impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of rosaceae family


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Page 1: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family
Page 2: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

“Farming looks mighty easy when your plough is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the field”  

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Page 3: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family



Impact of climate change on important fruits of Rosaceae family

Ch. Allaylay DeviUHS14PGM426Dept. of FSC

Page 4: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Seminar outline

- Introduction

- Climate change

- Effect of climate change- Impacts of climate Change on

important fruits of Rosaceae family - Adaptation and mitigation

- Conclusion

Page 5: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family


• The Earth’s climate, although relatively stable for the past 10,000

years or so, has always been changing, mainly due to natural causes

such as volcanic activity.

• But since the 1900s more rapid changes have taken place and these

are thought to be mainly man-made.

• Global warming mean temperatures increased by 0.74 0C during

last 100 years and by the year 2100 best estimates predict between

a 1.8 0C and 4 0C rise in average global temperature, although it

could possibly be as high as 6.4 0C.

IPCC, 2007

Page 6: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Climate can be contrasted to weather, which

is the present condition of these same

elements over periods up to two weeks. It includes the statistics of :

a. Temperature

b. Humidity

c. Atmospheric pressure

d. Wind

e. Rainfall

f. Atmospheric particle count and

g. Numerous other meteorological elements in a

given region over a long periods of time.


Page 7: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Climate change refers to the variation in the Earth's global

climate or in regional climates over time.

UNFCCC defines climate change as “a change of climate

which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that

alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in

addition to natural climate variability observed over

comparable time periods.”

What do you mean by climate change ?

Page 8: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

The Greenhouse Effect

Green house gases:

CO2 , methane, CO, CFC, Nitrous oxide etc. These atmospheric

constituents will not absorb the incoming short waves but these will

absorb the outgoing long waves reflected from the earth surface

thereby warming the earth.

There are 2 sources of the Greenhouse Effect :

a) The Natural Greenhouse Effect

b) The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Page 9: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Natural Greenhouse Effect

Without it, Earth would have no living things and would be more like

Venus or Mars. This is because the temperature would be on average 300C

colder than it is. This is how it works with CO2, the major component. This

effect is supporting existence of life in earth

Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Due to increase in concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere, much more of

the heat energy from the sun is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere, making it

hotter. This effect is mainly due to anthropogenic activities

Page 10: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Causes of climate change

Natural Causes Anthropogenic Causes

1) Continental drift

2) Volcanoes

3) The Earth’s Tilts

4) Ocean Currents

5) Intensity of Solar


1) Green Houses Gases

• Carbon dioxide (CO2)

• Methane (CH4)

• Nitrous oxide (NO2)

• Chloro floro carbons (CFCs)

• Ozone (O3)

• Water Vapors (H2O)

2) Land Use Change

• Deforestation

• Urbanization

Page 11: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Melting glaciers polar caps

Decreased reflective surface

Rising sea level

Flooding of costal regions

DeforestationFossil fuel combustion


Aerosol propellants CFC-11

Refrigerants CFC-12Warm oceans

Decreased CO2 solubility in water

Garbage Swampy rice fields




Biomass Burning-fertilizer





Elements involved in Climate change

Page 12: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family


Rise in global average surface temperature of 1.0 to 3.5 degrees Celsius

by 2100.

Sea levels to rise 7-23 inches by the year 2100.

Carbon dioxide expected to be 100% higher in 2100.

Annual river run off and water availability will increase at high latitudes

and decrease in some dry regions at mid-latitudes and in the tropics.

Changes in rainfall and the disappearance of glaciers.

The ability of ecosystems to naturally adapt to changes in climate is

likely to be severely reduced.

IPCC, 2007

Page 13: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Climatic variables affecting fruit production

• Temperature

• Soil temperature and moisture

• Rainfall

• Light

• Wind

• Relative Humidity

• Hail

• Frost

Page 14: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Effect of temperature High Temperature:

• At critical high temperature, granules appear in the cytoplasm, viscosity

increases and the cell membrane loses its permeability & coagulation of the

entire cell contents takes place.

• High summer temperatures aggravates incidence of various pests and diseases.

Low Temperature:

• It would appear that O2 absorption proceeds at a much more rapid rate than O2

elimination, which may result in the accumulation of toxic substances in the

plant cells.

• Flower bud initiation is inhibited in many plants by high and in the others by

low-growing season temperature

Page 15: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Effect of soil temperature

Soil temperature exercises a considerable influence on growth and

development of the plant. Besides influencing the water uptake and nutrient

absorption, the soil temperature also affects the root development, cessation of

growth and induction of dormancy.

Effect of soil moisture

• In general, fruits production is normally limited by the available soil

moisture and many fruit trees, some fruit trees require a dry period to

stop vegetative growth and induce flowering (Nakasone and Paull,


• Soil moisture determines the flowering time and germination of plants

(Dreyer et al., 2006).

Page 16: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Effect of rainfall• In general, heavy rains, even for a short duration, are more damaging than


• Similarly, rains accompanied by low temperature and wind, are more

damaging than the rain alone.

• Pre-monsoon showers destroy the complete crops of fruits like grapes and


Effect of relative humidity

• Extremely low or high humidity may affect yield through poor fruit set and

excessive drop of the fruits in oranges, mandarins & most of the subtropical

and temperate fruit crops.

• Low and high humidity affects fruit set as it may cause poor pollen

germination owing to drying or desiccation of stigmatic fluid.

Page 17: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Effect of wind

• A reasonable amount of wind at the time of flowering aids in securing better fruit


• Orchards located deep in the valley, which are less exposed to wind, have better

fruit set than those located in the exposed place on the windward side.

• Very high wind speeds are detrimental to fruit crops.

Effect of hails

• Very harmful if it occurs at any time between flowering and fruit development


• In temperate fruit orchards, hail destroys all the flower buds and injures almost all

the developing fruits.

• On fruits, there is development of ugly spots.

Page 18: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Effect of light

• Light is the electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the

electromagnetic spectrum

• It influence on flowering, growth and yield of plants especially the

red and blue light

• The distribution of radiation in plant canopy is determined by several

factors such as transmissibility of the leaf, leaf arrangement and

inclination, plant density, plant height and angle of the sun

• Depending upon the photoperiod plants has divided into three:


Page 19: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

• Frost - causing a regular /irregular damage.

• Spring frosts are particularly harmful to the plants in temperate

climate. Frost may either kill the sexual organs of a flower or

completely destroy the blossoms thereby influencing the fruit-set.

• Frost cause damage to the plant parts near the ground level since it

is the coldest place

• Bark of the young trees is killed and cracked open and the inner-sap

carrying tissues are ruptured through freezing.

Effect of frost

Page 20: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Impact of climate change on important Fruits of Rosaceae family

Page 21: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Impact of increased temperature

• Increased temperature may inhibit or promote general growth and

development such as abnormality in leaf development and

underdevelopment of reproductive organs

• Insufficient chilling leading to changes in flowering phenology

such as delay in flower bud bursting, early flowering, flower

drop, poor fruit set, changes in quality, and increased incidence of

pest and diseases

• Shift in the cropping pattern and suitability areas.

Page 22: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Indian J. Hort. 72(1), March 2015: 14-20 DOI : 10.5958/0974-0112.2015.00003.1

Impact of climate variability on apple production and diversity in Kullu valley, Himachal Pradesh

Vijayshri Sen, Ranbbir S, Rana , R.C. Chauhan and Aditya

Biology and Environmental Science, College of Basic Sciences, CSKHPKV Palampur 176 072, Himachal Pradesh

Aim: To assess the impact of climatic factors on the productivity and biodiversity of apple in Kullu valley area

Page 23: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure : Trends of maximum temperature in Kullu valley

Figure : Trends of minimum temperature in Kullu valley

Figure : Seasonal variations in temperature in Kullu valley

Page 24: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Fig : Annual climatic trends in Kullu valley

Fig : Rainfall trends in Kullu valley

Page 25: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure : November, December and January month rainfall trends in Kullu valley

Page 26: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Fig : Cumulative chill units trends at Kullu with Negative Chill

unit UTAH modelFig : Productivity trends of apple

crop in Kullu valley

Page 27: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Month Max. Temp. Min. temp. Rainfall

Average/ total

Y= ̵ 3.897x ̵ 0.002 Y= ̵ 0.069x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.689x ̵ 0.002

January Y= ̵ 0.224x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.103x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.006x ̵ 0.002

February Y= ̵ 0.279x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.437x ̵ 0.001 Y= 0.184x ̵ 0.002

March Y= ̵ 0.751x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.073x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.063x ̵ 0.002

October Y= ̵ 1.213x ̵ 0.002 Y= ̵ 0.377x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.016x ̵ 0.002

November Y= 0.142x ̵ 0.002 Y= ̵ 0.354x ̵ 0.001 Y= ̵̵ 0.044x ̵ 0.002

December Y= ̵ 0.502x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.038x ̵ 0.002 Y= 0.112x ̵ 0.002

Table : Sensitivity analysis of apple crop with climatic parameters.

Page 28: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

SI. No Particulars Percent response

1. Change in snowfall pattern 1002. Decrease in area under apple crop 903. Change in apple traditional


4. Increase in number of apple low chilli varieties


5. Alternative source of income 836. Decrease in apple production 1007. Shifting of orchard to higher


8. Stopped planting of apple crop 439. Change in choice of crop 63

10. Strategic measure adopted 77

Table : Farmer’s perception of apple biodiversity shift.

Page 29: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

J. Agr. Sci. Tech. (2014) Vol. 16 : 863-872

Fruit set and yield of Apricot Cultivars under Subtropical Climate Conditions of Hatay, Turkey

A.A. Polat, and O. Caliskan

Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Mustafa Kemal University, Antakya/Hatay, Turkey .

*corresponding author; E-mail: apolar @

Aim: To evaluate the percentages of blossom, initial and final fruit set and yield parameters of Apricot cultivars for cultivation under subtropical climate condiitions

Page 30: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Month Temperature ( C)⁰ Rainfall (mm)

Humidity (%)

Min. Max. Avg.

2006Jan. -0.5 20.6 11.5 22.0 56.3Feb. 0.2 22.2 11.7 175.7 55.7Mar. 8.7 28.7 16.3 76.2 57.8Apr. 10.1 34.8 18.6 101.9 55.2May. 10.8 34.2 21.1 98.0 50.7June. 16.0 36.9 25.7 7.8 49.6July. 20.5 33.5 28.0 4.9 62.1Aug. 22.8 35.0 28.7 24.7 60.8Sep. 19.0 35.0 26.0 140.8 59.7Oct. 10.2 36.5 21.5 58.4 51.3Nov. 0.6 27.7 14.3 88.8 48.5Dec. -0.8 19.9 11.3 197.5 68.0

Table : Means of temperature, rainfall, humidity in the experimental area, Dortyol (Hatay), Turkey.

Page 31: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Month Temperature ( C)⁰ Rainfall (mm)

Humidity (%)Min. Max. Avg.

2007Jan. -0.3 19.5 8.8 165.3 49.2

Feb. 3.0 23.2 13.3 65.9 42.8

Mar. 5.5 26.4 14.8 78.4 52.1

Apr. 9.0 25.1 16.7 155.3 67.9

May. 12.7 35.3 20.8 74.1 57.1

June. 15.7 39.4 25.5 24.5 52.9

July. 20.8 37.0 28.0 80.8 58.0

Aug. 20.2 34.9 27.7 52.5 57.3

Sep. 17.7 36.2 25.2 79.6 55.7

Oct. 10.5 34.6 21.8 93.4 47.7

Nov. 8.3 28.5 17.2 102.4 45.4

Dec. -2.2 23.3 9.3 64.2 55.4


Page 32: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Month Temperature ( C)⁰ Rainfall (mm)

Humidity (%)Min. Max. Avg.

2008Jan. 2.8 21.3 12.0 83.9 59.0

Feb. 0.3 20.1 9.0 166.1 58.7

Mar. 2.7 23.2 11.9 148.4 51.0

Apr. 8.4 31.0 16.9 112.2 55.2

May. 12 37.5 23.8 84.6 43.1

June. 15 36.6 25.3 55.1 61.8

July. 21.8 37.0 28.4 11.0 62.0

Aug. 21.6 36.3 29.2 0.1 58.4

Sep. 14.5 35.9 25.3 118.8 56.9

Oct. 5.7 31.4 21.7 94.6 58.2

Nov. 3.8 29.4 15.2 80.8 49.6

Dec. 0.7 21.4 11.3 130.5 54.9


Page 33: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Cultivar Year Mean 2006 2007 2008

Blossoming (%)Precoce de tyrinthe 50.6cd 91.5ab 89.0bc 77.0cd

Feriana 84.7ab 91.2ab 89.0bc 88.3abc

Beliana 81.8ab 90.7abc 89.9abc 87.5abc

Priana 57.4c 90.5abc 90.7abc 79.7bcd

Bebeco 73.0b 95.0a 86.7c 84.9abcd

Early kishinewski 42.3d 86.1bc 91.5abc 73.3d

Precoce de colomer 89.3a 92.2a 94.4ab 93.0a

Canino 82.9ab 90.9ab 92.2abc 88.7abc

Silistre Rona 89.8a 82.0c 95.3ab 89.0abc

Rouge de sernhac 81.7ab 90.5abc 96.6a 89.6ab

Tokaloglu 77.5ab 94.8ab 92.3abc 88.3abc

Mean 73.8 Bb 90.8 A 91.6 A

Table : Percentage blossoming of apricot cv. grown in the Mediterranean climate in Turkey

*Means within a column followed by different lowercase letter are significantly at the 1% by Tukey tect, Different capital letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05) between years

Page 34: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Cultivar Year Mean 2006 2007 2008

Fruit set (%)

Precoce de tyrinthe 6.9a 9.0b 8.7ab 8.2ab

Feriana 3.0a 5.7b 5.7b 4.8ab

Beliana 6.2a 8.8b 11.3ab 8.8ab

Priana 6.8a 5.0b 9.1ab 7.0ab

Bebeco 0.0b 4.6b 4.3ab 3.0ab

Early kishinewski 0.0b 3.2b 3.7b 2.3b

Precoce de colomer 1.0ab 3.8b 4.0b 2.9ab

Canino 0.0b 3.8b 3.2b 2.3b

Silistre Rona 0.9ab 3.2b 3.9b 2.6ab

Rouge de sernhac 1.7b 8.0b 7.1ab 5.6ab

Tokaloglu 2.7a 20.7a 18.8a 14.0 a

Mean 2.6 B 7.5 B 10.4 A

*Means within a column followed by different lowercase letter are significantly at the 1% by Tukey tect, Different capital letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05) between years

Table : Percentage fruit set of apricot cv. grown in the Mediterranean climate in Turkey

Page 35: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Cultivar Year Mean 2006 2007 2008

Yield per tree ( kg/ tree)Precoce de tyrinthe 4.3ab 47.7a 34.9cd 29a

Feriana 4.5ab 8.4cd 19.0de 10.6cd

Beliana 2.8bc 30.3b 36.0bc 23.0ab

Priana 1.7cd 0.6d 17.5D 6.6cd

Bebeco 0.4d 26.7b 15.6e 14.2bc

Early kishinewski 0.0d 9.5cd 5.5e 5.0cd

Precoce de colomer 1.8cd 3.2d 16.3e 7.1cd

Canino 0.3d 1.1d 15.0e 5.5cd

Silistre Rona 0.5d 1.2d 5.0e 2.3d

Rouge de sernhac 0.3d 20.0bc 63.5a 27.9a

Tokaloglu 5.0 a 30.8b 51.5ab 29.1a

Mean 2.0 C 16.3 B 25.4 A

*Means within a column followed by different lowercase letter are significantly at the 1% by Tukey tect, Different capital letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05) between years

Table : Yield per tree of apricot cv. grown in the Mediterranean climate in Turkey

Page 36: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Impact of increase carbon dioxide concentration in fruit crops

Among the various greenhouse gases, CO2 has important role in

fruit production.

Increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has a fertilizer

effect on fruits, which can lead to increased rate of

photosynthesis, increase in growth rate and productivity of


It reduced transpiration and increased water use efficiency.

Page 37: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Effect of CO2 Enrichment on Fruit Growth and Quality in Japanese Pear (Pyrus serotina Reheder cv.


Junki Ito, Shigeki Hasegawa, Kounosuke Fujita* , Shizuhiko Ogasawara and Tamio Fujiwara

Hiroshima Prefectural Agricultural Centre, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-0151- JapanPublished online: 04 January 2012

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Aim: The effect of CO2 enrichment at different growth stages of fruit on vegetative growth, fruit growth and quality in Japanese pear tree

Page 38: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Days after full bloom


t dia



Figure : Effect of CO2 enrichment during the fruits growth stages on fruit diameter and stem diameter in Japanese pear cv. Kosui, Full bloom occurred on March 27. Arrow indicates the time when CO2 enrichment was initiated (52 DAB)

CO2 enrichment CO2 Control

Days after full bloom

Page 39: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Days after full bloom


l sug

ar c




Figure : Effect of CO2 enrichment during maturation on total fruit sugar conc. in Japanese pear cv. Kosui

CO2 enrichment

CO2 Control

Page 40: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

DAB* CO2 enrichment Control

Sorbitol Glucose Fructose Sucrose Sorbitol Glucose Fructose Sucrose

88 46.9 16.6 36.5 0 47.6 14.4 38.0 0101 35.2 15.5 41.0 8.3 47.4 16.2 36.4 0108 36.1 15.8 39.6 8.5 34.7 15.1 42.9 7.3123 22.0 14.9 35.8 27.3 21.0 14.4 38.9 25.7

*Days after full bloom, LSD (0.05) for all the values was 7.12

Table : Effect of C02 enrichment on the composition of various sugar species in fruit of Japanese pear cv. Kosui during fruit maturation

Page 41: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Impacts on phenology

• One of the best-documented effects of climate change is the changing timing of

activity, known as phenology (Cleland et al., 2007).

• Flowering is one of crucial stages for fruit development affecting the production

and productivity.

• In most fruit crops, generally higher temperature decreased the days interval

required for flowering.

• Temperature not only influences the development of various parts of flowers but

also determines the type of inflorescence.

• Rainfall during flowering adversely affects fruit set, fruit development and yield.

Page 42: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

The Asian Journal of Horticulture volume 8 | Issue 1 | June, 2013 | 88-92

Effect of climate on vegetative, flowering and fruiting behaviour of hard pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) under

Amritsar conditions

B.S. Dhillon and B.S. Gill

Received : 22.09.2012Revised: 09.03.2013

Accepted : 25.03.2013

Department of Horticulture, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gurdaspur (Punjab) India

Aim: To evaluate the growth and fruiting pattern of some farmer’s orchards in Amritsar district

Page 43: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Months Week Dates Air temperature ⁰C (2008-09) Air temperature ⁰C (2009-10)

Max. Min. Mean Max Min Mean

Nov I 1-7 25.89 15.03 20.46 27.57 16.00 21.78

Ii 8-14 28.53 13.61 21.07 24.71 13.42 19.02Iii 15-21 26.69 9.27 17.98 24.34 12.11 18.22Iv 22-28 25.43 9.86 17.65 22.57 10.14 16.35V 29-05 25.14 11.71 18.43 22.57 9.28 15.92Vi 6-12 23.86 10.71 17.29 20.42 8.14 14.28

Dec Vii 13-19 22.43 8.14 15.29 20.28 7.14 13.71Viii 20-26 21.14 7.14 14.14 19.28 5.71 12.49Ix 27-02 18.57 1.61 10.09 17.00 0.54 8.77X 3-09 17.74 2.63 10.19 11.80 1.11 6.45Xi 10-16 19.47 3.40 11.44 12.20 1.60 6.90

Table : Data of the temperature prevalent during the consecutive fruiting seasons of pear

Page 44: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Months Week Dates Air temperature C (2008-09)⁰ Air temperature C (2009-10)⁰

Max. Min. Mean Max Min Mean

Jan Xii 17-23 18.93 4.99 11.96 12.60 0.22 6.41

Xiii 24-30 18.91 5.60 12.26 18.21 3.20 10.70

Xiv 31-06 21.14 6.80 13.99 20.07 4.65 12.36

Xv 7-13 22.27 6.49 14.58 19.57 6.00 12.78


Xvi 14-20 22.84 7.56 15.20 21.00 4.71 12.85

Xvii 21-27 25.44 10.50 18.00 24.71 10.28 17.49

Xviii 28-06 24.97 9.38 17.14 25.42 11.71 18.56

Xix 7-13 26.42 9.85 18.13 27.67 10.21 18.94

Mar Xx 14-20 27.57 11.57 19.50 32.42 14.85 23.63

Xxi 21-27 28.00 15.42 21.71 36.57 18.57 27.57

xxii 28-03 27-14 15.11 21.13 35.00 19.28 27.14


Page 45: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Orchard No. Date of leaf emergence

End of leaf emergence

Duration of leaf emergence (Days)

2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10

Block Verka I 3-5 Feb 21-24 Feb 28-3 F-M 21-24 Mar 29 30

Ii 3-5 Feb 21-24 Feb 28-3 F-M 22-25 Mar 29 31

Iii 4-6 Feb 20-22 Feb 1-3 Mar 21-24 Mar 26 30

Iv 4-6 Feb 20-22 Feb 1-3 Mar 21-23 Mar 26 30

V 4-6 Feb 20-23 Feb 1-3 Mar 22-25 Mar 26 30

Block AjnalaVi 3-5 Feb 22-24 Feb 28-3 F-M 24-27 Mar 29 31

Vii 3-5 Feb 21-23 Feb 27-2 F-M 24-27 Mar 26 32

Viii 4-6 Feb 20-22 Feb 1-3 Mar 24-27 Mar 26 33

Ix 3-5 Feb 22-24 Feb 28-3 F-M 21-23 Mar 29 26

X 3-5 Feb 20-22 Feb 27-2 F-M 24-27 Mar 26 33

Table : Effect of climate on leaf emergence characters of hard pear

Page 46: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Orchard No.

Start of flowering End of flowering Duration of flowering (Days)

2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10

Block Verka I 8-9 Feb 27-2 F-M 19-20 Feb 15-16 Mar 11 17

Ii 7-9 Feb 27-2 F-M 19-20 Feb 16-17 Mar 11 18

Iii 7-9 Feb 28-2 F-M 17-18 Feb 17-18 Mar 10 18

Iv 7-9 Feb 1-3 Mar 16-17 Feb 21-23 Mar 09 20

V 9-11 Feb 1-3 Mar 18-19 Feb 21-23 Mar 09 17

Block AjnalaVi 9-11 Feb 28-2 F-M 19-20 Feb 14-16 Mar 10 15

Vii 7-9 Feb 27-2 F-M 18-19 Feb 14-16 Mar 11 16

Viii 8-9 Feb 27-2 F-M 18-19 Feb 12-13 Mar 10 14

Ix 9-10 Feb 1-3 Mar 19-20 Feb 16-18 Mar 10 15

X 7-9 Feb 28-2 F-M 16-17 Feb 15-17 Mar 09 16

Table : Effect of climate on flowering characters of hard pear

Page 47: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Orchard No. Flowering density (NO./m)

Fruiting density (No./m)

Fruit set (%)

2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10

Block Verka I 48.41 61.15 14.46 24.12 7.45 10.24

Ii 45.80 69.70 15.25 22.10 7.05 12.20

Iii 50.52 62.45 16.52 17.61 8.25 13.40

Iv 45.44 60.41 13.91 22.80 6.40 9.70

V 43.41 63.91 13.40 6.10 9.65

Block AjnalaVi 44.45 60.90 13.70 16.42 6.70 8.70

Vii 45.40 62.44 15.10 20.47 8.15 13.45

Viii 47.71 68.43 14.12 23.15 7.44 12.10

Ix 40.50 69.12 12.15 25.75 6.04 8.90

X 50.65 62.95 16.17 21.90 8.40 14.10

Mean 46.22 64.15 14.48 21.34 7.19 11.24C.D. (P=0.05) 3.88 3.39 2.28 3.34 1.61 2.37

Table : Effect of climate on flowering density, fruiting density and fruit set of pear

Page 48: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Orchard No. Fruit drop (%) Fruit retention (%) Fruit yield (kg/tree)2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10

Block Verka I 28.71 20.82 72.10 78.60 40.35 80.42

Ii 20.81 16.14 70.15 76.10 37.40 78.90

Iii 21.15 15.39 68.12 74.25 31.10 74.40

Iv 18.22 14.70 64.86 72.21 28.70 70.10

V 20.77 14.85 67.39 70.85 32.75 75.48

Block AjnalaVi 21.75 13.45 65.15 77.77 30.41 71.14

Vii 22.10 16.90 69.70 78.40 33.71 78.20

Viii 20.10 17.77 64.14 76.22 30.95 72.45

Ix 27.15 20.72 70.91 82.40 38.90 82.10

X 30.12 24.42 76.10 87.18 45.40 90.40

Mean 25.09 17.52 68.86 77.40 34.96 77.35C.D. (P=0.05) 3.07 3.01 3.84 4.59 3.75 4.81

Table : Effect of climate on fruit drop (%), fruit retention (%) and fruit yield (kg/tree) of pear

Page 49: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Impact of radiation on fruit crops

• Sunshine is a type of radiation that is needed for photosynthesis and

normal plant growth

• Prolong periods of radiation can completely damage the stomata and

destroy the plants

• Prolong radiation can completely destroy the fertility of a plant

• Increases cell mutation

• Damaged plant cells

Page 50: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Strawberry yield efficiency and its correlation with temperature and solar radiation

Pedro Palencia, Fatima Martinez, Juan Jesus Medina, Jose Lopez-Medina

Universidad de Oviedo, Esc. Politécn. de Mieres, Depto. Biología de Organismos y Sistemas, C/Gonzalo

Gutiérrez Quirós s/n, 33600 Mieres, Spain .

Horticultura Brasileira (2013) 31: 93-99

Aim: To assess the variation of temperature and solar radiation on strawberry production and crop cycle duration

Page 51: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure: Mean temperature and solar radiation for the years 2003-2006

Page 52: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Year Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Mean±SD

Temperat-ure ( C)⁰

2003-04 18.4 14.1 11.1 11.1 11.6 13.2 15.0 16.8 13.9±2.5

2004-05 18.3 12.7 10.8 7.5 8.3 13.3 15.9 19.0 13.2± 42005-06 17.5 12.0 10.7 8.3 9.7 13.3 13.3 19.7 13.1±3.6











Radiation mJ/m2

2003-04 12.1 9.3 7.7 8.3 11.6 16.6 21.8 22.2 13.7±5.4

2004-05 13.3 10.6 9.6 11.1 13.9 15.2 23.3 25.8 15.4±5.6

2005-06 12.7 10.1 8.2 9.1 11.8 16.0 19.6 24.3 14.0±5.2











Table : Air temperature and solar radiation of each month during three crop cycle (2003-2006)

Page 53: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Year Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Mean±SD

Second class fruit


2003-04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 5.9 9.7 14.5 6.2±5.42004-05 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.3 12.4 25.7 44.9 17.1± 16.6

2005-06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 5.4 9.1 10.6 5.2±4.3


0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1±0.1






Total yield


2003-04 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 91.9 197.7 340.5 364.9 199.5±146.7

2004-05 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.6 110.2

245.8 464.3 452.7 257.3±189.2

2005-06 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.4 101.2

250.1 243.1 203.5 161.9±107


0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1±4.8






Table : Second class fruit and total yield of each month during three crop cycle (2003-2006)

Page 54: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure : Statical early yield model used as related mean radiation and temperature for the years 2003-2006.

NS= non-significant; *; **significant at p≤0.05 and p≤0.01, respectively

Page 55: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure : Statical total yield model used as related mean radiation and temperature for the years 2003-2006

NS = non-significant, *, ** significant at p≤0.05 and p≤0.01, respectively

Page 56: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family



If the temperature is either very low or very high there is no fertilization, thus

affecting fruit set.

-Most of the insects work well at or near 400F & when the temp is either very low

or high, they don’t take flight, which affects pollination and thereby the fruit set.


Rainfall during flowering time affects the activity of pollen carrying insects.


Pollen carrying insects work more effectively in a still atmosphere.

Relative Humidity:

Activity of bees and other pollen carrying insects is hindered under low or very

high relative humidity.

Page 57: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Ecology letters, (2013) 16: 1331-1338 DOI: 10.1111/ele.12170

Biodiversity ensures plant pollinator phenological synchrony against climate change

Ignasi Bartomeus, Mia G. Park, Jason Gibbs, Bryan N. Danforth, Alan N. Lakso and Rachael Winfree

Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901, USA

Aim: To examine whether pollinator biodiversity could buffer plant pollinator interactions against the climate change, by increasing and stabilising phenological synchrony between apple and its wild pollinators

Page 58: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure : Map of the study area. The cross (+) indicates the location of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York, USA.

Page 59: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure : Hypothetical scenarios of phenological advance. Bee activity (fine grey distributions) and apple peak bloom (thick black/red lines) are a schematic representation of our data.

(a) A stable scenario where both bees and apple change at the same pace. Change is indicated by the arrow direction between t0 and t1.

(b) Unstable scenarios where apple peak bloom advances more slowly (solid lines) or more quickly (dotted lines) than bee activity.

Page 60: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family







n A






Figure : Change in temperature and phenology of apple and its pollinators over a 46-year period. (a) Apple peak bloom (fill circles and solid regression line) and bee specimens (empty circles and dotted regression line) are shown. Some pollinator species extend into the summer making the bee intercept higher than for apple.(b) Mean daily maximum April temperature is expressed in degrees Celsius.


Page 61: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure : Response diversity among bee species in terms of their phenological shifts over time.

Figure : Synchrony between common apple-visiting bee species and apple peak bloom. Negative values indicate dates before apple peak bloom, and positive values after.

Page 62: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Impact of climate change in pest and diseases

• Climate change has brought about changes in the pest and

disease incidence in fruit crops.

• Due to changes in flowering time and variations in

temperature, introduction of new pests, attaining major pest

status by minor pests and breaking of resistance can occur.

Page 63: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Earth Syst. Dynam., 3, 33–47, 2012 DOI:10.5194/esd-3-33-2012

Downscaling climate change scenarios for apple pest and disease modelling in Switzerland

M. Hirschi1, S. Stoeckli2, M. Dubrovsky3, C. Spirig1, P. Calanca4, M.W. Rotach1,*, A. M. Fischer1, B. Duffy2, and J. Samietz

Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Kr¨ahb¨uhlstrasse 58, 8044 Z¨urich, Switzerland

Received: 18 August 2011 – Published in Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss.: 25 August 2011Revised: 16 January 2012 – Accepted: 26 January 2012 – Published: 27 February 2012

Aim: To examined the influence of climate change in Switzerland on the future threat of codling moth and fire blight

Page 64: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Figure : Seasonal (top row) and daily (bottom row) cycles of mean temperature (TAVG), precipitation (PREC) and global solar radiation (SRAD) for the station Wadenswil. Synthetic data are

displayed in red, observed data in black. Daily cycles are shown for spring and summer in case of temperature and precipitation, and for spring in case of solar radiation (as only the codling moth flight start in spring is nfluenced by solar radiation). For temperature and radiation, results are presented separately for dry and wet days. Database is 29 yr of insitu observations (1981–2009) and 100 yr of synthetic weather.

Page 65: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Fig: Top row: in situ observations of first flight activity of codling moth in spring (left panel), as well as modeled flight start based on observed weather (middle panel) and based on present-day

synthetic weather (right panel, station Wadenswil). The vertical red lines display the medians of the distributions. Bottom row: modeled number of fire blight infection days per year based on observed weather (middle panel) and based on present-day synthetic weather (right panel). In the right panels, the p-values for the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney (WMW) and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests are displayed for the difference between the distributions from synthetic weather and from observed weather (respectively, from in situ observations in brackets, if available). For fire blight, also the p-values of the Binomial test applied on the annual occurrence and non-occurrence of infections is shown.

Page 66: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Fig: The flight start in spring from synthetic weather for present (“ctrl”, top panel) and future (“scen”, bottom panel) climate at the stations W¨adenswil (left panels) and Magadino (right panels). In the bottom panels, the p-values for the Wilcoxon- Mann Whitney (WMW) and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests are displayed for the difference between flight start from present-day and future synthetic weather.

Page 67: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Fig: The number of fire blight infection days per year from synthetic weather for present (“ctrl”) and future (“scen”) at the stations W¨adenswil (left panels) and Magadino (right panels).

Page 68: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Declining chilling and its impact on temperate perennial crops

C.J. Atkinsona, R.M. Brennanb, H.G. Jonesc

Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich and East Malling Research, New Road, Kent ME19 6BJ, UK b James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK c University of Dundee at James Hutton

Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK

Received 8 November 2012; Received in revised form 29 January 2013; Accepted 1 February 2013

Environmental and Experimental Botany 91 (2013) 48– 62

Aim: To outline why winter chill is important biologically and how it impacts on the

production of perennial fruit crops

Page 69: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family


Vegetative bud break

Floral bud break

Bud abscission

Flower abscission

Flower quality

Reproductive morphology

Fruit set

Vegetative growth

Crop yield

Product quality

Apple * * * * * * *

Pear * * *

Cherry * * * *

Plum *

Peach * * * * *


* *


* *


* * * * *

Table : A summary of the different aspects of perennial fruit crop growth, development and production impacted by low winter chill.

Page 70: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Everyone’s talking about the weather but nobody’s doing

anything about it.Mark Twain


Page 71: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Adaptation and Mitigation

Adaptation : Adaptation is the process through which people

reduce the adverse effects of climate and adaptation measures

are meant to protect a community against projected climate

change impacts.

Mitigation : A human intervention to reduce the sources or

enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases, for example, reducing

the carbon footprint of business operations by cleaner fuels,

reducing electricity consumption, etc.

Page 72: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Develop climate-ready crop varieties

Increase water saving technologies

Changing planting date and increased use of integrated farming system

Crop diversification

Provide more non-crop flowering resources in the field

Integrated pest management

Crop insurance

Improved weather-base agro-advisory and nutrient management

Harnessing the indigenous technical knowledge of fruit growers


Adaptation of fruit crops

Page 73: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Mitigation measures

Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases

Intensive increase in reforestation

Restoration of degraded lands

Increased use of composts

Increase biomass to produce energy

Land management strategies to increase soil carbon storage

Page 74: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family


Low winter chill affects tree behaviour such as flowering and lack of


The phenology, geographic distribution and local abundance of plants

and pollinators appear to be affected by recent climate change.

Climate systems may change more rapidly than in the past due to heavy

industrialization, rapid utilization of fossil fuel and deforestation..

It affected the normal growth and development, altered flowering

behaviour , influenced the quality fruit production and has brought

about changes in pest and disease incidence

Page 75: Impacts of climate change on important fruit crops of Rosaceae family

Thank You