
^~~~ TTHJE i l/SiR^EjL jBTE. IQm^T ^ rT^n TTi ^ nT Trn r' »™d in . Al bany, andih t«>u B*pf. my old I RABBINICAL ANECDOTE. , - $&•) & p»*l3* "Of' : ¦ ' . TrT tl j IK' n A Til Jl I Jii i friend a Mr., and Mrs. ¦Sm ith. , Th«y cam o Rabbi Nahuh was holding his usual lee- M ^ IsratU ^ : - --^ v ^JdldldJ^—iii^^ - one, two, throe, aiL o^^i^^^Wo ffieti and tares . before. . his pupils , Hpweyer mtlch i^^^h^ . p^».^ed , byjBlpCK ^ .C^M ^^ ' ch;ldren; my, whblftrs/friends; 8*3 oppo- these ftdmired the wisdpm, fc ar^ing and ex ^en.and^ne ' jpeoited deoeaae of ouYlate so. west si xtMitreei^^ ^^ md ^^ meft ; hearjy ; welcome in the ceedingjeindness of- thei r celebrated i master mo^V and 'bo-l aborer i^ our holy caixse , ,^S^^SSI3S^SS^~ - --4 {r- ¦ old home. It i s loflg ' flince t. was 6a ' much -^-they admired atill-mbre: his patience and ^ Moaia Seiegei.. Although his residence Friday ^ tott i*»8- - ^"y°y« > * AI l'r ,>0> ^ 8 jn 0ved and enraptured .; a£;;pri$htg pension. equanamUy v i7pr^ a&ong o . s^drily about two years , We can ' ' [ Edtt 6iM46m&o^n£,^o>rv. ' T he * 6 - is . BQmet bin^p^ a^ seyerely ;from a^ aj nfulpaj sy o^isj ia^ d^and ^^^^ehimj forhe.wa s one; of the ^.^ 1 ^rjLiB;!^ . .a ^ in-the.thoug ht of ^ ^et '^Neverthe less he cjij at^^ Monday e vening (Novenibei: 2,). Ilelt Balti- notwithBtandingvi ^mV^hd Space severed interruption;; t p:insl;rpci^hls-^rib>ou8 hear ; of i^B ^^^^SBtipporter of- all measures more in the company* of Messrs , Bijur of tnen1; Thisythe : pp^ ers in the science; of ihe Talmud, and eh- fl ulcula^0plo ' m ote the happiness of m ' aif- Louisville, Gerstley of Chicago , and Schloss 0f tne human mind, exalted ;above space and dured all corporeal pain- without a murmur jji nd eBfceemed aJid loyed by all , who had the ,,f Baltimore . We took the cars to Philadel- fcima Again and anon , I looked into the or a sound of sorrow ; occasionall y, onl y one gQo^ortune to be acquainted witnhim. Our p hia; being dark I had p lenty of leisure to coun(;enances of those who . stood by mei mighthear him exclaim: "It is all for some w ] 8e men ga^ 'fhat the " making mention of reflect oft the past occurrences. Again, all firm aa the primeval- rock , in the hour B of good purpose t" tbe.past produces a blesdjng. " : "»^ have no the scenes, and Words, of theiast two weeks trouble and .tribulation) and poured sweet- ' Rabbi Akiba one day visited him in his ^ otl ij t t liat if you will kindl y fallow me passed before . my jud gment. I could ac- nefJB jnto tne bitter cup which fanatacis m lecture room, and said : "0 , Rabbi , thy wis- tr ough : th e medium of your filufcblp paper . .ount for almost every thing I had seen or and thoughtlessness reached me. . The chil" dom is great , thy philanthropy and kindness the privilege of giving a brief di . tline : of th e heard , except for the pecciiar conduct of the dren ^ 0 once ii 8ten ed attehtiyely to my in- are everywhere objects of praise. How n j st ^ Of ' toe deceased; it may 'stimulate Bal timor e committee men , who called a meet- Btraotion have become adults; and they are could the Father of all ohastise thee so severe- many a ]reader to imitate his example, ing, and when we were there , attempted 8tm attached to me as J am to ^m. My op- l y ? And how canst thou with such humility Mf gp^-^, the eldest son , of ap ious ., most violentl y to crush.their own scheme, p0nents are>io longer as violent as th ey were; and constancy, endure so much , suffering ' tgg^/^i^^ij iaini ; ' a small ' village in Stranger yet , if anything ^ ^ ^J* > things have chan ged^j gjj ^;; " ¦ .V r - without wailing and lament f , , ¦ Rninhe^^ Was their anger at our independent prp c ed- Aflceptilig the ;i„vit,tion,pf : ^e R ev. Dr. Rabbi Nahunj answered:- . "God is al!- omo^i^^^^^ i lo ings , and the success with which we met m CoHlf and ffie Board 0f Truste es, I preached gracious,; I" praise ' him;for ever more, and &s ^ ¦;.j/< ^^ r , - ^ ^ a ^ on : But in Washington , which one^f ^ them exposed ^^ m y abbftth riori^/BerVice , and well does Ho knobby he^iseth man ! ^ . ^ .^^ dutf ;ge jd; > f to^a&te . unrestrained yi a New Wc paper . . X ej . it Snnday afte rnopn ^the S yn aj ;ogue of t!.e You kn^w hefters t '> :ty:6^Mi$ «- &H ' ^mL^^ i ^&ti f aMmbi is certain; that no committee pr tlelegatioii Aaslie Emettcongregation. ; I . ' did so^ with the all-merciful Father.once-blessed me ™tH ^a^f^tK^^ i|^. ^ardt; ;to rl ^ u ' dy could have tnet with morcf succeBsmWashr ^^ g^tificatipn ; which must Have been an ' ab u hdance bf- earthl y . goods " andHrea- ^^'^^tt^nk^Si '- " '^. " P' e- inston , allthaloould^be - 'dohe ^n this ^ase .audible jQ my word>., The'congregation: ^sures^ was faithfull y done. The P«sident wiU^o ^ ag unusua lly larger and npt d. iew of my by the side of my beloved wife. Oneway ; ! . & j^ s ^.fea&1ft^ otlsrSel ; ^laihihg r by all he can in the matter , and bo body el8e former ppponents ' weiwJlamopg-them. It is: set out on a journey to her parents. L would p^e^j i^^ exan^lp^e ' prih pi ples can do any thing; ' Every new step on our ^ aigforfcune1 of aU refollmers; th at they are not go thither with empty^ahds, but caused: . ligi p^" ' . ' - . ¦ - ' . * - : , ' ¦; ' , . "' part ' could only do us injury^ Jt, appears ^ 6t unders ^^^ ^ three wses to be loaded , with splendid pr e- ! ButiaWbiri . tho|mid8t- of hia, hopes and ¦ that itwas hot the cause alpn^ whi ch bo much anfl tjj e paBaJonB subside, their ;ideas are ap sents of silken gopds and other• costly things, usefulness b p^ perv?rted theconduciofthecom^ittee! anoth- pj ec j ated ;y I Epunded ' th^/^ Eve^ ^imal Carried a heavy l oad r nor w^^ ^r affair must bave-^een mixed np with j ajj ij iny^at a time, when: the verj term was : winp ah^provisibrifl; wahting ^A , ¦ ' wWch o^'bj eM^a ' y ou^ this. _ . : ,. ¦ ' ¦ .. - ¦ . considered criminal , and .; pbhoxiousi- 'No "With this: rich' b ' urde ' h . I had ' already and:flve>hel pfess >chiid^n ^ ^ ^^ Arrived arPhiladel ph| a , we ? Btopped with .won 'd0r/ that . : many {ra ' wur^era^od : me^ I tr aveled[ ^considerable part 1 of the jiourney, dep ^ndiht oh; hW;exe^ Xl-jr. - Hexter in the Me^chanteV ^ went awayj :hehce ' lvw^8.M ^ ^ when one . day ;l met-^yjih a shriveledi ' p l dj ' r , eadeVs ; }wUlf!^^ travellers: I went out ' earl y j h;;^e. : niprning j i^ 80; I*^airv 1;heir ' change ;pf ^ mind;; : , ¦imc« y ^a^dv v -tEe |^ anythi ng ^feflviab^^^p^^^Jlig h ' t^ to see somp p f. ni y' friends; tiitir wp«fld npt ; . ¦ . _ ¦ ¦ T^ :^j v ic 0 ; .i^^ :— ardhbu^diitip^ a^ ' : permit to s ep the^ : gogue is si^plp; ShblM e, ful^ ; Biit'riot^i|Ks^ndmg ; f ail:th^^ congregations of;thiaI city . arp:ih ,^; ^ ur^h- . t pn,y¦ cpnceptiohs bfdm^^ p^risliih' g'lfrbm. ' : '^B^!^^ v li ung^ ; '' F6^ ' besfarewed^ ; ^is^p a^i , : /he " ybr ay^jy Te|p^pd -to . : ing condition. . ; .. The> Temple :i cpngre ;th ree ! da^ j s;7:how^ I haw - ' pyj^Qn^e^ ' .. ' obfints^sohip hpn^red and ^ fif^: odd male ^hd-weiV^rpceiyed^^ 6fbrpad/i'' ' -' ; ; - ¦ . ;. . " ¦ ' ¦ i^^^:^;-^ ' "; ' ; ; :t ru8te^ ; to;^i^;o " dreJb y^ meinbers, tod i pcreases j Tap i^ era! inclinati pii ¦($^^eiiember^ is in favor of prpjgresBci.mueh un^ ^ itiia^o^Jv and ^ such^ : ' moderate , : reforma ^ReyA ,^ uable, servicesi-fn ; tbej schboi garo;np;less; ap- dm string with ^ hiihger^d^ press^ibn wiiich^^pr .jeivesia ^rge^/ a^^rpmis^ ^preciated. . I^^ a^ tp ' sayy^at th ere ex- th ' .. upon: The me^efs-of h>:pphgrpga , fior^ are: igte V^-b^un^ t afldin^t^^th^ me^%hawp ityiv: /t- :\ K:! - ^:^^ ¦ ^ hw-ylu^&^e ' situ^ prepared tp wort ahead^ Tb^ v^' liSo^ed^a^ud :-^ oommunity ' of this city are apxious to hear, ^^inentibhedtbobleBsed aciivil^pi ihe Rev. :these "beasts. ¦ I di d i in: fact , 'imm . edia^el y;set ihto fiis ne^ field:bf:labw the word of Godexpounded , by^a^apaMe and ; jp. ^LKj 'ih the -Bethel cphgregation andj a^bii t disburdening^ut ' it ' to^ ^bn ^ e%earts §^e|oung^ by-his ' upri ght well;ihstructed-m^ Heiis " a -gen- than-1 expectedl ^wheh ^i h^ Cpncluct ^•res$c^M^ v ¦ fthallow\Quak;erism, in anT8raeUtishgarm .tl eman pf . much ^ial pntahd ^gbdd ??will , and; iihlpading^th^sibk mtih suhk; down ' ai icl.diod: ¦ v ^^ ; ;t^^0^n^i^gj ^0i^B whioh ^h aB:Bway^its; scbp^ r :in; ^ : ' \h^ : C'yt-y ' ' - : ,<^ p hia/S ynagbgue and ; p^o^ c^^rlnv^rd ; re-- gT eg^ibV . :Mr ^^ :^ir s^bd ; behumbed before ^p obrpse. /lt ^ H'^t hp^baif •j ^^il^ariieSs/nlw^e- ' ' suits: . Th e spirit ' pf Judai^ pla^inJ'log lcal hiMn^atoB fre^ :WM ^i^t:|summ;e¥saayi^ re ay^wdow^' a^r^ imd coinpreBensible serm0n8i;:a. seryicerwi^h, ^hd is-rpspecied '^ br east darthi gh^rpse. xTh^mbsli g loomy/ sha|bd v with hm ! the ¦ joy s:ahd ¦ sorrows : of agreeable forms and ceremonies; correspoB- Qu tho whoi p' Albany U in^very gbbd j cbn- images floate d before my im%intttibn , and ' J ig^nivwh^ ^^^ t ^«- ia?t ^ an ^ e ^ nd ^ f ^ vl ^ a S e r att- ^tibluT^tterthiff^ByrT^^ "it^eTh^ :^m^^ rUgged road b^foi^htlehfrwasoohstaat ly enli ghtened ap d liberal spirit , invthe -syna- phia or even . Baltimpre , take : the cpmmuhity ^Thou hast : tarried with thy compassion enga^ in thp ^ va|itml o ' ule s ^hnV bW, gogue ^ are most necessary there ,;and ; uTigent- together: There' is a^ trhly .reli gious spirit, thou hast killed;:^!? manl' hCrs^asib edu^atelitheir^ ly demanded. / The Temple ^congregation , : amon g thbm, and'every• ihstitotipn imprbyes. : '^T^rew . myself upph .the corpse, and : Btil into their ' ybuthful ; minds ^iw lesson of together with Rev,-Mr; :Noumburger , have : ffad I followed jny i^^ wept bitterly.: Ye ^ eyes r cried l i how could yirtu^o^d moral heroism ^ drawn from the " reformed the^ service :;and;dismplinp of the , hayo remained in Albany ftr a long time; yoa look long on such: misery! Ye ' hands , holy record s^; as well ^as ' to'teach the rudi- ^nagogue ; accprdhig;to;th e ! Hamburg 8i 7 le^ butl was oblige^ -to ;3eave,. without having- wh y ^e ye hot reached refreshment to the me h^ « : the Rev. Dr. D. eutsch will bring life and spir- . xetufnedhalfthe TisitsTdesired , and , there- perishing ^ man f Yb^fe et ,; w hy have ye not In him tne/pobr alwayH found a friend itintp the house of God , : arid their sucposs is ; fore must beg the kind indul gence of my hastened to the relief of the wrbtched f ¦ the Orphan :aii^ 8y lum, the weary a resti^ Ij eyond doubt Lost Sabbath the Rev. Dr. friend8. I left on Tuesday morning, saw my . "Therehpph , it seemed to me - a ' s if I. had place ; unlike1 the world, - he^was a stranger Deutsch preached his introductory sermon. friend8 in S yracuse and Rophester, and being called dbwh'the vengeance of the Almighty to avarice; self was entirely forgotten in the Krom all I know about the gentleman his detained on the.road by breaks made by the u^. oh me, I journeyed to thepareiits of my wish to be useful. - f ¦ " -^ = sermon could not fail to make a good and iate fresheVl:returned to toy post on Friday wife, but my mind was bereft of all oaimness «For ottier rims to ii eart hBa karn^ to pri^, lasting impression. last , . - . and tranquility, :and. I ^^ returned Quickly to . MoreShan ' t 1 tos' raffle , the wretched, ' ' thaa to rise ; My time being limited,. I was obli ged to I am informed , : that the schools in S yra- my home. My harids and fpei became maim- His house was known to »u tho 'wandering train , leave ^ Philadel phia early on Wednesday CU8e under the lead of Rev. Dr. I,LoWY , and od , and my eyes became blind; - SSSSSS * morning, without having the pleasure oEsee- in Rochester under the lead of Rev. Dr. May- . When the Rabbi had concluded , his dis- Whoae bewa aecendih B swept his aged bi- eMt; ing half of my friends , whose indulgence I jj B| are j^ the best condition , and both gen- ciples stood as if annihilated ' they gazed on Th9 r ^ ,!ned aj aond thrift , now no longer proud , hereby invoke. I went in^ ^any of flemon are hi ghl y appreciated. ! On this oc each oth er, with amazement m .^W:. .^SS^£^^^ a ^ X Mr. Bijurto.New X prkrand lir8tot . au went Casion , I also visited my old and respected Akiba spoke : "Woe is me, that I must see Wept over hiBwounto, and talked the ni ght away. to see th e Rev. Dr. Adlee, and then as many friend Mr, Stein, of ! S yracuse. If we had thee in this condition I But happy am * I Tins to relieve the; wtctehed was his pride, . of my old-friends as mytime would penrit; . twp Th 0U8and men like him , wo would be well that thou art stron- enoug h to bear up w^th And even Ws fallings loaned to virtue ' s etfe." therestare requested toexouse me. Thecon- Gff in this country. He is a reformer without all this pain and suffering, without murmur -It mattered little to him who was the dition of the New York congregations is well, frivolity, and with much learning, and sin- ing and wailing—buUhou-th yself , forgetful supp licant, his house was ' ever open to re- knowh to the readers of The f iraelite, and , cerity of purpose; a man of settled principle s, of thy own suffering, exhorte ' st every unfor- ceive them , and though his means of ac- ^ therefore, 1 instituted no farther inquiries , nuch as , there are but a few . tunate being to have patience and con- compdating /was limited, he ^ never offere d it * The Tempje Emanuel counts now 154 mal e Home again , we say. I have achieved my 8 tanCy;" ¦ as an objection; when his good wife would members and above sixty seat holders. It is pUr p0Be, and have seen much to give me sat The disciples stood deeply moved But be appr.ehensivs of her inability to receive in a flourishing condition. I have a very i8ff&i on. _ ¦ ^ Nahum vM ^ ^ ^ , flaid ; them : he would say Oh dear ! I know our favorable opinion of the Rev. Dr, Adler, both ISAAC M. WISE. « TlA judgm ents of Qod are just !" room is small but we will not , on that ac- ,s regards his scholarship' s operatiens :~ ^^^Siy last, as K thou wilt perform an act of kindness, cou«t, deprive these creatures of shelter in the S ynagogue , and am, indeed , very glad , , r tv euuebua y iuhi, as r ... ' He never defended hs own interest , if 6> .haH Snw lfim the tr am on the U Crosse raUroad was Perform it quickl y, lest thy conscience , here- ?™ r. ?™ ¦ ?™ - rr " * . EarirnFrTdav morain, I left New York coming east , and when about a mil e elist of *" , upbraid thee for having; tb6 late ex . rel.nqm8 h «ght wouU benefit his con- J^arlyjon Friday moraing, I left ^ew York ° tended th y hand to aid the miserable. ' gregabon. Before any of hw friends wa» 1or my old heme—Albany. I can scarcel y wm» r* Hywr »»w a iiiw ^ j aware he relinquished the stewardshi p of give a faint picture of my feelings as I ap- about five ^ f "f 6 ^ He im ~ . ^ ' " his flock of scholars to give p lace, to a proached the city of my firsth' ome in Ameri- ^ diatejy whistled to break, and reversed Wondebs of thb Miobosoopbi- The little ng man eduoat ed in a Bem ^ ary . Al- ca. The years of joy and trouble passed in the engine but it was on a down . grade, he insect known as the wood-mite, so bommon thoa h he knew ^ would be an in : urv to tflat city rose lively before memory ' s eye. B0 ™J On f ^ could not Bt °P the train , on the covers and leaves of old books, if hiffl pecuniaril y, i n fact , he Vegarded it as Eleven years ago, I came to that place a ^ich when the child was first seen , was . viewed through a microscope , it 8 eye will his duty to make, ony personal Bacrifice , if friendless and insignificant stranger. I was J^6*>U fcl0 °- lh« engineer stationed appear of a golden color, and. they can be he could bp instrumental in p Vbmoting the hospitably received and placed in a position, ^Lhedts ' cS^ drawn in or thrown out "P leasure. The welfore of his congregation, enablmg me to work my way ' n the the engine, snatched the boy from the track motion °i the intestines will also be visibl e He always expressed the greatest con- American S ynagogue. But few,men in this and thua sSyed his life. 'The train passed and , what is still more wonderful , the mo- tempt for riches ; Jn speaking of the matter country can boast upon friends bo warm and on some-distance and then s topped. The tioir of the bram can be observed. The mold he would say "I never promised to. our sincere. and opponent* So violent and rest, ^^^^^l £^Sl^ oi^^ {^^^^ r ^^ '^ to die a rich man, but I have pig- ^ Jess as I oan,and these friends and these oppo- There arc few men that possess the courage and tte hke ' » 8 ™wn py *• microscope to miB e d j to die atl honBst man, and with &ifnt s , I first gained in Albany. ' The closer and ' nerve to perform s uch a feat. But he is be plants , bearing leaves, flowers and seeda , God ' s help I will keep rily word. " -r&'Bpproached Albany the more Hvfll y the rewarded, for .thp^pjeaafire tp such a man of and increasing in a manner almost inored- Family considerations induced him, about i S^zrLr '^S'r 6 ¦tt^^ * J3£$£& "^a'Ss^^ s ^p - .*^*****: - -*? * , w^ a^tated fantasyjand , bhnd to the beau- he8 t an;d noblest act of e ngineering that we seeds themselves , so that a day produ ces he wished , that his children might enjoy ;? ;^!pff' * oflBeneB on the Hu d son river, I ar- have heard. many generations of them. the blessings of liberty, ill the land of 1 J '

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Page 1: · Ilelt Balti- notwithBtandingvi ^mV hd Space severed interruption;;tp:insl;rpci^hls-^rib>ou8

^~~~ TTHJE i l/SiR^Ej L j BTE . IQm^T^rT^nTTi nT Trnr' »™d in. Albany, andih t«>uB*pf. my old I RABBINICAL ANECDOTE. , - $&•)& p»*l3* "Of' : ¦ ' .TrT tl j IK'n A Til J l I Jii i frienda Mr., and Mrs. ¦Smith. , Th«y camo Rabbi Nahuh was holding his usual lee- M^ IsratU^: -


^JdldldJ^—iii^ - one, two, throe, aiLo^^i^^^Wo


and tares . before..his pupils, Hpweyer mtlch i^^^h^. p^». ed,byjBlpCK

^.C M

^^' ch;ldren; my, whblftrs/friends; 8*3 oppo- these ftdmired the wisdpm, fcar^ingand ex

^en.and^ne'jpeoited deoeaae of ouYlateso. 3» west sixtMitreei^^ • ^^ md ^^

me ft;hearjy ; welcome in the ceedingjeindness of- their celebrated i master mo^V and 'bo-laborer i

our holy caixse,, S ^SSI3S^SS^~---4{r- ¦ old home. It is loflg 'flince t. was 6a 'much -^-they admired atill-mbre: his patience and

Moaia Seiegei.. Although his residenceFriday ^totti*»8- - ^"y°y«>*

AI'«l'r ,>0>^

8 jn0ved and enraptured .;a£;;pri$htg pension. equanamUyv i7pr^ a&ong o.s^drily about two years, We can' ' [

Edtt6iM46m&o^n£,^o>rv. :¦' The*6- is.BQmetbin^p^a

seyerely ;from a^

ajnfulpaj sy o^isj ia^d^and ^^^^ehimj forhe.was one; of the^. 1 rjLiB;! . .a

^ in-the.thought of ^et '^Nevertheless he cjijat^^

Monday evening (Novenibei: 2,).Ilelt Balti- notwithBtandingvi^mV^hd Space severed interruption;;tp:insl;rpci^hls-^rib>ou8 hear; of i B^^^^SBtipporter of-all measuresmore in the company* of Messrs, Bijur of tnen1; Thisythe :pp ers in the science; of ihe Talmud, and eh- flulcula^0plo'mote the happiness of m'aif-Louisville, Gerstley of Chicago, and Schloss 0f tne human mind, exalted ;above space and dured all corporeal pain- without a murmur jj ind eBfceemed aJid loyed by all, who had the,,f Baltimore. We took the cars to Philadel- fcima Again and anon, I looked into the or a sound of sorrow ; occasionally, only one gQo^ortune to be acquainted witnhim. Ourphia; being dark I had plenty of leisure to coun(;enances of those who . stood by mei mighthear him exclaim: "It is all for some w]8e men ga^ 'fhat the " making mention ofreflect oft the past occurrences. Again, all firm aa the primeval- rock, in the hourB of good purpose t" tbe.past produces a blesdjng." :"» have nothe scenes, and Words, of theiast two weeks trouble and .tribulation) and poured sweet- ' Rabbi Akiba one day visited him in his

^otlij t tliat if you will kindly fallow mepassed before . my judgment. I could ac- nefJB j nto tne bitter cup which fanatacism lecture room, and said : "0, Rabbi, thy wis- trough :the medium of your filufcblp paper..ount for almost every thing I had seen or and thoughtlessness reached me. . The chil" dom is great, thy philanthropy and kindness the privilege of giving a brief di.tline:of theheard , except for the pecciiar conduct of the dren ^

0 once ii8tened attehtiyely to my in- are everywhere objects of praise. How njst Of 'toe deceased; it may 'stimulateBaltimore committee men, who called a meet- Btraotion have become adults; and they are could the Father of all ohastise thee so severe- many a ]reader to imitate his example,ing, and when we were there , attempted 8tm attached to me as J am to m. My op- ly ? And how canst thou with such humility Mf gp^-^, the

eldest son, of ap ious .,most violently to crush.their own scheme, p0nents are>io longer asviolent as they were; and constancy, endure so much , suffering 'tgg^/^i^^ij iaini; •' a small 'village inStranger yet, if anything ^J*> things have changed jgjj^;; "

¦ .V r - without wailing and lament f , , ¦ Rninhe^^Was their anger at our independent prpc ed- Aflceptilig the ;i„vit,tion,pf : e Rev. Dr. Rabbi Nahunj answered:-. "God is al!-

omo^i ^^ i loings, and the success with which we met m CoHlf and ffie Board 0f Trustees, I preached gracious,; I" praise ' him;for ever more, and &s^ ¦;.j /< ^^ r , - ^a^on : But inWashington, which one^f

^them exposed

^^ m yabbftth riori^/BerVice, and well does Ho knobby he^iseth man !

. ^ . ^

dutf ;ge j d ; > f to^a&te. unrestrained yi a New Wc paper . . X ej .it Snnday afternopn ^the Synaj ;ogue of t!.e You kn^whefters t'>:ty :6^Mi$«-&H ' ^mL^^i^&tif aMmbiis certain; that no committee pr tlelegatioii Aaslie Emettcongregation. ; I .'did so^ with the all-merciful Father.once-blessed me ™tH ^a^f^tK^^ i| . ardt; ;torl

^u'dycould have tnet with morcf succeBsmWashr ^^ g^tificatipn ; which must Have been

an' abuhdance bf- earthly . goods "andHrea- ^^' ^tt^nk^Si'- "' ." P'e-inston , allthaloould^be-'dohe ^n this ^ase .audible j Q my word>., The'congregation: sures^was faithfully done. The P«sident wiU^o ^

ag unusually larger and npt d. iew of my by the side of my beloved wife. Oneway ;! .&j s .fea&1ft otlsrSel; laihihgr byall he can in the matter, and bo body el8e former ppponents'weiwJlamopg-them. It is: set out on a journey to her parents. L would p^e j i^^exan^lp^e'prihpiplescan do any thing; ' Every new step on our aigforfcune1 of aU refollmers; that they are not go thither with empty^ahds, but caused: . ligip^"'.'- . • ¦- ' . „* - :, '¦; ', ."'

part 'could only do us injury^ J t , appears ^6t unders^^^^ three wses to be loaded , with splendid pre- ! ButiaWbiri. tho|mid8t- of hia, hopes and ¦

that itwas hot the cause alpn^ which bo much anfl tjj e paBaJonB subside, their ;ideas are ap sents of silken gopds and other• costly things, usefulness bp^perv?rted theconduciofthecom^ittee!anoth- pjecjated;y I Epunded 'th^/^ Eve^

^imalCarried a heavy load r nor w^^^r affair must bave-^een mixed np with j ajj ij iny^at a time, when: the verj term was: winp ah^provisibrifl; wahting A , ¦ ' wWch o^'bjeM^a'you^this. _ . : ,. ¦' ¦ . .-¦;¦ . considered criminal , and .; pbhoxiousi- 'No "With this: rich' b'urde'h .I had ' already and:flve>helpfess >chiid^n^^^^Arrived arPhiladelph|a, we?Btopped with .won'd0r/ that.: many {ra'wur^era^od :me^ I traveled[^considerable part 1 of the jiourney, dep^ndiht oh; hW;exe^Xl-jr. - Hexter in the Me^chanteV

^ went awayj :hehce' lvw^8.M^^ when one. day ;l met-^yjih a shriveledi'pldj 'r,eadeVs;}wUlf! ^travellers: I went out 'early jh;; e.:niprning j i ^ 80;I* airv1;heir 'change ;pf mind;; : , ¦imc«y ^a^dvv-tEe | anything feflviab^^^p^^^Jligh't^to see somp pf. niy ' friends;tiitir wp«fld npt ; . ¦._¦ ¦ T^

: jvic0;.i :— ardhbu^diitip^a

' :permit to sep the^ : gogue is si plp;ShblMe, ful^ ;Biit'riot^i|Ks^ndmg;fail:th^^congregations of;thiaI city.arp:ih , ;

^ur^h- . tpn,y¦cpnceptiohsbfdm^^ p^risliih'g'lfrbm. ':' B^! vliung ;''F6 'besfarewed^ ;^is^pa^i,:/he"ybray jy Te|p^pd -to . :ing condition. .;. .The> Temple :i cpngre ;three!da j s;7:how^I

haw -'pyj^Qn^e '.. 'obfints^sohip hpn^red and

^fif^: odd male ^hd-weiV^rpceiyed^^ 6fbrpad/i'' ' -';

; - ¦. ; . . "¦ ' ¦ i^^^:^;-^ '

";'; ;:tru8te ;to; i^;o"dreJby^meinbers, tod ipcreasesjTapiera! inclinatipii ¦($^^eiiember^is in favor of prpjgresBci.mueh un^

^itiia^o^Jvand^ such^ : 'moderate, : reforma ^ReyA, uable, servicesi-fn ; tbej schboigaro;np;less; ap- dm string with ^ hiihger^d^ press^ibnwiiich^^pr.j eivesia ^rge^/a^^rpmis^ ^preciated. . I^^a tp' sayy^atthere ex- th

'.. upon: The me^efs-of h>:pphgrpga,fior^ are: igteV^-b^un^tafldin^t^^th^ me^%hawpityiv:/ t-:\ K:! - ^:^^ ¦ ^hw-ylu^&^e'situ^prepared tp wort ahead^

Tb v^' liSo^ed^a^ud:-oommunity 'of this city are apxious to hear, ^^inentibhedtbobleBsed aciivil^piihe

Rev. :these"beasts. ¦ I didi in:fact ,'imm.edia^ely;set ihto fiis ne^ field:bf:labwthe word of Godexpounded ,by^a^apaMe and; j p . LKj 'ih the -Bethel cphgregation andj a^biit disburdening^ut 'it'to^ ^bn^e%earts § e|oung by-his'uprightwell;ihstructed-m^ Heiis" a -gen- than-1 expectedl ^wheh i h^ Cpncluct •res$c^M^ v¦ fthallow\Quak;erism,in anT8raeUtishgarm .tleman pf .much^ialpntahd ^gbdd ??will, and; iihlpading^th^sibkmtih suhk; down'aiicl.diod: ¦v^^;;t^^0^n^i gj ^0i^Bwhioh haB:Bway^its;scbp r:in;

: '\h : C 'yt-y''- :,<^phia/Synagbgue and;p^o c^^rlnv^rd;re-- gTeg^ibV.:Mr^

: irs^bd ;behumbed before ^p obrpse. /lt^ H'^thp^baif •j^^il^ariieSs/nlw^e- ' 'suits: .The spirit'pf Judai^ pla^inJ'loglcal hiMn^atoB fre^

:WM^i^t:|summ;e¥saayi^ reay^wdow^'a^r^imd coinpreBensible serm0n8i;:a. seryicerwi^h, ^hd is-rpspecied ' breast darthigh rpse. xTh^mbsli gloomy/ sha|bd vwith hm! the ¦ joys:ahd

¦sorrows :ofagreeable forms and ceremonies; correspoB- Qu tho whoip ' Albany U in^very gbbd j cbn- images floated before my im%intttibn, and' Jig^nivwh^




nd^f^vl^aSeratt- tibluT^tterthiff^ByrT^^ "it^eTh : m^ rUgged road b^foi^htlehfrwasoohstaatlyenlightened apd liberal spirit , invthe -syna- phia or even.Baltimpre, take: the cpmmuhity ^Thou hast : tarried with thy compassion enga^in thp^va|itml o'ules ^hnV bW,gogue

^are most necessary there,;and;uTigent- together: There' is a^ trhly .religious spirit, thou hast killed;: !? manl' hCrs^asib edu^atelitheir^ly demanded. / The Temple ^congregation, : among thbm, and'every• ihstitotipn imprbyes. : '^T^rew. myself upph .the corpse, and :Btil into their 'ybuthful;minds ^iw lesson oftogether with Rev,-Mr; :Noumburger, have : ffad I followed jny i wept bitterly.: Ye^ eyesr cried li how could yirtu^o^d moral heroism^ drawn from the" reformed the^ service :;and;dismplinp of the , hayo remained in Albany ftr a long time; yoa look long on such: misery! Ye' hands, holy records ; as well as' to'teach the rudi-^nagogue;accprdhig;to;the!Hamburg 8i7le^ butl was oblige^ -to ;3eave,.without having- why ^e ye hot reached refreshment to the meh^« :

the Rev. Dr. D.eutsch will bring life and spir- .xetufnedhalfthe TisitsTdesired , and, there- perishing man f Yb^feet,; why have ye not In him tne/pobr alwayH found a frienditintp the house of God,:arid their sucposs is ; fore must beg the kind indulgence of my hastened to the relief of the wrbtched f ¦ the Orphan :aii 8ylum, the weary a resti^Ij eyond doubt Lost Sabbath the Rev. Dr. friend8. I left on Tuesday morning, saw my . "Therehpph, it seemed to me- a's if I. had place ; unlike1 the world,- he^was a strangerDeutsch preached his introductory sermon. friend8 in Syracuse and Rophester,and being called dbwh'the vengeance of the Almighty to avarice; self was entirely forgotten in theKrom all I know about the gentleman his detained on the.road by breaks made by the u^.oh me, I journeyed to thepareiits of my wish to be useful. -f ¦" -^ = •sermon could not fail to make a good and iate fresheVl:returned to toy post on Friday wife, but my mind was bereft of all oaimness «For ottier rims toiieart hBa karn^ to pri^,lasting impression. • last ,. - . and tranquility,:and. I ^^ returned Quickly to . MoreShan 't 1 tos'raffle ,the wretched,''thaa to rise ;My time being limited,.I was obliged to I am informed ,: that the schools in Syra- my home. My harids and fpei became maim- His house was known to »u tho 'wandering train ,leave

^Philadelphia early on Wednesday CU8e under the lead of Rev. Dr. I,LoWY, and od, and my eyes became blind;- SSSSSS *

morning, without having the pleasure oEsee- in Rochester under the lead of Rev. Dr. May-. When the Rabbi had concluded, his dis- Whoae bewa aecendihB swept his aged bi-eMt ;ing half of my friends , whose indulgence I jjB| are j ^ the best condition, and both gen- ciples stood as if annihilated '• they gazed on Th9 r^,!ned ajaondthrift , now no longer proud ,hereby invoke. I went in^ ^any of flemon are highly appreciated. ! On this oc each other, with amazement m . W:.. SS £^ ^


XMr. Bijurto.New X prkrand lir8tot .au went Casion , I also visited my old and respected Akiba spoke : "Woe is me, that I must see Wept over hiBwounto, and talked the night see the Rev. Dr. Adlee, and then as many friend Mr, Stein, of ! Syracuse. If we had thee in this condition I But happy am * I Tins to relieve the; wtctehed was his pride, .of my old-friends as mytime would penrit;. twp Th0U8and men like him, wo would be well that thou art stron- enough to bear up w^th And even Ws fallings loaned to virtue's etfe."therestare requested toexouseme. Thecon- Gff in this country. He is a reformer without all this pain and suffering, without murmur -It mattered little to him who was thedition of the New York congregations is well, frivolity, and with much learning, and sin- ing and wailing—buUhou-thyself, forgetful supplicant, his house was ' ever open to re-knowh to the readers of The f iraelite, and, cerity of purpose; a man of settled principles, of thy own suffering, exhorte'st every unfor- ceive them, and though his means of ac-

^ therefore, 1 instituted no farther inquiries , nuch as, there are but a few . tunate being to have patience and con- compdating/was limited, he^ never offere d it *The Tempj e Emanuel counts now 154 male Home again, we say. I have achieved my 8tanCy;" ¦ as an objection; when his good wife wouldmembers and above sixty seat holders. It is pUrp0Be, and have seen much to give me sat The disciples stood deeply moved But be appr.ehensivs of her inability to receivein a flourishing condition. I have a very i8ff&i on. _ ¦

Nahum vM ,flaid ; them : he would say Oh dear ! I know ourfavorable opinion of the Rev. Dr, Adler, both ISAAC M. WISE. « TlA judgm ents of Qod are just !" room is small but we will not, on that ac-,s regards his scholarship's operatiens :~

^^^Siy last, as K thou wilt perform an act of kindness, cou«t, deprive these creatures of shelterin the Synagogue, and am, indeed, very glad , , r tv euuebuay iuhi, as r . . . ' He never defended h s own interest, if 6>.haH Snw lfim the tram on the U Crosse raUroad was Perform it quickly, lest thy conscience, here- ™ ?™r . ?™ ¦ ?™ - ™rr " *.

EarirnFrTdavmorain, I left New York coming east, and when about a mile elist of *", upbraid thee for having; tb6 late ex. rel.nqm8h h« «ght • wouU benefit his con-J^arlyjon Friday moraing, I left ^ew York ° tended thy hand to aid the miserable. ' gregabon. Before any of hw friends wa»1or my old heme—Albany. I can scarcely wm»r* ™ Hywr »»w a iiiw

j aware he relinquished the stewardship ofgive a faint picture of my feelings as I ap- about five

f "f6


im~ . ' " his flock of scholars to give place, to aproached the city of my firsth'ome in Ameri-

^diatejy whistled to break, and reversed Wondebs of thb Miobosoopbi- The little ng man eduoated in a Bem^ary . Al-ca. The years of joy and trouble passed in the engine but it was on a down . grade, he insect known as the wood-mite, so bommon thoa h he knew would be an in:urv totflat city rose lively before memory's eye. B0™J On

f could not Bt

°P the train, on the covers and leaves of old books, if hiffl pecuniarily, in fact, he Vegarded it asEleven years ago, I came to that place a ^ich when the child was first seen, was .viewed through a microscope, it8 eye will his duty to make, ony personal Bacrifice , iffriendless and insignificant stranger. I was J^6*>U m°fcl0°- lh« engineer stationed appear of a golden color, and. they can be he could bp instrumental in pVbmoting thehospitably received and placed in a position, ^Lhedts'cS

drawn in or

thrown out "P leasure. The welfore of his congregation,enablmg me to work my way ' n the the engine, snatched the boy from the track motion °i the intestines will also be visibl e He always expressed the greatest con-American Synagogue. But few,men in this and thua sSyed his life. 'The train passed and, what is still more wonderful , the mo- tempt for riches; Jn speaking of the mattercountry can boast upon friends bo warm and on some-distance and then stopped. The tioir of the bram can be observed. The mold he would say " I never promised to. oursincere. and opponent* So violent and rest,

^^^^^l£^Sl oi^^{ ^^ r^ '^ to die a rich man, but I have pig-^

Jess as I oan,and these friends and these oppo- There arc few men that possess the courage and tte hke' »8™wn py *• microscope to miBedj to die atl honBst man, and with&ifnts, I first gained in Albany. ' The closer and 'nerve to perform such a feat. But he is be plants, bearing leaves, flowers and seeda, God's help I will keep rily word."-r&'Bpproached Albany the more Hvflly the rewarded, for .thp^pj eaafire

tp such a man of and increasing in a manner almost inored- Family considerations induced him, aboutiS^zrLr'^S'r6 ¦tt^ *J3£$£& "^a'Ss ^ s p -.* *****:--*?*, w^a^tated fantasyj and, bhnd to the beau- he8t an;d noblest act of engineering that we seeds themselves, so that a day produces he wished , that his children might enjoy;? ; !pff' *oflBeneB on the Hu

dson river, I ar- have heard. many generations of them. the blessings of liberty, ill the land of1 J '