improving our energy at work

Improving Our Energy at Work

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Page 1: Improving our energy at work

Improving Our Energy at


Page 2: Improving our energy at work

Improving Our Energy at WorkIntroduction

• Companies are demanding a very high performance from their employees and workforce.

• Employees have been trying to comply such demands based on longer working hours and different working approaches.

• But unfortunately it is not working out and many of them are getting exhausted, demotivated and sick.

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Improving Our Energy at WorkIntroduction

• If we talk about personal energy, we need to talk about the feeling of being ready to take on anything.

• When we feel energized we can think better and faster, we can be more focused and healthier.

• Only enough energy will enable us to be the best we can be.

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Improving Our Energy at WorkImportant

• And they are ways to overcome being so tired and demotivated.

• Specialists have appointed some ways to renewal our working energy, keeping up our high performance and productivity.

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Improving Our Energy at Work04 Energy Types

• They have classified 04 types of energy that we should be concerned with when dealing with high performance:– Physical Energy,

– Emotional Energy,

– Mental Energy and

– Spiritual Energy.

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Improving Our Energy at Work01. Physical Energy – Main Strategies

• There are some strategies to improve our physical energy:– Enhance your sleep by setting an earlier

bedtime and reducing alcohol use.

– Reduce stress by engaging in cardiovascular activity at least three times a week and strength training at least once.

– Eat small meals and light snacks every three hours.

– Take brief but regular breaks, away from your desk, at 90 to 120 minutes intervals throughout the day.

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Improving Our Energy at Work02. Emotional Energy – Main Strategies

• There are some strategies to keep up our emotional energy:– Defuse negative emotions -

irritability, impatience, anxiety, insecurity.

– Fuel positive emotions in yourself and others.

– Look at upsetting situations through new lenses.

– Employ a “wide lens” to ask, “How can I grow and learn from this situation?”

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Improving Our Energy at Work03. Mental Energy – Main Strategies

• They are:– Reduce interruptions by

performing high concentration tasks away from phones and e-mail.

– Respond to voice mails and e-mails at designated times during the day.

– Every night, identify the most important challenge for the next day. Then make it your first priority when you arrive at work in the morning.

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Improving Our Energy at Work04. Spiritual Energy – Main Strategies

• They are:– Identify your “sweet spot”

activities - those that give you feelings of effectiveness and fulfillment.

– Delegate the activities that you hate doing to someone that loves it.

– Allocate time and energy to what you consider most important.

– Respect your core values and never disrespect them and yourself.

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Improving Our Energy at WorkHelping employees to renew their energy levels

• Companies can support their employees’ energy level through: – Renewal rooms - where people can

go to relax and refuel.

– Encouraging managers to gather employees for daily workouts.

– Suggesting that people should stop checking e-mails all the time.

– Training employees to be aware and to respect their own life core values.

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Improving Our Energy at WorkConclusion

• It is important to be aware of how to get the necessary energy to achieve a high performance.

• Once we pay attention to such energy groups we become much more prepared to face strong challenges and obstacles and much less tired and demotivated.

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• The following are referenced in this presentation:

– Sarah Luczaj

– Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy

– Seth Baker

Improving Our Energy at WorkOur References

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Improving Our Energy at WorkBusiness Contact

Feel free to send us an e-mail.

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Linkedin: Roberto de Paula Lico JúniorSkype: roberto.lico