implementing successful collaboration

Implementing Successful Collaboration: Community Feedback

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Implementing Successful Collaboration:

Community Feedback

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Christian Buckley Author, social collaboration expert, SharePoint MVP, and Chief Evangelist at Beezy @buckleyplanet

Eric OverfieldAuthor, branding and customization expert, SharePoint MVP, and President of PixelMill@ericoverfield

John WhiteAvid diver, SharePoint and Business Intelligence geek, SharePoint MVP, and Chief technology Officer at UnlimitedViz Inc. and tyGraph@diverdown1964

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Beezy is the Intelligent Workplace for Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint, extending the feature set and improving the user experience for on-premises, cloud, and hybrid deployments. We are on a mission to transform the way people work, and to help employees be more connected, innovative, and happy. Learn more at or @FollowBeezy on Twitter.

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Best Office 365 Solution, ESPC 2015

Lecko Leader in information

dissemination & circulation, knowledge

management & productivity, Paris 2016

Trend Setting Product of 2016, KM World

Top 10 Intranets rated ’genuinely

enjoyable’ for employees, Digital Workplace Group

Best Intranet of 2013, Nielsen Norman Group

Best Social Collaboration

Solution, Vodafone, Chicago 2015

Most Innovative Cloud Solution, ESPC 2016

Microsoft Gold Partner

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What is the current state of enterprise collaboration?

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#MeasureCollabSuccessThe goal of this community initiative is to understand how organizations define, measure, and implement successful collaboration strategies.

We have divided our efforts into three areas: How do organizations define success? How do organizations measure success? How do organizations effectively implement these strategies?

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How do you define successful collaboration?

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If you haven’t defined the end result, how do you

know when you’ve reached it?

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“A nice to have, with little visible understanding of how collaboration is information flow, which helps the bottom line.”

“They know it is important, but are resistant to new technology due to regulatory restrictions.”

“They think it is the key to success and increased productivity, but haven’t wanted to invest in the tools to achieve it.”

“Their idea of collaboration is sharing files.”

“They understand the value and support it, but see it as a technology solution, not a people + technology solution.”

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How successful has your organization been in deploying and supporting collaboration?

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Some initial sampling:

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How well do people within your organization


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Have the goals and benefits of collaboration been clearly

defined and articulated within your organization?

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Latest Survey: Implementing Successful


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Advice from the community:

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“Never underestimate the amount of change management, training, and effort required to get people to collaborate effectively.”

“Don’t be afraid to stumble. Do some experiments.”

“Understand the goals, and work with leadership to ensure their visible support.”

“Get everyone on the same page. Agree on goals, promote transparency and sharing (instead of working individually and in silos).”

“Start by talking about your expectations. And decide on some initial metrics up front, refine over time as people start using the technology.”

“Engage people in the planning process. Build solutions in small increments.”

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Find out more at

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Be sure to download the whitepapers

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Christian [email protected]@buckleyplanet

Thank you very much!