important oracle query & script

QUERIES STATUS Startup time select to_char(startup_time, 'HH24:MI DD-MON-YY') "Startup time" from v$instance / How large is the database col "Database Size" format a20 col "Free space" format a20 col "Used space" format a20 select round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) || ' GB' "Database Size" , round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) - round(free.p / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) || ' GB' "Used space" , round(free.p / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) || ' GB' "Free space" from (select bytes from v$datafile union all select bytes from v$tempfile union all select bytes from v$log) used, (select sum(bytes) as p from dba_free_space) free group by free.p / Distribution of objects and data Which schemas are taking up all of the space set pages 999 col "size MB" format 999,999,999 col "Objects" format 999,999,999 select obj.owner "Owner",obj_cnt "Objects", decode(seg_size, NULL, 0, seg_size) "size MB" from (select owner, count(*) obj_cnt from dba_objects group by owner) obj, (select owner, ceil(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) seg_size from dba_segments group by owner) seg where obj.owner = seg.owner(+) order by 3 desc ,2 desc, 1

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Post on 16-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Important Oracle Query & Script


Startup time

select to_char(startup_time, 'HH24:MI DD-MON-YY') "Startup time"from v$instance/

How large is the database

col "Database Size" format a20col "Free space" format a20col "Used space" format a20select round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) || ' GB' "Database Size", round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) -

round(free.p / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) || ' GB' "Used space", round(free.p / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) || ' GB' "Free space"from (selectbytes from v$datafile union all

select bytes from v$tempfile union all select bytes from v$log) used,

(select sum(bytes) as p from dba_free_space) free group by free.p /

Distribution of objects and data

Which schemas are taking up all of the spaceset pages 999col "size MB" format 999,999,999col "Objects" format 999,999,999select obj.owner "Owner",obj_cnt "Objects",decode(seg_size, NULL, 0, seg_size) "size MB"from (select owner, count(*) obj_cnt from dba_objects group by owner) obj,(select owner, ceil(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) seg_sizefrom dba_segments group by owner) segwhere obj.owner = seg.owner(+)order by 3 desc ,2 desc, 1/

Page 2: Important Oracle Query & Script

Show the ten largest objects in the database

Col owner format a15Col segment_name format a30Col segment_type format a15Col mb format 999,999,999select owner,segment_name,segment_type,mbfrom(select owner,segment_name,segment_type,bytes / 1024 / 1024 "MB"from dba_segmentsorder by bytes desc)where rownum < 11/

Is java installed in the database?

This will return 9000'ish if it count(*)from all_objectswhere object_type like '%JAVA%'and owner = 'SYS'/

Display character set information

select * from nls_database_parameters/

Show all used features

select name, detected_usagesfrom dba_feature_usage_statisticswhere detected_usages > 0/

Page 3: Important Oracle Query & Script

SESSIONShow all connected users

set lines 100 pages 999col ID format a15select username,sid || ',' || serial# "ID",status,last_call_et "Last Activity"from v$sessionwhere username is not nullorder by status desc,last_call_et desc


Time since last user activity

set lines 100 pages 999select username, floor(last_call_et / 60) "Minutes", statusfrom v$sessionwhere username is not nullorder by last_call_et


Sessions sorted by logon time

set lines 100 pages 999col ID format a15col osuser format a15col login_time format a14select username, osuser, sid || ',' || serial# "ID", status, to_char(logon_time, 'hh24:mi dd/mm/yy') login_time, last_call_etfrom v$sessionwhere username is not nullorder by login_time


Show user info including os pid

col "SID/SERIAL" format a10col username format a15col osuser format a15col program format a40select s.sid || ',' || s.serial# "SID/SERIAL", s.username, s.osuser, p.spid "OS PID", s.program

Page 4: Important Oracle Query & Script

from v$session s, v$process pWhere s.paddr = p.addrorder by to_number(p.spid)


Show a users current sql

Select sql_textfrom v$sqlareawhere (address, hash_value) in(select sql_address, sql_hash_value from v$session where username like '&username')


Session status associated with the specified os process id

select s.username, s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid, last_call_et, statusfrom V$SESSION s, V$PROCESS pwhere s.PADDR = p.ADDRand p.spid='&pid'


All active sql

set feedback offset serveroutput on size 9999column username format a20column sql_text format a55 word_wrappedbegin for x in (select username||'('||sid||','||serial#||') ospid = '|| process || ' program = ' || program username, to_char(LOGON_TIME,' Day HH24:MI') logon_time, to_char(sysdate,' Day HH24:MI') current_time, sql_address, sql_hash_value from v$session where status = 'ACTIVE' and rawtohex(sql_address) <> '00' and username is not null ) loop for y in (select sql_text from v$sqlarea where address = x.sql_address ) loop if ( y.sql_text not like '%listener.get_cmd%' and y.sql_text not like '%RAWTOHEX(SQL_ADDRESS)%' ) then dbms_output.put_line( '--------------------' );

Page 5: Important Oracle Query & Script

dbms_output.put_line( x.username ); dbms_output.put_line( x.logon_time || ' ' || x.current_time || ' SQL#=' || x.sql_hash_value); dbms_output.put_line( substr( y.sql_text, 1, 250 ) ); end if; end loop; end loop;end;


Display any long operations

set lines 100 pages 999col username format a15col message format a40col remaining format 9999select username, to_char(start_time, 'hh24:mi:ss dd/mm/yy') started, time_remaining remaining, messagefrom v$session_longopswhere time_remaining = 0order by time_remaining desc/

List open cursors per user

set pages 999select sess.username, sess.sid, sess.serial#, stat.value cursorsfrom v$sesstat stat, v$statname sn, v$session sesswhere sess.username is not nulland sess.sid = stat.sidand stat.statistic# = sn.statistic#and = 'opened cursors current'order by value


Or alternatively... set lines 100 pages 999select count(hash_value) cursors, sid, user_namefrom v$open_cursorgroup by sid, user_nameorder by cursors/

Page 6: Important Oracle Query & Script

INIT PARAMETERSShow latent parameter changes

select name, valuefrom v$parameterwhere ismodified != 'FALSE'


Show non-default parameters

set pages 999 lines 100col name format a30col value format a50select name, valuefrom v$parameterwhere isdefault = 'FALSE'and value is not nullorder by name


or for name='parameter' style...set pages 999 lines 100select name || '=' || decode(type, 2, '''') || value

|| decode(type, 2, '''') parameterfrom v$parameterwhere isdefault = 'FALSE'and value is not nullorder by name


Reset/Unset a spfile parameter

Setting a parameter to =' ' often isn't enough. Do this instead...alter system reset <parameter> scope=spfile sid='*'


The sid='*' bit is always necessary, even in non RAC database.


List users

set pages 999 lines 100col username format a20col status format a8col tablespace format a20

Page 7: Important Oracle Query & Script

col temp_ts format a20select username, account_status status, created, default_tablespace tablespace, temporary_tablespace temp_tsfrom dba_usersorder by username/

Lock or unlock a user

alter user <username> account lock;

And to unlock...

alter user <username> account unlock;

ROLEFind a role

select *from dba_roleswhere role like '&role'


Show what roles are granted to a user

select grantee, granted_role, admin_optionfrom dba_role_privswhere grantee like upper('&username')


Show what system privileges are granted to a role

select privilege, admin_optionfrom role_sys_privswhere role like '&role'


Show what table privileges are granted to a role

select owner || '.' || table_name "TABLE", column_name, privilege, grantablefrom role_tab_privs

Page 8: Important Oracle Query & Script

where role like '&role'/

Administration - ASM Check if css is running/working Display disk-groups Show disk space usage Create a disk group Add a disk to a group Drop a disk group Is ASM performing a balancing operation Check the internal consistency of a diskgroup

Check if css is running/working

crsctl check cssd

Display disk-groups

set lines 100col name format a10col path format a30select name, group_number, disk_number, mount_status, state, pathfrom v$asm_diskorder by group_number

/note. A group number of zero his indicates that a disk is available but hasn't yet been assigned to a disk group.

Show disk space usage

select name, group_number, disk_number, total_mb, free_mbfrom v$asm_diskorder by group_number


Create a disk group

create diskgroup data1external redundancy

Page 9: Important Oracle Query & Script

disk '/dev/raw/raw1'


or with multiple raw partitions...multiple diskscreate diskgroup data2external redundancydisk '/dev/raw/raw2', '/dev/raw/raw3'


or with multiple fail groups...create diskgroup data3normal redundancyfailgroup controller1 disk '/dev/raw/raw4'failgroup controller2 disk '/dev/raw/raw6'


Add a disk to a group

alter diskgroup data1add disk '/dev/raw/raw4'


Wildcards can be used for raw device names (eg. raw*)

Drop a disk group

drop diskgroup '<name>'


Is ASM performing a balancing operation

select *from v$asm_operation


Mount/dismount disk groupsalter diskgroup all mount

alter diskgroup data1 mount

alter diskgroup all dismount

alter diskgroup data1 dismount

Check the internal consistency of a diskgroup

alter diskgroup data1 check all/

Page 10: Important Oracle Query & Script

Administration - RAC 10gR2 Start, stop and check CRS (Cluster Ready Services) Start/stop nodeapps Start/stop asm Start/stop a database (all nodes) Start/stop an individual instance Check the VIP config Change the VIP address, subnetmask or interface Locate the voting disk Retrive OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry) information To prevent a database starting at boot time Change the private interconnect subnet

Start, stop and check CRS (Cluster Ready Services)

Note. Start/stop need to be run as root from the CRS home.

Start CRScrsctl start crs

Stop CRScrsctl stop crs

Check CRS's statuscrsctl check crs

Page 11: Important Oracle Query & Script

See the status of the various servicescrs_stat -t

Start/stop nodeapps

srvctl start nodeapps -n <node name>

srvctl stop nodeapps -n <node name>

Start/stop asm

srvctl start asm -n <node name>

Page 12: Important Oracle Query & Script

srvctl stop asm -n <node name>

Start/stop a database (all nodes)

srvctl start database -d <database name>

srvctl stop database -d <database name>

Start/stop an individual instance

srvctl start instance -d <database name> -i <instance name>

Page 13: Important Oracle Query & Script

srvctl stop instance -d <database name> -i <instance name>

Check the VIP config

srvctl config nodeapps -n <node> -a -g -s -l

Change the VIP address, subnetmask or interface

srvctl stop nodeapps -n <node1>srvctl stop nodeapps -n <node2>srvctl modify nodeapps -n <node1> -A <ip_address>/<net mask>/<interface>srvctl modify nodeapps -n <node2> -A <ip_address>/<net mask>/<interface>srvctl start nodeapps -n <node1>srvctl start nodeapps -n <node2>

Page 14: Important Oracle Query & Script

Locate the voting disk

crsctl query css votedisk

Retrive OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry) information


To prevent a database starting at boot time

srvctl disable database -d <database name>

Page 15: Important Oracle Query & Script

Change the private interconnect subnet

First find the interface which is in use as the interconnect - run as root from the crs home:oifcfg getif

Make a note of the interface name (eth1 in the following example), thenrun the following:oifcfg delif -global eth1oifcfg setif -global eth1/<your new subnet>:cluster_interconnect

Administration - Job Scheduler List scheduled jobs Submit a job Remove a job Reset a broken job Add a program to the 10g scheduler (os program) Add a program to the 10g scheduler (stored procedure) Schedule a 10g job

List scheduled jobs

set lines 100 pages 999col schema_user format a15col fails format 999select job, schema_user, to_char(last_date, 'hh24:mi dd/mm/yy') last_run, to_char(next_date, 'hh24:mi dd/mm/yy') next_run, failures fails, broken, substr(what, 1, 15) whatfrom dba_jobsorder by 4/

Page 16: Important Oracle Query & Script

Submit a job

dbms_job.submit('<code>', <start time>, <repeat time>, TRUE);

For example:declare job_id number;begindbms_job.submit(

job_id, 'andy.daily_data_clense', trunc(sysdate+1)+22/24, 'sysdate+1', true);end;/

This will run a stored procedure called 'daily_data_clense' each day at 10pm.

Remove a job

You need to be connected as the user who owns the jobexec dbms_job.remove(<job number>);

Page 17: Important Oracle Query & Script

Reset a broken job

You need to be connected as the user who owns the jobexec dbms_job.broken(<job number>, FALSE);

Add a program to the 10g scheduler (os program)

begindbms_scheduler.create_program(program_name=>'ANDY.job_test',program_action=>'/home/oracle/andyb/',program_type=>'EXECUTABLE',comments=>'test job',enabled=>TRUE);end;/

Add a program to the 10g scheduler (stored procedure)


Page 18: Important Oracle Query & Script

program_name=>'ANDY.job_test',program_action=>'andy.job_test',program_type=>'STORED_PROCEDURE',comments=>'test program',enabled=>TRUE);end;/

Schedule a 10g job


Administration - Recycle bin Display the contents of the recycle bin Empty the recycle bin Drop an object with out putting it in the recycle bin

Display the contents of the recycle bin

show recyclebin

Empty the recycle bin

purge recyclebin

Page 19: Important Oracle Query & Script

Drop an object with out putting it in the recycle bin

drop <object_type> <object_name> purge;

Structure - Tablespace Tablespace usage Show the files that comprise a tablespace Tablespaces >80% full User quotas on all tablespaces List all objects in a tablespace Show all tablespaces used by a user Create a temporary tablespace Alter a databases default temporary tablespace Show segments that are approaching max_extents List the contents of the temporary tablespace(s)

Tablespace usage

set pages 999col tablespace_name format a40col "size MB" format 999,999,999col "free MB" format 99,999,999col "% Used" format 999select tsu.tablespace_name, ceil(tsu.used_mb) "size MB", decode(ceil(tsf.free_mb), NULL,0,ceil(tsf.free_mb)) "free MB", decode(100 - ceil(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100), NULL, 100, 100 - ceil(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100)) "% used"from (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 used_mb

from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name union allselect tablespace_name || ' **TEMP**', sum(bytes)/1024/1024 used_mbfrom dba_temp_files group by tablespace_name) tsu

, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 free_mbfrom dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) tsf

where tsu.tablespace_name = tsf.tablespace_name (+)order by 4/

Page 20: Important Oracle Query & Script

Show the files that comprise a tablespace

set lines 100col file_name format a70select file_name, ceil(bytes / 1024 / 1024) "size MB"from dba_data_fileswhere tablespace_name like '&TSNAME'/

Tablespaces >80% full

set pages 999 lines 100col tablespace_name format a40col "size MB" format 999999999col "% Used" format 999col "80%" format 999999col "75%" format 999999select tsu.tablespace_name, ceil(tsu.used_mb) "size MB", 100 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100) "% Used", (tsu.used_mb / 100) * (20 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100)) "80%", (tsu.used_mb / 100) * (25 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100)) "75%"from (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 used_mb from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) tsu, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 free_mb from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) tsfwhere tsu.tablespace_name = tsf.tablespace_name (+)and 100 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100) >= 80order by 3,4,5/

Page 21: Important Oracle Query & Script

User quotas on all tablespaces

col quota format a10select username, tablespace_name, decode(max_bytes, -1, 'unlimited' , ceil(max_bytes / 1024 / 1024) || 'M' ) "QUOTA"from dba_ts_quotaswhere tablespace_name not in ('TEMP')/

List all objects in a tablespace

set pages 999col owner format a15col segment_name format a40col segment_type format a20select owner, segment_name, segment_typefrom dba_segmentswhere lower(tablespace_name) like lower('%&tablespace%')order by owner, segment_name/

Page 22: Important Oracle Query & Script

Show all tablespaces used by a user

select tablespace_name, ceil(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024) "MB"from dba_extentswhere owner like '&user_id'group by tablespace_nameorder by tablespace_name/

Create a temporary tablespace

create temporary tablespace temptempfile '<file_name>' size 500M/

Alter a databases default temporary tablespace

alter database default temporary tablespace temp/

Page 23: Important Oracle Query & Script

Show segments that are approaching max_extents

col segment_name format a40select owner, segment_type, segment_name, max_extents - extents as "spare", max_extentsfrom dba_segmentswhere owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')and (max_extents - extents) < 10order by 4/

To change maxextentsalter <segment_type> <segment_name> storage(maxextents 150);

List the contents of the temporary tablespace(s)

set pages 999 lines 100col username format a15col mb format 999,999select su.username, ses.sid , ses.serial#, su.tablespace, ceil((su.blocks * dt.block_size) / 1048576) MBfrom v$sort_usage su, dba_tablespaces dt, v$session seswhere su.tablespace = dt.tablespace_nameand su.session_addr = ses.saddr/

Page 24: Important Oracle Query & Script

Structure - Objects Find an object Invalid objects Show the size of an object All objects owned by a user Source code of a procedure Get an objects ddl (9i onwards) Display compilation errors and warnings Find all tables containing the specified column List all tables owned by a user sorted by size

Find an object

set pages 999col owner format a15col object_name format a40col object_type format a20select owner, object_name, object_typefrom dba_objectswhere lower(object_name) like lower('%&object%')order by owner, object_type, object_name/

Invalid objects

List invalid objects... set lines 200 pages 999col "obj" format a40select owner || '.' || object_name "obj", object_typefrom dba_objectswhere status = 'INVALID'/

Page 25: Important Oracle Query & Script

Recompile all invalid objects...@?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

Show the size of an object

col segment_name format a20select segment_name, bytes "SIZE_BYTES", ceil(bytes / 1024 / 1024) "SIZE_MB"from dba_segmentswhere segment_name like '&obj_name'/

All objects owned by a user

col object_name format a40select object_name, object_typefrom dba_objectswhere owner = '&user'order by object_type, object_name/

Page 26: Important Oracle Query & Script

Source code of a procedure

select textfrom dba_sourcewhere owner = 'ANDY'and name = 'FILE_TEST'and type = 'PACKAGE BODY'order by line/

Get an objects ddl (9i onwards)

Note. Works for 9i and newer.Parameters: OBJECT_TYPE, OBJECT_NAME, SCHEMAset pagesize 0set long 90000select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','TABLE_A','ANDY') from dual;

Display compilation errors and warnings

show errors

Page 27: Important Oracle Query & Script

show errors view <veiw_name>show errors procedure <proc_name>

select * from dba_errors;

Find all tables containing the specified column

set pages 999 lines 100col tab format a60col column_name format a20select owner || '.' || table_name as tab, column_namefrom dba_tab_columnswhere column_name like upper('&col')/

List all tables owned by a user sorted by size

set lines 100 pages 999col segment_name format a40col mb format 999,999,999select segment_name, ceil(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024) "MB"

Page 28: Important Oracle Query & Script

from dba_segmentswhere owner like '&user'and segment_type = 'TABLE'group by segment_nameorder by ceil(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024) desc/

Structure - Indexes Index info by table Show indexed columns

Index info by table

select i.index_name, i.tablespace_name, ceil(s.bytes / 1048576) "Size MB"from dba_indexes i, dba_segments swhere i.index_name = s.segment_nameand table_name like '&table'order by 2, 1


Show indexed columns

select column_namefrom dba_ind_columnswhere index_name = '&index'order by column_position/

Structure - Files Display all datafiles, tempfiles and logfiles (and their sizes) Quick datafile health check Show directories that contain datafiles List autoextensible datafiles Turn autoextend off for all datafiles Move files between disks List controlfiles Create an OS command for every file in the database Find duplicate filenames List files that are in hot-backup mode

Page 29: Important Oracle Query & Script

Display all datafiles, tempfiles and logfiles (and their sizes)

set lines 100 pages 999col name format a50select name, bytesfrom (selectname, bytes

from v$datafileunion allselect name, bytesfrom v$tempfileunion allselect lf.member "name", l.bytesfrom v$logfile lf, v$log lwhere = allselect name, 0from v$controlfile) used

, (select sum(bytes) as pfrom dba_free_space) free


Quick datafile health check

You should only see online and system (maybe read-only too)select distinct status from v$datafile/

Show directories that contain datafiles

select distinct substr(name, 1, instr(name, '/', -1)) DIRfrom v$datafileorder by 1

Page 30: Important Oracle Query & Script


List autoextensible datafiles

select file_namefrom dba_data_fileswhere autoextensible = 'YES'/

Turn autoextend off for all datafiles

select 'alter database datafile ''' || file_name || ''' autoextend off;'from dba_data_files/

Move files between disks

set trimspool on wrap offset heading offset verify offset pages 1000 lines 100

Page 31: Important Oracle Query & Script

spool rename.sql

select 'alter database rename file ''' || name || ''' to ''' || replace(name || ''';', '/u01', '/u02')

from v$datafile/

select 'alter database rename file ''' || member || ''' to ''' || replace(member || ''';', '/u01', '/u02')

from v$logfile/

spool off

List controlfiles

select namefrom v$controlfile/

Create an OS command for every file in the database

The example deletes all filesselect 'rm ' || namefrom (select name

from v$datafileunion allselect namefrom v$tempfileunion allselect memberfrom v$logfile

Page 32: Important Oracle Query & Script

union all select name from v$controlfile


Find duplicate filenames

Searches for files with the same name in all directoriesselect count(substr(name, instr(name, '/', -1) + 1, 999)) "total", count(distinct substr(name, instr(name, '/', -1) + 1, 999)) "distinct" from v$datafile/

List files that are in hot-backup mode

set lines 100 pages 999col name format a60select, b.status, to_char(time, 'hh24:mi:ss dd/mm/yyyy') timefrom v$datafile df, v$backup bwhere df.file# = b.file#and b.status = 'ACTIVE'order by b.file#


Page 33: Important Oracle Query & Script

Structure - Redo Logs Remove drop add logfile members List members and sizes

Remove drop

alter database drop logfile member '<filename>';

add logfile members

alter database add logfile member '<filename>' to group <group>;

List members and sizes

col member format a60col "Size MB" format 9,999,999select lf.member, ceil(lg.bytes / 1024 / 1024) "Size MB"from v$logfile lf, v$log lgwhere = by 1/

Structure - Undo Converting from Rollback to Undo Display the rollback segments Alter undo retention What's in undo Is anything rolling back at the moment?

Display the rollback segments

select segment_name, statusfrom dba_rollback_segs/

Page 34: Important Oracle Query & Script

Alter undo retention

alter system set undo_retention=500 scope=memory;

Note. This is in seconds

What's in undo

select tablespace_name, status, count(*) as HOW_MANYfrom dba_undo_extentsgroup by tablespace_name, status/

Is anything rolling back at the moment?

Look for the used_ublk value decreasing. If it is, the session connected with it is rolling back. When it reaches zero, rollback is complete.set lines 100 pages 999col username format a15

Page 35: Important Oracle Query & Script

col command format a20select ses.username, substr(ses.program, 1, 19) command, tra.used_ublkfrom v$session ses, v$transaction trawhere ses.saddr = tra.ses_addr/

Structure - Constraints Show all constraints on a table List tables that are using the specified table as a foreign key Produce a list of disabled fk constraints Produce enable statements all disabled fk constraints List parent tables that may need fixing/re-importing List missing foriegn key values Show all table constraints for a user

Show all constraints on a table

col type format a10col cons_name format a30select decode(constraint_type,

'C', 'Check','O', 'R/O View','P', 'Primary','R', 'Foreign','U', 'Unique','V', 'Check view') type

, constraint_name cons_name, status, last_changefrom dba_constraintswhere owner like '&owner'and table_name like '&table_name'order by 1/

List tables that are using the specified table as a foreign key

set lines 100 pages 999select a.owner

Page 36: Important Oracle Query & Script

, a.table_name, a.constraint_namefrom dba_constraints a, dba_constraints bwhere a.constraint_type = 'R'and a.r_constraint_name = b.constraint_nameand a.r_owner = b.ownerand b.owner = '&table_owner'and b.table_name = '&table_name'/

Same as above, but produces 'disable constraint' statementsset lines 100 pages 999col discon format a100 select 'alter table '||a.owner||'.'||a.table_name||' disable constraint'||a.constraint_name||';' disconfrom dba_constraints a, dba_constraints bwhere a.constraint_type = 'R'and a.r_constraint_name = b.constraint_nameand a.r_owner = b.ownerand b.owner = '&table_owner'and b.table_name = '&table_name'/

Produce a list of disabled fk constraints

set lines 100 pages 999col table format a60col constraint_name format a30select owner||'.'||table_name "table", constraint_namefrom dba_constraintswhere status = 'DISABLED'and constraint_type = 'R'

Page 37: Important Oracle Query & Script

and owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')order by 1,2/

Produce enable statements all disabled fk constraints

set lines 100 pages 999select 'alter table '||owner||'.'||table_name||' enable constraint'||constraint_name||';' "enable"from dba_constraintswhere status = 'DISABLED'and constraint_type = 'R'and owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')order by 1/

List parent tables that may need fixing/re-importing

select distinct r.owner || '.' || r.table_name "exp"from dba_constraints c, dba_constraints rwhere c.status = 'DISABLED'and c.constraint_type = 'R'and c.r_owner = r.ownerand c.r_constraint_name = r.constraint_nameand c.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')order by 1/

Page 38: Important Oracle Query & Script

List missing foriegn key values

Note. Useful for resolving ORA-02298select 'select '||cc.column_name- ||' from '||c.owner||'.'||c.table_name- ||' a where not exists (select ''x'' from '- ||r.owner||'.'||r.table_name- ||' where '||rc.column_name||' = a.'||cc.column_name||')'from dba_constraints c, dba_constraints r, dba_cons_columns cc, dba_cons_columns rcwhere c.constraint_type = 'R'and c.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')and c.r_owner = r.ownerand c.owner = cc.ownerand r.owner = rc.ownerand c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_nameand r.constraint_name = rc.constraint_nameand c.r_constraint_name = r.constraint_nameand cc.position = rc.positionand c.owner = '&table_owner'and c.table_name = '&table_name'and c.constraint_name = '&constraint_name'order by c.owner, c.table_name, c.constraint_name, cc.position/

Show all table constraints for a user

Note. This still needs some work...set lines 100 pages 999break on table_name

Page 39: Important Oracle Query & Script

select table_name, decode(constraint_type, 'C', 'Check',

'O', 'R/O View', 'P', 'Primary', 'R', 'Foreign', 'U', 'Unique', 'V', 'Check view') type

, nvl(index_name, R_CONSTRAINT_NAME) "IDX"from dba_constraintswhere owner like '&user'order by table_name, decode(constraint_type,


Structure - Materialized view Create a view log for the master table List all materialized view logs Create a simple materialized view Show all materialized and resfresh times Show materialized view tables and masters Show refresh jobs in dba_jobs Manually start a refresh Force a complete refresh

Create a view log for the master table

This is required for fast refreshcreate materialized view log on <table>/

or...create materialized view log on <table>tablespace <tablespace_name>/

Page 40: Important Oracle Query & Script

List all materialized view logs

select log_owner, log_tablefrom dba_mview_logs/

Create a simple materialized view

create materialized view andy_mviewrefresh [fast | complete | force]start with sysdatenext sysdate + 1/24with primary keyas select * from test_table/

Fast = update changes onlyComplete = wipe and repopulate the mviewForce = fast if possible, complete if not.

Show all materialized and resfresh times

Page 41: Important Oracle Query & Script

set lines 100 pages 999col last_refresh format a20select owner, mview_name, to_char(last_refresh_date, 'dd/mm/yy hh24:mi') last_refreshfrom dba_mviewsorder by owner, last_refresh/

Show materialized view tables and masters

set lines 100col mview format a40col master format a40select owner || '.' || name mview, master_owner || '.' || master masterfrom dba_mview_refresh_times/

Show refresh jobs in dba_jobs

This is useful for spotting failuresset lines 100col job format 9999col log_user format a15col last format a15col next format a15col fail format 9999col what format a20select job, log_user, to_char(last_date, 'dd/mm/yy hh24:mi') last, to_char(next_date, 'dd/mm/yy hh24:mi') next, failures fail

Page 42: Important Oracle Query & Script

, replace(what, '"') whatfrom dba_jobswhere what like '%dbms_refresh.refresh%'/

Manually start a refresh

execute dbms_mview.refresh ('<owner.mv_table>');

Force a complete refresh

execute dbms_mview.refresh ('<owner.mv_table>','C');

Structure - Partitions List partitioned tables List a tables partitions Show partition sizes for the specified table Move a partition to a new tablespace Add a partition Split a partition Drop a partition Truncate a partition

List partitioned tables

set pages 999 lines 100col table_name format a40select table_name, partitioning_type type

Page 43: Important Oracle Query & Script

, partition_count partitionsfrom dba_part_tableswhere owner = '&owner'order by 1/

List a tables partitions

set pages 999 lines 100col high_value format a20col tablespace_name format a20select partition_name, tablespace_name, high_valuefrom dba_tab_partitionswhere table_owner = '&owner'and table_name = '&table_name'order by partition_position/

Show partition sizes for the specified table

set pages 999 lines 100col tablespace_name format a20col num_rows format 999,999,999select p.partition_name, p.tablespace_name, p.num_rows, ceil(s.bytes / 1024 / 1204) mbfrom dba_tab_partitions p, dba_segments swhere p.table_owner = s.ownerand p.partition_name = s.partition_nameand p.table_name = s.segment_name

Page 44: Important Oracle Query & Script

and p.table_owner = '&owner'and p.table_name = '&table_name'order by partition_position/

Move a partition to a new tablespace

alter table <table_name>move partition <partition_name>tablespace <tablespace_name>nologging/

Add a partition

alter table <table_name>add partition <partition_name> values less than (<value>)tablespace <tablespace_name>/

or...alter table <table_name>add partition <partition_name> values (<value>)tablespace <tablespace_name>

Page 45: Important Oracle Query & Script


Split a partition

alter table <table_name>split partition <partition_name> at (<value>)into (partition <partition_name>, partition <partition_name>)update global indexes/

Drop a partition

alter table <table_name> drop partition <partition_name>/

Truncate a partition

alter table <table_name> truncate partition <partition_name>/

Page 46: Important Oracle Query & Script

Performance - General Show currently exectuing sql Session statistics Resource intensive sql File io stats In session tracing switch on event 10046 Rows per block Show the buffer cache advisory

Show currently exectuing sql

select sql_textfrom v$sqlareawhere users_executing > 0/

Session statistics

select, st.valuefrom v$sesstat st, v$statname snwhere st.STATISTIC# = sn.STATISTIC#and st.VALUE > 0and st.SID = &SIDorder by value desc/

Resource intensive sql

Page 47: Important Oracle Query & Script

change 8192 to match block size select sql_text, executions, to_char((((disk_reads+buffer_gets)/executions) * 8192)/1048576, '9,999,999,990.00')

as total_gets_per_exec_mb, to_char((( disk_reads /executions) * 8192)/1048576, '9,999,999,990.00')

as disk_reads_per_exec_mb, to_char((( buffer_gets /executions) * 8192)/1048576, '9,999,999,990.00')

as buffer_gets_per_exec_mb, parsing_user_idfrom v$sqlareawhere executions > 10order by 6 desc/

File io stats

Requires timed_statistics=trueset lines 80 pages 999col fname heading "File Name" format a60col sizemb heading "Size(Mb)" format 99,999col phyrds heading "Reads" format 999,999,999col readtim heading "Time" format 99.999col phywrts heading "Writes" format 9,999,999col writetim heading "Time" format 99.999select lower(name) fname, (bytes / 1048576) sizemb, phyrds, readtim, phywrts, writetimfrom v$datafile df, v$filestat fswhere df.file# = fs.file#order by 1/

Page 48: Important Oracle Query & Script

In session tracing

To switch it on:exec dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session (<sid>, <serial#>, true);

To switch it off:exec dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session (<sid>, <serial#>, false);

switch on event 10046

To switch it on:alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';

Page 49: Important Oracle Query & Script

To switch it off:alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';

Note. use tkprof to interpret the results.

Rows per block

select avg(row_count) avg, max(row_count) max, min(row_count) minfrom ( select count(*) row_count from &table_name group by substr(rowid, 1, 15) )/

Show the buffer cache advisory

Note. The current setting is halfway down and has a read factor of one.set lines 100 pages 999col est_mb format 99,999col estd_physical_reads format 999,999,999,999,999

Page 50: Important Oracle Query & Script

select size_for_estimate est_mb, estd_physical_read_factor, estd_physical_readsfrom v$db_cache_advicewhere name = 'DEFAULT'order by size_for_estimate/

db_cache_advice needs to be on for the above to workalter system set db_cache_advice=on;

Performance - Locks DML Show sessions that are blocking each other Show locked objects Show which row is locked List locks

Show sessions that are blocking each other

select 'SID ' || l1.sid ||' is blocking ' || l2.sid blockingfrom v$lock l1, v$lock l2where l1.block =1 and l2.request > 0and l1.id1=l2.id1and l1.id2=l2.id2/

Show locked objects

set lines 100 pages 999col username format a20col sess_id format a10

Page 51: Important Oracle Query & Script

col object format a25col mode_held format a10select oracle_username || ' (' || s.osuser || ')' username, s.sid || ',' || s.serial# sess_id, owner || '.' ||object_name object, object_type, decode( l.block

, 0, 'Not Blocking', 1, 'Blocking', 2, 'Global') status

, decode(v.locked_mode, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row-S (SS)', 3, 'Row-X (SX)', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)', 6, 'Exclusive', TO_CHAR(lmode)) mode_held

from v$locked_object v, dba_objects d, v$lock l, v$session swhere v.object_id = d.object_idand v.object_id = l.id1and v.session_id = s.sidorder by oracle_username, session_id/

Show which row is locked

select do.object_name, row_wait_obj#, row_wait_file#, row_wait_block#, row_wait_row#, dbms_rowid.rowid_create (1, ROW_WAIT_OBJ#, ROW_WAIT_FILE#,

ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#, ROW_WAIT_ROW#)from v$session s, dba_objects dowhere sid=&sidand s.ROW_WAIT_OBJ# = do.OBJECT_ID/

Page 52: Important Oracle Query & Script

Then select the row with that * from <table> where rowid=<rowid>;

List locks

column lock_type format a12column mode_held format a10column mode_requested format a10column blocking_others format a20column username format a10SELECT session_id, lock_type, mode_held, mode_requested, blocking_others, lock_id1FROM dba_lock lWHERE lock_type NOT IN ('Media Recovery', 'Redo Thread')/

Performance - Locks DDL Show all ddl locks in the system Slightly more simple version of the above Generate kill statement for ddl locking sessions

Show all ddl locks in the system

select decode(lob.kglobtyp, 0, 'NEXT OBJECT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER',4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE',

Page 53: Important Oracle Query & Script


) object_type, lob.kglnaobj object_name, pn.kglpnmod lock_mode_held, pn.kglpnreq lock_mode_requested, ses.sid, ses.serial#, ses.usernamefrom v$session_wait vsw, x$kglob lob, x$kglpn pn, v$session seswhere vsw.event = 'library cache lock'and vsw.p1raw = lob.kglhdadrand lob.kglhdadr = pn.kglpnhdland pn.kglpnmod != 0and pn.kglpnuse = ses.saddr/

Slightly more simple version of the above

select ses.username, ddl.session_id, ses.serial#, owner || '.' || object, ddl.type, ddl.mode_heldfrom dba_ddl_locks ddl, v$session ses

Page 54: Important Oracle Query & Script

where owner like '%userid%'and ddl.session_id = ses.sid/

Generate kill statement for ddl locking sessions

select 'alter system kill session ''' || ddl.session_id || ',' || ses.serial# || ''' immediate;'from dba_ddl_locks ddl, v$session seswhere owner like '%userid%'and ddl.session_id = ses.sid/

Performance - Waits Top ten hotest objects by touch count Waits by file Segment Waits Time waited for latches Identify hot blocks Look at the performance stats for the instance

Top ten hotest objects by touch count

col owner format a20 trunccol object_nameformat a30col touches format 9,999,999select *from (

select count(*), sum(tch) TOUCHES, OWNER, OBJECT_NAMEfrom x$bh x, obj$ o, user$ uwhere x.obj = o.obj#and o.owner# = u.user#group by,

order by 2 desc)

Page 55: Important Oracle Query & Script

where rownum < 11/

Waits by file

col name format a60select name, count from x$kcbfwait, v$datafilewhere indx + 1 = file#order by 2/

Segment Waits

select object_name, obj#, statistic_name, valuefrom v$segment_statisticswhere owner like '&owner'and statistic_name like '%waits%'and value > 0order by statistic_name, value desc/

Page 56: Important Oracle Query & Script

Time waited for latches

col event format a30select event, time_waited, round(time_waited*100/ SUM (time_waited) OVER(),2) wait_pctfrom (

select event, time_waitedfrom v$system_eventwhere event not in (

'Null event','client message','rdbms ipc reply','smon timer','rdbms ipc message','PX Idle Wait','PL/SQL lock timer','file open','pmon timer','WMON goes to sleep','virtual circuit status','dispatcher timer','SQL*Net message from client','parallel query dequeue wait','pipe get')

union(select name, valuefrom v$sysstatwhere name like 'CPU used when call started')

)order by 2 desc/

Page 57: Important Oracle Query & Script

Identify hot blocks

Look at all waits for the instancecol event format a30select event, total_waits, time_waitedfrom v$system_event where event like '%wait%'order by 2,3/

If there are lots of 'data block' waits, get a break-down of themselect *from v$waitstat/

Then run this to identify the file, block and reason p1 "File #", p2 "Block #", p3 "Reason Code"from v$session_waitwhere event = 'buffer busy waits'/

Page 58: Important Oracle Query & Script

Note. You might need to run this a few times before anything is displayed.

Look at the performance stats for the instance

select, s.valuefrom v$statname n, v$sysstat swhere n.statistic# = s.statistic#order by n.class,

Performance - Statistics Gather database statistics Gather stats for a single schema... Delete stats Gather system stats Export/Import optimizer statistics Old style analyze Show a count of analyezed tables broken down by schema Show tables that have analyze dates older than today

Gather database statistics

Gather stats on the entire database...execute dbms_stats.gather_database_stats;

Or...execute dbms_stats.gather_database_stats( -

Page 59: Important Oracle Query & Script

estimate_percent => 1, -method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1',-cascade => TRUE);

Gather stats for a single schema...

execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SCOTT');

Or...execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats( -ownname => 'SCOTT', -estimate_percent => 1, -method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1',-cascade => TRUE);

You can let oracle come up with the estimate figure by using dbms_stats.auto_sample_size

or...execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats( -ownname => 'SYS', -cascade => TRUE);

Page 60: Important Oracle Query & Script

Table statisticsexec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('<owner>', '<table_name>');

Delete stats

exec dbms_stats.delete_database_stats;

exec dbms_stats.delete_schema_stats('SCOTT');

exec dbms_stats.delete_table_stats('SCOTT', 'EMPLOYEES');

Page 61: Important Oracle Query & Script

exec dbms_stats.delete_index_stats('SCOTT', 'EMPLOYEES_PK');

Gather system stats

execute dbms_stats.gather_system_stats('Start');

Wait for a while - idealy with the database under a typical workloadexecute dbms_stats.gather_system_stats('Stop');

To see the current system statisticsselect pname, pval1 from sys.aux_stats$

Page 62: Important Oracle Query & Script

where sname = 'SYSSTATS_MAIN'/

Export/Import optimizer statistics

Create a table to hold the statistics... exec dbms_stats.create_stat_table(ownname => 'SYS',-stattab => 'prod_stats', tblspace => 'USERS');

Populate the table with the current stats... exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats(ownname => 'SCOTT',-statown=>'SYS', stattab=>'prod_stats');

At this point you need to:1) take an export of the 'prod_stats' table2) import 'prod_stats' into the target database3) load the statistics using this command... exec dbms_stats.import_schema_stats(ownname => 'SCOTT',-statown=>'SYS', stattab=>'prod_stats');

Page 63: Important Oracle Query & Script

Old style analyze

analyze table employees compute statistics;

analyze table employees estimate statistics sample 100 rows;

analyze table employees estimate statistics sample 15 percent;

analyze index employees_ind compute statistics;

Page 64: Important Oracle Query & Script

Show a count of analyezed tables broken down by schema

set pages 999 lines 100select a.owner, a.total_tables tables, nvl(b.analyzed_tables,0) analyzedfrom (select owner

, count(*) total_tablesfrom dba_tablesgroup by owner) a

, (select owner, count(last_analyzed) analyzed_tablesfrom dba_tableswhere last_analyzed is not nullgroup by owner) b

where a.owner = b.owner (+)and a.owner not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')order by a.total_tables - nvl(b.analyzed_tables,0) desc/

Show tables that have analyze dates older than today

This is useful if you are running an analyze and want to see how much is left to doselect count(last_analyzed) left_to_dofrom dba_tableswhere owner = '&schema'and trunc(last_analyzed) < trunc(sysdate)order by 1/

Page 65: Important Oracle Query & Script

Performance - Query Tuning Create a plan table Autotrace Explain plan Find a query's hash Grab the sql associated with a hash Look at a query's stats in the sql area

Create a plan table



To switch it on:column plan_plus_exp format a100

set autotrace on explain # Displays the execution plan only. set autotrace traceonly explain # dont run the queryset autotrace on # Shows the execution plan as well as statistics of the statement. set autotrace on statistics # Displays the statistics only. set autotrace traceonly # Displays the execution plan and the statistics

To switch it off:set autotrace off

Page 66: Important Oracle Query & Script

Explain plan

explain plan forselect ...

or...explain plan set statement_id = 'bad1' forselect...

Then to see the output...set lines 100 pages 999@?/rdbms/admin/utlxpls

Page 67: Important Oracle Query & Script

Find a query's hash

Put something unique in the like clauseselect hash_value, sql_textfrom v$sqlareawhere sql_text like '%TIMINGLINKS%FOLDERREF%'/

Grab the sql associated with a hash

select sql_textfrom v$sqlareawhere hash_value = '&hash'/

Look at a query's stats in the sql area

select executions, cpu_time, disk_reads, buffer_gets, rows_processed, buffer_gets / executionsfrom v$sqlareawhere hash_value = '&hash'/

Performance - Memory SGA breakdown PGA usage by username

Page 68: Important Oracle Query & Script

Display pool usage

SGA breakdown

set lines 100 pages 999col bytes format 999,999,999compute sum of bytes on poolbreak on pool skip 1select pool, name, bytesfrom v$sgastatorder by pool, name/

PGA usage by username

select st.sid "SID", "TYPE",ceil(st.value / 1024 / 1024) "MB"

from v$sesstat st,v$statname sn

where st.statistic# = sn.statistic#and sid in (select sid

from v$sessionwhere username like '&user')

and upper( like '%PGA%'order by st.sid,

st.value desc


Display pool usage

select name, sum(bytes)from v$sgastatwhere pool like 'shared pool'group by name/

Page 69: Important Oracle Query & Script

Performance - Statspack Take a snapshot Delete one or more snapshots Generate a report List snapshots Install statspack Uninstall statspack Schedule and hourly snapshot

Take a snapshot

exec statspack.snap;

Or to specify a level...exec statspack.snap(i_snap_level => 6, i_modify_parameter => 'true');

Level 0 - This level captures general statistics, including rollback segment, row cache, SGA, system events, background events, session events, system statistics, wait statistics, lock statistics, and Latch information.

Level 5 - This level includes capturing high resource usage SQL Statements, along with all data captured by lower levels.

Level 6 - This level includes capturing SQL plan and SQL plan usage information for high resource usage SQL Statements, along with all data captured by lower levels.

Level 7 - This level captures segment level statistics, including logical and physical reads, row lock, itl and buffer busy waits, along with all data captured by lower levels.

Level 10 - This level includes capturing Child Latch statistics, along with all data captured by lower levels.

Page 70: Important Oracle Query & Script

Delete one or more snapshots


Generate a report


List snapshots

col "Date/Time" format a30select snap_id, snap_level, to_char(snap_time,'HH24:MI:SS DD-MM-YYYY') "Date/Time"from stats$snapshot, v$databaseorder by snap_id/

Install statspack

Page 71: Important Oracle Query & Script

1. Create a tablespace (minimum size 100MB)2. Run...@?/rdbms/admin/spcreate

Uninstall statspack


Schedule and hourly snapshot


Note. This uses dbms_job, so job_queue_processes needs to be set greater than 0.

To see the job: select job, whatfrom dba_jobs/

Page 72: Important Oracle Query & Script

To delete the job:exec dbms_job.remove(<job number>);

Performance - AWR Display a list of snapshots Produce a report To see the snapshot interval and retention period Change the snapshot interval Change the retention period Manually take a snapshot List all baselines Create a baseline Remove a baseline Enable/Disable automatic snapshots Time model queries Produce an Active Session History (ASH) report

Display a list of snapshots

set lines 100 pages 999select snap_id, snap_level, to_char(begin_interval_time, 'dd/mm/yy hh24:mi:ss') beginfrom dba_hist_snapshot order by 1/

Produce a report

Page 73: Important Oracle Query & Script


To see the snapshot interval and retention period

col snap_interval format a30col retention format a30select snap_interval, retentionfrom dba_hist_wr_control/

Change the snapshot interval

Note. This example changes it to 30 minutesexec dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings (interval => 30)

Change the retention period

Note. This example changes it to two weeks (14 days)exec dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings (retention => 14*24*60)

Page 74: Important Oracle Query & Script

Manually take a snapshot

exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot

List all baselines

set lines 100col baseline_name format a40select baseline_id, baseline_name, start_snap_id, end_snap_id from dba_hist_baselineorder by 1/

Create a baseline

exec dbms_workload_repository.create_baseline (<start snap>, <endsnap>,'<name>')

Page 75: Important Oracle Query & Script

Remove a baseline

exec dbms_workload_repository.drop_baseline('<baseline name>')

Enable/Disable automatic snapshots

Note. This job is enabled by defaultexec dbms_scheduler.enable('GATHER_STATS_JOB')

and to disable...exec dbms_scheduler.disable('GATHER_STATS_JOB')

Page 76: Important Oracle Query & Script

Time model queries

System time modelset lines 100 pages 999select stat_name, valuefrom v$sys_time_modelorder by value desc/

Session time modelset lines 100 pages 999select stat_name, valuefrom v$sess_time_modelwhere sid = '&sid'order by value desc/

Produce an Active Session History (ASH) report


Backup - DataGuard Startup commands To remove a delay from a standby Cancel managed recovery Register a missing log file If FAL doesn't work and it says the log is already registered Check which logs are missing

Page 77: Important Oracle Query & Script

Disable/Enable archive log destinations Turn on fal tracing on the primary db Stop the Data Guard broker Show the current instance role Logical standby apply stop/start See how up to date a physical standby is Display info about all log destinations Display log destinations options List any standby redo logs

Startup commands

startup nomountalter database mount standby database;alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;

To remove a delay from a standby

alter database recover managed standby database cancel;alter database recover managed standby database nodelay disconnect;

Cancel managed recovery

alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

Page 78: Important Oracle Query & Script

Register a missing log file

alter database register physical logfile '<fullpath/filename>';

If FAL doesn't work and it says the log is already registered

alter database register or replace physical logfile '<fullpath/filename>';

If that doesn't work, try this...shutdown immediatestartup nomountalter database mount standby database;alter database recover automatic standby database;

Page 79: Important Oracle Query & Script

wait for the recovery to finish - then cancelshutdown immediatestartup nomountalter database mount standby database;alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;

Check which logs are missing

Run this on the standby... select local.thread#, local.sequence# from (select thread# , sequence# from v$archived_log where dest_id=1) local where local.sequence# not in (select sequence# from v$archived_log where dest_id=2 and thread# = local.thread#)/

Disable/Enable archive log destinations

Page 80: Important Oracle Query & Script

alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = 'defer';alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = 'enable';

Turn on fal tracing on the primary db

alter system set LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE = 128;

Stop the Data Guard broker

alter system set dg_broker_start=false/

Show the current instance role

select database_rolefrom v$database/

Page 81: Important Oracle Query & Script

Logical standby apply stop/start

Stop...alter database stop logical standby apply;

Start...alter database start logical standby apply;

See how up to date a physical standby is

Run this on the primaryset numwidth 15select max(sequence#) current_seqfrom v$log/

Page 82: Important Oracle Query & Script

Then run this on the standbyset numwidth 15select max(applied_seq#) last_seqfrom v$archive_dest_status/

Display info about all log destinations

To be run on the primaryset lines 100set numwidth 15column ID format 99column "SRLs" format 99 column active format 99 col type format a4

select ds.dest_id id, ad.status, ds.database_mode db_mode, ad.archiver type, ds.recovery_mode, ds.protection_mode, ds.standby_logfile_count "SRLs", ds.standby_logfile_active active, ds.archived_seq#from v$archive_dest_status ds, v$archive_dest adwhere ds.dest_id = ad.dest_idand ad.status != 'INACTIVE'order by


Page 83: Important Oracle Query & Script

Display log destinations options

To be run on the primaryset numwidth 8 lines 100column id format 99 select dest_id id, archiver, transmit_mode, affirm, async_blocks async, net_timeout net_time, delay_mins delay, reopen_secs reopen, register,binding from v$archive_destorder by


List any standby redo logs

set lines 100 pages 999col member format a70select, st.sequence#, ceil(st.bytes / 1048576) mb, lf.memberfrom v$standby_log st, v$logfile lfwhere =

Page 84: Important Oracle Query & Script

Backup - Flashback To put the session back in time Copy old data into a new table Export a database from a point in time Find the current SCN number Set the database recovery directory and size Set the flashback database retention target Turn on flashback database What is the earliest time the database can be flashed back to? Get a list of times and scn numbers Flash the database back

To put the session back in time

Note. undo_management must be autoNote. Take a look at undo_retention to get an idea of how far back you might be able to go.Note. This can't be run as sys - system works thoughexec dbms_flashback.enable_at_time(to_date('2006-AUG-24 12:00:00', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS'));

To disable flashback run...exec dbms_flashback.disable;

Copy old data into a new table

First, create an empty copy of the source table...create table old_test_tabletablespace andyas select *

Page 85: Important Oracle Query & Script

from test_tablewhere rownum < 1/

Now, insert the old data into it...insert /*+ APPEND */ old_test_table

(select * from test_table as of timestampto_timestamp('24-AUG-06 12:00:00','DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'))


Export a database from a point in time

exp / file=full_scr9.dmp log=full_scr9.log flashback_time=TO_TIMESTAMP('10-09-2006 09:00:00', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

exp / parfile=full_scr9.par

Page 86: Important Oracle Query & Script

parfile...userid=system/******file=full_scr9.dmplog=full_scr9.logflashback_time='2006-09-13 12:00:00'

Find the current SCN number

select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual/

Set the database recovery directory and size

These settings are dynamicalter system set db_recovery_file_dest='<path>' scope=both/alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=<size> scope=both/

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Set the flashback database retention target

alter system set db_flashback_retention_target=<minutes> scope=both/

Turn on flashback database

shutdown immediatestartup mountalter database flashback on;alter database open;

What is the earliest time the database can be flashed back to?

select oldest_flashback_scn scn, to_char(oldest_flashback_time, 'hh24:mi:ss dd/mm/yyyy') oldest_timefrom v$flashback_database_log/

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Get a list of times and scn numbers

set pages 999select scn, to_char(time_dp, 'hh24:mi:ss dd/mm/yyyy') timefrom smon_scn_timeorder by scn/

Flash the database back

shutdown immediatestartup mount exclusive

flashback database to scn <scn>;

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or...flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('22/04/2007 19:30:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss');

alter database open resetlogs;

Manual upgrade from 9i to 10g Release 2This procedure describes the steps necessary to manually upgrade a database from 9.2.x to 10.2.x. It assumes that you have already installed 10g onto the server. Of course, it is essential that you take a backup of your database before attempting any upgrade.

1. Compile any invalid objects


2. Create a sysaux tablespace

Having a sysaux tablespace is a requirement in 10g. So, if you haven't already got one, create one now.create tablespace sysauxdatafile '<file_name>' size 512Mextent management localsegment space management auto/

3. Run utlu102i.sql

This utility script checks that the database is ready to be upgraded to 10g. It also identifies any actions that need to be taken. The script is located in the 10g oracle home, so you will need to specify the full path to it.

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Review the output and make any necessary alterations. Make a note of how many invalid objects there are.

4. Shut the database down with either normal or immediate

shutdown immediate

5. Copy the spfile (or pfile) and the password file from the existing home to the 10g one.

cp ${ORACLE_HOME}/dbs/*${ORACLE_SID}* <new_home>/dbs/

6. Edit oratab

Alter /etc/oratab (or /var/opt/oracle/oratab) to point to the10g home. Once done, rerun oraenv to bring the alteration into effect.

7. Upgrade the database

sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

startup upgrade

This next bit is the upgrade itself. It takes roughly half an hour to complete. Spool the output to a file so that you can review it afterward.@?/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql

8. Recompile any invalid objects


Compare the number of invalid objects with the number noted in step 3. It should hopefully be the same or less.

9. Then check the status of the upgrade


10. Alter or remove initialisation parameters

Temporarily creating a pfile is the easiest way.create pfile from spfile;

shutdown immediate

vi ${ORACLE_HOME}/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora

Alter/remove parameters identified in step 9. Set compatible to startup

create spfile from pfile;

shutdown immediate

startupThat's it!

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Capture all SQL run between two points in timetnsManager - Distribute tnsnames the easy way and for free!

There are situations where it is useful to capture the SQL that a particular user is running in the database. Usually you would simply enable session tracing for that user, but there are two potential problems with that approach.

The first is that many web based applications maintain a pool of persistent database connections which are shared amongst multiple users. The second is that some applications connect, run some SQL and disconnect very quickly, making it tricky to enable session tracing at all (you could of course use a logon trigger to enable session tracing in this case).

A quick and dirty solution to the problem is to capture all SQL statements that are run between two points in time.

The following procedure will create two tables, each containing a snapshot of the database at a particular point. The tables will then be queried to produce a list of all SQL run during that period.

If possible, you should do this on a quiet development system - otherwise you risk getting way too much data back.

1. Take the first snapshotRun the following sql to create the first snapshot:

create table sql_exec_before as select executions , hash_value from v$sqlarea /

2. Get the user to perform their task within the application 3. Take the second snapshot select aft.hash_value from sql_exec_before bef , sql_exec_after aft where aft.executions > bef.executions and aft.hash_value = bef.hash_value (+) /

4. Check the resultsNow that you have captured the SQL it is time to query the results.

This first query will list all query hashes that have been executed: select aft.hash_value from sql_exec_before bef , sql_exec_after aft where aft.executions > bef.executions and aft.hash_value = bef.hash_value (+) /

This one will display the hash and the SQL itself:

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set pages 999 lines 100break on hash_valueselect hash_value, sql_textfrom v$sqltextwhere hash_value in (select aft.hash_valuefrom sql_exec_before bef, sql_exec_after aftwhere aft.executions > bef.executionsand aft.hash_value = bef.hash_value (+)

)order byhash_value

, piece/

5. Tidy upDon't forget to remove the snapshot tables once you've finished:

drop table sql_exec_before / drop table sql_exec_after /