their values and what is important.

Legislation and cabinet members talk and offer more resources to help release some of the aggressive emotions. An interesting formation in this chart is what astrologers call a Yod, or in other words, ‘The finger of God.’ This indicates the employment rate, though stressed is slowly transforming. The people are working for less money, the government is transforming and dreams of the American people are forced to focus on saving money, not spending it.

It points to the underlying stress of outsourcing jobs and lack of regulation to protect American jobs. It also raises the issue of stolen intellectual property, inventions, or copyright infringements. Thus, it indicates a stressful push from our government to remedy this through international bodies, probably the UN. There will be plenty of discussion regarding our international trade policies, and unfortunately, much of it will be pointing fingers at enemies.

As far as the people and the President, it seems a calm, almost drugged love affair.

The nation seems to be more focused in this period on foreign enemies or religious enemies, bringing troops home, as well as employment and health care.

There also seems to be an investment issue here, which likely indicates the stock market. It seems to expand and then just flatten or drop. It is a statement of self-destruct, or self-sabotage, so I would recommend you be extremely cautious about investments during this period. If you are a good risk taker, I expect there will be excellent money to be made here; however, if you are not on constant watch, you may miss the warning and lose big time. Areas to watch would be foreign investments in governments, intellectual properties, underground resources, health resources, health software, foreign vehicles, and foreign aircraft.

Investment areas that should do well during this period include clothing and practical, old fashioned, high quality crafts for socializing or networking.

This chart speaks to the next four years of the presidency.With Mercury combust the Sun at the midheaven, the President will be determined to get what he

wants. He is leading the nation, investments in America are up, he is stressed by lies, the past, and foreign undercover agents or agencies. He is thinking in a unique way and advancing freedom internationally while helping free us from foreign issues that have held us hostage or caused us to sabotage our own interests.

The people are learning to master and create a better, more united future as a result of their destructive, wild, aggressive, indulgent past. They are challenged to take action in new ways; to cooperate instead of fight. As January 2013 ends, the overspending involving businesses as a result of free reign, exemption, or other bonuses in taxes, mortgages, or credit cards, will be challenged. It has stressed all our shared resources and must now transform.

The government will transform over this four-year period; it will be reborn. Business internationally, as well as within America, our national image, spiritual outlook, handling of higher education, the internet, and travel will all change over these four years. Much of this will happen through legislation or executive order.

As we come to Christmas Eve 2014, our nation will finally begin to understand the structure and vision of the President, and what he has directed is truly happening. We begin to take a deep breath and know we are going to be alright. Though the work will continue, the realization becomes clear that we are on the right path to recovery.

This chart predicts an explosive event, like an erupting volcano or an earthquake, which happens suddenly and may bring with it both fire and flood. At the same time this challenge may activate a positive outcome because at another level, this appears linked to the struggling housing market and empowers the government, businesses and mortgage companies to work together to resolve the issues.

There is an outpouring of compassion, money, and love by the people for the people. However, money is either dropping in value or in short supply, or both.

This chart is encouraging because it seems we are pulling together to lift ourselves out of the trough of depression. Though there are still angry people, and there are employment challenges, especially for military veterans, we are focused on tackling these things.

Legislation involving taxes on corporations and the wealthy is being reviewed. It causes stress and I do

not believe we get the change at this time unless it is some kind of compromise that favors housing or building home businesses in some way.

There could be a Supreme Court Judge who retires or dies during this period and there seems to be a discussion on who will be chosen to replace him/her. The question of reproduction rights is on the table, and if it is decided during this period, American women will get what they want.

Also, during this time, there may be the change of a cabinet member or leader of the House.

There is stress regarding contracts or legislation about the Internet, public media, higher education, taxes, mortgages, and international commerce. These issues are being reviewed and discussed, as powerful lobbyists work diligently to sway the legislators.

Healing the nation, protecting the people and getting people into homes again is the driving force of this quarter.

This is the most encouraging chart I have seen in years for the housing market and investments. Though we still have Sedna destructive in our house of money and values, Venus points to good investments, more money, more employment, and increased values in the housing market. During this period, passionately investing, may cause trouble. This is to be watched, for as Venus is investing in children, families and homeland; the stock market may climb and then suddenly drop. Here are dates to watch. These dates are active within twenty-four hours before or after: June 21; August 4, 17, 23, 31; September 5.

Members of the Cabinet and legislators stress the President as he works to reform taxes, mortgages, tariffs, and the banking system regarding issues of housing, imports, exports, investments, and military. This time period also indicates a challenge regarding internet taxation, international import of housing materials or outsourcing of housing materials, outsourcing or piracy of technology and international properties and even some issues of media.

A coalition of international governments, probably the United Nations, offers the President a legal

C apricorn IngressDecember 21, 2012 to March 19, 2013

A Special Note on The New Presidency

Aries IngressMarch 20 to June 20, 2013

Cancer IngressJune 21 to September 21, 2013

Continued On Page 24 *

Michele Avanti

PAGE 18 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Clean and moisturize daily: ProduCts to use

• Avoid products with synthetic ingredients, harsh chemicals, and parabens. For however they may help, they will also hinder with the toxins they carry.

• Wash your face daily, especially before going to sleep so your eyes will feel fresh in the morning. This will help you to not rub them so much, which is not good for the elasticity.

• Choose a natural exfoliating wash with natural ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids from milk, fruits, or sugar cane. This removes dead skin that may enhance the appearance of wrinkles.

• Apply a natural eye cream, with your ring or pinkie finger, twice daily for best results. Look for ingredients such as those listed above.

• You need vitamin D, so let your face get some sun, early or late in the day for 20 minutes or so. Some studies also suggest that we need our eyes uncovered to trigger the mechanism that converts sunlight to vitamin D, so you may even go without the sunglasses for those same 20 minutes. Yet, anytime following, be sure to wear sunscreen with organic ingredients and sunglasses.

Our eyes and our faces reflect our health. Take good care of your self inside to look good outside: diet, rest, exercise, water, and you can age slowly and gracefully.

Author: Willow Tohi:

By Willow Tohi

Health lights

augh lines are not funny. Nobody wants crows-feet. But because of the sensitive nature of the skin around the eye, daily activities like

squinting, laughing and rubbing lead to the eventual occurrence of fine lines around the eyes. While there may not be any avoiding them altogether, you can postpone and minimize them by maintaining the health of the under eye area.

There are many natural remedies that can diminish fine lines, and help keep the skin moisturized and supple. Organic ingredients do not have severe chemicals, and so do not have side effects, making them safe and gentle on the sensitive eye area (

HomeoPatHiC and Herbal remedies

Taking care of the delicate skin around the eye is the name of the game. You already know to protect your face with organic sunscreen and sunglasses. In addition to getting enough water and rest, what you eat matters. You need a good diet, and good digestion, to have clear skin.

Certain antioxidants and vitamins are very good for the skin around the eye, so look for products with these ingredients - both internal and external products:

• Antioxidants are key: acai berry, alpha lipoic acid (ALA), pomegranate, resveratrol, sage, and rosemary, among others. Rivers from Livestrong says antioxidants decrease signs of aging and may promote new collagen production (

• Vitamins to consider include vitamin A (in creams, look for the word retinoids), vitamin C, and DMAE.

• Silica is good for the kinds of cells we have in our hair, skin, nails. You can take homeopathic silicon (silicea 30C) or herbs such as horsetail and dulse.

• Tone and strengthen the skin with herbs - horsetail, rosemary.

• Homeopathic remedies and food for eye wrinkle treatments include nat mur (30C) (diluted table salt) to help maintain the body’s water balance and kali sulf (30C) to nourish skin cells on the cellular level (

• Other helpful herbs include: spirulina for reducing scarring and fine lines, dandelion to naturally detox the skin and purify the blood, and alfalfa for its variety of nutrients.

• From your kitchen: use cucumber slices, tea bags, egg whites, coconut oil to reduce swelling, tighten skin ( , It may help to consume these also.

Smooth Out Eye Wrinkles

With These Homeopathic and Herbal Treatments


IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 19

diabetics are wise to avoid most, if not all carbohydrates, as these are the most difficult to digest and break down, certain carbohydrates are better than others for diabetics to consume.

Good glycemic foods tend to have a low score on the Glycemic Index. Good glycemic foods are still carbohydrates, but it is easier for the diabetic to digest and are much healthier and more preferable than those glycemic foods that rank highly on the Glycemic Index. There are substitutions available for foods that have a high ranking on the Glycemic Index and are widely available in supermarkets and other food stores.

Some of the foods that rate low on the Glycemic Index include most

fruits and vegetables, Although fruits and vegetables contain sugar, the sugars contained in these good glycemic foods digest into the system at a slower rate and also provide valuable nutrients to the diabetic, and everyone else of course. The only vegetable that a diabetic should avoid is a potato, as it has a high glycemic index. However other fruits and vegetables are more preferable than white rice, white bread, corn flakes and anything made with white refined sugar or flour.

Other good glycemic foods include wholegrain breads and pastas. If you or a loved one has Type I or Type II diabetes, you should switch to whole grain breads and pastas made from wheat flour. This can be tremendously helpful to anyone who wants to manage their glycemia as well as anyone who wants to follow low carb diets. Basmati rice is also considered one of the good glycemic foods.

Often, it is not a matter of eliminating carbohydrates entirely when one is using diet to control their diabetes, but understanding which carbohydrates rate high on the glycemic index. Diabetes is a disease that can be controlled by proper diet, monitoring one’s blood sugar and following doctors’ orders with taking medication as well as diet and nutrition.

Alison McKenzie is an Ezine author and Internet Marketing using her website to highlight some of the growing trends in 21st Century diseases due to the diets that the western world has adopted and affecting all cultures. Check her website or her blog

Health lights

By Alison McKenzie

Carbohydrates that break down very slowly and therefore releasing glucose into the bloodstream gradually are classified with a low glycemic index. For people who are diabetic, particularly those who are insulin dependent, a low glycemic index diet is preferable. These foods allow the insulin or medication to respond better to the blood glucose and allows for sugars to break down more naturally.

Other foods, which are rated high on the Glycemic Index, raise the blood glucose level quickly. High glycemic foods can be beneficial for people who are recovering from high exertion or those suffering from hypoglycemia. People with Type I or Type II diabetes should avoid high glycemic foods as they can play havoc with insulin or any medication they are taking to control diabetes.

High glycemic foods include those with large amounts of white refined sugar or white flour. The one most important thing a doctor will tell a patient on how to avoid high glycemic foods is to avoid anything white. This includes white bread, pasta made with white flour and even cakes or sweets made with refined white sugar or white flour.

High glycemic foods tend to take a long time to digest in the system of a diabetic. The glucose, or sugar, stays in the blood because the system of a diabetic is unable to process the refine sugars and flours, causing the diabetic to urinate more frequently, experience thirst, hunger and sweat profusely more than the average person.

After a while, this takes its toll on the system of a diabetic, the kidneys begin to hurt because they are not functioning properly. This is the most common symptom that diabetics present with when seeking advise and assistance from a physician. They can also get blood in their urine and, in the worst-case scenario; they faint or enter into an episode of semi-consciousness, confusion which can even lead to a diabetic coma. In some instances, a diabetic coma can prove fatal.

People who have Type I and Type II diabetes should be very mindful of which foods have a high glycemic index and avoid these foods in their diet. With proper diet, medication or insulin and monitoring of blood sugars, diabetics can lead a normal lifespan.

Diabetes is not a death sentence, however it is becoming more common in the 21st century across a broad range

of cultures. It is simply a condition that many people are now getting through having a modern western culture diet of fast foods and highly processed foods. The condition is not allowing their body to break down sugars and starches through their system so that they digest normally. Diabetes can be quite harmful and sometimes fatal to an individual who does not follow the advice of their physician, and consume a proper diet and does not monitor their blood glucose levels closely. People who adhere to the medical guidelines concerning diabetes have just as much of a chance of living a normal life as anyone else.

Good Glycemic Foods The Glycemic Index, which was discovered in 1981 and is the basis for many recently popular diets, including the South Beach Diet as well as others. The Glycemic Index determines how long certain carbohydrates take to break down and digest in the system. Those with a high rating, take the longest time to break down and do the most damage to the system of someone with diabetes. The good glycemic foods; that is, those with the lower rates, are more desirable not only for diabetics, but for those who are watching their carbohydrate intake through such diets as the South Beach Diet, they should also be aware of what the good glycemic foods are.

Good glycemic foods tend to get absorbed slowly into the system, allowing the body to break down the refined sugars and starches so that the body can digest them properly. People with Type I and Type II diabetes have a difficult time digesting carbohydrates, particularly those that rank high on the glycemic index, and therefore due to the lack of proper digestion making it difficult for the diabetic to expel glucose from their blood. While most

High Glycemic Foods &Good Glycemic Foods

PAGE 20 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Health lights

We love to sit. We buy recliners for our homes, ergonomic chairs for the office and camp chairs for our kids’ soccer games. Sitting feels good. The trouble arises when we sit too much. Humans evolved on the go. We aren’t designed to sit eight, 10, 12 hours during the day. In fact, we evolved to be active during the day and rest at night, and many of our biological mechanisms are designed to support that lifestyle. So when we live contrary to our body’s normal modes, there can be consequences.

A number of recent studies have outlined these consequences in a big way. A study in England showed that office workers who sat more than five hours a day had higher body mass indexes (BMIs) and felt a loss of mental well-being. Even more alarming, a massive study of 220,000 people in Australia found people who sat more than 11 hours a day had a 40% greater chance of dying in the following three years, compared to those who sat for under four hours a day.

What’s especially troubling about the last study is that regular exercise did not reduce the risk of premature death. It’s very difficult to counter six million years of primate evolution. The body wants exercise at certain times and rest at others, and does not seem to respond well when we switch the order. In other words, we can no longer justify hours of inactivity with the excuse: “I’ll just work out later.”

There are other contributing factors to the high risks of sitting. It seems that sitting too long may be a “gateway drug” for other bad choices. For example, the people who sat for such prolonged periods were also eating high-fat foods and not drinking enough water. The office environment itself can be a negative factor. Not having enough natural light affects our serotonin and melatonin levels which, in turn, affect our immune and circulatory systems. Poor circulation can lead to deep vein thrombosis, or blood clots in the legs. This is especially dangerous when flying for long periods of time, as pressurized airplanes tend to exacerbate the problem.

Mindful SittingSo how do we process this information? You may respond by saying, “Great, now I can’t even sit anymore.” But that’s not really the case. We know, for example, meditation practitioners can sit for many hours a day, moving intermittently, but maintain significant health advantages. So it’s not just a matter of sitting, but rather how we sit.

Offices, by their very nature, are stressful places. High stress increases the excretion of adrenal hormones, which over time degrade the immune system. Sitting just makes matters worse. Also, because the heart is working slower, the blood is not moving as fast, and the circulatory system can be compromised. Excess hormones are not being circulated and metabolized…a potentially dangerous cocktail.

On the other hand, let’s move the sitting posture away from the office, with its stale air and minimal natural light, to a mountain with fresh air, abundant sunlight and plenty of fresh water. Under those circumstances, you could easily sit for 11 hours, taking frequent exercise breaks, and the experience would benefit both mind and body.

From my own experience, I know meditative practice is profoundly beneficial; lowering my blood pressure, improving a variety of other health markers and enhancing my sense of well-being. It’s a healing practice. Though I am sitting, I am dedicating this posture to my own growth.

By simply making this change of context, sitting becomes a vehicle to heal ourselves. So we’re finding that sitting is deeply interrelated with other lifestyle choices.

Overcoming the Negative EffectsEven if you have a desk job, there are still a number of measures you can take to control sitting’s negative effects and

ensure good health. The most important thing is to simply get up and walk around: every hour, every 45 minutes, every half an hour…whatever is practical in your situation. Move around; get your blood flowing again, clear your head. If you have access to a couch, take advantage of it. It’s great to lie down for a few minutes and lift your feet above your heart. Even one minute will make a difference.

During your lunch break, take a short walk, 15 minutes will do the trick. Walk before eating and then rest after eating, so you can dedicate enough circulation to digestion.

You should also be looking for supplements that aid circulation. I recommend a Tibetan formula, which incorporates botanical ingredients, such as costus root, neem fruit, cardamom fruit and others to aid circulation and immunity.

Medicinal mushrooms like Cordyceps, Reishi, shitake and oyster also boost circulation and immunity, as do specific enzymes, like nattokinase and lumbrokinase. These ingredients are not dissimilar to taking a baby aspirin to enhance cardiovascular health.

Attitude Is EverythingGood hydration, deep breathing and frequent movement can all help us overcome the effects of too much sitting. But embracing a good attitude is just as vital. There are a number of meditation practices that can help you make a significant difference.

Put a nice stone, or an inspiring message, on your desk. Every so often, stop and look at it for a few seconds or a minute. Let your eyes gaze at it and breathe, exhaling into it and inhaling from it. Simply concentrate on the object and your breathing.

By initiating this practice you can start to feel that sense of “ahhh,” where everything starts to relax. It can take just 30 seconds of your time. When your meditation practice becomes more developed, then the heart opens up and prevents emotional stagnation. This kind of meditation can really benefit your heart and circulation. Indeed, it’s important to remember, meditation has been proven to aid circulation, and is often done while sitting.

So remember, yes, sitting can be dangerous. But it’s more than the act of sitting that’s problematic; it’s the environment and attitudes that go along with it. Mindful sitting can bring great benefits for our minds and bodies and can, in fact, heal.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz is an integrative medical doctor, licensed acupuncturist, researcher, product formulator, and frequent guest lecturer. He is the founder and medical director of Amitabha Medical Clinic in California, an integrative health center specializing in cancer and chronic conditions. Visit:

By Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Sitting…May Kill

it Can alSo Heal

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 21

Health lights

hat is really happening d u r i n g a n e n e rg y healing? Why do some seem to have magical

experiences and total recoveries while others don’t? Do you have to believe in order to have a successful energy healing?

As a healer, I have to detach from the outcome of a healing and release any preconceived ideas I may have towards my client’s recovery. I have seen believers not be healed and skeptics receive miracles.

Here is an example of a miracle healing. I was contacted two months ago by a Reiki Master friend. She wanted to help her sister; but, feeling too close to the situation, she asked me to conduct the treatment. The first question I asked was if the client was willing to accept a healing. The sister was willing to try anything although she didn’t believe in energy work.

Upon arriving, I talked with the client for over an hour. She was desperate to get pregnant. She was scheduled for an in vitro fertilization two months later and wanted any assistance she could get to make the treatment successful. The process is very expensive and they only had the resources for one.

My friend and I worked on her for over an hour using both Reiki and Cosmic Vibrational Healing. At the end of the session we sat down to counsel her again. I gave her suggestions for stress relief, affirmations and visualizations to do for the next eight weeks.

The client refused to do the visualizations and was reluctant to do the other suggestions. I left her house wishing for the best but with no expectations.

Two months later, I received a text from my friend. Her sister went to be prepped for surgery for her fertility treatment. After getting the blood tests back, she discovered that she was already pregnant!

Did she do the post treatment exercises?

I don’t know. What I do know is that no matter what the conscious mind might think, the real healing comes from the Spirit. The skeptic can be healed miraculously.

There are times when those that do believe are not healed. It isn’t a lack of faith. The client’s Spirit has a higher purpose for the disharmony in the body. Healing may or may not come later, but for now, everything is exactly the way it should be.

An energy healer is only the channel or director of energies . Whi le a healer might release blocked energies and s trengthen weak areas, the real healing comes from within the client.

The healer acts as a mirror reflecting Who The Client Really Is. This means that the healer sees the client in his or her highest form, a perfect soul. No

matter what happens in the body, the soul is always perfect.

While the healer adjusts energies, she also maintains a vision of the perfection of the client’s soul. The client must agree to the rearrangement of energies and accept this new vision. This is seldom a conscious agreement but instead occurs on a spiritual level. If the client agrees with this picture, healing in the body will occur. If the client disagrees, the newly balanced energies will shift back to their original state soon after the healing session.

So what can you do to ensure your next healing is a success? First, have a clear idea of what you wish to gain by the healing. Discuss this intention with your practitioner before your treatment.

All physical ailments begin first in

the spiritual realm. It is a spiritual malady. Physical symptoms manifest to bring your attention to a greater underlying spiritual ailment. Healing the symptoms without addressing the root cause will only give you a temporary fix. Be open-minded to the thoughts, feelings, pictures and memories that surface during your healing as these are most likely the cause of the current disharmony in the body. Acknowledging and consciously releasing whatever comes to mind during your session will go a long way to ensuring a successful treatment.

If you are not healed after a session, go within and find the source of dis-ease in the body. Where is it located? What is it trying to tell you? What are you getting out of this disharmony? Ask your Spirit for clarification as to the purpose of the ailment and the root cause. Do you use it as an excuse to not move forward? Is it a shield? What is it hiding?

When you can release the hidden fear or resentment attached to the dis-ease, healing can begin. Remember that ultimately all healing is done by you. Remember Who You Really Are…a Divine being. You are the Creator made manifest in physical form. You have the power to change your reality, including your health, by the power of your thoughts. Getting in tune with your Higher Self before the treatment will help align your thoughts and intentions with your Spirit.

Be well. Embrace wholeness. Unlock the door to Who You Really Are by accepting nothing less than perfect health. Stay in tune with your body for it knows what the Spirit wants and needs.

Cinnamon Crow is the author of The Chakra Zodiac Healing Oracle & Teen Oracle. She is a Reiki & Cosmic Vibrational Master Teacher. Visit her at

Successful Energy HealingW

An energy healer is only the channel or director of energies.

While a healer might release blocked energies and strengthen

weak areas, the real healing comes from within the client.

By Cinnamon Crow

How to Have a

PAGE 22 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMESContinued On Page 24 *

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 23

Health lights

I am sure you have heard comments such as ‘Cracking your knuckles will give you

arthritis’ or ‘Watching too much TV will damage your eyes’. Old wives’ tales are like that, some might have been useful at some point, some are just superstition and others actually are very useful and efficient. After all, many of the ‘Old wives’ tales’ have been handed down by midwives and healers that were

valued medical practitioners.

I have collected for you 6 ‘Old wives’ tales’ that do work.


According to Chinese Medicine, the damp and the cold (especially in winter) from going outside with wet hair can lead to an invasion of cold, the start of what we normally call ‘a cold’. Whilst this sounds a bit surprising, research has recently shown that being cold actually lowers our immune system, making us more prone to catch a cold.

2- If YOU feeL nAUseOUs, TAKe sOMe GInGerThis is a trick that quite a few pregnant women suffering from morning sickness have tried. And it works, especially if the woman is tired and tends to be cold. You can buy some ginger capsules over the counter or even better, you can make a brew with about one teaspoon of grated fresh ginger in a cup of hot water. One or two ‘ginger tea’ a day is usually plenty to keep the nausea at bay.

3- dOn’T eAT sPICY fOOds If YOU Are PrOne TO ULCersMouth ulcers can be due to very different reasons. But if your ulcers look red, either very red-rimmed or pale red-rimmed ulcers, then you probably are better keeping off very heating substances such as hot peppers and chilli.

4- CHICKen sOUP WILL CUre YOUr COLdThis is certainly what our grandparents would have told us to do. And with good reasons. Chicken Soup is a really good way to fight tiredness and give you a boost thereby supporting your body to fight the infection off.

5- If YOU HAVe A sTOMACH ACHe Or IndIGesTIOn, drInK PePPerMInT TeAPeppermint tea is a cooling and moving herb making the ideal solution when you have over indulged yourself. It will help the stomach to cope with the excess of food and ensure that the food keeps moving (and not stay like a huge weight on your stomach).

6- If YOUr BACK HUrTs, PUT sOMe COLd/HeAT On ITActually, I am sure you have realized that the advice here is usually conflicting. Some people advise to put some heat on the painful area and

others advise to put some cold.

When your back, neck or joints such as the knee hurt, both cold or heat can help relieving the pain. If the joint is hot to touch, looks red, then cold is the best solution. You can use a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel and put in your knee for example.

But if the area is at a normal temperature or feels cold, if the pain feels more like an ache, then a heat pad is a better solution. You can use heat pads sold at the chemist or wheat bag warmed in the microwave. Hot water bottles, whilst nicely warm, can be detrimental in the long run as they are also making the area damp, something you really want to avoid if the joint is swollen for example.

Sabine Green is an acupuncturist practicing in the Middlesbrough area (UK). She is also a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC).

Article Source:

6 Old Wives’ Tales That Work

By Sabine Green


PAGE 24 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Special editionContinued from Page 8

Continued from Page 17

venue to free us from the lies and abuse of international piracy. This may also break some of the issues that have imprisoned

us regarding oil, medicine, and creative works.

People appear to be happier in this period with a focus on family, children and homeland. We are learning to master our investments and to focus on the value of family and home.

Because Uranus and Pluto will square during this quarter, this chart has the potential for physical explosion such as a volcanic eruption. Unlike the Libra Ingress of 2012, which showed the potential for a terrible storm to hit the East Coast, this chart indicates a Western experience. Of course the potential for explosive volcanic eruptions is not limited to Hawaii, but it exists for many other places on the globe. Based on this observation, I moved the chart to Honolulu, Hawaii and there it indicates a strong possibility of eruption, and/or severe flooding due to an eruption. There

are many dates that look challenging during this summer for Hawaii, but these are the key ones with twenty-four hour windows on either side, to watch: June 22; July 16, 20; August 12; September 12, 21

This ingress pictures the nation like a newly transformed butterfly trying to fly. The people struggle with karmic issues from indulgent and emotionally made contracts, to legislation, and international treaties, which allowed corporations to flourish overseas. Though there is some transformation happening, the power of international corporations seems to prevail; challenging the values and passion of the nation. Independent and liberty minded citi-zens, as well as American inventors,

push for reform and legislative relief.

Though there are increases in employment through the areas of health care, foreign service, teaching, home school or tutoring, international surgical and medical sales, and real estate sales to international investors, we are challenged by funding needs, outsourcing and defense contracting.The President is focused on loyalty to the American people, while the Congress is publicly challenged by active military, veterans, their contracts, families, their health and work transition.

When I run this ingress for Los Angeles, it indicates a sudden underground explosion that may burst into flames. It may be an earthquake off shore that starts the action or just one deep underground. It may be the result of corporate drilling. It also indicates some kind of communication, internet, satellite,

highway, investment challenges. Could be an overwhelming of the system causing a brown out. These dates, plus the twenty-four hour periods before and after, will be times to watch: September 22; October 17, 28; November 7;December 17.

Michele i s an ISAR Cert i f i ed Professional Astrologer, Accredited Fixed Star Analyst, Metaphysical Minister, and award winning visionary fiction author. She has been teaching and consulting in metaphysics since 1972. You can listen to Michele’s “I Am The Light” radio program Wednesday nights at 7 PM Pacific Time, on Learn more about metaphysica l and astro logica l sessions with Michele by clicking the consultations tab on her blog at: or send her a message on

Predictions 2013

Libra IngressSept. 22 to Dec. 20, 2013

growing, expanding and changing, so it is with your microcosmic Universe. Things will orbit, eclipse and even from time to time collide with your world. That is what it means to be human and a Universe unto yourself.

At our finest, we are designed to be flexible, resilient, open to change and sensitive to growth potential. The paradox of the human experience is that we are built for rapid and sudden adaptation, but we want everything perfectly organized and in its place, and we want it to all stay that way or else! Just because we are created to go with the mutable flow does not make us immune to primitive responses such as rigidity, fearfulness, inflexibility and unreasonable stubbornness. Just because we have achieved a specific quality of livelihood doesn’t mean there will not be an opportunity to upgrade and evolve to the next level. Just because some people are screaming the sky is falling doesn’t mean your name is “Chicken Little.” The Western concept that there is only one reality, and that it is a ubiquitous truth is merely an illusion. Technology and how we relate to reality is changing so rapidly, how could we possibly imagine that job descriptions and positions would not change at the same rate to accommodate these new, more effective variations? When job loss is at an all time high, it is an invitation to reinvent ourselves, our skills and talents, and to dare to explore the dreams and potentials that have lived outside of our previous comfort zone, our occupationally challenged box. Imagine what the world would be like if computers were suppressed because they were going to displace millions of people’s jobs. Steve Jobs of Apple wouldn’t have had a job or a company. I guess that would make him just Steve or Steve Jobless.

For every loss, we, as unlimited Spiritual beings, have both the power and potential to invent a new wheel, create another source of fire, mine previously unexplored inner forms of gold. After all, this planet was constructed so that we could realize and unfold the evolution of our souls. While living in an environment that was manifested solely for the purpose of our awakening to the reality of our unlimited true nature, words like loss, failure, useless and unwanted really need to be redefined. What also

requires redefining are ideas like success, valuable and a willingness to experience the present moment as an opportunity to move forward. Here are some alternative definitions:

“Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey.” ~ Author Unknown.

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill

We have come here to learn and grow. Should we discover along the way that what we have been doing is no longer working for us, that we must find a more life enhancing way to relate to our problems and life challenges, then we have not failed. We have matured. We have found ourselves in a position where we must require more from ourselves and demand greater accountability from those who have applied for the jobs of public servants. If you do not like the direction things are taking, do not behave like a child or let people get away with irresponsible, greedy behavior. You are not powerless or a victim… unless you want that in your Universe.

Vaishali is the author of “Wisdom Rising” and “You Are What You Love.” She is also a national health and wellness speaker and radio host of “You Are What You Love,” heard weekly at, Sundays at 11p.m. PST worldwide, and on Contact Talk Radio, Fridays from 1p.m. to 2 p.m. PST. Vaishali learned to transform her life from the threat of two terminal disease diagnoses, domestic abuse and financial devastation. Join Vaishali at The Alive and Healthy Conference aboard The Queen Mary March 22-24th, 2013

Changing times Offer Us OppOrtUnity

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 25


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HEAlERs, Energy

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IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 27


JANET hANDLEy, 702-808-8784Improve your life with a Reiki Healing sesson to balance your life’s experience.


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Transform Your Life!sPiritual develoPMent

To One & AllMay we find an inner Peace that radiates outwardly into the world and may this peace find new inroads for humanity to embrace the unity of all souls.

May we find Joy that lightens our burdens as we travel upon the paths of life.

May we find Faith in a Source greater than ourselves…knowing that we are not alone in this universe.

May we find Love in all that we survey; and as we extend our love to family, friends, our animal companions, let us not forget to love ourselves.

May we find Wisdom that leads to new understandings of our true purpose in this life; that will bring about true inner Peace, lasting Joy, all encompassing Faith and unconditional Love … the one element that binds Peace, Joy & Faith together.

By Michelene K. BellHoliday GreetinGs

PAGE 28 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19This month is quite good in fortune to an already lucky and carefree Aries. Take advantage of your luck and move things in your way. Expand outlook and tap into anything that inspires your creativity. Maybe you can plan a great party. Just make sure you don’t waste energy.

TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20The time to build bridges with family members is right now. Mellow tones ring in even the nastiest of situations. Be yourself, Taurus, and don’t take “no” for an answer. Today it is yes, yes, yes. While you are so agreeable, consider enhancing all your surroundings.

GEMINI • May 21 to June 20Gemini’s seem to know exactly what to say this week. Speak your mind and maneuver around the fallout. You are tempted to blurt out the most inappropriate (yet heartfelt) things now. Forget about it; you’re just too honest!

CAnCer ~ june 21 to july 22You are more fiscally astute this month. Cancers recognize the value of a dollar and how difficult it is to accumulate. If you can keep a careful eye on the retirement prize, try to push your monetary cause one step further. Don’t misuse the extra cash that comes your way.

LeO ~ july 23 to Aug. 22You are even more appealing than usual. You impress everyone you meet. Set the agenda by doing everything new; new projects, trying new things and creating a new image. For the first time in your life, you just may be surprised and win.

VIrGO ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22There is a healing taking place within you. Intuition is on target so do good things for deserving people and build up the good karma. You get more than you give and that is a nice change of pace! You can have a fresh start with a clean slate instead of flaws to overcome.

LIBrA ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22Libras seem to be more in tune with group dynamics. Rather than fade into the background, they emerge bold and beautiful into the forefront. Gather your buddies together and create your own oligarchy and enjoy it with a select few.

sCOrPIO ~ Oct. 23 to nov. 21Brush up on your skills; you make some inroads in otherwise treacherous waters with charm and a charismatic style. You might even overcome entrenched workplace enemies if you can manage to spin a little sugar.

sAGITTArIUs ~ nov. 22 to dec. 21Expand your vision and scratch your itchy travelling feet. You have the tender touch and can make a warm and compelling impression on those who you do not know well. Learn to listen and respect their values, and what is important to them.

CAPrICOrn ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19What makes all Capricorns so loveable and attractive now? You are especially charming at this time. Enjoy it while it lasts and don’t waste it. This magic will dissipate quickly.

AqUArIUs ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18Although it may be cold comfort to Aquarius looking for adventure this month on a day by day basics, if the job doesn’t get your juices going, try a brisk workout to increase energy. Then imagine them watching you walk when you look so shipshape!

PIsCes ~ Feb. 19 to March 20Acceptance of yourself at all levels is the key; know you did your best with what you had to work with. Be brave and willing to go wherever the process takes you. Then, you will be able to eventually bring up, release or maybe even treasure what life has to offer.

The Archer–Centaur is the symbol that represents the dual nature, the intellectual (brain) and the animal (torso) of humankind…to find balance between the two. Sagittarians are optimistic and freedom loving, jovial and good humored, honest, and straight forward, intellectual and philosophical. As an opportunist ready to seize the moment as it presents itself, they very much are enjoying a utopian environment and sees life as an adventure. The Sagittarian

is frank in his opinion though, yet jovial in nature, and full of energy and enthusiasm. They are sincere, reliable and trustworthy most of the time. They are religious and spiritual in nature and have strong sense of morality. The issues regarding love; they are faithful to their spouses.

Sagittarius are tempered people by nature, they are impatient and domineering. They have a sharp and caustic tongue and at times inconsiderate. They can be careless, sarcastic and superficial with others and tactless with those they are not close with. When energy is not focused or directed, they may become depressed or restless. When depressed they may demonstrate arrogance or self-pity. If the Sagittarian is not careful to keep all four feet on the ground, his life will pass without him ever having made a commitment to anyone or anything. They are likely to always be running late and miss a date, but this is only because they are so forward thinking they forget about the present. (This trait runs in all the Fire Signs, Aries, including Leo) Tolerance is required. They do not do this on purpose, this is just who they are. If you understand and accept this, having a Sagittarius in Life will make the sun shine a lot brighter. Their motto is “don’t fence me in” loud and clear!

Personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.Hello Stargazer’s. The New Year is almost here and we have already started wondering about how this next year is going to be! Every New Year comes with innumerable expectations where everyone wishes for constructive energy for the whole year. But this month we also have the famous Dec.21, 2012 prediction of the Mayan calendar. One, let me explain, nothing is going to happen that

famous day. Life will go on as usual. Under the note below, I will explain this event.

Clarice’s Mystical Realm AstrologyHappy Birthday Sagittarius!

November 22nd to December 21st“I see”

LUNAR ACTIvITY: Full Moon: Dec. 28th in Cancer; New Moon: Dec.13th in Sagittarius; Last Quarter Moon: Dec. 6th in virgo; First Quarter Moon: Nov. 19th in Pisces.

Note: The equator of the Milky Way galaxy on December 21, 2012 is exactly this: Every year, on the winter solstice, our Sun has a declination of -23.5 degrees, and a Right Ascension of 18 hours. What makes the alignment of 2012 special is how this alignment occurs relative to very distant stars. On December 21, the alignment will be right along the plane of the entire galaxy. This precession of the equinoxes goes in a complete circle of all zodiac signs and ages every 26,000 years or 0.01 degrees each year.

A significant detail that promoters of the 2012 doomsday fail to point out is that the plane of the galaxy is quite wide; in fact, it takes the winter solstice between 700 hundred and 1,400 years to cross this plane! So, 2012 is just one year amidst a span of 700 years. According to astrologers, the Sun will be hitting the ecliptic equator on that day in the zodiac sign Capricorn, forming a Yod with Jupiter, Mercury, venus and Pluto, also known as the Finger of God. This form does signify change and transformation to come. Needless to say, this will be a fascinating month and New Year. There has never been more potential for growth on the planet. You are here for a reason; live your purpose, for life goes on!

For The effects of Retrograde planets and Eclipses, go to for detailed info & Mystic Clarice’s featured articles.

Important, read Sun, Rising & Moon signs to have a full picture.

ruling Planet: Jupiter ~ Rules: Hips & ThighsSymbol: Archer/Centaur ~ element: Fire ~ energy: MasculineLesson: Learning to make commitmentsColors: Purple, Blue & Beige ~ Gem Stones: Turquoise & TopazSpiritual Flower: Narcissus & DandelionsKey Personality: Freedom loving, Intellect & EnthusiasmMost Compatible Signs: Aries & Leo depending on Rising & Moon signs

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 29

Clarice’s Life Path NumerologyA personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.

December is a 12 = 3. The three vibrations this month is ruled by Jupiter. You are persuasive, expansive and determined. You have talents that can bring success if you avoid scattering energies. Stay focused on your goals and avoid excesses; especially since Jupiter went retrograde last October 5th until January 30th. With Jupiter retrograde, it will make things harder to achieve what you want if you are not focused.

What Is Your Life Path Number?

Compatibility Numbers

Life Path – Mars Rules Humanitarian, idealistic, Visionary, DramaticAfter hard work in this period, productivity will increase and you can expect

recognition and financial success. You could find conflicts in your business or job, but you will master the situation internally rather than moving into an external frame. Professionally, you need to strategically plan all your moves.


Life Path – Saturn Rules Enterprising, Realistic, Authoritative, EfficientThe most powerful number in numerology is the eight. People who are eights

are born for achievement, success and leadership. You can achieve great things throughout your lifetime. Have faith in yourself and your abilities. If you have self-discipline, you can succeed in personal and public life. Be open to the new.


Life Path – Neptune Rules analytical, Questioning, spiritual, intuitive You have a talent that can bring you pleasure and, perhaps income. Take a

fresh look at a troubled relationship. Ask yourself if it’s worth the effort. Explore new options. Things are complicated right now, it’s time to finalize a project so you can move onto something new. Associates offer fresh perspectives.


Life Path – Venus Rules Trustworthy, Paternal or Maternal, Teacher, HealerOpportunities will come your way this month that will position you for a

promotion, raise, or simple adulation. Your social circle will expand and you will welcome new friends into your life. These people will help you in your quest to learn about different cultures. Spend time with those who inspire you!


Life Path – Mercury Rules Freedom of Communication, expression, Variety Number five people will feel a kind of unexpected frequency changes in their

work life due to the starting of many new projects and assignments. Be versatile; scattered energy can bring disappointments. The feelings of independence and freedom will be stronger in you than in others if you have stayed focused.


Life Path – Uranus Rules systematic, Workaholic, reliable, responsibleThis year was all about future desires. The time was transforming yourself

according to your situation. There will be a steady professional growth of number four people, and will be seen at their peak in the last few months of this year. You still will need to bring more order to the scene of your lives?


Life Path – Jupiter Rules socializing, optimism, inspiration, artisticThrees love the finer things in life; spending money as quickly as they receive

it. Energy can scatter into different fields of interest; use imagination and wisdom wisely. If you have stayed focused this year you will get an income raise, fruitful returns on investments, promotions, or property inheritance.


Life Path – Moon Rules Cooperation, Teamwork, Diplomacy, intuitionThe twos are almost the complete opposite of ones. Number two symbolizes

diplomacy. They have no interest in becoming great leaders and are behind the scenes. Twos are gentle, supportive and loving. They have a tendency to allow others to walk all over them and influence their already fragile mind.


Life Path – Sun Rules self-determinism, Leadership, exploration, independenceOnes represent the leader of all numbers. Number one people are creative,

energetic, independent, and intuitive. They are said to give off self-confidence from every pore of their body, silently beckoning us to follow them. Number ones are also very generous, yet can become self-obsessed. Be careful.


1 1-5-7 3-9 4-8 62 2-4-8 3-6 9-5-7 13 3-6-9 1-2-5 4-7 84 2-4-8 6-7 5 95 1-5-7 3-9-4 8 66 3-6-9 2-4-8 1 1-5-77 1-5-7 4 8-9 68 2-4-8 6-7 1-5 3-99 3-6-9 1-5 2-7 4-8

Your Number Natural Fit Nbrs. Compatible Nbrs. Netural - Can Go Either Way Nbrs.

Challenge & Requires Compromise Nbrs.

The Life Path is the sum of the birth date of an individual, and remains throughout your life. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you carry with you through life; no individual has the same fingerprints, so, by adding your numerology number to your astrology sign makes you a totally unique individual. In numerology you have three primary numbers, your Life Path, Day and Attitude numbers. As you figure out your numbers, read all three to get a complete picture

How To Find Your Life Path NumberTo find this number add all the numbers in your birth date. First, convert the month to a single number, and then add this individual digit, to the birthday, and the individual digit of the birth year. The individual digits are again added together, as necessary to reduce the total sum to a single digit 1 through 9. In this column I am not covering your personal year number, only for each month how your basic birth number is affected. If you are interested in the year number 1 through 9. You would add your month and day together to a single digit, and then add it to the existing year, to know the year number you are in.

Example: Date of Birth: February 8, 1939 (2-8-1939). Add the month (2) to the day (8) plus the total of the digits in the year, (2-8-22 = 32 = 5.) The Life Path number is 5. To get the attitude number you add the month to the day to a single digit. This person’s numbers are: Life Path 5, Day 8, and Attitude number is 1.

For your convenience I’ve listed the basic meaning to the numbers below; this will also help you know what numbers you are compatible with.

The Basic Numbers and their Meaning1-5-7 Are the mental numbers, they ask the big questions in life.2-4-8 Are the financial numbers, they are concerned with security issues.3-6-9 Are the communication/creative numbers.3-4-7-9 Are the Spiritual numbers, the numbers 4 & 7 are the genus numbers, and covers all talents.

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Renowned Award Winning

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Mystic clariceAuthor of 11 Books • 34 years experience

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Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.Licensed

The 3 vibration is the release point for our current energy pattern that lies through other people. Here you find that letting go of old ideas of who is important and accepting the value of those who are connected to you by marriage, partnership, and through shared resources is the answer for these difficult times. Listen; respect their values, beliefs and what is important to them. Check your perceptive, who is the most important to you on future goals. You will find answers you were overlooking. Have you taken them for grant?

The Birth Path number describes the nature of this journey through life. Remember, 3 is ruled by Jupiter which also rules Sagittarius. Due to the planet being retrograde, threes’, (besides Sagittarians), need to be more diplomatic with their words, deeds and moods. Stop and view your most important desires and dreams before it’s too late to do anything about getting things back on track.

PAGE 30 • december, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Light Happenings December, 2012

6 & 13 THURSDAYMedITATIOn & Oneness BLessInG, (Deeksha) 7pm; Love Offering. Find your center among like-minded people. Come join us at 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, Las Vegas. Unity in the Valley. RSVP 702-435-3289;

21 &22 FRI - SATSEDONA 2012 FESTIVAL-SHIFTING INTO THE NOW AGE, Exhibitors, musicians, healers, intuitives, workshops, world leading teachers and authors, including Patricia Cota Robles, Theo, Elsa & Carrie Stokes, Michael Mirdad, Jewels Maloney, Aleya Annaton, Sally Reeves Conway and more. Friday, 12/21 4-9 p.m. Saturday 12/22 9a-9p Hilton Resort, Sedona, Arizona. Limited attendance. For tickets and information go to

23 SUNDAYreLeAse, HeAL & PrOsPer, 6:30pm with Dr. Robert Moldowan. Unity Center in the Valley @ 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289.

30 THURSDAYdrUMMInG CIrCLe, 7pm; Love Offering. Contemporary movie, kick back, relax and join other Truth seekers. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289.


UnITY CenTer In THe VALLeY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Children’s Programs 10am. Meditation & Metaphysical Discussion. Topics: Dec. 2nd, Say YES! to Wholeness & Relationships: You are never alone; Dec. 9th, Say YES! to the Impossible; Dec. 16th, Say YES! to Proclaiming Your Greatness; Dec. 23rd, Say YES! to Birthing A New Consciousness; Dec. 30th, Say YES! to Burning Bowl Ceremony. 3037 E. Warm Springs. #300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289.

eCKAnKAr WOrsHIP serVICe, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. Topics: Dec. 2nd, Soul Travel, Fact or Fiction; Dec. 9th, When to Let Go & When to Hold On; Dec. 16th,Spiritual Tools in Every Situation; Dec. 23rd, Life: The Master Teacher; Dec. 30th; What is Illusion? What is Truth? Community HU Song, Dec. 28, 6:15pm at Pure Health Foods, 7575 W. Washington Blvd. The HU Song is for the public and all students of Eckankar.

sPIrITUALIsT CHUrCH Of eTernAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702-362-6184.

TeACHInG Of THe Inner CHrIsT, 11am; Friendship Circle and meditation. 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904 on Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas.

MONDAYSAnIsTIMOLOGY, 6:30pm; $25; Every 2nd & 4th Monday; Become more alert, aware, & alive through breath, sound & simple body movement with Adora Starrsinger. Unity in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289.

GOLd LIGHT YOGA (YOGA + qIGOnG), 7:45-9:15pm; Donation. Classical Ashtanga yoga combined with QiGong created for new and intermediate students. Blue Sky Yoga, Arts Factory 107 E. Charleston Blvd Downtown Las Vegas,

TUESDAYSMeTAPHYsICAL BOOK sTUdY, The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, 6:30pm-8pm. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held at 3037 E. Warm Springs, Ste. 300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289.

WEDNESDAYSPrAYers fOr THe PLAneT, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone 702-530-3250 or website

TeACHInG Of THe Inner CHrIsT, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas.

MIndsHIfTer sUPPOrT GrOUP, 7pm. Free yourself from emotional pain and experience release and joy. Unity Center in the Valley,3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289.

UPCOMING EVENTSrenO, InfOrMed CHOICes In HeALTH LeCTUre serIes - Saturday Jan. 12, 2013; $15 per lecture. Presenters include: David A Edwards, MD, HMD; Michael Gerber, MD, HMD; Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD; Dr. Richard Meier, FCOVD; George Green, PhD; John C Lemay, MA, MFT; Robert Ayres. See ad in January issue.

LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 pEr EVENT (BaSEd oN 20 wordS) + $1 EacH word THErEafTEr • SuBmIT VIa E-maIL: [email protected] (SuBjEcT LINE, caLENdar)

National Chocolate Month

Merry ChristmasHappy HanukkahCelebrate You!

We wish you and yours a very blessed holiday season filled with

love, laughter, joy & peace.

IN LIGHT TIMES • december, 2012 • PAGE 31

Gemstone Healing Angels were created to combine the Metaphysical (healing properties of gemstones) and the Spiritual (praising the angels around us). Each angel is prayed over before it is sent out on its mission. We have, pendants, necklaces, bracelets and more. Gemstone properties include: healing, support, faith, abundance, light, career, communication, awareness etc. $1.00 from each sale is donated to “BRAINS“, a Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund — No matter what we may be experiencing, angels are here to help, just ask. Visit: See page 10

Got AnGel?716-316-9123

VAlArie ZuVuyA

Shaman Healer 702-499-1811Valarie Zuvuya, a Shamanic Healer, uses her abilities to remove the imprints of trauma and cellular memories which may cause pain, stress, disease, depression and anxiety. Through entering the luminous energy field and journeying into different planes of existence, Valarie, with the help of power animals and spirit guides, initiates Soul and Destiny retrieval at the original source. Her clairvoyance and knowing can release stored traumas and memories. Need a house blessing, clearing of unwanted energies or Soul & Destiny retrieval? Call Valarie today. Visit: See page 6

trAnsform your life!Reiki Master & Clairvoyant, Janet Handley

702-808-8784Do you have psychic abilities that need developing? If yes, then join me for a weekend or a six-week course of Psychic Development and Meditation. This safe and fun course will set you free from the stress around you. Learn to apply your intuitive tools to unlock your hidden abilities and make your life a joy. Call me to learn more or visit See page 27

Unity Cntr in the VAlley

Rev. Sophia Falke • 702-435-3289

Unity is a positive path for spiritual living, offering a loving, joyous environment where you can feel accepted while you experience personal spiritual growth. Sunday morning Worship & Youth Ed at 10am & 4th Sunday Healing Service at 6:30pm. rOOMs & seMInAr sPACe fOr renT at 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, Las Vegas. Great location, great ambiance, great rates. Visit See page 2

AllAn mArtin osmAn

Spiritual Counselor-Teacher702-473-0163

Allan helps you: break negative habits, release negative emotions, improve relationships, make better decisions; and develop Receivership from God within. Allan offers Counseling, Stress Relief, Guided Meditation and Home Study by phone, Skype or in office. Allan is practical, non-judgmental and experienced. Call or email: [email protected]. First session is FREE. See page 27

rAe roCCo


As your Independent Agent for Medicare Health Plans, I can help you sort through the many options available to you. Are you dissatisfied with your current plan? Are you losing your coverage on 12-31-2012? Do you want to have another choice? The fall enrollment period is from 10-15-12 through 12-07-12. The new benefits would begin 1-1-13. There is NEVER a charge for my services. Please call. You could reach me at 702-897-9929. See page 8

You Can Create An Exceptional Life with Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson. There comes a time in a woman’s life when she needs to get away. She needs time to herself, space to focus on her own needs without worrying about anyone else, and she needs to give her heart, mind, and body the care they deserve. Louise Hay, author of “You Can Heal Your Life”, and Cheryl Richardson, co-author with Louise of “You Can Create an Exceptional Life”, have provided women with this sacred space and the chance to get these vital needs met. They’ve gathered a community of women from around the world at Miraval Resort and Spa in Tucson, Arizona. For five days and four nights, women share laughter, tears, and the memories that have shaped their lives. Retreat Includes: • 5 Workshop Sessions with Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson; • Accommodations for 4 nights (inclusive of all fees and taxes); • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner daily; • One Spa Service per person, per day (up to $150 each); • All snacks, non-alcoholic beverages and hors d’oeuvres daily; • Unlimited regularly-scheduled activities, lectures and programs. To register, please call Miraval directly at 800-232-3969 or visit: See page 3



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nV Childhood CAnCer fd.702-735-8434

Established in 1993, the Mission of the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation (NCCF) is to provide emotional, educational, financial and psychological support services and programs to families of all children diagnosed with cancer and other life threatening illnesses and provide healing arts and wellness programs to adults touched by cancer. NCCF offers over 40 programs and services AT NO COST for critically ill children, caregivers, and adults touched by cancer in Southern Nevada. Visit for pediatric programs and services and for adult wellness and support programs. NCCF is a local non-profit organization and not affiliated with any national agency. See page 31