image streaming

Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Techniques page 1 of 6 pages Burton Linne, 2008 Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Technique Burton Linne July 2008

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Boost IQ with image streaming


Page 1: Image Streaming

Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Techniques page 1 of 6 pages Burton Linne, 2008

Image Streaming Brain Exercise and

Problem Solving Technique Burton Linne July 2008

Page 2: Image Streaming

Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Techniques page 2 of 6 pages Burton Linne, 2008

This entire instruction set is based on original works by Win Wenger, PhD as published in his ground breaking book, The Einstein Factor, co-authored with Richard Poe. 1997 Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Technique Burton Linne July 2008 Introduction “Image Streaming” was developed by Win Wenger, PhD in the 1990s as a method of increasing brain activity in below par students. It turned out to be a spectacular success, but even more useful in already superior minds of freshman students enrolled in chemistry and physics courses in a small south western Minneapolis college. The instructor there performed the only scientifically designed test of the efficacy of Image Streaming by measuring the before and after IQ scores of about 30 volunteers. The sample was below the quantity needed for publishing the results. So the test remains unpublicized. However, I saw the test review. On average the advanced intelligence students scores went up 15 to 20 points after 30 days of practicing the procedure. This is what it is. With your eyes closed, you audibly report what you see floating across the inside of your forehead. That’s it. Sounds pretty flaky, but this turns out to be brain work in very high order neuroscience. What you perceive from your five senses is filtered through your limbic system (inner brain) sent through your prefrontal lobes of your brain (forehead) and thence into your cerebrum (grey wrinkled outer brain) for perpetual storage. You can see the information as it travels across your inner forehead as

distinct images, blobs of color, or weird shapes. When you command your vocal chords to describe what you see, the nerve system that translates your thought process into muscle movement (vocal chords) produces a sound. This acoustic energy is detected by both of your ears and translated into electrical pulses which are sent through to your left brain hemisphere which the sends it to your right hemisphere to be processed into a thought for filtering through your limbic inner brain to travel across your forehead up to your grey storage department. This process runs continuously while you are in the game. This is a feedback loop. MRI testing shows that while in this loop, the brain lights up in all parts. This shows that brain activity is stimulated with no more than what I just described that covers all distant parts. Each time a neuron is tickled to send the pulse (information) on to the next neuron, it grows a hard wire to match up with another neuron. This goes on at the rate of about 200 mph. The wires grow very slowly. The signals travel at the high speed. Fifteen minutes to thirty minutes of this activity is like body building with weights for a couple of hours. This is mental exercise unlike any other kind of mind work. Ages: 4 to 90.

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Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Techniques page 3 of 6 pages Burton Linne, 2008

Images? Why do you see images in the first place? The human brain stores images, not words or alphabet or numbers, but images. What you will see flashing across the tv screen inside your forehead

are the images created in your limbic brain from the information flowing into it from the smell, sight, sound, touch, and taste sensors of your body.

The Process Quiet your brain to day dream level. You will be coasting at Alpha frequency. Close your eyes. Get comfortable. Take a deep breath. Let it out slowly. Take another breath, but only half as deep. Let it out slowly. Take another half deep breath. Let it out slowly. Repeat this for 10 half breaths. Listen to your breathing. Focus all your attention on just the sound of your breath. Working with a partner who will prompt you, describe the chair in the corner of your room Then describe what you see as you go around the room to each other item one at a time. Describe these items in as great detail as you can. Color, size, material, surface, and anything else. (This will get the images flowing.) Prompter: What do you see now? Tell me? (This will prevent you from going to sleep) Describe whatever you see, whether something you recognize, or just a blob of color or whatever. Continue this for 10 minutes the first time. Increase each session by 5 minutes until you are comfortable with 20 or 30 minutes. Trade places with your partner when your session is over.

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Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Techniques page 4 of 6 pages Burton Linne, 2008

Problem Solving In this process you will be using an effective method for tapping into the matrix of information as used in quantum physics, remote viewing, distance healing and other previously ridiculed activity that are now proven to be real. Many books are now being written on getting information from the universe’s matrix. This paper will tell you what to do without getting into the various theories. This method works. First you must quiet your brain with the breathing technique taught in Image Streaming as above. The half-breaths cut the oxygen flow to your brain. Continued for a minute or two, the half-delivery forces the brain to partially shut down. This turns off the background chatter. You descend from fully active Beta to day dream level Alpha. There are two more levels available to you: Theta which is no directed thoughts, deep meditation, and Delta which is deep sleep. Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein used variations of this technique in conducting their careers in idea and product design explorations Edison held a ball bearing between his fingers that would wake him when he relaxed to let the bearing fall. Einstein did the same but with a pencil. The following has been well researched. Frequencies are the resonant frequencies of your brain activity. Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ. The beta state is associated with peak-concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity.. 40HZ beta frequency may be key to the act of cognition. You are in Beta now as you read this. Alpha waves range between 7-12 HZ. This is a place of deep relaxation, but-not quite meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of creativity-that lies just below our conscious awareness - it is the gateway, the entry-point that leads into deeper states of consciousness. Alpha is also the home-of the window frequency known as the Schuman Resonance, which is the-resonant frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field. This is where you operate in Image Streaming and in Problem Solving. Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive and-extraordinary realms we can explore. It is also known as the twilight state-which we normally only experience fleetingly as we rise up out of the depths-of delta upon waking, or drifting off to sleep. In theta we are in a waking-dream, vivid imagery flashes before the mind’s eye and we are receptive to-information

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Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Techniques page 5 of 6 pages Burton Linne, 2008

beyond our normal conscious awareness. Theta has also been-identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases-creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and-other extrasensory perception skills. You cannot operate in this frequency, but valuable information can be received if only you can capture it for practical use before it dissolves. 100mg of vitamin B6 daily is helpful in the capture. A pad and pen by your bed is mandatory. Delta waves range between 0-4 HZ. Delta is associated with deep sleep. In-addition, certain frequencies in the delta range trigger the release of-Growth Hormone beneficial for healing and regeneration. This is why sleep,-deep restorative sleep is so essential to the healing process. You cannot achieve Delta if any light energy penetrates you eyelids to trigger electrical pulses to your pineal gland in the center of your brain where a third eye would fit. This is the so-called “third eye.” I now use a sleep mask. A double thick black fabric over my eyes held on with a couple of elastic bands. Result: I am asleep within seconds and awake right on time without an alarm (most of the time) fully alert and rested. This is true even for my daily mid-day 45 minute brain recovery nap. It helps to be on a no-sugar, very low starch diet. Next:. Write your problem in one tight simple sentence. Read your question aloud at least 3 times, e.g., “ Is ABC stock going to rise in price on Friday the 10th of January 2008?” Or, “When will ABC stock rise?” Next: Put yourself in Alpha mode using the breathing technique. Next: visualize your written query. Then read it aloud so you can hear the question as you did in Image Streaming. Then visualize a brick wall. Then jump over the wall. The answer to your question will appear. If the image you see after you have flown over the wall makes no sense, write down or draw what you see. Now ask aloud: “What does this mean?” Another image will appear. Write or draw what the new image looks like. Repeat this process at least 3 times. Write or draw the new image.

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Image Streaming Brain Exercise and Problem Solving Techniques page 6 of 6 pages Burton Linne, 2008

At the end of this repeat and repeat question series you will have 3 or 4 seemingly different answers. But they will each have some nexus to your question. Some kind of common denominator. When you lay them down side by side, the answer will become clear. If not, repeat the answer query four or five more times, once for each new answer. If there is an answer, it will materialize. Burton Linne