impulsion july/august 2013


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Page 1: Impulsion July/August 2013

IMPULSIONjuly/august 2013 kentucky dressage association

photo by Ed Van Meter

Page 2: Impulsion July/August 2013

I hope everyone is having a good summer and show season. The remainder of 2013 will be busy with KDA managing the Fes-tival of Champions, KDA Fall

Classic I & II, and the USDF conven-tion. This is the first time the Festival of Champions will be in Kentucky, at the Kentucky Horse Park and man-aged by KDA, so we are hoping for great weather and a wonderful event. Join us Friday night, Oct. 11, for the Grand Prix Special and Saturday night, Oct. 12, for the Intermediaire I and Grand Prix freestyles, all under the lights at the Rolex Arena.

There has been much confusion in the dressage community regarding the FOC in October and the U.S. Dres-sage Finals being held in November, so in this issue of the Impulsion we hope to show the differences of the two events and clear up any confusion. KDA is the managing GMO for the FOC but not the U.S. Dressage Finals. But both are at the Kentucky Horse Park. Competitors qualify for the FOC at CDI competitions and competitors qualify for the U.S. Dressage Finals at USDF regional championships. Check out Jackie Beasley’s article in this

issue for more details about the two events.

The USDF convention will be in Lexington Dec. 4-8 at the Hyatt Re-gency. KDA will be involved with the welcome reception and other volun-teer needs during the convention. I look forward to seeing KDA members in attendance, winning awards at the gala, and volunteering.

KDA has a new look.

Check out the new website at and stay informed about events through our Facebook page, Kentucky Dressage Association. There will be many volunteer opportunities for the remainder of 2013 so please contact

Sandy Kraatz at [email protected] regarding volunteering.

Thanks again in advance to all our volunteers. KDA could not be as suc-cessful without each one of you.


Michelle MoreheadPresident

P.S. I am proud to announce KDA has passed our membership goal of 200 members for 2013. We now have 206!

I would love to see KDA have 230 members in 2014, so let’s keep the momentum going.


There has been much confusion in the dressage community regarding the FOC in October and the U.S. Dressage Finals being held in November, so in this issue of the Impulsion we hope to show the differences of the two events and clear up any confusion.“

k e n t u c k y d r e s s a g e a s s o c i at i o n : w w w. k e n t u c k y d r e s s a g e a s s o c i at i o n . o r g


The Kentucky Dressage Association, Inc., a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, is a group member organization of the United States Dressage Federation.

The purpose of the KDA is to promote and strengthen the art and sport of Dressage in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. KDA will provide leadership to its members to assist them in fostering individual and collective

growth by providing education, publications, competitions, exhibitions, and increasing general public awareness for Dressage.

Follow us on Twitter @KYDressageAssocThe Impulsion is a publication of the Kentucky Dressage Association since 1977.


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Oct. 12-13, 2013Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, KY

Dressage Complex

Judges: Joan Humphrey (S) (FL), Peggy Klump (S) (CA), Scott Peterson (S) (NY)


Oct. 9 - 12, 2013 (jog Oct. 8)Rolex Arena

KDA is the managing GMO.

Judges: Janet Foy, Anne Gribbons, Natalie Lamping, Gary Rockwell, Linda Zang and Foreign Judge Andrew Gardner

USDF DrESSAgE FInAlSNov. 7-10,

Alltech Arena

USDF ConvEnTIonDec. 4-8

Hyatt Regency Lexington

KDA AwArDS bAnqUETFeb. 15, 2014

Lexington Country Club*KDA annual meeting will be prior to the end of the year, separate from awards banquet. Time

and location to be announced.

whAT’S nEwKDA’s new website is up. Check it out

DEADlInES• USDF Dressage Finals declara-tion form due Aug. 26 for those competing in Region 2 regional championships. Oth-erwise, declarations must be submitted prior to the close of your regional champion-ships.

• USDF gmo awards due Aug. 31

• USDF year end awards due Oct. 1

• volunteer hours for 2013 KDA year end awards due Nov. 1

• KDA year end awards forms due Nov. 15

wAnT To bE A jUDgE?“l” Education program Developed by the USDF Judges’ Committee, this educational training program features a faculty of experienced, USDF-approved, United States Eques-trian Federation recognized “S” judges. This program offers a comprehensive curriculum cre-ated to teach participants and auditors to evaluate dressage performance at Training through Second Level.

purpose1. To give competitors, trainers, and instructors broader insight into the evaluative techniques of judging dressage;

2. To qualify individuals to judge schooling shows.

3. As part of the prerequisites to enter the United States Equestri-an Federation ‘r’ Judges Training Program;

4. To serve as continuing educa-tion for licensed judges.

– USDF. More information on the L program can be found at

Page 4: Impulsion July/August 2013

Light at the end of the tunneL

Showing a Thoroughbred?The KDA Fall Classic 1 Show has been approved by the Thoroughbred Incentive Program. NEW for 2013 – Riders and owners should obtain a T.I.P. number for all horse/rider combinations. T.I.P. number applications are done online at T.I.P. numbers must be provided to the horse show.


KDA volunteer uses scholarship to lesson with Bill Fields, Tom Poulin

By Cindy Smith

In December of last year, at our annual KDA awards banquet, I was thrilled to have my name drawn from the “volunteer bowl” and receive an adult am-

ateur scholarship to help further my dressage education. Since moving to our farm here in Paris in 2004 I have worked primarily on my own with my horse, as most adult amateurs do, and had not been able to find a qualified trainer who would come to my farm to teach. In a chance meeting with a new friend, she mentioned a trainer by the name of Bill Fields. Bill was not only willing to come and teach at my farm, he conveniently lives in Paris. I audited a few of his lessons, felt comfortable with his teaching style and experience, and began our much-anticipated weekly training in Janu-ary. Finally, I was going to have some much-needed “eyes on the ground” on a regular basis.

There was plenty of talking on Bill’s part during those early lessons, as he always checked to see what I did and didn’t know. Bill has been thorough and continues to review and utilize the training scale, also empha-sizing the need to spend one day a

week riding the hills and fields outside of the ring. He continually discusses the use of the outside rein, inside rein, half halt aids, keeping my hands close, collection in the corners, using shoulder-in for collection … or not, aids for changing the bend, feeling the contact in both reins, working on my tight left hip, activating the hind legs, working on straightness, timing, appropriateness and accuracy of my

aids, and most importantly for us at this stage of the game, we have begun to seriously work on collection.

Collection has not been an easy as-signment for us. My horse, Waukena, is a 10-year-old Dutch Warmblood mare. I’ve owned her since she was 4 and we’ve shown through second level. She’d had the last two years off to have a lovely foal, not being ridden during that time. We were fairly suc-cessful showing at training and first levels, while second level has been a challenge for us. We attempted the 2013 May KDA show, but I just don’t think we were quite ready yet; our submission scores were terrible.

Waukena carries a lot of weight on her front end and is just now learning to take the weight behind and carry herself in better balance. As Bill says, “This process is not always pretty.” I don’t think I truly realized what kind of challenges upper-level riders go through with their horses, so this has been a big eye-opener. Waukena and I have had our struggles through this process with her not wanting to step under and work her hind legs enough, trying to run off, throwing her hind end from side-to-side, backing up in sheer frustration, being incredibly tense, or sticking her nose out and not

Cindy Smith schools her Dutch Warmblood mare, Waukena, in the field recently. (Photo submitted)

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being “through,” but we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have struck a bargain of late, and six months later she is getting stronger and offering to work her hind legs evenly. If she softens and is straight, I soften immediately. I have to keep my seat deep but light, core strong, el-bows bent, shoulders, arms, and hands soft, legs long and hanging by her sides lightly, eyes up, and shoulders back, and I am determined.

I could not have done this work on my own due to the doubts that crept in when my mare had been so resistant. I kept asking myself, can she really do this work? Is she being resistant because she can’t do it, won’t

do it, or is this craziness all part of the process? I kept wondering, am I being reasonable and fair with this animal? Bill was there weekly to reas-sure me that this was simply part of the process and Waukena would gain strength and confidence and was quite capable.

Another KDA-sponsored oppor-tunity arose recently and came at a perfect time. The Tom Poulin clinic in June at Pine Knoll Farm in Lexington was announced and I jumped at the chance to ride with him. We had just begun to work on flying changes and Tom provided some terrific exercises for us to achieve those. During Tom’s two-day clinic, Waukena and I did not

have a successful flying change, but in the next lesson with Bill at home we utilized Tom’s exercises and “voila,” the changes are now coming along. We’re going to attempt another show in Ohio in August, so let’s hope it all keeps coming together.

I am sending my heartfelt grati-tude to the wise leadership of KDA for making it just a little bit easier to accomplish my dreams with this horse. The scholarship program is a terrific gift back to our members and I am very appreciative that my name was one of the names drawn out of that bowl back in December. Thank you so much KDA!

Cindy Smith and Waukena’s next show will be in Ohio in August, she said. (Photo submitted)

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Thanks to our big show sponsors!

Hagyard Equine Medical Institute for sponsoring the Electronic Scoreboard!

Zoetis for sponsoringthe Competitors’ Party on Saturday!

Sound Eklin for sponsoringthe Welcome Happy Hour on Thursday!

Equine Medical Associates, PSCfor sponsoring the DC Hospitality Tent!

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1314 ‘O’ Street, Suite 305, Lincoln, NE 68508 Email: [email protected]

Donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated!

Grants and scholarships are available for young riders, adult amateurs, instructors, trainers, groups, and more.

You can make a difference by helping us support dressage-related education across the country!

Visit or call (402) 434-8585 to donate or learn more about available funding.

The Dressage Foundation…Making a Difference in the Dressage Community!

Dressage camp hosted by the Southwest Chapter of Virginia Dressage Assoc. Funding provided by The Dressage Foundation.


By Sheila Worth

I have good news. I called and spoke with Royce Blevins, who is in charge of all major projects at the Kentucky Horse Park. He suggested I call Frankfort, which I did. early next year we can apply for a grant from the ePA, which would pay for 60% of the cost of the drainage basin in the dressage complex. The agreed upon amount of money we must have in the KHP Dressage Complex Fund is $500,000, but that estimate also includes the $5,000 we have already given to the HDR Company for their initial drainage basin plans. It also includes the cost of their real plans, which will cost $20,000. There

is $9,893.33 in the account today. When we get to $20,000, we can have them make the plans, which would leave us an estimate of $475,000.

Mike Reed, in the Kentucky Department of Water, sent me the ePA application. He thought our project would be very favor-ably considered by them. So, if we could raise $190,000, and the application would be approved, we would have the money necessary to go forward to put out the project to contractors.

The KDA board of directors is

considering having a kick-off dres-sage complex fundraising event this December at the USDF con-

vention at the Hilton. We must have several things in place

before we do that, such as a professional flyer, pictures, and depictions of the new complex explaining what we are trying to do. If any of our members are

graphic artists or know anyone who might help us

with this part of the project, please have them contact me at

[email protected].

Dressage complex updates



oF ThE nEw DrES-SAgE ComplEx.

ConTACT [email protected]

Page 8: Impulsion July/August 2013

8 NEwS

By JaCkie BeaSley

For the first time, the USeF Festival of Champions presented by Dutta Corp. will take place at the Ken-tucky Horse Park, and the

Kentucky Dressage Association has a big role as the event manager.

The festival runs Oct. 8-12 and will bring some of the nation’s top horse-rider combinations to compete in the Rolex Arena in the six nation-al championship divisions: Grand Prix, Intermediaire I, Brentina Cup for young adults, Young Rider, Ju-nior, and Pony. Horse-rider combina-tions must qualify for their divisions through CDI competitions.

The Festival of Champions tra-ditionally has taken place at USeT Foundation headquarters at Glad-stone, N.J. The KDA successfully bid to manage the 2013 event, which has been scheduled later in the year to enable some top-level riders to train and compete in europe “and still be able to come back for the national championship in the fall,” said Jenny Van Wieren-Page, USeF’s managing director of dressage.

The top 15 horse-rider combina-tions will be invited to compete in their respective divisions. Rankings can be found at

The Rolex Arena was site of the dressage competition for the 2010 Alltech World equestrian Games. This year, spectators will enjoy evening performances of the Grand Prix Special on Friday, Oct. 11 and the Intermediaire I and Grand Prix freestyles on Saturday, Oct. 12.

“There is no charge and every-one is welcome to come,” said KDA president Michelle Morehead.KDA’s many responsibilities include contracting with judges and offi-cials; managing stabling, vendors, the VIP tent and amenities; hiring a show secretary; and providing

decorations.“KDA, the Kentucky Horse Park,

and Kentucky are all excited to have this level of competition here and it will be exciting event for all dres-sage enthusiasts,” Morehead said.

KDA will need approximately 100 volunteers. Those interested should email [email protected] and check often with Kentucky Dressage

Association’s Facebook page and KDA Show Staff page on Facebook.

FAll ClASSICSeparate from the Festival of

Champions, the KDA will conduct its Fall Classic horse show Oct. 12-13. Competition will take place in the Dressage Complex. The prize list and entry forms will be available

uSef feStivaL of ChampionS part of exCiting faLL Line-up

Exciting competition continues this fall at the Kentucky Horse Park, including the inaugural U.S. Dressage Finals and the USEF Festival of Champions. (photos by Bob

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soon at Fall Classic competitors’

party will be held in conjunction with the Festival of Champions competitors’ party Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Rolex Arena during the freestyles. every KDA Fall Classic bridle number will represent one ticket for dinner; additional tickets can be purchased with rider entries for $20 each. A limited number of dinner tickets will be for sale at the show for $25.

InAUgUrAl U.S. DrESSAgE FInAlSexciting competition continues

this fall at the Kentucky Horse Park. The first U.S. Dressage Finals will be held Nov. 7-10 at the park and will include open divisions and adult amateur divisions for all national levels from training to Grand Prix.

Riders will qualify for the national championship through the current regional championship system; the champion and reserve from each of regional nine GAIG/USDF regional championships will be invited to the national finals.

A joint effort of the USDF and USeF, the finals will offer a mini-mum of $50,000 in total prize money.

Horse/rider combinations enter-ing regional championships classes that qualify for the national cham-pionships for must file a declaration of intent for the national finals. The declaration of intent form must be filed on the “Declaration” page of the USDF website page ( by the closing date for the regional cham-pionships entered. A declaration of intent does not commit a horse/rider

combination to attend. In order to be named champion

and reserve champion in a regional championship class, a horse/rider combination must have achieved a score of 55% or higher. Champions and reserve champions in eligible classes will be automatically invited as long as a declaration of intent has been filed. In the event that the champion and/or reserve champion declines the invitation, or is ineligi-ble to compete in the finals, an invi-tation will be extended to the horse/rider combination that has the next highest placing in the class provided they meet the necessary criteria.

The Alltech Arena will serve as the main arena for the finals, with other competition arenas to include the Stonelea and Claiborne rings.


The Festival of Champions will feature evening performances of the Grand Prix Special on Oct. 11 and the Intermediaire I and Grand Prix freestyles on Oct. 12.(photo by Bob

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rEgISTEr To wIn A CoUnTY pErFECTIon SADDlE!Brought to you by The Dressage Foundation, thanks to the generosity of County Saddlery.

One entry per person. Must be a U.S. resident and 19 years of age or older to enter. No purchase necessary. Entries close December 5, 2013.

More details and how to enter

Page 11: Impulsion July/August 2013


name: Laura Corsentino

Born: 1968

reSident of: LaGrange, Ky.

oCCupation: Horse trainer/riding instructor

horSe(S): Currently, just Gravitas

hoW did you BeCome a dreS-Sage rider? First introduction to it was in the late ’70s. Really started to dedicate the majority of my time to it in the early 1990s.

do you take leSSonS regu-larly and With Whom? I would like to. It’s difficult. There

does not seem to be easy access to upper level instruction in the Louis-ville area.

tell uS aBout your dreS-Sage partner(S): Gravitas. Super personality. And I am not the only one that says this. every-one who works with him or on him says this too. Talented as well. So blessed to have gotten both in one package. I know this doesn’t come along in our lives every day.

What are your greateSt ChallengeS aS a rider? Being able to learn enough to do my horses justice.

What are you moSt proud

of? Being able to teach a person and getting them to understand the fine points. Then watching them put it into practice. The joy that comes to their faces when they succeed is like none other.

What do you hope to aCCom-pliSh in the future? Compet-ing at Grand Prix.

What are the BenefitS of Being a memBer of the kentuCky dreSSage aSSoCia-tion? I love the new programs that are really focused on education. The association is opening up opportuni-ties to learn from people that we, on our own, may not have access to.

Laura Corsentino

Want to be featured as a KDA member profile? Contact Karen Taylor at [email protected]

Photo by Kathryn Burke EquiessenceBob

Page 12: Impulsion July/August 2013


hAvE YoU rECEnTlY EArnED YoUr USDF bronzE, SIlvEr or golD mEDAl?

We want to feature you! Submit a photo (jpg format please), and a short bio about you and your horse to be featured in upcoming

issues of the Impulsion.


PONY TAILS ... NOTES FROM A COWGIRLContributed by Kristi Fly, KDA education Chair // equine Body Worker (eBW) // USDF University Certificate // B.S. Animal Science, equine Sports Med & Nutrition

Summer greetings all! I hope that your show season is well under way and that you are having a mo-ment for a quick trail ride in be-tween. Just a couple of quick notes this issue:

Please remember that the 2013 educational series has inspired an array of ideas from all of you for a packed 2014 series. I would love to continue hearing from you … ideas, suggestions; nothing is too big or too small. Please email me at [email protected]. Also, thank you to Bill Kraatz for facilitating our first Young Rider scholarship. KDA would like to congratulate Rebekah

Mingari of Crestwood, Ky., as the first recipient of our Junior/Young Rider Development Grant.

The Junior/Young Rider Devel-opment Grant of $5,000 is awarded to riders who have the talent and discipline to aim toward the North American Junior Young Rider Championships held annually at the Kentucky Horse Park.

Rebekah stated, “I have always had the ultimate dream of compet-ing in the Olympics with the United States Dressage Team; since then, my passion for the sport of dressage has consumed me.”

Rebekah has studied and trained

with KDA professional Angela Jack-son, of Henderson, Ky., for the last three years and is well on her way to achieving her goals and dreams. Re-bekah will keep all of us up to date on her progress and achievements as she advances in our sport.

Very best wishes for a stellar future in dressage, Rebekah, and thank you for your contributions and support of the Kentucky Dressage Association.

As always, enjoy your horses, and see you next issue!


2014 USDF/USEF YoUng rIDEr grADUATE progrAm

PrOGrAm InFOrmATIOnDate: January 18-19, 2014 Location: Hilton Palm Beach Airport Hotel, West Palm Beach, FL

registration: Applications must be received by Oct. 30, 2013. Download application HERE notification: Selected applicants will be notified by November 15th, 2013 Fees: $250 Program Fee includes: Two nights lodg-ing at host hotel, meals, education sessions, and two USDF University credits upon completion of the program.

APPLICAnT CrITErIAAge: Must be between 20 & 28 years of age membership: Must be a current USDF PM, Youth PM, or GM member Qualifications: Riding at Third Level or above


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Joya de Andalucia Farms