ik trv p 'pails s mlietim

few if- -' Ji ff v I j?ni f . ' -- r I 'W r'fm 'A31 'Pails S HWHwma - ry Mrwiawawit WWpP 4(1 P & mlietim Vol. IX. No. 1285. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY EVENING, MAKC1I 25, 188G. 60 OENTS SUBSCRIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed mid published at the ollice, Queen Street, Honolulu, 11. I., every ufternoou (Sundays excepted). Subscription! - SO cents por Month. Address all Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc ensure should bo handed In beforo one o'clock P.M. Danlol Logan Managing Editor Norman Logan Assoclato Editor and Ac counlnnl. W. A. S. Reals Collector and Shipping Reporter Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, ll.mlc and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most fuvuiublo terms. JAS. 0. CLEVIOR, Manager. I3ell Telephone No. lifiO Mutual Telephone No. 230 Commission tox- -' oiiants. T. WATEBHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 Clam HyrccUels. Wm. Irwin. IRWIN & COMPANY, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 OLEQHOBN Ss OO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono- lulu . it CO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. t S.N.Castlo. J. B. Athcrton. & OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dcalera in General Merohaudisc, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. . K. HUTCHISON. M. A. OONSALVES. M. A. GONSALVES & CO., Wholesalo Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Heaver Block, Honolulu. GRINBAUM & CO., M'S. Importers of General Mor- - oliaudlse and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, aud 1U4 California street, 1 Ban Francisco, Cal. J LYONS, Auctioneer and General Commission Merchant, Masonic Block, Queen St., ; . Honolulu. Sales of Furuituro, Stock, Ileal Estate and General Merchandise promptly .at- tended to. Solo Agent for American aud Euro-pea- n merchandise. 318 BREWER COMPANY, 0, (Llmitud) Gknkual Mercantile and Commission Agents. list of oyKICEllS: P. 0. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Oauteu. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary DIUECTOUS: Hon. 0. K. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Cahtku 338 ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. 11. Macfarlane. G. W. MACI-BLA- NE & Co. IMPOHTEHS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Fire-Pro-of Building, - C2 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. AGENTS lor Tho "Walkapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Tho Heuia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huclo Sugar Mill, Maui, lluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep ltaneh Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler Ss Co. Steam Plow ami i- - able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlees, Watsoii &Co's Bugur Ma uiu cry, Glasgow, Glasgow aud Honolulu Lino of Pav 185 O. BERQER, 0, 24 Mekohant Stkekt. General Agent for Tho N. Y. Life Insurauco Company, Tho City of London Firu In. Co(llmlt'd South British and National Fire Ma. rino Insurance Co. Macuoalo Urban Safes, The Celebrated Sprlugfleld Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mltcholl, Vanco & Co. Tho Hartford Firo Insurance Co. The Commercial Fire Marino Insur- ance Co. 238 C. II. WOOMIINCSTON, GENERAL PURCHASING AGENT. fy Special notlco to Island orders for jucrcnumiKUui uvcry uesuripiiuii, lu very lowest rates of commission. Bend for samples of Dry Goods, etc., etc. Catalogues and price list free by mall uvcryuteaincr. Address 300 CALIFORNIA STREET. 101 1,( Room 111, San FroucUco. Professionals. SKI' I f IK Trv ' O. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Agent to tako Acknowledgments. No. 0 Kunhu. mnnu street. 10'J Cm ALFRED MAQOON, J . ATTOHNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agont to tako Acknowledgments to Contiucts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. OlOHARD P. BIOKERTON, X Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Olllce, No. 44 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorncr and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for the Island ol Oahu. Merchant street, Hono- lulu 1 AT THOMPSON, lYl. ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor In Chancery. Olllce Campbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms 8 nnd 0. Entrance on Merchant Street, Honolulu, 11. 1; 031 tf WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Komi, Island of Oahu. at the olllce of tho Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu unit street. 18'j JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotitv ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazetto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 WO AKANA, nnd Hawaiian Translator aud Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near the Bridge. Translations of cither of tho nbovt languages mado with accuracy and dla patch, and on reasonable terms. 200 PP. GRAY. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olllce, first door west of Llbrnry Build- ing. Hours, from 0 to 11 a.m., and 3 to 4 anil 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m. Residence, cor. Kinnu and Pensucola Streets. 048 ly DR. A. MOWAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, OIUco and residence 34 Alnkca street. Olllce hours, 0 to 11 u.in, 0 to 8 p.m. 04 ly DR. EMERSON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Has removed Ills Residence and Ofilcc to 100 Fort Street (lately occupied by Capt. Hayley). (8 to 10 A.M., Office Houns-- J 1 to 3 p.m., ( 7 to 8 Evening. Telephone (Bell and Mutuul), No. 140. 177 tf JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. and residence, 100 King St., opposite Kawaiahao Church. Mu- tual Telephone, 351. Olllce hours from 7 to 0 a. jr., and 1 to 2 i . m. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables will bo prompt- ly attended to. P. O. Box 60. 843 tf Mercantile. CHR. GERTZ, ' No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fC" Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. itobcrt Lowers, O. 11. Cooko. L EWERS COOKE, (successors to Lowers - Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tolmcconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 10D Fo-- t Street, William's Block, Hono. 210 lulu, II. I. J. M. OAT Jr. & Co. Dealers lu all kinds of STATIONERY, The Latest Foreign Papers always on liamt at, the Gazette Jfock, Merchant hlKCl tar Tho English Admiralty Charts itl uys on hand. 1 by 1VJ1. McCANDIiKSS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Iteer, Veal. Mutton, VImIi, Ac, Af, Family am! Shipping Orders carofully attended to. Llvo stock furnished to vessels at sho.'t notlco, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly THE FISHER CIDER COMPANY Factory, 13 Llliha street. now prepared to furnish this celebrated Champagne Older at short notlco, and in quantities to suit. All orders will meet prompt attention by addressing Tho Fisher Cider Co. M. T. DONNELL, Manager. Mutual Telcphoue 330. 130 ly TO BUTCHERS, GEAZIERS IEKy! T.W.BAWHNS, Soap Manufacturer. Tho highest Cash valuo for any quan. tlty of Tallow. Honolulu HoapWorkn, Lclco Bell Telephone 20. p. O, Box 4. 217 IMPORTANT Popular Millinery House, 101 Fort Street, : : Honolulu, N. S. SACHS, HATS, HATS, EATS, HATS, Inducements Offered In order to make room for an Immense Stock of New Goods to arrive per next steamer, we me now offciing special bargains in the Millinery Department. JBQy It will bo to the advantage of Ladies to call before pur- chasing elsewhere. IV. S. SACHS, 104 Fort Street, : : Honolulu. UNION FEED 0 Hay, and TO THE PROPRIETOR. Special Grain Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Telephone 175. Inland order solicited, and oodn delivered promptly. II. M. 11KNSON, SMITH & CO.. ii& 113 11B FORT STREET,. Depot for Booricko & Schrock's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Benso Nursing Bottles, And Allalro Woodward Go's Pharmaceutical Products. Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King nnd Nutmnu streets. Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P. 0. Box 130, Tolophono 349. 501Cm Metropolitan Marke t KINO STREET, 3. J. AVjVtilElt, 3rojrlotor. Choioest Meats from Finest Herds. Families and Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE nnd nt tho LowoHt AlnrlcoL Pj'Icch, All meats delivered from this Market nro thoroughly chilled Immediately nf ter killing by means of a Pa- tent Dry Air Refrigerator. Aleut so treated retains nil Its juley properties, nnd is Guaiuntkeu to Kkm JjOkqku aptkh Dkliveiiy than Fukhui.y-kii.i-- kd Mkat. 74 ly Patronize Home Inflnstry ! J. W. HINCLEY, Cigar Manutacturerr Formerly of tho .Pioneer. Cigar Poo tory, has moved Into tho front purt of tho Crystal Soda Works, whoro ho Is prepared to 1111 all ordort) at the lowest wholesale prices. fc "A df Island orders j solicited 'Annd promptly filled, 100 ly LADIES ! BENSON, COMPANY. Chicken Feed. O. W. SMITH, 1 .HONOLULU, S. M. CARTER, Wood nnd Conl Merchant, No. 82 King Street. Telephone Number, In both Companies, 167. Wood and Conl Orders aro hereby solicited, and will bo delivered at nny locullty within tho city limits. Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle Coal and Charcoal. Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split, always on hand, aud sold in 13-- quantities to suit. tf LAINE & CO. Hnvo a Large Stock of tho VERY BEST HAY. O-raix- i, Etc., Which Is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND-Deliv- ered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR THE Paoifio Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. CommissionorofDoedsfor California Telephone No. 147. 700 LIME ! LIME ! Patronize Home 9Iuiiufnctiire The Hawaiian Stone Comp'y Aro now prepared to furnish fresh Llmo In quantities to suit purchasers, and malefaction warranted as to both the kind and tho price. ALLEN & B0BIHS0N, 03 ly Air,nU, Mochanical. BROWN Ss PUILLIPS, Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- No. 71 King street, Honolulu. C3f" House nnd Ship Job Vik promptly executed. 102 Rhoadh Mackenzie, KNTEHS & UUILDi:nS. Jobbing promnth)' uttcmlcd to nnd all work guainntecd. Plans and spcelllea. tlous furnished nt short notlco. Qiu.cn Street, near Alukea. I. O. IJox 851). Mutual Telephone 318. 1 ly Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y 21'S and 230 Fort Street, Honolulu, - Hawaiian Is. W. H. PAGK. Proprietor .S0 . HONOLULU IRON WORKS, HBaiuuuii;iigiiies, sugar mills, 1)011. ers, coolers; iron, brass and lend cast- - inns: machinerv of ovnrv disnrlnlinn made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's bluck smithii.g. Job work exo. cuted at short notice. 1 J A. Mckenzie, PRACTICAL 1 'LUMBER and Gns Fitter. All orders for House or Ship work promptly executed. C2T Shop next to Post Ofilcc, Bethel Stii-ot- . P. O. Box 1110 Lilly WEMER & CO. Maiiuniptui'liit; .lonullcrH, no. 02 xoirr htiieet. Constantly on hand u largo assortment of uvery tlcscilptlon of Jew elry, Wutches, Gold and SlUor Plated Ware, &c. 058 ly EO. C. STKATHMKYKK, ARTISTIC SIGNS A SPECIALTY. 78 King Street, Honolulu. 175 P. O. llo . 10. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELEB, 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu fctrcct. ly IOIST33Jri STEAM CANDY FACTORY ANI XJjVICERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, . Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- t" Telephone 74 ALVIN II. BASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Mnnufaclurir. Book Binding of all description neatly ami iiromntlv mm irnt irl . Gazette Building . . Merchant street 722 ly N. F. BURGESS, 84 King street, : : Honolulu. Carpenter mill Ilullilt-r- . IIubcbku and lancrnl i:xii'chn. Draying nnd steumer Fieiglit carefully bundled. Carriage painting done by a first-clas- s workman at 78 King street. Jobbing in ubove lines attended to with promptness, nnd charges according to the amount and quality of work. Ofllco Telephone, 202. Residence, 152. 143 ly E. R. RYAN, ,Jiout Xtulldur. Boats Built and Eepaired to Order. All KiiitlH or Boat Material, Timbers, Knees, Stems, Keels. Also, 1 Decked Surf Boat, 1 Largo Twelve-To- n Scow, 1 Four.Onred Race float, 2 Small Skills, 1 Twclve.Ton Sloop In perfect order, with sails, anchors and chains complete. For sale cheap lor cash, Kilaiiea street, Honolulu. 1005 ly LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Bracket, Wlfidow Frames, Blinds, Sai-lic- Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Sciollaud Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing aud Plan- ing, Morticing mid Tenanting. Orderrt promptly attended to nnd work guaranteed. Order from tho other solicited Telephone 55. Enterprise r PLANING MILL, T C. J. Haiidkk, Proprioior. Contracting & Building Mouldings and Finish always on hand. t3 Orders promptly attended to. "tpi run mam: Ifnrd nud Molt Mtovo Wood, m Out and BplltJ ly FOIt KAJjK. FANNING'S ISLAND GUANO In to suit. Apply to the PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. 103 lyr R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & Conoral Machlnl . tW All work Promptly and neatly Per. f"ncd. o05 3m ALEX. FLOHR, Practical Gun Nr and Lock Smith, Bethel St., next to Post-Offlc- e. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired. All kinds of Light Machinery repaired on Short Notice. N.B. Good Workmanship and Charm . Strictly Moderate. P. O. Box 100. 124 ly WILLIAM MTT,t,R Cabinetmaker MxmL And UpholMtcrer, No-6- 3 Hotel street, Opposito International Hotel, Canes and "Walking Stioks, Mado of every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices. Curtain Poles, tc. made of tho latest designs. Miscellaneous. ALEX. ARTHUR, Queen St , next Bulletin Offlco. Horses broken to Sad- dle and Hnrness, Horses bniirrlnil hv tlm - t!dV. WPlr nr mnnlf. Horses Clipped. C2T Telephone 18l! 26 tf Beaver Swfe The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours Tho lnest Brand of Cigars & Tobacco nlways on hand. II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. & orders for Cartage promptly nt. tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at loweBt prices Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Uo.'a auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No.,19. MELLER & HALBE'S Ice Cream Parlor AND- - Confectio'ery BllEk, KiDE St. I A Fine Aanortneut of Candies & Cakes t & 4" I A i ' '. 1 "K ' . S AJwuyii on iritiitl , fa ir s" i V tk-.'.- A ' tkLt. k'r UuJZ'jbM1' V' v- - jfjuv m". ilk.- - l ,4 jOA-.- ,w--- is

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Page 1: IK Trv P 'Pails S mlietim


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'Pails SHWHwma - ry Mrwiawawit WWpP

4(1 P & mlietimVol. IX. No. 1285. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY EVENING, MAKC1I 25, 188G.




Is printed mid published at the ollice,Queen Street, Honolulu, 11. I., everyufternoou (Sundays excepted).

Subscription! - SO cents por Month.

Address all Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc ensureshould bo handed In beforo one o'clockP.M.Danlol Logan Managing EditorNorman Logan Assoclato Editor and Ac

counlnnl.W. A. S. Reals Collector and Shipping


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, ll.mlc and Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most fuvuiubloterms.

JAS. 0. CLEVIOR, Manager.I3ell Telephone No. lifiO

Mutual Telephone No. 230

Commission tox- -' oiiants.

T. WATEBHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer In GeneralMerchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

Clam HyrccUels. Wm. Irwin.

IRWIN & COMPANY,WG.Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

OLEQHOBN Ss OO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-

lulu .

it CO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. t

S.N.Castlo. J. B. Athcrton.& OOOKE,

CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dcalera inGeneral Merohaudisc, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. .



Wholesalo Grocers & Wine Merchants

280 Heaver Block, Honolulu.

GRINBAUM & CO.,M'S. Importers of General Mor- -oliaudlse and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, aud

1U4 California street,1 Ban Francisco, Cal.

J LYONS,Auctioneer and General

Commission Merchant,Masonic Block, Queen St., ; . Honolulu.

Sales of Furuituro, Stock, Ileal Estateand General Merchandise promptly .at-tended to.

Solo Agent for American aud Euro-pea- n

merchandise. 318


Gknkual Mercantile andCommission Agents.

list of oyKICEllS:

P. 0. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oauteu. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. 0. K. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Cahtku338 ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. 11. Macfarlane.



Sugar Factors,Fire-Pro-of Building, - C2 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. I.AGENTS lor

Tho "Walkapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tho Heuia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huclo Sugar Mill, Maui,lluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep ltaneh Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler Ss Co. Steam Plow ami i- -

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlees, Watsoii &Co's Bugur Ma uiu

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow aud Honolulu Lino of Pav


O. BERQER,0,24 Mekohant Stkekt.

General Agent for

Tho N. Y. Life Insurauco Company,

Tho City of London Firu In. Co(llmlt'd

South British and National Fire Ma.rino Insurance Co.

Macuoalo Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Sprlugfleld Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mltcholl, Vanco & Co.

Tho Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

The Commercial Fire Marino Insur-ance Co.




fy Special notlco to Island orders forjucrcnumiKUui uvcry uesuripiiuii, luvery lowest rates of commission. Bendfor samples of Dry Goods, etc., etc.Catalogues and price list free by malluvcryuteaincr. Address

300 CALIFORNIA STREET.101 1,( Room 111, San FroucUco.


SKI' I f IK Trv '

O. SMITH,Attorney at Law and Agent to

tako Acknowledgments. No. 0 Kunhu.mnnu street. 10'J Cm


173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agont to tako Acknowledgments

to Contiucts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

OlOHARD P. BIOKERTON,X Attorney and Counsellor at Law.Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Olllce, No. 44 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-lulu 1

AT THOMPSON,lYl. ATTORNEY AT LAW,and Solicitor In Chancery. OlllceCampbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms8 nnd 0. Entrance on Merchant Street,Honolulu, 11. 1; 031 tf

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Komi, Island of Oahu. at the olllce oftho Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuunit street. 18'j


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans negotitvted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazetto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100

WO AKANA,nnd Hawaiian Translator

aud Interpreter,No. 7 King street, near the Bridge.

Translations of cither of tho nbovtlanguages mado with accuracy and dlapatch, and on reasonable terms. 200


Olllce, first door west of Llbrnry Build-ing. Hours, from 0 to 11 a.m., and 3 to 4anil 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m.

Residence, cor. Kinnu and PensucolaStreets. 048 ly

DR. A. MOWAYNE,Physician and Surgeon,

OIUco and residence 34 Alnkca street.Olllce hours, 0 to 11 u.in, 0 to 8 p.m.

04 ly


Has removed Ills Residence and Ofilccto 100 Fort Street (lately occupied byCapt. Hayley).

( 8 to 10 A.M.,Office Houns-- J 1 to 3 p.m.,

( 7 to 8 Evening.Telephone (Bell and Mutuul), No. 140.

177 tf

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.

and residence, 100 King St.,opposite Kawaiahao Church. Mu-

tual Telephone, 351. Olllce hours from7 to 0 a. jr., and 1 to 2 i . m. Orders leftat the Pantheon Stables will bo prompt-ly attended to.

P. O. Box 60. 843 tf



No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fC"Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

itobcrt Lowers, O. 11. Cooko.

LEWERS COOKE,(successors to Lowers - Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


Druggists & Tolmcconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

10D Fo-- t Street, William's Block, Hono.210 lulu, II. I.

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers lu all kinds of

STATIONERY,The Latest Foreign Papers always onliamt at, the Gazette Jfock, MerchanthlKCl

tar Tho English Admiralty Chartsitl uys on hand. 1 by

1VJ1. McCANDIiKSS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIteer, Veal. Mutton, VImIi, Ac, Af,

Family am! Shipping Orders carofullyattended to. Llvo stock furnished tovessels at sho.'t notlco, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly

THE FISHER CIDER COMPANYFactory, 13 Llliha street.now prepared to furnish this

celebrated Champagne Older atshort notlco, and in quantities to suit.All orders will meet prompt attentionby addressing Tho Fisher Cider Co.

M. T. DONNELL, Manager.Mutual Telcphoue 330. 130 ly


Soap Manufacturer.Tho highest Cash valuo for any quan.

tlty of Tallow.Honolulu HoapWorkn, Lclco

Bell Telephone 20. p. O, Box 4.217


Popular Millinery House,101 Fort Street, : : Honolulu,



Inducements OfferedIn order to make room for an Immense Stock of New Goods to

arrive per next steamer, we me now offciingspecial bargains in the

Millinery Department.JBQy It will bo to the advantage of Ladies to call before pur-

chasing elsewhere.

IV. S. SACHS,104 Fort Street, : : Honolulu.


Hay, and






Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTelephone 175.

Inland order solicited, and oodn delivered promptly.


SMITH & CO..ii&


Depot for Booricko & Schrock'sHomoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes

And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Benso Nursing Bottles,

And Allalro Woodward Go's Pharmaceutical Products.

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

Corner King nnd Nutmnu streets.Fresh Groceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. 0. Box 130, Tolophono 349.


Metropolitan Marke tKINO STREET,

3. J. AVjVtilElt, 3rojrlotor.Choioest Meats from Finest Herds.

Families and Shipping


nnd nt tho

LowoHt AlnrlcoL Pj'Icch,

All meats delivered from this Marketnro thoroughly chilled Immediately nf terkilling by means of a Pa-tent Dry Air Refrigerator. Aleut sotreated retains nil Its juley properties,nnd is Guaiuntkeu to Kkm JjOkqkuaptkh Dkliveiiy than Fukhui.y-kii.i-- kd

Mkat. 74 ly

Patronize Home Inflnstry !


Cigar Manutacturerr

Formerly of tho .Pioneer. Cigar Pootory, has moved Into tho front purt oftho Crystal Soda Works, whoro ho Isprepared to 1111 all ordort) at the lowestwholesale prices. fc


df Island orders j solicited 'Anndpromptly filled, 100 ly




Chicken Feed.




S. M. CARTER,Wood nnd Conl Merchant,

No. 82 King Street. TelephoneNumber, In both Companies, 167.

Wood and Conl Orders aro herebysolicited, and will bo delivered at nnylocullty within tho city limits.

Departure Bay Coal, NewcastleCoal and Charcoal.

Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split,always on hand, aud sold in

13-- quantities to suit. tf

LAINE & CO.Hnvo a Large Stock of tho

VERY BEST HAY.O-raix- i, Etc.,

Which Is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND-Deliv- ered

Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPaoifio Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

CommissionorofDoedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700


Patronize Home 9Iuiiufnctiire

The Hawaiian Stone Comp'yAro now prepared to furnish fresh LlmoIn quantities to suit purchasers, andmalefaction warranted as to both thekind and tho price.

ALLEN & B0BIHS0N,03 ly Air,nU,


BROWN Ss PUILLIPS,Plumbers, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- No. 71 King street,Honolulu. C3f" House nnd Ship JobVik promptly executed. 102

Rhoadh Mackenzie,KNTEHS & UUILDi:nS.

Jobbing promnth)' uttcmlcd to nnd allwork guainntecd. Plans and spcelllea.tlous furnished nt short notlco. Qiu.cnStreet, near Alukea. I. O. IJox 851).Mutual Telephone 318. 1 ly

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y21'S and 230 Fort Street,

Honolulu, - Hawaiian Is.W. H. PAGK. Proprietor

.S0 .

HONOLULU IRON WORKS,HBaiuuuii;iigiiies, sugar mills, 1)011.ers, coolers; iron, brass and lend cast- -inns: machinerv of ovnrv disnrlnlinnmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's bluck smithii.g. Job work exo.cuted at short notice. 1


and Gns Fitter.

All orders for House or Ship workpromptly executed.

C2T Shop next to Post Ofilcc, BethelStii-ot- . P. O. Box 1110 Lilly

WEMER & CO.Maiiuniptui'liit; .lonullcrH,

no. 02 xoirr htiieet.Constantly on hand u largo assortment

of uvery tlcscilptlon of Jew elry, Wutches,Gold and SlUor Plated Ware, &c.

058 ly



78 King Street, Honolulu.

175 P. O. llo . 10. ly


1C8 No. CO Nuuanu fctrcct. ly



ANI XJjVICERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

. Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- t" Telephone 74



Mnnufaclurir.Book Binding of all description neatly

ami iiromntlv mm irnt irl .Gazette Building . . Merchant street

722 ly

N. F. BURGESS,84 King street, : : Honolulu.

Carpenter mill Ilullilt-r- . IIubcbku andlancrnl i:xii'chn.Draying nnd steumer Fieiglit carefully

bundled.Carriage painting done by a first-clas- s

workman at 78 King street.Jobbing in ubove lines attended to withpromptness, nnd charges according to

the amount and quality of work.Ofllco Telephone, 202. Residence, 152.

143 ly

E. R. RYAN,,Jiout Xtulldur.

Boats Built and Eepaired to Order.

All KiiitlH or Boat Material,Timbers, Knees, Stems, Keels. Also, 1

Decked Surf Boat, 1 Largo Twelve-To- n

Scow, 1 Four.Onred Race float, 2 SmallSkills, 1 Twclve.Ton Sloop In perfectorder, with sails, anchors and chainscomplete. For sale cheap lor cash,Kilaiiea street, Honolulu. 1005 ly


and Builder,'Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Bracket, Wlfidow Frames, Blinds,Sai-lic- Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Sciollaud BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing aud Plan-ing, Morticing mid Tenanting.

Orderrt promptly attended to nnd workguaranteed. Order from tho other


Telephone 55.

Enterpriser PLANING MILL, T

C. J. Haiidkk, Proprioior.

Contracting & BuildingMouldings and Finish always on hand.

t3 Orders promptly attended to. "tpirun mam:

Ifnrd nud Molt Mtovo Wood,m Out and BplltJ ly


FANNING'S ISLAND GUANO Into suit. Apply to the


R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & Conoral Machlnl .

tW All work Promptly and neatly Per.f"ncd. o05 3m

ALEX. FLOHR,Practical Gun Nrand Lock Smith,

Bethel St., next to Post-Offlc- e.

Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired.All kinds of Light Machinery repaired

on Short Notice.N.B. Good Workmanship and Charm

. Strictly Moderate. P. O. Box 100.124 ly



And UpholMtcrer,No-6-

3 Hotel street,Opposito International Hotel,

Canes and "Walking Stioks,Mado of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices. Curtain Poles, tc.

made of tho latest designs.


ALEX. ARTHUR,Queen St , next Bulletin Offlco.

Horses broken to Sad-dle and Hnrness,

Horses bniirrlnil hv tlm- t!dV. WPlr nr mnnlf.

Horses Clipped. C2T Telephone 18l!26 tf

Beaver SwfeThe Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All Hours

Tho lnest Brand of

Cigars & Tobacconlways on hand.

II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.


orders for Cartage promptly nt.tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at loweBt prices

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Uo.'aauction room.

982 ly Mutual Telephone No.,19.


Ice Cream Parlor

AND- -


BllEk, KiDE St. IA Fine Aanortneut of

Candies & Cakes








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Page 2: IK Trv P 'Pails S mlietim

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r.vk; "









BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchange on tlio

J3milc orCaliloruin, S. If.And their ngcnlB In


Messrs. N. 51. RolliFchild & Bon, LondonThe Comincroiiil Hank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,The Hank of New Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlstchurcli, nnd Wclllimtou.Tlio JJanK or Jirltl'ii Uoiumiiia, Vic--

lorla, 1). 0., and Portland, Or.AND

Transact a General Hanking Business.CC9 lv

Fledged to neither Beet nor Tartjilint citabliihcd for tho benefit of all,



The Chinese liuvo rights us well usany other people. Justice and fair-pla- y

demand that those rights lierespected. Chinamen who havebeen allowed to come into the coun-

try and make it their home shouldbo protected. No just or fair-mind- ed

man will dispute this.Whether it was wise policy to haveadmitted them in tho first place, orwhether their coining has been bene-

ficial to the country, arc questions ofn different nature. Indeed, althoughwc uphold their just claim to betreated as rational free men in a

free Christian country, and shouldstrenuously oppose their being dealtwith here as they have been in someother countries, wc do not for onemoment admit that their presence inthis country in such large numberslias been otherwise than detrimentalto the country's best interests. True,they have performed an importantpart in developing the agriculturalresources of tho country, and con-

verted malarial swamps from beds ofbulrushes and nesting places formud hens into beautiful fields ofwaving rice ; but, be it remembered,at the expense of demoralizing thejiative population in localities wherethese operations have been in pro-

gress, and to the exclusion of people

of a newer and better civilization.

The restrictive measures recentlyadopted by the Government do notencroach upon the lights of theChinamen already here, and thosewho may wish to come have no rightsin this kingdom to be encroachedupon. The country has a perfectright to protect itself against an in-

vasion, which, if allowed to go on,would ultimately demolish every in-

stitution and every interest not ofits own creation. The great mistakehas been in deferring restriction solong : it should have been put inoperation years ago. Moreover,heartily as we endorse the regula-

tions already in force, wc deem theminsufllcient. Nothing, wc believe,will bo thoroughly effective short ofabsolute prohibition; or, if permit-

ted to land in limited numbers,being kept on the plantations, andcompelled to leave the country orrc-sh- ip at the expiration of theircontracts.


The Daily Press lias expressedan opinion on " publicity of publicbusiness," which it is safe to say nostatesman of any country .entertains.Following nro tho words of our con-

temporary :

"In representative Governmentswe hold that all political matters areso directly related to the people thatimmediate publicity of all Cabinetactions should be published for theinformation of the people. Publicitymay not always prevent mischiefbeing worked by AdministrationCabinets and Boards, but at allevents publicity sounds the alarmand calls attention to the danger, ifit exists. Under old forms of state-craft secrecy was considered one ofthe safeguards indispensable in poli-

tical affairs, but in this day and agosecrecy is only tolerated when Cabi-net pQlicies arc absoluto and wheretho " " principle isable to delay publicity until thewrong is committed and can only bediscussed after tlio lapse of timewhen tardy Cabinet reports arc sub-

mitted to a subservient Legislature.In free countries thu case is entirelydifferent; so much so, in fact, thatone of the leading statesmen of theUnited States once said, ' I wouldnot give a dime for all tho secretsthat peoplo may imagine to lielocked up in tho United Statesarchives.' "

It is admitted that " all Cabinetpotions should bo published for tlio

information of the people," but

f Immediate publicity" is not

always expedient; indeed, is some-

times subversive of 'a wiso policyand Inutful to a nation's interests.There is n time for making public'' all Cabinet actions," but the timeof action is not always the propertime for publicity. In all countrieswith representative government cabi-nets sometimes have to transactbusiness of a nature that State

requires to be kept secretuntil revealed in tho assembly ofrepresentatives. Even then it is

sometimes considered premature toannounco certain " actions " thatmay be in process of development.It is no uncommon occurrence for a

Cabinet Minister in the Hritish Par-

liament to rise and state in responseto an inquiry that " State considera-tions require the withholding of ananswer for the present," and such a

reply is always accepted as sulllcientfor the time being. This is done in

England, a free country with a formof representative government that is

more directly controlled by the "peo-

ple than any other government onthe globe, not excepting that of theUnited States.


People, even old residents, whoconfine themselves to Honolulu canscarcely rcalizo the alarming de-

crease of the aboriginal populationof the islands. The numbers aremaintained in the city at the expenseof the country. Many of the ruraldistricts that a few years ago weremoderately well populated by nativesarc now either almost deserted oroccupied mainly by Mongolians.Death, in various forms, lias beenquietly but steadily doing its work,

supplemented by migration to thecapital and other centres.

At Chinkiang, in China, a dis-

turbance recently arose between the.Chinese and some American mission-

aries, in which the missionaries wererather badly abused by the Chinese.The British Admiral, learning of themissionaries' trouble, sent a man-of-w- ar

for their protection, until rejlicved by an American man-of-wa- r.

Several such instances of readinessto help cacli other when in need haveoccurred in the last few years' his-

tory of the two great English-speakin- g

nations, which tend to bring thetwo peoples of one race and onelanguage closer together.


J. S. Drury has recently receivedfrom the East a pair of gloves, someembroideries and specimens ofvarious fabrics manufactured fromthe fibre of the ramie plant ; alsosamples of tho yarn, or thread, ofdifferent colors, together with someof the fibre of ramie, decorticated,that he sent East. Taken together,it constitutes an interesting exhibitand attracts considerable attention.The manufactured fibre is of Euro-pean growth. It is the strongestand most beautiful texile grown andis little inferior to silk in beauty anddurability. The reason it 1ms notbeen largely cultivated and extensively manufactured is because ofthe difficult' and expense that hashitherto attended its decorticationand preparation for use. For manyyears the ingenuity of inventors hasbeen taxed to construct a' machinefor tlio purpose, and it is said thatmore than two hnndrcd have beenpatented which hare proved failures ;

but at last one has been constructedthat answers the purpose perfectly,and a company for the manufactureof ramie in Newark, New Jersey,lias been organized. One of themanagers writes to Sir. Drury thatthere is now a market for all theramie that can be produced, at priceswhich for many years will bo moreremunerative than any agriculturalproducts now grown. He states thatthe ramie produced in this State isbest that he has seen. It is enor-mously productive and attendedwith no more labor and cxpenso thanalfalfa. It is grown from the roots,anil the chief difficulty consists mtheir propagation and planting.This done, there is little subsequenttrouble. It is perennial and a fieldmay not require replanting in a life-time. It can bo marketed in bales,in its natural slate, and there is noarticle of commerce that will so wellbear transportation across the con-tinent. Mr. Drury is meeting withconsiderable demand for roots, andtho present year will witness thoinauguration of its culture in thisState to increase until it is carriedon to a great extent and perhaps be-co-

ono of our most important re-

sources. Bakerefield Californian.

The county in Florida that hasthe fewest doctors has also thesmallest death-rat- e. Tho nativesaro trying to decide which of thesofacts is causo and which effect.Nor York Tribune,

Wo find in tho I'all Mall Gazettesuggestions intended for the eyes ofEnglish matrons, but which may boequally commended to the attentionof American mothers, minting totho establishment of "housekeepingBchools" after the pattern of thosoInCSermany. Every gill In Germany,be she the daughter of nobleman,officer or small olllcial, goes, as soonas she has finished her school edu-

cation, into ono of these trainingestablishments. The rich go wherethey pay highly. They are nevertaken for less than a year, and everymonth has its appropriate work:Preserving of fruits and laying downmeats, the care of eggs and butter,tho preservation of woolen clothes,repairing of household linen, etc.Resides these general branches ofhousewifery, they are taught cook-ing, clear starching, the washing ofdishes, the care of silverware andglass, dusting and sweeping, layingof a table and serving in brief, allthe duties which will fall to theirown lot or to the servants whomthey employ. As a result, the men-

age of a German matron is perfec-tion, according to German ideas.

Now England Magazine.

A sailor returned from Annamand Tonquin is feted by his friends,to whom he recounts his adventures."Did you see the King of Annam?"inquired one of his admiring friends."No, and it is very lucky for mothat I didn't; for, according to thulaw of that country, the first time aperson looks on the King lie is be-

headed ; for the second offense he is




The Ladies' BazaarWlf.I. OPEN ON


Millinery, Fancy Goods, k,at 09 Hotel Street, next door to

Lewis Ss Co.

Miss A. M. Burkehas charge of tho Millinery Depart.

83 lnciit.


At ihc residence of Mr. E. F. Lyman,No. CO Merchant Street, corner

of Alukca Street,

On TUESDAY, Mar. 30th,at 10 a.m., will be sold, the

Honsehoia Fnutoo, viz:4 Hedroom Sets, 2 Single Beds,

Spring Mattrnsc, li Mosquito Nets,Pillows, etc., Centre Tabic, Corner

Brackets, Chairs and Dining Table,Door Mats, Cartoon, Books, Coal Oil,

Stovo nnd Kitchen Furniture,Crockery and Glass, Bath Tub,Verandah Chairs, Lamps, etc.

E. P. ADAMS & Co.,i4t Auctioneers.


Wine & Spirit Merchant,

Cuiupball'M lllock, Merchant Ht.

Has opened nnd keeps on hand, nil

brands of

Ales Wines & Sumis,

which ho o tiers to tho Trade at as low

figures as they can bo had elsewhere In

tho city ; nnd will shortly receive several

TVew iOx'&iicls

hitherto unknown to the Island Trade.

Special Attention to Island Orders.1285

To Wiituliinalcoi'H & Ships'Captains,

STOLEN from Captain Mist'sKuuanu Avenue, an ANE-

ROID BAROMETER, makers' names,Negrettl & Znmbra, London. 81 lw


very short, nnd very little featherson neck. Tho finder will bo rowardedon returning the snmo to77 tO A. FERNANDEZ, King Street.

NEW BOOK,Horse Owner's Cyclopedia,

li treating of Diseases nnd How toCure them; tho American TrottingHorse; Breeding nnd Training, andRecords of Trotting nnd RunningStock. K00 Illustrations nnd Engrav-ings, by Stonchcimo nnd other eminentmen. Sold by subscriptions.85 1 .1 . M . OAT, J ft , & CO.

The White House,Curnnr Tlilril unit llotvnril Ntn..

san niANCtseo, cai ikounu.

Mrs. .lumen X. "WliWe,Formerly of the While House, Nun mmAvenue, having purchased the bt. Law.rence House, at the above address, contuining HO rooms, nil beautifully fur.nlslicii, In suites and single, offers manyadvautug(s to travellers to and fiom tlioIslands. The houso Is locatul but threesquares fiom the Palace and BaldwinHotels. Terms very moderate. 85

COTTAGE TO LET.In l'alama, near Mr. J. I.Dowsett's residence, that cle-ca-

CottiiL'e hitherto ocou.pled by thu owner, John Hobcllo, Willitine llowcr and fruit garden, stable,etc. Terms favorable. Watci connect-ed with the grounds. Apply to84 lin I1YMAN BROS., QuccnSt


Last Lilernry Production,i Platform Echoes,"

Sold only by subscription. John A.Palmer, srle. ngent for the

84 Hawaiian Islands. lw


The splendid new Americanfew' Tern

AV. S. UOWJV13,Pa in Commander

Will havo quick despatch for thoabove port.

1ST For freight or passage apply to

F. A. SOHAEFER & Co.,81 If Agents.

Furniture SaleBy order of J. W. McCnndlcsi, Eq.,

wc will sell at public auction, ai theresidence, cm Queen Street, next to Gov-ernment Building, nn

WEDNESDAY, Mar. 31st,the Household Furniture, consisting of

DES. "W". Bookcase,BV M T Table, Koa Table,BW Carpet Hookers,3 litgnt Chandeliers,HW Parlor Chairs,French Marble Clock,

BK: Walt Bedroom Set,Oak Bedroom Set,Single Bedsteads,Mattrasses, Mosquito Nets,Pictures, Hugs,Store Fixture", Crockery,

Bath Tub, Hay Cutter, Meat Safe,

And a Lot of Fowls.81 Ot E. P. ADAMS & CO., Auct'rs.

WANTED,BY a Competent Seamstress (Porta,

guese) n situation with a privatefamily, or Dressmaker. Apply to

M. A. GONSALVES & CO.,G7 Hotel Street. 73

BUTTER.TTAVING been appointed solo Agent

New Zealand Butter,the first shipment having just arrivedper s.s. Mararon, I have the samo tooiler In quantities to suit at unusunllylow rates, In packages of 1, 2 nnd 7 lbs.hermetically sealed Tins. This articleIs guaranteed

Superior to ixny Butterhitherto produced or offered for snlo inthis Kingdom.

LEWIS J. LEVEY, Sole Agent.17 lm 40 Queen Street.

A CARD.IT affords us great pleasure to testify

that we are highly satisfied withthe lnter.lslnnd Steam Navigation Com-pany's routo to tho Volcano. Wo be.ileve It to bo tho best and most conventent, and have much pleasure In recom.mending it to tho notlco of intendingtourists. Wo have looked over thopamphlet written about this road, nndeverything stated in tho samo fully cor.responds with the reality, without beingoverdrawn.

MEDOREM CRAWFORD, Oregon.ABE BROWN, San Francisco,ABE L. BROWN. San Francises.

runnluu, Fob. 31. 18S0. 02 tf

Corporation StocksFOR SALE.

VALUEHaw'n Carnago Manf 'g Co., ft 00 100E.O. Hall & Son, 70 100lnter.lslnnd S. N. Co., 100 100Boll Telephone, 33 10Haw'n AgriculturnlCo., 00 100Wilder's Steamship Co., 07 100C. Brewer & Co., 100 100Ilalawa, fiO 100Woodlnwn Dairy, 00 100Wailuku Sugar Co., 00 100Walmannlo, ins 100Star Mill, 4i.'5 cooReciprocityJSugar Co., 80 100

L. A. THURSTON, Slock Brokei.88 Merchant Street. 161 y


li. davis. --mm"




Staple and Fancy Groceries.Beg to call llm attention of their patrons nnd housekeepers gener.

ally to the varied assortment of their .

Excellent New Stock !Which Is constantly replenished by every vessel arriving from the Statesmid Europe, selected with special caio lo cater lo the recognized critical

taste of local patronage.

Groceries and ProvisionsIn every variety of dctill.

MACONDRAY & CO.'H finest Green nnd Black Teas;

American anil EdiM Tie Luxuries !

And delicacies endless variety.Grosso fc Blackwcll's Conserves nnd'1 lie Celebrated Dold & Son's Bull'alo

brought to this market;Cereals In eveiy variety In patent wcavel proof tins;j'.vapornieu anu riucci fruits and



Oysters, Fish, Vegetables and FruitsOn Ice Every Steamer.

J2T A personal inspection of our FRESH STOCK, wo believe, will result ina keen edge lo nppetite nnd a heightened Interest In tho HOME MEAL



the Pack lug's firsty




Jersey Waists from $2 to $8;

Jersey Cloths in all Shades;

Ladies' Untrimmed Hats, the latest Styles;

Feathers, Flowers,

Ribbons, Laces,

Ornaments, All-Ov- er Lace,

Arasones, Chemilles,

And Fine Line of Trunks,





Another VictorySTILL AHEAD !

Per Steamer Mm-ipoH- a, tlio

TEMPLE OF FASHION--will receive lull Hue oi Hie

Latest American and English Styles of Dry Goods.

complete and assorted Invoice of Dry Goods, comprising the latest lendingstyles of Ladies and Misses' Wear; also, everything of new departure in tko DryGoods line; excellent Stock of

Ladies and Misses' Slioes,Fine Goods and bed-roc- k Prices our Everything guaranteed to

represented. Our Btock open inspection. Everybody invited.

The Gents' Furnishing DepartmentHIiiMt be Closed before the arrival the Mariposa.

BST We have small Mock of Men's and Boys Suits on hand which, until the at.rival, bo bought less than factory prices. If you doubt, call. Seeing

P.O. BOX 315.

S. COHN & CO., Proprietors.ESTABLISHED 187U.


Campbell J31oelr,Real Estate Agent,

Employment Agent,Wilder's Stenmsliiiaa-- &"'"'



A Very Choice Lot, Fresh and Full.

Tho Best in the Market.




I Grades;Hams an , inc eiioicest ever

every variety of





also, an

is motto. ho asis to is


can at " is



Tolophono 172.

WISEMAN,Business Agent.General

Honolulu, II. I.Custom Houso Broker,

Mnnnv Tlrnlrnrw.,,. n.L.n.. .- .

flisaa: sstCOTTAGE TO BENT,

No. 127 Beretania Street, atpresent occupied by A. Ehlers.Possession irlvnn Vnv Ki

Eiiquiro on tho premises, or of L. WAYlKlnnu Btreet, in rear. 73 tf

EMPLOYMENT OFFICE,THE undersigned has moved into

of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, whereho will bo prepared to furnish house-hold servants, collect hills, do Anglo.Chlneso interpreting, and a generaluiulneBS, (CD Cm BOYONO,


. ..r .,.. .H. Jk W





Page 3: IK Trv P 'Pails S mlietim

fcit. - wmihw iwii wnm jmiiiiiyriujijaiwa ivmwm"ZP v



. U

vam .



8ti gniiaj 8ttiutt.TIIUI Y, MAKCII 25. 188G.m


;March 21Sclir Hiilcakaln from I'opcckco

March 25Stmr ICllauca Hon from Windward PortsStmr .Ins I Dowsett fiom PaiaSlmr Iwiiltuil from KnunlStmr Jus Makee from ICauuiSclir Khitkal from WalaluaSclir AVnlmalit from HawaiiStmr C It Bishop from Hauinkua

Tepatures7"March 25

Bk Ceylon for Snn FranciscoSclir Kaulkcnoull for Koliala


Sclir Hnlcnkata for PcpeekcnStmr Kilauea lion for Wlndwaul PollsStmr .las Makcc for Walanac, Knpaa,

and Kilanca.

VESSELS IN PORT.Bk C 0 Wliltniuio, Thompson

SHIPPING NOTES'The ttnir Santa Mm la received 2,100

bags ol sugar fiom (lie; schooner I.iikayesteuliy. '

Schrlialcakala brought 1,1182 bags ofsugar yjsterday and discharged Into thebark 0 0 Whltniorc.

The birk Ceylon called tliis morningfor San ?rnnelseo with i:t,!)0S bags ofsugar, vtltted at 8ti8,o:il.(l!J.

bebooter Ehuknl brought. (U8 bags ofsugar fnm Walahia this morning.

Stmr .lis Makee brought 2, 155 bags ofsugar thh morning from Knunl. Shosails at noon for Walanae,Kllauea aid ICapaa.

Stmr Iwilanl arrived from Kanal thismorning Wth 1,002 bags of sugar forthe O O Witinore. Tho Iwalanl sailsthis uieiilnr nt o'clock for Klecle,Makawell aid Wnlmea.

Stinr Duwctt brought 1,500 bags ofsugar from raia this morning, and ed

Intilthe schooner S Bowne.The DowM'ttsalls again

'J'he W S ttowne and Caibarlen haveflnHicd disclargiug and are rcceclvlngsugar.

Stmr Klluuti Hon brought 2,093 bagsof sugar fromilakalau, and 1,110 fromOokala. She sills at 5 p in.

The three misted schooner Ke An lionleft for Hawal about three weeks ago.


Mit. W. S. Lice lniH liranched outin nn intcrcntitg lulvertisetnent.

No fresh iioVi of tlio Volcano ytlio Kilauea Hoi this nioriiing.

Nkw phuikH tro replacing old oneson tho wharf, nar tho iislnnniket.

-t- -

Mk. L. J. Luviy's regular cash salecomes oil" morning at 10o'clock.

Gko. Strntmryer is artisticallypainting Mr. Yatcrhou-o'- u Queenstreet stores.

Thk dnnco nt tio Hawaiian Hotelthis evening wil undoubtedly bo npleasant event.

A chii.dui:n'8 oeial will bo heldthis evening, at tlio Bethel vestry,commencing at 7 ('clock.

Tub puisers of tlu steamers Iwalaniand Kilauea Hon uport line weatheron their respeetiveroutes.

Tin: steamer Smta Maria willleave, carrying PostOllieo mails, forSan Fnuioisco, on Moulay.

Mks. Captain John Itfcu is verylow with tho dropsy, aid tho doctorfears sho will not survive tho night.

Pmnciish Likeliko is tabling a re-

ception this afternoon, between tliohours of thrco and live, titlier Makikiresidence.

Tub l'elo, after a protraced illness,lias resumed work witli renewedvigor. She towed tho Jruin to seayesterday and tho Ceylon tlis morn-ing.


This morning's "Advertise;" con-tains tho lirst instalment of ', veryinteresting article on tlio enters ofMokunweoweo, written by MrlJ. M.Aloxnnder.

Scours of boys, of allsies andmanyshades of color, congregated yjstei- -

day afternoon and evening ii thowater underneath and seawiudff thoKing street bridge.

. m

A Ladies' Bazaar will blossom miton Hotel street noxt Saturday, vi'hchoice millinery and fancy good)-- .

Miss A. M. Hurko will conduct thomillinery department.

A Chinesb express earriago wascapsized and broken on King streetnear Alakea, this morning, and thedriver kicked in tlio abdomen. Allthe result of keeping iv baulky horse.


Mn. II. J. Agnow is building a cot-tage at tho raeo course, close to thoCasino, where ho will stablo his ani-

mals, and probably catch tho time ofbis adversary's horses during prac-tice.

Tiibiii: scorns to bo a now diseaseraging amongst tho poultry of thisisland. Soveial parties tell of largonumbers of chickens and other fowlsuddenly dying from no apparentcause.


j Messhh. J, M. Oat, Jr., &. Co. have'imported a new-fangle- d musical in- -

Htrumont. Our reporter attempted a.description, but broke down. Thojiublio nro invited to go and see forthemselves.

A 1'OiMH.Ait young gentleman whohas been induced to eschew intoxi-caiit- s,

through the jnllucnco of Mr,

messm- - , . .,Noblo'e lcoturc", may be heard of nnevening at C. McCarthy's billiaidsaloon, denouncing intemperance.

Nbws was brought by tho steamerKilauea Hon this morning of uteamster by tho name of Low, em-ploj-

on Laupahoehoo plantation,being stabbed by a Portuguese mad-

man, last Saturday. Tho injuiedman is receiving proper medical as-

sistance, but is not o.xpceted to livelong.

Tin: best thing out on hoiso llesliis the llort-- Owner's Cyclopedia,which can be seen at tho stoic of.1. M. Oat, .Jr., .t Co. The book treatsof all the ills that equine llesli is heirto, and gives a largo variety of Inter-esting history relating to "the horse.Tho volumo is elegantly bound andsplendidly illustinled.

Mit. Hay Wodehouse was thrownfiom his horso this morning, while onhis way to town, and received a fewslight bruises about tho body and anabrasion on the forehead. .Mr. Wode-hous- e,

though pretty well shaken up,is able to attend to business, amithinks nothing of the adventuie.This is the same horso that, threwMr. (luy Wodehouso and is appar-ently u vicious beast.

Tin: steamer James I. Dowsett,with the schooner Wuilulu in tow,ariiyed at Pain Tuesday morning,having left here Monday afternoon.The passage was made in less than 13hours. Tlio captain of the Dowsetticports good weather in tho channelanil at Pain. The steamer, with theschooner Eliukai, will be hauled ontotho Marino Kailway this afternoon,to ho cleaned. She will again sailfor Paia about midnight.

Tin: tug Hleu is laid up fonepairs.It will take until aftei noonfor the machinists to ii'incily the ac-

cident to the pump. She will thenbo leady to low vessels, but is sadlyin need of further repairs. Her boilerleaks badly and requires attention.Mr. Farnsworth, tho engineer, duringthe time the tug was hauling mud-scow- s,

was unable to do much in theway of cleaning tho boiler, unless heworked of nights, which was not ex-pected.

Messhh. Cedgo and Guillaume, twoyoung sports who left hero last De-

cember, by tho vhip Southern Chieffor Hongkong, have been heaid from.Thoy nro at Hanoi, Tonquin, andspeak of tho country being very richbut not developed. They also saythat sugar planting U likely to ho aprincipal industry tlieie before long.They enjoyed tho voyage to Hong-kong, and arc well-please- d with thoplace. They intend to remain there,but for what purpose they did notsay.


Pictukb Frames and Cornicesmade to order; a largo variety ofMouldings to select from and atprices to suit all. King JJros.' ArtStore, Hotel street. 70 (It


There was a pretty full attendanceat the Y. M. C. A. Hall, last even-ing, to hear Mr. AYm. Noble speakon the moderate drinker. Theaddress was pointed and practical.The next lecture of the course willbe delivered, at the same place, thisevening.


Before Preston, J. In re appealof Ah You, from the Police Court,charged with having opium in posses-sion, the Judgment of the PoliceCourt is nlllrmed, and an appealnoted to the Supreme Court. W.A. Whiting for defendant.

In re S. Paaniani vs. Kuia, appealfrom District Court, Koolnuloa,damages $20. W. L. Holoknhi andJ. P. Kauwalu for plaintiff, appellant.Cecil Drown for defendant. Appealdismissed.


Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 14. Mrs.J. C. Willlston, the wife of a con-

tractor and builder of this city, liasjust returned from an extended tripafter a most remarkable experience.Mrs. Willlston is not yet thirty, buther hair is almost white and her facebears the signs of a life of suffering.She has been the victim for years,at varying hours of night and day,of pains like tho cutting of a knife,and physicians supposed her to besuffering from cancer of thestomach. Eminent physicians fail-

ed to exactly locate the trouble orifford tho lady relief. She spentnonths in travel and largo amountso money ondcavoring to llnd effecti-ve treatment for her malady, butmost of the physicians whom shoconsulted said that her disease wascancer of the stomach and thatdeath would ultimately result.

Last October she went to SanFrancisco, stopping and treating,while en route, at tho soda springsof Idaho, but in vain. Later shetried the waters of Calistoga Springsand tho baths of Passo del Itoblcswithout effect. San Francisco'sbest physicians could afford no relief,and sho started for Sonora, Mexico,Intend na to visit some celebratedsprings near Nogales. Sho wastaken seriously ill at Tucson, A. T.Ono day during her illness aPapagoIndian, of local notoriety a9 a"medicino man," visited Tucsonfrom St. Xavier's Mission. Ho wastaken to Mrs, WUHston'a rooms and.



risked If ho could toll her allmont.Hu looked nt her, had her describethu pains and lliclr location, andthen with the exclamation, "Mosaboheap bad spirit," ho rushed out andtoward the mission. In a few hourshe returned with herbs and a basketof mescal, a root used by the Indiansfor food.

Ho motioned to Mrs. Willlston toswallow the herbs. They made herloathly sick, so much so that shetlinosl died from fright," thinkingshe had been poisoned. The result,ifter a few hours, was tho emissionof u dead lizard that was fully fourinches in length. It was apparentlyof n species common to tlio East,hut how it had managed to live forbo many years was tho mystery.Mrs. Willlston says that but one ex-planation occurs to her, which isthat when a child and living ntl'hillipsburg, N. J., sho and herbrother were accustomed to drinkfrom a little brook that ran near thohouse. They would scoop thewater up with their hands, and shethinks that possibly in this way shoswallowed the embryo lizard. Mrs.Willibton's recovery has been rapid,and she is now fairly on the way toa complete restoration to health.Though the taking of living objectsinto the system is not raie, medicalmen say that this is one of the mostremarkable cases on record. iV.Y. Times, Feb. lu.


It is not always safe to ask qitcs-tions-- of

a Sunday school unless youmake sure of the answer beforehand.At a certain Sunday school anniver-sary in Boston the speaker to thechildren waxed eloquent in describ-ing the breakfast at a poor children'shome which he witnessed on PlasterSunday morning. Ho wished tobring out the fact that tho poorchildren had eggs for breakfast, inrecognition of Easter. So ho saidto tho Sunday school he was ad-

dressing: "Oh, children, it was abeautiful sight to sec all thoso poorboys and girls enjoying themselves.They had clean napkins, and freshfaces, and bread and milk; andwhat else do you think they had toeat?" "Beans!" shouted a chorusof boys from all parts of tho church.What else could bo expected of aBoston audience when speaking of aSunday breakfast? Congregation-alism

Nevada seems to be the paradiseof the school teacher. The annualreport of the Bureau of Education,which has just been given to thopublic, states that the average salaryof male teachers in Nevada is 8 M0per month, and for women S9G. In-

tellectual Blaine goes to the otherextreme, and pays its women teach-ers SIC per month. The averagesalary of teachers per mouth is re-

ported from all the States exceptAikansas, Florida, Georgia andTexas, and from all the Territoriesexcept tlio Indian Territory. Inthose States where no distinction ofsex is made- in reporting this item(Alabama, Delaware, Indiana, Ken-tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missis-sippi, Missouri, New York, NorthCarolina and Tennessee) the averagesalary ranges from S27.87 (in Ken-

tucky) to (in Missouri). Itshould bo noted that the reportfrom Kentucky includes only whitecountry schools. In this State theaverage Balary for teachers in cityand graded schools for whites is671. 25. For tho States not includedin the foregoing statement tho lowestaverage salary per month is, formen, 826.92 (South Carolina) ; forwomen, $10.28 (Maine). f Wash-ington Corr. Chicago Journal.


"Do you," said Fanny, t'other day,"In earnest lovo mo as you say?Or are thoo tender words appliedAllku to llfty girls beside?""Dear, cruel girl," cried I, "forbear!For by tho.--o eyes those lips I

swear "Shu stopped mo as tho oath I took,And cried, "You've sworn now kiss

tho book!"Boston Globe.


He growls about his boarding plaee,Jlo growls about ills bud;

Ho giowls about most everythingWants something elsu instead.

He growls about his laiiudryiiian,llu growls about his tailor,

He growls about thu lit of things,Like Jack Tar 'hoard a. whaler.

Ho growls about tho dally news,Ho growls because it's new,

Ho growls about nn artlcluThat doesn't suit his view.

Ho growls about ids daily work,Ha growls becaiiEO it's labor;

Hu growls becuiibe bo's not born rich,As was his next door neighbor.

Ho growls beeauso ho has no wlfo;Hu growls about tho ladles;

Ho growls about tho style thoy wearConslgus thum all to Hades.

Ho growls when ho to theatro goes,Hu growls about thu seats.

He growls about the play againTo every ono hu meets.

Ho growls about a legacy,Ho growls bcctuifeo 'tis small;

Ho growls as if It was his rightThat ho should get It all.

Ho growls about tho Holy Writ,Hu growls becftusu bo can;

Ho growls beeauso he's bonud to growl,He's such a cranky man. ' ' "

A CongicBsnian has sued tho St.Louis Jicpublican for 8100,000 forlibel. Now i3 the chance to ruinthat man. Just turn tho paper overto liim. Alta California.

A ircb"

A. Voice from -- ViiHtrln.

Nenr the village of Zllllngdorf, InLower Austria, lives Maria Haas, an In-

telligent and Industrious woman, whosestory of physical tmllorlng and llnal re-

lief, as related by herself, is of interestto English women. "I was employed,"sliu says, " In Iho work of a largo farm-house. Over-wor- k brought on sickheadache, followed by a deathly faint,ing and sickness of tho stomach, until Iwas unable to retain cither food ordrink. I was compelled to taku to mybed for several weeks. Getting a littlebetter from rest and quiet, I sought todo sotnu work, but was soon taken witha pain In my side, which In a littlewhile seemed tospnnd er my wholebody, and llirol.iic . m in every limb.This was .ii.-,- i by u cough and

o( hrnttli, mull Dually I couldnot sew, iind J took to my bed for thesecond, unci , a" I tliouijht, for thu lasttime M liit.inlN told u that my timeU..U . eaily come, and full I could notlive 'it iter than when tlnMiccs put ontb. i i cu ncc more. T ion 1 happen,cd iM,itoncof tlicHLiel pamphlets.I read it, and my dear in ' lior boughtme a bottle of faelgel's nop, which Itook cvictly according directions,and I had not taken the whole of it be.foro 1 felt a great cliuugo lor thu better.My last illiK-- began June , andconiluucd to Ainmst Otli, when 1 beganto tn 1; e Hie Syrup. Vny soon I coulddo n little I ght wnk. Hit; cough leftme, and 1 was no limn; Iron bled inb eathiug. Mow 1 am perfectly cured.Ai.d idi, now happy I ami 1 cannot ex-press gratitude enough for Hcigcl'sSyrup. Now I must lull you that thedoctois in our district distributed hand,bills cautioning people against thomedicine, telling them it would do themno good, and many were thereby influ-enced to destroy the Sclgcl pamphlets;but now. wherever ono is to bo found, Itis kept like u relic. Thu few preservedare borrowed to rend, and I lmvu lentmine for six miles around our district.People have come eighteen miles to getme to buy thu medicine for tlicni, know,ing that it cured me, and to be sure toget thu right kind. I known womanwho was looking like death, and whotold them thcro was no help for her,that sliu had consulted several doctors,but none, could help her. I told her ofSeigel's Syrup, and wrote thu namedown for her thai she might uiako nomistake. She took my iidvlcu and theSyrup, and now she Is m perfect health,and the Ieople around us are aiuiied.Thu medicine has in.win such progressin our neighborhood that people saythey don't want tho doctor any more,but they take the Syrup. Sufferers fromgout who ucro eoullucd to their bed andcould hardly move n linger, have beencured by it. There is a girl in our dis-trict who caught a cold by goingthrough Boino water, and 'was in bed liveyears with costiveness and rheumaticpains, and had to linvo an attendant towatcli by her. There was not u doctorin the surrounding districts to whomher mother had not applied to relievoher child, but every one crossed them-selves and said they could not help her.Whenever the little bell rang which Isrung in our place when somebody isdead, wo thought surely it was for her,but Seigel's Syrup and Pills saved herlife, and now sliu is as healthy us any-body, goes to church, and can workuven in tho Holds. Everybody was as-

tonished when they saw her out, know-ing how miiay years she had been inbed. Todav sliu ndds her trratilnde tomine for God's mercies and Seigel'sSyrup. iMAiiiA Haas."

Thu people of England speak confirm-ing tho above.

.A. flop Bliiny Ycni'S."Whittlc-lo-Wood- ncur Chorley,

"December 20, 188:1.

"Dear Sir, Mother SeiguPs medicinesells exceeding well with us, all that tryit speak highly in its favor. We had acuso of a young lady that had been trou.bled many years witli pains after eating.Shu tells us that the pains wcro entirelytaken away after a few doses of yournieuiclnn. lours truly, n. i'eei.."

jVl'tor Several Yourw."Stoke Ferry, January Ilth, 1881.

"Gentlemen, I have used Slegel'sSyrup for several years, and have foundit a most elllcaclous lemedy for Livercomplaints and general debility, and Ialways keep somu by me, and cannotspeak too highly in Its praise. I re-

main, yours truly, Harriett King."

j.rtei' Hlxtuun Yeivrw."05, Notvgatu Street, Worksop, Notts,

"December 20th, 188:1.

"Gentlemen, It is with tlio greatestof pleasure I accord my testimony as tothe efllcacy of Mother Seigel's hyrup.My wife, who has suffered from aeutuDyspepsia for over sixteen years, Is nowperfectly better through the solo helpof your Syrup. 1 have sent pounds inmedicines from doctois in fact, I be-

gan to think she was incurable, untilyour marvellous medicine was tried.

I remain, yours, thankfully,Ai.i'iiiii) Foiin."

riio XZil'eotH linvo lxtun'Wonderful.

" Ilford Itoad Dispensary, DtiMnflold,Mayll, 1884.

"Dear Sir, I am Imjmy to informyou that tlio sale of yourbyrup and 1'HIhincreases here continually. Hevcrnl ofmy customers speak of liuvlng derivedmore benefit from tlio use of these thanfrom any other medicine. Irt some In.btauccs Hie ellecta have hcen wonderful.

Yours very respectfully,Jt wly I'uo. Edwin EASTwoon, .1.1"."

O Luso Hawaiiano.porEons who want to corumunl.ALJj with the I'oitugueso, either

tor laziness, or for proem ing woikmen,servants or any other helps, will llnd itthe most profitable way to udvertUu intlui Luso Ilawaiiano, tho new organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which Is pub.Ilslicd on Merchant street, Gazelle Ilulld.Ing, (I'ost.Ofllco Letter Uox K.), nmlonly charges reasauublo rotes) for udverluemeuts.





Choice Millinery&Fancy GoodsOF THH VERY

08 Hotel Street,

Come One,P. O. Uox 'JU7.

LEWIS & CO., GROCERS,UT iiikI Hotel Htrcet,

Importers & Dealers in Staple & Fancy Groceries.Now Goods continually on the way. Just received Kegs Saner Kraut, kegs Hol-

land Herrings, kegs Tripe, kegs German Pickles, kegs Mixed Pickles, kitsSalmon JSellles, kiu Mackerel, kegs Family Pork, kegs Corned Hcef. ForUicakfasl White Out", Gerrnea; Breakfast Gem and Shredcd Maize. Also, aline lot of New .iMhind and Portland Pcacliblow Potatoes always on hand.Tho very best of ISLAND BUTTEH, plenty for everybody.

280 Prlrt'H lowKHWWUIAl.tM

B. F. Diw.inoiiam,President and Manager.

JVcxt to & Co.



Jab. G.


l.lmMfil. NiM'f-rHao- r to IHIIIncliaui A Co, mid Naiiiual .ott."



by the New York Board of

I11KO to liifmni tIi!l.iiillesof Honolulu nml tlio PaWlo peiierolry Hint I linvo opened nnIn t it) III.AM.lt IH.OCh, McDsre.:. HoffrclilncKcrft Co..anil Invito llit'IrliiKiii'i'lluii i f my lmgo Mock of lrls-- Uiichh, linmirtcit illrcct Iroui Belfast,consisting of tlio follou Int;:

A Invoico of J. S. Brown & Son's "Well-know- n



avail this






JSutiHliiction CJnurnntecd.

Pacific Hardware Company,

GOOD NIGHTFrommm Safety Kerosene

IZECJEIVISJD.Recommended Underwriters.


"SHAMROCK" Irish Table Linens,



Wear,llennty UeMlirjiN,

MKl)ALS-Itelf- at, 1870; London, 1MI,(Hold) (Hold), 1W, Dublin, lfU


Clotlin from 5 to 7 yards length, withNapkins mntcli.

nbovo mado of 11KST HUSHCourtral Flax; Bpuii, woven liloaclicd In Iro-lan-

wnvra I.tneuHUSH AKTISTH, !mo many

excelled of other country.

Monograms and Crests inserted in Damask order for very low rates.AImii. I'0lli", Toilet Covers, Glim Clotlii, I'lllow I.Iihmih, 8hootlnx, Printedl'liiln I.uhiih, Dinnn-- k, Fancy TowcIh, Hack clllni,', Dnmusk,

l)i llli, (,'iunliilc llciiixtltchcd Handkci chiefh, miitublo for ladies gentlemcn'H

Any Length Out.Aleo, nn I n olco of IlKI.FAbT MUSI.INS patterns, fast colorn.

Agent for YOItlC II.aX hPO. Mil.' ItclfiiBt; J. IIIIOW.N AROKS, UcUiut; (I.A. WOIJUMAN, llclfa-- t , II. II. HOUN.SUI.l,. Ltd., llrldliort, W



Has received, Steamship Geo. "W. Elder,

Smoked Halibut, Soused Mackerel, in tins, Boneless Codflrsh,Kits Salmon Uellii-- , Eastern Codfish New Cheese, Dupce Hams andUacon, Kegs Hutler, Kegs Pork, Lard, Baker's Whole Corn, Gerrnea, Urcak.fast Germ; Oat Meal; Corn Meal; Cracked Buckwheat; Flour; SaladDressing; Durets' UllvuOll; Lobsters; Oysters; Sweet and Sour As.Mirted Extracts; Hose Water; Dates; Nms; Halsins; Penrlluttcr; Arrowroot

School Cakes; Mixed Cholco Japan, English Breakfast,Comet nnd Blossom Tea-- ; Family Flour; Bran; Oats; Corn; SaloonBread; Potatoes; Onions; Kerosene Oil, etc., etc.

BST Goods.dclivcred to parts of tho city. Satisfaction guniantccd.

"n Telephone 119.

Herbert reeve, m.h.s.,J . Hydropathic Physician,Heals diseases by PurlHcation,

(without medicine).

Chronic Diseases a Specialty.

Persons wearv of using with,would well to adopt

Bypteui. Consultation hours, 3 to 4

13f". on the other Islandsvisited by special arrangement.

ltesldetiLe Hotel Street, oppositeM. C. A. 08 lm

C. K. MILLER,Gcnoral 'Business & Purchasing A9nt.

42 Merchant St, Meliiln.

My most faithful attcuMou will he.given for the

Purchase ot Merchandise

in Honolulu for tne residents ufoil Islands of this group, fly


XiiHliIoiitUWo Cloulf una

I)resN MuUor,

Corner of Alnlsoi & King

Feathers Cleaned and Dyed.37 Sm



Come All.


SrKNCKR,Secretary Treasurer.



IlnHurimMHeit for I'.xcallenro or lnallty,UiiNurpnHHiMl for Ituraltlllty InUiiNurpaHHcil for of

Obtained lllglimt AwartlN, via:and IfJ

unci 1870; 1'arlmid l'lilliidclnhlii, 137(1.

Tablo luto

Tlio am andand

puttonw In tlio Tabid nroduiluiicd by who foryearn thoso any

toniul Ten

nml Illicit Ton Unbleachedand and utte.


tho ST. CO., 8. T.&kiii;.


in lilooks,


Cakes; Crackers;Wheat;



physicout do










- ''"IS

TO LET.A Cottago on Kiug Slrccs, ad-joining tlio residence of Hon.J. I. Dowsett. containing 4

rooms, kitchen and bathroom; waterlaid on. Also, a Cottage, on thoAsylum Boad. Bent, $10 per month,

Apply to (81)) J. O. EDWARDS.


ASPECIAL Meeting of tho Shareholders of tho Deutscher Vercln

wll bo held nt the office of Messrs. II.Hackfcld & Co., on WEDNESDAY,March Ul, 183C, nt 2 r.M. Full altcn-dnnc- o

is requested. Business of linpor.timce. II. BIEMENSCUNEIDER,73 2w Kec'y Deutscher Vercln.

TO LET,A Dwelling House nt fit

mSm Emma Street. House contains4 bedrooms, parlor, slttlni;

und dining rooms, pantry, kitchen andbathroom, servant's room, stabling andcarriage house. Tho whole newlypainted and in good repair. Apply at

MBS. LACK'S STORK,,81 Fort Street, or 0U Emma Street.


Tliii Pacific Transfer Co.,

Olllco with O. K. Miller,13 Merchant Street,

Bell Tel., 377, Mutual Tel, 391.i

I mn fully piepa-c- d to do all kinds of L

drayago, hauling or moving work, all of &which I will guarauteo to execute faitli.

62 ly S. F. GRAHAM, Prop'r.

.& $k i.-il- , ivV?' 4 h v.w


'.IA -


- ?





' 'I JB

Page 4: IK Trv P 'Pails S mlietim






Tho hand I shookWas wnnn nntl sweet;

And charming every wayFor one to greet.

How differently wo feel,When lmnds are shook;

To some wo almost kneel,With Godward look!

And others send a chill,As if from ice;

Homo lmvc a grip to kill,As in u vise.

And bauds wu shako which tellWhat tongues and lips

Could ne'er oxpiess so well,Of earth's hardships.

A hand tlieic is that dartsBoth to and fro,

And shakes by llts and starts,Possessed to go.

And tho hypocrite's hand.Whoever shakes,

Must surety understandTho touch of snake".

There is a hand that crook,As hard to squeeze

As 'twere n fist of books,Or bunch of keys.

Tho conventional handWhich shakes by rule,

In all tho dignityIt learnt at school.

Sonic lovely hands there arc. That thrill us so,Wo think heaven isn't far

For us to go.Tho hand that got astray

For to shake,And which wc shook y,

For love's own sake,

Was a rapturous thing,And nothing less

Than sample angels bringOf God's caress.

Boston Traveller.


If there is nothing new under thesun, there is at least something now

around it. For the last two yearsclose observers of the sky havenoticed that the noon-da- y sun hasbeen surrounded by a corona ofdusky, coppery, or reddish light, asit has been variously described, thocircle of most distinct color havinga radius of about fifteen degrees andinclosing a brilliant, silvery or bluc-is- h

glow close around the solar disk.A similar appearance of much lessintensity has been occasionally no-

ticed around tho full moon on veryclear winter nights.

Tho most experienced observersof sky colors arc agreed that thiscorona was not visible before thelatter months of 1883. Von Bezoldof Munich, who was considered themost competent meteorologist to pre-

pare a schedule for observations onthe colors of tho Bky for the recentGerman Arctic 'Expedition, saysthat in spito of the close attention hehad previously given to the appear-ance of the usual whitish glowaround the sun, ho had never till re-

cently seen the dusky ring. Thollonof Nice, who had made a specialstudy of the sky around the sun fora series of years, declares conf-idently that a change occurred inNovember, 1883. Backhouse ofSunderland, who has a careful re-

cord of parhelia for twenty-fiv- e

years, confirms this opinion. "Wo

may, .therefore, safely accept theconclusion that the change of colorfrom the blue of the open sky to theintense glare of whitish light closearound tho sun was until lately af-

fected without the appearance of anyreddish tinge in the transitionalarea.

Tho new corona, to which thename of "Bishop's ring" has beengiven after it3 first observer, liasnever been a very conspicuous af-

fair, and therefore has not attractedthe popular attention that it de-

serves ; but it could easily bo seenevery clear day last winter, and hasrepeatedly been noticed since thenin tho latter months of 188f.

Popular Science Monthly.

In closing his remarkable essayupon the money established by theConstitution, George Bancroft says:"I am pleading tho cause of indus-try, the cause of labor, tho cause ofthe poor ; and yet, as I do not be-

lieve that tho interests of the variousclasses of society necessarily clashwith each other, I may hope that Iam pleading for the welfare ofsociety, for the rights and duties ofall who, in the many.diversitics ofhonorable occupation, contribute tothe completeness of a nation. WhatI have written is the fruit of manyhours employed in examining thelaws of our period of colonial life,as well as in the study of our Con-

stitution nnd of the correspondinghistory and nffairs of many lands. Imay utter these last words of admo-nition as assurances of that love ofcountry, of liberty, and of truth,that has been the rule of my life,nnd still glows in a licait which mustso soon cease to beat." S. 1


A Clergyman, who owed his situa-tion to a titled patron rather than tohis abilities, in visiting his parish-ioners for tho purposo of catechisingthem asked ono old, stern Presby-terian, "Who made Paul, apreacher?" "It wasna tho Duko ofjuecnsberry," replied tho old man

with a grim smile and a shako of thehead.

flSwH! elrcd, a largo Furnished Cot.mmMCttm tape with 0 rooms. Hathhouse and fresh water shower bath.Sea bathing. Situated at Kaplolnnl1'ark. Mutual Telcphono in tho house.Itupiiro of G. West, of West, Dow &CO. 73 tf


Yes Ladies,And in fact Everybody is Delighted

with tho Justly Celebrated

Elite Ice Creammade from pure Woudhiwn Dairy


Oo and surprise- your folks, order abucket of our delicious Ice Cream. Wopack orders for Ice Cream from 1 to 50quarts in Patent Rcf rlgcrntor Cans,

keep Us delight fill llavor andperfect foim for many hours.

Families, Parties, Balls and WeddingsSupplied.

Our Fancv Cakes oro tho Favoritewith all the Ladles of Honolulu.


Imported fresh and In great variety byevery steamer.

Ring Up Bell Telcphono 182 or Mutual 338.

Tho Elito Ico Cream Parlors.IVo. SB Hotel Htreot,

Arc open daily until 11 v.m.214


St'm Candy Factoryand Bakery.

Established 1S63.

F. HORN, : Proprietor.

No. 71 HOTEL ST., betweenNuuami and Fort Sts.

Has always on hand tho largest Stockof Candles, both Plain and Fancy, guar-anteed to bo STRICTLY PURE

WliolcNule aud Retail.

Rich Wedding CakesOf a Twenty Years' Reputation, allSizes always on hand, oruumentedin any Style.

Pastries of All Description Made toOrder at Short Notice.

Pure nnd

Wholesome Bread,Fresh every Day.

Bell and Mutual Telephone, No. 74.P. 0 .Pox No. 75. 108


fief's Stmsbip Co.

Commencing on Monday, October12th, and thcuco on the first Mondayfollowing the arrival of the Alamedaand Mariposa on the 8th and 22nd ofeach month.

Tho steamer Kin an will make theVolcano Trip, reaching Keauhou onWednesday morning, giving Touriststwo days and two nights at tho VolcanoHouse.

When tho 8th and 22nd of tho monthfall on Monday, the Kinnu will leavethat day.

C$T Tickots for tho Round Trip, $50, whichpays all Chargcs.- -a

Tho Kiimu will arrive in HonoluluSunday mornings on Volcano Trips. OnHllo Trips, will leavo Honolulu onTuesdays, and return Saturday morn,lags. WILDEU'S 8TMSHIP CO.

Honolulu, Sept. 14, 1885. 124 tf

Yoaite Skating Rink,

Will ho open every altcrnoon and even,ing as follows:

aioiil!iy,TiicH(tny,AVt'lii('H(l!y,Tliiii-H-day and Hnturrtny KvciiIubh.

To tho public In general.

IItiaJA.Y EVENINGS,For ladies and gentlemen.

TiiL'Htluy AftcrnooiiH,For ladies, gentlemen andjchildrcn.

MTJ1C,Friday and Saturday Evenings; also, at

tho Tuesday Matinee.

THOS. E. WALL, Malinger.

. MS&:i&i'.'Vi'.ifevIvsi M EA,


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by ovcry Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe.Frosh California Produco by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. Inland orders foil,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Oillcc Uox 145. Tolenhono No. IU. 108 ly

GEO. EMELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

Importer unci .Dottier inSTOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS,


Agent Hairs Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

tSJT Store formerly occupied by S. NOT 1',' opposite Spreckels & Co.'a Dank. --ta100


Corner of Fort & Merchant Streets,Has jiibt opened out a largo and carefully selected stock of

Gent's Fine Furnishing Goods,Cuslom.Mado Clothing, nnd Hats and Caps

Iii all the Latest Styles aid Patterns.

t3T Particular attention is called to an elegant lino of Gent's Neckwear.28 tf


Steam LaundryTVIJLiIL.


No Chinese205

JOHN I0TT, 1. 8



Broad Street, will des-patc- h

an Al vessel in this line, on orabout

MA.Y 15, 188G,should bo forwarded by steamer

of March llHh, to Inauro shipment bythis opportunity, or not later thanCth. CABTLE & COOKE,01 Agents,


April 5th, 1886,


Kaalnianii Street.

BAGGAGE EXPRESS.jgtj Tho undersigned having

wB&l&s. taken charge ot BaggageSSlMSZKxpress No. 31, for thepurposo of carrying on tho Express andDray business, hopes by paying strictattention to business to receive a sharoof public patronago.

tST Moving pianos and furnituro aspecialty. U. BURGERSON.

Rcsldonco, corner Punchbowl andSticots. Mutual Telcphono 820.

West, Dow & Co., Telephone 170

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


WH. N.Y.,



Manufacturers of

Soda Water, Ginger Ale,

Florida Lemonade, Aciatcd 'Waters ofall kinds, Fruit Syrups and Essence? .

We Use Fateit Stopiers

in nil our Bottles.

Wo Invito particular attention to ourPatent f'tltcr, recently Introduced, bywhich nil waters used la our manufac-tures is absolutely freed from all lin.purities.

Wo deliver our Goods free of chargoto all parts of tho city. We guaranteeour Goods to be tho best in tho market.Careful attention paid to Island Orders.Address

The Crystal Soda Works,P. O. Box 807, Honolulu.

Hell Telephone : : JJJ8Mutual Telephone : 3HO

CST Orders loft with Benson. Smith t,Co., No. 11 Fort Street, will rrcclvoprompt attention.

We, also, arc Agents for the soloof J. W. Hingley's

Celebrated Cigars,188 of his own mannfactmo. Cm


A Lnrgo nnd well selected Stock of



comprised in part as follows:

Cutedel, White Wine,


Red Zinfandel,

Hock, Claret,

Burgundy, Angelica,

Sherry, Port,

Tokay, Sweet Muscat,

Malaga, Madeira,

etc., in Casks and Cases.

Having been appointed boIo agents

by Messrs. S. Lachman & Co. for their

justly celobrated brands, wo are enabled

to oiler the above goods to our friends

and tho public generally ot unusually

low rates. '.

Freeth & Peacock.sno cm

AVXL.UIflJEfc'S H. S. CO.Limited.

i.St earner KinauKing, Commander.

.Leaves Honolulu eunli TunHrlnv nfc4 p.m., touoblng at Labaina, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona, o,

Laupuboeboo nnd Hllo.Returning, vlll touch at all the

alovo ports, arriving at Honolulueaob, Satunluv afternoon.


Schooner EHUKAIwill run regularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permittingFor freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or toPaoikio Navioation Co.,

181 Agents


The Clipper Bchoonor

WAIEHU,F. Kibbling, .... Master,

Will run regularly to tho ports ofKOLOA, HANAPEPE & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applyto tho Captain on board, or to tho

Pacwio'Navkiation Co:,680 8m Cor, Nuuunu & Queen suj.

CASTLE & COOKE.Life, Firo &. Marino Irffroo Agents.

AOKNT8 VOnTito Now Knglnntl


The 2Etna Tiro Insurance Co,of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union Fire nndMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Fiauclseu, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y

ESrAULlSllKD 1840, .

Capital, 9,000,000 Rclchtmarks,

undersigned, having been uppointed agent of tho above Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Prodice. SugarMills etc., on tho most Favornllo Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Fayablo in


070 ly at WHifer & Co's.

The Equitable Life Amurn.uaSociety of the United

States.KHTAIilMHi:i IX 1S5U.

ISSUES Policies 011 the mat nppioved

ed Payments, Endowmens; TontineSavings Fund, Tontines, Scni.Tontiues;A. P. C. Tontines: Llfo aid Suivlvor.ship Annuities! Children's Jndowinenls,Joint Lite Risks, Partnered) Insurance,etc., etc., etc.

Policies both Incontcstiblc and Nonforfeitable.

Contested claims, none.Before Insuring elsowlere, call and

get an cstinintc.It is calculated that oytry reasonable

wish of the insured is cnbodlcd in onoor more of the plans.

For full particulars ind pamphlets,apply to

AI'KX. J. CWtTWKIOHT,General Agent for Ihwnllan Islands,

00 ly


THE undersigned, uDommitteo ofof tho Efuitablo Lifo As.

fcuranco Society of tlo United States ,appointed to fornmlnt! the views of tieboard on tho advantages ollercd by thoSociety to tho public,rcport:

1st Tho Society isues all tlio approv-ed forms of nssuiunc, including Ordi-nary Life, Eodowmcit and Tontine po-licies. It Is immatcral to tho Directorswhich lorm of polhy is taken by in-

tending assurers.ad The Lifo and Endowment forms

of policy provide fc annual cash divi-dends and a surrener value; aro Ind is.

fiutnblo after three years and payableafter pnot of death.

Ud Tho premium on a Tontine po-licy are tho same e on tho OrdinaryLite, but, while the latter is only pay.ablo in tho event of Jealh, tho holder oftho Tontine policy lis tho right to drawtho whole of tho rocrvo and tho accu-mulated profits in '.ash at tho end of astated period; thus, luring his own life-time, after his producing years nro past,ho can, without my larger premiumthun on an ordinary policy, secure thesogreater advantages

4th Expericnoolhows that tho returnpaid in cash on maturing Tontine po-licies approximate to or exceeds theamount of prcmUms paid by policy-holders, so that tlo averago cost of thoassuraucu will bconly about the Intereston the premium?

Gth Tontine policies, llko others, aropaid in lull in ho event of death at anytimo during tie term of tho policy, andare incontestable after three years, andpuyablo immillatcry after due proof ofdeath.

0th Expeienco shows that tho mor-tnllt- y

is lover among Tontine policy,holders, astho better lives seek thiskind of nssiranccs, which is n consider-ubl- o

sourccof profit.7th Tortlno policies will be mado

lo under tho laws of thoState, if s desired at the timo tho as-

surance Mcli'ected.8th Tc Tontine system is fair and

just; itsaccouuts aro accurately kept,separate'from all other business, thofunds jidlciously invested and improv-ed- ,

and the accumulated profits lulth.fully guirded aud properly apportioned.

0th fho Society has since its organi.zatlon transacted a larger amount ofnew bisincss than any oilier company,whiio ts now business for tho first halfof thepresent year is $1,700,000 largerthan jlint of the first half of 1881. IthasAJsetsof $00,000,000; over $14,000,-00- 0

ol Surplus, aud its ratio of Surplusto Liiblllty is greater than that of anyothercompany.

ClIAUNCEY M. DeI'BW,John A. Stewaut,Euqene Kelly,William A. Wheelock,Oiiakles G, Landon,JOUN SLOANE,llENUY P. HYDK,

Committee of the Bourdjjpf Directors ofthe Equitable Lifo Assurance Societyof tho United Stutes.

ALEX. J. OARTWRIGHT,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands

Equitable Lifo Assurance Society.127lv

NEW BOOKS,JUST received, "Tho Dogs of Great

America and other Coun-tries: Their Breeding, Training, andManagement in Health and Disease," byStonchenge; "Incidents nnd Anecdotesof tho Civil War," by Admiral Porter.44 J. M. OAT, JR., & OO.

Notice of Letters Patent.persons aro hereby notified that

Letters Patent were Issued by thoHawaiian Government to JAMESKENNEYof Honolulu on the 10th day ,of December, A.n. 1885, for an imprpvo--mont In brako, gig and chaise sprlugsAnnd that said Letters Patent were as. A

signed by tho suld James Kenuoy to thoHawaiian Carrlago Manufacturing Com-pany on the 22nd day of December, A.n.1885, wherefore the suld Hawaiian Car.rlogo Manufacturing Company hcrobywarns all persons against infringing ontho said Letters Patent.

HAW'N CARRIAGE MANF'O Co.Honolulu, Dec S3, 1685, 208 tf




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