imco - international maritime organization

NTER-GOVERNMENTAL MARITIME :.:C.NSULTATIVE ORGANIZATION INTERNATimJAL CONFERENCE ON MARil'!E POLLUTION, 1973 Agr.mda t tom 7 IMCO MP/CONF/WP,21 31 Octobor 1973 Original: ENGLISR/FREl'ilCH INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPt 1973 !£._xt of ~r11l$X I of tho Convention adoptod by the Conf~ronce ANNEX I REGUIJ,TIONS FOR THF PREVENTION OF POLLUTION BY OIL CHAPTER I GENJi.!RAL Regulation l Defini t,i!)n§ For the pur:p,'.lsca of this Annex: (1)_ 11 011 11 r.1cnna pot::oleun. in any form including crude oil, fuol oil, sludge, C'lil rufuso awl refined products {other than p(i; which subject to the provisions of Annex II of the presont Convention) a.nd, without 1ir,1i tin5 the generality of the foregoing, inoludos tho substances listed in Appendix I to this Annex, (2) 11 0ily Llixturc" moons a with any oil content. (3) 11 011 fuol 11 moans any ...,11 used as f'uol in connexion with the propulsion and auxiliary rta.chinery of the ship in which such oil is carried.

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Page 1: IMCO - International Maritime Organization




MP/CONF/WP,21 31 Octobor 1973

Original: ENGLISR/FREl'ilCH


!£._xt of ~r11l$X I of tho Convention adoptod by the Conf~ronce





Regulation l Defini t,i!)n§

For the pur:p,'.lsca of this Annex:

(1)_ 1101111 r.1cnna pot::oleun. in any form including crude oil, fuol oil, sludge,

C'lil rufuso awl refined products {other than p(i; which

subject to the provisions of Annex II of the presont Convention) a.nd,

without 1ir,1i tin5 the generality of the foregoing, inoludos tho substances

listed in Appendix I to this Annex,

(2) 110ily Llixturc" moons a with any oil content.

(3) 11011 fuol 11 moans any ...,11 used as f'uol in connexion with the propulsion

and auxiliary rta.chinery of the ship in which such oil is carried.

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If ! . f ,• :

NI'/CO~::.:·, ·.r2 .21 .. 2 ••

(4) "Oil 'tmk,er" means a ship constructe<l or adapted primarily to carry oil

in bulk in its car.go spaces and includes combination carriers and any

"chemical tanker" as defined in Annex II of the present Convention when

it is carrying a cargo or pe.:rt cargo of oil in bulk.

(5) "Combination carrier" means a ship designed to carry either oil or

s0lid oari•es in bulk,

(6) 11New ship11 means a ship:

(a) for which the contraut is placed after 31 neoembe:r :!.!75J 1'r

(b) in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or

which is at a similar stace of construction after 30 June 1976; or

(c) the clolivery of which is n.fter 31 Doc0mt.0r 1979t or

(d) which has undergone a major conversion:

(i) for which the contract is placod after 31 December 1975; or

(ii) in the abnonce of a contract, the construction work of which is

begun after 30 June 1976; or

( iii) which is completed after 31 December 1979,

(7) "J~istinr.; ship" meane a ship which is not a now ship.

(8) "Major conversion" means a conversion of M existing ship:

(a) which substtllltially alters the dimensions or carrying capacity of

the ship; or

(b) which ch1mges the type of the ship; or

(c) th-1 intent of which in the :,pinion ,_f tho Administration is

substantinlly to prolong its life: or

( d) which othet'Wiso ao ftl tcrs tho ship thn t if it wore a new ship, it

would become subject to rclovant provisions of the present Convention

not n.rplicable to it as an ship.

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(9) 11Ncarest la.nd11 • The teru 11 from the nearest la.nd11 means from the baeoline

from which the torritorial sea of the territory in question is established

in accordanco with intemational le~1, except that, for the purposes of the

present Convention "fron the nearest land11 off the north eastoi-n of

Australia shall moan from a line drawn from a point on the coast of

Australia in

latitude 11° South, longitude 142°08 1 East to a point in

latitude 10°35• South, 0 0 longitude 141 55 1 East •· thcmce to a point latitude 10 00' South,

longitude 142°00 1 East, thence ton point latitude 9°10 1 South,

longitude 143°52 1 East, thonco to a point latitude 9°00 1 South,

longitude 144°30, East, thonce to a point latitude 13°00 1 South,

longitude 144°00 1, thence to a point latitude 15°00 1 South,

longitudo 146°00• East, thenco to a point latitude 18°00' South,

longitude 147°00•, th.once to a. point latitude 21°00 1 South,

longitude 153°00 1 East, thence to a point on tho coast of Australia

in latitude 24°42 1 South, longitude 153°15• East.

(10) "Special area" moans a sea area whore for recognized technical reasons in

relation to its ooeanographical and ecological condition and to tho

particular character of its traf!ic the adoption of special ma.11dator1✓

methods for the prevention of soa pollution by oil is required. Special

areas shall include those listed in Rosulation 10 of this Annex.

(11) 11Insta.utancous ra.te of disoharge of oil oontent11 moans the rate of

disoha.rgo of oil in litroa por hour at a.ny instant divided by the speed

of tho ship in lmots at the same instant.

(12) 11Tank1' r.1cans an enclosed space which is foruod by the porua.nont struoturo

of a. ship a.nd which is for the carriage of liquid in bulk.

(13) "Wir!g tank" ncans any tank a.djacont to the side shell plating.

(14) "Contra tank" means an::, tank inboard of a longitudinal bulkhead.

(15) "Slop tank" moans a tank apocifioo.lly designated for the oolloction of

tank dra.ininge• ta.nk washings o.nd other oily r.1ixturea.

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•. 4 ....

(16) "Cl1;2.n on..llnst" mc,ans tho ballast in a tank which since oil was last car:dod

thei"ei:n, has been .:Jo clcanod that effluent therefrom if it were discharged

from a ship which is stationary into clean oa.lm water on a clear day would

not produce visible traces of oil on the surface of the water or on adjoining

shore lines or cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface

of tho water or upon adjoining shore lines. If the bRllast is discharc;od

throu;;h an oil dischart;c moni torin,g and cont:rol sys-tom approved by the

L.dministration, evidence based on such a syston to tho effent that tho

oil content of the: effluent did not oxcced 15 parts per million shall bo

detorminativo that the ballast was cl1;:an, notwi thstandincr the presenco of

visible traces.

(17) 11 Scr.;r0gn.t0d ballast" means the bn.llast wntcr introdut"!ed into a tn.nk which is

~l'.',n:r,J.etely Mr,,ted i'r<.'X.l tr .. e c-J.l.rG'(" C'il and oil. fuel sy£\tf.l.".l ,n,nd whi~h is

r,ll)rr;.,-mr-ntly n.lJ.ncnted t0 tho earrih[,.r(I of ballast l')r to the oo.rriac;c 0f

,.,r nar{;(' ,1s 0the:r than oil or ni:ixlous substances as variously defined in the

Annexes cf tho present Convention.

(18) "Lonath11 (L) means 96 per cent of tho total length on a watorlin€: at

85 pvr cont of tho least moulded depth moasurod from tho top of the keel,

or tho lung-th from the fore side of the stem to the axis of thv :rudder stGok

on that waterline, if that be greater, In ships de: ... icned with a rake 0f

kocl th!) wakrlinc on which this 1c,1gth is mcasurc·d shall be: po.rallol to the

dcsib-nod waterline, The lvnGth (L) shall be measured in metres.

(19) "Forward and after 11 shall bo taken at the forwurd and after

ends of thc: length (L). Tho forwa,rd perpendicular shall c,oincido with the

forosido of the stem on the waterlino on which the lenrsth is moasurod.

(20) "l..rrddships'' is nt the middle of the hmgth (L).

(21) "Brcndthtt (B) tho mnximum breadth of tho ship, moo.sured amidships to the

moulded lino of the frame in :;l. ship with 11 motal sholl a.nd to the 0uter

surf'ace of the hull in a ship with o. shell of any other matQrial.

Tho breadth (B) shall be measured in metros.

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JfJ? / OONF /I fl>• 21

(22) 1'Dendwoight 11 (DW) c.eans the d1£ in oetrio tons botwoon tho disJlo.oe­uent or a. ship in of a speoifio gravity of 1.025 at the loac1 wator

line oorrespondiilG' to the assiB11od Sllrlrler frooboard and tl1e liatrlilreicrht of tho ship,

(23) ''Liahtweisht" means the displo.oenent of a ship in netrio tons uithout

carao, oil fuel, lubricating oil, ballast we.tor, fresh wnter nnd. i'oec1uo.ter in ta.nlw, oo~bla stl)res, passengers and their eff eots.

(24) 11Perneability" of a space means the rc.tio of the volUDe within tlm.t spo.oe

which is aasuoed to be oooupiad by water to tho total volUDo of tl'ltl.t 0:,0.00,

(25) 11Voluues 11 and "areas" in a ship shall be oaloulated in all ca.sos to

moulded lines.

P~£t!¼l£\ tion 2


(1) Unless expressly provided otherwieo, tho provisions of this ./Ulna::: aho.11

e~~ly to all ships.

( 2) In ships othor ·thnn oil tonl:ors r i tted with co.r~ spa.cos whioh nro

con1:r~ruotec1 and utilized to oo.rry oil in bulk of an o.gero{.,nto oc:)a.oHy of

200 oubic notros or noro, tho roquireoonts of negulo. tions 9, 10, 1, :. , 15 (1),

(2) rutc1. (3), 10, 20 24.(4) of this .l\nnex for oil trui!:ors sh,.'\ll o,lso l'l.J:)1:r

to tho oonstruction and opc.trotio11 of thoso apo.ces, exoept tlw.t uho:.:-o auoh

aac~oante is loss than 1,000 oubio J:1etres the roquirooonts of Re,~1lntion

15(4) of tllis 1.'..nnex :~lf'.'.Y npply in lieu of ~,e:_'Uln.tion 15(1), (2) :i.rL' (3).

(3) Uhero a oarco subject to the provisions of /innox II of t110 proso11t

Convention is o~rriod inn oarso spoco of an oil tanker, tho n,v~opriato roquireoonts of Ann.ox II of the present Convention shall o.~ so o.::n,1~~.

(,n (n) .f.ey hydroi'oil, air-cushion vohiole nnd other new typo of vossol

{nenr-surf'noo omrt, subtlarine oraft, ato,) whoso eonst:t'L\Otiorui.1 featuroa are such ea to render the npplioation of n.ny of tho proVisiona ot Cho.ptora II and III of this Annos rol~ting' to conatruotion c.ncl equipDent un:ronsonable or it1pmot1oable my be exeopted br the idoini-

• stra.tion rroa auoh proviaions, provided tho.t tbe oonstruot!on and

equipnont ot thot ship providos equivalent protoot1011. c.c;ainst poJ.lution

by oil, havJ.nB regam to the sarvioe for which it ia intonclocl.

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MP/COli.F/WP ,21 - 6 ..

(b) Parncu.1.ars of any such exanption cranted by the Adninistration snR.ll

bo indicated in the Certific;:ate referred to in R~c;ulation 5 of this


(c) Tho il.dt1i11istration which allows any such exemption shall, as soon

as possible, 'but not aoro thnn ninety clays thereafter, ooumunica.te

to the Orcanization particulars of and the reasons thorefor,

which tho Orcanization shall circulate to tho Pcrtiea to the Convention

for their infon:u:i.tion and appropriate action, if any.


(1) The Adoinistration uay allow any fittinz, naterial, appliance or ap:pa:ratus

to bo fitted in a ship as an alternative to that required by this ii.nncx if such

fittinc, oatcrial, appliance or apparatus is at least as effective as that

required by this J.i.nnox. This authority of the .1~ck1inistration n.h.a.:U. net

extend to s1.1bstitution of 01Jc.:rational ucthods to effect the control of discharL'e

of oil p,s equivalent to those ilosic.n and construction f0a.tur0s which aro

prcsorib0d by Ileculations in this li.nncx.

(2) The J.dniniatration which allows a. fittin::.,·, t1a.torial, a.1)plia1100 or apparatus,

e.s an alternative to that required by this Ji.nnex shall cor.1.r1unicato to tho

Oraa.nization for oiroula'tion to tho l')c.rties to the Conven·bion : .. ) thereof,

for their infon,o.tion and appropriate action, if any.

ncr;ula tion ,t.

(1) Evory oil tankor of 150 tons {;,Toss tonnaGo and above, ond evci,y othor ship

of 400 tons cross tonnaco nn:l above shall bo subjoct to tho surveys spccifioc:


(a.) ll.Il initial sui'Voy before the ship is put in aorvici:. or ~le:.foro tho

cortifictrtc required w1rlcr RvJUlation 5 of this :~rn:wx ia isaued fot"

tho first.tine, whic~ shall inqluue a conplete survey of its

structure, t1r::lr,r::f'!lt, fittil11.;.·t:t i::i..r.r.n..r..,~·"lr:,...:ot:'-\ :Uld 'Jn.."';e.riA-1•~·R.J."

~,;1 ~h~ ~h..t:p i~ l'!•·rnrcvl by this Annex•

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.. 7 .. l·rP / oorrF /VP. 21

This suryoy shc..11 '.ie such c,s to ensure tl.r.~t the st::."'1cturc, cquipriont,

£1 ttingGJ a.rran:,·er.1e11ts a.nd material .f'u.lly •on:'.ly wHh the

applicable.requirements of this Annex.

(b) Periodical surveys a.t 5.n;torvals Sl)OCificd by the M.ninistration, but

not excoo~linc five y9ars, which, shnll be such o.s to e11surc that the

structure, equipment, fitti11c,·A, arrane7cr.1e11ts nnt 111:1. torinl fully comply with

the applioa.ble roquire:tionts of this l~nnex. However, where the dui·ation

of tha Intr;1111ationc.l Oil Pollution :Prevontion (1973) is

oxtondod as specified in Reg-u.lation 8( 3) or (4) of this f. .• nnext the

interval of the porio<lical survey l:tC\.y be extended correspondini::;ly.

( c) Intornodinto surveys a.t int,ervn1s sp~cifioc. by the i~dr.l.inistration but

not cxcc0cling thirty montt1s, which shall be such as to ensure that tho

cquipr.i.ont acsociatod pW:lp aml :rdrL1,; syr-ito:nr,{ 1 .innludi11(; r,il {dsoharge

r.1onitorinG and control syst0r.1a, oily-water separa.tine- oquipmcmt and

oil filtorine systons, fully conply with the aPJilico.blc requirements

of this J • .nncx and ai·c in c;ood workinc ord.or. Such intermediate

survoys shall bo endorse,~- on the Intorna.tiona.l Oil Pollution

Prevention Certificate (1973) issued undor He{.,ulation 5 of this


(2) The 11.clministro.tion shall establish ap:rropriate r.1casures for ships which not subject to the i)rovisions 0f pn.ra:2,~.caph (1) of this RC(;,ulation in ardor

to ensure tho.t the :-t:·,plicablo p:toYiAirms "If thi/3 Annex ar~ complied with.

( 3) Surveys of tho ship as rcc;'"',ru.s onforcoucnt of the provisions of this li.nnox

shall be ca1·riod out by officers of the Mlr.linistration. The .Adr.1inistration ml3¥,

howover, 1..mtrust the surveys c.i t:10r to aurvoyors noninat(ld for the purpose or to

orGanizat~ons roco{.;11izc<l by it. In ovcry case the Adniniatration concerned fully

e,uaranto..:;s t:w coi:1plctoncss and cf fici.::mcy of tho surveys.

U) J • .t'ter any survey of tho ship unc'.o:r this Ro,.;ul~tion hu.s been con:._)lotod.,

no aio1ificnnt cha.n{;c shall be nach, in the structuro, oquipucnt, £i ttin::;s, or material oovere<l by -the sucvey withnut th~ sanction ~f the

Adminiatra.Uon, except ·the direct replacement 0£ such equipment tr fittings.

Page 8: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

l'.C? / COUF /Wl> , 21

Ikf;'ltln.tion 2

lg§ue of Certificate

(1) An International Oil Polluticn Provontion Certificate (1973) shall be

issuc:dt a.ftor survey in accordo..nce with tho provisions of Rogulation 4 of thi1 ..

~nn~x, to any oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnago and above a.nd uny other ships

of 400 tons gross tonnacre and above which onc;agod in voyages ·to ports or

offshore tominals under the jurisdiction of other Pa.rties to the Convention. In i:he

case of cxiGtinc ships this requirement shall apply twelve months aft..::r tho da.te

of entry into force of the :prosont Cb•nvcntion.

(2) Such Certificate: shall bo issued ei thor by the .:.a.ministration or by any

porsons or orc::inization duly n.uthorized by it. In every the Administration

assume-a full ty for tho cortificato.

RO[;,"Ul::>.tion 6

Issue of a py J.nothe:r Govornr:iant

(1) The Gcvcr-m:ent of I.", Pnrty to the Convention :.21:i.y, nt tlle reqi.wst of the .~·:1r.un:is--

tmtion, cr,uos c-, cl1i~) t0 be ::mrveye·'. ru.1'., if ::i::,tisfier'. tlmt thG provisions of this

l.nnex r,re co~-:.plie(1 with, 3lmll issue or n.uthorize the issue of an Intemntionn.l rJi::.t

Pollution Prc-v0ntion Cortificatl'! (1973) to the ship in n,ccordance with this Anno:x,

(2) 1, copy of the :~ertificate and a copy of the survey roport shall bo

transni ttod as s~rm a.s possible to tho roquestinG Administration,

(~) A Certificate so issued sha.11 contain a statGJnont to the offoct that it has

been issuod a.t the roquC!st of the Administration and it ahei,11 havo tho force

o.nd receive- tho .snoo :t"t'lcoarution ae the ~ertificatc issued under lkgulation 5 of this Annex.

(4) No International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (1973) shall bo issued

to a, ship which is entitled to fly tho flo..,; of a which is not r., Party,

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Forn of C0rtificate -----.................... The International Oil Pollution irovontion Ccrtificato (1973) shtJ.l be

drawn up in the official lani'..,--uae;e or lan(.;"Uac;cs of the issuincs country in tho

for:::i corresi)ondinc to thG 110C.el eivon in /.,ppondix II to this Annex. If tho

lanc;uace usocl is neither Eni:;lish nor French, the text shall inolu~e a translation

into one of thcso lanc,"1.1.a-~es.

Duration of Certificate

(1) .An International Oil Pollution Prevention c~rtificato (1973) shall we issued

for a period spcciffod :)y the Adninistration, which shall not oxcoed five years

fron th0 ~ate: of issue, except as lirovided. in para{~To.phs {2), (3) anc1 {4) of

this ncculation.

(2) If a ship at tho tir:10 uhun the cx-piri.!s is not in a port or

offshore h1n.1in,1l urn.k:r the: jurisdiction of the re.rt? t·) t::;.; C '.i:1wc:1ti .:1 \l!Lcu ila.;_;

the ship is e:nti tlc0. to fly, the certificate:; :-.1ay be cxtond£ld by the AdLlinistrn.tion,

tut such extension shall .. ,c .·J,rantd only for the: purpoce of allowinc the ship

to cr, its voyc1,L:o to tho Stnte whos0 flaL~ the ship is onti tlod to fly or

in which it is to lJo ourvuyoJ. o.m! then only in cases where it appuars proper

and roasonnblo to do so.

( 3) No Certificate shall ~?e thus cxk:ndod for a poriou lonc0r than five r.1onths

and a ship to which such oxtcnsion is [;ra.ntcc1 shall not on its arrival in the

State whoso flue it is entitled to fly or the port in which it is to ho survoyod,

'uo e:ntitlctl by virtue of such cxtunsion to lvnvc; thClt port or without

havin{.~ obtained a n0w Certificate:.

(<.) l .. Certificate which ho,s not l.J<.H,m oxtcmdotl undor the provisions of

parar~Taph (2) of this Rcculation rr,ay l)e oxt,mdod "'Jy tho J.dr.1inistrntion for a

period of c;raoe of Ul) to ono nonth fron tho dato of expiry state(j, on it,

(5) J .. Certificate shall to uo vo.lid if si::,•nHicant al t0rations have

takon placo in tho construction, oquipount, fi ttincs, arran..;er.10nts, or na.toria.l

required without the sanction of tho Aclninistration, oxcoi1t tho rliroct

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MP/ com1/wP. 21 - 10 -

repla.coi:1ent of such oquipuent or fittings, er if surveys as

specified by the Adr:Jinist:r.ation under Uegulation 4(1)(c) of this Annex

not carried out,

(6) A Certificate issued to a ship shall to be valid upon t1:a.nsfer

of such a ship to the flaG· of another State, except as provided in paragraph (7)

of this Regulation.

(7) Upon transfe::.:· of a. ship to +.he flag of another Party, the Certificate

shall rcuain in force for a period not exceeding five months provided that

it would not have expired before the end of that period, or until tho

Adr,1inistration issues a roplacet1ont Certificate, w!':.ichevor is earlier. As

soon as possible after tho tra11sfer has taken place the Governuent of tho

Party whose flag the ship wns fomerly entitled to fly shall transoit to

the Adrlinistro.tian a copy of tho Certificate carried by the ship before the

transfer and, if available, a copy of the relevant survoy report.

Page 11: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 11 - Mi.'/ CONF /WJ? • 21

CHAPTEa II REQ,UIH.D1.:tr:::rrs 'b"'OH. COiJT1101 OF Ol?EfL.'..'..:'!OlJAL :i?OLLUTION

Coatrol •)f Discharr:u of Oil ---------...-............. ....-.-, ...... ......,..,..__

(1) Su1)jcct to tho provisio11s of no,:'1.tln.tions 10 n.nd 11 of this imnox anc1.

parn,.,.:.,·ro.:ih (2) of this Hcc.,ulo.tion, o:ay disclmrco into tho son of oil or oil;,

r..ixturos fror.1 shi1)s to uhich tLis /i.nnc:x: applies shall lie prohf'..ii tocl except

11hc11 all tho folloHinc conditions arc satisficll:

(a) for an oil tanker, oxcorit as provi~1oJ for in su".:l-para.~,Taph (b) of

this parn..:.,-ra:1h:

( i) tho ti:wJ\'.:cr is not Hi thin a special area;

(ii) the tnn}::or is uorc thnn 50 n.:iuticul oiles fron the noar0st lanJ.;

(iii) tho tankvr is procc,;otlin::: en route;

(iv) the instaT tanoous rato of 11.iscl1ar[;o of oil contont ,:1.ows n:.,t

exceed 60 li trcs per nautical nilo;

( v) the totnl quC:.nti ty of oil dischc.,1\;d into the sea ~~oos not

Gxcco,'.. for cxistin-:; tcmkors 1/15,000 of the totnl quantity of

tho j_)articular carr;o of which th(,) residue f on:1ec: a. part, am 1.

for now tankers 1/30,000 of tho totnl quantity of tho p.::i,rticular

c:.i.r, ,n of which the rooidue forno.;1. R. part; an<~

( vi) tho tanker has in operation, except as proviJ.od. for in

Hcuulntion 15(3) of this<ix, an oil diacharcc nonitorinc and

control systor.1 a nlop tank arrru.1e;cnant as rcquirec~ :)y

not.;ulat:J ,n 15 of this lmnex;

C)) fror:1 a sl1ip of ,;oo tons ~.:ross tonnl'.(:e a.rd at:iovo othor than a,n cil

to.nkor and frol'.'"l naohiHo:ry spaco 'Jil.::;cs cxcluclinc carco riur.1p roon

1.iilt:;ce of an oil ta.nkor ur..l.;.;;ss nixed with oil ca.r~--;o ro.dll.uo:

( i) the shi11 is not within a. spacial nrcn.;

{ii) tho ship is nore than 12 nautical niloa 1'ror:i tho ne:arer;t lnn.;.,

(iii) the ehip is :pl+occodin.; on routo;

Page 12: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

(iv) tho oil contont of the effluent is less thrm 100 parts por Dillion;


(v) tho ship has in o:)cration an oil dischar:.:c noni"torinc; and control

systo1:i, oily Hater seJ::,aratin::.~ cquipr.wnt, oil filtorinc syste1:1 or

other installr.tion as required ~)Y noc,ulation 16 of this J.nnox.

( 2) In tho case of a ship of less than 400 tom (:,Toss tormacc o·~hor than an

oil tanker whilst outsi';.o tho special a ... ·oa, tho li.,!r:dnistration shall ensure that

it is cqui)pod as far as pructicalJlc am';. roasona'blo with installations to onsur,::

tho sto'l'.'a.:_;c oi' oil rosit.'..e,1.cs on board and t.hoir 1..lischar{}'.; to reception facili tics

or into tho soa in couplinncc with the roquirumonts of parac-raph (l)(b) of this


( 3) Whonovor visi~)lo traces of oil arc o;Jsorvofl on or ;)olow tho surface of the

water in the inr10L'.ia:t0 vicinity of a ship or its imko, Governnents of Par-tios to

'the C<'.'nvention shouE, to the extent they nre reasona:)ly a1Jle to ,1.o so, vronptly

inveati·;n.te the fncts betirin,~;· on ·the issue of whether there ho,s heen r,, violation of

the provisions of thie He:.ulation or Her;ulation 10 of this J,.nnex. The investication

s:101.:.1,1 incluclo, in rurticula.r, tho winL1 and soa con().iti,-ms, tho track spooc1

of tho ship, othur poosi:>lc sourc(;s of the visi'ulo traces in tho vicinity, and

D.ny relevant oil 1.,l_i~~char:_;0 rocor:1(s•

(4) The proviGions of parn."'l'C(>h (1) of this ltoc_,ulation sh.:i.11 not apply to tlrn

<:i.Eichar1;c of clocu1 or socrccatc.l lJo.lluot, The provioions of sub-pn.rac;rnph (1)(:;)

of this i.Io::;u.::.ation shall not a.x,ly to tho dischai·:;c of oily r,iixturc which without

ctilution has un oil cont(.;nt not cxcoc :ir:c 15 parts per 1;1illion,

(5) lJo J.ischarc;o into tho sea Bhall r::ontain chouicals or other su:.istaucos in

quantities or c,.mccntrations 11hich aru hazardous to the r.1arino cnvironnont or

cho:oicals or other m.l11stancos introc:ucc:tl for the purpo1,o of circur.1v0ntin:_; the:

con,.a tions of ·-~ischar::{"< sre:cifkd in thio lfot,ulD,tion.

( 6) 'fhc oil rosichws which cannot '>c discharc;u:1 lnto thu sea in coq)liancc

with l)rll'D.,_T1p!1s (1), (2) ru1,: L) of this H,::,:,1.1l;;i,tion shall '.Jo n::tain1.,,rl on :mard

or llisc:har:·c:d to r<;c0ptfon facilities.

Page 13: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

13 .. I u'/C01"lli1/.r11, 21 .

Nctho 1.:s for t.h.£...0~ .. ~.2.f....9.iJ:..1:.oJ.]._µj;j..2£1..J_ror.1 Ships im..i.1,_c .Ol! cra_j;J...:!~J.9.J:.l:£.~ •™

(1) 1'1or tho purpose of this J.n110x tho special areas tho McLlite:rranoan Sea

2.r:.::n, the Bal tic Sea n.rca, the Sea t,i,roa, tho Hod Sea area and tho

"Gulfs 0-rea.·1 ,.,hioh are define,·1 a.s follows~

(a) Th<. Moditcrrru10nn Sua n.rof\ noons the Mo<litorro.nca.n Sen proper incluclint:;

the i.:ulfo an::1. seas thcr0in with tho ·:1our1t1a.ij" '..iotwoon tho Mctli torranwru.1.

and the Black Sea oonsti tuterl by th0 41 °N i,o.rnllel Mtl bmmdo1] to

tho west by tho Straits of Gitralta.r at the ncrirlian of 5°36 1W.

( 1J) Th0 13n.l tic Son aron 1:1oa.r1.s the Bal tic Sea proper with tho Gulf of Bo thnin,

the Gulf of Pinla.n1l aml tho c·ntra.nco to the Bal tic Son 1Joundvd by tho

r,nrr-.llcl c,f th(.;: f:ikn.w in the Ska.(;crr:1.k at 57.()44,8 11~.

( c) 'I'ho :Black Son a.rCJe. r,wanc tho Black l:Jca. r, ropcr with tho bou.ndary

~wtwoon th-.: Houi torranoan a.n<l tho Black Sen. cons ti tutotl by thu

parallel 0 41 n.

(d) 1rho Ikd Sva a.ruo. r:10ans tho Heil Son propGr incluLanc; tho Gulfs of

Su.;,;z c.nd•a '.Joi.1.ntkcl at the south l;y the rhw.1L lino 1dwoon

1) . ,.. r120., r:1· •. 01 .. -, ,•. , •1 M , (100,0 ,. o.c ', ias Bl JuW , ''•J .;, ,.,..,. ~ ,,, ,, fl.lH. ,usn ur1.1CL r. r: .• 4 .:, i_, ,, ,2 ,, •

( 0) Thi:.: "Gulfs a.rca11 1.1{;,a.ns tho sua. i::u.·ca looa.tctt north W\:st of tho rhwn!J

line :1otw0on Has al lfacld ( 22° 501 H, 59° 40' B) and Has Al Fastch

(2 r: 0 ~ A IP 61°2rt ••) ) u,r .1.1, ::, .l, •

(2) (a.) Subj0ct to tho provisioz:s of Hcculation 11 of this l,mwx, any llischarc~

into the CtJO. of oil or c,ily i::ixturt1 frou any oil tanker an,~ any ship

l")f 4CJO tcina r:.;tv:mH tonr.:1r:u nnd ;,,b()VO othor thi1J1 a.n oil tanker shall 'Jo

( :, ) Such chi\,s while in n S!)(JCial n.rcn ::;hall rutr~in on hon.rd ri.11 oil

clrnirn,;;u and allld.:·c, Llh·ty l•nll.cuit ,,rHl fo.nk wa.~hin;:; w~turs am1.

Page 14: IMCO - International Maritime Organization


( 3) (n) Subject to th0 provisions of lt~\;ulo,tion 11 of' this Juincx, any discharco

into the soa of oil or oily r.1; xturo fro::1 a ship of loss than 4,00 tons

;;i·oss tonna.._·e, other than e.n oil tankor, shall be prohibited while in

a srocio.l aroa, 1.1:XC(;)pt when the oil content of tho effluent without

dilution docs not cxce0r1. 15 parts po:i::· million or alternatively whon

all of the follO\tin.:: conu.i tions arc satisfict::

(i) tho ship is proccedil1s cm route;

(ii) the oil content of the rd'fluont is loss tha.n 100 parts per

nillion; and

(Hi) the l'.isoharco is wi(:e as far as p:..·actica1Jlo fror:i the lancl, but

in no ousc loss thw1 12 nautical Dil(IS fr:'ln the n0arcst land.

(;.:;) 110 L:ischar::c into th0 sea shall ch(.:·iicals or other

suLstanc,..,s in quanti tiue or conci.:::rtl'ations whic'1 arc i:Jazardous to

the narinc onvironr.10nt or che:r.licals or other su'.)stancus introducoC.

for tho :nu.1~oso of circm.w0ntin:; the oofo'.i tions of (lischn,rc;0 s: _, .._'i0ll

in t:1is :i{or.,ulation,

( c) Tho oil rDsi<luos which c;:m:not be ttioclla.r{~'od into tl10 sua in co□:iJliance

with su11-varacrnph (a) of this pnr::1,£;raph shall be rctainc:l 011 honrC.

or ,:.isc:1ar,_;0c1 to rec0ption facili tiun.

(.:) Tho provisions of this Ht:£,ulation shall not apply to the ll.ischnr::_;c of

d..:-rin or scc;rc,:_;aterl t:nllast.

( 5) 1,;othinr; in this Ho_ 1.ilntion shall prohibit a ship on a VO;/a·::o only pnrt of

which is in a sp0cial ::iroo. fron clischarr.;in,_-.; outside tho spocfa,l aroa in

nccor,l1.:uc0 ui th he ,ula tion 9 of this .i1.nnex.

( 6) Wh1mover visible t1:accs of oil are vbsurvod en (1r below the surfa.cCJ f 'thv

wn.tor in the ir:nadinte vicinity of n ship ~•r its wake, tho Govurn.uonts nf Parti .... s ,.,,-·"'""

to tho Cnnv,,mtic n ohould, to the oxt,mt th,:y .are rcaoonably able tl de rK s

prc,nptly invostigato the foots bo-'.lring i:in tho issuo of whothor there h::is b0un a.

violo.tic,n c,f tho provisions of this Re(.,"Ulntic•n c,r Ifogulatir,n 9 c.f this .A1m..:x.

The invvstigo.t.ton should include, in particub.r, tho wind o.nd sea oonditfons,

tho tra.ok o.nd speod of the s!lip, dh,;r possible e:...u.rcfjS of tho visible trucos in

tho vi~initJ•, a11r1 ruJJ J.·Hlove1,nt r,il cHnrhrrt"(;o r.ouC>rds.

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- 15 - MP /COHF /WP ,21

(7) l1ecE;:ption focili tics wit,hin spacial areas:

(a) l'lol1itorranoa.n Sea, ] Soa arn.1 :Baltic Sen areas.

(i) The Gove1'TUilant of en.oh Party to the Convention, the coastline of which

borders on any Given special o,ren undertakes to ensure that not later

than l January 1977 all oil loading and repair ports within

tho special area are proviC.ed with facili tics aclE:quatc for the

reception and tr<::atncmt of all the di t'ty ;Jallast anc1 tank

washinc wat0r froL1 oil tanlccrs. In aC.c.i tion all po:i:·ts within

tho special nroa shall be :;,1rovi.J.ccl with adequo,tu rGcoiltion

facili tios for other rosiJ.ues and oily r:iixturcs fror:1 all ships.

Such facilities shall havo ad.0quatc capacity to uect the n0etls

of tl1c ships usinc then without causin.:.:: undue ('.day,

(ii) The Government of each Party l1avi11g 'W1rler its jurisd.ic tion

entrances to seawater coursos with low depth cor ~our which 1:1ij:1t

require 11 ror.:uction of draucht :iy thu c:ischar,:;o of ballast

un'.lcrt2.k0s to ensure tho provision of tho facili tics rofGrred to

in su'.J-parac; (o.)(i) of this ::;mro.{,;ra:1h but w:!.th the: proviso

that shir,s roquiro,l to clischo.r,:;c slops or dirty ;;allast could

'.Jo su".Jjcct to souo <lolay.

( iii) Durinc the 1-ic•rior: bctwoon tho entry into force of the pr0sont

Convontfon (if oarlior than 1 Januar,y 1977) and l Ja11uary 1977

shi;lt1 u:1ilc nnvi,_:atin;: in the special a.roas shall co1.11)ly with

tho rcquir11r.1cnts of Ho,:ulation 9 of this 1.nnc:1.:. Howovor the

Goven1ments <'.If :Parties the coMtlines of '\thich lx,rder

any of the SiJccial arco.s unc~or this s1,1,L-1mra:;ra;1h r.icy csta,Jlish

a ilatc Garli'-r than 1 January 1977 1;ut aftor tho Llatc of entry

into forcci of tha pr0ocnt Convoution, frou which thu r0quirouc-n~s

of this Ht::; ulation in r0t1110ct of the i:it10cial aroas L.1 qu0stion

shall foJ.<:L effect:

( 1) if all the reception f'ucili tios required have '.;oon ;)rovil!.cd

t,y tho , so esta;)lishod; and

(2) provided t~w.t the rar.ties co11cer11ec1 notif;T the Orgru1izr,tion

of the fl_ate so established at least aix months in advance,

for oirouJ.a·aon to other ~ ci.rtioc.

Page 16: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 16 -

(iv) 1~."ter 1 January 1977, or t' ~ate ostablishec: in accordance with

su~)-paracraph (a)(iii) of this parac:1:aph if ,:;:i:r.Uc.r,

each l'arty shall notify the Ore;a.:niza tion for

transnission to tho Contractinc Govc1--nnonts concorncu of all

cases where the facilities arc allcc.;ccl to 1Je inadequate.

(:.i) ll0d Sea area and "Gulf aroa,I'

( i) 'l"he Government of each l1nrty the coastline of which borders on the

spocial areas undertakes to onsuro that as soon as possf'..::le all

oil loadinc; and rupair ports within those special areas

arc )roviclcc: ,,i th facili tius ackquato for tho roe option

treatrnmt of all the c1.irty ballast anc1. tank washin:-, water froD

tartlGJl's. I.:1 adt'..i tion all 1:iorts within tho i:-:pocial area shall :)()

vrovit1.od with ad0quate rcc(:ption facili tics for othor rosiclucs

an,:l oily r.iixtnr1)S froi:1 all shipo. Such facilities shall have cn~)aci ty to uad tlw ncc,ls of tho ships us inc thon

\Jithout camdnc 1mduu delay.

( ii) 'I1:ie Government of each l'arty htwinrc un( !ts jn.ciscUction entrm1ces

to soawa.ter courses with low ,'.opth contour which r:iic;ht require a

r,_,'.uction of 'ra.ut..,"ht '.JY the l:fochar,:;~ of ~mllnst shall undertake

to ensure tho provision of tho fncili tJ.C)f': ref erred to in su:J­

lHll','.,;.r·a;:-h (:> )( i) of this ~)aro,crnph lmt with tho proviso thnt

shll,is rcquirrnl to ,lfochar:· :c slops or c'.h·ty '.1nllast could be

i:.mbjcct to so::10 doln,y •

(iii) J}; :en1°ty concerned ~1hn.ll notify the Or.~izri,tion

of tho meastu·es taken pursua.n-t to provioions of

sut1-j;arrcl Ti',ph ( ';) ( i) or .. 1 (ii) of this para~;raph. Upon roe dpt

of 1:.rnffid.01~t nutific::..tionn tho 0r_:a.11izn.ti0n i::h:,,11 ustahlish 0,

,:atu frou which foe requirer:i0nts of this fo.::}1lation in ros1,oct

0f the aroa in qu.vstion shr.,11 tuko off0ct. Tho Or,.·Rnizn.l;ion

shall notif:1 all J'arUes of the t1ate co establishea. no leas

than twelve months in advance of thn.t date,

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- 17 - MP/ CQ}Ji/WJ?. 21

(iv) Durinc tho p-::·riu,:. :),;.:tween tho entry into .fo:i.·co of the IJI'i.lscnt

Convention ru1tl the elate so osto.'Jlishec~, shi:1s while navicatin:.,;

in tho special aron shall oonply with the. roquironents of

rtc::.,ulation 9 of this 1.rmox.

(v) J.fter such C:ato oil tankers loadinc· in ports in those special

ai·ca.s whero such facili tics arc not yet avc,il0,1)lc shall also fully

car.ply with the rcquiroL1onts of this Rccula.tion. Rowovor, oil

tanlrnrs entorinc these special aroas for the purpose of loaclinc

shall ..iake ovory effort to enter the area with only clean

:.1allast on ];oar<l.

( vi) J~ftcr thv c_"cate 011 which tho roquiror.ients for tho special

area in question take ef'fect, each rarty sllall notify

tho Orr;anization for trrn1Si1ission to tho r)arties

concerned of ::ill casos whore the fqciHtics arc allccod to bo

ina:'.cqua tw.

(vii) ,.t fonst tho rc.::cu)tion fncilitfon as 11ri.:scrE)e:(: in I~c0ulation 12

of this i~rnwx sh::i.11 :)c 1Jruvit1cd 't.1y l Jo.mmry 1977 or one year

n.fter tho of entry into forcu of tho pr0se:nt Convontion,

whichcv..:r occurs later.

~lo:::,.1lationo ') am: 10 of this J.nn(.;x shall not r~p1.1ly to:

(o.) the ~iscl:mr .. :a into tho sva of oil or oily uhturo necc:ssary for the

pur:.Jo::;o of :,;e:curin;.: the safoty of a ship or savin:-: life at oca; or

(h) the (lischar ;o into the sef.'l, of oil or oily uixturo r1.:sultinc; frou

tlaiiar:o to n shi:i_i or its oquipn,mt~

( i) providcL'. th:1t ,:11 rcasona:Jlc procautiom., hove t,ocn ta.kon affor

the occurrunco of the (tor:ri.:;.:: or •::iscovery of the t'..ischarcc for

tho l)urpose of provcmtinu or uiniuizin:· the 1:iGchar\;c; and

Page 18: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

t•IP/CONF/i'JP,21 - lfl r

(ii) except if thEi Oimer or the tlaster a.cted eithElr with

intent to cause dama.c;e, or recklessly and with lmowledg-e

th3,t damace would probably result; OX'

(c) the discharge into the sea of substances containing oil, approved

by the Administration, when beincr used for the purpose of combating

specific pollution inciclents in order to minimize the damage from

pollution. Any such discharge shall be subject to the approval

of any Government in whose jurisdiction it is contemplated the

discharge will occur,

Remlation 12 -·'•'"---·•~-.L.~,41119

B,e.c.el'.~J...op_ _ _F'.a.c_i.~.i ~

(1) Subject to the provisions of r:eguJ.ation 10 of this Annex, the Government

of each Party undertaJ<:ea to ensure the provision at oil loading terminals,

repair ports, and in other ports in which ships have oily reoiclues to

discharge, of facili tius for the reception of such residues and oily mixtures

as remain from oil tankers ancl other ships adequate to meet the necc1s of the

ships u.sing ·them without causing undue delay to ships.

(2) Re0eption facilitiGs in accordance with po,ragraph (1) of this Reguln;tion

shall l:le provided in:

(n) all ports and terminals in which crude oil is J.oo.dec1 into oil

tmikers w:1ere such tankers have immediately prior to arrival

comploted a ballast of not more than 72 hours or not

more thru-1 1,200 nauticnl miles;

(b) all ports onc1 terminals Ju whbh oil other than crude oil in

bulk is lon.clon. nt an quantity of more than 1,000 metric

tons por c1.ay;

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- 19 - MP/CONF/WP,21

( c) all ports having· ship yards or t::,,,nk facilities;

(d) all ports and terminals hi~ndlu ships provid0d with the

sludge tank(s) r(;.,quirud by Ri;,gulation 17 of this Annex;

(0) all ports in rcspe:ct of oily bilg.) waters and othur, which

cannot b0 d:ischargcd in with Regul:ition 9 of this Annox;


(f) all loading ports for bulk cargoes in Nspcot of oil rosidu8s frc,m

combination carriers which cannot bo discharged in accordance with

Regulation 9 of this Annex.

(3) The capacity for tho re:ccption faciliti0s shn.11 be as follows:

(a) oil loading terminals sho.11 have suffici<mt reception

facili tios to rocd VG oil ::md oily mixturos which cannot be

discharg..:d in a.ccordanco with the provisions of Regulation 9(1)(n)

of this Ann0x from all oU tC1.nkers on voyo,g<Js as d;;.;scribcd. in

pciragraph (2)(a) of this R..;guln.tion.

(b) Loading ports c,nd tt:rminals rcfcrrod to in par4.;r11ph (2)(b) of this

Roguln:tion chall havo suffici,mt rcce:ption fn.cili tius to receive

oil J.nd oily mixturos which cannot be, disch.'.\rgud in a.ccordancc

with the provisions of R..:·gulution 9(1)(a) of this Am10x from oil

t':l.:·, which loa.d oil oth0r thn.n crud0 oil in bulk.

( c) All ports having ship r.:.::pair yards or tank cleaning facili tics

sh:Jll hav0 sufficient reception f:icili t fos to rued vu .::i.11 rosiduos

2,r;d oily ,nixtur,:;s which r0:m:1in on b(!'1.rd f<i>r disposal from ships

!'....,_c·r to entering such y::trds or fncilltios.

(d) All focilitl.:;B provjd,)d in ports n,nd u.nd8r paragraph (2)(d)

of thio Rcgul~tion shRll be sufficient to rJcaivc all r0sidu0s

rota:l.nod ncco1·ding to Rcr;ulation 17 of this Annex from a.11 ships

trnt may ruru:wno.bly be: i;xp1...ctcd to cD,11 at such ports and terminals.

(,:) ,Ul foci1i tke provith:d in portA and terrnincils under this

R.:.•gubtion Rhnll be suffici,,nt to r,:0 1.:i vu oily bilge wa tr.::rs

n.nd other rc!siducs which cannot bu discharged in n.ccorda.nco with

Ri::gufation 9 of this Annex.

(f) Thf:! fn.cili tit1s provid0rl in ports for 1)Ulk car,3'oos shc.11

take, into :-•,ccount th<.; sp(JCial J)J.''l", "'li.' "f oo:Pbination c:u·riors

as approprlc.t(9.

Page 20: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

MP/CClrF/UP ,.21 - 20 -

(4) The reception fa,cilHfos :pr1.;,scrib0d in parttgraphs (2) and (3) of

this RJgulntion shci.11 be mado av:::.ilablo no later than one yQar from the

dat0 of entry into forco cf tho p:t\:scnt Convention or by l JanU£!.ry 1977,

whichev~r occurs lntor,

(5) Each Party sh..~11 notify the Organization for transmission

to the Parties concerned of ~11 casos where the facilities

providod under this Regulation c.r0 alleg0d to be inad0quc1to.

}?_c:f{r.;,;,p;p,,t~.d. ,B?-,.1_1.a.s.t • .O.i.l .T.2;},:3.

(1) Ev<Jry new oil tc:.nker of 70,000 ·cons dcadwoitrht and abovi;; shall be

providc:d with sc,:,;r0ec1,-cud ballast tanks ctnd shall comply with tho

rcq_uire,:icnts of this Regulation.

( 2) 'ril•~' C'.'.;pa.0i ty of the: sc:gr0g-a.tnd 1:w,llo.,st tanks shall bs.i so dct,mninvd

that the ship may <.,perato safuly on ballo,st voyagc:s without rocoursc to

tho use of oil tnnks for water ballast 1..'.XCL:pt ns provid"'d for in par.:igraph (3)

of this F.ugulation, .ln all c8.s"'·s, however. the c~ipaci ty of s1.•grogatccl

ba1l1.rnt tanks 8hall bu c.t such that in nny ballast condition at cmy

part of th,) vo~.,ago, iucludinG tho conditions consisting of lightw(.;i(;·ht plus

s-.:t~rq;a.ti:::d b.::illnst only, th" ship 1 8 dra,ughts and trim can mcut each 0f tho

following r0quircrne:nts ·;

(.1) the 1,:•:)Uhh:d dr~rn{;·ht arnidshipn {elm) in r.1ctr._;o ( without taking

into cwcount any ship's d..,;,forr,ntion) shall not btJ h.•ss thans

<lm = 2.0 + 0,02 L,

(b) th8 dro.u:~hts at the forward mid ~,ft<.r. ndrp0mLlc'.tle.rn shall

corrc,:;porid -co th<Jst.: dot0r1,d.n0d by lhc: drausht amidGhips (<Jr.1),

a:, q-c•cj fhid in uuh-par:1t;·raph (a) of this parar'.raph t in

:1Ssoclation with the trim by th(, st,:rn of rtot r:r,:1.·cat~~r them

0 , ()15 L, and

Page 21: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 21 - r1rP / CONF /WP • 21

(c) in ~my <.;.:.\.SC tlh'} dr::~ue'ht at t.he after p,:;:i.'l)Gndicu.lar shall not

be: than that which is nocossary to obtain full immersion

of thw propullcr( s).

( 3) In no caso shall ballast uater b~-, carrfod in oil tanks oxcopt in

w0athcr conditions so Zt;Vore that, in tho opinion of the Master, it is

r.ocossary to carry additional ballast water in oil tanks for the safoty of

the ship. Such additional ballast water shall be processed and discharged

in compHanc0 with R...,,gula.tion 9 and in accordance with tho r,:,;quir01n0nts of

Regulation 15 of this Annex, ar.d entry shall b0 in tho Oil Record Book

roforr0d to in Rcsulation 20 of this imnux.

(4) Any oil tank,.,r which is not roquirc,d to be.: provided with segrogatud

ballast tanks in ::wcord:-mco with parn.0,·raph ( 1) of this Hcgula tion may,

how,Jvor, be qualifiod as a ric:5:r.Gt-:-;atcd ballast tanker, provi.d.Gd that in

tlw case cf a.n oil t;:i.nkvr of 150 motrvs in l.:ng-th and abrJVG it fully cornplfos

with tho rc.qu.i:c"r:i,.mts of p,:ir:1graplw (2) and (3) of this Rl,gulation and in

tho c·.isc of :1.n oiJ. tn.nk:cr of less timn 150 rnctr0s in l(mgth th,1 sogregated ccndi tLms slnll be to the satisfaction of the· Administration,

(1) 8xct"11t as pr\)Vid.dl in p:.1.rn.graph U!) of this noguln:tion, in n,::w ships

of 4,000 tons 1sross tonn-,,~;,-:: n.nd abovo othc.:r than oil ta!lk:0rs, and in nr.:w

oil tankers of 150 tons 8'ross t,mnac;,,i and ahov0, no b,1.llnst watGr shall bc:

0arrL:d in 1ny oil fu;,.l tank.

(2) Whcr-:: abnormal c,,nditL.ns t•r the nc..::'.l to cnrr.y largo qll;'l.ntiticts of

oil flh:l rcncL,r it n-...0,.;::a,1.ry to carry bi':tlla,~t wn.tor which is not n, clt.,:m

ball::ist. i.n :i..n:r n.'.l fuc:l tank, Guch hal1ast water ,:hall be discharged fo

t'ciC;.;pti0n f:icilitL.:s or into thL' soa in compliance with H •0ulation 9 irning

the, oquipm,mt :; ,:d Jn Rq.;'ulc1:L1un 16( .2) of thin :.nnex, and an entry

shall bo ;K1l1c in the Oil Record Book l;o this effect.

(3) ... 1.l ot· ._,r .,•,j_ 1:; ch::-,U c · :/t. \;.tl:'. t'·:- roquirc:·1,.,nti, of para;::raph (1)

0f this Ro:;ulation as far as ruaoonal>lo ru'lr'~ pructioo.bJ.c.

Page 22: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

M.P/CONF/WP. 21 - 22 ..

(1) Subjoct to tho provisions of paragraphs (5) and (6) of thiB·Regul.ation, oil

tank,;rs of 150 tons gross tonnage and abovo shall b0 providod with

arrangomonts in accordanco with the rcquirmncnts of paragraphs (2) n.nd

(3) of ti-1is Regulation, provided that in the case of ox:i..sting tankers

the rcquirernonts for oil discharge monitoring and control systems and

slop tank arrangements shall apply three years afte:.c the da;te of ,ntcy

into forcG of the present Convention.

(2) (a.) .Ad.equate moIDs shall be provided for clcaninc- th.:.: cargo tanks

and tr::insforring tho dirty bo.llaBt rosidu0 and ta.nk washings

from the 0::1.r,::;o tanks into a slop tank approvL:d by the

Administration, In oxisting oil tankvrs, any cargr

be rfosignat0d as r, slop tank.

(b) In this systi::m .::irrnngem0:nts shall be providGd to tro.1sfor the

oily wanto into '1 sl0p tank er c0mbination of s1op tanks in

such n wriy that rmy c.:ffluunt disc!1arg0d into the soa will bi..;

such us to 0urnply with thu provisions of H..::r;ulation 9 of this


( c) Th1..· arr.::ingGm(.:nts of th,; slop tank or combination af slop tnnks

shall have a c.1paci ty noccr.:sary to retriin the slops [;'Cn,.,,r-:1t0d

by t:mk wa::::hing-, oil rosi,:l.uws ,ind cl.irty ballast residues but

tlY: total i,lnll bL' not le3fl th~P 3 por cGnt of th,:., oll c~,rcying

arc 1n'•.JVi<k;l i.n accord:mco with;ulatfr,n 13 r)f thin .Annex, or

whc,r,: arran1.;-..::1,K'ntR mwh as cdactors .lnvulvine; tho us,) of wat,:r

::idcl.i t io1m1 to tho w;:u;hinc- w1t'-'r ;~r;,, ncJt fi tti. .. d, tho;ion

may acc,:·pt 2 pt.:r cont. Hcv :iil tanh•rfl ov.::r 70,000 Lrms i1.n,d­

wdght ':lhclll he provl,fod at h,ast two t,lop tank:J.

(d) tanlrn i:,hall be no d<!:'si,?ned particularly in reup1:ct of the

p,i:,·~tion of inlets, outlets, lx1ffks or wuirs wh0,·· fitkd, su

as ta avoid (:xcv~rnivc- turbulwnce and 8ntra.'iruncnt of oil or

,:~mulsion with tile wat('r.

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- 23 - FJ?/CONF/WP.21

(3) (a) An oil discho,rge 1wui toring and c.ontrol syster:i app1'.)V0d by the

Aduinistration shall be fitted, In considering tho design of the

oil content r:1eter to bo incorporated in tho syster.1, tho

Adr.linistration shall have regard to tho specification recor:unendii.ld

by the Orgo.nizn.tion.* The syster.1 shall be fitted with a recording

device to provide a continuous record of the discharge in litres per

nautical nilc and total quantity discharged, or the oil content and

rate of discharge, This record shall be identifiable as to tir.10 and

date and shall be kept for at least three years. The oil discharge

r.1oni tor and control syston shall come into operation when there is

any discharge of effluent into the sea and shall be such as will

cnsuro that any discharg-o of oily 1J.ixturo is autor.1atico,lly stopped

when the instantaneous rn.te of discharge of oil exceeds that p0rmitt0d

by Regulation 9(1)(a) of this Annex. Any failure of this r.ionitoring

and control syster.1 shall stop the discharge and be noted in the Oil

Record Book. A L1anually operated alternative method shall be

provided and r,1ay be usod in thu event of such .failure, but the

defective unit shall be 1:,ad0 operable before the oil tn.nkcr comuoncos

its next bullast vqy2,.go unless it is proceeding to a repair port.

l!.xisting oil tankers shall conply with all of tho provisions

specified above except that the stopping of tho discharge r.1ay be

porforr:1cd r.1anm1.11y and the rate of discharge may be ostir.1/lfod frou

tho punp chox:::i.cteristic.

(b) Effective oil/watE.:r intorfo,co detectors approv€:d by the Adrainistration

shall be provided for a rapid and o.ccurato detorr.1ination c,f the oil/

wator intorface in clop to.nks a.nd ohall be available for uso in other

tanks where tho separation of oil 1111d water is affected and fron

which it is intond:.;0. to discha.rgu effluent diroct to the soa.

* Rofcronc0 ie r.m,do to Rcoor:i.,u:mdations on InturnatL:mal Pcrforr.1ancc Spvcifications for Oily-Wa-tur Separating Equipucnt and Oil Contunt Motors adopted by the Organization by Resolution A.233(VII).

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- 24 -

(c) Instructions as to tho cperation of the systen shall be in

accordance with an opcrc.ti.:mal approved by tho Ad!:iinistro.tion.

They shall cover na.nual as well as autoi:1atic operations and shall

be intended to ensure tha~ at r.o ti1:io shall oil be discharged

except in compliance with tho ccndi tions specified in

Regulation 9 of this Annex,*

(4) The requirenenta of paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this Regulation shall

not apply to oil tankers of loss than 150 tons gross tonnage, for which the

control of discharge of oil under Regulation 9 of this Aimex shall bo effocted

by tho retention of oil on board with subsequent discharge of all contaminated

washings to recoptio1~ facilities. The t•)tul qun.nti ty of oil and water used for

washing and returned to a storage tank shall be recorded in the Oil Record Bool~.

This total quantity shall be discharged to reception facilities unl0ss adequate

arrangements arc r.mdo to ensure 'that any effluent which is a.llowod to be

discharged into the son is effootivoly nonitorod to ensuro that tho provisions

of Regulation q of this Annex cor.1plic:d with.

(5) T'no AdL1inistration r.;ay waive the rcquirrn:ionts of (1), (2) a.nd

(3) of this Regulation for any oil tanl:cr which engages exclusively on voyo..f;cs

both of 72 hours or loss in duration and within 50 railos fror.1 tho nearest land,

provided that the oil t:::,nkor is not required to hold and does not hold a:n

International Oil Pollution Provont.ion Certificat<: (1973). f,ny such waiver

shall bo subject to tho roquircr.10nt that the oil tanker shall on boo.rel

all oily iaixturco for subsequent discharge to rcce:pticn facili tics and to the

dctorr.iination by the .Aduinistration that facilities available to receive such

oily uixturos arc adequa tc:.

(6) Where in the view of the Organizati.:m equiprnmt roquircd by

.Regulation 9(1)(n)(vi) of this Annex and specified in sub-paragraph (3)(a) of

this Rogulntion is not obtainable for thu moni t0ring of dischar.~c of light

rcfinod products ( whi'tc oils), the Adrainistrntbn nay wo.ivo corapliance with

such requircr . .cnt, provided that discharge shall bo pcrr.-:itted only in cr:,r.:plin.ncc

with 0stabliahod by tho Organization which shall sr.tisfy the

conditions of Roeulation 9(1)(0.) 0£ this Annex except the obligation to have an

oil discharge noni toring and CfJntrol systor,1 in opera.ti on. The Organization

shall review tho availability of cquipi:wnt at intervals not exceeding twelve


* Rcfcrcnco is Lmdo to "Clean Soaa Guide for Oil Tankers", published by the International Cho.:1bor of Shipping nnd the Oil Cor.1pnnios International Marine Forum.

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- 25 - MP /COHF/\IP • 21

( 7) Tho roqui:rGr.,(.;nts r,f pamgrc.pho ( 1), ( 2) and ( 3) of t:1is Rogulo.tion shall

not apply to oil tankers carrying asplnl t, for which the control of discharge

of asl)hal t Rcgulo.tiun 9 of this lum.::x shall be offoctod by the retention

of asphalt rosiclucs 1.m board with d.ischare,·c of all contauinated wo.shings to

rccuptfon facili tics.

Q.41....P.i;zch,arg:o_Jlop.i to.I,h~. a11,.d __ Q.911t2-:,ol 8.¥.,s.i91:1, .azf.\! Qi,.lx, Y,_a ·t~::: r _s,o ~1r.DJ lr'£i. .lllilltJ l'l-~

( 1) imy shi:? of 400 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fi ttod with an oily

wa.ter sopa~at~ ng cquipnont or fil toring sys ten conplying with the prc,visions of

paragraph ( 6) of this Regulation. .'\..ny sach ship which carries largo quantities

of oil fuel shall cor.1ply with par°'(,"Taph ( 2) of this Regulation or ( 1)

of Regulation 14.

(2) Any ship ()f 10,000 tons e:,'Toss tonno.gc und above shall be fitted:

(a) in addition to the roquil.'or:,onts 0f paragraph (1) of this

R0gulution with on oil tlischarc;e uonitoring and control

syr.tou co1,1plying with paragraph ( 5) o.f this Rogulati.:m~ or

(b) as ;JJ1 o.Hornativc to the roquirc:icnts of paragraph (1) Md

sub-;Jar£1{,"l.'.1,ph (2)(o.) :if this R0gulation 9 with a.n ,:,ily water

t1opa..rating 0quipucnt c0uplying with paragraph ( 6) of this

Rvguhtfon and an offoct.lvo fil tcrinG systm:1, conplyinf;

with pn.ragTnph ( 7) of this Regulation.

( 3) '.11h..:: LcJninistratic,n nhall cnsurlJ that ships of less than 400 tons €:,TGSS

tnnnagc arc equipped, a8 fa~· as pro.ctieo.blo, t,: retain ,m board oil ,)r dly

·,ixturos or diac:mrJc thu.i in ::wc',rclancu with tbo rcquirci:.1cnts nf ticn 9 ( l) ( b) of this Aru10x.

(4) For cxistinc- ship::; th,: r;,;quirc: .. ,c~nts of p:'trili.,"I'F~phs (1), (2) and (3) of this

Rugulation s:1all apply throe yoaz·s n.ftor tho (;a.tu of cntriJ ir1tc1 force of tho

pr1.;sont Cc,mrcntion.

( 5) An oil llischargc , ioai tcirinG and C'.mtrJl Gystcn shc.11 be ..:,f a cksi/611

n.ppr<;Ved by the AclJ.ii:::.J strati:m. In ccnsid(.;ring the of tho oil content:

rwter to bo inc<)l1)(>ratcd into the systcn, tho Au.L1inistrution shall havo regard

to tho spocificati,::,ll L'c·c,.)'.l(.mdod by the, Orc;anizatiun. ·* Th0 s;vstcn sha.11 be

* Rcforunoc is i.l,vlo to the- Roco, uxmdo.tir,n rm International Porfon.:anco Spoci.ficatLins for OiJ.y-wn.tur Scpc1rating EquipJ.icnt. and Oil Content Motors adorit0d by tho Organization by Hvsolution A.233(VII).

Page 26: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

M'.J. / oo:NF ;\IP• 21

fi ttod with a c"iovicc to prc,virle a c~mtinuous record of the oil content

in parts per r.1illion. This record shnll be ic:ontifiablo ns to ti;:1e and dat0 and

shall be kept for at least three yca;;.'s. The :::oni toring and contr1)l systcu shall

co:-.10 into O})Gration when there is a:tiy dischar[!;c of effluent into the s0a and

shall bo such as will ensure that any discharge of oily r, is autonaticn.lly

stopped when the oil content of effluent oxcecds that perr.iittcd by

Roe;ulation 9(1)(b) of this 1\nnox. .'l.ny failure of this ooni toring and c~mtrol

systcr.1 shall strip tho discharge and bo noted in the Oil Record :Book, The

dofocti vo ,mi t shall bo t' operable boforo tho ship conr.1onces its next voyage

unless it is proceeding to a repair p(Jrt. Existing ships shall oouply with all

of the provisions specified above except that the stopping of tho discharge nay

be pcrf.:.1n:tod ua.nually.

(6) Oily water: separating equipment or an oil filtering systwi:1 shall be of a

design approved by tho l.c1I.1inistration and shall bo such as will ensure that any

oily r,1ixturo discharged into tho sea F.lftcr passing thrc,ugh the separator or

fil terine sydcns shall have an oil c:mtont of not nore than 100 parts per

nillion. In considering tho tlcsign of such cquipr.10nt, the AdJ.1inistration shall

have rvgarcl to th~ spt:cificaticn rcc"-;1ir.mndod by th0 Ore;anizatiim.*

(7) Tho 0il. filtering systor. referred to in (2)(b) of this Ucgulation

shall be of n dosie;n approved by the Aduinistration and shall bo such that it

will accept tho discharge fror:, the separating systm nnd produce an effluent the

oil content of wbich docs not m~ceod 15 par+,s por nillion. It shall be provided

with alnrr.1 arrangcr.10nts to indicate whon tbis le:vel cannot be uainto..ine:d.

( 1) :&.,'vury ship ')f 400 tons gross tonnagu and above shall be providotl with a

tank (Jr to.nks of etdoquatc c::tpacity, having rcL,;2..rd to tbc typo of r.iachinory and

lons-th of vc,yngo, t:i rocci vo the oHy ro8iducr3 ( slU<:g'os) which cannot bo c1oal t

with othorwiso in n.ccor<-1.ancc with tho rcquirc:1.1E:nts of this Annex, such as tlv)sc

rcsul ting fror: the purification of fuol and lubricating oils and oil leakages

in th~ r.1achino:ry spac8s •

* Rofcruncc is r.mdc to tho nn Internati0nal Porforr:iancc Spccifioatbno for Oily-water Separating Equipucnt n.nd Oil Cont(.mt Motors a,dopt0d b;}' the 01,ganization by Roaclution A.233(VII).

Page 27: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 27 - ·:;J?/CONF'/WP .21

( 2) In new stips, such tanks shall bo designed :?.,1d constructed so ns to

fc.c.ilit11tG their clwanine- and the clisch:-1.r€,·o of r..::siducs to rccuption facil.i.tios,

Existing ships shall coAply with thL.1 roquircrnmt n.s far us is r,mson11bl0 .:md


f-~~p_inf{J. R,ipi_nf\ ,8-pU., .D,i.s.c,h;'.l.rff._o. :,rranf;o!T,cnts of Oil Tcmlrnrs .._, .. _ ~ . , " .. ,., . . --. .......--... ·--•-.,·

(1) In ov0ry oil tank0r, a discha.rgo nanifold for conne:xicn to reception

fa.ciliti•2s for th0 disc&'lr.3'e of dirty bn.llast vA-ter or oil conta1i1inat\ild

vmtcr shall be locn.ted on the open dock on both sides of the ship.

(2) In every oil tanker, pipelines ·for the disch2.rg-o to the sea of effluent

which uay be pcr:,1i tted under Regulation 9 of this Ann0x shnll be led to the

opon deck or to th, .. G!.i)' a o idc abov1~ tho w2.tcrlinc in tho doopost bo.llast

condi Uon. Diffcrc:nt pipin£' arrn.n5r.,mcnts to t opGrution in th0 r,1annor

p0rr.iittcd in sub•parn.fsraphs (4)(f:!.) ~:.m: (b) of this Hct,'1.llation may bo accoptod.

( 3) In now oil tanlrnrs r.wm,s sh-'l.:a be provided for stopping the dischargo

of t:fflu0nt into tho sen fror.1 r.i. position on uppor dock or nbovo locatcJd so

that the : 1:1nifcld in us::'l ref orrr..d to in paragraph (1) of this Regulation and

tho effluent fro;;1 thu pipelines roforrod to in para.graph (2). of this

Rugti.lation r.,ay be visually r)bscrvca. lkn.lls for stopping the discharge need

not b<:: provided nt tho observntion position if n positive cournunicati.on

system such ns t.:.,lephon,~, or radio systcw i:1 provided bvtwo,.:m tho obs0rvation

position ::md the discha.rgo control position,

(4) All ctischargus shnll ta.kc above thu wakrlino oxcopt as follows:

(a) Sc:::;r,:eatvd ballast and clean ball.:i,st r,10.y be dischar12:od b0low -che

waterline in ports or at offshore tormirials.

(b) Exi.sting shipr: which, without nodification, arc not capablo of

disch'.1rt~inc ~H.:grcgo.tcd brl.ll!lflt ::i.hovc the wn.terlino mn.y cU.schargc

sc:,:;ruc;atod bo.llast bulow tl'w watorlino provided that nn

cxm.1ination of the to.nk i1111odi:1tcly before the discharge has

ostnblishcd. that no contar:,inution with oil has takon pla.ce.

Page 28: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 28 -

Standard Discl@rge Copn.!t~

To enable pipes of r·eception facili tics to be connected. with the ship I s

discharge pipe line for rei::iuues from machinery bilgeo, both lines shall be fitted

with a standard discharge connection in a.ccorr1.ance \1ith the following table:

st:.m:c.r(l J?i: cn::iicns of Flo.n,;cs for DischilI'(l'e Oonnuct1ono

- --- --, :

Description Dimension I - ____ __...... .,, '

OutRicl0 de..uotcr ?.15 r.11:1 - lrmcr ::.for.1otor ' :.o,or.:~inc; to ~:ir,c outsi:!c dia::~ctcr

Dolt cir<'le dianetcr 183 r:ll'.l ' J

Slots in flance ,.

holes 22 in diameter equi .. () mm distantly placed on a bolt circle of the above diameter, slotted to the flan,g-e periphery, The slot width to be 22 [lf.1

Flange thickness 20 mm l I ·- --l

6 Bolts and nuts: I t eac;1 of 20 mm in diameter and of quantity, tliariwt(;)r 1 suitable length

I ··- ..... ....._._ ·--· The flange is 1'le:1iJ110d to accept pi'f)G.3 up to a maximum internal dfr'Iietc:r of 125 :rn and shall bn of st00l or 0thor equivalent r.mtcrial havini:; a. flat f~ff\ i;). This flan~·"• t".lcothor 1.1i th a coskot of 0~lproof ria.tcrial, shall ';,e suitai)le for a Bvrvicu pressure.- of i; krJ/cn •

Page 29: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

· · 29 · · '';) ·'cor:"~ ,. rp· 21 .l~, ..... J.:, ., •

O.i.l Record Book

(l) Evdry ·oil tanker of 150 tone gross tonnage and above ,w.d every ship -1f 400

tons ;;·ro:,:1 tonne,ce n.nd above other thtm o.n oil t.:.nker ~~c.ll be prov;i.ei.~~ i17·~h

an Oil R<icord Book, whether as pa.rt r,f the shi.p I s official lo; book or 9therwirie,

in tbe form 1:1:pecificd in Appendix III t') tl:is Annex.

(2) The Oil Record Book sr.all be completed on oac}1 occa::'lion, en a tank-to-tank

basis, whenever any of tl'lc following operations take place in the ship~

(a) _F_o .. r .... o,_i.,.l ..... t.;.a.,.n~

(ii) internal transfer of oil cargo during voyaJq

(iii) <.rponinr; or closinc; before and aftor loadint; and ur1lon.din0· operations

rf valves or similar dovic0s wbich inter-connect oarzo tanks;

(iv) one.ming or clo;:;ing of mf:ann of communication b:,twoen cn.rgo

piping and uoawator ballast pining;

( v) opcnin,1 or cbsing of ships I side valves before, during and

after loading and unl1atling operations;

(vi) un1oa,rlin:~ of oil cargo,

(vii) ballasting of cargo tanJrn~

( viii) cleaning of careo tanb.1~

(ix) dischn,rg-o of ballast cxco};t from sc~sTegatd tanks~

(xi) ~isp0Gal of rosiduca;

(xii) rlfachar,Jo overboard of bilcf;, water w:1icJlh.:,,s accumulakd in

J•iachin(;•l~' spaces wl1iJst in port, and th1J routine discbar6c at

:ma of hil,:.;'1,: wator which has accumulated in r~iachiriorj· spaoe.J.

Page 30: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

HP/COlri/WP, 21 - 30 -

(b) :F'or ships other than oil tankors

(i) baJ.J.astin1:,; or clvanin0 of fuel oil tanks or oil carc;o spo.,ce;s;

(ii) discimr:.-;e of ballast or cloanin'.S water from tanks referred to

unc~.or (i) of this sub-paragraph;

(iii) disposal of residues;

(iv) dischar.;·e overboard of bilc;c water which has accunulated in

rnachino!'IJ spnccs whilst in port, and tho routine discharc;e at

sea of Qil30 wat0r which has accurnuh tod. in 1;1achinory spaces,

(3) In tl1c event of such discharc0 of oiJ. or oily mixture ao is referred

to in 11 0f this Annex or in tho 0vont of accidental or oth0r

cxccptiono.1 discharg-: of oil not exccptocl by that Ro:;ulation, a statt:;:L1i;mt

shall be in tlw Oil Hccord Book of tho circur:1s to.nccs of, anc1. the

reasons for, tl10 disohario•

(4) Each operation ,_~_e:1crib0d in parae,Taph (2) of this Rc:;,1.1lation shall bo

ful:L;:r rocor,'.cl:. with'.)ut delay in tl"J..i Oil Hcco-rc7. Bool: so that all tho entrios

in the book appro1Jriato tc t:·:o.t opcrr>,tion a.r,: co:1y1lot0(:. :::ach section of the

book sbo.11 bl~ sir.;rw,~ b,y trw e,fficur CJr of'1ice:r:1 in char,:.,·0 of th.:; o:porn.tions

conc:1rnoc: and ::::hall ·:,:: count.::r·;:;i.::;rwC. by the Hnst0r of tho Bhir,, The cntri 1s

ir. ti1.:., Oil Hcc:)r<l Boole c::·1all l::o in an official la.""t;ua..;e of the State whos.:i

flaG tho ship is ,.mtitkd to fljr, anci., for ships holdinc;- an International

Oil P::,llution :rrovuntion Ccrtificato, (1::7J) in ;.:n:..;lish or :...'r;.;~10:1, T11,; w"1tri-...;:i L1

an officinl national lan~-:;ua:_;(1 of tho State wl1or;,-:: flrv; t;1c sliip is c.nti tlcd

to fly shall pr,1vail in nasc of a dfr:puto or ,Uscrqiancy,

(5) Tho Oil Rucorc1 :lr>ok r.ihall Lo kept in such n. :; a,r, to 1,u reaC.ily

availa',1£' for .1.1wp,~ction at -'3.11 reasonable tin.JS ~nd, cxc,3pb in th<::• case of

un,.1a.n11cd cl,ips unt~ .. n:· tow, ella.11 be kept on ~Joarr1. the• ship, It E1iml1 be

p1·cscrvcr:l. for 1\ poriod of th1·e:G ~1 oars nftor tho entry has b,wn mo.Jo.

Page 31: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 31 - MP/ COrfli1/WP. 21

(7) The competent authority of -~1:a Govoxnment of a Party to the Convention

may inspect the Oil Ilccord Boo!~ on board any ship to which this Annex applies

while the ship is in its port or offshore terminals and ma.y make a copy of any

entry in that book and may require the Master of the ship to certify that tho

copy is a true copy of such entry. An~r copy so made which has been certified

by the Haster of the ship as a truo copy of an entry in the ship's Oil Record

Book ·shall be made admissible in any judicial proceedings as evidence of

the facts stated in the entry. The inspection of a.n Oil Record Book and the

taking of a certified copy by the competent authority under this paragraph

shall bo performed as oxpedit.i.ously as possible without causing tho ship to

bo imduly delayed.


§.F.e.c~ 4 R,c.q~1.;:c.m~c.n.t.s. J.o.i: .. D.:i::iJ.J:.ipJ;t Jti$S and other Platforms - ... , " ........ -· ..... , ... -

Pixocl and floatinc,: d::-illincr rigs when engaged in the exploration,

exploitation and associated offshore processing of sea-bod mineral

rosourcos and othor platforms shall comply with tho requirements of this

Annex applicable to ships of /f00 tons r;:toss tonnage and above other than

oil ta.nk0rs, except tl1atz

(a) they shall be equipped as far as practicable with the

installations required in Regulations 16 and 17 of this


(b) they shall keep a record of all operations involving oil or

oily mL--cturo c1.i£-ioharg-os, in o. form approved by tho

Auministrn.tion; and

(c) in any spocial area and subject to the provisions of

ficGUlation 11 of this ,\nnex, tho c isoha.rgo into the

soa of oil or <)ily mixture shall be prohibi tod except

whon the oil contont of the a.laoharcc without dilution

tloos not exceed 15 parts per million.

Page 32: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

HF/ CC-::IF /wr • 21 - 32 ....

FJJr~UIR~]Iii!l'JTS ?O.R ;rr::III:::ZETG OIL POLLU'11IO?l I'~lO:fvI OIL TANKERS j)TJ.C ro 3!:GJ:i AHD BO(i.1':lY)H ])ANAGJ3

nc~-u1ation 22 ..... ,

I\:,r tho r,ur)oso of oalcula:tins· Iwpot;10tical oil outflnw from oil tankers,

thr;.;:o c~imomdons of the 1.,:dont of dam::1.go of a ::nirallcls;pipcd on tho side and

bottom of the ship ar0 ansumod as follows. In t~1c case of bottom dcl.maffcs two

cond.i tions arc oat forth to be: a:pplioc1 indiviJuall:;' to the stated portions of


( )



Lon3·i tud.inal ox t ont (t ) : C

1'ra~1sv,:.:r1:c oxtcmt ( t ) :. C

( L1bourcl frorn the ~hi1_.1'~~ citiG c.,t ri:;~1t nne:tles to the contru-lino at tho 1~w0l corr0spondn1;;:- to tho assi3'tlod sun.oor.rr,eboard)

Vertical extent ( v ) ; C


~Lj or lz:. 5 metros,

whiclicvcr ' , .1.S ..1..USS

~ ~ or 11.5 metres, )

uhic:1cver l,.;1;,s

the ~,as0 lino ui-iw:-i.r,: 2 without lini t

For 0,31 from the forwnrC: purponcti­c,1hr of ;,ihip

Any otl·wr ~•8.rt of ship

Lon,;,;i tudim.1 o;:tcnt (t )

s L io

L !o or 5 matron,

w; iichcvo:r L:ss

(ii) Transverse CJ:t• .. mt ( t) A tor. 10 metres, 5 met:rcrn

whiclrnvor is leas but not less tho.n 5 motros

Page 33: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

.. ;; - t:IP/COrTF/WP. 21

(iii) Vo:rtic~l c::tent fron the base line (v ) :

s B 15 or 6 r:10tros, whichevr;;:r.• is loss

(2) Wherever the synbols given in this Regulation appco.r in this Chapter,

they hnvo the meaning as dei'focd in this Rogulnt; '."lt' ••

H,Y12othotj~utflow cf Oil

(1) '.Pho hypo·thetical outflow of oil in the case of side damage (o ) and bottom C

tlamaJo (o) shall bo calculated by tho followinr; formulae with respect to s

conpurtmonts breached by dama/;o to all conceivable locations o.lone; the lonr::;"'th of

the sh:Lp to the oxtcnt as defino,1 in Rot,ulation 22 of this Annex.

(a) for side damages:

0 = 2, 1./. ❖ .z; K . C . 0 l l l.


(b) for bottom c!.arnaees~

0 = i (2 Z . W. -:- }; Z1. Ci) (II)

S J l ,.

w!10ro; W. = volume: of a wing tank in cu½ic metros assumou to be brr.mohod 1

1)y the damage as r,pociffod in Rci,:sulation 22 of this


to zero,

\l. for a, sebTCl!>"fj, tea. ballA.::;t tank may be taken equal 1

Ci = volume of a ccmtrc to.nk in cubic metros assumed to be

breaci.1od by the ,:.amag<J as specified in Regulation 22 of

this Annex; c1

for o. soC:,r:ror,"ated ballat::t tan!c may 'oo taken

equal to zero, b.

Ki= 1 - T' C

w::wn b. iG equal to or si·oator than t , K1•

l C

when h1 io equu.l to or grQa tor tha.11 vs, ~\

sha11 be taken equal to zero,

131 • width of wine; tarJt in matro::r under conaidoration measured

inboard from the shi11 1 s si'le at rigbt e,nc;l.::,s to the

c0nt1•clino at the level corrospontlin6 to the n.ssignml

sumrnor freeboard.

Page 34: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

MP/ CON}?/WP. 21 - 34 -

hi= nininun depth of the double bottcm in metres under

consideration~ •.1hcre no double ')otton is fitted hi

shall )0 talrnn equal to zerot

w11cnovC?r sy::1bols ,:;iven in this paracrra,h appear in this Chapter, they hava

tho neaninc.; as clc.finod in this Resulation.

(2) If a void 3pace or segrega.ttid ~)c,11::i.tJt t:.:::1!:.. 0f '.'. L.n ,t:1 l0s:J t~1:'z1

l as dofincd. in Rc::;ulation 22 of this Annex is located ~,etwccn wing oil tanks, C

0 in foruula (I) may 1:ie calculated on tho basis of volu.'!le W. bein:; the actual C 1

voluno of one such tank ( where they arc of equal capacity) or tha sr.ialler 9f

the two brik:::i (if thoy cliffor in capacity), adjacent to such space, r:ru.ltipliocl

i)Y s1 as dofinetl. 'Jclow and taking for all other wine tank.s involved in such a

collision the value of the actual fuJ.l volUJ~u.

wlwr.:::: l. = length in nctros of void space or s0i._;'r,J{_.,'ated ballast tank 1

undar consideration.

(3) (a) Credit shall rmly be d'ivcn in respect of doul)le oottori tanks which

arc either empty or carryinl5 clean water when carco is carried in

th0 tanks a.hove.

(b) 1-Jherc the ,foUhlo !Jottor.1 do!Js not extend for tho full lensth and width

of the tn.nk involved, the dou1)11.: bottor:i i!i considerecl non-existent

and the vc,lUJ.10 of tho tanka above tho area, of the bi'itto1a dHr,iaJo

shall bo inclur1od in fornula (II) even if tha tank if:.; not considoroLl

irc':1.clmrl bccamw of th,:: insta1lation of such a partial c~ouble 0otto;1.

Page 35: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 35 - MP /CONF/v!P, 21

( c) Suction uolb r:iay ).;, Mt;lectcd in tho (1cto:nination of the valuo hi

proviclCJd such wells aro not oxcossi vc: in area and extend. ·;)0low tho

tank for a tiinirnm ,::;.istance and in no case :'1ore than half the height

of tho dou::ilo botto.:1. If tho t:q1th of sucl1 a well exceeds half

the hci:_;ht of thi:1 d'JU'.)k ;...,ottou, h. shall ;;,e taken equal to thti J.

clou:)lc 1Jotto1J hoiGht minus the well hei,3ht.

Piping sorvin0 such w-:::11s if installed within the ,loublo bottoa

shall be fitted with valves or other closin,S' arrangcnents located at

tho point of connexion to tho tan.le served to prevent oil outflow in

tho event of daL1a60 to the pipinc;. Such pipine; shall be installed

as hia-h fron tho 1:iotton shell as pos:::iiblo. These valves shall be kept

closed at sea at any tir.,c when the tanl~ conte.ins 1.>il cargo, except that

the~' rm.y ½e opened only for car1;0 transfer neoti~c: for the purpose

of trinr.iinG of the ship.

(4) In tho case whore "':lotton dru.1al~;e oinultaneousl;<' involves four centro tanks,

the value: of O r.1ay be calculated accordin-:s to th0 forr.,ula s

0 = -41 (.ZZ. IJ. + i: Z. C.)

S 1 l l l (III)

(5) An Adninistra.tion r:iay credit ae reducing on outflow in of 0ottom

dar.ia,:;-c, an installed cari::;o transfer s:,rstcr.i ha.vini;- an cnercenoy hi[;'h suction

in carco oil tank, capable of tra.nsforrin,:; from a breach< . .:l tank or tanl,;:s

to sct;;r0 _atcc. ballest tanks or to avail,:1,blc cargo tanka.eo if it can be assured

that such tants will have sufficient ullr\(!e• Cratli t for such a systen would be

c;·overned by abili t,y to transfer in two hours of operation, oil equal to ono half

of the lar~;est of the '.:ircn.chcc' tanlrn involved by avail8.bility of equivalent

roccivinc tr in u,"' or c~,rc;o ta~1.1:s. 'rlw crcC::i t shall oe confined to

pr~rnittinr.; c;,.kulntion of 08

n.ccorf;in ti) foreula (III). The pipos for

such suction!;! slla11 'Jc instn,llod at loaat at n hei:;Lt not loss th~.n the

vertical extent of tho botto::i dannc;v v • T!10 Adr:iini~1tration s;.11:ill supply s

the Orcaniza.tion with tho inforraa.tion concerning the arranc;encnts a.ccopted

by it, for circulation to othor J'r-,rtfon to -th0 Convention.

Page 36: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

1•IP / 0ONF /Wf. 21 - 36 -

(1) E.very now oil tanlrnr shall conply with the provisions of this

RoJulation. Evo!"'J existin,;- oil tanker shall be required, within two years

after the date of entry into force of the p:..~esent Convention, to cor.1ply

with the provisions of this Ret?,ulation if such a tanker falls into ei t11er

of tho followins cato0orios:

(a) a tanker, the c1elivecy of which is after 1 J'anua:cy 1977;


(b) a tanker to which both the following conditions apply:

(i) (!clivel"J is not latci· than 1 January 1977 and

(ii) the buildinc; contract is placed after 1 January 1974, or

in cases where no huilclin5 c:mtract has previously been

placed, the keel is lo.ic. or the tanker is at a sir.1ilar

sta::;a of construction after 30 June 1974.

(2) Carzo tanks of oil tanl:ers shall bo of such size and arrancr.monts

that th0 hyp()thetical outflow O or O calculated in accordance with the C S

provisions of Rc,:,-ulation 23 of this Annox anywhoro in tho lcm(rth of tho

ship does not o:cceod 30,000 cubic Metres or 4OO3,{f;w, whichever is tho

aroate,:, t;.;.t sub;jcot to a maxi:.1Ul'l of 40,000 cubic r,10tres.

(3) The voluno of any one win:; carc;o oil tan1c of an oil tantc.;;r shall

not exceed ocvonty-fi vo p0r cont of tho lini ts of the h:rpothotical oil

outflow rcfon·<Jd to in parat;rar,h ( 2) of thio Rec,u.lation. Tlw volu~1e of

any one ccmtre 01ir5'0 oil tank shall not oxcood 50 1 000 cubic r:10tros. Ho\.lcvcr

in se,:;roc~u·tod ballnot oil tnnkers ns defined i11 Rcguln.tion 13 of this l.J111AX, tho

pcmi tte,.1 volune of a wint; oar,10 oil tank ai tt1a.tod between two sc0rC1c;at0d

0allast tanks, each oxcecdinct 10

in lcnL,"th, nay be incroo.sDd to the i:1nximum

lim.i.t of hypothetical oil outflow provided that the width of the wine; tanks

exceeds t • C

Page 37: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 37 - I1P/cemy,,p. 21

:follow inc VD.lucs, whic1v.:vc::.· .is the r;roa t :.:r:

(a) whor,, no lonc;i tul1.ir1al ln:1lldwr:td is !,rovi-1!';.Jc;.;


(o) where a loncitudinn.1 bulkhoml is :ll'ovic' at tho

ccntraline only:


( c) whore two or r.10:rc lonc;i tuc1.inal bull~hoo.d.s r,r0 provided:

(i) for wine; tn.nks:


(ii) f~r centre tanks:

(1) if 1Ji - is equal to or c;reatcr than 1/5: B


(2) is less than 1/~~ B

- where r,o c1;;ntrcli110 lon "i tuclinal bulklwnd is

1.i. (0,5 t + 0.1) L

- whore n controlino loncituJ.inal bulkhoo.d is


(5) In order not to GXcccd tho volur.;o lir.iits &stablishcd by para(;rn.phs (2),

(5) an'.l (1;) of this lk:,,:_;uln.tion and irl'OS}1l:ctiv0 of the accoptod typo of

car1;'0 trarisi\.:r syf;tc~1 irn::t<1llc;,:, whi.-:r. such oystcJ:i intorconnacts two or r.1or(•

carLu tanks, vnlv1;;s ()r c,thor ::iinil~r clo::dnr; ,lovic.::s shall be provLk.l for

sopar:J.tinc th\.' tanks f:co1:1 each other. Thus;) valves or devicoo sho.11

closed whe:n the tanker is at s,,r.,.

( 6) Lines of pi pin:; which run throuch c/l.r,;o ta.n'.cs in a poid tion 1vss than t

fro',J tho ohip 1s side or loss than v0

fron tho ship's bottor.i shall be fitt1Jtl c

with val vos or sinila.r closin~; dovioee at tho I)oint at w113•• 0 1, t' ,. ,1ey OJ"JEJll into any M.r,10 tMlc. Theae va.lvaa shsJ.l be t~ept clo"cA a.t t · · • . ,, ,.. sea a any tl.r.10 whcm tho

tanlce contain cargo oil, except thn t ·tlmj• nay bG 0penorl onl:, for ce.r1:;o

tra.nsfor needed for tho purposo of trir.1rninc of the sllip.

Page 38: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

!'P/cc;.TF/\!P .21

(1) Every now oil tru1k0r shall cor.111ly with tho subdivision and. dar.1acc sta'Jility

crit0ria as spc-cifiou in ;Ja.rac;raph ( 3) of this no:.,-ulation, after the a.ssUtJ.ed

side or Lotto~1 danacc as specified in parr:.crn.i:,h ( 2) cf this Hc::,u.lation, for

c.,ny oporatinc d:raucht rdlcctin.:; actual partial or full load conditions

consistent with triTJ ru1t~ stroncth of the ship as well .<ls specific c;ravi tios

of the carco, Such cla.nacc shall be applied to all conceivable locations

alone tho lcncth of. th0 ship ao follows:

(a) in tr1.nkers of r,1ore than 225 notres in length, ~ywhere in the

ship 1 s length;

(ll) in t:.11.kers o;f' more thcu1 150 metres, but not exceeding 225 metres in

lcn:_;th, anywh8ro in the ship's h-ncth except invol vine; oi thGr

·:1ftcr or forward tuJ.ld18nd boun1.:inc the r.mchincry space loca.tod

aft. The nachinc.:ry shall bo trc-atoll. a.s a sincsle floodablo


( c) .in tnnlrnrs not exceeding 150 metrE1s in length, ru1~'i1here in the ship's

lwn,:;th ;.JCtwoon a~ljo.ccnt transverse bulkheads \!lth the oxccption

of the ,:,achinury SlJaco, Ji'or tankers of 100 r1etrea l'lr lest in length

whoro oJ.1 rcquircuo11ts of 1,n.rar;ra:ph ( 3) of this Roculation cannot

bo fulfill eel with out natcrially inpairin.:; tho o:)crational quali tios

of the ship, l1duinistr;::.tione r:1ay allow relaxations fro□ thusc


Bnllast con,:!.i tions whore the to..nker is not carrying oil in cargo tcinks

cxclucanc ar\Y oily rucicluco, shctll nrJt °'.)c considc-rd,

( 2) The: follow inc provicions re-card inc tho oxtcnt and tho chai·actor nf the

acsurwd dar.ia ... :o shall nppl;r:

(rt) the oxtont of sido or bottor.1 c.lar.1atJ·e shF.J.11 bo as spocifietl in

Hcr.;-ulation 22 of this ,'\.nncx, except that the: lont;i tudinal extent of

bottora .:l.ono.ce within o. 51 fror.1 tho forwnr<l perpendicular shall

be the sarw as for Giclc: 1lru:1a.(.'G, ns specified in Ilc[,ulation 22(l)(n.)(i)

of this ,'Jmc:K. If rrny of lossGr extent rosul ts in a r.10rc.i

sovore conclition such c:anace sha.11 bo a.ssuno.J,

Page 39: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

.. 39 - MF/ O(Jf:rF/wP. 21

(1)) whore th0 dar.,ace involvin,~· trarn:svt::rso lmlld1c:r::ids is onvisai;e,l o~J

spocifiGd in subn~)arau-raphs (l)(a) and (1>) of this R<.,y_;ulation,

tro.nsvorsc watcrti.J1t shall be spacod at loast at a

clisto.nco eq_ua.l to tho lonc;i tudinal extent of assu.ncd·:e spcciffod

in sub-:i,)ar,\:.:·raph (n.) o.f this :)ara1..,· in to be consiJ.urotl

cffcctivo. Wh,:.::re transvorso '!.:lulkhoo:.!s sr,acod at a lvsscr

cUsta,nco, cmo or r.iorc: of thcs0 bull{heads within such oxtcnt of

donrl.{ro shall be assw:cd as non ... 0::-::istont for tho purpose of

dotcrru1ninc corJpartr:10nts.

( c) vfnorCJ tho darn:i...;o botw1:en acljnccmt transverse wato:rtic;ht bulkheads is

envisaecc"t as spocifiod in sub-pnra::;ra1,h (l)(c) of this Ho{_.,1.1latio11,

no nnin transverse bulkhoad or a transverse bulkhoacl boundin,:; side

tanks or doublo bottou tws shall to o.sstmcd dru:iat;..:d, unless:

(i) tho spacint':: of tho o.dja.cont bulkh\:Jad.s is less than the

lonr;i tuclinnl c-xtont of,cd da;-:i::i.ce spociffocl j n

sub-pa.rat'._;r"•,ph (n.) of thfa pa.rag.ra:ph; vz:

(ii) there is o, oto:r1 or n. recess in n transverse bulkhead of 1.1orc

thnn 3. 05 netros in loncrth, locatccl within tho extent of

pcnotra.tfon of a.ssur.1c<l cla:.1:::1,ec. '2110 stop forr.w(l by tho after

peak bulkhoacl aftor :);.,ok tnnk top shall not ho roua.rtlod as

:1, stop for the puI'j_1oso of this H.\fL,"lllation.

(c1) If pipes, ducts O't' tunnels arc situo.totl withln tho nsstmecl oxtont

of darn1co, arr,1nc01wnts shall bo r1.:'1c1.o so that i,ro;;rossive floodinG

carmot thereby cxtond to conparti ,i.lnts othur than thoso assur.1cd to be

flootlr:iblo for each case of dar:iar;o •

( 3) Oil tankt:rs r;Jmll ·;:,0 1•ccardvd ns conrilyinc with tho donar_;c sta.bili ty

cri fo:da if tho fr,llowinc.; r.cg_uircnu11l;s aro rwt:

(a) The finc.l wntE>rHno, tnkint; into n.ccount sin.kar:0, hcol nnd trir.1, shc.11

be Lolou tho lower of B.ny opcninc; throue,:h which pror;ressivo

floorlin[.; rn:w take plaC<:.'• S1wh o:1:1cnincs sh;;.11 include air pi}JuS am:

thoeo which clofHK1 by norms or wcmthortiuht dooro or hatch

cov.,rs and nay cxclu,1G thosc.i oponin1.,n closod by rJca.ns of

Page 40: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

MP-/ootTF-/WP .21

watortir.;ht ;:1anhole ·covers and flush scuttles, sr.m.11 wa.torticht

carc;o tank hatch covers v1hich maintain the high ir.tec;ri ty of

the dock, renotoly ororatccl watortic,11t slidine doors, an<l side

scuttles of the non-oponinc tyric.

(b) In the final stace of floodinc, the ancle of heel clue to

unsy::1.'1ctrical flooc~inc shall not exceed 25 rlocrf;;vs, provi:lccl that

this an1:;lc r:iay bo increasc1l up to 30 c1ec;ro0s if no clock edce

ir.Jllcrsion occurs.

(c) The stability in tho final stacc of floodinc shall L>e investir;atoc.!.

anc~ nay be recardec'.. as sufficient if the rie;htinc; lever curve has

at a ranee of 20 cloc;rcos beyond the r)osi tion of cquilibriw.1

ii1 association with a L1axir.1w:1 rosiclual rir;htinc.:: lvvcr c,f e.t least

0.1 nctrc. The i.cltlinistration shall i_;ive consideration to tho

potential lmz3,r1_: };rosuntctl by :_)rotcctcc". or unprotcctorJ Oi;onine,-s

which nay llccof:lo tcq101·r.i.rily L:i::wrseC. within the ran,c;o of

rcsic:ual stn.llility.

( c1.) The: Allninistration :Jhn.11 l;.;.) f..atisfict1 that the sta'Jili ty is

sufficiont ,1urint; intornucliate stacos of flootlin:;.

(4) Tho rcqui;:-cr:ionts of 1,ar~craph (1) e,f this Hoi:;-ulation shall be confi:ru(.,i:::_

1.Jy ca1culati0ns which take into consideration tho rlcsiL,11 chr.i.ractrJristios of

the shir, tho arrm1cenents, conficuration and contents of tho rlnr.1~(_;od

cooj_,artr.wnts; ond tho dis t:ribution, specif in , ties on~ the free surface

effect of liquius. Tho cn.lculo.tions ohall be basoc1. on tho followJn,_;:

( a) J,ccount shall be taken of any empty or partia.lly filled tank, the

specific c;-ravi ty of co.rc;oos ca.rric:d, as wEJll as any ':lutflow of

liqui,ls fron!l(S<:cl eor.1partr:1ent.::; ~

(b) The 1Kn1oallilities arc asswJecl as follows:

Page 41: IMCO - International Maritime Organization


Appro~riatcd to Stor8s

Occupied by li.coor.10odation

Occupied by Maohinor3


Intended for consuuablo liquids

Intended for other liquids


0,95 o.a5 0.95 0 or 0.95* 0 to 0.95ff

* Whichever rusul ts in tbe :aore severe requireoonts.

ff The pemeabili ty 0£ partially fillod conpartr.11Jnts shall be consistent with the onount of liquid carri~d.

(c) The buoyancy of any superstructure diroctly abovo the side

sh~ll bo disrecardod. The unflooded parts of supcrsti~ctures ~oyond

the extent of dar.:aDo, however, nay be taken into consideration

provided that thoy are soparatod fron the da.i1acod space by

wa.torticht bulkheads and the rcquirei;ionts of sub-parac; (3)(a) of

this Hcculo.tion in respoct of those intact spacos are cor.1plied with.

I!ince:cl wnterticht doors r.iay be acc~pta'..>le in watorticht bulkheads

in tho supcrstructuro. ·

(ct) ThE'I froe surface: effect shall be calculate:<.l a.tan ancle of hool of

5 dec,Toos for each im:iviJ.ual con1iartr,Hmt. Tho J.dL1inistra.tion r.1ay

require or alll)w tno free surface corroctions to be calculated

at an anc;lo of hciel i:.,-re:a.tor than 5 :lcc;reos for partially•.fillocl


( o) In calculatincs the offoct of free surfaces of conounnbk liquids

it shall be assunod that 1 fo~ each type of liquid at least one

transverse pair or n. sinr.;·lo centre line tonk has a free surface

and tho ta11k or oor.1ldnati0n c,f tanks to :...0 tak6n into account

sha.11 bo thosie whore tho effect of free surfaces is tho ;-;reatest.

(5) Tho Mftstor of lNory oil tanker and tho puraon in charr;e of a non•solf•

pJ."O).)Gllou. oil tanker to which this iJmox 1,.1,plioa shall bti supplied in a.n

a.pi)rOVG:.':. fort.} with I

Page 42: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

• 42 •

(a.) 1nforr.iation rdntivc to lo<?.iinc and distribution of careo nocossa:ry

to ensure conplianco wi·~h tho provisions of this Rcculation; and

(b) c:ata on ·tha ability of tho ship to conply with c.1a.oe,ee stability

criteria as cleteminod by this Rae:,-ula.tion, incluclinc; the effect

of relaxations that nay havo been allowed under sub-pa.rar.,;raph (l)(c)

of this Rc&ula:tion,

Page 43: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 43 -



.:t~1¥1-l t solutions:

Dlondinc Stooks lloofere Flux

Strt.iGht Run Residue

Oils& .... _., .. Cla.rif'iod

Crude Oil

111::tures contD.ininc orudo oil

Diosel Oil J.i'uol Oil iro.4 Puol Oil No.5 Pu.el Oil No.6

~ooidual Fuel Oil

noa.d Oil

~ra.11sf'omer Oil ~rono.tio Oil (oxoludincr voaotablo oil)

r,ubrioo.tincr Oils nnd l3lcndins Stooks

m.11oral Oil

IIotor Oil

Ponetratinc Oil Sr>inc.1le Oil

':i.'w:'bino Oil

/Ji~raiBbt Run

Fla.abed Feed Stocks

Gas Oils .......... .,._.



MP/COlTir/..r::>. 21

a.s,.sa.Une Blendi_nS4J3.t~ol~:

Alkylatos - f'uol Rofoma.tes Polyoer .. fuol


Oaein8hoad (nb:turol)

AutOl:lotivo :AvitLtion

Stra~t 11\m

Fuel .O.U No.1 (!:S~) . Fuel Oil No.W

Fuel Oil m,. 2

Fuel Oil m,.2.,n

Jet Fuelss

JP-l (Kerosene)

JP-, JP-4 JP-5 (Kerosene, :Ioo:v:;r)

Turbo Fuel

Kerosene Minora.1 Spirit


Solvent Petrole-w:i Heartcut Distillato Oil

i~ The list ot 0111 shall not necessarily bo considered aa oonpreheneive.

Page 44: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

.. 44 -



Issued under the Provisions of the International Convention for tho Provontion of Pollution fro0 Ships, 1973, under the Authority of tho Govel'nilent of


. •·

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (full desiana,tion 0£ the country)

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (full desiana.tion of the oonpetent person or organization authorized under the provisions of the International Convontion for the Prevention of Pollution fron Ships, 1973)

l1ace or Distinctivo Port 0£ Gross


Ship lTuobar or 1\nrr,istq Tomla8'8 Lottor

Oil Tankor, inoludina ooobination carrier*

Asphalt oarrier * Ship othor than an oil tankor with oargo tanks ooninc: under Rogula tion 2 ( 2) -:f

Ship other than any of the above*

Hew/existing ship -l}

Data 0£ 'building or tll.jor conversion oontract: ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Date on whioh keel was or ship was in a stnr;o of construotion or on whioh aajor conversion vas oowenood •••••••••••••

Date ot doliver, or conpletion of mjor oonvorsion •••••••••••••••••••••

--* Delete aa nppropriato

Page 45: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 45 - r/fP / CONF /WP, 21


The ship is equipped with:

For ships of 400 tons arose end o.bovo:

(a) oily water sepa.ra.tin{! equipr.ient-1} (capable or procl1.1o!s1c tho effluent ,.,i th oil content not exceeding 100 pnrts ::.,or million) or

(b) on oil fHtorinc; syetarp':· (oa.l)tlble of producinc; the o:t:tluont uith content not oxoeodine 100 pnrts per million)

J?or ships . of 10,000 tone crroos tonna.3<3 a.nd a.bovo1

( c) an oil disoha.rGQ rioni torine o.nd control syator.r:, or (additionn.l to (a) or (b) o.bovo)

(d) oily- water sopo.ra.tinG oquipr:iont o.nd an oil fil torin[; e~rs-~or:1•::-( capable of 1,rod.uoill? tho effluent with oil oontont not o::coodina' 15 po.rte por oillion) in liou of (n.) or (b) abovo.

:}artioulare of rcquireoants iron tthich oxooption io gro.ntot1 l.U'ltle~ :1.oc;ulntion 2(2) o.nd 2(iJ.)(o.) of linnox I of tho Convention:

• • t f • I • I• 6 • t I e • •• e • e •• •.• ••• I •• • I•• I••• a• • It t I• •• •• t. It t • t. • t It • I

ff t f I•• f I t I I • f It f I. I •.II t I I f ♦ 4li • I • • • • I • ta t • e ♦• • • • • • • a I•• t I• f ft f I I I


{:• Doleto a.s o.pp::..•oprinto

Page 46: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

IlfP/:J.J't.TF/\TP • 21

OIL T.LUncrmJ/ ;/

Deadweiaht • • • • • • • • • • • :c:111trio tons. Length or ship . ...... ' .. . It is certified that this ship is:

(a.) required to be constructed. o.coording to and oooplios ui trf/ (b) not required to be oonstruotad a.ooording' tJ/ (c) not required to be constructed a.ocordina to, but oonplios uit~

tho roquirooents of ReG'lllotion 24 of fi.nnox I of the ~onvenilon.

Tho of soc;reautod ballast tanks is•••••••••••• oubio netres nnd. conpliea with the requirat1cmts of Rosu].ation 13 of .Anno=: l of tho Convonticn.

TJ.10 so{!:t'oao,ted btl.llast is distributed as follows:

-- ... --.......... Tonk .Q,uo,ntit1 Tank r~uc.ntity

~_,__..- ....... flt

................... This Po.rt should bo oonpleted · £or oil tankers inoludinc: oonbinntion oarriera and asphalt oarriors, o.nd thosG entries whioh ~ro applicable should be oooplctod for ships other than oil tankers which ere oonstruotec1. a.nd utilized to carry oil in bulk of an a~aresato oapaoity of 200 o~bio ootres or abovo •

• 'J/ Delete as appropriato.

:;/ This need not bo roproduoed. on a Cortit'ioa.te issuod to any ship othor tha.n those referred to in footnote J/,

Page 47: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 47 ... 1,t,/bOllF/WP. 21


That the ship has boon surveyed in ncoordanoo with ReG,"'llla.tion 4, or .Annex I· to the International Convention for the Provontion o:r 1·01:ution froD Ships, 197,, oonoe:t'J:U.l'lB tbe prevention of poll~tion by oilJ e.nd

That the survey shows that tho structure, oquipnent, fittil.'lGS arro.n..,'l'0cont and oa.terial of tho ship and the condition thereof is in all roa~oots sa.tisi'aotory and tl1at·the olu.pcooplies with the applicable reQui.zooonts of li.nnox I of the Ccnvantione

This Oartif'icato in va.lic1 Ui."'\til , •••••• •·• ••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••• subject to intemediate aurvey(s) at of'••••••••••••••••••••

Isoued at•••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (plo.oo of issue of

•••••••••••••••• , ••••• 19 •• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (Sia:naturo of duly authorized o!fioial the Cortifioato)

(Soal or stat?P of the issuine Authority, o.o o.pproprio.te)

This is to certify that this ship has been so equipped ~s t.'.'l OOilJ?lY \11th tho roquirooento or the Interna.tioml Convention for the l?revont.1.on of Pollution i'roo Ships, 1973 a.a relatillG' to existinG ships t!u"Go y-t•ars froo tho ootlin(:: into for0111 or tho r,..,nver.til"ln.

SJ.en.eel ••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••• (SiC'Jllltlu-8 of duly authorizod official)


Place of ondorsocont ••••••••••••••••••

Date 0£ endors8tlent •••••••••••••••••••

(Seal or of the Authority, as appro,riato)

.;~ This entey need not be roproduar.,,~ on & Cer:1cif'icate othor tlmn tho first Certif◄.oate issuod. to any ship,

Page 48: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

MP/COlri/WP. 2l

This is to certify that at an Intemediate Eriln'ey Teq_uired by IleauJ.a.tion 4(1)(0) of l.nnex I of tho Oonventi1m• this sh1;.;; . a:u:'l the oondition thoroof is found. to oooplywith the relaw.nt provisians of the Convention,

Signod ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (Signature ot duly autho~izod offioiBl)

Pl~oe ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Date •••••••••••••••• •••• •••••• •• •• •

(Seal or star.1p· of the Authority, e.s approprinto)

Signed ••• , • •, •• , •••• , ••• , •••••••••• (Signature or duly authorized offioiaJ)



(Seal or staop or the Authority, as

lind.or the provisions of nogulation 8(2) and (4) of' 4mox I ot' the Convention the validity of this Certificate is extended until


Signed•••••••••••••••••••••••••~••• (Higno.ture of duly 4Utho~izod ~fficial)

Place•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Da.te ............................. ' .

(Sc;.11 or of tho Authority, a1 a.ppro-.;.1riate)

Page 49: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

... 49 - liil' /conF/WP • 21


Fom of Oil Re2,9rd Book



iJo.r.10 of ship ••.••• , •••..• , .•••••.•...•..••••.......•••.. , .•..•••.•••.•

Total cargo carrying capacity o:f ship in cubic r.1ctrcs •••••••••••••••• •

Voyage fro~••••••••••• (dato) •••~••••to•••••••••• (date)••••••••••

(a) Loadin~ of oil cnrgo

-·----------------·--... :-··---·r · · -- -·-· · 1·-· · ·-·-•·-; .... ;• H Da:o __ °:1,: ;;:~c_: of, ;:~~1:1::,_ • ~ ..... ---.---L-----l-----.. ; ~-~~-s-~ oil loa<1_~---- ♦---.J-----·L·-·---1----~--j

I_dcmtit~. o:. tn.nk(s) l<:._~~-----•f--....:...._":~-------Closing of applicable oar6-o j , l tank vc,lvcs and applicable ! '

____ !p_~:~z;;:r;r v~!;~~ln2! ---~---- .. --♦-·--- ______ .. _

j 3, ........ . . ! 4. i i I j -Tho undcrde,no,1 ccrtifi;..:s the,t in addition to tho nbovc, a.11 sea valves,

ov1..:-rboa.rd discharge valves, cargo tank and pipolinc oomiuctions and intor­connoctiona, wurc soourod on co~plotion of loading oil cnrg,:,, of ontry ••••••••••••••••• Officvr in ohn.rgc •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

1/ -

Mns tor , •• , , ••• , ••••••••••••••• , •••••• , , •••• •

This 1\'..rt sh0uld bo conplote:d for oil tank.:rs including cor,1bina.tion carrfors u.nd asphalt co.rriurs, ..:i.nd thosu ontrios which applicable shall be• completod for ships other th.:m oil tankers which constructed and utilizod to carry oil in bulk of an a,egrucnto cn.paci ty of 200 cubic notros or n.bovo,

2/ App1 ¾,,.•1hlc vnlv.ia nnd sinil;,r ,bvl~u:i nrc, t.h0t..:''-- rvfcrrc<J to .in • .,.,'t':,• 11J,HM,« :?O(·,)(" )(i.:U )., .:, ~ ,ind :"'4 of Annc,x I of tho Convention,

Page 50: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

MP/CON'.F/WP.21 - 50 -

(b) Internal tra.nsf er of oil car50 during voyage

f • ;. Date o~ ... i~~•e::~· ~;;;s~~ ---·-H-----T·--·-----~-i-> _______ .,._,.. ___ ................. _ ............................. ___ ,.. _______ . ____ ,~ _____ _...._.. ........ ~,.,,. .... ... .................... I 6. Identity of ta.nk(s) i From I 1---~---·-..... ---....... -·-----~.----·-·-----...... ----- .. .__1_1_, ........... T ... o --"'I----··-·~-----+,_.__._""""" I 7. Was(were) ta.nk(E!) in 6(i) emptied? / L..:,-----....,..,,_,._..,,,...._,_,. -- -- ............ .._........,_..,_ ....... _....... ..... - ........... ~ ................

The undersigned certifies that in addition to the above, all sea valves, overboard discha.1•ge valves, cargo tal'lk and pipeline connections and inter­connections, wore secured on completion of internal transfer of oil cargo.

Date of entry••••••••••••••••• Of fie er 111 oha:t.\3'0 •••• , ••••••••••••••••••••

11autar, •••••• o •••• •••••••••••••• , •••••••••

(c) Unloading of oil cargo

..... ..-.__.. .... ___ _._ ... ._... ......... ,,.__ .... -................ ....., ............ ·-·. -_ ....... .....__ ............... .-..... T ........... _~ 8, Date and place of unloading . .

9, Identity of ta.nk(s) unloaded

10. Wu..:( were) tank( s) emptied:'

n. Opening of applicable cargo tank valves and applicable lino cut-off valves prior to car{;o unloadingV ............... .......,. _____ ............. , ........ .,. ........ "-..................... ..

12, Closing of applicable cargo tank valv·os and applicable line cut .. off/ valvos on cot1pletion of w1loading-

-· ,..,..... . -. ·- ............. -... -.. __ ...,...

......................................................... ... . ................... , ......... ,...._ ............. _.. ..... ,...,. .............. , .. ..........., .. ...... ..• ~ ... , ....... ._.

The undorsigncd certifies that in n.ddition to the above, all soa. valves, overboard discharge valves, earl!() tank and pipeline connections and int, ,' connoctions, wore sccur1,,1d on conpletion of ut1loading of oil ca.i•go,

Date of entry••••••••••••••••• Officer in cha.rGv,, ••••••••••••••••••••••

Mo .. s tcr • ••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , • •

Page 51: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 51 - MP/ C01'fii'/WP. 21

(d) Ballasti11G of co.ry;o tan1.::s

... r-llr .. _,_ ___ .,.,,,.,.....,._._...,.. •• VT ...... ....... -... I 13. Iclonti ty of tank(s ) ballasted - .... _ ___.,

of 14, Dntc and position start of ballastin iJ

ship o.t

. ·-------15, If valves connocti

anc1 SO(;Tc:;-ated · bal used ctvo time, da of ship when v~lve ( 11) opcmcr1, a.ncl ( ::>

ng car.:ro lines last linos wore to and :r.>osition s were ) closc(1.,

- ----


Th~ undorsi~ned certifies that in addition to the a~ove all sea valvos, ovo:cbon.rd discharge valves, cargo tank anr.l pipeline conqeotions ancl intvr­connootions, were sccurod on comploti~v of tallasting

Date of entry • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Officer in Ohar~c •••••••••••••• f ••••• •

M1:.;.stor • t o • I • f ,t • t f • 4 f • I • • • I • f • f t f I t t I e •

(c) Cl<.:Rninc; of cnrco tanks

16, Identity of tank(s) cleaned.

17. a.ncl duration of cloaninc

18. ...... -· -·. -..----- ..... .. . - . v--·-·----... ·-·-·---· ...

Mdhotls of clcanin,; ---

Date of entry •••••••••••••••••••• Officor in chnrce • I f • f t I I • f f t • f I t I I I • 8 t ••••• , ••••••••• t •••••••••••••••••

;;/ Hand hosin{;, machine washin(,; ancl/or chemical cluaninl.;, Where ch~micnlly clGa.ned, tho chemical concerned and tho nr:iount used should be state:d.

Page 52: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

NP /CONF /WP, 2i - 52 -

(f) Dischar:o of dirty oallast

-------··----·-·---------~ ........ ------------r------..............-19, Identity of tanl-::(s) -----·-·•·•------··-20, Dato and position of ship at

stnrt of disch"J,r,.'_;'C to sea

21. Date and position of Phip at finish of discharGe to sea

22. Ship's specd(s) durin6 discharc;o ----·-·---------





·---.~-- ...... ...-........-..........,~ ............................................. .. 27. W2.s a rcc,ular chuck kept on cho

cfflue:nt am: tho r.mrfacc of tho water in tho locali+,y of tho J.ischa:c.:;o

;8-:--~~s- :ny :•;;::::~:-;h:-:;f~:c:·r .. ·•-•·~ -of tho water in the locnlity of the discht1r:;o

..,.. .............. ...__...,_~,..--=••••na ............... _.......,. _........._ ...... -.~....._ . .,,.__,.....,,.._ ................ .-~• ,,., .. ..,......,____. ..

Date of ei~try ♦ • I f I • I t f • t I t I I I f I I I Off icor in ..:ihari::;c t t f I f I t t t I f f • • I f f I t I I I

I I t I I I • • t t f f t f f f I I I I I t I t I I I I f I I I f

Page 53: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

"" 53. ..

Cz-) Discbarg0 of water from slop tnnlcs

-----·----------------- -----1"--•~ .. .-...... ~-...-.......J. •. --...........

I 25. Identity of slop tank(s) i-... ---------....-----.....,._~-------+------t· ... ....., . ...,__ .. ' I 30. Tirl0 of settling fro□ inst

entry of residues, or

31. Time of settling from last discharec

Dato, time and position of ship et start of dischnrec

~ . ·- ---~-.....--..---·.-..-........... ..-................ ... ' ' 3}. of total contonts nt l L--

start of dischargo

Sounding of oil/water interface

··r· ~ .. --·•-•'· I \ - ·---··.,<ill t•- -- ...,.,_, __ _

I ··•---·•-• ... •·-•·r·· ... -----~--- .... -l

I .., __ • --···-----t··•-4' ....... ., ....... ·-----1 1 34.

at start of dischn.rce , '

I 35. ~~·;u:;;~~-d~~~·h:;;;d~-~;-•1. ·---·- .. ·1 · .. -~ ·- ... .,_ ...... •·

I ro. to of discharge , i-=-------·-·-··----- -· ....... .,._ - .. .,,. --~ _..~ ··- ....... , ........... _... __ "'·-·· -► ............ ·-I 36. Final quantity;ed rmd · /

I- --~:.:0-~0!-~~S-C~1~ff: ... _ --•--·--••....,.I _____ .,.•-··•·•~•-•·• • 37. !Jr,t,,: tfoo and position of

ship nt c:nd of discharge

38. Ship's spocd(s) during dischcrcrc

39. Sound in::; of oil/wr.t.:.:r intc:r!MC? n,t end of diacha.rc;o

40. Wns rm.y p,,-rt of th(I dfochnr,;o conductod durinr, darkne;:is, if so, for how lone-1----·-·-----......... ...._... ........ , .... _. _ _. .......... ,._.. ... ~ ... -· ...................... ,_ .. - ,. ...... ~ .... --.--•·


Was n. rozula.r choclc ko:pt 'Jn tho effluent ano. the surfa,e of the water in the locali ;y of the dischar;::c

.., ............... .........,.,~.....,. •• • •n..., ..._....._............,_ .. .........,,..,.--,,.,..-. •· •-••• ♦- ....... ·---""""-·

42 • Was any oil observed on th0 surface of the water in tho locality of the dischar~e ,_ _____ ......., .. ...................... -.-.--.. .... --.....,. ... .-,----•----t..i..----------

Dato of ontry ••••••••••••••••••••• Off~cer in Ohargo ••••••••••••••••••••

H0-s~cr , ••• , • •••••• ,,, •, ••••• , • •,.,. • •

Page 54: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

MP/ CONF,/vlP. 21 ..

(h) Disposal of residues

43. Identity of to.nk(s)

44. Quantity disposed fron tank

Method of dispost'l.l of :residue:

(a) Reception facilities

(b) Mixed with cargo

(c) Transferred to another (other) tank(s) (identify te.nk(s))

(d) Otr.._er_r.1_e:!_°!,~5.s:_~::.;.1_h_ic_h_) .. ___ ····--+---·~---·---46. .i:.,a,tc and port of disposal of l

residue i ------;l-• ~ ........................... ...

Dnto of entry••••••••••••••••••••• Officer in dh~r6c •••••••••••••••••••

1'-!astor •• , ••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••

( i) Discharge of clean ballast contained. in cargo tanks

I 47. Date and position of ship r at cor:u:ic cement of 1ischargc l of clonn ballast r---,_ ... ·-- . ,,,..... ___ ....... - . .,., ............................... .-. ____ .....,._ #.-..... ...., .. ~.-................... , ......... -

1 48 • Iuon"'Ci ty of. tank( s) 1ischare,cc1

4 9 • Hns (wore) the ta.nk( s) 0rnpty <m conplction

50. Position of vessel on couplotion if differont fror:i ,17

51. Was any pa.rt of the clischnr6e conducted durine; darkness, if so, for how lon~

Was a reg"Ular check kopt on tho offluont ~d the surface of the water in th0 locality of tho discharJ:";o

53, Wn.£ any oil obscrvod on the ourfaco of tho wato:r in the loca.lity of the tlisch:1r.eso

Date, of ontry , ••• , ••• • • ••• • .. •.,,, 0fficar in nhara-o •, •••• ,,. ••• , ... , ••

Page 55: IMCO - International Maritime Organization

- 55 - .. MP/CONF/WP,21

( j) Discharge overboard of bilge water containinf~ oil which ha.s aocUI1ulatocl. in nachinery spaces whilst in port .. ~/

54, Port

55, Duration of stay

56, Qu~ntity disposvd

5?. DR to :3,nd place of disposal

58. ?iothod of disposal ( whotlwr a sopara tor was used)

Date of entry••••••••••••••••••••• Officer in dharie •••••••••••••••••••

I•1as tcr ••••••••• • •• • • , •••••••••••••••

(k) Accidcnfa1 or othoJ'.' exceptional <1.icch."..r:·.1s of oil

'59. o.nc1. t·i-:-o; :·c:;r:-:a•--· -~•U••-···--- ·---. •. ·---···--, ----------- .... •··.. . . . . . . ....... -·... ··- -· .... -~- -. . --~ -~-~ 60. or position of ship J

at tir:o of occu1•r0ncc ..----•·•· ....... ---• .. •·•· .. •--•••a••• .. •·•••••*· •·••• • •· .. •·••+4'••• ••• --~• •~•• •·•;;."' • • """•·•· .., _ _.. • *•""

61, Ap:proxinnto qun.ntity 2,nd type of oil

62. Circunst.nnccs of c'ischarg·c or cscnpo, the reasons thorcfor n.nd ecno:rri,l rcr:arks

D~tc of entry••••••••••••••••••••• Of fie er in O'hnrgo ••••••••••••••• , •• , •

• JJTiD.c tcr , ••••••• • • , •••••••••••• , •••••••

/JI 'Nhe:rci tho punp st11.rts o.utor:a ticnlly and discha.r,z;e;e throu1<:h a s0po.r1J. tor. -1t nll tines it will be• sufficient to cnt-::r each c1uy ".Autnn.1tic discharge fron bHccs through sopara.toru,

Page 56: IMCO - International Maritime Organization


(1) Has the oil nonitorine; anc1 control syst<m boon out of operetion at any tine when discharcing ovorboo.rd, If so eive tine and of failure ancl tir.10 and d.atc of restoration nncl confirn that this was due to 0quipmont failure and state roason if known•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•·•· • • • I • t t • e e • tt t • t I 4 f f t • t • f e e I • e I I I I t f I f f t t • t f I • I tt I t e • I • • I t • f I • t • e t • ti t I t t f t • t t I •

• I •• I e • e f • t I t I a t • I f fJ • • • I • f • I I e tt I I t ♦ I I I • t I t t o I • • • • I • • I I t t e • I f I • I t t t i t t • t • • t t O f

Date of ontry ••••••••••••••••••••• Officer in o har{.?;o ••••• , , • , ••••••••••

ltastor •• , •••••••••••••••.•.•..•.....

(r.1) Ac'tcli tional operational procechtres and tJencra.l rcr.mrks • , , ••••••••• , , •• , ,

I I I ♦ I I t I I f t f I f I I f I f t f t I I I I t t I I I t f t t t ♦ ♦ f t t I I t t t I I f I I I I • I j I ♦ • • I t I ♦ I t I I f I t • t • • t I

t t t • • • • • ♦ t t • • t ♦ t t t • • f • • • • • t 41 • O I t • t. t t t • t • t t f t ♦ • o t t ii • • • t t a • a • • • t • • t t t t t t • • t • t • I

For oil tankers of less than 150 {,Toss tons tonna.r;e operating in :iccorclanoc with Rcc:ulat.i.on 15(4) of Annex I of the Convention, an a.ppropriato oil rvcord book should be: developed by the M.r.iinistration.

For a.sphal t carriers, o, scp1.1.ratc oil record book: r.m.:r bo <icvolop0c1 by the Adr.linbtration utili?,ing suctions (a), (b), (c), (c), (h), (j), (k) and (r.1) of this forn of oil l't-Cor<J book.

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!Jane of ship •••••• ., ••••••••••••••••• , , , •••• , •••••••• , •••••••• , ••••••••

Operations from•••••••••••• (date), to•••••••••••••••••••••••• (dato)

(a) Ballasting or clcnn.ine; of oil fuel tanks

:------....................... -··•~•-•·- - ....... ..........- ............... ~···1"· ... --.. ,A. ....... , ...... " .... •·•·• ._ ............ ·-- ...... ····•

1. Identity of tanl~(s) ba.llustod

2. Whether cleaned since they last contained oil and, if not, typo of oil previously carriod !

3, Dato and position of ship nt start of cleaning

Date of entry••••••••••••••••••••• Off iocr in O!ha.r,1c •••••••••••••••••••

Iia.stor •••••••••••••••••••• · •• • • . •. • • •

(b) Discharge of cUrty ballast or clonnina- wntcr fron tanks referred to under oootion (n.)

--· ·--· .,,.... .... -· ............ ,,._,.~·- ••••• * •• •-4-. • .......................... ~ ..... ,, ....... ..

5, !rJontity of tank(o) I I · ....... -........... -~ ........... ~· .. ~. ~-1·· ................. . 6. Dato nnd position of ship -r ·;:. -:t-:t~: ;:.-:;;:~::-.~~-. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . ..... .

Rt finish of discharge

8. Ship's spood(s) during disch;,,rg.,

9, Method c,f c1.ischar;:,e (stnte whcthor to rocoption facility or thr,:mgh insto.llcd cquipnont)

10, Qur.ntity dische.rgcd ! ............

Date of entry••••••••••••••••••••• Officer in ~harcc •••••••·••••••·•··•

r~ias tor •• ' •.••••••......•••••...•.•••

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rD? /r'ONF /WP• 21 - 58 -

(c) Disposal of rosiducs

i--;:;:-.-~:;tit~- ;· r~-a~:--;:;;:1~:~ .. I -•·--u----r--·--- I 7 : ....... ~ ... ..l?ll~~~ .. --------·· ... -l- .. ---&~------+-------41

12. Mot. hods of disposal of / j I rosiduo: · ,

I l (a) rocopt ... :m facilitfos l (b) nixod with next bu11kcringl

(c) transforrcd to another 1: 1

(other) tank l (d) other method (state 1,.-· j

I t

1 ' I I I i I

:--•-;-3-.-•-D, ... 1. t-~--i/ ... ~.~p ;o~ •:r. d;s~::a;-·-• .......... _ ..... -~ ---♦ r.: • - . ---1! of residue _____,._...,...., ___ ---·----·---·-· .... .,...,__.,._ ... .....,.....,......-.....-------··..,.._......,.--....., ,............._........_ ____ __

Dnte of entr.r•••••••••••••••• Officer in charac •••••••••••••••••••••••

lfristor •• •• , •.•• , •••.•••••••••••••• , ••• , •

(c) through oily water 1 aop/:'..rE>.ting oquipnont and ! an oil fil taring sys ton; I i ___ ·-•➔W-.-.... ,t.r,.... ~..QP,PWAL1P.-1.~~2.......L.,.._ ..... ____ L. __

Dato of ont:Y••••••••••••••• Officor in cho.rgo••••••••••••••••••••••••• MOBto-r •••••••• , •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••

* Whore the puup starts n.utor.mtiovlly and dischc..rgos throUB"h n. sopnrrt.or a.t all tir.1os it will be sufficiont to ontor dcy 11n.utoma.tio disoha.rgo fron bilgos through a ,101)a.rator",

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... 59 - MP/CONP/WP .21

( e) Accid2ntc.l or othr:::::- oxccptio,10.l dischc..t\:tcs of oil

19. Dr.,tc and tine of occurrence

20. Place or position of ship at tino of occurrence

21. Approxir::ato quantity and typo of oil

22, Circun::itanccs of discharge or escaJ10, the reasons therefor and 0cncral rer.1arks

•. __.., .. , j

... -'


Dt,te of entry •••••••••••••••••••••• Officer in ~ar.':;c , •••••••••••••••••

(f) Hns tho roquirod oil nonitorin3 1:1..nd control systcli1 b,;;cn out of operation at any timo when disoharginc ovurboa.:r{l. If so, stat~ timv and dat~ of failure and timo aml date of restoration, and confirm that this was duo to equipment failurr1, ai"le. state x·cason if known.

Date of entry•••••••••••••••••••••• Officer in <'!h.'.'trie , •••••••••••••• , , •

~1as tcr ••••••............•..•..•.•••

(e) New shinf:1 of_ ,t,OOO tons r:ross tonn1v:0 rind nbovo: has dirty boll~st been oa.rried in o i1 fu~ .. 1 t anl~s Yes/No •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• If so, state which tanks wcfi; so bo.llaste:d am,. ncthoc1 of dischal'(;'G of

tho dirty ••• , ..••• , .••.•.•••••••••••••••... c •••••••••••••••••• -t, ••• •

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. , ........ . ·•·•·•••·••·•••·• .. •••••••••••••••••··••••·••o••·•·•·••• .. •·•·•••Ottffl~t.-•, .:tf

Date of entry••••••••••••••••••••• Officer in ~hargo •••••·••••••••••••

I·1as t er • • ......................... & • •

(h) .Additional opcrn.tional procc1}u1·os ruid r,cncral :re~,rks •••••••••••••••••

•••••••••••••••~citto••••••••e••••••••••••••••••.,n•••••"so11••••••fl11,-.o, ~·",••• of entry ••••••••••••••••••• , , Officer in onar5c •••••••··•••••·•••

?·~:tstc.1r , •••• " •••••••••••••••. "' • II • • • •