impacting the hostile world for christ acts: the unfinished story of the church series [13] acts...


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Page 1: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim
Page 2: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim

Impacting the Hostile Impacting the Hostile World for ChristWorld for Christ

Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13][13]

Acts 5:12-42Acts 5:12-42

May 27, 2012May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. KimPastor Paul K. Kim

Page 3: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim


TO THE HOSTILE WORLD• Escape: Capitulating to withdraw from any

involvement in the real world for comfort as well as for avoidance of conflict.

• Fight Back: Retaliating physically or politically to gain an upper hand in confrontation.

• Compromise: Becoming more like the world in values and principles for pragmatic reasons to be blended in the world.

Page 4: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,

and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the

earth.”Acts 1:8

  I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.

In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Page 5: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim

Acts 5:12-2612 Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the apostles. And they were all together in Solomon's Portico. 13 None of the rest dared join them, but the people held them in high esteem. 14 And more than ever believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, 15 so that they even carried out the sick into the streets and laid them on cots and mats, that as Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on some of them. 16 The people also gathered from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were all healed.

17 But the high priest rose up, and all who were with him (that is, the party of the Sadducees), and filled with jealousy 18 they arrested the apostles and put them in the public prison. 19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said, 20 “Go and stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this Life.” 21 And when they heard this, they entered the temple at daybreak and began to teach.

Page 6: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim

Acts 5:12-26Now when the high priest came, and those who were with him, they called together the council, all the senate of the people of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought. 22 But when the officers came, they did not find them in the prison, so they returned and reported, 23 “We found the prison securely locked and the guards standing at the doors, but when we opened them we found no one inside.” 24 Now when the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these words, they were greatly perplexed about them, wondering what this would come to. 25 And someone came and told them, “Look! The men whom you put in prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people.” 26 Then the captain with the officers went and brought them, but not by force, for they were afraid of being stoned by the people.

Page 7: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim


1) By DEMONSTRATING GOD’S POWER in everyday life.

12 Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the apostles... 13 None of the rest dared join

them, but the people held them in high esteem…16 The people…bringing the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were all healed… 24 Now when the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these

words, they were greatly perplexed about them... (vs. 12-16, 24)

The signs & wonders was exclusively of the Apostles. But what is still applicable in our days is for us to live

out the reality of God’s power revealed in healing, prayers, spiritual power, internal fortitude amidst pressures, etc.

The result will be (1) spiritually vital church’s impact on the world, and (2) the world’s respect and praise for the church.

Page 8: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim



19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said, 20 “Go and stand in the temple and

speak to the people all the words of this Life.”  21 And when they heard this, they entered the temple at daybreak and began to teach…

26 Then the captain with the officers went and brought them, but not by force, for they were afraid of being stoned by the people. (vs. 17-26)

The deliverance of angel was not for mere safety but for spreading the words of the Life in Jesus.

The apostles did not hesitate to obey this prompting of the Spirit, knowing that it will bring apparent danger again.

In our application, we are to also be decisively obedient to the leading of the Spirit in full trust of God’s sovereignty.

Page 9: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim

Acts 5:27-4227 And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, 28 saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man's blood upon us.” 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.31 God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”

33 When they heard this, they were enraged and wanted to kill them. 34 But a Pharisee in the council named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law held in honor by all the people, stood up and gave orders to put the men outside for a little while. 35 And he said to them, “Men of Israel, take care what you are about to do with these men. 

Page 10: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim

Acts 5:27-4236 For before these days Theudas rose up, claiming to be somebody, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him. He was killed, and all who followed him were dispersed and came to nothing. 37 After him Judas the Galilean rose up in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him. He too perished, and all who followed him were scattered. 38 So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; 39 but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!” So they took his advice, 40 and when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. 41 Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name. 42 And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.

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3) By BEING BOLD AND STEADFAST under opposition & hostility.

29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom

you killed by hanging him on a tree.31 God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness

of sins. 32 And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”(vs. 29-32)

Peter reaffirmed their previous answer in boldness, being fully aware of the consequence of their steadfastness.

Here, we see the right Christian response to hostility and opposition: “meek” response knowing who’s in control!

We are also to be gentle yet bold, submitting to the authorities but ultimately obeying God rather than men.

Page 12: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim


4) By REJOICING IN SUFFERING for Christ’s name.

So they took his advice, 40 and when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak

in the name of Jesus, and let them go. 41 Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer

dishonor for the name. 42 And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus. (vs. 27-42)

Gamaliel’s advice was used by God but the principle itself is full of holes in discerning what is of God.

The apostle took the beating but their response was JOY!

The lesson for us is to see the honor in being dishonored for Christ and the grace in disgrace and REJOICE in suffering.

Page 13: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim

Two Reasons for Christian Joy in a Hostile WorldIn no masochistic fashion, but with spiritual eyes to see what suffering for the name of Jesus signifies about their eternal salvation, the apostles live out the dynamic of Jesus' beatitude (Lk 6:22-23) and respond to their physical suffering with joy. As far as Luke is concerned, two things bring Christians joy: contemplating salvation and the honor of being dishonored for Jesus' sake (Lk 10:20; Acts 8:39; 11:23; 13:48). Whether in singing hymns over the crackle of flames at the stake in centuries past or praising God while cleaning Chinese prison-camp cesspools in our own day, the hallmark of the Christian has been, and must continue to be, joy in suffering persecution (1 Pet 1:6; 4:13).

- William J Larkin, Jr.

Page 14: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim

22 “Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you

and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man!

23 Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their

fathers did to the prophets.Luke 6:22-23

Page 15: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim


1. What first step can I take in fully trusting in and demonstrating God’s power in my everyday life?

1. What does it mean for me to be bold, steadfast in obeying the leading of the Spirit under opposition or hostile environment?

1. How do I consider suffering dishonor for Christ’s name a reason for joy? Do I rejoice in suffering?

Page 16: Impacting the Hostile World for Christ Acts: The Unfinished Story of the Church Series [13] Acts 5:12-42 May 27, 2012 Pastor Paul K. Kim