ilium kidney skin brain muscle etc…


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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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A new kind of map of the human genome…

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The cell cycle•110 RNA samples from ~9 cycles•5 independent sychronizations•Fourier analysis: ~900 periodically-expressed genes

Mike WhitfieldGavin SherlockOrly AlterOlga TroyanskayAlok SaldanhaDavid Botstein

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Molecular portraits of cancer

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The genome project’s secret to success…


Freely available for anyone to use for any research purpose!

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'Virus chip' helps yield clue to mystery illness By Paul Elias The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — It took just a few waves of the computer mouse for Joseph DeRisi to identify the prime suspect behind the sometimes deadly new mystery illness dubbed severe acute

respiratory syndrome (SARS).

ERIC RISBERG / AP Joseph DeRisi, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, holds a slide containing every known viral sequence at his lab last week.

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Viral genome microarrayViral genome microarray

Novel CoronavirusNovel Coronavirus

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ALL PUBLICATIONS OF PUBLICLY FUNDED RESEARCH SHOULD BE A PUBLIC RESOURCE. Freely available for anyone to use for any research purpose.

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Open Access Working Definition (HHMI Open Access Workshop - April 2003)

An Open Access Publication is one that meets the following two conditions:

1. The copyright holder(s) grants to the public a free, irrevocable, perpetual right of access to, and license to copy, distribute, perform, and display the work and to make and distribute derivative works, in any medium for any purpose.

2. A complete version of the article and all supplemental materials in a suitable standard electronic format is deposited immediately upon initial publication in at least one internationally recognized online repository committed to open access, unrestricted distribution and long-term archiving (example: PubMed Central).

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I supportI support

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Online public resources in the life sciences:

•Genbank (repository of all published DNA sequences)•PDB (repository of all published protein structures)•Stanford Microarray Database (repository of public domain global gene expression data and software with exploration tools)

•Pubmed (database of titles and abstracts of life sciences literature)

•Pubmed central (database of full text and contents of life sciences literature - sparse)