implementation of ogc table joining service and health statistics michel grothe inspire mig-t...

Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

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Page 1: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service

and health statistics

Michel Grothe

INSPIRE MIG-T meeting12 March 2015

Page 2: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015



2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service (OGC TJS)

3. Some background information about OGC TJS

4. The implementation: E.L.F. Regional Health statistics

5. Conclusions

6. Discussion: TJS, an INSPIRE download service?

Page 3: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015


Source: Annex D of Statistical Units data specification

Statistical data is linked to statitical units by referencing

Page 4: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015


Source: Annex D of Statistical Units data specification

Object referencing through InspireId, thematic identifiers or unit’s codes

Page 5: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015


Building bridges between statistical and spatial data infrastructures

Source: Annex D of Statistical Units data specification

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The incentive for TJS

Source: Annex D of Statistical Units data specification

Page 7: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015


INSPIRE themes with statistical (tabular) data

Statistical INSPIRE themes

Attribute data

Population distribution/demography (PD)

Human health and safety (HH)

Energy resources (ER)

Statistical INSPIRE themes

Geographic data

Statistical Units (SU)

Administrative Units (AU)

Page 8: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service

tabular data

boundary data

Page 9: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

Tabellen joinen met gebiedsindelingen

tabular data

boundary data


2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service

Page 10: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

OGC TJS offers an standardized web service interface for automatic joining of attribute data (e.g. statistical data) to geometry (administrative boundaries, postcodes, statistical units, etc.) through distributed access.

2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service

Page 11: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

OGC TJS operations

2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service

Page 12: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

Client application and TJS operations

tabular data

boundary data

2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service

Page 13: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

Table joining (service) and unique id’s (keys)

tabular data

boundary data


Unique id’s


2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service

Page 14: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

TJS and the Geographic Data Attribute Set (GDAS) format

tabular data

boundary data

data transformation

Geo data


2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service

Page 15: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

A typical client and TJS interaction diagram

2. Introduction OGC Table Joining Service

Page 16: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

3. Some background info about the OGC TJS

TJS research study 2013

To examine the potential of the implementing Table Joining Service concept (OGC TJS) and examine :

1. the concept and functional possibilities

2. the existing implementations and applications,

3. roles and tasks and cost-benefits for organizations that might implement TJS

Statistics Netherlands with Grant of Eurostat

Research study document for download.

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3. Some background info about the OGC TJS

TJS implemenation and availiable software products

No broad implementations of OGC TJS exist Software implementations are lacking (server side)Almost no clients that can interact with TJSOnly in France and Canada we found operational implementations so far

Page 18: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

3. Some background info about the OGC TJS

No OGC reference implementation

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4. The implementation for health statistics

E.L.F. European Location Framework


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4. The implementation for health statistics

Page 21: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

• Eurostat’s regional health statistics • Euroboundarymap of Eurogeographics

• Implementation TJS (server side and open source software) by Geonovum/Kadaster NL

• Implementation client CASPER by Geodetic Institute of Slovenia

• Planned implementation of Oskari client by Finish Geodetic institute

• Oskari platform offered by Finish Geodetic institute

4. The implementation for health statistics

EU regional health statistics application (E.L.F. demonstrator)

Page 22: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

4. The implementation for health statistics

Eurostat’s health statistics (>300 tables)



4. Intro gezondheidsstatistieken app (E.L.F.)

Case regional health statisticsEurostat’s health statistics (>300 tables)

Page 23: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

Regional health statistics at EUROSTAT (>300 tables)

4. The implementation for health statistics

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Input and output formats of TJS

4. The implementation for health statistics

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4. The implementation for health statistics

Page 26: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

Architecture final deployment

data tables(SDMX)

Download Service



E.L.F. - Oskari PlatformEuroboundarymap

Health statistics

Cached data


Geographic data

Download Service


TJS test demonstrator


TJS join

Download Service

Download Service


Join Service


Other clients

Transformation Service


4. The implementation for health statistics

Page 27: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

TJS tabular data transformation tool

GDAS Transformation tool

Input standards:

SDMX Odata - Open Data Protocol


Open source project. Code public available on GitHub:

4. The implementation for health statistics

Page 28: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

GeoServer TJS community extension

Open source project: GeoServer TJS extension

Thanks to

(improved) WMS and added WFS output by

Code public available on GitHub:

4. The implementation for health statistics

Page 29: Implementation of OGC Table Joining Service and health statistics Michel Grothe INSPIRE MIG-T meeting 12 March 2015

Upcoming final work (delivery autumn 2015)

1. Testing CASPER client connection to all Eurostat regional health statistics tables

2. And testing stability of the TJS

3. Better integration of data transformation tool into Geoserver for easier deployment

4. Final deployment at the E.L.F. OSKARI platform

5. Finish technical documentation

4. The implementation for health statistics

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5. Conclusions (so far)

OGC TJS is potentially interesting! Esp. in case of large number tabular datasets and/or frequently updated tabular datasets. BUT …•No broad implementations of OGC TJS exist

•Tabular data transformations are needed. Geoserver implementation has only implemented GDAS.

•We need further experiences, investments and broader implementation to further explore the benefits!

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TJS, an INSPIRE download service?

6. Discussion

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More info:

[email protected] | | @geonovum

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