in cholera makes its ap l1 ·...

THE DAILY SUN tfAINESVILl E FLORIDA AUUST 2 1909 Tnr T n U a ti HARD ROAD TO BE BUILT TO THE LAKE AUTOMOBILISTS HAVE INTEREST- ED THEMSELVES IN MATTER Will Prove Quite a Point of Interest- if Grounds Are Sufficiently Improved Another effort Is being made to build a hard road to a suitable point- on Lake Newnan that the citizens may have a place to go and spend a few pleasant hours Both Robertsons point and the old log landing have been spoken of as desirable places and an effort will be made to have one of these places cleaned at an early date and a road- way cut that automobiles may visit the place Now that a large number of ma chines are already here and a great many more ordered that will be de- livered within the next few weeks It will probably be only a short time before they will succeed In carrying out the new plan The parties at work on the scheme are keeping their names quiet for the present but have already gone lo work to make the Improvements and within a few weeks they expect to have the rightofway cut and then the hard road will be built if it hat to be done by private subscription Lake Newnan Is one of the largest bodies of water to be found in this part of the State the attractive places along Its shores making It an Itleil location for picnics and with the proper accommodations and boats placed at a convenient point the own- ers of such a place would reap a rich harvest especially In the winter months when travel romps this way and the city Is filled with visitors Take Notice All persons are recommended to take Foleys Kidney Remedy for back ache rheumatism and kidney and bladder trouble It will quickly cor- rect urinary Irregularities which If neglected may develop into a serious Illness It will restore health and strength Do not neglect signs of kid- ney or bladder trouble and Urlghts disease or diabetes J W McCollum Co New Line of L C SMITH HighGrade Hammerless Guns- The Smith Guns never shoot loose und are guaranteed Its locks are so simple and strong take up all wear automatically This gun is distinctively a gun the strength of tit holt tidal the remark atilt simplicity of the locks arc features for which it has Income famous lHHrM with aninr l rn- MIII ih 1 Ac nn- K tintV S3500- l rr 1 unlit grit I ID t in 4750 GAINESVILLE HARDWARE CO t I t risk 111 I o I j ion 1 I I III I I I fat aetll W I I d I ut t j t I I I p I IL s rA top t II t S S seas Ikth hrarhl L Ira I at itil aulusa- r rtur sat r Ilrli rjritsr pIl V it M k- d 1 II- Isrr tnsl p Iw rt- r t lip 1h5t p t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + ± Wwnen as leD ts In trt Mtii Iktrablaf- c Bttfe TrwMf trouble upon the mind discourages and lessens ambition vigor and cheerful- ness soon disappear when the are out of order or du eased Kidney trouble has so prealeat that it is not j for a child to be born afflicted with lithe child urinates if scalds the or if when the child reaches whea it should be able to control the passage it is yet afflicted with bedwet it the diff- iculty is kidney trouble and the first the treatment of important This trouble due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to as most people suppose Women as as men are miser cVe with kidney and bladder trouble cil both same remedy 7iie mild and the immediate SwaapRoot is soon realized It is sold by druggists in fifty cent size bottles You have a bottle by mail free also a telling all about SwampRoot many thousands of letters received from sufferers who found SwampRoot to be the remedy In Dr Kilmer Binghamton N Y be sure and this Dont make any mistake but remember the name Kilmers and the address Binghamton N Y on every bottle OAK HALLS TURNED THE TABLES ON OCALA BOYS Continued from Page One 1 runs 1 score tied The band played a piece for Oca las benefit Hendricks walked and swiped Miller walked Yoe bunted fill- ing the bases Taylor bunted but Hcndricks was forced out at home Bullock singled through second scor- ing Miller and Yoe Taylor scored on passed ball Bullock taking third Watson singled to right scoring Bul lock Spoils wood out third to first and Miller running for Watson thrown out at third Hits 2 nuns 4 Ninth Inning Dodge grounded to short and beat It out Pounds popped nu easy one over the pitcher no one attempting to catch it but Dodge was thrown out at second Red Donaldson singled- to tight advancing Pounds to sec- ond L Donaldson Hew out to Graham who made the most sensational run- ning catch seen here recently In fielding the ball which was near the foul line he tell but held the ball in the air all the while and lIen Bricks snatched it from Graham and doubled it to Allen catching Pounds lilts I runs i The Box Score Ocala nb r h 10 a e Pounds us r 2 1 2 i DonakUon Red Ub p 5 0 2 0 IJ U Donaldson L If 1 0 1 I 0 Waller c 4 0 0 4 1 0 Collins lb 4 1 ML 2 1 Dennett rf 4 0 0 1 0 o Gnlloway cf 4 0 1 1 0 0- Selph 4 0 0 1 J 0- Urown i 1 0 0 0 1 1 Dodsp 8 1 1 1 1 0 Total Men b CiiHlmm If llnnirlcks Miller lb nil r h po a e 6 0 0 I i 0 8 I 8 I I 0 S 2 1 Total Si 0 f ST 18- lltmlrhrk kit by r In tklfli TNT I lowmar- yI tlM I 1 ii ull t tt 0 1 7 l- on lNiU UNI WalMHi 3 lliifcli Of tMMM S- Viiil pHrlkw Wtivoat I I I i U Knurl utM H Wal Mt I i i i u H li liuAaUiiMi J- NMiii pla s Mill r lu Yu- tt H IMHI HM al lah a ruui lr uf- iHmua Kf MM iltv u r iu t Hill l rf Mml l lit will MrtMl UvttMM 141 wt r r Rti II4Ml beaut 1 uncom- mon beak too often the unne flesh s- ale thecaase of these DS eat Swam Root b b to 3 cr 1 I I I I fl I 0 I 0 1iL 1 0 I I I 1 rf I 0 U 1 1 1 0 t It I- IUraballt and I I Iaalat or 1M r k h It I It If u 1 aid M of htt aid l1 tI a- li a testi- monial sec- ond i u 81 1- 1taiiiesftilte S1lottswo 1 1 ls b 1 3 t Taylor 4 u- Ilul lock Li 0 1 11atruu IL 1 by r t N oI N tI b d- IN I1 sift sirs s bel l1ip lap ptltAft Iuiwels ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > = = CHOLERA MAKES ITS AP PEARANCE AT ROTTERDAMG- reatest Precautions to be Taken to Prevent In- troduction of Disease Into United States ¬ ¬ ROTTERDAM Holland Aug 27 Several suspected cases of cholera have been reported In Rotterdam since the discovery of the disease here notably among the occupants of a barge on board of which a child had died previously All the suspects have been quarantined At yesterdays sitting of the munici- pal council the burgomaster announc ed that there had been four deaths from cholera and that out of nine cases now In the isolation sheds three had been found to be Infected with cholera bacclllus- No further fresh cases were report ed yesterday The general opinion Is that the disease was brought to this port from St Petersburg INFESTED VESSEL SAILS FOR U S WASHINGTON D C Aug 27 That the Dutch ship Andyk is en route to the United Sat v tli chol- era aboard Is Inferred li in 1 isle gram from the American consul at I Rotterdam received by the Marine i Hospital Service yesterday through the State Department The vessel Is a slow steamer and is not expected- to arrive off Cape Charles until about Sept Stu SurgeonGeneral Wyman of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service last night cabled Assistant Surgeon Robert A C sta- tioned at Naples to proceed at once to Rotterdam where cholera has ap- peared to assist American Consul Lin ton In seeing that Treasury Depart- ment regulations regarding vessels Pounds to Collins Graham to lien drlcks to Allen Hit by pitcher Graham Hentlrlck Stolen bases Hvndrlcks 3 Pounds 1 Umpire Harvey Hutchinson NOTES OF THE GAME Graham still plays topnotch hall Yoe stretched his single Into a home Pop Watson deserved a shutout saint Wonder how the River Rats like yesterdays score Oak Halls won and the band play- ed Annie Rooney Lets all help the Oak Halls win Ocala next week The Ocala rooters shurc malt their prcsuucu known Yup we beat Ocala 1alatka and Orlando nil in one game Old Crusty Drown rotnalnod in the oven too long and was scorched No Pops not Roln to walk bark to TaltafeftMPt lio cm lied yes- terday DOHl llMVU to toAVtf tl40 bMJQB Wit nil tttebt for Tim lleiMirtek to paths prHt good How th Hro n faiirii Waiter wollrnd Ihxlar chilled Srl lt- u nt hltuMlf Wad thtn IxwaUlMui- Bk tfallK guilt IJalln ruts nt heal Itt tu lust lit I Wed- nesday sus- pected 1 1 e steal Pflue grpars it sraltd tkr t S rid nradetl oat ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > sailing for the United States are car- ried out The greatest precautions are to be taken to prevent the introduc- tion of the disease Into the United States CHOLERA RAGING IN RUSSIA- ST PETERSBURG Russia Aug 27 A violent outbreak of Asiatic has occurred at Vitebsk which IK the capital of the government of that name situated on both sides of the Dunn The outbreak exceeds in Intensity that In St Petersburg there being twentysix cases and six deaths yesterday and 114 cases and 42 deaths In the past week QUEENS VISIT CANCELLED Till HAGUE Aug 27 out- break cholera at Rotterdam has caused the most serious alarm here as well as at other places in Hol- land nUll stringent precautions have been nd ii c evirywhne to prevent the spread of the disease The proposed visit of the Queen Dowager and the Princesses of Hen thlem to Rotterdam has been can celled ENGLAND ON GUARD LONDON Aug 27 The English sanitary authorities have declared Rotterdam an Infected port anti regu- lations will be enforced at all British ports for the examination of all ves- sels arriving from Holland In order- to prevent the cholera being intro- duced into England PHIFERS OPENING Sale Starts Off Briskly and Orchestra Was Engaged for Opening Phifers Dig TenDay Sale started off Friday morning at 9 oclock with- a rush and all during the day thr store was packed and Janimed with people eager to get some of the rare jarsalns advertised This firm secured the services of the Woltz Orchestra for their alien- ing Friday morning and nil during the forenoon they sweet music to the merry buying crowd The opening far exceeded the firms expectations and the business done was highly satisfactory- A Splendid Trip C W Hill manager of tho Gaines- ville Motor Car Co returned yester- day from a most successful trip iC Ocala In the Interest of the Inrush Runabout which car he drove down Monday The trip was made on a consume tion of only 2i gallons of gasoline which considering the condition of the roads was n most wonderful me ord While there Mr 11111 placed n sub agency with R R Carroll who will control the sale of the Brush cur In Marion county Great Interest vnt shown In the little car many sale bolus made and the prospects for a iirr sfnt season are very apimrent fur i hi COIIIIMIIV Disagreeable at Home Lots of and women who are Krt UlH with otlutra gut cranky Nt koMir Its nut ilUiHwItttHt It H tlie liver If yon tlHil In ytwrwlf that JON fvfl rrmm aroMMtl tatm lit thins worry yow jtwt Inky N InHtl of Ballard rltn ami put your Itv In hNM Vim and tritMMv- aruimil ou will f l kMtvr it lrUt rent r Ut tit told liy W M JetiHMni of dispensed lien 1 lit fur chol- era The l > s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < ° KSTIIKK 0 JORDAN W W HAMPTON JORDAN COMPANY INSURANCE l lW1l M OAINHSVIUUK HIOUIUA IU OCK 1 J tI Lfo mu Accident > = ELECTRIC THEATRE Situated in Rear of Millers All Week Beginning Aug 23rd Return Engagement- of the Gainesville Favorites THE VINCENT SISTERS In a New Program SONGS DANCES PRICES Dr A Dolan VETERINARIANRe- sidence Magnolia Hotel Gainesville CEO W DAVENPORT 9 9 99 Tuner and Rebuilder Estimate FaraWwd ud AH Work Guaranteed References Address Je GAINESVILLE Ludden Bates FLA DR GEO S WALDO DENTIST Present LscatiM total Initial WiN RCIMW to hit Ciwt- HMUS Square as stni as rnmM- mi if new ifftcf is CMrpfetiii tile Finest Mitcriais Latest Yeti s If Practice FEE J Mate c ttc titwry cm- silereri this ant im it nuke my ckarfes as Isw as First Class War wiN permit T F TNT UNDERTAKING CO PULL LINE Of NEW GOODS AGENTS FOR IKON FEXCE- Pertoftl attootioa 10 all maiwram bill line Hall ordni Honda Mako ft Spooinlty of AU CMiuwotf of Drny Work llotiur oo Us First AIR DOME 11 1Sc till HUll Prem1ttJ French PiaaoCo Site Still 1 T I ONU3I1tItt TU11ESTONEd aRt ollr11 plO 0- tluanavUle Hauling u VU ur- cx l M t4Ql Wt1II Ww w S alld do IVSeo sal telegraph rrunsutlr attenAed Heaiy PfIUNE tis i 1eK- JI1 Xsai t tIIIS alb tt p I aa t big < +

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Post on 04-Aug-2020




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Page 1: In CHOLERA MAKES ITS AP l1 · 2009-08-03 · the new plan The parties at work on the scheme are keeping their names quiet


Tnr T

n U






Will Prove Quite a Point of Interest-

if Grounds Are Sufficiently


Another effort Is being made tobuild a hard road to a suitable point-

on Lake Newnan that the citizens may

have a place to go and spend a fewpleasant hours

Both Robertsons point and the oldlog landing have been spoken of asdesirable places and an effort will bemade to have one of these placescleaned at an early date and a road-

way cut that automobiles may visit

the placeNow that a large number of ma

chines are already here and a greatmany more ordered that will be de-

livered within the next few weeks Itwill probably be only a short timebefore they will succeed In carrying out

the new plan

The parties at work on the schemeare keeping their names quiet for thepresent but have already gone lowork to make the Improvements andwithin a few weeks they expect tohave the rightofway cut and thenthe hard road will be built if it hatto be done by private subscription

Lake Newnan Is one of the largestbodies of water to be found in thispart of the State the attractive placesalong Its shores making It an Itleillocation for picnics and with theproper accommodations and boatsplaced at a convenient point the own-

ers of such a place would reap arich harvest especially In the wintermonths when travel romps this wayand the city Is filled with visitors

Take Notice

All persons are recommended totake Foleys Kidney Remedy for backache rheumatism and kidney andbladder trouble It will quickly cor-

rect urinary Irregularities which Ifneglected may develop into a seriousIllness It will restore health andstrength Do not neglect signs of kid-

ney or bladder trouble andUrlghts disease or diabetes J WMcCollum Co

New Line of L C

SMITH HighGrade

Hammerless Guns-

The Smith Guns nevershoot loose und are

guaranteed Its locks are

so simple and strong takeup all wear automaticallyThis gun is distinctively a

gun the strengthof tit holt tidal the remarkatilt simplicity of the locks

arc features for which it has

Income famous

lHHrM with aninr l rn-MIII ih 1 Ac nn-

K tintV

S3500-l rr 1 unlit

grit I

ID t in

















I I fat aetllW I

I d I

ut tj









t IItS S

seasIkth hrarhl L

Ira I at itil aulusa-r rtur sat


Ilrli rjritsr pIl V it M k-

d 1 II-

Isrr tnsl p Iw rt-r t lip 1h5t p











Wwnen as leD ts In trt Mtii Iktrablaf-

c Bttfe TrwMf

trouble upon the minddiscourages and lessens ambition

vigor and cheerful-ness soon disappearwhen the areout of order or dueased

Kidney trouble hasso prealeat

that it is notj for a child to be

born afflicted withlithe

child urinates if scaldsthe or if when the child reaches

whea it should be able to control thepassage it is yet afflicted with bedwet

it the diff-iculty is kidney trouble and the first

the treatment ofimportant This

trouble due to a diseased condition ofthe kidneys and bladder and not to

as most people supposeWomen as as men are miser

cVe with kidney and bladder troublecil both same remedy7iie mild and the immediateSwaapRoot is soon realized It is soldby druggists in fiftycentsize bottles Youhave a bottleby mail free also a

telling allabout SwampRoot

many thousands ofletters received from sufferers

who found SwampRoot to be theremedy In Dr Kilmer

Binghamton N Y be sure andthis Dont make any

mistake but remember the nameKilmers and the addressBinghamton N Y on every bottle



Continued from Page One

1 runs 1 score tied The bandplayed a piece for Oca las benefitHendricks walked and swiped

Miller walked Yoe bunted fill-

ing the bases Taylor bunted butHcndricks was forced out at homeBullock singled through second scor-ing Miller and Yoe Taylor scored onpassed ball Bullock taking thirdWatson singled to right scoring Bullock Spoilswood out third to firstand Miller running for Watsonthrown out at third Hits 2 nuns 4

Ninth InningDodge grounded to short and beat

It out Pounds popped nu easy oneover the pitcher no one attemptingto catch it but Dodge was thrownout at second Red Donaldson singled-to tight advancing Pounds to sec-ond L Donaldson Hew out to Grahamwho made the most sensational run-ning catch seen here recently Infielding the ball which was near thefoul line he tell but held the ballin the air all the while and lIenBricks snatched it from Grahamand doubled it to Allen catchingPounds lilts I runs i

The Box ScoreOcala nb r h 10 a e

Pounds us r 2 1 2 iDonakUon Red Ub p 5 0 2 0 IJ U

Donaldson L If 1 0 1 I 0

Waller c 4 0 0 4 1 0Collins lb 4 1 ML 2 1

Dennett rf 4 0 0 1 0 oGnlloway cf 4 0 1 1 0 0-

Selph 4 0 0 1 J 0-

Urown i 1 0 0 0 1 1

Dodsp 8 1 1 1 1 0


Men bCiiHlmm IfllnnirlcksMiller lb

nil r h po a e6 0 0 I i 0

8 I 8 I I

0 S 2 1

Total Si 0 f ST 18-

lltmlrhrk kit byr In tklfli




tlM I 1

ii ull t tt 0 1 7 l-

on lNiU UNI WalMHi 3

lliifcli Of tMMM S-

Viiil pHrlkw Wtivoat I I

I i U

Knurl utM H Wal Mt I i

i i u H li liuAaUiiMi J-

NMiii pla s Mill r lu Yu-

tt H IMHI HM al lah a ruui lr uf-

iHmua Kf MM iltv u r iu t

Hill l rf Mml l litwill MrtMl UvttMM 141 wt r r Rti




beaktoo often the unne

flesh s-

alethecaase of

these DS


Swam Root



to 3

cr1 I I I I

fl I 0 I 01iL 1 0 I I



rf I 0 U

1 1 1 0t It


IUraballt andI I Iaalat

or 1M r kh It I






of htt









u 81 1-




ls b 1 3 tTaylor 4 u-

Ilul lock Li 0 1

11atruu IL


by rt N oI N tI b d-

INI1 sift


bel l1ip

lap ptltAft Iuiwels














reatest Precautions to be Taken to Prevent In-

troduction of Disease Into United States



ROTTERDAM Holland Aug 27

Several suspected cases of cholerahave been reported In Rotterdam sincethe discovery of the disease here

notably among the occupantsof a barge on board of which a childhad died previously All the suspectshave been quarantined

At yesterdays sitting of the munici-pal council the burgomaster announced that there had been four deathsfrom cholera and that out of nine

cases now In the isolationsheds three had been found to beInfected with cholera bacclllus-

No further fresh cases were reported yesterday The general opinionIs that the disease was brought tothis port from St Petersburg



That the Dutch ship Andyk is enroute to the United Sat v tli chol-

era aboard Is Inferred li in 1 islegram from the American consul at

I Rotterdam received by the Marine i

Hospital Service yesterday throughthe State Department The vessel Isa slow steamer and is not expected-to arrive off Cape Charles until aboutSept Stu

SurgeonGeneral Wyman of thePublic Health and Marine HospitalService last night cabled AssistantSurgeon Robert A C sta-

tioned at Naples to proceed at onceto Rotterdam where cholera has ap-

peared to assist American Consul Linton In seeing that Treasury Depart-ment regulations regarding vessels

Pounds to Collins Graham to liendrlcks to Allen

Hit by pitcher Graham HentlrlckStolen bases Hvndrlcks 3 Pounds


Umpire Harvey Hutchinson


Graham still plays topnotch hall

Yoe stretched his single Into a home

Pop Watson deserved a shutoutsaint

Wonder how the River Rats likeyesterdays score

Oak Halls won and the band play-

ed Annie Rooney

Lets all help the Oak Halls winOcala next week

The Ocala rooters shurc malttheir prcsuucu known

Yup we beat Ocala 1alatka andOrlando nil in one game

Old Crusty Drown rotnalnod inthe oven too long and was scorched

No Pops not Roln to walk barkto TaltafeftMPt lio cm lied yes-


DOHl llMVU to toAVtf tl40 bMJQB Witnil tttebt for Tim lleiMirtek to

paths prHt good

How th Hro n faiiriiWaiter wollrnd Ihxlar chilled Srl lt-

u nt hltuMlf Wad thtn IxwaUlMui-

Bk tfallK guilt IJalln




Itt tu









stealPflue grpars it sraltd tkr

t S

rid nradetloat












sailing for the United States are car-ried out The greatest precautions areto be taken to prevent the introduc-tion of the disease Into the UnitedStates


ST PETERSBURG Russia Aug 27A violent outbreak of Asiatic

has occurred at Vitebsk whichIK the capital of the government ofthat name situated on both sides ofthe Dunn The outbreak exceeds inIntensity that In St Petersburg therebeing twentysix cases and six deathsyesterday and 114 cases and 42deaths In the past week


Till HAGUE Aug 27 out-break cholera at Rotterdam hascaused the most serious alarm hereas well as at other places in Hol-

land nUll stringent precautions havebeen nd ii c evirywhne to preventthe spread of the disease

The proposed visit of the QueenDowager and the Princesses of Henthlem to Rotterdam has been cancelled


LONDON Aug 27 The Englishsanitary authorities have declaredRotterdam an Infected port anti regu-

lations will be enforced at all Britishports for the examination of all ves-

sels arriving from Holland In order-to prevent the cholera being intro-duced into England


Sale Starts Off Briskly and OrchestraWas Engaged for Opening

Phifers Dig TenDay Sale startedoff Friday morning at 9 oclock with-a rush and all during the day thrstore was packed and Janimed withpeople eager to get some of the rarejarsalns advertised

This firm secured the services ofthe Woltz Orchestra for their alien-ing Friday morning and nil duringthe forenoon they sweetmusic to the merry buying crowd

The opening far exceeded the firmsexpectations and the business donewas highly satisfactory-

A Splendid TripC W Hill manager of tho Gaines-

ville Motor Car Co returned yester-day from a most successful trip iC

Ocala In the Interest of the InrushRunabout which car he drove downMonday

The trip was made on a consumetion of only 2i gallons of gasolinewhich considering the condition ofthe roads was n most wonderful meord

While there Mr 11111 placed n subagency with R R Carroll who willcontrol the sale of the Brush cur InMarion county Great Interest vntshown In the little car many salebolus made and the prospects for aiirr sfnt season are very apimrent


Disagreeable at Home

Lots of and women who areKrt UlH with otlutra gut cranky

Nt koMir Its nut ilUiHwItttHt It H tlieliver If yon tlHil In ytwrwlf thatJON fvfl rrmm aroMMtl tatm litthins worry yow jtwt Inky N InHtlof Ballard rltn ami put your Itv

In hNM Vim and tritMMv-aruimil ou will f l kMtvr it

lrUt rent r Ut tit told liy WM JetiHMni





















< <





1 J

tI Lfo mu Accident




Situated in Rear of Millers

All WeekBeginning Aug 23rd

Return Engagement-of the GainesvilleFavorites



In a New ProgramSONGS DANCES



sidenceMagnolia Hotel Gainesville


9 9 99

Tuner and Rebuilder

Estimate FaraWwd ud AHWork Guaranteed

References AddressJe GAINESVILLE

Ludden Bates FLA


DENTISTPresent LscatiM total Initial

WiN RCIMW to hit Ciwt-HMUS Square as stni as rnmM-

mi if new ifftcf is CMrpfetiii

tile Finest Mitcriais

Latest Yeti s If Practice

FEE J Mate c ttc titwry cm-

silereri this ant im itnuke my ckarfes as Isw as FirstClass War wiN permit





Pertoftl attootioa 10 all maiwrambill line Hall ordni


Mako ft Spooinlty of AUCMiuwotf of Drny Work

llotiur oo Us First


11 1Sc

till HUll


French PiaaoCo



1 T I


aRtollr11 plO





ur-cx l

Mt4Ql Wt1II Ww






sal telegraphrrunsutlr attenAed

HeaiyPfIUNE tis



JI1 Xsai t tIIIS alb tt p

I aa t big

