imperialism and world war i test review. in your own words, what is imperialism?

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Imperialism The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories.


Imperialism and World War I Test Review In your own words, what is imperialism? Imperialism The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories. What were the causes of Imperialism? 4 Causes of Imperialism 1.Economics Raw Materials Mercantilism 2.Military Strength Need for a strong Navy 3.Nationalism and Social Darwinism 4.No More Frontier Frontier Thesis Why was Alaska called Sewards Folly? People thought there were no resources or economic benefits there They were wrong Speaking of resourceswhat natural resource got the U.S. involved in Hawaiian politics? Sugar!!! Children of U.S. missionaries dominated sugar trade Convinced the U.S. to annex Hawaii to avoid paying tariff How did Native Hawaiians feel about being annexed? They were against it Queen Liliuokalani organized Hawaiians against it She was overthrown by Sanford Dole and the U.S. Marines The sinking of the USS ______________ off the coast of Cuba pushed the United States public into support for the war against Spain. Maine No one knew for sure whether or not it was the Spanish, but the U.S. declared war The newspaper headline on the previous slide was an example of _________________ Yellow Journalism Exaggerated headlines used to sell newspapers Around public sentiment for the war William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pullitzer Who were the Rough Riders and who led them? Teddy Roosevelt Led the all-volunteer cavalry in major battles in Puerto Rico Who was Jos Mart? Cuban patriot who launched a war for independence from Spain The Treaty of ____________ ended the war with Spain. Paris What were the terms of the treaty? The Treaty of Paris Cuba got its freedom from Spain U.S. got land for free Guam Puerto Rico U.S. bought the Philippines for $20 million The Platt Amendment gave the U.S. power over the government of _____________. Cuba Cuba became a protectorate What foreign policy precedent claimed that the U.S. had the right to influence Latin America? Monroe Doctrine What foreign policies built on the Monroe Doctrine? Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson U.S. had the right to use military to intervene in Latin America Roosevelts Big Stick Diplomacy US should use force (military) to police Western Hemisphere Tafts Dollar Diplomacy-U.S. can protect American business interests Wilsons Moral Diplomacy-refused to acknowledge governments it disagreed with Why did John Hay write the Open Door Notes? Access to China for trade U.S. asked that they be allowed to trade with China What factors led to the beginning of World War I? The MAIN causes Militarism -The development of permanent armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy. Alliance System -Two different sets of alliances that dominated Europe Imperialism -The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories. Nationalism -A belief that ones own national interests and cultures are superior over others. So, wait, who was on each team? Alliance System Central Powers Germany Italy Ottoman Empire Austria Hungary Allied Powers England France Russia USA And what event sparked the whole conflict? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary Killed by a Serbian anti-imperialist Starts a chain reaction that leads to war What did President Wilson do? U.S. stays out of war Public opinion divided Wilson re-elected on he kept us out of war slogan Name one of the reasons why the U.S. eventually got involved in the war. A Note and a Boat Zimmerman Note Germany sends note encouraging Mexico to attack the U.S. German submarines are sinking any/all ships in the North Atlantic Cruise liner Lusitania sinks with 128 from U.S. What did Wilson say was his reason for entering World War I? Safe for Democracy He claimed he wanted the world to be safe for democracy. How did Wilson get the soldiers he needed for the war? Passed the Selective Service Act Set up a military draft How did the US pay for the War? US spent $32 billion on the war Congress raised income taxes US also borrowed $20 billion from American citizens through the sale of Liberty Bonds or Victory Bonds What is a convoy? New Naval Strategy Allies convoy ships travel together in groups to defeat German U-Boats Why did African Americans begin to move North? More jobs due to: Drop in immigration Soldiers going away to fight More opportunities Escape racism Meanwhilewhat happened in Russia? Russian Revolution Lenin and the Bolsheviks lead workers and peasants to defeat the Czar Pull out of the war Set up the worlds first Communist State How does the U.S. government respond? Attack peoples civil liberties Crackdown on immigration Pass Espionage and Sedition Acts to silence dissent and restrict freedom of speech and press Palmer Raids Anarchists, communists, and immigrants were put in jail and/or deported Name 2 of Wilsons 14 Points Presents his 14 Points Speech Designed to prevent another war No secret treaties Freedom of the seas Tariffs should be lowered or abolished Arms should be reduced End of colonialism Self-determination (re-drawing Europes borders) League of Nations What was Wilsons most important point? League of Nations Forum for countries to discuss problems instead of or before going to war The Treaty of ______________ redrew the map of Europe. Treaty of Versailles Made new countries out of old ones Redrew lines in Europe Wanted to give minorities self- determination Why did the U.S. not join the League of Nations? Isolationism Wanted to avoid getting involved in foreign countries Feared that League of Nations would pull the U.S. into future wars How did the Treaty of Versailles assign responsibility for the war? Germany was blamed Could not have an army Had to pay reparations Lost land Had to accept blame for the whole war Economy was destroyed Name two groups of people who benefited from jobs in industrial factories in the U.S. during the war. New Industrial Workers WomenAfrican-Americans -Moved to the North in record numbers Great Migration Because of a strong movement, and their work in the factories during the war, what right did women earn when the war was over? Vote 19 th Amendment gave women suffrage Cause v. Effect Cause What CAUSED something to happen What is the REASON it occurred What happened BEFORE Effect What happened BECAUSE of something What is a RESULT of what occurred What happened AFTER