imagine cup 2014 korea top 20 orientation

Top 20 Orientation 2014/02/28 한한한한한한한한한

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Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Top 20 Orientation on Feb 28 2014


Page 1: Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Top 20 Orientation

Top 20 Orientation2014/02/28 한국마이크로소프트

Page 2: Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Top 20 Orientation



C.M.o.SeN#RI.FKELTPin the CloudProbrain GlassesChange your life

BomonDream QuartetHolo-FactoryIllusionisti-nectPenta-ErrorX.Y.Z

ArchisignEn# LImFactLearncherMusteedThinkerBellCommon

Page 3: Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Top 20 Orientation


Time Session

2:05-2:10 Welcome Speech – 송규철 상무2:10-3:00 Imagine Cup Korea Final 심사 기준 , Top 20 숙지 사항 안내 – 송은비 대리3:00-4:00 Winning the Imagine Cup – 박영부님 (Imagine Cup 2009 World Final Embedded

부문 우승 )

4:00-4:30 Imagine Cup Technical Requirements – 김재우 부장4:30-4:40 Wrap up

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Welcome Speech송규철 상무한국마이크로소프트 개발자 플랫폼 사업본부Imagine Cup Korea Final 심사위원장

Page 5: Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Top 20 Orientation

심사 기준 및 숙지 사항송은비 대리한국마이크로소프트 개발자 플랫폼 사업본부Audience Marketing ManagerImagine Cup Korea Champ

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All Competitions

<Korea Final>

• Live Presentation of your project to a panel of judges at the National Final. This presentation should ex-plain your project and your team: Who your team is; what your project does; who your project is for; and how you will bring your project to market. ( 발표 한국어 진행 , Template 없음 )

• Software usable by the judges in a hands-on evaluation. (Software 전부 영문 – Menu, Instruction 등 / 다국어 지원 가능 )

• Software Instructions document explaining how to use your software. ( 영문 , Optional – Semifinal 및 Showcase 시 심사위원용 배포 자유 )

<World Semifinal – Korea Final 종료 1주일 이내에 1차 업로드 완료 , 그 후 2014년 4월 30일까지 새 버전으로 업데이트 가능>

• Presentation Video of your project in which your entire team appears on camera to deliver the presentation as if to a panel of judges. This presentation should explain your project and your team: Who your team is; what your project does; who your project is for; and how you will bring your project to market. Your video must be no longer than ten minutes and it may not have any edits or added visual effects. You may not move the camera during your presentation. In all respects it should replicate the experience of a judge sitting and watching your live presentation.

• Project Proposal to compete against other students from around the world in the World Semifinals. This should be a Microsoft Word or PDF document no longer than ten pages, or a PowerPoint presentation no longer than twenty slides, which explains your project and your team: Who your team is; what your project does; who your project is for; and how you will bring your project to market.

• Software usable by the judges.

• Software Instructions document explaining how to use your software.

• World Semifinalist Survey on our website, filled out by our team and containing important information needed to promote your team online including a team photo and screenshots/pictures of your project. This survey will be available as of 1 December 2013 and will only be accessible to World Semifinalist teams.

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Games Competition – Judging Criteria

In every round, each entry will receive a score of 1-100, based on the following criteria. Entries are re-evaluated at each round on the basis of the latest version of the software so your continued development progress may raise your next score. Criteria Description Weighting


• Does the game have a clear target market or audience? • Does the game present a clear and attractive concept of who you are, what you are doing, and why you

are doing it? • Is the game’s core gameplay understandable and appealing?



• Is the game exciting to play? • Is there good player feedback? • Is the game appropriately challenging? • Does the player want to keep coming back for more? • Does the game deliver appealing innovation in gameplay, storytelling, art direction, or other areas?




• Is the game easy to learn and use? Does it have good usability features such as player help, tutorials, and game pause?

• Does the game have a professional degree of production in terms of user interface, art, music, and sound?

• Does the game perform well and respond crisply to input? • Does the game make effective and appropriate use of the major features of its chosen platform(s)? Were

there significant platform features or even platforms the project could have benefitted from but failed to utilize?



• Does the team have a credible plan for getting their game to market in terms of business model, any required partnerships or licenses, or other factors?

• Does the team have any form of external validation for their game such as customer surveys, focus group tests, an active beta-test program, recommendations from subjectmatter experts, or potential in-vestors?

• Does the game have a reasonable chance of success in its appropriate market given the team’s existing plan?


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Games Competition – Korea Final Guidance

Live Presentation

The Live Presentation is a ten minute PowerPoint overview of your team and project accom-panied by a live stage demonstration of your project. This presentation should explain your project and your team: Who your team is; what your project does; who your project is for; and how you will bring your project to market. The Live Presentation must meet the following cri-teria as well as any other criteria set forth by your National Final and/or the World Finals:

1. You are responsible for arriving with your software installed on suitable hard-ware for the demonstration.

2. Your presentation must clearly address each of the Judging Criteria outlined above.

3. The project you demonstrate must be fully functional and implemented.

4. Any or all of your team members may participate in the presentation, but all are not re-quired to participate. It’s permissible for a single team member to deliver the entire pre-sentation.

5. At the end of your presentation, the judges will have ten minutes to ask you questions.

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Innovation Competition – Judging Criteria

In every round, each entry will receive a score of 1-100, based on the following criteria. Entries are re-evaluated at each round on the basis of the latest version of the software so your continued development progress may raise your next score. Criteria Description Weighting


• Does the project have a clear target market or audience • Does the project address a clear need, problem, or opportunity and is the solution clearly ex-

plained? • Is the project’s purpose and basic functionality easily understood?



• Does the project create a new category of product or service? • If there are similar products or services on the market, does the project clearly and meaningfully

innovate beyond those existing products or services? • Does the project present a new and meaningfully improved way of accomplishing something? • Does the project include innovations in user experience? • Does the project include innovations in technical design and/or implementation?



• Is the project easy to use? • Does the project have a professional degree of production in terms of user interface, visuals, and

audio? • Does the project perform well and respond crisply to input? • Does the project make effective and appropriate use of the major features of its chosen

platform(s)? Were there significant platform features or even platforms the project could have benefitted from but failed to utilize?



• Does the team have a credible plan for getting their project to market in terms of business model, any required partnerships, or other factors?

• Does the team have any form of external validation for their project such as customer surveys, focus group tests, an active beta-test program, recommendations from subject-matter experts, or potential investors?

• Does the project have a reasonable chance of success in its appropriate market given the team’s ex-isting plan?


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Innovation Competition – Korea Final Guidance

Live Presentation

The Live Presentation is a ten minute PowerPoint overview of your team and project ac-companied by a live stage demonstration of your project. This presentation should explain your project and your team: Who your team is; what your project does; who your project is for; and how you will bring your project to market. The Live Presentation must meet the following criteria as well as any other criteria set forth by your National Final and/or the World Finals:

1. You are responsible for arriving with your software installed on suitable hard-ware for the demonstration.

2. Your presentation must clearly address each of the Judging Criteria outlined above.

3. The project you demonstrate must be fully functional and implemented.

4. Any or all of your team members may participate in the presentation, but all are not required to participate. It’s permissible for a single team member to deliver the en-tire presentation.

5. At the end of your presentation, the judges will have ten minutes to ask you ques-tions.

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World Citizenship Competition – Judging Criteria

In every round, each entry will receive a score of 1-100, based on the following criteria. Entries are re-evaluated at each round on the basis of the latest version of the software so your continued development progress may raise your next score. Criteria Description Weighting

Concept • Does the project have a clear target market or audience • Does the project address a clear need, problem, or opportunity and is the solution clearly explained? • Is the project’s purpose and basic functionality easily understood?



• Does the project address a problem that is genuinely making life harder for people? • How large is the scope of the project: o How widespread is the problem geographically?

◦ How large is the population affected by the problem? ◦ How severe is the problem’s effects on life? ◦ How well is the problem already being addressed?

• Does the project address the problem in a new or improved way instead of duplicating already existing technologies or efforts?

• Does the project and/or the team inspire hope, curiosity, or passion that could lead to strong partnerships and higher awareness?

• How knowledgeable is the team about the problem they are addressing and how persuasively do they tell the story of that problem and their solution?



• Is the project easy to use? • Does the project have a professional degree of production in terms of user interface, visuals, and audio? • Does the project perform well and respond crisply to input? • Does the project make effective and appropriate use of the major features of its chosen platform(s)? Were

there significant platform features or even platforms the project could have benefitted from but failed to utilize?



• Does the team have a credible plan for getting their project to market in terms of business model, any required partnerships, or other factors?

• Does the team have any form of external validation for their project such as customer surveys, focus group tests, an active beta-test program, recommendations from subject-matter experts, or potential investors?

• Does the project have a reasonable chance of success in its appropriate market given the team’s existing plan?


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Citizenship Competition – Korea Final Guidance

Live Presentation

The Live Presentation is a ten minute PowerPoint overview of your team and project ac-companied by a live stage demonstration of your project. This presentation should explain your project and your team: Who your team is; what your project does; who your project is for; and how you will bring your project to market. The Live Presentation must meet the following criteria as well as any other criteria set forth by your National Final and/or the World Finals:

1. You are responsible for arriving with your software installed on suitable hard-ware for the demonstration.

2. Your presentation must clearly address each of the Judging Criteria outlined above.

3. The project you demonstrate must be fully functional and implemented.

4. Any or all of your team members may participate in the presentation, but all are not required to participate. It’s permissible for a single team member to deliver the en-tire presentation.

5. At the end of your presentation, the judges will have ten minutes to ask you ques-tions.

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Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Final Overview

• 일시 : 2014 년 3 월 27 일 ~28 일 (1 박 2 일 )

• 장소 : 부산 센텀시티 아르피나 유스호스텔 / 소향씨어터 • 예상 참석 인원 : 총 1,100 명 ( 출전 팀 100 명 , 청중 심사단 , VIP, 미디어 1,000

명 )

• 행사 구성• Day 1 : 한국 대표 선발전 준결승 및 결승 진출팀 발표 • Competitor-only 행사로 , 2 차의 온라인 예선을 거쳐 선발된 총 20 개팀 100 명이 경진 참여• 하루 동안의 준결승을 마친 뒤 , 야간에 결승 진출 분야별 2 개팀씩 총 6 개팀 발표

• Day 2 : 한국 대표 선발전 결승• 경진 , 기자 간담회 , 쇼케이스 , 이벤트 부스로 구성• 경진 : 준결승에서 선발된 6 개팀이 심사위원과 청중 심사단 앞에서 경진하며 , 분야별 1 개팀씩 총 3 팀의 World Finalists 선발 • 기자 간담회 : 부산 지역 미디어 초청 , 부산광역시와 공동으로 기자 간담회 개최• 쇼케이스 : 준결승에 참가했던 총 20 개팀이 본인들의 프로젝트를 대중에게 선보일 기회이며 , Korea Final 평가에 쇼케이스 점수도 합산• 이벤트 부스 : 협찬사와 관계사 홍보 가능한 공간

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Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Final Agenda

Day 1 – Korea Semifinal

시간 행사 내용06:30 ~ 11:00 참가자 이동11:00 ~ 11:30 Welcome 이벤트 및 참가자 등록11:30 ~ 11:40 Welcome to Imagine Cup

송규철 상무 :: 한국마이크로소프트 개발자 플랫폼 사업본부11:40 ~ 12:00 특강 – 연사 미정12:00 ~ 12:30 참가자 최종 오리엔테이션

송은비 대리 :: Imagine Cup Korea Champ

12:30 ~ 13:30 점심 식사 및 대회 준비13:30 ~ 19:30 준결승 경쟁 프레젠테이션 ( 팀별 30 분 )

19:30 ~ 20:30 저녁 식사20:30 ~ 22:00 참가자를 위한 네트워킹 행사 및 휴식22:00 ~ 23:30 한국 대표 선발전 결승 진출 6 개팀 발표

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Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Final Agenda

Day 2 – Korea Final시간 행사 내용

10:00 ~ 11:30 미디어 /VIP/ 심사위원 쇼케이스

11:30 ~ 12:00 청중심사단 등록 및 쇼케이스 관람

12:00 ~ 13:00 청중심사단 입장 및 팀별 쇼케이스 심사 점수 취합

13:00 ~ 13:30 개막식1. 사회자 인사 및 Imagine Cup 소개 2. 귀빈 환영사 3. 개회 선언

13:30 ~ 13:45 Dream it, Built it, Live it – World Class Prestige is WaitingSaid Zahedani :: Developer & Platform Evangelism Lead, Microsoft Asia Pacific

13:45 ~ 14:00 심사 기준 및 심사위원 소개 송규철 상무 :: 한국마이크로소프트 개발자 플랫폼 사업본부

14:00 ~ 15:00 Games – Top 2 프레젠테이션

15:00 ~ 15:15 휴식

15:15 ~ 16:15 Innovation – Top 2 프레젠테이션

16:15 ~ 17:15 World Citizenship – Top 2 프레젠테이션

17:15 ~ 17:35 특별 행사

17:35 ~ 17:40 심사 총평

17:40 ~ 17:55 결과 발표 및 시상

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Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Final Awards

부문 순위 / 팀수 상 명칭 상품 Note

경쟁 부문

Games 1 등 부산광역시장상 상패 , 상장 , 연구지원금 100만원

Dynamic Busan 이라는 표어에 알맞게 , 게임 부문의 1 위팀에게 부산광역시장상 수여

2 등 동서대학교 총장상 상장 및 부상

Innovation 1 등 부산경제진흥원장상 상패 , 상장 , 연구지원금 100만원

경제진흥원의 특성과 알맞게 Innovation 부문의 1위 팀에게 진흥원장상 수여

2 등 부산은행장상 상장 및 부상

World Citizenship 1 등 한국마이크로소프트 사장상 상패 , 상장 , 연구지원금 100만원

기술로 세상을 구하는 Microsoft 창업자 Bill Gates의 정신에 알맞게 World Citizenship 1 위 팀에게는 한국마이크로소프트 사장상 수여

2 등 동서대학교 LINC 사업단장상 상장 및 부상

특별상 ( 경쟁 부문과 중복 수상 가능 )

People Choice Award 1 팀 People Choice Award 상장 및 부상 Top 20 의 모든 팀이 제작해 미리 제출하는 Trailer Video 투표 이벤트에서 가장 많은 조회수 (or 좋아요 ) 를 기록한 팀에게 수여

창조경제상 1 팀 Daum 대표상 상장 및 기업 인턴십 기회 제공

1 팀 TBD – Startup/Venture 기업 대표상

상장 및 기업 인턴십 기회 제공 여러 기업들과 논의 중

기타 스폰서상 1~3 팀 ㈜일아아이티 대표상

나머지 후보군 섭외중


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Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Final Judges

Day 1 - Semifinal Day 2 - Final

Games Innovation World Citizen-ship

Games Innovation World Citizen-ship

오성미 부장 (Partner Business Evangelist, Microsoft Korea)

호웅기 이사 (Partner Business Evangelism Lead, Microsoft Ko-rea)

김영훈 상무 (Director of Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Korea)

김동훈 대표 (GOMZ Game Studio)

윤석찬 팀장 (Daum)김영훈 상무 (Director of Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Korea)

박중석 차장 (Techni-cal Evangelist, Microsoft Korea)

김영욱 부장 (Techni-cal Evangelist, Microsoft Korea)

김재우 부장 (Techni-cal Evangelist, Microsoft Korea)

김경호 대표 (XMON GAMES)


권찬 부회장 (초록우산어린이재단 )

황순욱 이사 (Evange-list Lead, Microsoft Korea)

최훈 부장 (Audience Marketing Manager, Microsoft Korea)

유현경 부장 (Audi-ence Marketing Lead, Microsoft Ko-rea)

이승훈 회장 (한국게임개발자협회 )

김재우 부장 (Techni-cal Evangelist, Microsoft Korea)

김영욱 부장 (Techni-cal Evangelist, Microsoft Korea)

김동훈 대표 (GOMZ Game Studio)

조인현 소장 ( 퓨쳐택 정보통신연구소 )

이경용 대표 ( 앱툴즈 ) 양수열 소장 ( 전 JCO)서상범 교수 (동서대학교 )

조인현 소장 ( 퓨쳐택 정보통신연구소 )

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Competitor Schedule

• 3 월 27 일 ( 목 ) 오전• 서울 출발 팀 : 06:10AM 더케이트윈타워 A 동 폴 바셋 앞 집합 (06:20AM 버스 출발 )• 부산 팀 : 10:30AM 아르피나 유스호스텔 ( 부산광역시 해운대구 해운대해변로 35) 2 층 그랜드홀 집합

• 3 월 27 일 ( 목 ) 오후• Top 6 발표 후 아르피나 유스호스텔 퇴실 금지

• 3 월 28 일 ( 금 ) 오전• 모든 팀 • 08:30AM 아르피나 유스호스텔 1 층 로비 집합 (08:40AM 버스 출발 ), 소향씨어터로 이동• 09:00AM~10:00AM 쇼케이스 준비• 10:00AM~11:30AM 미디어 /VIP/ 심사위원 쇼케이스 • 11:30AM~12:40PM 청중 심사단 쇼케이스• 12:40PM 참가자 경진장 착석

• Top 6• ~11:30AM 위와 동일• 11:30AM~12:40PM : 무대 리허설

• 3 월 28 일 ( 금 ) Korea Final 종료 후• 서울 팀 : 6:40PM 소향씨어터 정문 집합 (7:00PM 버스 출발 )

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• 숙소 : 팀별 / 성별 배정 – 추후 업데이트• 참가자 보험 : 1 박 2 일 , 서울 출발 시점부터 Korea Final 종료 후 서울행 버스로 서울 도착까지 커버

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Appendix – 아르피나 (Semifinal 장소 ) 경진장

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Appendix – 소향씨어터 (Final 장소 ) 전경

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Appendix – 소향씨어터 (Final 장소 ) Top 6 무대








심사위원 테이블

1 층 700 석

2 층 300 석

Page 23: Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Top 20 Orientation

Winning Imagine Cup박영부님Microsoft Korea R&DImagine Cup 2009 World Final Embedded 부문 우승

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Technical Requirements김재우 부장디렉터 에반젤리스트 Imagine Cup 2014 Korea 기술 총괄

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Software RequirementsThe Software is defined as an installable and usable software project in the appropriate format for your chosen platform(s). The Software must meet the following require-ments:

• Your software must be in one of the following formats for installation depending on its platform.

Windows: A standard SETUP.EXE or an .MSI Windows Setup application to install your app on a Windows PC. If your project is a Windows 8 Store App, submit it as an .appx app package file with all associated files re-quired for installation, including the PowerShell script; you must also sign the app package by following the instructions given on the Imagine Cup website.

Windows Phone: A standard XAP setup file for deployment to Windows Phone devices. Windows Azure: The web tier of your project must be deployed to Windows Azure and you must supply the

full URL to your site and/or services. If your project includes Windows or Windows Phone client software then those components must meet the platform requirements above. If your project includes an embedded com-ponent then you must submit a console application that simulates the data flow and interaction between your web tier and the embedded device. The console application must be submitted as an *.exe.

The app must be no more than 500MB. No source code is permitted and apps will be disqualified if they are sub-mitted as development projects.

Page 26: Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Top 20 Orientation

Wrap up송은비 대리한국마이크로소프트 개발자 플랫폼 사업본부Audience Marketing ManagerImagine Cup Korea Champ

Page 27: Imagine Cup 2014 Korea Top 20 Orientation


• Official Rules & Regulations 를 꼭 숙지하세요• Judging Criteria 에 맞춰 Software 와 Presentation 을 준비하세요• Showcase 점수도 있다는 것을 잊지마세요• Top 20 인터뷰 회신해주세요