ilahinoor raising kundalini activation process

7/30/2019 Ilahinoor Raising Kundalini Activation Process 1/23 Ilahinoor Raising Kundalini Activation Process This process came together for me based on learnings and experience with other Kundalini activation processes and techniques. As I started working on it, it seemed to develop and incorporated some of the previous techniques that Gabriel imparted. Such as the Self inquiry and Affirmations. The technique takes just over an hour, though it can take longer if one takes their time. To Ready yourself Start by wearing something comfortable. It can be done in jeans (or similar clothing), but I recommend more loose fitting garments for increased comfort. Sit on a meditation mat or chair, keeping your spin erect through out the process. Use your usual method to relax into meditation or focus on the space between your breath do this for about 3-5min or until completely relaxed. To Begin 1. Bring your focus onto your heart, and welcome the Divine Presence, any Guides and Angels and Spiritual Masters. Allow yourself to feel the Presence take a moment to have a conversation with the Divine, your Guides etc... 2. Visualize your crown chakra opening and Invoke (welcome) Ilahinoor. You could repeat “ilahinoor” 3 or 9 times. 3. Visualize a Golden liquid light raining down over you from Source. Bring this light into your brain and connect it with the pituitary and pineal glands. expand the light filling the third ventricle, expand into the rest of the brain and out to create a halo around your head of bright golden light. then bring it down to connect to your Heart Centre. sit in this energy for a while allowing it to go wherever it needs. expanding until it fills your whole body with Light. 4. Visualize your heart centre shining out rays of white gold light. 5. see the light flow down your arms and into your hands. 6. see the light shine out your finger tips. 7. see beams of light shining out your palms, first the rights hand, then the left hand. 8. now place one hand on the ilahinoor points at the back of your head (I find a flat hand is more comfortable on myself), and the other hand with palm covering the third eye and fingers toward the crown forming the ilahinoor bridge . allow ilahinoor to flow for as long as you feel. o the ilahinoor points: is a sensitive area just above the occipital ridge which serves as a gateway to the old brain, which seems to be where a lot of our subconscious energies can be accessed. In order to locate these points, first run your hands at the back of your head and find the Gall Bladder 20 acupuncture points along the occipital ridge in the back of the head, right at the base of the skull where it meets the back of the neck. Then, about 2 or 3 cm up from there, and on a plane extending to the middle of the ears, you will find two hollows, usually a sensitive or sore spot for most people. place your middle finger and thumb gently on these spots, or you can cover this area with your hand. (if you are doing this on yourself I find it easier to cover this area with my hand, other wise it can be a bit uncomfortable) o the ilahinoor bridge: with the other hand place your palm on the forehead covering the third eye and your finger tips on top of the head covering the crown chakra. it ʼ s not important which hand you use.

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Ilahinoor Raising Kundalini Activation Process

This process came together for me based on learnings and experience with otherKundalini activation processes and techniques. As I started working on it, it seemed todevelop and incorporated some of the previous techniques that Gabriel imparted. Such asthe Self inquiry and Affirmations. The technique takes just over an hour, though it can take

longer if one takes their time.

To Ready yourselfStart by wearing something comfortable. It can be done in jeans (or similar clothing), but Irecommend more loose fitting garments for increased comfort.

Sit on a meditation mat or chair, keeping your spin erect through out the process.

Use your usual method to relax into meditation or focus on the space between your breathdo this for about 3-5min or until completely relaxed.

To Begin1. Bring your focus onto your heart, and welcome the Divine Presence, any Guides and

Angels and Spiritual Masters. Allow yourself to feel the Presence take a moment to havea conversation with the Divine, your Guides etc...

2. Visualize your crown chakra opening and Invoke (welcome) Ilahinoor. You could repeat“ilahinoor” 3 or 9 times.

3. Visualize a Golden liquid light raining down over you from Source. Bring this light intoyour brain and connect it with the pituitary and pineal glands. expand the light filling thethird ventricle, expand into the rest of the brain and out to create a halo around yourhead of bright golden light. then bring it down to connect to your Heart Centre. sit in this

energy for a while allowing it to go wherever it needs. expanding until it fills your wholebody with Light.4. Visualize your heart centre shining out rays of white gold light.5. see the light flow down your arms and into your hands.6. see the light shine out your finger tips.7. see beams of light shining out your palms, first the rights hand, then the left hand.8. now place one hand on the ilahinoor points at the back of your head (I find a flat hand is

more comfortable on myself), and the other hand with palm covering the third eye andfingers toward the crown forming the ilahinoor bridge . allow ilahinoor to flow for as longas you feel. 

o the ilahinoor points: is a sensitive area just above the occipital ridge which 

serves as a gateway to the old brain, which seems to be where a lot of our subconscious energies can be accessed. In order to locate these points, first run your hands at the back of your head and find the Gall Bladder 20 acupuncture points along the occipital ridge in the back of the head, right at the base of the skull where it meets the back of the neck. Then, about 2 or 3 cm up from there, and on a plane extending to the middle of the ears, you will find two hollows, usually a sensitive or sore spot for most people. place your middle finger and thumb gently on these spots, or you can cover this area with your hand. (if you are doing this on yourself I find it easier to cover this area with my hand, other wise it can be a bit uncomfortable)


the ilahinoor bridge: with the other hand place your palm on the forehead covering the third eye and your finger tips on top of the head covering the crown chakra. it ̓   s not important which hand you use.

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9. keeping the one hand on the ilahinoor points move the other hand to your heart chakraconnecting the energy with the heart centre (soul seat). stay here until you feel ready tomove on.

10.move your hand on your heart down to your sacral chakra (rest your hand just abovethe top of the genitals, covering the pubic bone and the base of the abdomen.) keepingyour other hand on the ilahinoor points . connect ilahinoor with your dantian (hara centre

- Soul seat). this connects you to the 3 main Soul seats in the body - in the middle of thebrain, heart centre and dantian. Stay here until you feel ready to move on. relax, place your hands flat on your thighs or you can place your thumbs and indexfingers together, palms up, resting on your thighs. enjoy the Light and Grace in the body.

Self inquiryThis is to deepen the experience and to prepare your mind for the Kundalini activation.Through experience and from what I have learnt from some great Masters, while aKundalini activation is very powerful when the mind is prepared the results of the activationare greatly enhanced - meaning, without a level of preparation the activated kundalinimight not do much, but with the right preparation, the activation of the kundalini cancatapult you into awakened states and healing.

In this space of Light contemplate each question and statement. It is not necessary to findan answer. If answers arise, simply go back to the question. Hold each question until itfeels right to move on to the next (approx 30sec to 1 min). If the mind gets busy move tothe next question. (it is ok to read each question then close your eyes again, it is alsohelpful to record yourself saying each question).

Is this body mine? can i be sure it is?

• Is this body who I am? where does the body come from?

• Are thoughts mine?  can I be sure they are?

• Am I thoughts? where do thoughts come from?

• is the mind mine?  can I be sure it is?

• Am I the mind? where does the mind come from?

• Is this person who I am?  where does the personality come from? Is the personality

 just a concept?• Am I what I have been conditioned into believing?

• Who Am I? (linger here for a bit longer than with the other questions - many people 

have become awakened from this simple question)

(NB: you can stop here and move on to the next section however this is quite amazing and 

deepening if you continue on with each of these statements below )

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• Am I that which sees?

• Can that which sees, see it self?

• Am I that which knows?

• Can that which Knows, Know it self?

•I AM Knowingness, that I AM

• I AM Awareness, that I AM

• I AM Eternal, That I AM

• I AM Supernal, That I AM

• I AM Light, That I AM

• I AM Radiant Light, That I AM

• I AM Divine Light, That I AM

I AM the Grace that fills the World. That I AM• I AM that, I AM

• I AM, Self.

Activating the Chakras and AffirmationsIʼll share part of a teaching received from Gabriel here so you might understand thereasoning for the Affirmations, which I have come to call Power Affirmations. A PowerAffirmation is not about creating something in your life but a statement or declaration that

assists one in realizing a quality about our true nature.

Here is the excerpt from an experience I had with Gabriel:

“Gabriel expands into the vastness of the universe, she brings my consciousness with her and I see

a galaxy bright and wide. Its center glowing with a billion suns and there it is again, that pulse. A

 pulsating energy, flowing from its centre. Gabriel says that this pulse is the pulse of Life. The pulse

in you, is the pulse in the earth, in the sun, in the galaxy, in the universe. That pulse is ilahinoor.

You see, your pulse is ilahinoor. ilahinoor, light, love, life. it is all the same. you are ilahinoor, you

are light.

You are Life. Life is abundantly wealthy and prosperous,

 It is powerfully strong yet graceful.

 Life is ever healthy, vibrant, and in harmony.

 Life is the divine will in action.

 Life, the universe, is an alert Awareness, it is Absolute!

 Life is existence, consciousness and bliss.

 Life is love, light, peace.

 Life is; Self.

You are that.”

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Although this might seem a bit involved the more you do this process you will begin torealise the reason for each little detail.

At this point from doing the Self inquiry your consciousness has gone within yet expanded,you have a sense of dis-identification with the ego, no longer confined by the limited mind.We can now activate the higher qualities in our psyche by using power affirmations and

the energetic gateways or chakras.

1. Start by placing one hand on your root chakra (right hand male, left hand female),located at the perineum, between the genitals and anus. You can also hover your handover the area with your focus on this region if this is more comfortable, the potency ofthe energy connection will vary from person to person so please experiment on whatworks best for you. (when working on another person, and the sensitive nature of theposition of this chakra, I do not recommend physical contact. instead hover your handover the genital region a few inches away, without contact. The intention and focus ispowerful enough).a. (NB: The left hand is associate to the feminine and the right is usually associated to 

the masculine. As a general rule chakras spin in opposite directions for men and woman. the Root chakra spins clockwise for men and anti-clockwise for woman, so as a man you might feel most comfortable using the right hand on the root chakra and as a woman you might find a stronger resonance using the left hand on the root chakra. But each of us are unique so ultimately allow your bodies intelligence to guide you and start with whichever hand feels right to you. - Moving up the body we will be alternating hands. As a general rule each chakra spins in an alternate direction. You may find that on different days you will feel the urge to use a different sequence.)

2. With the right hand (left hand female) on the root chakra raise the palm of your left hand(right hand female) skyward, drawing in the cosmic light, you can repeat ilahinoor 3x tocreate a powerful pull of light into your chakra system.

3. Now place the left hand (right hand female) that is facing skyward onto the ilahinoor points at the back of your head. So you will have one hand connecting the root chakraand the other connecting the ilahinoor points .repeat 3x this affirmation: I AM Life. Yes I AM

4. When you feel ready gently move your left hand (right hand female) from the back ofyour head and place it over your Sacral Chakra located at the sacrum, just above the

top of the genitals, and the base of the abdomen. (you will have one hand connectingthe root chakra and the other connecting the sacral chakra). in this position feel your“aliveness” taste your beingness, your life essence.

5. Once you ready to continue take your right hand (left hand female) from your rootchakra and face your palm skyward, drawing in the cosmic light, keep your left hand(right hand female) connected to your sacral chakra. you can repeat ilahinoor 3x if youwish.

6. place your right hand (left hand female) on the ilahinoor points at the back of your head.repeat 3x this affirmation: I AM Abundance, Wealth and Prosperity. Yes I AM

7. Take your right hand (left hand female) from the back of your head and place over yourSolar Plexus, in line with the bace of your rib cage just above your belly button. (youʼll

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have one hand over your Sacral Chakra and the other over your Solar Plexus). FeelAbundant, taste the abundance and prosperity of life, that your are.

8. Take your left hand (right hand female) from your Sacral chakra face palm skywarddrawing in the cosmic light, you can repeat ilahinoor 3x if you wish.

9. Place your left hand on the ilahinoor points at the back of the head andrepeat 3x this affirmation: I AM Powerful, Strong and Graceful. Yes I AM

10. Place your left hand (right hand female) from the back of your head onto your HeartChakra located at the point where your ribcage joins at the sternum. feel and taste yourGentle Power and inner strength.

11.Take your right hand (left hand female) and turn your palm skyward drawing in thecosmic light, you can repeat ilahinoor 3x

12.Place your right hand on the back of your head at the ilahinoor points repeat 3x this affirmation: I AM Healthy, Vibrant and Harmonious. Yes I AM

13.Place your right hand (left hand female) over your Throat Chakra over the epiglottis.Feel the inner harmony, the balance.

14.Left hand (right hand female), palm skyward drawing in the cosmic light, you can repeatilahinoor 3x

15. Place the left hand (right hand female) at the back of the headrepeat 3x this affirmation: I AM Divine Will in Action. Yes I AM

16. Take your left hand (right hand female) from the back of your head and place the baceof your palm over the third eye (over the forehead) and point the tips of your fingertowards and over your crown chakra (the ilahinoor bridge ). Feel your Will power.

17. Take your right hand (left hand female) from your throat chakra and turn the palmskyward drawing in the cosmic light, you can repeat ilahinoor 3x

18. Place your right hand on the ilahinoor points .repeat 3x this affirmation: I AM Absolute, Aware and Alert. Yes I AM

19. Now take both hand and turn the palms skyward, (around about the hight of yourears), feel your Totality, your Awareness.

20. With your hands still skyward drawing in the cosmic light, you can repeat ilahinoor 3x

21.Place both hands over your Crown Chakra in the blessing position on top of your head.repeat 3x this affirmation: I AM Existence, Consciousness and Bliss. Yes I AM

22.Expand your hands out gently, expanding your consciousness, in a full outwardopenness. Slowly bring your hands and rest them on your lap with your forefinger andthumb tips touching each, palms up, or whatever feels comfortable. Feel yourexpansion. Be Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. Remain in this state for as long as youlike.

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TIP: It helps to practice the hand positions a few times before beginning the meditation so you can get the flow and how to do the “stepping” motion. Once you got it, you will see there is a natural flow to it. Also making a guided recording might assist with remembering the affirmations and how to focus your attention at each stage.

Activating the KundaliniNow that the chakras are activated, and in an expanded state, we have also imprinted thepsyche with powerful affirmations which have been activated and charged by the ilahinoorenergy field. We can now energize this process through the activation of the kundalini.

The Kundalini is your spark of God within, the Mother Shekinah, Mother Shakti. When thekundalini raises throught the central channel (Sushumna Nadi) it cleanses out the chakrasand causes them to spin at an increased speed, our vibration begins to raise and there isa purification and balancing which takes place. When it reaches the third eye chakra itexplodes up and out through the crown chakra in unified-bliss with the Divine. From thisspace the Divine, our Higher Self, can begin to manifest through us. While it is notpractical to remain in the space continually, these moments of totality opens up newdimensions to ourself which begins to enter our daily life, bring spontaneity, joy, love,peace, bliss, healing etc...

It is always good to do some of your own research on the benefits and cautions of thekundalini. One of the main things to understand is, that the kundalini, will only activate

when it is time, so even this process cannot force the kundalini to activate if you are notready. However with you reading this and it resonates with you, then one could say it istime, you are ready enough or you have already had a kundalini activation before.

Breathing ActivationFrom the expanded state, we continue with some rhythmic breathing. Breathing in deepinto the abdomen, for the count of 6 and hold for the count of 5. breathing out for the countof 6 and holding for the count of 5.1. As you breath-in visualize the cosmic light, flowing down from the top of your head

through each chakra all the way to your root chakra. Hold for the count of 5.2. breath-out for the count of 6, visualize the Golden kundalini fire raising all the way up to

the crown chakra. hold on the out-breath for the count of 5.3. breath-in count of 6 light all the way down into the Sacral Chakra. hold count of 5.4. breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.5. breath-in count of 6 light all the way down into the Solar-Plexus Chakra. hold count of 56. breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.7. breath-in count of 6 light all the way down into the Heart Chakra. hold count of 5.8. breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.9. breath-in count of 6 light all the way down into the throat Chakra. hold count of 5.10.breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.11.breath-in count of 6 light down into the Third-eye Chakra. hold count of 5.12.breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.13.breath-in count of 6 light into the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.14.breath-out count of 6 explode the kundalini out the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.

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Pinkie ActivationWith the palm of one hand facing up towards the Cosmic Source, use the pinkie (littlefinger) of the other hand as if it were a laser beam to channel this cosmic energy into thethird eye, slightly away from the body, activating the Pineal Gland (located in the middle ofthe brain in the third ventricle - also known as the “Cave of Brahma”). you can keep your

eyes open at this point so that your finger maintains its focus. The little finger representsthe element of fire, since the heart meridian and small intestine meridian both run throughthis finger. The heart meridian represents the fire of spirit, or shen , while the small intestinerepresents the fire of digestion, or chi . Using the little finger like a laser, we would letourselves become channels for cosmic light to energize the kundalini fires within the thirdeye.

With the pinkie remaining in position, move the other hand down facing the earth. Beginchanneling earth energy up into the third eye. The balance of cosmic light and earth light isimportant. One is electrical in nature, the other magnetic. Feel intuitively what is needed atthe time and continue channeling these energies until it feels complete.

Rest for as long as you can 3-5min to allow the kundalini to dance. you might feel the needfor gentle or rapid movements in the body, such as spontaneous shaking, laughing, crying,or you may experience a deep peace or pulsating waves moving up the body. simply allowthe body to express itself in whatever way it needs to. If you allow this process, without judgment, the energy will take you to far deeper bliss, peace and tranquility.

Tube of LightReaching up with both hands as high as you can reach above your head to connect withSource, sense a tube of light extending about one meter or more in diameter out from your

body. This tube extends all the way up to the cosmos and all the way down to the center ofthe Earth, including all the chakras in between. Starting with the Source, slowly move yourhands down along the edges of this tube of light until you anchor the light into the verycenter of the Earth. This helps you to embody and ground the peace, and to calm downthe Kundalini, to a balanced level.

Divine Presence HealingBring both hands on your heart. feel the Presence, the love, the inner joy. affirm thisprocess with the affirmation I AM Love, Yes I AM. x3

Gradually open your hand out like you are about to hug the world. See the Love and light

poor out of your heart centre. Invite just one person, or situation, or yourself. it can beanything, maybe something you wish to be healed, or something you wish to create. Donʼtplace any intentions just invite that person or situation into your heart, and poor Love intothem or whatever it might be. Stick to one person or focus situation, this gives it morepower then working with many people or situations. When you ready just gently bring yourhand back to your heart.

P.S. I have discovered how powerful this process is for healing, situations, and relationships, when you in this high level of vibration this ʻ  Divine Presence Healing ̓    happens naturally, and there is no need for any intentions. The higher Self knows what is needed beyond what we think is needed, by simply leaving it to the divine grace, situation naturally fall into alignment. Miracles have happened in my life from this technique, it leaves me in awe every time. I am confident the same will happen for you.

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Holographic MerKaBa. 

Holding your hands palms together over your own heart, feel yourself attuning to the Lightof the heart centre. Complete the affirmations with I AM Light, Yes I AM x3

When the moment feels right, take a deep breath, then quickly expand your hands up, outand around you, through your aura, as you expel your breath, activating the MerKaBa . Dothis twice, once to activate the spin in one direction, and then again to activate the spin inthe other direction. There is no need to visualize anything here with our mind, theintelligence and wisdom of the heart already knows what to do.

RestYou can now slowly lie down on your back for about 10-15min to allow the energy tointegrate. then gently roll on your left side, offer gratitude to your Divine Presence, beforestanding.

ConclusionAs this is a long process, give yourself a few hours where you wonʼt be disturbed, it isgood to keep some water with you to have afterwards, and gently massage your musclesafterwards to help with blood flow. it is also helpful to record the process before hand as aguided meditation. taking your time, and allowing appropriate timing between eachsection.

After youʼve done the process a few times you will begin to discover your own naturalrhythm, and will find it easer to move through the technique.

Although it is an involved process, if you take the time to go through the techniques andallow it to work for you, I believe you will discover how profound, powerful, and healing thismethod can be.

Should you have any questions or comments please donʼt hesitate to contact me.

[email protected]

In Loving Light


Disclaimer: By choosing to take part in this meditation/process/technique and/or video you are acknowledging that:1.You are one hundred percent (100%) responsible for yourself. 2. You choose to take part in this meditation/process/technique and/or video of your own free will. 3. You are fit and capable enough in all your capacity to commence in asafe manor and that you understand your physical, mental, emotional and energetic limits. 4. You acknowledge thatSean Copping cannot be held responsible in any way what-so-ever. 5. You acknowledge that Sean Copping cannot beheld responsible in any way what-so-ever for any results, harm or happenings that may or may not be caused throughthis meditation/process/technique and/or video. 6. You acknowledge that Sean Copping cannot be held responsible inany way what-so-ever be that the results may or may not be positive, negative, should nothing happen or harm may or may not come to you in any capacity defined or undefined, known or unknown to your physical, mental, emotional and/or 

energetic body/ies and/or person/s.

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Ilahinoor Raising Kundalini technique hand sequence (without the affirmations)This is a basic rundown of the above technique without all the extra explanations,affirmations, Self inquiry etc...

1. Bring your focus onto your heart, and invoke the Presence and your Guides, and

Angels. Feel their Presence.

2. Invoke Ilahinoor. You could repeat “ilahinoor” 3 or 9 times.

3. Place one hand on the ilahinoor points at the back of your head and the other hand withpalm covering the third eye and finger on the crown forming the ilahinoor bridge . allowilahinoor to flow for as long as you feel.

4. keeping the one hand on the ilahinoor points move the other hand to your heart chakraconnecting the energy with the heart centre (soul seat). stay here until you feel ready tomove on.

5. move your hand from your heart down to your sacral chakra while keeping your otherhand on the ilahinoor points .

6. now relax, place your hands flat on your thighs or you can place your thumbs and indexfingers together palms up, resting on your thighs. enjoy the Light and Grace in yourbody.

Continue with Chakra activation...1. Placing your right hand (left hand female) on your root chakra, raise the palm of your left

hand (right hand female) skyward, drawing in the cosmic light

2. Then place the left hand (right hand female) that is facing skyward onto the ilahinoor points at the back of your head. (You will have one hand connecting the root chakra andthe other connecting the ilahinoor points .)

3. When you feel ready gently move your left hand (right hand female) from the back ofyour head and place it over your Sacral Chakra (you will have one hand connecting theroot chakra and the other connecting the sacral chakra).

4. to continue take your right hand (left hand female) from your root chakra and face the

palm skyward, drawing in the cosmic light, keep your left hand (right hand female)connected to your sacral chakra.

5. place your right hand (left hand female) on the ilahinoor points at the back of your head.(keep your left hand (right hand female) connected to your sacral chakra.)

6. Take your right hand (left hand female) from the back of your head and place over yourSolar Plexus, (youʼll have one hand over your Sacral Chakra and the other over yourSolar Plexus).

7. Take your left hand (right hand female) from your Sacral chakra face the palm skywarddrawing in the cosmic light. keep your right hand (left hand female) connected to yourSolar Plexus chakra.

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8. Place your Left hand on the ilahinoor points at the back of the head. keep your righthand (left hand female) connected to your Solar Plexus chakra.

9. Place your left hand (right hand female) from the back of your head onto your HeartChakra. (youʼll have one hand over your Solar Plexus Chakra and the other over yourHeart Plexus).

10.Take your right hand (left hand female) and turn your palm skyward drawing in thecosmic light. keep your left hand (right hand female) connected to your Heart chakra.

11.Place your right hand on the back of your head at the ilahinoor points . Keep your lefthand (right hand female) connected to your Heart chakra.

12.Now take your right hand (left hand female) from the back of your head and place itover your Throat Chakra. Keeping your Left Hand (right hand female) on your HeartChakra

13.Left hand (right hand female), palm skyward drawing in the cosmic light. Keep Righthand (left hand female) on Throat chakra.

14. Place the left hand (right hand female) at the back of the head. Keep Right hand (left hand female) on Throat chakra.

15. Take your left hand (right hand female) from the back of your head and place the baceof your palm over the third eye (over the forehead) and point the tips of your fingertowards and over your crown chakra. Keeping the right hand (left hand female) over thethroat chakra.

16. Take your right hand (left hand female) from your throat chakra and turn the palmskyward drawing in the cosmic light. Keeping the left hand (right hand female) coveringyour forehead third eye chakra.

17. Place your right hand (left hand female) on the ilahinoor points at the back of yourhead. creating the ilahinoor bridge with your left hand (right hand female) still on theforehead

18. Now take both hand and turn the palms skyward, (around about the height of yourears) drawing in the cosmic light.

19.Place both hands over your Crown Chakra (top of the head) in the blessing position.

20.Lift and Expand your hands out gently. Slowly bring your hands and rest them on yourlap with your forefinger and thumb tips touching each, palms up, or whatever feelscomfortable.

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continue with the breathing exercise...From the expanded state, we continue with some rhythmic breathing. Breathing in deepinto the abdomen, for the count of 6 and hold for the count of 5. breathing out for the countof 6 and holding for the count of 5.1. As you breath-in visualize the cosmic light, flowing down from the top of your head

through each chakra all the way to your root chakra. Hold for the count of 5.

2. breath-out for the count of 6, visualize the Golden kundalini fire raising all the way up tothe crown chakra. hold on the out-breath for the count of 5.

3. breath-in count of 6 light all the way down into the Sacral Chakra. hold count of 5.4. breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.5. breath-in count of 6 light all the way down into the Solar-Plexus Chakra. hold count of 56. breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.7. breath-in count of 6 light all the way down into the Heart Chakra. hold count of 5.8. breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.9. breath-in count of 6 light all the way down into the throat Chakra. hold count of 5.10.breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.11.breath-in count of 6 light down into the Third-eye Chakra. hold count of 5.12.breath-out count of 6 raise the kundalini up to the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.13.breath-in count of 6 light into the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.14.breath-out count of 6 explode the kundalini out the Crown Chakra. hold count of 5.

Continue with the Pinkie Activation...With the palm of one hand facing up towards the Cosmic Source, use the pinkie (littlefinger) of the other hand as if it were a laser beam to channel this cosmic energy into thethird eye, slightly away from the body, activating the Pineal Gland.

With the pinkie remaining in position, move the other hand down facing the earth. Begin

channeling earth energy up into the third eye.

continue with the Tube of Light...Reaching up with both hands as high as you can reach above your head to connect withyour higher self, or Source, sense a tube of light extending about one meter or more indiameter out from your body. This tube extends all the way up to the cosmos and all theway down to the center of the Earth, including all the chakras in between. Starting with theSource, slowly move your hands down along the edges of this tube of light until youanchor the light into the very center of the Earth.

Conclude with the Holographic MerKaBa...

Holding your hands palms together over your own heart, feel yourself attuning to the Lightof heart centre.

When the moment feels right, take a deep breath, then quickly expand your hands up, outand around you through your aura, as you expel your breath, activating the MerKaBa . Dothis twice, once to activate the spin in one direction, and then again to activate the spin inthe other direction.

Rest...You can now slowly lie down on your back for about 10-15min to allow the energy tointegrate. then gently roll on your left side, offer gratitude to your Divine Presence, beforestanding.

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Ezekielʼs vision (merkaba)

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 All images are sourced off the internet for the purpose of demonstrating only and Copy Rights may apply.

If you have any concerns, questions, require advise or suggestions please feel free to contact me via email:[email protected] twitter: @ilahinoorLight

Disclaimer: By choosing to take part in this meditation/process/technique and/or video you are acknowledging that:1.You are one hundred percent (100%) responsible for yourself. 2. You choose to take part in this meditation/process/technique and/or video of your own free will. 3. You are fit and capable enough in all your capacity to commence in asafe manor and that you understand your physical, mental, emotional and energetic limits. 4. You acknowledge thatSean Copping cannot be held responsible in any way what-so-ever. 5. You acknowledge that Sean Copping cannot beheld responsible in any way what-so-ever for any results, harm or happenings that may or may not be caused throughthis meditation/process/technique and/or video. 6. You acknowledge that Sean Copping cannot be held responsible inany way what-so-ever be that the results may or may not be positive, negative, should nothing happen or harm may or may not come to you in any capacity defined or undefined, known or unknown to your physical, mental, emotional and/or energetic body/ies and/or person/s.