il i an improvement wasi the range - university of...

Il WEDXK8DAV OCTOBER 14 THE PADUOAH toVJBNING SUN r PAGE F1VH plj j t4 4 4l I I An Improvement Wo halo just installed a handsome now clear case ono that I will display our stock well and keep clears in good condition Our line of smoker supplies is ono of the largest in Padueah comprising all the standard popular brands of cigar3 as well as til + a complete assortment of tobaccos cigarettes and paper J Ut t + fnceRi a Taa- DrujfQlata y Both PhorlsM I7a Fifth and Broadway Night bell at asldo door p 1 TOE LOCAL MEWS Dr Gilbert osteopath 4405 Broadway Phono 190 Visit logos short order resta rantfel33 South Second Linen 1 markers for tale at this offlco I W Forms for real cstato agenli into at this otnce- Wallpaper rorl bargains at Koley d Umbaugh8 321 Kentucky avenue Veterinarians Farley Flsho 4291South Linen markers for talo at tblll omcoI 629 Broadway I City lubicrlbcn to Tho Dally Bun who with too delivery of then papers stopped must notify our col k lector or make tho request direct l < Tho Sun office No attention wll bo paid to such order when giver to carriers Eun Publshlng Co Manicuring hairdressing scali treatment sad tnajtaglng Jola Fiiber Oil J unlucky phono 1852- Linen markers for talc at thIs office Plover pots Flower otsl Any nlzp delivered In any quantities M J Tops Seed Co Phone 2I3 L I P Branjon the local gardono for the IlllDoht Central railroad look- up tho newer from tire park at the Inlon nation thU tnornlng and ship 1 jKd them to tho green house at Louts 1 > where they will bo putted and kept during the winter t lastevening I 1 lInn bCrGer of 520 South Fifth Ihct1I VhHe working about tbo ole tretor at the plant of the Cohankui Manufacturing company Oar Den- ton H3 years old had Ida left leg broken Tho accident happened nbout 530 oclock Purse Snatched White making her toilet In the with room at the Union station last nlpht MM I1 I Uarnhart of Blrm ingliam Ala laid tier imrco o > the window till The sash wee raised and imneono grabbed tho puio and wai kurcestifn In getting away before the lady could summon on officer Sunny Slojw School CloMil I i On Mvcount of un epidemic of dlph thrritt raging In tho community I tho ful1ll Slope tclrool In thu county line wien closed Indefinitely Ono death I is already occurred and moro than a dozen cages are maid to exit Mite l Dora I raft en Is teaching tbo tchooL A blind man In Ohio after drink Ing a ntn of whisky claims to Jiav seen thing Ktiaiir The avurago number of hats on D human heal In 1200- 00Quick J Delivery Service Tim fact that one Is In need of medicine seems to us an In ttlcatlon that thoywumt It at once and lor that reason wo have especially equipped our- selves to make deliveries Im¬ mediately upon receipt of or ¬ dOll either by phone or in 1perron I Two bicycle messengers are on duty at our atom every hour In thccdli udtll sloven nt night Phono outlnts either phor how promptly oitd aatititactorlly yo attend your waats Gilberts DrogStore 4b ant Iroidwav Phono No 77 l lEither nt OIllwrtH r r c r 4 TAFf AND BRYAN OoBtlnacd from pap rat m frequently moved them to loud ap plausc The route traversed through numerous Republican wall hold A carload df epcakqrs brought out of Omaha and at tact place visited by Mr Bryan one was dropped off to complete the work or expounding Democratic doctrine Mr Urynn accused Mr Taft of not making the speech In Nebraska that ho had teen making In other parts or tho country Who finvo Goal CrO17 He did not discuss the guarantee JouliUeuIbecau people of Nebraska arc In favor ol the guaranteeing of depositors HU appeal I was toth farmers and It was bated upon the fact that the farmers have had good crops and fair prices but did tho Republican party give you croll1ltI think tho Republican party I I Is responsible for good crops bond l thank the Republican party Those who bollcvo III wo do that tho good crops ore due to the fertility of the foil to reasonable rains and to thu warmth of the sunshine should thank the Almighty Japan Wants Peace TokloOct laAn Imperial re script publlthed urges peace and mor 1111 1 elevation ho declaration that thn east and wet ore dependent on each other for mutual welfare and urges thu cultivation ot frjcndrtijp kfuther nations An tho result of tbo rescript MH> plo expect a peace agreement with racrlca acd Japan will bo concluded luring the fleets visit Kulp Company Articles of incorporation of tho Alex Kulp Doggy and llarnwg corn nuy with a capital tock of 2500 wore flied in the county clerks office today Tlie company will nxinu ncture harnettt and do n wholesale and retail harneo and buggy buslnersI Alex Kulp J John Deve aid T II lieu arc the incorporators Ministers in City The following mnlstcrs of tho Hal tIt church are In tho city en route to attend the seventyfifth annrvcrrary of the Wo t Union llaptlrt nswcla lion which convenes at tho Mt Zon church Dr C M Thom ou editor of the Wostvrn Recorder W D Iow liB of Ioultvlllp Kcrotnry of the nhon In Kentucky Dr J P lien lerson of Bristol Va secretary of tilU Inymane movement and Dr J U Maddox of Owoaboro secretary or the Mlnlstcre AM atroclatlou- Dm C M Thompson W D Pow- ell and J D Maddox will attend prayer treating at thq First Dapttei hurch tonight 1 Attention odd Fellows All members of Mangnm Lodge 0- II f O 0 F ore hereby notified to assemble at the hall at 130 p m Thursday Oct 1C to attend the ttnurnl of our deceased brother Wm > owcy All Odd Follows are Invited to Attend by order of- F P WIT mJt V G It I U JUDD Sec rlghl1908Rosenwild4WelChicaga Spartan 3 for Young Men Vt it e IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Former Tenclicr WedltTOlInI Ills Esther Doyd r Thompson of Doaz wore married 1 In Boaz today Tho marriage bad been expected for acme tlmo by the friends Roth nro popular youn people and they will Tesldo In Doaz Tlw brldo taught in tho Paduca schools for several yam having tho ristb trade in the Washington build tilt and was iwjnilar here She rc signed her position I lit Juno Di Thompson i Is a rising young phjiilclai and Is well known over western Ken tucky Jolly uniplnjf IIIIt < >v The camping party that spout Ilst week on Crawford lake reports tho outing a success in every particular KIsh and squirrel were found I In abundance Roast trig and pos sum fat ami sweet taters also tickle the palates of tutu voracious pit makers Tho weather woud have been ci llrely too crisp for house plants but with roaring camp pros the Ung of frost In the air mado it all tho more enjoyable The last night of tho camp I under tho warming In nucuco of a mighty camp fire over td ballad was sung with the cxcei lion of Old Black Joe and Auld Inng Syne This was foKowed by II midnight lunch of boiled pork The party was composed of the following Dr and tfrs Rolland Mr and Mrs Z C Qranam Jnljpf fcrabamvlllo Mlhf Blva Jones p f Padu cabDr 0 C MrKlnnoy Dr and Mrs Danleli of Tenncewo Mr and Mrs Hd 1 Mar thai of Kern Mrs W M 1 Bolder of Ohickatha Okla Mr and Mrs J MI MrKlnnoy Mcun W Ili and W n Carlngton of Ragtand Messrs T D and J W Spouse of Woodvllle and quite A host of friends I rr I lull + iMcGstlay Wcdillug The marriage of Mica Mabel Ircm faliwt I of this city and Mr Edward a McCabe of St Louis took plant this afternoon at 4 oclock at stI Frances do Sales Catholic church The ceremony was i > erformcd by the Hot la + her II W Jaiucn TIlt bride was especially prrtty In in effective golugaway gown of gray with hat and gloves to match She e rrlcd pink torte TUo ushers wire Metsra Felix St IcJm Paul Malone Will ttcCann and Clifford Ileddlck After tho ceremony a wedding din ier was slvcn to tho bridal party and relatives at the homo of Mr and Ir Richard Calks 93g MadteoN root A color scheme of pink and reen Is prettily elaborated in the able decorations The cutting of tho prides cake will be a feature of the tinner Tho couplp will two at C13 o lock for StIouls torcaidr where Ijcy will bo at home at the McDonald Jlotel Mr and iMru George 0 Coleman ot IeNar > Ky and Mrs K O McCabe of St Iouls nro TiCfts for the ccre uony teuntJfiil Afttnioou Wwldlnu of Mss Decker and Mr Itlekr- Tbo wedding of Miss Helen Docker IIndI1 James Calhoun fiche this afternoon at Grace Epiftopal church ias a most beautiful cremonlal wit n tested by a large atomblagc of fronds oC the popular young couple Tlio charm that characterizes an at ercoon wedding was combined with tho brilliancy of effect that marks the vettfng affair Grate church which ends Ittolf readily to the beauty of + redding tvttlng was most effectively ecorated for tho oviation In the hunwl ferns with the airy white oamo werouscd cut inly while the ornsi with bride roes were tho altar ccoratlonn The bridal prose ional was ou fol owe Mcwr CliarK1 Allcott nnd ohn Sillier Jr MIM I Iletta Hatneld M lettrr Charles Ilirkc and Edwin J Paxton Miss Ruth Hall Dr Frank Ininllton of Jackfflu Tenn and Mr conk Davis Jl b a Lillian Gregory Imrs Stuart Sinrott and Dr J Q Viylcr JLIri Faith LangEtaff Mostrft David > Kojwr and Frank Bourne Miss tyirtlo Decker h maid of honor lio brldo entered with her father oloncl AJbort Jackson Decker and IIIS met at the chancel by the brldc room mid the bet t man Mr Louts r Rlcko jr who came from thoi rttry room The beautiful wedding Itual Ins lmpre tvoly sold by tho odor of Grace church tho Rev Dald > Cody Wright MV Owen Tulle was at the organ und rendered a beautifulmusical pro THIS model is one of our snappiest for young men There is nothing at all freakish about it but it contains just tho right kinks to please the young fellows 21 t tt 50 Other i goods 10 to 1S r a tIQ gram Before the arrival of th I bridal party ho played a medley oC love songs approprlato to the event wasI I During tire ceremony Because I Lov I You Dear was played It was a white and pink vcddln and these colors wore most ffcctlvcl carried out In the artistic gowns cC I I the ride and coterlo of charming Imaldllt and graclon beaulIt I It I panels of woven sliver studded wli i pearls She wore the bridal veil And carried n shower bouquet of bride roses and llHcsoftbovall y 1 I The maid of honor Mw 1rUe Ilrett1IcostulUo I I I hut of pink and a bouquet of pint- roses I The brdcmaids made a charming picture Mts Hatfle5darid Miss Greg ory wore graceful lgoos of white silk inoutteline Bordered with Illnk roses and whlt6batscovered wilt pink roses flag Lansstnff and Mis Mali were picturesque in iimlla gowns of whto silk moiusellno but bordered In pink sweet t peas and WOP whlto hate covered with the sweet ptcta Tho Urldeumalds bouquets were white chrysanthemums tied with pink t fs Tho Inldal party was Informally entertained at the Decker home alter the ceremony The house Was pretti ly decorated with the wedding roon Tho duple will leave this evening ot an extended wedding journey The brides going away gown Isa stylish costume of London Smoke grey with hat to harmonize Tho wtJding gifts were especially handsome and varied and testified to the wide l ipularty of the recipients Out of tuwn guests present for the wedding were Mr and Mars Fred VcTcoe of Columbus Ohio Mr and Mrs Walker Butterfield of Hattie Creek Michigan Mr and Mrs James Robins of Jackson Tenn Dr Frank Hamilton cf Jackson Tcnn HuflTct Su iier for Bridal Party air and Mrs t George Clayton Wai lace will entertain the bridal party of I tho WallaceIatlmer wedding at a buffet roPlllr tonight at their home Std North Ninth street after the wed I ting rehearsal at tho Flrtt Christian hurch reach Organize for Weekly Study The Sunday school teachers of thoI I Jroadway Methodist church mot with 1tn Mildred Davis C20 Kentucky I venue last night and organized fort t tllo winter series of teachers meet j rigsMr C B Hatfleld was elected iresWent and Mrs Mildred Davis co president Thu me lrrs6 will be field cyery Tuesday night with Mr- says1rotJGhn > A Carnagey su crintciidcht or tlnccity schiSls was a vlaltor at tho meeting last night Mr P M Drew f Dawson Springs iaa in Paducah yesterday on business Mr Will Holt of Ftorenco Station left this morning for Mason Mills to attend the meeting cf tho Baptist us odatlon Revenue t Kector R D Happy of I yfldd is la I tho city Major Bastett of HopklnsvlUc In ommand of the state troops in wrv cc In tho night rider district was bero this mornln en route to Mur ay where he will Inspect the camp Mr and Mrs Rs J Wllwn left to lay for Palertlno church near Maxon lilts to attend tho meeting of the Dal lIst niiixxrlation Mr T J Holcomb a prouilnvpt roduce duster of Murray was here thIs monlnt en route homo from hlcago lion MeD Ferguson of La Center tote railroad comniUrioner 1 Is In the Ity today He Is suffering from a udly I sprained reotI I Miss Naunlo bent who has been 111 of typhoid I mr Is rapidly improving and is now I out of danger Fireman Russell Hughes of tho- Xo 3 rtatlonis Ill of grip and unable to l bo on duty Sar11cont ttwson Springs tbnrorow Jackson D Armetrong Is resting oasy today tit the Illlnora Centralbos Hal Ills strength still holds out Mr Owen Tully returned this morn helhl18 Attorney L II James father of ongressman OHIO James was In the city today on business E O Yancy of St Louis was In ho city today Mr Yancy la I 11 torj j nor laducahan an lls secretary and hieIgarcompan AlexanleroCICaIJlz A X Vcalo salesman for the Plant rs Protective association Is In May old on business for the organization The ltev W E Cava Is very much nproved today Miss Nell Holmes of Cear Springs vas in tho city today en ronto to Pa ucah to visit Mrs W A Berry layfloU Messenger Mr PhH Stephen of Cairo Is In- the city visiting friends Mor and Mrs George C Coteman tf McXary aro the guests otMtrr nnd Irs Itlcherd CallssI 933 Madison treat to attend tho 1lI1Ccbow- eddh1g this afternoon Mrs TJ O JlcCabo of St Lonls rrlrcd today t to attend ihe wedding o rf hot son Edward C McQabo to Hw Mabel Caltesi 11rs Henry Reed of 4 15 Kentucky venue returned homo yesterday af er a visit to her paren r Mr and MII hear Turner otW o h xJlIo- I Doc Dourland the popular strcct car conductor U able to bo at orlc today after being slightly hurt b falling from his car Saturday Capt JI Owen went to Hopklii county this morning I F W Kaltcrjohn went to Grave Switch quarries this morning NEWS iooURTSI I1rcult Court of circuit court wos held this morning but no trials enter ed into all cases being continued un- til Friday when tho next session oC ourt will be held when It Is expected the grind Jury will bo ready to make rCVQrtI brought Indictment oJalnH J C Henderson for hors dealing Hewlett Covlngton for ob- I talulirg money by false pretenses ape BUI Halley and Ernest Ward for ob taming property by false pretenses Tho Jury failed l to indict A E Scot held on a chargo of converting to his own use money of another and WIlUs Dunlap and Will henry charged with petit larceny Ten prlsonera given penitentlor sentences at this term of court were sentenced by the court Tho number Is unusually small and fin years i IsI tho longest term given any of tho prieoncra Tire list In as follows Breaking war house Will Wlcklltti five years Breaking railroad car Frank Txfwcb 2 t years housebreak IncJo1rll Jennings five years Ern cat Hall and Newt Helm two year each Breaking storehouse Honr hell two ante Robbery Tom Bak er two years and Bud Dobson cm- year Obtaining money by Cairo pre tenses Ben Wll on four years Jai Rldgway one year Sentence was not passed on Herbert NIcliolson Len tented for two years for forgery as- a motion for a new trial will be heard the first day of the evil term which begins October 20 Suits Filed Friday is the last day suits may be ned to bo docketed at the comity civil term of circuit court and a num medI com- pany med suit against Downs I company for 33747 claimed due 01 account II Ynnd W F Bynuni filed suit igalnst J W Roark and D D John- son for 19430 due on two notes DreyfuM WeUt company filed mil against the Nashville Chatta- nooga St Louis Railroad company far 2SG for two barrels and five drums of whltky destroyed In the de- pot at Do Soto Ga which was burned It is claimed that the party to whom tho whisky was consigned md failed to take It out and the rail- road company had failed to notify the plaintiff that it could be removeJfron the depot beforo the fle occurrence Marriage licensee W Carrol Latlmer nod Frances iVallaco E C McCabe And Mabel Irene Cal > Issl Josie Hester and Bessie Moore In Police Court Thu docket in police court this morning was Breach of peaceltIehlt- obevtron Mary Robertson and lIen letta NlcliolaH colored continued until October 15 Breath of ordinance George Ford and John Pope 5 and costs each Breach of peac Cfaudo Fondeau and Jim Hart it and costs divided Many a mans chief faux Is his fall arc to see his shortcomings A man thinks his Is tile simple IHc when he inane kick coming I 1o- I Per Cent off For this week only on all cash purchases in every department I I In order to give our friends and customers the benefit of some late purchases in our differ ¬ ent departments we will for this week only give then 10 per cent off Every department re- p ¬ ete with the seasons choicest offerings See window display The Majestic Range < 1 The wonderful Cooker has the only airtight oven in the world Hence ii it burnt leas fuel and does cooking i tit that other ranges cannot do 750 set vessels given this weekonly Come and fully examine the range I and enjoy a good cup of hot coffee fI6 and biscuit f I GEO 0 HART SONS CO Incorporated WANT Et Subscribers Inserting want ads to rile San will kindly remember that Ill such items are to be paid for when toe ad U inserted the rule applying to every one without exception rFOR SALEHomer pigeons All colors New phono frO2 LINEN MARKERS for sale at this omcoWANTEDA good cook Good wages and room Old phone 32C STRAYED Black female l poodle FInder please phone 358 BtDSTfcAJ > S stoves and other furniture for sale 918 Broadway I In FOR RENT Fiveroom house 218 North Sixth Apply to Chas Frederick FOR SALE Linen markers at thIsI I ifllce I i THE ONLY wood and coat yard inl l ho city Johnston Fuel Co Phones t to 03 I J la E MORGAN horse shoeing general repairing rubber tires 408- South Third- COTTAGE for tent S per month 1South 1 ci WANTEDhouse tfrl that can furnish cod recpnimeiidatlons Ap Vi ly to luQy W Broadway HOARDERS solicited at 1222 roadway Would bo pleased to- tertvo I meals to teachers and pupte FOR SALE or exchange for PaJu of rah real estate an S4acro Illinois farm Address M0 Gilbert Cltc TAIUI FOR SALE 55 acres new house strawberries 2o acres timber t t- I to iV4 miles on Hlnklcvlllo road Ad dress B this office i TILE gasoline boat Addle will make one trip dally beginning October 13 to Joppa and all way landings I Leaves Paducah 830 a m from foot of Ken- tucky ¬ avenue t IF YOU WANT Oak Stove or Heat log Wood any time during the year I and cut tbo length you want call 1 203 Johnston Fuel Co IF YOU have James Duffey to do j your cleaning and pressing your clothes will always look like new Old phone 338a IF YOU WANT Kentucky or Pitts burg coal that vTl please you at re- duced ¬ prices call 203 Johnston I Fuel CoOU IiNr3 rooms furnlaTiiil for unfurnished with all modern con vcnlonclcs for man und wife Old I phone 141- 5MESOur Illustrated catalogue explains how we teach barber trade In few weeks mailed free Moer Barber College St Louis Mo Lt3TSatuf f Jay afternoon a coat suit jacket between Oth Clay and Sth and Jefferson Return to 421 lIara hun boulevard or phone 1217 IOST Suturday afternoon brown coatsult jacket between Sixth and Clay and Eighth and Jefferson streets Eaftfacioiy reward If returned to I 117I for diamonds on easy payments Calll at l once and get our proposition Eye Seo Jewelry and Optical Co Incor ¬ porated 315 Broadway J FOR RENT9room house 410 SlOth 90 foot lot high and dry Moth hot and cold water Modern plumbing J AnudYI 219 Broad ¬ wily I LADY AGENTS wanted to sell genuine Heatherboom Petticoats Bent on the market Theres money in It for hustlers Wrtc for particulars Independent Skirt Co 2208 W Von Duren St Chicago I 1LADlESOur catalogue exp a oe how yro teach hairdressing manicur ¬ lug facial massage etc In few weeks walled free Moler College St Louie Mo 1 ILLINOIS COAL and Feed Co ICth and Tennessee Best Unlor Mine lump egg or nut 12 cents pe1 bushel Plttibarr 14 cents delivered Give us your order New phone 73S PRACTICAL bookkeeping Greg shorthand and touch typewriting1 suc ¬ cessfully taught day and night at Pa ducah Central Business College Over 104 placed in positions In Paduceb alone 4 f hY- d n RAILAVAY Mall Clerks post ffico clerks carriers wanted Examin ¬ ations hero November 18th Prepar- ation ¬ free Franklin Institute Rochester N T FOR SALE My new country home on tho Hlnklevllle road 2H miles from city limits Five acres of land Two story concrete residence of eight rooms two halls pantry and bath room Largo porches Pine well Half acre of strawberries Nice or ¬ chard of young trees TermsreaEon able Louella Mottlson R F D No 1 Now phone 5103 The Unwritten Law The Nasbvi e American discussing he unwritten law declares that we are not shooting and lynching enough That Is on amazing declaration for a great dally newspaper to be making Its editorial column If there ever was a law overworked beyond all roe ¬ son it Is tho tocalld unwritten law which permits a husband to slay man because of the perfidy of his wife Before wo go to shooting aril lynching men for this crime we ought het up a standard to guido us That to say the responsibility of Iho woman ought to be taken Into consid ¬ oration Tho NashVIte Banner how aver has the proper conception of the whole matter It says It Is not hnt a man might do In the fury ot anger and In the stress of terrltCp Hcumttancc that should bo made this gauge of right nation If murder fa pronounced and upheldvtp Je alow abe and commendable as a right tI course of action to be adopte t l foP righting wrongs the bars will be let l down for private vengeance lnV myriad of Instances of fancied wrongs all kinds and the taw wl be dli honored If lynchlngs ore to bo en ¬ and commended by the press nnl the public wo may expect have theso bloody murders gatofe No tho law must bo pul first Tho law Is tho expressed will ot the lie e61 pie for their own protection Newspapers ought to be night slow about advising more murders and lynchlngs Wo have enough pf them In all reason now and instead of advocating an Increase newspapers should keep tho number down to the lowest possible limit by looking to tho law for tho protection of tbclctyl That Is what the daw hr for and ft shots i bo appealed to for prottctlpfi f by alt people wb6 feel theinscivVs aggrieved In whatever way Chatta ¬ nooga Sews Soldiers lUcnilted Here Capt William Reed cf Evans Jjj arrived in the city yesterday Wter noon from Caro sad accepted ono man from Sergt C A Blake recruit lngpfllcer fo rtno coast artillery Vic ¬ tor Davis of McLean county was < ho oiio man recruited He went to Jcl ferton barracks at St Louis today Capt Reed went front hereto Prlncc c ton Sergeant Blake Is holdins tyo men on probation 4111 next week Joseph Sptecr of Dresden Tcnn U one ot the men lie was discharged three days ajo after serving a threw year enlistment In the Thirteenth cavaiy I at Ft Lcavenworth Katt OOUotJlorthocon 38 rUljhcr Kducntlon of Women The fact that all German unlversl ties are to bp thrown open 16 women is bound to affect those of other laptls sooner or later while in tho main ¬ time it is sure to influence and im ¬ provo the position ot woven ot every class in oven country London Queen LIghtnIng struck the store ot Hor ace Swan at Georgetown Deland I when Swan recovered from iliti shock ho fqund ono of his ears had been scorched until it was brown Notice To Republican voters of 1aoucah We arc unable to reach all of you by mall and as wo post important bulle ¬ tins at headquarters dally you are kindly requested to call and 1 look I them over It will keep you in touch I with the situation Notice of speak ¬ ings changes of dates etc and ° other Information that will bo Interesting H c HOOVER S cv I Telephone 2G6 old 1400 pew I Sir Betlie Owen i ftfry For Information apply t to AJ Ifegan- WalUttErpom 120 Kentucky avenue tone 7S7 cHI

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Page 1: Il I An Improvement wasI The Range - University of retail harneo and buggy buslnersI Alex KulpJ John Deve aid T II lieu arc the


pljj t4 44l I


An ImprovementWo halo just installed a handsome now clear case ono that

I will display our stock well and keep clears in good condition

Our line of smoker supplies is ono of the largest in Padueah

comprising all the standard popular brands of cigar3 as well astil +

a complete assortment of tobaccos cigarettes and paper


Ut t+ fnceRi a Taa-

DrujfQlatay Both PhorlsM I7a Fifth and Broadway

Night bell at asldo doorp



Dr Gilbert osteopath 4405Broadway Phono 190

Visit logos short order restarantfel33 South Second

Linen1 markers for tale at thisofflco I W

Forms for real cstato agenliinto at this otnce-


bargains at Koley d

Umbaugh8 321 Kentucky avenueVeterinarians Farley Flsho

4291SouthLinen markers for talo at tblll

omcoI629 Broadway I

City lubicrlbcn to Tho DallyBun who with too delivery of thenpapers stopped must notify our col

k lector or make tho request directl < Tho Sun office No attention wllbo paid to such order when giverto carriers Eun Publshlng Co

Manicuring hairdressing scalitreatment sad tnajtaglng JolaFiiber Oil Junlucky phono 1852-

Linen markers for talc at thIsoffice

Plover pots Flower otsl Anynlzp delivered In any quantities MJ Tops Seed Co Phone 2I3

LI P Branjon the local gardonofor the IlllDoht Central railroad look-up tho newer from tire park at theInlon nation thU tnornlng and ship1jKd them to tho green house at Louts1 > where they will bo putted andkept during the winter


lInn bCrGer of 520 South FifthIhct1IVhHe working about tbo oletretor at the plant of the CohankuiManufacturing company Oar Den-ton H3 years old had Ida left legbroken Tho accident happened nbout530 oclock

Purse SnatchedWhite making her toilet In the

with room at the Union station lastnlpht MM I1I Uarnhart of Blrmingliam Ala laid tier imrco o > thewindow till The sash wee raised andimneono grabbed tho puio and waikurcestifn In getting away before thelady could summon on officer

Sunny Slojw School CloMilIi On Mvcount of un epidemic of dlph

thrritt raging In tho communityI thoful1ll Slope tclrool In thu county linewien closed Indefinitely Ono deathI is already occurred and moro thana dozen cages are maid to exit MitelDora I raften Is teaching tbo tchooL

A blind man In Ohio after drinkIng a ntn of whisky claims to Jiav

seen thing KtiaiirThe avurago number of hats on D

human heal In 1200-




Tim fact that one Is In needof medicine seems to us an Inttlcatlon that thoywumt It atonce and lor that reason wohave especially equipped our-selves to make deliveries Im¬

mediately upon receipt of or¬

dOll either by phone or in1perron

I Two bicycle messengers areon duty at our atom everyhour In thccdli udtll slovennt night Phono outlntseither phor howpromptly oitd aatititactorlly yoattend your waats

Gilberts DrogStore4b ant Iroidwav

Phono No 77

llEither nt OIllwrtHr r c r



OoBtlnacd from pap ratm

frequently moved them to loud applausc The route traversedthrough numerous Republican wallhold A carload df epcakqrsbrought out of Omaha and at tactplace visited by Mr Bryan one wasdropped off to complete the work orexpounding Democratic doctrine

Mr Urynn accused Mr Taft of notmaking the speech In Nebraska thatho had teen making In other parts ortho country

Who finvo Goal CrO17He did not discuss the guarantee

JouliUeuIbecaupeople of Nebraska arc In favor olthe guaranteeing of depositors HUappealI was toth farmers and It wasbated upon the fact that the farmershave had good crops and fair pricesbut did tho Republican party give you

croll1ltI think tho Republicanparty IIIs responsible for good cropsbondl thank the Republican partyThose who bollcvo III wo do that thogood crops ore due to the fertility ofthe foil to reasonable rains and tothu warmth of the sunshine shouldthank the Almighty

Japan Wants PeaceTokloOct laAn Imperial re

script publlthed urges peace and mor11111 elevation ho declaration that thneast and wet ore dependent on eachother for mutual welfare and urgesthu cultivation ot frjcndrtijp kfuthernations An tho result of tbo rescriptMH>plo expect a peace agreement withracrlca acd Japan will bo concludedluring the fleets visit

Kulp CompanyArticles of incorporation of tho

Alex Kulp Doggy and llarnwg cornnuy with a capital tock of 2500

wore flied in the county clerks officetoday Tlie company will nxinuncture harnettt and do n wholesaleand retail harneo and buggy buslnersIAlex KulpJ John Deve aid T IIlieu arc the incorporators

Ministers in CityThe following mnlstcrs of tho Hal

tIt church are In tho city en routeto attend the seventyfifth annrvcrraryof the Wo t Union llaptlrt nswclalion which convenes at tho Mt Zonchurch Dr C M Thom ou editorof the Wostvrn Recorder W D IowliB of Ioultvlllp Kcrotnry of thenhon In Kentucky Dr J P lienlerson of Bristol Va secretary oftilU Inymane movement and Dr JU Maddox of Owoaboro secretaryor the Mlnlstcre AM atroclatlou-

Dm C M Thompson W D Pow-ell and J D Maddox will attendprayer treating at thq First Daptteihurch tonight 1

Attention odd FellowsAll members of Mangnm Lodge 0-

II f O 0 F ore hereby notifiedto assemble at the hall at 130 p mThursday Oct 1C to attend thettnurnl of our deceased brother Wm

> owcy All Odd Follows are Invitedto Attend by order of-




Spartan 3 for Young Men

Vt it e


Former Tenclicr WedltTOlInIIlls Esther Doyd r

Thompson of Doaz wore married 1InBoaz today Tho marriage bad beenexpected for acme tlmo by thefriends Roth nro popular younpeople and they will Tesldo In DoazTlw brldo taught in tho Paducaschools for several yam having thoristb trade in the Washington buildtilt and was iwjnilar here She rc

signed her position Ilit Juno DiThompson iIs a rising young phjiilclaiand Is well known over western Kentucky

Jolly uniplnjf IIIIt< >vThe camping party that spout Ilst

week on Crawford lake reports thoouting a success in every particularKIsh and squirrel were found IInabundance Roast trig and possum fat ami sweet taters also ticklethe palates of tutu voracious pitmakers

Tho weather woud have been cillrely too crisp for house plantsbut with roaring camp pros the Ungof frost In the air mado it all thomore enjoyable The last night oftho campI under tho warming Innucuco of a mighty camp fire overtd ballad was sung with the cxceilion of Old Black Joe and AuldInng Syne This was foKowed by IImidnight lunch of boiled pork Theparty was composed of the followingDr and tfrs Rolland Mr and MrsZ C Qranam Jnljpf fcrabamvllloMlhf Blva Jones pf Padu cabDr 0C MrKlnnoy Dr and Mrs Danleliof Tenncewo Mr and Mrs Hd1 Marthai of Kern Mrs W M1 Bolderof Ohickatha Okla Mr and Mrs JMI MrKlnnoy Mcun W Ili and Wn Carlngton of Ragtand Messrs TD and J W Spouse of Woodvllleand quite A host of friends

I rr I

lull+ iMcGstlay WcdillugThe marriage of Mica Mabel Ircm

faliwtI of this city and Mr Edwarda McCabe of St Louis took plantthis afternoon at 4 oclock at stIFrances do Sales Catholic church Theceremony was i >erformcd by the Hotla + her II W Jaiucn

TIlt bride was especially prrtty In

in effective golugaway gown of graywith hat and gloves to match Shee rrlcd pink torte

TUo ushers wire Metsra Felix StIcJm Paul Malone Will ttcCannand Clifford Ileddlck

After tho ceremony a wedding dinier was slvcn to tho bridal partyand relatives at the homo of Mr andIr Richard Calks 93g MadteoNroot A color scheme of pink andreen Is prettily elaborated in theable decorations The cutting of thoprides cake will be a feature of thetinner

Tho couplp will two at C13o lock for StIouls torcaidr whereIjcy will bo at home at the McDonald

JlotelMr and iMru George 0 Coleman ot

IeNar > Ky and Mrs K O McCabeof St Iouls nro TiCfts for the ccreuony

teuntJfiil Afttnioou Wwldlnu of MssDecker and Mr Itlekr-

Tbo wedding of Miss Helen DockerIIndI1 James Calhoun fiche thisafternoon at Grace Epiftopal churchias a most beautiful cremonlal wit

ntested by a large atomblagc of frondsoC the popular young couple

Tlio charm that characterizes an atercoon wedding was combined with

tho brilliancy of effect that marks thevettfng affair Grate church whichends Ittolf readily to the beauty of+redding tvttlng was most effectivelyecorated for tho oviation In thehunwl ferns with the airy whiteoamo werouscd cut inly while theornsi with bride roes were tho altarccoratlonn

The bridal prose ional was ou folowe Mcwr CliarK1 Allcott nndohn Sillier Jr MIMI Iletta Hatneld

Mlettrr Charles Ilirkc and Edwin JPaxton Miss Ruth Hall Dr FrankIninllton of Jackfflu Tenn and Mrconk Davis Jlba Lillian GregoryImrs Stuart Sinrott and Dr J QViylcr JLIri Faith LangEtaff Mostrft

David> Kojwr and Frank Bourne Misstyirtlo Decker h maid of honorlio brldo entered with her fatheroloncl AJbort Jackson Decker andIIIS met at the chancel by the brldcroom mid the bett man Mr Loutsr Rlcko jr who came from thoirttry room The beautiful weddingItual Ins lmpre tvoly sold by tho

odor of Grace church tho RevDald> Cody Wright

MV Owen Tulle was at the organund rendered a beautifulmusical pro

THIS model is one of oursnappiest for young menThere is nothing at allfreakish about it but itcontains just ttho rightkinks to please the youngfellows

21 ttt 50Other

igoods 10 to 1Sr


gram Before the arrival of th I

bridal party ho played a medley oC

love songs approprlato to the event

wasI I

During tire ceremony Because I Lov I

You Dear was playedIt was a white and pink vcddln

and these colors wore most ffcctlvclcarried out In the artistic gowns cC


Ithe ride and coterlo of charming

Imaldllt and graclon


It I

panels of woven sliver studded wliipearls She wore the bridal veil Andcarried n shower bouquet of brideroses and llHcsoftbovall y 1

I The maid of honor Mw 1rUe

Ilrett1IcostulUo I


I hut of pink and a bouquet of pint-roses I

The brdcmaids made a charmingpicture Mts Hatfle5darid Miss Gregory wore gracefullgoos of whitesilk inoutteline Bordered with Illnkroses and whlt6batscovered wiltpink roses flag Lansstnff and MisMali were picturesque in iimllagowns of whto silk moiusellno butbordered In pink sweett peas and WOPwhlto hate covered with the sweetptcta Tho Urldeumalds bouquetswere white chrysanthemums tiedwith pink tfs

Tho Inldal party was Informallyentertained at the Decker home alterthe ceremony The house Was prettily decorated with the wedding roonTho duple will leave this evening otan extended wedding journey Thebrides going away gown Isa stylishcostume of London Smoke grey withhat to harmonize

Tho wtJding gifts were especiallyhandsome and varied and testified tothe wide lipularty of the recipients

Out of tuwn guests present for thewedding were Mr and Mars FredVcTcoe of Columbus Ohio Mr andMrs Walker Butterfield of HattieCreek Michigan Mr and Mrs JamesRobins of Jackson Tenn Dr FrankHamilton cf Jackson Tcnn

HuflTct Su iier for Bridal Partyair and Mrst George Clayton Wai

lace will entertain the bridal party of I

tho WallaceIatlmer wedding at abuffet roPlllr tonight at their homeStd North Ninth street after the wed I

ting rehearsal at tho Flrtt Christianhurch

reach Organize for Weekly StudyThe Sunday school teachers of thoII

Jroadway Methodist church mot with

1tn Mildred Davis C20 Kentucky I

venue last night and organized fortttllo winter series of teachers meet j

rigsMr C B Hatfleld was electediresWent and Mrs Mildred Davisco president Thu me lrrs6 will be

field cyery Tuesday night with Mr-says1rotJGhn> A Carnagey sucrintciidcht or tlnccity schiSls was

a vlaltor at tho meeting last night

Mr P M Drew f Dawson Springsiaa in Paducah yesterday on business

Mr Will Holt of Ftorenco Stationleft this morning for Mason Mills toattend the meeting cf tho Baptist us

odatlonRevenue t Kector R D Happy of

I yfldd is laI tho cityMajor Bastett of HopklnsvlUc In

ommand of the state troops in wrvcc In tho night rider district was

bero this mornln en route to Muray where he will Inspect the camp

Mr and Mrs Rs J Wllwn left tolay for Palertlno church near Maxon

lilts to attend tho meeting of theDal lIst niiixxrlation

Mr T J Holcomb a prouilnvptroduce duster of Murray was here

thIs monlnt en route homo fromhlcagolion MeD Ferguson of La Center

tote railroad comniUrioner 1Is In theIty today He Is suffering from audlyI sprained reotII

Miss Naunlobent who has been 111 of typhoid I

mr Is rapidly improving and is nowI

out of dangerFireman Russell Hughes of tho-

Xo 3 rtatlonis Ill of grip and unableto lbo on duty

Sar11contttwson Springs tbnrorowJackson D Armetrong Is resting

oasy today tit the Illlnora CentralbosHal Ills strength still holds out

Mr Owen Tully returned this morn

helhl18Attorney L II James father ofongressman OHIO James was In the

city today on businessE O Yancy of St Louis was In

ho city today Mr Yancy laI 11 torjj

nor laducahan an lls secretary and


A X Vcalo salesman for the Plantrs Protective association Is In Mayold on business for the organization

The ltev W E Cava Is very muchnproved today

Miss Nell Holmes of Cear Springsvas in tho city today en ronto to Paucah to visit Mrs W A BerrylayfloU Messenger

Mr PhH Stephen of Cairo Is In-

the city visiting friendsMor and Mrs George C Coteman

tf McXary aro the guests otMtrr nndIrs Itlcherd CallssI 933 Madisontreat to attend tho 1lI1Ccbow-

eddh1g this afternoonMrs TJ O JlcCabo of St Lonls

rrlrcd today tto attend ihe weddingorff hot son Edward C McQabo toHw Mabel Caltesi

11rs Henry Reed of 4 15 Kentuckyvenue returned homo yesterday afer a visit to her paren r Mr andMII hear Turner otWo hxJlIo-

I Doc Dourland the popular strcctcar conductor U able to bo at orlctoday after being slightly hurt bfalling from his car Saturday

Capt JI Owen went to Hopkliicounty this morning I

F W Kaltcrjohn went to GraveSwitch quarries this morning


I1rcult Courtof circuit court wos

held this morning but no trials entered into all cases being continued un-

til Friday when tho next session oC

ourt will be held when It Is expected

the grind Jury will bo ready to make

rCVQrtI brought IndictmentoJalnH J C Henderson for horsdealing Hewlett Covlngton for ob-

I talulirg money by false pretenses ape

BUI Halley and Ernest Ward for obtaming property by false pretenses

Tho Jury failedl to indict A E Scotheld on a chargo of converting tohis own use money of another andWIlUs Dunlap and Will henrycharged with petit larceny

Ten prlsonera given penitentlorsentences at this term of court weresentenced by the court Tho numberIs unusually small and fin years iIsI

tho longest term given any of thoprieoncra Tire list In as followsBreaking war house Will Wlckllttifive years Breaking railroad carFrank Txfwcb 2t years housebreakIncJo1rll Jennings five years Erncat Hall and Newt Helm two yeareach Breaking storehouse Honrhell two ante Robbery Tom Baker two years and Bud Dobson cm-

year Obtaining money by Cairo pretenses Ben Wll on four years JaiRldgway one year Sentence was notpassed on Herbert NIcliolson Len

tented for two years for forgery as-

a motion for a new trial will be heardthe first day of the evil term whichbegins October 20

Suits FiledFriday is the last day suits may be

ned to bo docketed at the comitycivil term of circuit court and a num

medI com-

pany med suit against Downs I

company for 33747 claimed due 01account

II Ynnd W F Bynuni filed suitigalnst J W Roark and D D John-son for 19430 due on two notes

DreyfuM WeUt company filed

mil against the Nashville Chatta-nooga St Louis Railroad companyfar 2SG for two barrels and fivedrums of whltky destroyed In the de-pot at Do Soto Ga which wasburned It is claimed that the partyto whom tho whisky was consignedmd failed to take It out and the rail-

road company had failed to notify theplaintiff that it could be removeJfronthe depot beforo the fle occurrence

Marriage licenseeW Carrol Latlmer nod Frances

iVallacoE C McCabe And Mabel Irene Cal

>IsslJosie Hester and Bessie Moore

In Police CourtThu docket in police court this

morning was Breach of peaceltIehlt-obevtron Mary Robertson and lIenletta NlcliolaH colored continueduntil October 15 Breath of ordinanceGeorge Ford and John Pope 5

and costs each Breach of peacCfaudo Fondeau and Jim Hart itand costs divided

Many a mans chief faux Is his fallarc to see his shortcomings

A man thinks his Is tile simple IHcwhen he inane kick coming




Per Cent off

For this week only on

all cash purchases in

every departmentI


In order to give our

friends and customersthe benefit of some late

purchases in our differ ¬

ent departments we will

for this week only give

then 10 per cent off

Every department re-



ete with the seasons

choicest offerings Seewindow display

The Majestic Range< 1

The wonderful Cooker has the only

airtight oven in the world Henceiiit burnt leas fuel and does cookingi


that other ranges cannot do 750set vessels given this weekonlyCome and fully examine the range Iand enjoy a good cup of hot coffee


and biscuitf


GEO 0 HART SONS COIncorporated

WANT EtSubscribers Inserting want ads to

rile San will kindly remember thatIll such items are to be paid for whentoe ad U inserted the rule applyingto every one without exceptionrFOR SALEHomer pigeons Allcolors New phono frO2

LINEN MARKERS for sale at this

omcoWANTEDAgood cook Good

wages and room Old phone 32C

STRAYED Blackfemalel poodleFInder please phone 358

BtDSTfcAJ > S stoves and otherfurniture for sale 918 Broadway IIn

FOR RENT Fiveroom house 218North Sixth Apply to Chas Frederick

FOR SALE Linen markers at thIsIIifllce I i

THE ONLY wood and coat yard inllho city Johnston Fuel Co Phones tto

03 I


E MORGAN horse shoeinggeneral repairing rubber tires 408-

South Third-

COTTAGE for tent S per month1South1ci

WANTEDhouse tfrl that canfurnish cod recpnimeiidatlons ApVily to luQy W Broadway

HOARDERS solicited at 1222roadway Would bo pleased to-



meals to teachers and pupteFOR SALE or exchange for PaJu of

rah real estate an S4acro Illinoisfarm Address M0 Gilbert Cltc

TAIUI FOR SALE 55 acres newhouse strawberries 2o acres timber tt-I

toiV4 miles on Hlnklcvlllo road Address B this office i

TILE gasoline boat Addle will makeone trip dally beginning October 13to Joppa and all way landings ILeavesPaducah 830 a m from foot of Ken-


avenue t

IF YOU WANT Oak Stove or Heatlog Wood any time during the year I

and cut tbo length you want call 1

203 Johnston Fuel Co

IF YOU have James Duffey to doj

your cleaning and pressing yourclothes will always look like newOld phone 338a

IF YOU WANT Kentucky or Pittsburg coal that vTl please you at re-


prices call 203 Johnston


FuelCoOU IiNr3 rooms furnlaTiiil

for unfurnished with all modern con

vcnlonclcs for man und wife Old I

phone 141-5MESOur Illustrated catalogue

explains how we teach barber tradeIn few weeks mailed free MoerBarber College St Louis Mo

Lt3TSatuff Jay afternoon a coatsuit jacket between Oth Clay and Sth

and Jefferson Return to 421 lIarahun boulevard or phone 1217

IOST Suturday afternoon browncoatsult jacket between Sixth andClay and Eighth and Jefferson streetsEaftfacioiy reward If returned to

I117I fordiamonds on easy payments Calll atlonce and get our proposition EyeSeo Jewelry and Optical Co Incor¬

porated 315 BroadwayJ FOR RENT9room house 410

SlOth 90 foot lot high and dryMoth hot and cold water Modernplumbing J AnudYI 219 Broad ¬

wilyI LADY AGENTS wanted to sellgenuine Heatherboom Petticoats Benton the market Theres money in Itfor hustlers Wrtc for particularsIndependent Skirt Co 2208 W VonDuren St Chicago

I1LADlESOur catalogue exp a oe

how yro teach hairdressing manicur ¬

lug facial massage etc In fewweeks walled free Moler College

St Louie Mo1 ILLINOIS COAL and Feed CoICth and Tennessee Best UnlorMine lump egg or nut 12 cents pe1bushel Plttibarr 14 cents deliveredGive us your order New phone 73S

PRACTICAL bookkeeping Gregshorthand and touch typewriting1 suc¬

cessfully taught day and night at Paducah Central Business College Over104 placed in positions In Paducebalone


f hY-d

nRAILAVAY Mall Clerks post ffico

clerks carriers wanted Examin ¬

ations hero November 18th Prepar-ation


free Franklin InstituteRochester N T

FOR SALE My new country homeon tho Hlnklevllle road 2H milesfrom city limits Five acres of landTwo story concrete residence of eightrooms two halls pantry and bathroom Largo porches Pine wellHalf acre of strawberries Nice or¬

chard of young trees TermsreaEonable Louella Mottlson R F DNo 1 Now phone 5103

The Unwritten LawThe Nasbvi e American discussing

he unwritten law declares that weare not shooting and lynching enoughThat Is on amazing declaration for agreat dally newspaper to be making

Its editorial column If there everwas a law overworked beyond all roe ¬

son it Is tho tocalld unwrittenlaw which permits a husband to slay

man because of the perfidy of hiswife Before wo go to shooting arillynching men for this crime we ought

het up a standard to guido us Thatto say the responsibility of Iho

woman ought to be taken Into consid¬

oration Tho NashVIte Banner howaver has the proper conception of thewhole matter It says It Is not

hnt a man might do In the fury otanger and In the stress of terrltCp

Hcumttancc that should bo made thisgauge of right nation If murder fa

pronounced and upheldvtp Je alowabe and commendable as a righttIcourse of action to be adoptet l foPrighting wrongs the bars will be letl

down for private vengeance lnVmyriad of Instances of fancied wrongs

all kinds and the taw wl be dlihonored If lynchlngs ore to bo en ¬

and commended by thepress nnl the public wo may expect

have theso bloody murders gatofeNo tho law must bo pul first Tholaw Is tho expressed will ot the liee61

pie for their own protectionNewspapers ought to be night

slow about advising more murdersand lynchlngs Wo have enough pfthem In all reason now and insteadof advocating an Increase newspapersshould keep tho number down to thelowest possible limit by looking to tholaw for tho protection of tbclctylThat Is what the daw hr for and ftshots i bo appealed to for prottctlpfifby alt people wb6 feel theinscivVsaggrieved In whatever way Chatta ¬

nooga Sews

Soldiers lUcnilted HereCapt William Reed cf Evans Jjj

arrived in the city yesterday Wternoon from Caro sad accepted onoman from Sergt C A Blake recruitlngpfllcer fo rtno coast artillery Vic ¬

tor Davis of McLean county was < hooiio man recruited He went to Jclferton barracks at St Louis todayCapt Reed went front hereto Prlncccton Sergeant Blake Is holdins tyomen on probation 4111 next weekJoseph Sptecr of Dresden Tcnn U

one ot the men lie was dischargedthree days ajo after serving a threwyear enlistment In the ThirteenthcavaiyI at Ft Lcavenworth Katt


rUljhcr Kducntlon of WomenThe fact that all German unlversl

ties are to bp thrown open 16 womenis bound to affect those of other laptlssooner or later while in tho main ¬

time it is sure to influence and im ¬

provo the position ot woven ot everyclass in oven country LondonQueen

LIghtnIng struck the store ot Horace Swan at Georgetown DelandI

when Swan recovered from iliti shockho fqund ono of his ears had beenscorched until it was brown

NoticeTo Republican voters of 1aoucah

We arc unable to reach all of you bymall and as wo post important bulle ¬

tins at headquarters dally you arekindly requested to call and 1look

I them over It will keep you in touchI with the situation Notice of speak ¬

ings changes of dates etc and ° otherInformation that will bo Interesting


Telephone 2G6 old 1400 pew


Sir Betlie Owen iftfryFor Information apply tto AJ Ifegan-

WalUttErpom120 Kentucky avenue tone 7S7