immunological studies in spontaneous abortion


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of unknown etiology are hyporesponsive to paternal MHC antigens, 2) the dynamics of this sup- pression involve both cellular and humoral factors, 3) the suppression is not always specific for paternal antigens, 4) recurrent pregnancy wastage is associated with either an inherent or an ac- quired maternal hyporesponsiveness to paternal antigens that interferes with alloantigen recognition and immunoregulation during a normal pregnancy.



JOHN MCINTYRE, COLIN TAYLOR and W.PAGE FAULK. University of Southern Illinois, Pembury Hospitsl in Kent, University of Nice.

Following several years of studying humorel and cellular aspects of immune function in women and their husbands suffering from repeated spontane- ous abortion, we have settled on four criteria to define an immunologically mediated spontaneous abortion. These are (a). Clinical history of more than three miscarriages without any known anatomical, hormonal, genetlcal or in- fectious reason; (b), Sharing of at least two HLA antigens between husband and wife; (c). Diminished response In a mixed lymphocyte-culture (MLC) re- action where wife is responder and husbsnd is the stimulator; and (d), ~C responses yet a~ein diminished as compared to third party control stimulator when wife is responder and the MLC reaction is done in the presence of wife's plasma. Couples who qualify for these four criteria are considered as poten- tial candidates for Immunotherspy with third party leukocytes. Thus far, eleven women hsve been successfully treated with the regimen of Taylor and Faulk (Lancet, July, 1981), and several other centers have experienced a similar result. Date and ideas in support of the above points wlll be pre- sented, particularly as they concern the newly described, allotyplc groups of trophoblest-lymphocyte cross resctive (TLX) antigens.


E. Persitz, J. Oksenberg, A. Amar, O. Cohen, Y. Schenker and C. Brautbar. Department of Obstetric & Gynecology, Laboratory of

Immunohematology & Department of Immunology Hadassah Medical Center, Israel

The present report details the results of HLA-A,B and DR analyses in 60 couples with a history of spontaneous habitual abortions with no children, as compared to 30 control fertile couples, with at least two living children. The frequency of shared HLA-A, B and DR antigens among couples of both groups was similar (Table). These results are in contrast with reports published previously by other groups. In addition, no significant differences in the distribution of HLA antigens were observed between the non fertile and fertile groups. Further extensive population studies are necessary to clarify if genetic compatibility may influence reproductive performance in couples with chronic spontaneous abortions of unknown etiology.

Antigens HLA-B

in common


-Patients Controls (n=60) (n=30)

39 (65%) 17 (57%)

20 (33%) 12 (40%)

1 (2%) 1 (3%)

Patients Controls (n=60) (n=30)

44 (73%) 21 (70%)

15 (25%) 9 (30%)

1 (2%) -

HLA-DR Patients Controls (n=23) (n=30)

15 (65%) 17 (57%)

7 (30%) ii (36%)

1 (5%) 2 (7%)