immaculate heart of mary 7:30 pm parish...

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 3815 South Cedar Street, Lansing MI 48910 June 10, 2018 Commitment Weekend II Thank you for your support of the DSA. Your gift makes a difference! In Gratitude. —Fr. John

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Page 1: Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:30 pm Parish Office Flag Retirement Ceremony 8 pm - Knights of Columbus Hall, ... (The Week of Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 3815 South Cedar Street, Lansing MI 48910 June 10, 2018

Commitment Weekend II

Thank you for your support of the DSA. Your gift makes a difference! In Gratitude. —Fr. John

Page 2: Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:30 pm Parish Office Flag Retirement Ceremony 8 pm - Knights of Columbus Hall, ... (The Week of Prayer

DSA Goal: $94,209 Pledge to date: $70,310.00

(75% of our goal)

Parish participation: 26%

Thank you to everyone who made a gift or pledge to DSA. Pledge envelopes are available in church or Parish Office—no amount is too small!

Stewardship: A Way of Life…

“And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” – MARK 3:25

Do your parish ministries complement each other or do they compete against each other? Is your parish “one Body of Christ” or a bunch of little, separate ministries controlled by human ego? The goal of all parish ministries is to bring people to Christ. All of our parish work should be for the glory of God’s name, not our own name.

Monday the 11th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Spirit & Bride Charismatic Prayer 7:30 pm Church

Ecell 7 pm Parish Office

Tuesday the 12th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass High School Youth Group 6:30 pm Youth Center

Ecell 7 pm Church

Wednesday the 13th

Shawl Ministry 1:30 pm Parish Office

7th/8th Grade Faith Formation 6:30 pm Youth Center Ecell 7 pm 2230 Delhi NE Holt RCIA 7 pm Parish Office

St. Vincent de Paul 7 pm South Cedar Street unit

Thursday the 14th: Flag Day

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Ecell 7:30 pm Parish Office Flag Retirement Ceremony 8 pm - Knights of

Columbus Hall, 5300 N. Grand River Ave. (see page 7)

Friday the 15th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass

Bible Study 10 am Parish Office

Adult Game Night! 7 pm Parish Family Center: Join us for a social night for adults (18 and up). For more information, call Becky, 8820167. Bring your favorite game and snack to share. Some games provided.

Saturday the 16th

Reconciliation 3 - 4 pm Church

Sunday the 17th: Happy Father’s Day!

Soup Kitchen 2-3 pm Parish Family Center

Mass Schedule The Week Ahead

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Lansing, MI (517) 393-3030 Sunday, June 10, 2018

Page 2 website:

Sunday the 10th: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30 pm Intentions of Joe Gauthier —Friends of St. Vincent de Paul

7:30 am For the People of the Parish 9:30 am Intentions of Mike & Phyllis Costello 11:30 am Juliette Makamdjo & Francois Tagne —Alex Kengne

Monday the 11th: Saint Barnabas

8 am Intentions of Marge Caron —daughter

Tuesday the 12th

8 am James & Eva Siegrist —Family

Wednesday the 13th: Saint Anthony of Padua

8 am Asa A. O’Connor —Pecina, Lara & Guzman Families

Thursday the 14th

8 am Jim Kelly —Shirley Kelly

Friday the 15th

8 am Intentions of Billy, Rose, and Tom

Saturday the 16th

8 am Richard Misencik —Edward & Helen Struzinski

4:30 pm Living & Deceased Members of the Richard Munroe Family —Margaret Munroe

Sunday the 17th: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 am Fr. Gary McInnis —Carol Popadich 9:30 am Horton Mallory —Mark & Anita Sandel 11:30 am For the People of the Parish

Readings for next Sunday

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16;

2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34

Parish Financial Stewardship

Sunday, June 3, 2018:

Loose $ 747.62 Envelopes $ 14,381.00 Total $ 15,128.62

Total June 4, 2017: $17,030.73

Building Together with Christ Campaign Goal: $ 1,774,600.00

Total Pledged: $ 1,199,507.65 (68%) Cash Received: $ 1,117,566.11 Number of Gifts: 547 (47%) (1,150 families)

Reminder: The “Blue” colored payment envelopes are included in your Sunday bi-monthly packets.

Page 3: Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:30 pm Parish Office Flag Retirement Ceremony 8 pm - Knights of Columbus Hall, ... (The Week of Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Sunday, June 10, 2018

517-393-3030 Website: Page 3

What happens after Pentecost?

Ordinary Time After Pentecost Sunday, the "Season after Pentecost" or "Ordinary Time" begins with Trinity Sunday and ends with Corpus Christi (the feast of Christ the King), the Sunday before Advent. Basically, Ordinary Time encompasses that part of the Christian year that does not fall within the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, or Easter. We call Ordinary Time the period after each of the major seasons and cycles. Many sources suggest that Ordinary Time comes from the word ordinal, meaning "numbered," since the Sundays of Ordinary Time, as in other seasons, are ordered numerically. This time immerses us in the implications of what it means to wait for the coming of the Christ into our own lives, to wait for the fullness of time in the next. Even though it is often called "Ordinary Time," it covers more than one-half of the liturgical year. Simply in terms of the number of Sundays it includes, it is a significant portion of the liturgical year.

Ordinary, or is it? Ordinary time does not need to be "ordinary," and is not a "break" from the Liturgical Year. The opposite is actually true: Ordinary Time celebrates "the mystery of Christ in all its aspects." Many important liturgical celebrations fall during Ordinary Time, including the Most Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi (Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ), All Saints, the Assumption of Mary, and Christ the King. In addition, the Church continues to celebrate Saints days and other events such as The

Octave of Christian Unity. (The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an international Christian ecumenical observance kept annually between January 18 and January 25. It is an octave, that is, an observance lasting eight days.) The major feasts, when occurring on a Sunday, trump the regular Ordinary Time Sunday lessons and liturgy. In the American Catholic Church, Corpus Christi is usually transferred to a Sunday, so often there are fewer than the 33 or 34 Sundays labeled "Sundays of Ordinary Time" in the Roman Missal.

Spiritual Significance: Does that mean that ordinary time is a lesser time and not spiritually formative because there are no major Christological events in Ordinary Time. In the Book of Acts, the church founded at Pentecost had to grow in its understanding and soak up the life and work of Jesus Christ, continue the work of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, and actively anticipate his second coming, so we too must do these things.

Every Sunday during Ordinary Time celebrates Easter; Christ is risen. The resurrected life of Christ pours into His church! Through the Scriptures of Ordinary Time, we are led "along the path of salvation history," which makes us part of the crowds who follow Jesus from one situation to another. Week in and week out, we enter more deeply into the resurrected Christ and gain understanding of his life and ministry. Resurrection life flows through the ordinary as well as the extraordinary.

We also may remember and celebrate the parts of Jesus' life that were ordinary, much like our own lives. written by David Bennet. Adapted by the IHM Worship Commission. Adapted from What is the Season after Pentecost or Ordinary time? (Christian W. Gibson) by IHM Worship Commission.

Page 4: Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:30 pm Parish Office Flag Retirement Ceremony 8 pm - Knights of Columbus Hall, ... (The Week of Prayer

The Institutional and Charismatic

Dimensions of the Church There was a man who walked into the office of a parish, dropped a large stack of books on the main desk and said “I have read everything I could find about the Catholic Church and now I want to join the Church”. The receptionist put him in touch with the parish’s RCIA director and the director invited this man to join their meetings.

In the course of the meeting, he would become very agitated. He had learned every rule, every law, every expectation of the Church and he was ready to obey every rule. He didn’t have time for this relationship with Christ business. This Church made sense to him and he was going to join it.

After yet another frustrating session talking about God’s love, he stood up and declared that this simply wasn’t what he thought “Church” was about. He didn’t want to talk about relationships - he found a rule that made sense and he simply wanted to join up.

Unfortunately, he only was able to see what many people call the “institutional” dimension of the Church and not what it truly is and certainly not it’s “charismatic” dimension. Pope St. John Paul II in his letter to Ecclesial Movements around the World said this “I have often had occasion to stress that there is no conflict or opposition in the Church between the institutional dimension and the charismatic dimension, of which movements are a significant expression. Both are co-essential to the divine constitution of the Church founded by Jesus, because they both help to make the mystery of Christ and his saving work present in the world. Together they aim at renewing in their own ways the self-awareness of the Church” (May 27, 1998)

What is meant by “institutional”? (this week) What is meant by “charismatic”? (next week)

For some, like this man from RCIA, it might be the only way that they have understood the Church - a highly sophisticated set of rules and regulations with ancient traditions and guided only by the priests, Bishops and the Pope.

This is only half true. From the earliest of times, Christ appointed Peter to be the leader among the disciples and while he had many who followed him, Christ specifically called 12 men (one of whom had to be replaced, giving us an indication that apostolic succession needed to continue) who

would lead and guide the Church in those first Churches. This format would continue and it would be the shepherds who heard God call them to the Priesthood who would continue to lead and guide the Church. “The Church is a sheepfold whose one and indispensable door is Christ. It is a flock of which God Himself foretold He would be the shepherd, and whose sheep, although ruled by human shepherds; are nevertheless continuously led and nourished by Christ Himself, the Good Shepherd and the Prince of the shepherds, who gave His life for the sheep... That discernment in matters of faith is aroused and sustained by the Spirit of truth. It is exercised under the guidance of the sacred teaching authority, in faithful and respectful obedience to which the people of God accepts that which is not just the word of men but truly the word of God.”(Vatican II document, “Lumen Gentium” or “Light to the People”)

The Institutional Church is the “Sheepfold” by whose one door is Christ. The Church is also like a piece of ancient land where olive trees, with their deep roots and long long lives bear fruit. It is also a choice vineyard: Christ is the vine and we are the branches. It is the Temple of God symbolized by brick and mortar but reminds us to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, it is also called the spotless Bride who gives birth to new Christians through the union with the Holy Spirit and so therefore is also called “our Mother”. Because Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would always be with us and that this “Us” is the Church, this Bride can never be in error and will always leads us to the Truth.

So, while it is the Truth by which we are called to live out our Baptism, it is not simply a list of rules that we follow. It is the Spirit which guides us in all Truth (something I wrote about last week) and Christ gave us the Pope in union with the Bishops to proclaim, teach and protect the Church in all Truth. The Church cannot err in its teachings because she is guided continuously by her spouse, the Holy Spirit. Therefore, all of our Sacred Traditions and Magisterial Teachings are filled with the power and truth of the Holy Spirit and it is the duty of every Pope, Bishop and Priests to lead and guide us in these truths of Jesus Christ, just as Peter and the 12 did for the early Church.

The institutional Church is rooted in Jesus Christ’s great love for us and provides for us every protection and guidance, mercy and grace that we need to experience the powerful love of our Lord Jesus Christ and to follow him in a world that thinks they know better. I’ll take Christ and his Church, thank you very much. Come Holy Spirit!

Handing on the Faith with Jen Brown

Page 5: Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:30 pm Parish Office Flag Retirement Ceremony 8 pm - Knights of Columbus Hall, ... (The Week of Prayer

Focus on Youth

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Page 5

3815 South Cedar St. Lansing, Michigan 48910 517 393-3030 FAX 393-0855

Children's Stewardship Corner

(Donations benefit a charity of the children’s choice)

Last Sunday: $ 23 Total to Date: $ 450.40

Children’s envelopes are available in the gathering space of church

free of charge.

Dresser Ministry Thank you to everyone who purchased gifts for our Dresser Ministry. Please return your gifts to the dresser this weekend. Late gifts may be brought to the parish office this week.

Task Force on Race

and Catholic Schools The public is invited and welcome to attend the next and final listening session and meeting of the Diocese of Lansing Task Force on Race and Catholic Schools at 5 pm, Wednesday, June 20, at St Thomas Aquinas Church, 955 Alton Road, East Lansing. The task force is a racially and ethnically diverse group comprising appointees from around the diocese. Bishop Boyea has asked the members of the Task Force to listen to all diocesan Catholic School constituents – students, families, faculty, and staff – on the matter of race and Catholic schools. Bishop Boyea expects the task force to develop and deliver to him a set of recommendations later this year, in accordance with Catholic social teaching about how Diocese of Lansing Catholic Schools can better understand the needs of racial and ethnic communities in the context of the community of God, which gives meaning and substance to each of us and our relationship with each other, as Jesus made clear.

Health Ministry News Statistics tell us that men are less likely to seek help for depression. Depression is one of the leading causes of disease or injury worldwide for men. Learn to recognize the signs and how to help the men in your life. Signs of depression include persistent sadness, grumpiness, feelings of hopelessness, tiredness and decreased energy, and thoughts of suicide. Those that suffer from depression or anxiety should seek help as early as possible. If you or someone you care about is in crisis, please seek help immediately. For severe depression or threat of suicide, call 911 or visit a nearby emergency department. For mild to moderate symptoms, call your health care provider’s office. Call the toll-free, 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255); TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889) to talk to a trained counselor.

IHM Blood Drive: Monday, July 16, 2 pm to 7:45 pm in the Parish Family Center. Sign up now! (see page 7 for details)

Congratulations to our newly Confirmed!

Graduation Mass & Breakfast Our high school graduates are invited to the 9:30 am Mass with cap and gown and a breakfast in their honor today, Sunday June 10th. Thank you to our Knights of Columbus for preparing the breakfast!

Jackson Blair, Ian Buckwalter, Planck Cao, Peter Chiaravalli, Grace Crites, James Duncan,

Lucas Faes, Holden Fedewa, Anissa Garcia, Damon Greenhoe, Christina Gutierrez,

Andrei Herdus, Jordyn Kosnik, Karlee Kuhn, Isabel Lara, Miranda Lindberg, Stephen McCarthy, Asha Molnar, Nkurunziza Fabrice, Megan Pham, Desdemona Prince, Jami Sailer, Jasmine Sailer, Jack Saxton, Jason Sibomana, Ellington Walters,

Erick Watson, Carmen Wenzel, Jessica Winey

Page 6: Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:30 pm Parish Office Flag Retirement Ceremony 8 pm - Knights of Columbus Hall, ... (The Week of Prayer

Page 6 Website: Sunday, June 10, 2018

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 3815 South Cedar Street Lansing MI 48910 517-393-3030

IHM-St. Casimir School Preschool, K — 8th Grade, 882-6631

Family Faith Formation

Preschool, K—6th Grade, 393-3030

Faith Formation 7th/8th Grades & High School

High School Youth Group –Sunday youth group is done until Fall, BUT Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 will still be on throughout Summer! Contact Jay Jong [email protected] or call 517-393-3030 x221 for more information.

Steubenvill Youth Conference: High schoolers are invited to join hundreds of other teens from around the country for Franciscan University’s Steubenville Youth Conference June 29th — July 1st! This conference is renowned for it’s amazing speakers and Spirit-filled Eucharistic Adoration! Space is limited so contact Jay Jong [email protected] to reserve your spot today!

7th/8th Grade Faith Formation- Youth Group continues Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 throughout Summer! Contact Toni Watters [email protected] or call 517-230-7670 with questions.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School challenges students to discover God's gifts, spiritually,

intellectually, socially and physically all within a community that nurtures, honors and respects the

unique person.

We are happy to give tours to interested parents anytime. The best way to discern if your parish school would be the best place for your child to learn and grow is to come and meet the principal. Give us a call to schedule an appointment! 882-6631. We will be in several times a week during the summer and will pick up the messages.

Congratulations to our Eighth Grade Award Winners: Drew Taylor, St. Maria Goretti Scholarship, Andrew Frary, Mark Pearson Eagle Award, Honorine Akono, Light of the World, and Jemimah Nyembwe, Dora Rojas Award.

A special thank you to the parishioners who supported our eighth graders with prayers and encouragement all year! The prayer partners program has been a true blessing to the students at a time of life that is generally challenging. Watch for the opportunity again next fall!

All of the students will be receiving math homework this summer! We have a grant which provides software specifically designed to challenge students in the areas that where their skills are weakest. Experience has shown that spending just 10 minutes a day working on the Mobymax software increases proficiency substantially. We are determined to have NO summer slide this year! Keep up the good work students!

Have you ever considered being a supporter for a family in need? We have been talking to several families who are interested in enrolling their children in school so that they can receive a faith-based education, but they cannot stretch their budget to include the whole payment. We are happy to directly match your gift to a specific family or use it to increase the Mary Goeddeke Education Fund. Supporting a family may be a blessing you’ve never considered! Call Chris at 882-6631. Leave a message and you will receive a call back soon.

Cat Chat Vacation Bible School! Marvelous Mystery: The Mass Comes Alive

June 19-21 - 9 am to 11:30 am Registration forms are available in the gathering space, church office or parish website. All children in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend. During the three days (June 19 through June 21 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am in the Parish Family Center) children will come to better understand the Catholic Mass and deepen their love for Jesus in the Eucharist through faith teachings, music, games, and crafts.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word and Little Lambs has ended for this school year. We will resume September 23.

Lansing Catholic High School is currently accepting applications at: Contact the admissions office at 517-267-2102 or [email protected] or tuition office at 517-267-2107 or [email protected].

Host families are needed for international students who will attend Lansing Catholic High School for the 2018-19 school year. Families who host international students are provided with a monthly stipend. Please contact Lorrie Schartow at [email protected] or 517-303-9671.

Page 7: Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:30 pm Parish Office Flag Retirement Ceremony 8 pm - Knights of Columbus Hall, ... (The Week of Prayer

Divine Life in the Parish Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am

Weekday Masses: Monday - Saturday, 8 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 3 - 4 pm, and after 8 am Masses (except for Wednesdays). Also by appointment.

Sick and Homebound: Call the parish office to request a hospital visit, sacrament of the sick, communion, or prayers.

Infant Baptism: Please arrange through the parish office in advance. Preparation class is required.

Sacrament of Marriage: Please make arrangements with the pastor or deacon at least nine months in advance of the proposed wedding date.

Welcome New parishioners! Please register by calling or stopping by the Parish Office. We encourage you to be an active member by attending Sunday Mass weekly and supporting your parish in gratitude for what God has given you.

Mission Statement: As a Christ-centered, Spirit-led faith community, fed by Word and Sacrament,

we bring the “Good News” of God’s love into all areas of our lives, that we may lead others to Christ.

Parish Staff Contact Information Parish Office/Staff: 517-393-3030 FAX: 393-0855

Rev. John Byers, Pastor [email protected] Rev. George Daisy, In Residence Deacon John Cameron

Business Mgr: Barry Marsh [email protected]

Bookkeeper: Ann Schadler [email protected]

Secretaries: Anita Sandel [email protected]

Barb Smith [email protected]

IHM-St. Casimir School (3830 Rosemont Ave) ………882-6631 Principal: Angela Johnston [email protected]

Coordinator of Evangelization & Discipleship…...393-3030 Jennifer Brown [email protected]

Family Faith Formation Director …………………...393-3030 Aaron Epkey [email protected]

Faith Formation 7th/8th grades/High School/Young Adults: Jay Jong (Youth Group) [email protected]…...393-3030 Toni Watters (7th/8th, Confirm.) [email protected]

RCIA/Adult Faith Formation: Leah Hinman [email protected] ……….393-3030

Music & Liturgy, Dave Wiseman……………………….393-3030 [email protected]

Social Ministry/Health Ministry (Barry Marsh) ........393-3030

Restorative Justice/Change of Heart (Bob Heriford) ...243-8605

St. Vincent de Paul: Don Quillan…...…………..…....393-3030

Knights of Columbus: Paul Mapes, Grand Knight…..281-9546 website: email: [email protected]

ICAP: Counseling Assistance Program..……….....393-3030

[email protected]…..393-3030

Adoration Chapel, Jack Chan…………………..….…668-8113

Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday: 8:30 - 5 pm, Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30—7 pm, Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Saturday: 9 am - noon

Website: Page 7

Save The Date!

Flag Retirement Ceremony: The Lansing and Bishop Albers Assemblies of the 4th Degree of the Knights of Columbus will be holding an American Flag Retirement Ceremony on Flag Day, Thursday, June 14, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 5300 N. Grand River Avenue. The festivities will begin at 8 pm. Refreshments will be served after the ceremony. Contact Dan, 694-0026, if you have a flag to retire.

Faith Fest 2018: Saturday, June 23. A full day of contemporary Christian Music, Adoration, Reconciliation, Devotional Displays, Vigil Mass with Bishop Boyea, Fireworks, Activities for Children and Local Food Vendors. More information and tickets available at: www.FAITHFEST.COM. Sponsored by the Diocese of Lansing at St. Francis Retreat Center.

IHM Blood Drive: Monday, July 16, 2 pm to 7:45 pm in the Parish Family Center. Sign up sheets are available in the gathering space of church for blood donors and helpers during the day. You may also register online: and enter sponsor code: “Immaculate” or call 1-800-733-2767.

Diocese of Lansing Made For Happiness Assembly! You are invited, Saturday, September 22, to join thousands of faithful Catholics from all 77 parishes in the diocese for an all day gathering that will be comprised of three main events: an outdoor Eucharistic Procession from St. Mary Cathedral to the Breslin Center in East Lansing (9 am to 11:30 am - you may join in the whole route or just part of it), the Assembly Gathering featuring inspiring speakers and music (1:00 to 4:30), and an All-Diocesan Mass (4:30 to 6:00). Admission is FREE, but advance registration is required! To register, go to:

Listen to Catholic Radio You can tune-in to enriching Catholic Radio at any time, anywhere on your own cell phone. Dial 605-562-0227 to listen to Ave Maria Radio. No data charges will apply. You will grow in your love and knowledge of God and His Holy Catholic Church.

Job Opportunity Youth Minister Position: St. Casimir Parish is looking to hire a part-time Youth Minister. Duties include weekly Youth Group sessions, grades 9-12, Confirmation program, grades 6-8. Full job description is posted on the diocesan web site. Email cover letter, resume and 3 references to Fr. Bill Lugger: [email protected].