improving productivity using ict kira steadman. using word using word e-safety email legal issues...


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Page 1: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY USING ICT Kira Steadman. Using Word Using Word E-Safety Email Legal Issues Legal Issues Examples Advantages Issues Conclusion Social



Kira Steadman

Page 2: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY USING ICT Kira Steadman. Using Word Using Word E-Safety Email Legal Issues Legal Issues Examples Advantages Issues Conclusion Social

Using Word E-Safety


Legal IssuesExamples




Social Media Sites

Dangers of social media sites

Stay safe online





Copyright Legislation

3 statements

Charts and Tables

Different ICT ways


Page 3: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY USING ICT Kira Steadman. Using Word Using Word E-Safety Email Legal Issues Legal Issues Examples Advantages Issues Conclusion Social

Give a number of examples of where you have used Word to write-up some

coursework.• I have used Word to write up coursework in English and Business. I have also used Word in PDL to write up my CV and personal statement which I will be using to help get me a job in the future.

Page 4: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY USING ICT Kira Steadman. Using Word Using Word E-Safety Email Legal Issues Legal Issues Examples Advantages Issues Conclusion Social

Write about the advantages of using Word compared to writing it by hand.

• The advantages of using Word compared to writing by hand is that it automatically spell checks what you’re writing, which makes your grammar and spelling better as you are realising what you are spelling wrong then you can see what the correct spelling is and you can remember it for future pieces of writing that you will do. Using Word instead of writing things by hand is also good as you can write up your CV’s for jobs you want and you can make sure that you are spelling everything correctly which will give the employer a good impression on you as your grammar and spelling will be correct and precise. You can also illustrate your work when you are using word, whereas if you are writing it all up with pen and paper your spelling may not be as precise as it would be if you are using Word.

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Write about any issues that you have to deal with if you use Word

• The issues that people can have with Word is that, it doesn’t always save your work and it can sometimes be unreliable as it may not have all the features that you need for a certain piece of work that you are typing up. Another issue with Word is that you may not be able to print work that you have used with that Document which can be very frustrating for some people as they may need to print something off very important. Word can also sometimes be very laggy and freeze which can be annoying as it means you have to stop what you are doing and wait for it to go back to being normal and working correctly.

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Write a general conclusion and say whether on balance it's better to use

Word or not.• In conclusion I think that it is better to use word as it is more precise and more reliable than if you were to use pen and paper and more people use word in their day to day work and at school as in most of what you do during the day you are using a computer and writing up coursework, letters etc. which means that word is better as you can spell check what you have wrote to make sure that it is all correct and is easy to read.

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Explain what social media sites you use or have used in the past.

• Of all the social media sites I have seen or tried to use the only main ones I currently use are Facebook and Snapchat. I only use these two as I find them easy to use and navigate where as with the other ones I tried to use I didn’t like.

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Explain some of the dangers of using social media sites

• The dangers of using social media sites is that there is a risk of people having their identity stolen and also being bullied. These can be very dangerous because if someone has their identity stolen then they can also have their bank details and other private and personal things stolen. The dangers of being bullied on social media sites is that it can cause people to commit suicide. For e.g. if someone is being bullied then they could have pages created where people say mean and hurtful things, mock them, take the mick of out them etc. which can then lead to either that victim becoming suicidal or getting extremely bad depression.

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Explain what you need to do to stay safe when you are on-line.

• To stay safe online you need to make sure that your passwords include lowercase letters, capital letters and numbers. By doing this then your password is stronger and it makes it harder for people trying to hack into your social media accounts guess your passwords. If you have a Facebook account then you need to make sure that your privacy settings are set so that only your friends, family and people that know you personally can add you and look at your profile. This is a good way to keep safe on social media and Facebook in particular as it means that you know who you are adding is the real deal and that they aren’t going to be some sort of paedophile.

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Explain the different features of email

• The different features of emails are that they are saved and so you can then keep a record of what’s been said and if anything important got sent to you such as important dates of meetings or birthdays or other important things you have a record of them and so then you wont forget. Emails can also be sent to either a single person or a group of people which is good as it means that you don’t have to send the same thing to each person separately, you can just send it to multiple people in one go which can make someone's job a lot easier and less hassle. The last feature of emails are that you can attach things to them such as photos and other files.

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List the advantages of using email compared to meeting with people

• The advantages of using email compared to meeting with people is that you can send out an email to the people you are wanting to meet and you can all arrange a date and planning it that way means that you can make sure that they aren’t busy on the day that you have chosen to all meet up and people can’t say that they didn’t know about it as you sent the email to them all in one big group.

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List the disadvantages of using email

• The disadvantages of using emails are that people can misunderstand what you are trying to say or what you meant which could lead to something going wrong or an argument. When you send emails out to people or a big group of people, you can’t see their reaction or see how they react or feel about what had been said to them which could lead to them feeling sad or angry as they took what you said in the wrong way or thought that what you said was meant to be harsh and it wasn’t.

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Write a conclusion and list some occasions where sending email is better and occasions where

meeting is better.• Using emails to talk to other people who live in other countries is better then meeting them as it can be very expensive to fly somewhere to meet them and so using emails is better because you are able to talk to them freely and easier. But sometimes spending the money to meet them in person can be better as it means you know that they are the real deal and that they aren’t pretending to be someone that they are not.

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Page 17: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY USING ICT Kira Steadman. Using Word Using Word E-Safety Email Legal Issues Legal Issues Examples Advantages Issues Conclusion Social

Explain the key parts of copyright legislation - remember - it doesn't say that you can't use other people's images or

writing; it says that if you do you have to say where you got it from.

• The key parts of copyright legislation is that if you are going to use someone else’s images or writing you need to say where you got it from and who it belongs to because if you don’t then you have just broken the law and can get into big trouble. If a company or brand want to use a song in something then they have to email or talk to the people that it belongs to and get their permission to use that piece of music before they are allowed to use it.

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Make 3 statements about the following

• You have to follow the copyright legislation because it is one of the laws where if you use something that has the copy right symbol on (it’s a C in a circle) then you have to give to give credit to whoever it belongs to but with music you have to email the people or person that it belongs to, to get their permission to use that piece of music.

• Every school has an agrees on the AUP. Schools say that students should only access the school network and Internet using their own authorised username and password which will remain private. They also say that if you get instructed by a member of staff to not look at a specific site whether you think that it is suitable or not, you don’t. Another important one that schools go by us that you do not post any message on internal or public forums, this includes social media sites such as Facebook, that could reflect badly on you and the school or any members of staff or any students. Schools and colleges have to go by this as it is part of the law

• When you submit work, you need to make sure that it is all your own and if you do use someone else’s picture or a company’s image then you need to say so or say where you got it from as it is illegal if you don’t and it isn’t fair on the person or people who created the image or writing if people aren’t giving them credit for all the work that they have done.

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Explain the different ways there are to use ICT at Hillview.

• There are many different ways to use ICT at Hillview such as using the computer rooms, using the laptops from the laptop trolleys, the computers in some of the classrooms around the school, the Windows tablets that in Science and Geography and the Apple Macs in Media. These are all the different ways to use ICT at Hillview for the students and the teachers who may need to use it daily or whenever they need to the most.

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PC’s Laptops Windows Tablets

Apple Macs

2212 136 60 35

PC's Laptops Tablets Apple Mac0







Number of PCS

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