impactul schimbărilor climatice asupra geochimiei mediului 2

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  • 8/8/2019 Impactul schimbrilor climatice asupra geochimiei mediului 2


    ImpactulImpactul schimbrilor climaticeschimbrilor climatice

    asupra geochimiei mediuluiasupra geochimiei mediului

    Universitatea Al. I. Cuza

    Facultatea de geografie-geologieSemestrul 7 (2010-2011)

  • 8/8/2019 Impactul schimbrilor climatice asupra geochimiei mediului 2


  • 8/8/2019 Impactul schimbrilor climatice asupra geochimiei mediului 2


    The topic of global climate changeThe topic of global climate changeillustrates both the scientificillustrates both the scientific

    complexities and uncertainties, andcomplexities and uncertainties, and

    the difficulties that people andthe difficulties that people and

    nations have in formulating rationalnations have in formulating rational

    policies addressing the many ofpolicies addressing the many offacets of a changing climate onfacets of a changing climate on


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    This course is, among manyThis course is, among manyother things, aboutother things, about

    uncertainty, either ordinaryuncertainty, either ordinary

    or scientific:or scientific:

    Uncertainty is always with us and can neverUncertainty is always with us and can never be fullybe fully

    eliminated from our lives, either individually oreliminated from our lives, either individually or

    collectively as a society. Ourcollectively as a society. Our understanding of theunderstanding of the

    past and our anticipation of the future will always bepast and our anticipation of the future will always be

    obscured by uncertainty.obscured by uncertainty.

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    Because uncertainty never disappears, decisionsBecause uncertainty never disappears, decisions

    about the future, big and small, must always be madeabout the future, big and small, must always be made

    in the absence of certainty. Waiting until uncertaintyin the absence of certainty. Waiting until uncertainty

    is eliminated before making decisions is an implicitis eliminated before making decisions is an implicit

    endorsement of theendorsement of thestatus quo,status quo, andand often an excuseoften an excuse

    for maintaining it.for maintaining it.

    Predicting the longPredicting the long--term future is a perilousterm future is a perilous

    business, and seldom the predictions fall very closebusiness, and seldom the predictions fall very close

    to reality.

    Uncertainty, far from being a barrier to progress, isUncertainty, far from being a barrier to progress, is

    actually a strong stimulus for, and an importantactually a strong stimulus for, and an important

    ingredient of,ingredient of, creativitycreativity..

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    Uncertainty pervades scientific predictions about the

    future performance of global and regional climates. Anduncertainties multiply when considering all the

    consequences that might follow form an incomplete

    understanding of how the physical climate works:

    the effects of atmospheric aerosols on clouds

    the role of deep ocean in altering surface heat


    innate unpredictability of large, complex, andchaotic systems such as the global atmosphere and


    consequence of humans being part of the future

    being predicted

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    There are three limits to science that we must recognize:

    1. Scientific knowledge about climate change will

    always be incomplete, and it will always be

    uncertain. We must recognize that uncertainty and

    humility should always be essential features of any

    public policy debate which involves science, not least

    climate change.

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    2. We must recognize that beyond such normal

    scientific uncertainty, knowledge as a publiccommodity will always have been shaped to some

    degree by the processes by which it emerges into the

    social world and through which it subsequently

    circulates. The separation of knowledge aboutclimate change from the politics of climate change

    a process that has been described as purification is

    no longer possible. The more wider this is recognized

    the better.

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    3. We must be more honest and transparent about what

    science can tell us and what it cant. We should nothide behind science when difficult ethical choices are

    called for. We must not always defer to science or

    to the voices of scientist when we need to make

    decisions about what to do. These are decisions thatin relation to climate change will always entail

    judgments beyond the reach of science.

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    Science thrives on disagreement.

    Science can only function through questioningand challenge. It needs the oxygen of

    skepticism and dispute in order to flourish.

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    If we are to understand climate change and if

    we are to use climate change constructively

    in our politics, we must first hear and

    understand the discordant voices, those

    multifarious human beliefs, values,

    attitudes, aspirations, and behaviors. And,especially, we must understand what

    climate change signifies for these important

    dimensions of human living and humancharacter.

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    Lets take a look at four contemporary and

    contrasting ways (framings) of narrating the

    significance of climate change just some

    of the more salient discourses currently in


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    1. Climate change as a battlegroundbetween

    different philosophies and practices of science,between different ways of knowing.

    Climate change as scientific controversy is a

    compelling discourse to which the media and

    other social actors are readily attracted. Althoughthe controversy is allegedly about science, very

    often scientific disputes about climate change

    end up being used as a proxy for much deeper

    conflicts between alternative visions of the futureand competing centers of authority in society.

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    2. Climate change as justification for thecommodification of the atmosphere and,

    especially, for the commodification of the gas,

    carbon dioxide (CO2).

    In this frame, climate change is viewed as the latest

    rationale for converting a public common into aprivatized asset in this case, the global

    atmosphere. Owner rights to emit CO2 are

    allocated or auctioned between entities, alongside

    the attendant machinery of the market whichprices and regulates the commodity.

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    3. Climate change as the inspiration for a global

    network of new, or reinvigorated, social

    movements. Seeing climate change as amanifestation of the nefarious practices of

    globalization, this framing warrants the emergence

    of new forms of activism, both elite and popular,

    to challenge these practices and to catalyze changein political, social and economic behavior.

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    4. Climate change as a threatto ethnic, national, and

    global security. The rhetoric associated with this

    framing compares climate change (unfavorably)

    with the threats posed by international terrorism,

    warranting a new form of geo-diplomacy at the

    highest levels of government. This framing led in

    April 2007 to the first debate about climate change

    to be held at the United Nations Security Council.

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    Four important themes can be linked to climate:

    1. Climate has both physicaland culturalmeaning.

    Indeed, the idea of climate can only be fully

    understood if one allows these physical and

    cultural dimensions to interact and mutually shape

    each other. Treating climate purely as a physicalentity, accessible solely through natural science

    or, conversely, allowing the cultural symbolism of

    climate to be detached from any physical anchors,

    denies something essential about the idea ofclimate.

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    2. Climate as ideology is used to carry and convey a

    variety of ideological assumptions and

    projections. This ideological baggage may not

    always be obvious at the first sight. But the

    literature contains many examples showing how

    climate has been used to support, inter alia, the

    ideologies of racism, the human mastery of

    Nature, the sanctity of a pristine Nature, and the

    preference for stability over change.

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    3. Climate changes over time both the physical

    climates of places, but also the ideologies with

    which climate is associated.

    Climate may change because its physical attributes

    change or because its cultural symbolism changes,

    or both.

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    4. The story ofclimate change and human

    civilization has also changed over time. The

    dominant trope in this story has been one ofclimate change as threat, and yet dissenting voices

    have emerged which emphasize the creative

    potential for societies that can be found through

    changes in climate. We cannot detach the storieswe tell about climate from the stories we tell about

    societies. Disagreements about climate change are

    as likely to reveal conflicts within and between

    societies about the ideologies that we carry andpromote, as they are to be rooted in contrary

    readings of the scientific evidence that humans are

    implicated in physical climate change.

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    The Scientific MethodThe Scientific Method Dogma is a principle, belief, or statement of

    idea or opinion authoritatively considered to

    be absolute truth. The essence ofscience is the observation of


    Scientific observations must be repeatable.Repeatability tends to make science self-corrective.

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    A hypothesis is an explanation for a

    scientific observation.

    According to Karl Poppers doctrine of

    falsifiability, it is impossible to prove that a

    hypothesis is true (Popper, 1959). Therefore, science advances by disproving

    hypotheses, and the most valuable type of

    scientific evidence is that which tends tofalsify hypotheses.

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    As a simple example, consider the following

    hypothesis: allswans are white. You cannot prove this hypothesis by observing

    white swans. Even if you study swans for twenty

    years and see a thousand white swans, this does

    not prove that a singleblack swan does not existsomewhere.

    In order to arrive at a unique conclusion, one must

    therefore disprove all alternative hypotheses, not

    prove a favored hypothesis.

    Science operates by disproving hypotheses.

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    A corollary to Poppers Doctrine of

    falsifiability is that if a hypothesis is

    incapable of falsification, it is not a

    scientific hypothesis.

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    Consider the contentious debate of

    creationism vs. evolution. There are atleast three possible hypotheses:

    1. The earth is young (few thousands

    of years)

    2. The Earth is young, but was created

    by God to look old.

    3. The Earth is old (billions of years)

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    Both hypotheses 1 and 3 are capable ofbeing tested and potentially disproved.

    Therefore, they are bothscientific

    hypotheses. But, hypothesis number 2 cannot be

    disproved, even theoretically. An

    omnipotent Being cannot be outsmarted.

    Therefore, hypothesis #2 is not a scientific

    hypothesis. It is a dogma.

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    PART I. Framework of ClimatePART I. Framework of Climate

    ScienceScience What are the components of Earths climate


    How does climate change differ from day-to-dayweather change?

    What factors drive changes in Earths climate?

    How do the many parts of Earths climate system

    react to these driving forces and interact? How do scientists study past climates and project

    changes that lie in our future?

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    Ch. 1Ch. 1

    Overview of Climate ScienceOverview of Climate Science

    This chapter surveys the factors that cause Earths

    climate to change. It also reviews how the field of

    climate science came into being, how scientists

    study climate, and how an understanding of the

    history of climate change helps to inform us about

    changes looming in our near future.

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    Scientists use the Celsius

    and the Kelvin

    temperature scales tomeasure climate changes.

    Temperatures at Earths

    surface vary mainly within

    a small range of -50oC to

    +30oC, just below and

    above the freezing point

    of water. Average is 150C


    (Unless otherwise noted,the figures and captions

    are taken form Ruddiman,


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    Weather and ClimateWeather and Climate Weather: is what is happening to the atmosphere at any

    given time. It is characterized by the temperature, wind,precipitation, clouds, and other weather elements.

    Climate: is what would be expected to occur at any giventime of the year based on statistics built up over manyyears. Climate varies from place to place, depending onlatitude, distance to the sea, vegetation, presence orabsence of mountains or other geographical factors.

    Weather is what you get, climate is what you expect.

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    Climate Variability and ClimateClimate Variability and ClimateChangeChange

    Over the period of measurements of a

    parameter (temp., rainfall, etc.), the averagevalue remains effectively constant (theseries is said to bestationary) but fluctuatesfrom observation to observation;

    The combination ofclimate variability witha trend (e. g, cooling, warming, etc.)produces a climate change. (Fig. 1)

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    Fig. 1. a) climate variability w/out any climate change; b) the same w/ a linear decline intemperature; c) climate variability w/ periodic variation of temp. of3oC; d) climatevariability w/ a sudden drop in temp. of4oC. (from Burroughs, 2001)

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    Time scales of climate changeTime scales of climate change

    (A) the last 300 million years, (B) the last 3 million years,

    (C) the last 50,000 thousand years, and (D) the last 1,000

    years. Here progressively smaller changes in climate at

    successively shorter time scales are magnified out from

    the larger changes at longer time scales.

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    The Climate SystemThe Climate System It is an interactive system consisting of:

    the atmosphere;

    the hydrosphere;

    the cryosphere;

    the land surface;

    the biosphere.

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    Climate forcingsClimate forcings1. Tectonic processes generated by Earths internalheat. They are part of the theory of platetectonics (ex. the movements of continentsacross the globe, the uplift of mountain ranges,

    and the opening and closing of ocean basins.2. Earth-orbitalchanges result from variations in

    Earths orbit around the Sun. These orbitalchanges alter the amount of solar radiationreceived on Earth by season and by latitude.

    3. Changes in the strength ofthe Sun also affect theamount of solar radiation arriving on Earth.

    4. Anthropogenicforcingmeans the effect ofhumans on climate.

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    Projected increase in continental runoff due to plant

    responses to increasing carbon dioxide

    Richard A. Betts et al. , Nature 448, 1037-1041 (30 August 2007)

    In addition to influencing climatic conditions directly through radiative forcing, increasing carbon

    dioxide concentration influences the climate system through its effects on plant physiology. Plant

    stomata generally open less widely under increased carbon dioxide concentration, which reduces

    transpiration and thus leaves more water at the land surface. This driver of change in the climate

    system, which we term 'physiological forcing', has been detected in observational records of

    increasing average continental runoff over the twentieth century. Here we use an ensemble of

    experiments with a global climate model that includes a vegetation component to assess the

    contribution of physiological forcing to future changes in continental runoff, in the context of

    uncertainties in future precipitation. We find that the physiological effect of doubled carbon

    dioxide concentrations on plant transpiration increases simulated global mean runoff by 6 per cent

    relative to pre-industrial levels; an increase that is comparable to that simulated in response to

    radiatively forced climate change (11 6 %). Assessments of the effect of increasing carbon

    dioxide concentrations on the hydrological cycle that only consider radiative forcing will therefore

    tend to underestimate future increases in runoff and overestimate decreases. This suggests that

    freshwater resources may be less limited than previously assumed under scenarios of future global

    warming, although there is still an increased risk of drought. Moreover, our results highlight that

    the practice of assessing the climate-forcing potential of all greenhouse gases in terms of their

    radiative forcing potential relative to carbon dioxide does not accurately reflect the relative effects

    of different greenhouse gases on freshwater resources.

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    Climate System Internal ResponsesClimate System Internal Responses

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    Rates of Forcing versus ResponseRates of Forcing versus Response

    Climate responses depend on the relative rate of changes in climate forcing versus the responsetime of the climate system (A) fast response times permit the climate system to fully track slowforcing. (B) slow response times allow little climate response to fast changes in forcing. (C, D)Roughly equal time scales of forcing and response allow varying degrees of response of the

    climate system to the forcing.

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    Cycles of forcing and responseCycles of forcing and response

    Many kinds of climate forcing

    vary in a cyclical way and

    produce cyclic climate

    responses. The amplitude of

    climate responses is related to

    the time allowed to attainequilibrium. (A) Climate

    changes are larger when the

    climate system has ample time

    to respond. (B) The same

    amplitude of forcing produces

    smaller climate changes if theclimate system has less time to


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    Variations in response time. An abrupt change in climate forcingwill produce climate responses ranging from slow to fast within different

    components of the climate system, depending on their inherent response


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    Variations in cycles of response. If climate forcing occurs in

    cycles, it will produce different cyclic responses in climate

    system, with the fast responses tracking right along with the

    forcing cycles while the slower cycles responses lag well behind.

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    Feedback ProcessesFeedback Processes Essential to explaining and predicting climate change;

    Positivefeedback: the original effect is reinforced by change of the

    initial variable (ex: warming leads to a reduction in snow cover in

    winter; this, in turn, could lead to more sunlight being absorbed at thesurface and yet more warming, an so on);

    Negativefeedback: the original effect is dumped down by change of

    the initial variable (ex: warming leads to more water vapor in the

    atmosphere, which produces more clouds. These reflect more sunlight

    into space thereby reducing the amount of heating of the surface and soend to cancel out the initial warming).

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    Climate feedbacks

    (A) Positive feedbackswithin the climate system

    amplify changes initially

    caused by external


    (B) Negative feedbacks

    mute or suppress the

    initial changes

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    Most common feedback processesMost common feedback processes

    implied in climate changeimplied in climate change Ever-changing motions of the atmosphere

    Variations in land surface (vegetation type,

    soil moisture levels, snow-cover) Sea-Surface Temperatures (SSTs)

    Extent of pack-ice in polar regions

    Stately motions of the deep-ocean currentswhich may take over a thousand years tocomplete a single cycle

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    Modern ClimateModern ClimateTheelectromagneticspectrum

    Average solar

    radiation on adisk and asphere

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    Earths radiation budgetEarths radiation budget

    Solar radiation arriving at the top of Earths atmosphere averages 342 Wm-2, indicating here as 100%(upper left). About 30% of the incoming radiation is reflected and scattered back to space, and theother 240 Wm-2 (70%) enters the climate system. Some of this entering radiation warms Earthssurface and causes it to radiate heat upward (right). The greenhouse effect (lower right) retains95%of the heat radiated back from Earths heated surface and warms by Earth by 31oC.

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    Atmospheric Energy BalanceAtmospheric Energy Balance

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    The Earths Energy BalanceThe Earths Energy Balance

    In order to understand the Earths climatedriving processes, we must consider thefollowing:

    i. the properties of solar radiation and also how theEarth re-radiates energy to space;

    ii. how the Earths atmosphere and surface absorb orreflect solar energy and also re-radiates energy to

    space; andiii. how all these parameters change throughout the year

    and on longer timescales.

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    The Earths Energy Balance (contd)The Earths Energy Balance (contd)

    The radiative balance of the Earth can be defined

    as:Over time the amount ofsolar radiation absorbed by theatmosphere and the surface beneath itis equalto the amount

    ofheat radiation emitted by the Earth to space.

    A body which absorbs all the radiation and, which

    at any temperature, emits the maximum possible

    amount of radiant energy is known as a black


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    The Earths Energy Balance (contd)The Earths Energy Balance (contd)

    The temperature at the Suns surface is

    about 6,000 K (about 5,276oC or 10,340oF).

    If the Earth were a black body, the averageEarths surface temperature would be about

    270 K (-3oC or 26oF). The observed average

    value is 287 K (14o

    C or 57o

    F). Thedifference is due to the Greenhouse Effect.

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    The AtmosphereThe Atmosphere

    is the most unstableand rapidly changing

    part of the system;

    N2 (78.1%);

    O2(20.9%); Ar(0.93%) Trace gases (CO2,

    CH4, N2O, O3) =

    greenhouse gases, less

    than 0.1%

    Water vapor (H2O),

    1%, is also a GHG.

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    Clouds influenceClouds influence

    Albedo: the amount of solar radiation reflected

    or scattered into space.

    The mean global value is ~30%. It varies

    between 5 90% (Table 2.1).

    Clouds albedo varies between 40 - 90%.

    Most clouds are bright reflectors of the

    solar radiation and tend to cool

    the climate system.

    This phenomenon is called global dimming.

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    Sun angle controls

    heat absorption.

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    Earths tilt and seasonalradiation

    (A) The tilt of the Earthsaxis in its annualorbit around the Suncauses the northernand southernhemispheres to leandirectly toward theSun and then awayfrom the Sun at

    different times of theyear

    (B) This change inrelative positioncauses seasonal shifts

    between thehemispheres in theamount of solarradiation received atEarths surface.

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    When climate cools,the increased extentof reflective snowand ice increases thealbedo of Earths

    surface in high-latitude regions,causing furthercooling by positivefeedback. The same

    feedback processamplifies climatewarming.

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    Difference in heatingbetween land and ocean.

    During the seasonal cycleof solar radiation (top),ocean surfaces heat andcool slowly and only by

    small amounts becausetemperature changes aremixed through a layer 100m thick (lower left). Incontrast, land surfacesheat and cool quickly and

    strongly because of theirlow capacity to conductand store heat (lowerright). (thermalinertia)

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    Water vapor feedback. When climate warms, the atmosphere is able to holdmore water vapor (the major greenhouse gas in the atmosphere), and theincrease in water vapor leads to further warming by means of a positivefeedback. This feedback works in reverse during cooling.

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    Sun Earth Relationship

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    Global Atmospheric Circulation Model (GACM)

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    Seasonal Pressure and Precipitation Patterns

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    General circulation of the atmosphere. (Left) Heated air rises in the tropicsat the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and sinks in the subtropics as part

    of the large-scale Hadley cell flow, which transports heat away from the equator.Additional poleward heat transfer occurs along moving weather systems atmiddle and higher latitudes, with warm air rising and moving poleward and coldair sinking and moving equatorward. (Right) Evaporation vs. precipitation ascontrolled by latitude and general circulation of the atmosphere.

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    Monsoonal circulation at largeMonsoonal circulation at large--scalescale

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    Surface ocean circulation. The surface flow of the oceans is organized intostrong wind-driven currents. Currents moving out of the tropics carry heatpoleward, while currents moving away from the poles carry cold waterequatorward.

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    Sinking of surface water. Warm salty water flowing northward inthe North Atlantic Ocean chills and sinks north of Iceland and in theLabrador sea. This cold deep water flows south of the Atlantic atdepths of 2 to 4 km. This processes is called the GreatOceanConveyor Belt.

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    DeepDeep--ocean Circulationocean Circulation

    Water filling theNorth Atlantic Basin

    comes from sourcesin the high-latitudeNorth Atlantic, theSouthern Ocean nearAntarctica, and (atshallow depths) theMediterranean Sea.

    The permanent

    thermocline (100 -1000 m) separatescold deep water fromshallower layersaffected by changes inEarths surfacetemperature. Shallowseasonal thermocline(0-100 m) varies inresponse to seasonalsolar heating of theupper ocean layers.

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    The Carbon CycleThe Carbon Cycle

    The major carbon reservoirs on

    Earth vary widely in size (A)

    and exchange carbon at

    different rates (B). Largerreservoirs (rocks, the deep

    ocean) exchange carbon much

    slower than smaller reservoirs

    (air, vegetation, the surface


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    On land In the ocean

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    VegetationVegetation--Climate FeedbacksClimate Feedbacks

    Vegetation-albedo feedback.When high-latitude climate cools,

    replacement of spruce forest by

    tundra raises the albedo of the land

    in winter and causes additional

    cooling (+ feedback).

    Vegetation-precipitation feedback. Whenclimate becomes warmer, replacement of

    grasslands by trees increases the release of

    water vapor back to the atmosphere and

    causes increases in local rainfall (+


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    Recent increases in

    CO2 and CH4.There is an annual oscillation

    (small drop in April-May and a

    similar rise in the following

    Sept.-Oct. The second trend in

    the CO2 curve is its gradual

    increase (burning of fossil-fuel,


    The recent increase in CH4

    concentration is likely due tohuman activities.

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    The Current Debate on the Linkage Between Global Warming andHurricanes

    By J. MarshallShepherd andThomas Knutson, University ofGeorgia andNOAA

    GeophysicalFluid DynamicsLaboratory (December 2006)

    Following Hurricane Katrina and the parade of storms that affected theconterminous United States in 20042005, the apparent recent increase inintense hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin, and the reported increases inrecent decades in some hurricane intensity and duration measures in severalbasins have received considerable attention. An important ongoing avenue of

    investigation in the climate and meteorology research communities is todetermine the relative roles of anthropogenic forcing (i.e., global warming)and natural variability in producing the observed recent increases in hurricanefrequency in the Atlantic, as well as the reported increases of tropical cycloneactivity measures in several other ocean basins. A survey of the existingliterature shows that many types of data have been used to describe hurricaneintensity, and not all records are of sufficient length to reliably identifyhistorical trends. Additionally, there are concerns among researchers about

    possible effects of data inhomogeneities on the reported trends. Much of thecurrent debate has focused on the relative roles of sea-surface temperatures orlarge-scale potential intensity versus the role of other environmental factorssuch as vertical wind shear in causing observed changes in hurricane statistics.Significantly more research from observations, theory, and modeling isneeded to resolve the current debate around global warming and hurricanes.

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    J P t t "B " f C t C t M th E i i

  • 8/8/2019 Impactul schimbrilor climatice asupra geochimiei mediului 2


    Japanese Patent "Beano" for Cows to Cut Methane Emissions

    by H.R. Downs - Jan 31st, 2008

    Unless you live in a city or a big town, you see them everywhere, cows

    Holsteins, Brahmas, Guernseys, Beefmasters, Limusins, or, if you happen tolive in Ethiopia, the aptly named Barka. Why aptly named? Becauseclimatologists estimate that cattle bark out an astounding amount ofgreenhouse gas, from both ends. You might call it the wind herd 'round theworld.

    But cow flatulence is old news. Here's a sample of news from UN:

    . . .livestock . . . accountsfor 9 per cent ofCO2 derivingfrom human-related

    activities, but produces a much larger share ofeven more harmfulgreenhousegases. It generates 65 per cent ofhuman-related nitrous oxide, which has 296times the GlobalWarmingPotential(GWP) ofCO2. Most ofthis comesfrommanure.Andit accountsfor respectively 37 per cent ofallhuman-inducedmethane (23times as warming as CO2), which is largely produced by the digestive systemofruminants, and 64 per cent ofammonia, which contributes significantly toacid rain.

    Earth is home to at least a billion and a half head of cattle. Thats more than allthe people living in India. And, the cattle population is growing in lock stepwith rising incomes, progress and development. The same U.N. reportpredicts:

    Globalmeat production is projected to more than doublefrom 229 milliontonnes in 1999/2001 to 465 million tonnes in 2050, while milk outputis set toclimbfrom 580 to 1043 million tonnes. . .

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    So what are we going to do with a billion and a half, 1,000 poundcreatures belching and crepitating us into global warming?

    Beano for cows?

    Junichi Takahashi, Ph.D., a Japanese scientist at Obihiro University ofAgriculture and Veterinary Medicine in Hokkaido, Japan may have theanswer, or at least part of the answer. Dr. Takahashi and friends havedeveloped a food additive that, they say, reduces bovine globalwarming intestinal gas to negligible levels.

    The Takahashi team discovered this remedy quite by accident. They

    noticed that pasture grass heavily fertilized with nitrates (not to beconfused with nitrites) triggered a marked reduction in methanegeneration in cattle; methane exacerbates global warming 20 timesmore than CO2.

    Then, in the course of treating a mass poisoning in a herd of cattle, theveterinary team at Obihiro U. discovered that a combination of nitrates

    and the amino acid cysteine not only reversed the poisoning but alsocut methane gas in the herd to trivial levels. Happily, this novel feedcut gases from both ends. No word on whether nitrous oxide levels arereduced by the additive but N2O is not emitted by the cow herself butrather from the ordure she so carefully places on the ground

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    NY Times, February 8, 2008

    Studies Deem Biofuels a Greenhouse Threat


    Almost all biofuels used today cause more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional fuels if the fullemissions costs of producing these green fuels are taken into account, two studies being published

    Thursday have concluded.The benefits of biofuels have come under increasing attack in recent months, as scientists took a closer look

    at the global environmental cost of their production. These latest studies, published in the prestigiousjournal Science, are likely to add to the controversy.

    These studies for the first time take a detailed, comprehensive look at the emissions effects of the hugeamount of natural land that is being converted to cropland globally to support biofuels development.

    The destruction of natural ecosystems whether rain forest in the tropics or grasslands in South America not only releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when they are burned and plowed, but alsodeprives the planet of natural sponges to absorb carbon emissions. Cropland also absorbs far less carbonthan the rain forests or even scrubland that it replaces.

    Together the two studies offer sweeping conclusions: It does not matter if it is rain forest or scrubland that iscleared, the greenhouse gas contribution is significant. More important, they discovered that, takenglobally, the production of almost all biofuels resulted, directly or indirectly, intentionally or not, in newlands being cleared, either for food or fuel. When you take this into account, most of the biofuel that

    people are using or planning to use would probably increase greenhouse gasses substantially, saidTimothy Searchinger, lead author of one of the studies and a researcher in environment and economics atPrinceton University. Previously theres been an accounting error: land use change has been left out of

    prior analysis.

    These plant-based fuels were originally billed as better than fossil fuels because the carbon released whenthey were burned was balanced by the carbon absorbed when the plants grew. But even that equation

    proved overly simplistic because the process of turning plants into fuels causes its own emissions forrefining and transport, for example.

    The clearance of grassland releases 93 times the amount of greenhouse gas that would be saved by the fuelmade annually on that land, said Joseph Fargione, lead author of the second paper, and a scientist at the

    Nature Conservancy. So for the next 93 years youre making climate change worse, just at the timewhen we need to be bringing down carbon emissions.

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    The Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change has said that the world has to reverse the increase ofgreenhouse gas emissions by 2020 to avert disastrous environment consequences.

    In the wake of the new studies, a group of 10 of the United Statess most eminent ecologists andenvironmental biologists today sent a letter to President Bush and the speaker of the House, NancyPelosi, urging a reform of biofuels policies. We write to call your attention to recent research

    indicating that many anticipated biofuels will actually exacerbate global warming, the letter said.The European Union and a number of European countries have recently tried to address the land use

    issue with proposals stipulating that imported biofuels cannot come from land that was previouslyrain forest. But even with such restrictions in place, Dr. Searchingers study shows, the purchase ofbiofuels in Europe and the United States leads indirectly to the destruction of natural habitats farafield.

    For instance, if vegetable oil prices go up globally, as they have because of increased demand forbiofuel crops, more new land is inevitably cleared as farmers in developing countries try to get in

    on the profits. So crops from old plantations go to Europe for biofuels, while new fields are clearedto feed people at home.

    Likewise, Dr. Fargione said that the dedication of so much cropland in the United States to growingcorn for bioethanol had caused indirect land use changes far away. Previously, Midwestern farmershad alternated corn with soy in their fields, one year to the next. Now many grow only corn,meaning that soy has to be grown elsewhere. Increasingly, that elsewhere, Dr. Fargione said, isBrazil, on land that was previously forest or savanna. Brazilian farmers are planting more of theworlds soybeans and theyre deforesting the Amazon to do it, he said.

    International environmental groups, including the United Nations, responded cautiously to the studies,saying that biofuels could still be useful. We dont want a total public backlash that would preventus from getting the potential benefits, said Nicholas Nuttall, spokesman for the United NationalEnergy Program, who said the United Nations had recently created a new panel to study theevidence.

    There was an unfortunate effort to dress up biofuels as the silver bullet of climate change, he said.We fully believe that if biofuels are to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem, thereurgently needs to be better sustainability criterion.

    Th E U i h h i 5 75 bi f l f b h d f

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    The European Union has set a target that countries use 5.75 percent biofuel for transport by the end of2008. Proposals in the United States energy package would require that 15 percent of all transportfuels be made from biofuel by 2022. To reach these goals, biofuels production is heavilysubsidized at many levels on both continents, supporting a burgeoning global industry.

    Syngenta, the Swiss agricultural giant, announced Thursday that its annual profits had risen 75

    percent in the last year, in part because of rising demand for biofuels. Industry groups, like theRenewable Fuels Association, immediately attacked the new studies as simplistic, failing toput the issue into context.

    While it is important to analyze the climate change consequences of differing energy strategies, wemust all remember where we are today, how world demand for liquid fuels is growing, and whatthe realistic alternatives are to meet those growing demands, said Bob Dineen, the groupsdirector, in a statement following the Science reports release. Biofuels like ethanol are the onlytool readily available that can begin to address the challenges of energy security andenvironmental protection, he said.

    The European Biodiesel Board says that biodiesel reduces greenhouse gasses by 50 to 95 percentcompared to conventional fuel, and has other advantages as well, like providing new income forfarmers and energy security for Europe in the face of rising global oil prices and shrinking supply.

    But the papers published Thursday suggested that, if land use is taken into account, biofuels may notprovide all the benefits once anticipated. Dr. Searchinger said the only possible exception hecould see for now was sugar cane grown in Brazil, which take relatively little energy to grow andis readily refined into fuel. He added that governments should quickly turn their attention todeveloping biofuels that did not require cropping, such as those from agricultural waste products.

    This land use problem is not just a secondary effect it was often just a footnote in prior papers,.It is major. The comparison with fossil fuels is going to be adverse for virtually all biofuels oncropland.

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    Ch. 2Ch. 2

    Climate Archives, Data, and ModelsClimate Archives, Data, and ModelsClimate scientists use a wide range of techniques toClimate scientists use a wide range of techniques toextract, reconstruct, and interpret the history of Earthsextract, reconstruct, and interpret the history of Earthsclimate. Much of this history is recorded in four archives:climate. Much of this history is recorded in four archives:

    sediments, ice, corals, and treessediments, ice, corals, and trees..

    The interpretation of climate data is aided by the use ofThe interpretation of climate data is aided by the use ofclimate models to test hypotheses of climate change in aclimate models to test hypotheses of climate change in aquantitative way. In this chapter we describe physicalquantitative way. In this chapter we describe physical

    models that simulate the circulation of Earths atmospheremodels that simulate the circulation of Earths atmosphereand ocean and then examine the concept behind modelsand ocean and then examine the concept behind modelsused to track mass movements of chemical tracers throughused to track mass movements of chemical tracers throughthe climate system.the climate system.

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    Types of archivesTypes of archives

    Sediments (cores, moraines, windblown loess)

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    Lake cores. Hundreds of cores have been taken fromsmall lakes and analyzed for records of changes in

    pollen (vegetation) and lake level over the last several

    thousand years.

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    Windblown loess. Strong

    winds have deposited thick

    layers of silt-size grains insoutheast China during the

    last 3 million years. The

    total thickness of these

    loess deposits can each

    several hundred meters. In

    many regions people have

    created homes in the loess


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    Ocean drilling. Hundreds of ocean sediment cores are archives of past

    climatic changes. The longest cores have been retrieved by drilling

    operation on theJOIDES Resolution, run by the International Ocean

    Drilling Program (IODP) at Texas A&M University.

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    Ice ArchivesIce Archives

    Ice cores retrieve climate records extending back thousands

    ofyears in small mountain glaciers (A) to as much ashundreds of thousands ofyears in continent-sized ice-


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    Other Climate ArchivesOther Climate Archives

    Layers of limestone in caves;



    Historical archives of climate-related


    Instrumental records (only in last 100 to 200


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    Annual layering

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    Climate Data (Climate Proxies)Climate Data (Climate Proxies)

    Past vegetation. For oldergeologic intervals, climate on the

    continents can be inferred from

    distinctive vegetation. The remains

    of trees similar to modern palms are

    found in rocks from Wyoming

    dating 45 millions years ago. Today

    frigid winters in Wyoming would

    kill palm trees.

    Plankton:a proxy indicator

    of climate in the ocean. CaCO3

    shells of foraminifera (upper

    left) and coccoliths (lower

    left); SiO2 shells of diatoms

    (upper right) and radiolaria

    (lower right)

    Pollen:a proxy indicator of

    climate on land. For younger time

    intervals, climate on land can be

    reconstructed from changes in the

    relative abundance of distinctive

    types of pollen.

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    Chemical weathering, transport, and deposition. Chemical weatheringslowly attacks rocks on land and sends dissolved ions into rivers for transport to the ocean.

    Ocean plankton incorporate some of the dissolved ions in their shells, which fall to the seafloor

    and form part of the geologic record. Some dissolved ions are also deposited in shallow

    evaporating pools on continental margins where the climate dry.

    Cli t M d lCli t M d l

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    Climate ModelsClimate Models

    Physical Climate ModelsPhysical Climate Models

    Models of Earths climate are constructed to simulate present-day circulation. Thenchanges based on Earths history (different CO2 levels, ice sheet sizes, or mountainelevations) are inserted into the model, and simulations of past climates are run. Theclimate output is compared with independent geologic data to test the performance ofthe model.

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    33--D General Circulation ModelsD General Circulation Models

    (GCMs)(GCMs)GCMs incorporate the

    basic physical laws and

    equations that govern the

    circulation of Earthsatmosphere: the fluid

    motion of air;

    conservation of mass,

    energy, and other

    properties; and gas laws

    covering the expansion

    and contraction of air.

    ControlControl case simulationscase simulations

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    ControlControl--case simulationscase simulations

    GCMs are developed bytesting how well theyreproduce modern-dayclimate (temperature,

    precipitation, and winds)based on present boundary

    conditions (CO2,mountains, and land-seadistribution).

    (A) observed Januarysurface temperatures

    (B) model-simulatedvalues.

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    Geochemical ModelsGeochemical Models

    Geochemical models are used to follow the movements of Earths materials

    (called geochemical tracers) through the climate system.Unlike physical circulation models, most geochemical models do not

    reproduce the physical processes that govern the flow of air and water.

    Instead, the models trace the sources, rates of transfer, and ultimatedepositional fate of two major components: sediment particles that result

    from physical weathering (wind, water, and ice) , and dissolved ions

    produced by chemical weathering (dissolution or hydrolysis).

    Movements of tracers can be evaluated if they are not created or destroyed

    by radioactive decay along the way.

    Geochemical models can also trace exchanges of biogeochemical materials

    such as carbon or oxygen isotopes that cycle back and forth among the

    atmosphere, ocean, ice, and vegetation.

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    OneOne--Way Transfer ModelsWay Transfer Models

    The most basic kind of model tracks transfers of

    material form its source or sources to the ultimate

    sites of deposition, such as debris eroded from theland and deposited in ocean sediments.

    If the material deposited has distinctive geochemical

    characteristics, it can be analyzed and its abundance

    quantified in term of a flux rate its rate of burial inthat sedimentary archive.

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    One-Way Transfer. Geologists and geochemists often

    need to distinguish the separate contributions of several

    sources (usually linked to weathering of continental

    rocks) to a single depositional archive (such as ocean


    S i ti t tif th t f i fl f i

  • 8/8/2019 Impactul schimbrilor climatice asupra geochimiei mediului 2


    Scientists can quantify the rate of influx of ice-

    rafted debris to high-latitude polar oceans by

    extracting all sediment that is sand-size or largerand separating the mineral grains from the shells

    of fossil plankton.

    This analysis quantifies a process changes in theproduction and low of icebergs that is related to


    The analysis can be carried a step further bycounting the ice-rafted debris under a microscope

    to separate it into different types of grains (such

    as volcanic debris, quartz, and limestone)

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    The composition of these grains can provide a

    general idea of source regions (for example, in

    the North Atlantic, volcanic debris that came

    form Iceland, and quartz and limestone that

    came from Europe and North America). This level of analysis might tell climate

    scientists which region within a particular

    continent was the source of some of the grains.

    A li d i i i if h

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    A more complicated situation arises if the

    material examined is fine-grained and has

    been derived form multiple sources.

    For example, fine silt and clay deposited in

    the North Atlantic Ocean could have been

    ice-rafted from North America or Europe,blown in from North Africa by dust storms, or

    carried in deep currents from other sources.

    Chemical Reservoirs

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    Chemical Reservoirs

    A different modeling approach is used for

    geochemical tracers that are transported indissolved forms.

    Mass balance models divide Earths systems

    into reservoirs, including the atmosphere,ocean, ice, vegetation, and sediments.

    The ocean is the most important reservoirs: it

    receives almost all erosional products from thecontinents, it interacts with all of the other

    reservoirs, and it deposits tracers in well-

    preserved sedimentary archives.

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    Geochemical reservoirs

    and fluxes

    Geochemical reservoirs are

    like bathtubs with the

    faucet and drain both left

    partly open. The faucet

    delivers the input flux, the

    drain takes away the outputflux, and the balance

    between the input and the

    output determines the water

    level in the tub (reservoir).

    At steady state, input and

    output are in balance and

    the water level in the tub

    remains constant.

    The residence time is the time it takes for a

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    The residence time is the time it takes for a

    geochemical tracer to pass through a reservoir.

    In the tub analogy, the residence time is thetime the average molecule of water takes to

    pass from the faucet to the drain.

    For a reservoir at steady state (a tub with anunchanging water level), the residence time is

    residence time= reservoir size/flux rate in/out

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    ReservoirReservoir--Exchange ModelsExchange Models

    The methods discussed to this point have

    been based on one-way mass transfers in

    which geochemical tracers leave the

    interactive climate system by being buried in

    seafloor sediments and isolated out of touch

    with other reservoirs for millennia.

    Another important exchange is the movementof a geochemical tracer back and forth

    between two (or more) reservoirs.

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    Reservoir exchangemodels. Some

    geochemical models are

    designed to track

    reversible exchanges of

    important components

    such as water and carbon

    as they cycle between

    smaller reservoirs such as

    ice sheets and vegetationand the larger ocean


    One example is the transfer of water between

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    One example is the transfer of water between

    the ocean and ice sheets on orbital time


    Exchanges of water between the relatively

    small reservoir stored in ice sheets on land

    and the much larger reservoir left behind inthe ocean can be tracked by using the fact

    that the isotopic composition of oxygen in the

    H2O molecules in ice sheets is different from

    the average composition of the ocean in

    shells of plankton provide a way to estimate

    past changes in the volume of ice stored on


    Another useful application of reservoir-exchange

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    Another useful application of reservoir-exchange

    analysis examines fluxes of carbon among its many

    reservoirs. Fluxes of carbon between the relatively small

    reservoir of carbon stored in land vegetation and the

    much larger carbon reservoir in the ocean can be

    tracked using the fact that terrestrial carbon has acarbon isotope ration distinctively different form that

    of marine carbon.

    Net transfers of terrestrial carbon from land to sea can

    be detected by examining the average carbon isotopecomposition of the ocean recorded in the shells of

    calcite organism buried in ocean sediments.

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    Other types of modelsOther types of models

    Reservoir-Exchange Models track a single geochemicaltracer as it moves back in forth between two or morereservoirs (ex., transfer of water between the ocean and icesheets on orbital time scales).

    Ocean GCMs are similar in construction to atmosphericGCMs.

    Ice-sheet Models

    Vegetation Models

    Time-Dependent Models

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    Part II. TectonicPart II. Tectonic--Scale ClimateScale Climate

    ChangeChange Why has Earth remained habitable throughout its entire

    recorded history?

    What explains the changes in Earths climate over the last

    several hundred million years? Why was Earth ice-free even at the poles 100 Myr ago?

    What are the causes and climatic effects of changes in sealevel through time?

    How did the apocalyptic asteroid impact 65 Myr ago affectclimate?

    What causes Earths climate to cool over the last 55 Myr?


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    Ch. 3Ch. 3

    COCO22 and Longand Long--Term ClimateTerm Climate Why is Earth habitable? Because

    Our Sun is just the right distance from Earth

    GHG warm Earths climate by 31


    C Why Earth has remained habitable for most of its

    4.55 billion years of existence, even though our

    Sun was much weaker at the beginning? Because

    Our planet had/has a kind ofnaturalthermostatcontrolling thegreenhouse eras as wellas icehouse


    Wh i V h t?Wh i V h t?

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    Why is Venus hot?Why is Venus hot?

    (A) Venus receives almost twice as much as solar radiation as (B) Earth, but its

    dense cloud cover permits less radiation to penetrate to its surface. Yet Venus is

    much hotter than Earth because of its CO2-enriched atmosphere creates a much

    stronger greenhouse effect that traps much more heat.

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    The Faint Young Sun ParadoxThe Faint Young Sun Paradox

    Models indicate that theyoung Sun shone 25% to30% more faintly than

    today; In such conditions, an

    early Earth would haveremained completelyfrozen for the first 3 Byr.

    Primitive life-forms dateback to at least 3.5 Byrago.

    Climate DebateClimate Debate

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    Climate DebateClimate Debate

    A Snowball Earth?A Snowball Earth?

    Evidence of several glaciations (2 - 4 icehouse episodes) between 850 and550 Myr ago is found on Earths modern-day continents. If theseglaciated regions were located at or near the polar regions, climate mayhave been little different from what it is today. But if they were locatedin the tropics, a snowball Earth may have existed.

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    The Earths ThermostatThe Earths Thermostat

    Warmed the Earth very early when

    otherwise our planet would have frozen

    under a weak young Sun Cooled the Earth when Sun became hotter.


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    maybe GHG, if they were more maybe GHG, if they were more

    abundant earlier in Earths historyabundant earlier in Earths history

    and subsequently decreased inand subsequently decreased inabundance?abundance?

    But HOW?

    C b E h b t R kC b E h b t R k

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    Carbon Exchanges between RocksCarbon Exchanges between Rocks

    and the Atmosphereand the Atmosphere (A) The largest reservoir

    of carbon on Earth lies in

    its rocks.

    (B) Over intervals ofmillion of years, slow

    exchanges among the rock

    and ocean/vegetation/soil/

    /atmosphere reservoirs cancause large changes in

    atmospheric CO2 levels.

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    CO2 enters Earths atmosphere from deep in its interior

    through release of gases in volcanoes and at hot springssuch as those found today at Yellowstone National Park inWyoming.

    Removal of CORemoval of CO22 from the Atmosphere by Chemicalfrom the Atmosphere by Chemical

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    Removal of CORemoval of CO22 from the Atmosphere by Chemicalfrom the Atmosphere by Chemical


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    is the main mechanism for removing CO2 from

    the atmosphere;

    Three main ingredients in the process are:1. The minerals that make up typical continental


    2. Water derived from rain;3. CO2 derived from the atmosphere.

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    Chemical weathering of silica-rich rocks on the continents

    removes CO2 from the atmosphere, and part of the carbon

    is later stored in the shells of marine plankton and buried in

    ocean sediments.

    Di l iDi l i

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    It is important to distinguish weathering of

    silicates by hydrolysis from dissolution.

    Dissolution is the familiar process that eatsaway limestone in caves.

    Cli t t l h i lCli t t l h i l

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    Climate controls on chemicalClimate controls on chemical

    weatheringweatheringTemperature (A) and

    precipitation (B) both

    show a general trend from

    high values in warmer lowlatitudes to low values in

    colder high latitudes. The

    total amount of vegetation

    produced per year increase

    with temperature (C), as

    well as with precipitation

    Is Chemical Weathering EarthsIs Chemical Weathering Earths

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    Is Chemical Weathering EarthsIs Chemical Weathering Earths

    Thermostat?Thermostat?Negative feedback from

    chemical weathering

    Chemical weathering acts

    as a negative climate

    feedback by reducing the

    intensity of both (A)

    imposed climate warming

    and (B) imposed climatecooling.

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    Earths Thermostat?Earths Thermostat?

    (A) The most plausibleexplanation of the faintyoung Sun paradox isthat the weakness ofthe early Sun wascompensated for by a

    stronger carbongreenhouse in theatmosphere.

    (B) When the Sun laterstrengthened, increasedchemical weatheringdeposited the excessgreenhouse carbon inrocks, and thegreenhouse effectweakened enough tokeep Earthstemperature moderate.

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    Water vapor feedbackWater vapor feedback

    When climate warms, the

    atmosphere is able to hold

    more water vapor, which is

    the major greenhouse gas in

    the atmosphere. The

    increase in water vapor

    leads to further warming by

    means of positive feedback.

    This feedback works in the

    same way (but oppositedirection) during cooling.

    L ki D i t Cli t S iL ki D i t Cli t S i

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    Looking Deeper into Climate ScienceLooking Deeper into Climate Science

    The Organic Carbon SubcycleThe Organic Carbon Subcycle

    About 20% of the carbon thatmoves between Earths surfacereservoirs (air, water, andvegetation) and its deep rockreservoirs does so in theorganic carbon cycle.Photosynthesis on land and in

    the surface ocean turnsinorganic carbon into organiccarbon, most of which isquickly returned to theatmosphere or surface ocean. Asmall fraction of the organiccarbon is buried in continentaland oceanic sediments thatslowly turn into rock. Thiscarbon is eventually returned to

    the atmosphere as CO2, eitherby erosion of continental rocksor by melting and volcanicemissions.

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    G i h p th iG i h p th i

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    Gaia hypothesisGaia hypothesis

    Over time, life-forms

    gradually developed in

    complexity and played a

    progressively greater

    role in chemical

    weathering and itscontrol of Earths

    climate. In the extreme

    form of the Gaia

    hypothesis, life evolved

    for the purpose of

    regulating Earths


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    Supporters vs. critics of Gaia hypothesisSupporters vs. critics of Gaia hypothesis

    Chemical weatheringthermostat directly involvesthe action of life-forms:

    (1)carbon is the basis of theCO2 cycle;


    (3) role of shell-bearingplankton in extracting CO2

    from the ocean and store itin their CaCO3 shells.

    Many of the active rolesplayed by organisms inthe biosphere today are arelatively recent

    developments in Earthshistory and the role of lifein the distant past was

    probably negligible;

    The very late appearance ofshell-bearing oceanicorganisms near 540 Myrago means that life hadno played obvious role inchemical weathering.

    The Revenge of GaiaThe Revenge of Gaia Earths ClimateEarths Climate

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    The Revenge of GaiaThe Revenge of Gaia Earth s ClimateEarth s Climate

    in Crisis and the Fate of Humanityin Crisis and the Fate of Humanity This is the last book published by Dr. James E. Lovelock in July 2006.

    James Lovelock- father of climate studies and originator of the influentialGaia theory which views the entire earth as a living meta-organism-provides adefinitive look at our imminent global crisis. In this disturbing new book,Lovelock guides us toward a hard reality: soon, we may not be able to alter the

    oncoming climate crisis. Lovelocks influential Gaia theory, one of thebuilding blocks of modern climate science, conceives of the Earth, includingthe atmosphere, oceans, biosphere and upper layers of rock, as a single livingsuper-organism, regulating its internal environment much as an animalregulates its body temperature and chemical balance. But now, says Lovelock,that organism is sick. It is running a fever born of the combination of a sunwhose intensity is slowly growing over millions of years, and an atmospherewhose greenhouse gases have recently spiked due to human activity. Earth will

    adjust to these stresses, but on time scales measured in the hundreds ofmillennia. It is already too late, Lovelock says, to prevent the global climatefrom "flipping" into an entirely new equilibrium state that will leave thetropics uninhabitable, and force migration to the poles. The Revenge ofGaiaexplains the stress the planetary system is under and how humans arecontributing to it, what the consequences will be, and what humanity must doto rescue itself.

    Ch 4 Plate Tectonics and LongCh 4 Plate Tectonics and Long

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    Ch. 4 Plate Tectonics and LongCh. 4 Plate Tectonics and Long--

    Term ClimateTerm ClimateThe last 550 Myr of Earths history are far better known than the first 4

    billion years (the locations of continents and the shapes of the oceanbasins are clearer; better-preserved sedimentary rock archives; betterstudied fluctuations between icehouse intervals and greenhouseintervals).

    First we examine how plate tectonics work. Next we explore thepossibility that icehouse intervals occur because plate tectonics motioncause continents to drift across cold polar regions. Then we climatemodels to investigate the range of factors that controlled climate 200Myr ago. These investigations reveal that changes in atmospheric CO2levels are needed to explain the sequence of changes from icehouse to

    greenhouse conditions over the last 550 Myr. Finally, we evaluate twohypotheses that link changes in plate tectonic processes to changes inCO2 levels.

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    Increasingly wellpreserved sedimentaryrock archives holdabundant evidence ofpast climates,including a sequence

    of alternationsbetween icehouseintervals andgreenhouse intervals

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    Earths structureEarths structure

    Earths outer layers can be

    subdivided in two ways.

    The basalts of the ocean

    crust and the granites in

    continental crust differ fromeach other and from the

    underlying mantle in

    chemical composition. As

    physical behavior, the

    lithosphere that forms the

    tectonic plates is hard, rigidunit, whereas the underlying

    asthenosphere is softer and

    capable of flowing slowly.

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    Tectonic platesTectonic plates

    Earths lithosphere is divided into a dozen major tectonic

    plates and several smaller plates, which move as rigid units in

    relation to one another, as the arrows indicate.

    Plate Tectonics and Glaciations:Plate Tectonics and Glaciations:

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    The Polar Position HypothesisThe Polar Position Hypothesis

    The long-term changes are due tolatitudinalposition controlling theglaciations on continents.

    After450 Myr ago, plate tectonics activitycarried the southern continent of Gondwana

    across the South Pole on a path headedtoward continents scattered across thenorthern hemisphere. Subsequent collisionsformed the giant continent Pangaea.

    Changes in the position of the south magneticpole in relation to the Gondwana continent

    were caused by the slow movement ifGondwana across a stable pole. Glaciationsoccurred in the northern Sahara about 430Myr ago as well as in S. Africa, Antarctica, S.America, and Australia

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    Polar Position HypothesisPolar Position Hypothesis

    It made two key predictions that can be

    tested over the younger part of the Earths

    history:(1) ice sheets should appear on continents that were

    located at polar or near-polar latitudes, but

    (2) no ice should appear if the continents were located

    outside polar regions

    Evaluation of the Polar Position Hypothesis of

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    Time (Myr ago) Ice sheetspresent?

    Continents inpolar position?


    440 Yes Yes Yes

    425-325 No Yes No

    325-240 Yes Yes Yes

    240-125 No No Yes

    125-35 No Yes No

    35-0 Yes Yes Yes

    GlaciationsGlaciations --ExamplesExamples

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    Northern Africa (440 Myr ago)

    Central Park, NYC

    Tectonic Control of COTectonic Control of CO22 Input:Input:

    The BLAG Spreading Rate Hypothesis (R.The BLAG Spreading Rate Hypothesis (R. BBerner,erner,

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    The BLAG Spreading Rate Hypothesis (R.The BLAG Spreading Rate Hypothesis (R.BBerner,erner,

    A.A. LaLasaga, R.saga, R. GGarrels, 1983)arrels, 1983)

    The climate changes during the last severalmillion years have been driven mainly bychanges in the rate ofCO2 input to theatmosphere (and ocean) by plate tectonics


    CO2 is transferred from rocks in Earths

    interior to the atmosphere-ocean systemmainly at two kinds of plate margins: oceanridges (top left) and subduction zones (topand bottom right). A small input of CO2occurs when volcanoes erupt at hot spots inthe middle of plates (bottom left)

    The BLAG spreading hypothesis asserts thatatmospheric CO2 and global climate are

    driven by the global mean rate of sea floorspreading, which controls the global rate ofCO2 input at ocean ridge crests andsubduction zones.

    Convergent Margins: IndiaConvergent Margins: India--AsiaAsia

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    Convergent Margins: IndiaConvergent Margins: India AsiaAsia


    k fk f

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    Breakup of PangaeaBreakup of Pangaea

    Seafloor Spreading and PlateSeafloor Spreading and Plate

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    Seafloor Spreading and PlateSeafloor Spreading and Plate


    The BLAG hypothesisinvokes chemical weatheringas a negative feedback that

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    as a negative feedback thatpartially counters the changesin atmospheric CO2 and

    global climate driven bychanges in rates of seafloorspreading.

    In the BLAG hypothesis,carbon cycles continuouslybetween rock reservoir andthe atmosphere: CO2 isremoved from the atmosphere

    by chemical weathering onland, deposited in the ocean,subducted, and returned tothe atmosphere by volcanicactivity.

    Tectonic Control of COTectonic Control of CO22 Removal:Removal:

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    Tectonic Control of COTectonic Control of CO22 Removal:Removal:

    The Uplift Weathering HypothesisThe Uplift Weathering Hypothesis

    Developed by Maureen Raimo and her colleagues in the late 1980s.

    They consider the chemical weathering as the active driver of climate change,rather than a negative feedback that moderates climate changes.

    The BLAG hypothesis views chemical as responding to three climate-relatedfactors: temperature, precipitation, and vegetation.

    The uplift weathering hypothesis asserts that the global mean rate of chemicalweathering is heavily affected by the availability of fresh rock and mineralexposure that the weathering process can attack, and that this exposure effectcan override the combined effects of the three climate-related factors both insome regions and globally.

    Examples: The Wind River Basin of Wyoming; The Amazon River Basin

    The uplift is caused by two kinds of tectonic processes: a. subduction of ocean

    crust underneath continental margins, and b. the collision of continents (ex.,the Tibetan Plateau, 55 Myr ago)

    Ch 5 G h CliCh 5 G h Cli

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    Ch. 5 Greenhouse ClimateCh. 5 Greenhouse Climate

    Evidence shows that 100 Myr ago the Earth was warmenough at the poles to keep ice sheets from forming thiswas a real greenhouse world!

    Do climate models simulate the warmth of this greenhouse

    climate? And if so, did a high level of atmospheric CO2 cause it?

    What lessons this past greenhouse world holds for ourfuture climate?

    Why sea level 100 Myr ago was some 200 m higher than it

    is today? What happened 65 Myr ago to change the climate and


    What Explains the Warmth 100 Myr Ago?What Explains the Warmth 100 Myr Ago?

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    What Explains the Warmth 100 Myr Ago?What Explains the Warmth 100 Myr Ago?

    The world 100 Myr ago. By 100 Myr ago, plate tectonic

    processes had broken the supercontinent Pangea into separate

    smaller continents that were flooded by shallow seas.

    Evidence of greenhouse warmth 100 Myr agoEvidence of greenhouse warmth 100 Myr ago

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    Evidence of greenhouse warmth 100 Myr agoEvidence of greenhouse warmth 100 Myr agoVegetation and animals

    that appear to have beenwarm-adapted lived in

    both polar regions 100Myr ago:

    (A) fossils of breadfruittrees like those that livetoday in the tropics;

    (B) Dinosaurs, many of

    which lived poleward ofthe Arctic and Antarcticcircles.

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    Cretaceous target signal. Climate scientists have

    used geologic data (faunal, floral, and geochemical)to compile an estimate of temperatures 100 Myr ago.

    Temperature were warmer than they are today at all

    latitude, especially in polar regions.

    What Explains Greenhouse Warmth 100 Myr ago?What Explains Greenhouse Warmth 100 Myr ago?

    Climate Model SimulationClimate Model Simulation

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    Climate Model SimulationClimate Model Simulation

    What Explains the Data-ModelMismatch?

    PossibleProblems with the Data

    a. fossil organisms may be differentfrom their modern counterparts.

    b. fossil under-representation

    c. postdepositional alteration ofmaterials in the geologic record.

    PossibleProblems with the Model

    a. the treatment of oceancirculation is still very crude.

    b. the effects of clouds on climateis not fully understood.

    The Cretaceous ocean could haveoperated in a fundamentallydifferent way from the present-dayocean (ocean heat transporthypothesis).

    What Explains Greenhouse Warmth 100 Myr ago?What Explains Greenhouse Warmth 100 Myr ago? (contd.)(contd.)

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    What Explains Greenhouse Warmth 100 Myr ago?What Explains Greenhouse Warmth 100 Myr ago? (contd.)(contd.)

    Sea Level Changes (Eustatic Changes)Sea Level Changes (Eustatic Changes)

    Transgression (rise of the sea level) may cause warm climates by moderating the harshwinters


    Regression (fall of the sea level) may cause cold climates of continental conditions.

    Causes of TectonicCauses of Tectonic--Scale changes inScale changes in

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    Sea LevelSea Level Reading assignment: p. 86-92

    Asteroid Impacts orAsteroid Impacts or

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    Why Did the Dinosaurs disappeared 65 Myr ago?Why Did the Dinosaurs disappeared 65 Myr ago?

    A. Ocean sediments

    containing a layer enriched

    in the element iridium are

    evidence of a large asteroidimpact 65 Myr ago.

    B. Sediments deposited in

    Montana 65 Myr ago

    contain grains of quartzcrisscrossed by multiple

    lineations produced by high-

    pressure shock waves from

    an asteroid impact.

    Asteroid Impacts orAsteroid Impacts or

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    Why Did the Dinosaurs disappeared 65 Myr ago?Why Did the Dinosaurs disappeared 65 Myr ago?

    Mexicos YucatnPeninsula has a circulararea more than 200 km indiameter that is a goodcandidate for the site of

    the asteroid impact 65Myr ago. The patternshown is a result ofmeasurements of Earthsgravity that can detectlow-density pulverized

    rock (in blue) and higher-density rock (in green andyellow).

    Asteroid Impacts orAsteroid Impacts or

    Why Did the Dinosaurs disappeared 65 Myr ago?Why Did the Dinosaurs disappeared 65 Myr ago?

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    Why Did the Dinosaurs disappeared 65 Myr ago?Why Did the Dinosaurs disappeared 65 Myr ago?

    The asteroid impact 65 Myr ago is sought to have had major effects on Earths

    environment, including the extinction of over two-thirds of the species then alive.

    The likely climatic effects vary with the amount of elapsed time after the initial

    impact and appear to have been restricted to a few centuries.

    Relevance of Past GreenhouseRelevance of Past Greenhouse

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    Climate to the FutureClimate to the Future CO2 levels varied from 100 ppm to 1,400 ppm.

    The pre-industrial level of CO2 was 280 ppm.

    At low (1,000 ppm) CO2 values, it will reduce

    the amount of s snow and ice present at highlatitudes

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    CO2 saturation: As CO2 concentrations

    rise, the atmosphere gradually reaches the

    point at which further CO2 increases havelittle effect in trapping additional back

    radiation from Earths surface.

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    Water vapor feedback: A warm

    atmosphere with CO2 values of 1,000 ppm

    can hold much more water vapor than acold atmosphere with values of 100 ppm.

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    Effect ofCO2 on global temperature. Climate model simulations ofthe effects of changing atmospheric CO2 levels on global temperature show

    greater warmth for higher CO2 concentrations.

    Large and abrupt greenhouseLarge and abrupt greenhouse

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    g gg g

    episode near 50 Myr agoepisode near 50 Myr ago

    Unusual warmth 55 Myr

    ago. A pulse of unusual

    warmth that developed near55 Myr ago and persisted for

    tens of thousands of years

    warmed the deep ocean by

    several degrees Celsius.

    Gas hydrate decomposition!

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    Ch. 6Ch. 6

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    Back into theBack into the IcehouseIcehouse The Last 55 Million YearsThe Last 55 Million Years

    Oxygen Isotope DataOxygen Isotope Data

    B th 16O d 18O t bl ( di ti )

  • 8/8/2019 Impactul schimbrilor climatice asupra geochimiei mediului 2


    Both 16O and 18O are stable (nonradioactive)

    isotopes of oxygen that occur naturally in Earthswater and air.

    The ratio 18O/ 16O }or 0.0025.

    Climate scientists who analyze the CaCO3shells

    of foraminifera in the oceans measure small

    variations around this average value.

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    In the modern ocean, typical H18O values vary from 0 to -

    2 in warm tropical surface waters to as much as +3 to

    +4 in cold deep ocean waters. In present-day ice sheets,in contrast, typical H18O values reach -30 in Greenland

    and -55 in Antarctica.

    The isotopic composition of oxygen from ocean waterrecorded in foraminifera shells has changed over time,mainly in response to two important climate related

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