i`inter mountain's anaconda deplrtment i …...n school board is to meet this evening f to...

I`iNTER MOUNTAIN'S ANACONDA DEPlRTMENT i REPUBLICAN TICKET IN DEER LODGE COUNTY. For members of the legislature- H. H. NELL, M. J. FITZPATRICK, GUS B. ENGLISH, WILLIAM M'EACHRAN, WILLIAM R. ALLEN, ANGUS D). SMI'H. Sheriff- ALEX W. BURNETT. Clerk and Recorder IRA C. GNOSE. County Atorney- HIAAM W. RODGERS. Treasureu- CHARLES A TUTTLE. Assessor- GEORGE W. PETERSON Coroner- DAVID REESE. Surveyor- H. S. LORD. County Superintendent- MISS IDA MARCHION. Public Administrator- J. S. WISNER. Justices- A. SHORT, M. B. HENDRICKS. Constables- F. S. BAUM, J. R. BENNETT. FOOTBALL TEAM PRACTICES DAILY READY TO DO THINGS TO THE BUTTE BOYS IN THAT GAME ON THE COMING SABBATH DAY. [SPECIA\ L TO INTER MOUNTAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. 5.--The Anaconda Football team is practicing daily for the game with the Butte Juniors next Sunday. Since the trip to Butte much new ma. terial has been added to the Anaconda ag- gregation and the team is heavier through- out. Under the efficient coaching of Ilartsel!, an old Denver athletic man, their plays have assumed shape and form, and in their daily practice they make a very good impression. The one great drawback to coaching in defensive work is the lack of a team to buck against them. That will no doubt be the weak point in bunaay a game. JURY SAYS T. KNOPF COMMITTEFr) SUICIDE Coroner's Inquest Fails to Show Any Cause for the Rash Act-Testi- mony of Witnesses. [SPECIAL. TO INTER MOUNTAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. 15.-Coroner Joseph Hughes yesterday conducted the examina- tion of the witnesses in the suicide case of Theodore Knopf, who was found dead by his wife at their home in this city on last Sunday. The coroner's jury was out only about 1o minutes, returning a verdict to the effect that Knopf had committed suicide by cutting his throat, the motive for the suicide being unknown. Among the witnesses the most inter. eating testimony was given by Karl Scharf, the brother-in-law of the de- ceased. He had been with Knopf about 30 minutes before he was found dead by his wife. Scharf testified that the dead mnan had been in the habit of going on protracted sprees, but that on Sunday he was sober and apparently in good spiritr. He said that about an hour before the suicide occurred Knopf was alone in his room and reading the bible, an unusual circumstance. Other witnesses testified that Knopf was apparently in he best of health and spirits on the day of the sul- cide and could give no reason for his rash act. Mrs. Knopf is still prostrated with grief and was unable to attend the inquest yes- terday. It is probable that the funeral will talke place tomorrow. Young Couple Married. [SPECIAI. TO INTER aMOUNTALMt.] Anaconda. Oct. 15.--Thomas Rabbit of butte and Miss Grace Decker of Chicago are to be married this afternoon at 4 o'clock at St. Paul's Catholic church. The ceremony will he performed by the Rev. Father Cooper and inthe presence of the numerous friends of the family. The young couple will leave for Butte this afternoon, where they will make their future home. At the Montana. Frank Nase, St. Louis; \Villiam C. Beasley, Butte: II. R. When, Seattle; Lee Cohn, Butte; J. M. Han, New Jersey; W. Nelson, San Francisco; M. Wickes, St. Paul; H. P. Brandes, Portland; W. E. Wilson, city. GLASS WIPERS FREE i o spectacle wearers. At the sa:me time a good chance to get a perfect examination by one of the up-to-date twentieth century electric op;tlhalmometers. No difference how dark it is you get a 'uarar.teed set of glasses at L. F. Verberckmoes, optician and jeweler, No. toy East Park, Durston block. 00000000000000000000000000 o The Daly Bank and Trust 0 o Company of Anaconda 0 0 o o Anaconda, Montana. o o General banking In all branches. o 0 Sell exchanges on New York, Chi- o o cago, St. Paul, Omaha, San Fran- 0 0 cisco, etc., and draw direct on the o 0 principal cities of England, France, 0 0 Ireland, Germany and the Orient. o, Deposits of $I.oo and upward re- 0 o ccived, o o Correspondents o O National City bank, New York; , o First National bank, Chicago; First o 0 National bank, St. Paul; Omaha 0 o National bank, Omaha; Bank of " o California, San Francisco, 0 O John R. Toole, Presjdent; M. B, 0 0 Greenwood, Vice President; Louis o o V. Bennett, Cashier; F. C. Nor.- O i.:,A A.na ant Cashier. O CAUSED BY A FALL WAS STEYENS' END BUT THE JURY ARE UNABLE TO DE- CIDE HOW OR BY WHOM HE CAME TO HIS DEATH. [SPECIAL TO INTER MOUNTAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. i5.-The inquest over the remains of John Stevens, who died a•,d- denly yesterday afternoon, was held this morning by Coroner Hughes. The jury rendered a verdict to the effect that Stevens came to his death from an ex- ternal hemorrhage, caused by a fall of some kind, unknown to them. The several discolorations on the man's body gave rise to the suspicions that he might have been beaten in such a man- ner as to 1 ultimately cause death, but I)-. St. Jean, who was called to attend him when he was first discovered, stated that these resulted from the bursting of ex- ternal blood vessels. Stevens was a member of the Mill and Smeltermen's union and the funeral will be under their auspices. SOMEWHERE A MOTHER MAY WAIT FOR HER BOY But Nobody knows Who This Man I- and It May Well Be That the Re- mains Will Never Be Known. [SPF.( IAL TO INTEKR MOUNTAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. t5.-Notwithstanding the efforts made by Coroner Joseph Hughes, the mystery surrounding the death of the unknown man whose lifeless form was found by the side of the Butte, Ana- conda and Pacific railroad track a short distance west of Gregson Springs Mon- day morning, remains as deep as ever. The inquest was held last night and the verdict returned by the jury was that the man had met his death by being acci- dentally run over by an ore train running between Anaconda and Butte. The only testimony given that in any way identified the body of the dead man was that of Charles Johnson, who recognized him as a man he had seen in a local saloon on Monday morning. Nothing was found on the body that would give a clew to the man's real identity and the testimony of the railroad officials threw no additional light on the mystery that surrounds his death. The remains will probably Cave to be Interred at the expense of the coun:ty, in- asmuch as there does not seem to be any likelihood of the body being claimed by reslatves or irienus. GOT MIXED IN FAMILY FIGHT Couple Married Recently by Judge Ha/eu Create Public Disturbance. [SPECIAL TO INTER MOUNTAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. 15.-Police Judge Hayes had an interesting case before him yes- terday when Mr. and Mrs. George McCar- thy were called to answer to the charge of creating a disturbance in the neigh- borhood of the Anaconda Mining com- pany's foundry, where they reside. The two got mixed up in a family fight at an early hour in the morning. They wete married less than a year ago by Judge Hayes. McCarthy was given 30 days in the county jail and his wife was fined $zo. IN ESTATE OF C. A. ANDERSON M. J. Fitzpatrick, H. G. McCoy and R. J. Hayes Are Named to Appraise. [SPi(IAL TO INTER MOUNTAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. 5.--In the office of the clerk of the district court this morn- ing an order of publication of notice to creditors was signed and ordered entered in the matter of the estate of Charles A. Anderson and M. J. Fitzpatrick, If. G. Coy and R. J. Hayes were appointed ap- praisers of the estate. The administrator is Alfred Ilergrcn. COLORED CLUB ORGANIZED For Purpose of Giving Social Function During the Winter. [SPiCIAL. TO INTER MOUINTAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. 15.-The colored people of Anaconda formed a social organizatio:l last night for the purpose of giving a num- ber of social functions during the winter. L. P. Durbin, one of the best known colored men in Anaconda, is father of the new club and he will be assisted by James Waller, Henry Smith, R. L. Ridley, Frank Yamer, J. I. Boston. Starrer Will Not Quit. [SPECIAL TO INTER MOUNTAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. 15.-Joseph Starrer, candidate for sheriff of Deer Lodge county on the labor party ticket, denies the ru- mor that he will withdraw from the race. Heavy Storm in the Channel. [BY ASsocIATED 1PRIs.] London, Oct. 15.-A heavy gale, accom- panied by high seas, swept over the Eng- lish and Irish channels today. A number of small craft were driven ashore and the lifeboats were kept busy, but there were few fatalities. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS With change of programme Saturday next will be included one of Edison's latest productions in life moving pictures, Jack and the Beanstalk in natural colors true to life. Will also include other high-class specialties to make up a splendid evening's entertain- ment which will continue for one week and which you can't afford to miss for such a small admission, Isc; children, loc. Matinee Saturday afternoon a to 5, evenings 7 to so. LEVY'S Peerless Electric Theater 316 East Park Avenue LIZIE HALL MUST GO BACK TO BUTTE WANTED THERE ON CHARGE OF STEALING A ROLL OF MONEY IS ARRESTED HERE. [SPI,..tc,. TO I NTeIR MOU.1 IN. Anaconda, (ct. 15.-Lizzie Hall, the colored lady ,nown as "Big :o" and wanted in Butte on a charge of rubbing some one of a roll, was arrested in this city last night and is being held until some of the Butte officers arrive. Eli Nazi, an Austrian, was arrested las night at the instigation of an East Pat'It avenue merchant, who accused Nazi of breaking a case of eggs which were in his store. Gabriel Gerbatz, a collltmlto drunk, was arrested last night for making a nuisance of himself on the street. TRIAL OF PETER MARRON FOR ASSAULT IS BEGUN Large Number of Witnesses Examined by the State During Hearinf Before Jus- tice of the Peace Quane. [SPrI.IA t. To INtIR MItit NTIAIN.] Anaconda, Oct. 5.-The trial of Peter Marron, who is charged with having as- saulted young Henry Earley at Mountain View park last June was begun yesterday, in the court of Justice of the Peace Quanc. The case has attracted much at- a tention throughout the city. A large num- SIer of witnesses were examined in behalf of the state yesterday and the trial post- poned until today. The complaint enterel against Marropt t is that of third degree assault, it beinm, alleged that he choked and shook Earley at Mountain. View park without provoca- Ston. A short time before the assault t young Earley was operated on for ap- pendicitis and it is claimed that the rough g treatment he received at the hands of Marron brought on a new attack, making another operation necessary. n TO BUY THE NEW FURNITURE n School Board Is to Meet This Evening f to Decide on the Bids. 1I Iv.CIAt. t. To IaStl MOUnNTAIN.] 4 Anaconda, Oct. 15.-The Anaconda school board will meet in special session c this evening to determine what kind oil i new furniture shall be purchased for the y new school building. y It is estimated that no less than $2,oto will be expended antd a number of lirts have put in bids for the deal. Will They Use Dynamite? ri[t' ASSOcIATenD I'HRER. nuda Pest, Oct. 15.-A workman having informed the police that a plot is on foot to blow up the president of the lower house s of the Hungarian parliament by placing a bomb beneath his chair, the detective force on duty at the house has been increased. Cruiser Chicago at Marseilles. te I ASS•o clIAt'.:I I'rI:ss.l n Marseilles, France, Oct. 15.-The United States cruiser Chicago arrived here for re- e pairs today. Anaconda Briefs A. D. T. messenjers-prompt. reliable. ' City Attorney Sawyer spent yesterday in Butte, returning last evening. L.ee Cohen, A. Blank and George Simons of Butte were in the city yesterday. George Parrott, a resident of the Willow Creek district, was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. iD. II. Morgan leaves tonight for Spokane, Wash., fur a visit of several weeks' duration. Mr. Dwyer, member of the firm of the Ri ey-Dwyer Liquor company of Butte, was a visitor in Anaconda yesterday. A. F. Hayhurst has returned from a hunting trip on Harvey creek. Mr. Ilay- burst shot his first deer and is conse- quently quite elated. Fitzsimmons Tomorrow Night. The San F:rancisco ('all produces Fitz- simmons' inulation of drunkenness in the third act of "The Ilonest Blacksmith," "perfect." It is in this scene lie sings the comic song, "\\'When lie's Full," which 48 houses after all the street gamins in San Francisco were whistling. Fitzsimn- mons will appear at the Margaret to- morrow night. YANKEE ARMY OFFICERS INSPECT BRITISH CAMP Generals Young, Wood and Corbin, With Their Staffs, See How the Eng- lish Boys Do It. (iy ASSO('IATEI'D i'R:ss.J L.ondon, Oct. S.--Generals Young, Coc, bin and Wood and their aides visited the ]Britislh camp at Alder shot yesterday, as the guests of Gercral Frcl:ch and inspect- ed all the soldiers' quarters, witnessed evolutions by a light horse battery of are tillery z .nd visited the gymnasium, where there was an interesting exhibition of thl setting up drill, athletic exercises and swimming competitions, etc. After luncheon with General French and his stall, the party returned to London The visiting generals with the war secre tary, Mr. Broderick, last evening met Lord Kitchener. In addition to General Corbin and hit party, the guests included Earl Roberts lord L.ansdowne, the foreign secretary and other members of the cabinet. The function was a purely social one. The Americans will go to Woolwich nex Thursday to inspect the arsenal there.- Boere Leave for Berlin. (aB AssocrrAT:O PRESS.] Paris, Oct. tS.-The visiting Boer gen erals left Paris today for Berlin. Th crowds outside their hotel and at the rail road station cheered the generals on thei * lrnarhurw. BUTTE NEWS POPCORN COMBINE AMONG ASSYRIANS GREAT INDUSTRY THREATENED BY WAR BETWEEN LOCAL MER- CHANTS NOW ON. TICUS BROTHERS AND ONE PERNICE ARE MIXING IT UP Pernice Moved Out to Columbia Gardens to Try to Take Some of the Ticus Trade and the T. Brothers Immedi- ately Started, So Pernice Says, a War Which Ends When All Are Arrested. (',l tmercial strife for tih, contlrol of thei. popcorn trade is causing ino tllI of jexcitement amongll tile Assyrians wiho sell ptopct rn fromt carts on nearly aill of the principal streets in the l ity, There are t•o factions amonig the Assyrians, one st.king to crush the. other, andIl it looks . thoutgh the history of )onntybrouok Fair Moutil ie frequentlty repeated before the r ;ar is finall; ly decided. nlie faction is headed by the Ticus ht Irothers, iwho, it is said, are trying to y, form a ctomubint which will eventually t control the entirepopcornl bitsilness of thie city. The other captain of indust.ry who is making every effort to resist the f alleged aggressive policy of the 'Titus bIrotlhers is James I'ctnice. T'he trouble between the ltiheats of bhult factions dates back to August, whien the " l~ficuts brothers accused Pernice of trying y to "buttt in" oit their butsiness at ('oluint - but t ;ardens. It I'ritice at that time Ithoughht that roin Il petition would lend some life to the comt- I nlcree of popcorn, peanuts and other f wares dlisipetsd from the haid-carts used g by the Assyrians, and wheeled his conttvy- anllce front uitlte to the Gardens Ito begin to look for his share of the patrtlttonage. E He Has a Beautiful Play. Whether it was due to the fact that n the dark, swarthy visage of I' rnice t:.as Itllre attractive ito the )atrolls of thi SGardens than his couttlt ryillelt proved Illto hlie would be diflicutlt to say, but in a short while his continued presence brought S fort it a roar fronltlc tt 'ictts bIrothers, of S w4hich hlie took little notice. It is saidi 1 that they tried to scare him olf thil grounds, Ibut Pertice is bulilt ot the istub o orn plan landl refused to Illmov,. s The 'Ticus brothers then andl there swore eternal vengeanlce, and sinlce thi Gardens were closed, Pernice says tha trey have done everything in their powe to make things utncomfortable for him. gK The leaders of thile fight indtulged in at ot argumenlt lat Iight in North Main stree se that was far from beingll a tame affair, a! a their gestures and loud conversation indi cc caned to a few officers who were in thit d. vicinity that something would blow oil uittless they took the foreignters ill tow iThiy were accordlingly incarcerated, alll th•is morning appeared before Judge BIoyle :i They asked for a postpoelmetnt anid gavi . 11nd11 in the ntllll of $_5. They will appeal for trialibefore Judlgci Boyle Fridlay. There Is More to Come. It is quite probable, that thely will il ) aiil arrested itt the next 24 lttirs, , they displayed the same savage dislipsitiot towards each other after court was oveI Is wh(en they were arrested. As soonll l: iath brothers and P'ernice arrived a police headquarters they engaged int htur in ricane conversation, which was climaxes by A. Ticus striking I'crnice in the face Sol .levy, who happened to,be nearby ns threatened to put themn back in jail a once. if they did not ldesist, and the: 1w wnit along quietly out of the building. ay Itth leaders of the two factions hav, substantial followings among the (Greek or and Assyrians, atnd there is liable to bt al con,iderable trouble before the attelmptel cotmbinie nt one side or tile other i JUDICIARY COMMITTEE HOLD A WARM SESSION Question of Poolrooms Causes a Split and Two Reports Will Be Pre- sented Tonight. \Ycr.trday's session of the judiciary conimtittce of the city council was taken up alno•st entirely in the discussion of the recently introduced ordilnanitcf providing for the licensing of poolrooms under an annual fee of $50o, payable iin advance. li he debate on the bill was extremely hot andI resulted in a stand-off. Two reports cill be submitted to lhe council tonight. Aldermen Manchester, Kelly and Doiuli w ill make the adverse report, in which they will advise the exclusion of pool- rlnts andl horse races front the city. Aldermeni Cohen, M. Ryan and Kroger will recommend the passage of the ordinance. It is predicted by the racing element that the ordinance wi. pass after a hot andi interesting light. SENATOR CLARK BUYS RANCH FOR NEAT SUM Just $55,000 Is the Price Paid for the Famous Las Vegas in Nevada- An Ideal Location. Salt lake agents of Senator W. A. Clark have bought for himi the famous I.as \'cVgas ranch, in Nevada, owned by Mrs. Stewart. '[The ranch is known as the beauty spot of Nevada and makes a valualle nlidway station for the new Clark railroad, the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt I.ake railway. U The ranch is an oasis in the desert and situated mnidway between os Angeles an., t ~ Salt Lake. It contains 1,8oo acres of ara ible land, supplied with 5oo00 inches oi water for irrigation purposes. The purchase price is quoted at $55,oot rand it is the intention of the senatoe - to make it a famous place when the e San Pedro road reaches I.os Angeles ant l" is used as a short line to the coast. Ic REYNOLDS IS APPOINTED TO LOOK AFTER EFFEOTS Chief of Poliob Will Be Administrator ol o Property Left by the Late Cap- tain E. B. Everte. In Judge McClernan's court this mnorn ing Chief of Police James Reynolds wai appointed administrator of the estate o i the late Police Captain E. B. Everts. Special letters of administration were asked, with an immediate appointment o an administrator. A telegram from the relatives of the deceased, asking that th, y c jief of police be appointed, was shown The attorneys stated that the estati anlouttted to about $5,.1oo, and was in sutel condition that an iImmediate supervisiot by an administrator was necessary. Judge McClernan appointed Chief IRey nolds with a bond of $o10.7,. LAWRENCE CONNOLI.Y IS OUT WITH A MEAT AXE East Copper Street Man Tries to Kil i His sIife and Baby-Full of Very is Bad Whisky. S Lawrence Connolly, a mitiner of i16 Ils (t'opper strect, became crared with a super lr Ilousu amount of whisky early this. after noon and was arrested by I itllier Thotup son, after driving hisi wite fromt the hoetst Coiinnolly is of a qoiet disposition whenl h is not drinking, but is a terror to the eoin I inunsity when lie imbtibes o the fluid, whlic' Scai elfect as muICh tOiltle ils a Imyriad is wild cats. 11 horly after ion le iade his wif t give hinti their t molnlsths-od hlia•s andll the re pickinig up an axe, told her to leave tht l house. Shie endeavored to pancify hims, liit ks in so loin shte inarrowly escapedl with he ir lile, as 'i l,,n llytIlreatened Ito swinlg n axe oil hier. Shli callted inl Jhiti I Fern, wih ctmditdt alt it•ocery store nierhy, anid I ,5s stei for (lhceer tliompison. The laltic was joined blly I)uanI Harley, the elcctricial ty of the police department, and hutllh lha f their hands fll takinig the iant to th ry paitrol box. (lonnolly hit Ilarley in It e heald amid attacked Thom p son, but hit w;I Io til) isatch for the tall, strong tilecut1 ;andl he was, itotall! I~lal~l'I l in lthe %%'.1ro1. MRS. FOSTER SAYS SON WAS HER SOLE SUPPORT He Was Killed in the N. P. Yards in June of 1900 and She Asks $20,000 r Damages From Railroad. I'roceedings ill the ease of I liz;i tll i Foster vs. the Nrtlhern I'f;iic Railway cmiipnany were begun in the faliteld Stlates court befoire Judge Knowles this morning. t Mrs. "oster is the iadliiuistratrix iu the estate of Iuobert J. Ioster, her sOil. Aceording to the iimplaiiht, luster was Swirkiiig in the Northernl l'acific cliimn- p :uliy's yards l s a I laborer on June ,n., Ilioo, iandl while coupling two cars, ione of Swhich was in i ntiut, his foot caight in I the flrog o[f rail andil he was thrlown benleath the cars ;tl.l fatally nlanigleld. Mrs. oster alleges that tIhe unfortunate mant alone contributed to her support, and, elinig derlrived of this snource of iincom•ie, S she asks damages to the extent of $.il,lOuu. At jury was drawn in tihe case this nr morning and witnesses will be examulited for several days, as there are ninny cols cerrnlcd in the case. ct Mrs. Foster is represenlted by R. 11, Sithlll and C. R. Leonard. Coulnsel for the Northern Pacific is Williamt WVal- h lace, Jr. o In the action of John Mac(;inliss vs. i. the lioston & Mointaia comiipany land C. S. l laitteriman, Judlge. Kinowles this mornriiitn allowed the plaintifl's bill of exceptihons. lran;lk Faley tind J:ancs Jensen, both of Anainonda, were discharged from hank- ruitcy in the federal court by Jldge Kntii les. Gates Is Here. New York, Oct. 15. -John W. Gates ar- rived today on the stiaishlip Otceanic frouti 1 Iiverpool. MINING APPI.ICATION NO. 4559. e, U. S. Land Office, ielena, Montana, y, Septelmber la, 19oz. 1t Notice is herc'ey given, that Frank I. .y Miles, whose postoflice address is Fee- leys, Silver Bow county, Montana, has re this day filed an application for a patent Is for the Queen Mary and Youno Places ,e mining claims situated In unorganized II mining district Silver Bow county, Mon- is tana, the position, course and extent of the said mining claim designated by an official sarvey thereof, as Survey No-. 6604 and 6648, Township No. i N., Range No. 9 W., a notice of which was postal N on the claim on the Iuth day of August, 190, and beinlg more particularly et lit forth and described in the otffclal field notes and plat thereof on file in this office, as follows, to-utit: Survey No. 6604, the Queen Mare placer. ry Beginning at tihe northeast corner, a n granite stone, 8xiaxa6 inches set z9 iC tnches deep, nlarked 1-6,604 for Cornet ig No. I, with mound of earth alongside, in from which the southwest corner to sec. e. tion 4, Fractional Township I north, rt Range 9 west, bears south 71 degrees ts 28 minutes cast 1,030 feet, and running it. thentce south Go degrees 25 minute. ill -west 1,399 feet to Corner No. a; thence clf south 5 degrees 53 nminutes east 369 ,1- feet to Corner No. 3; thence north 71 ty. degrees 23 minutes east 1,362 feet tE ill Corner No. 4; thence north to degrees :e. 5 minutes west 633 feet to Corner No it t and place of beginning, containing a, at area of 15.t8 acres as claimed by thi above named applicant for patent. Survey No. 6648, Youno pl icer. Beginning at the southeast corner, a granite boulder in place, 6x6x8 leet above M ground marked 1-6648 for Corner N_ t, from whence the southweet corner v! he Section 4, Fractional Township a north l{ange p west, bears south 14 degree 55 minutes west 5.15 feet, and runnin, thence north 2 degrees 45 mitlutts we. 567 feet to Corner No. a; therce soutl rk 54 degreer, 54 inii,utes west 1333 feet t, .as Corner No. 3; thence south so degtec rs. 5 minutes east 632 felt to Corner No 4 thence north 50o degrees 46 minutes sas ,ot 1,299 feet to Corner No. i and place o ay beginning, containing ani area of 15,, lie acres as claimed by tihe alhpve named ap ke ulicant. 'lThe lecation of these mines is recorde nrd in the office of tie recorder of Silve tIln. Bow county, on nagcs 5 and 7 in Boo r;- F of Quartz Lode:.. of The only adjoiuing claim is on tit west of Survey No. b6o4, the Dlxle Lan noo jlacer, Survey No. 5617, Eigere Carrol tar applicanmt. Ahe FRANK D. MIRACLE, mnd Register. JOS. i. HARPl.R, U. S. Claim Agent, THESE MEN DID NOT LOOK S GOOD TO JUDGE KNOWLES And Therefore His Honor Declines to Make American Citizene of Them, Admitting Nine Only. a- Judge Knowles did not seem very favor, as ably impressed with a number of candi- of dates who presented themselves for natur, alization this morning, and as a conse' re quence 17 men were turned down. These of could not give satisfactory answers to the re questions that Judge Knowles propounded. tc The result is that manty of those who were n. coutling on casting their vote at the corm. te ing election will Iwe deprived of thai h" pleasure. n Among thlose v lto were refused the rights of American citizenship and told tc call later were liarney Savoja, G. W. Mc Keen, John (Caregrada, John Berra, Martir May, Joe I)eppo, lIat Roletto, Antonic )l'tcssery, John ('oitway, James Ieery, Pat I)eery, Pat Murphy. Patrick White E l;allo J. Yelich, Yule Gnbribratch, Con Flening, Richard Hardy, ill iOf' thie a•, r;ca lidate wih Ipresentet themtselves but itine were ahle to come u1 Ito the requirements. Trhose who wern at granted the privileges of citizenship weer r- Achilla I)eAndai, Italy; Peter Peceolo, Italy; 'Til ()'Irien, Ireland; John Riva - Italy; Johni Savoga, Italy; teorge t:hyne e. weth, I'nglauad; Tliithy Nolan, Ingland Ile William ('haplman, Englalnd; John I logan nt England. ch --------------- It 1lUTT•, AN.ACONDA & PACIFIC RAIL \.AY COMPANY PASSENGER f TlIME 'TA iI.E. ,t ()ctobcr ,i, 190-2. nr WI ;STI(UN I). yr l e.rave Arrive t No. Durant. Anaconda ie t It., A. & P. 1.. ,t o a. in. . :.5 a. ln er Leave Arrive a Ilutte. Anacondai ad .1 II., A. & P. 1.. 7 :oo a. mn. 7 :5 a4 .i1 li 5 -II., A. & P' l...In:ooa.m . ,: Su a.mn hr 7--It., A. & P. l.. I :20 p. i. . p. ni as -I4., A. & IP. L... :S5n p. m. 5:45 p. I, .I it., A. & '. l., H :.15 p. m. 9 :.$5 p. m 1.1 II., A. & P. .. I : to. it.m. a :oo a. I;AS'l'lt )t N Ii. Ieave Arrive Nn. Attac,,n,la, I turatit. " II, A . & I. I.. 2 :.s5 ., .1i. n .| , t. I no .eave Arrive Anaconda. fIllte. "4 It,, A. & I'P. I.. 4:5 a. m. .5 : da.n 1a Ii., A. & I'. I.. 8 :.i a. . 4) :.a5 a. n H II., A. & I'. l..Ia:o5p.m. :55s p. i aa- It., A. & I. I.. 7:.i m. 4:i. p.an S ii. I., A. & Ii. ,. 7 :1lp. ml. :,5 p. n r.le lTo miake ,coniilnl ll,•tns with Norther I'acific railway \11Waeitlihn l, trains a Ilurant leavel A aii:tcotlda at iI : p . in. an 7:1o p. Ii . To malke i unnllltions with Norther i l I'acilic railway, I'ast llound. trainxs aIt Ilt tirnt leave A ;naconda i.iii t t I : p. toI. an .:,i a. In. t,. 'Passenigers hIolutIig tickets via (I. S. I nd, I1. R. leave Anatondila at .3:,ti p. mi. ian hie, change cars at Silver Ilow. n. Tickets onil sale at city ticket oflice (G. i his Ily.), No. 41 North Main street, and I ed plassenger station ultte, Anaconda oIL- Pacific railway, Butte. Railroad and stealmship tickets to 11l points on sale at passenger station, Asn for canda. al-- -"Train No, 4 carrIes passengers f( Du)rant, Rocker and Butte only. Invite Your Friends The present is a splelndid time to send for your Katerll friendsl and show therll the Northwest. The ratis via the lBurlilngton IRoutet ae wonder- fully low, and the through train service exccllent. If you care to sctl ime tilhe names and addressesof your friends who nlight be induced to visit the Northwest, I will teill ) hea the ltIe, arrange their trip aend check thtir bag. aage. 'r H. F. RUGCER Ag* t e, s sas 3roaddmyo , su, lol. h N. . . QUR. General I.geni, B 11llngs, Mlolt. the Northwest At t The Best Friend r the Northwest 5'{ Ever Had 'The Road That Macde th• ed Northwest Famious." .LEAVES BUTTE. k For St. Paul and Eat,,, daily,.3:3o p. m. l Great Falls local, daily......9:45 a. n. ARRIVES IBUTTE. eli, From St. Paul, daily........ 9:45 . .in. From Great Fallt and llelena, daily .......... 50 p. Im. FULL INFORMATION FROM City T'icket Office, No. 41 North Main

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Page 1: I`iNTER MOUNTAIN'S ANACONDA DEPlRTMENT i …...n School Board Is to Meet This Evening f to Decide on the Bids. 1I Iv.CIAt. t. To IaStl MOUnNTAIN.] 4 Anaconda, Oct. 15.-The Anaconda





Clerk and RecorderIRA C. GNOSE.

County Atorney-HIAAM W. RODGERS.




Surveyor-H. S. LORD.

County Superintendent-MISS IDA MARCHION.

Public Administrator-J. S. WISNER.


Constables-F. S. BAUM,J. R. BENNETT.






Anaconda, Oct. 5.--The AnacondaFootball team is practicing daily for thegame with the Butte Juniors next Sunday.Since the trip to Butte much new ma.terial has been added to the Anaconda ag-gregation and the team is heavier through-out.

Under the efficient coaching of Ilartsel!,an old Denver athletic man, their playshave assumed shape and form, and intheir daily practice they make a very goodimpression. The one great drawback tocoaching in defensive work is the lack ofa team to buck against them.

That will no doubt be the weak pointin bunaay a game.


Coroner's Inquest Fails to Show AnyCause for the Rash Act-Testi-

mony of Witnesses.

[SPECIAL. TO INTER MOUNTAIN.]Anaconda, Oct. 15.-Coroner Joseph

Hughes yesterday conducted the examina-tion of the witnesses in the suicide caseof Theodore Knopf, who was found deadby his wife at their home in this city onlast Sunday.

The coroner's jury was out only about1o minutes, returning a verdict to theeffect that Knopf had committed suicideby cutting his throat, the motive for thesuicide being unknown.

Among the witnesses the most inter.eating testimony was given by KarlScharf, the brother-in-law of the de-ceased. He had been with Knopf about 30minutes before he was found dead byhis wife. Scharf testified that the deadmnan had been in the habit of going onprotracted sprees, but that on Sunday hewas sober and apparently in good spiritr.He said that about an hour before thesuicide occurred Knopf was alone in hisroom and reading the bible, an unusualcircumstance. Other witnesses testifiedthat Knopf was apparently in he best ofhealth and spirits on the day of the sul-cide and could give no reason for hisrash act.

Mrs. Knopf is still prostrated with griefand was unable to attend the inquest yes-terday. It is probable that the funeral willtalke place tomorrow.

Young Couple Married.[SPECIAI. TO INTER aMOUNTALMt.]

Anaconda. Oct. 15.--Thomas Rabbit ofbutte and Miss Grace Decker of Chicagoare to be married this afternoon at 4o'clock at St. Paul's Catholic church. Theceremony will he performed by the Rev.Father Cooper and in the presence of thenumerous friends of the family. Theyoung couple will leave for Butte thisafternoon, where they will make theirfuture home.

At the Montana.Frank Nase, St. Louis; \Villiam C.Beasley, Butte: II. R. When, Seattle; Lee

Cohn, Butte; J. M. Han, New Jersey; W.Nelson, San Francisco; M. Wickes, St.Paul; H. P. Brandes, Portland; W. E.Wilson, city.

GLASS WIPERS FREEi o spectacle wearers. At the sa:me time agood chance to get a perfect examinationby one of the up-to-date twentieth centuryelectric op;tlhalmometers. No differencehow dark it is you get a 'uarar.teed set ofglasses at L. F. Verberckmoes, optician andjeweler, No. toy East Park, Durston block.


o The Daly Bank and Trust 0o Company of Anaconda 00 oo Anaconda, Montana. oo General banking In all branches. o0 Sell exchanges on New York, Chi- oo cago, St. Paul, Omaha, San Fran- 00 cisco, etc., and draw direct on the o0 principal cities of England, France, 00 Ireland, Germany and the Orient.o, Deposits of $I.oo and upward re- 0o ccived, oo Correspondents oO National City bank, New York; ,o First National bank, Chicago; First o0 National bank, St. Paul; Omaha 0o National bank, Omaha; Bank of "o California, San Francisco, 0O John R. Toole, Presjdent; M. B, 00 Greenwood, Vice President; Louis oo V. Bennett, Cashier; F. C. Nor.-O i.:,A A.na ant Cashier. O






Anaconda, Oct. i5.-The inquest overthe remains of John Stevens, who died a•,d-denly yesterday afternoon, was held thismorning by Coroner Hughes. The juryrendered a verdict to the effect thatStevens came to his death from an ex-ternal hemorrhage, caused by a fall ofsome kind, unknown to them.

The several discolorations on theman's body gave rise to the suspicions thathe might have been beaten in such a man-ner as to

1ultimately cause death, but I)-.St. Jean, who was called to attend himwhen he was first discovered, stated thatthese resulted from the bursting of ex-ternal blood vessels.

Stevens was a member of the Mill andSmeltermen's union and the funeral will beunder their auspices.


But Nobody knows Who This Man I-and It May Well Be That the Re-

mains Will Never Be Known.


Anaconda, Oct. t5.-Notwithstandingthe efforts made by Coroner JosephHughes, the mystery surrounding the deathof the unknown man whose lifeless formwas found by the side of the Butte, Ana-conda and Pacific railroad track a shortdistance west of Gregson Springs Mon-day morning, remains as deep as ever.

The inquest was held last night andthe verdict returned by the jury was thatthe man had met his death by being acci-dentally run over by an ore train runningbetween Anaconda and Butte. The onlytestimony given that in any way identifiedthe body of the dead man was that ofCharles Johnson, who recognized him as aman he had seen in a local saloon onMonday morning. Nothing was found onthe body that would give a clew to theman's real identity and the testimony ofthe railroad officials threw no additionallight on the mystery that surrounds hisdeath.

The remains will probably Cave to beInterred at the expense of the coun:ty, in-asmuch as there does not seem to be anylikelihood of the body being claimed byreslatves or irienus.

GOT MIXED IN FAMILY FIGHTCouple Married Recently by Judge Ha/eu

Create Public Disturbance.[SPECIAL TO INTER MOUNTAIN.]

Anaconda, Oct. 15.-Police Judge Hayeshad an interesting case before him yes-terday when Mr. and Mrs. George McCar-thy were called to answer to the chargeof creating a disturbance in the neigh-borhood of the Anaconda Mining com-pany's foundry, where they reside. Thetwo got mixed up in a family fight at anearly hour in the morning. They wetemarried less than a year ago by JudgeHayes.

McCarthy was given 30 days in thecounty jail and his wife was fined $zo.

IN ESTATE OF C. A. ANDERSONM. J. Fitzpatrick, H. G. McCoy and R. J.

Hayes Are Named to Appraise.[SPi(IAL TO INTER MOUNTAIN.]

Anaconda, Oct. 5.--In the office ofthe clerk of the district court this morn-ing an order of publication of notice tocreditors was signed and ordered enteredin the matter of the estate of Charles A.Anderson and M. J. Fitzpatrick, If. G.Coy and R. J. Hayes were appointed ap-praisers of the estate.

The administrator is Alfred Ilergrcn.

COLORED CLUB ORGANIZEDFor Purpose of Giving Social Function

During the Winter.[SPiCIAL. TO INTER MOUINTAIN.]

Anaconda, Oct. 15.-The colored peopleof Anaconda formed a social organizatio:llast night for the purpose of giving a num-ber of social functions during the winter.

L. P. Durbin, one of the best knowncolored men in Anaconda, is father of thenew club and he will be assisted by JamesWaller, Henry Smith, R. L. Ridley, FrankYamer, J. I. Boston.


Anaconda, Oct. 15.-Joseph Starrer,candidate for sheriff of Deer Lodge countyon the labor party ticket, denies the ru-mor that he will withdraw from the race.

Heavy Storm in the Channel.[BY ASsocIATED 1PRIs.]

London, Oct. 15.-A heavy gale, accom-panied by high seas, swept over the Eng-lish and Irish channels today. A numberof small craft were driven ashore and thelifeboats were kept busy, but there werefew fatalities.

DON'T OVERLOOK THISWith change of programme Saturday

next will be included one of Edison'slatest productions in life moving pictures,

Jack and the Beanstalkin natural colors true to life. Will alsoinclude other high-class specialties tomake up a splendid evening's entertain-ment which will continue for one weekand which you can't afford to miss forsuch a small admission, Isc; children,loc. Matinee Saturday afternoon a to 5,evenings 7 to so.

LEVY'SPeerless Electric Theater316 East Park Avenue





[SPI,..tc,. TO I NTeIR MOU.1 IN.

Anaconda, (ct. 15.-Lizzie Hall, thecolored lady ,nown as "Big :o" andwanted in Butte on a charge of rubbingsome one of a roll, was arrested in thiscity last night and is being held untilsome of the Butte officers arrive.Eli Nazi, an Austrian, was arrested las

night at the instigation of an East Pat'Itavenue merchant, who accused Nazi ofbreaking a case of eggs which were inhis store.

Gabriel Gerbatz, a collltmlto drunk, wasarrested last night for making a nuisanceof himself on the street.


Large Number of Witnesses Examined bythe State During Hearinf Before Jus-

tice of the Peace Quane.

[SPrI.IA t. To INtIR MItit NTIAIN.]Anaconda, Oct. 5.-The trial of Peter

Marron, who is charged with having as-saulted young Henry Earley at MountainView park last June was begun yesterday,in the court of Justice of the PeaceQuanc. The case has attracted much at-a





A large


SIer of witnesses were examined in behalfof the state yesterday and the trial post-poned until today.

The complaint enterel against Marroptt is that of third degree assault, it beinm,

alleged that he choked and shook Earleyat Mountain. View park without provoca-Ston. A short time before the assault

t young Earley was operated on for ap-pendicitis and it is claimed that the roughg treatment he received at the hands of

Marron brought on a new attack, makinganother operation necessary.


n School Board Is to Meet This Eveningf to Decide on the Bids.

1I Iv.CIAt. t. To IaStl MOUnNTAIN.]4 Anaconda, Oct. 15.-The Anaconda

school board will meet in special sessionc this evening to determine what kind oil

i new furniture shall be purchased for they new school building.y It is estimated that no less than $2,oto

will be expended antd a number of lirtshave put in bids for the deal.

Will They Use Dynamite?ri[t' ASSOcIATenD I'HRER.

nuda Pest, Oct. 15.-A workman havinginformed the police that a plot is on footto blow up the president of the lower house

s of the Hungarian parliament by placing abomb beneath his chair, the detective forceon duty at the house has been increased.

Cruiser Chicago at Marseilles.te I ASS•o clIAt'.:I I'rI:ss.l

n Marseilles, France, Oct. 15.-The UnitedStates cruiser Chicago arrived here for re-e pairs today.

Anaconda BriefsA. D. T. messenjers-prompt. reliable. 'City Attorney Sawyer spent yesterday in

Butte, returning last evening.L.ee Cohen, A. Blank and George Simons

of Butte were in the city yesterday.George Parrott, a resident of the Willow

Creek district, was in the city yesterdayon business.

Mrs. iD. II. Morgan leaves tonight forSpokane, Wash., fur a visit of severalweeks' duration.

Mr. Dwyer, member of the firm of theRi ey-Dwyer Liquor company of Butte,was a visitor in Anaconda yesterday.

A. F. Hayhurst has returned from ahunting trip on Harvey creek. Mr. Ilay-burst shot his first deer and is conse-quently quite elated.

Fitzsimmons Tomorrow Night.The San F:rancisco ('all produces Fitz-

simmons' inulation of drunkenness in thethird act of "The Ilonest Blacksmith,""perfect." It is in this scene lie singsthe comic song, "\\'When lie's Full," which48 houses after all the street gamins inSan Francisco were whistling. Fitzsimn-mons will appear at the Margaret to-morrow night.


Generals Young, Wood and Corbin, WithTheir Staffs, See How the Eng-

lish Boys Do It.

(iy ASSO('IATEI'D i'R:ss.J

L.ondon, Oct. S.--Generals Young, Coc,bin and Wood and their aides visited the]Britislh camp at Alder shot yesterday, asthe guests of Gercral Frcl:ch and inspect-ed all the soldiers' quarters, witnessedevolutions by a light horse battery of aretillery z .nd visited the gymnasium, wherethere was an interesting exhibition of thlsetting up drill, athletic exercises andswimming competitions, etc.

After luncheon with General French andhis stall, the party returned to LondonThe visiting generals with the war secretary, Mr. Broderick, last evening met LordKitchener.

In addition to General Corbin and hitparty, the guests included Earl Robertslord L.ansdowne, the foreign secretaryand other members of the cabinet. Thefunction was a purely social one.

The Americans will go to Woolwich nexThursday to inspect the arsenal there.-

Boere Leave for Berlin.(aB AssocrrAT:O PRESS.]

Paris, Oct. tS.-The visiting Boer generals left Paris today for Berlin. Thcrowds outside their hotel and at the railroad station cheered the generals on thei

* lrnarhurw.






Pernice Moved Out to Columbia Gardens

to Try to Take Some of the Ticus

Trade and the T. Brothers Immedi-

ately Started, So Pernice Says, a War

Which Ends When All Are Arrested.

(',l tmercial strife for tih, contlrol ofthei. popcorn trade is causing ino tllI of

jexcitement amongll tile Assyrians wiho sell

ptopct rn fromt carts on nearly aill of theprincipal streets in the l ity, There are

t•o factions amonig the Assyrians, onest.king to crush the. other, andIl it looks. thoutgh the history of )onntybrouok FairMoutil ie frequentlty repeated before the

r ;ar is finall; ly decided.nlie faction is headed by the Ticusht Irothers, iwho, it is said, are trying toy, form a ctomubint which will eventually

t control the entire popcornl bitsilness ofthie city. The other captain of indust.rywho is making every effort to resist the

f alleged aggressive policy of the 'TitusbIrotlhers is James I'ctnice.T'he trouble between the ltiheats of bhult

factions dates back to August, whien the" l~ficuts brothers accused Pernice of tryingy to "buttt in" oit their butsiness at ('oluint-but t ;ardens.

It I'ritice at that time Ithoughht that roin

Il petition would lend some life to the comt-I nlcree of popcorn, peanuts and other

f wares dlisipetsd from the haid-carts usedg by the Assyrians, and wheeled his conttvy-

anllce front uitlte to the Gardens Ito beginto look for his share of the patrtlttonage.E He Has a Beautiful Play.

Whether it was due to the fact thatn the dark, swarthy visage of I' rnice t:.as

Itllre attractive ito the )atrolls of thiSGardens than his couttlt ryillelt proved Illto

hlie would be diflicutlt to say, but in a shortwhile his continued presence broughtS fort it a roar fronltlc tt 'ictts bIrothers, of

S w4hich hlie took little notice. It is saidi1 that they tried to scare him olf thil

grounds, Ibut Pertice is bulilt ot the istubo orn plan landl refused to Illmov,.s The 'Ticus brothers then andl there

swore eternal vengeanlce, and sinlce thiGardens were closed, Pernice says thatrey have done everything in their poweto make things utncomfortable for him.gK The leaders of thile fight indtulged in at

ot argumenlt lat Iight in North Main streese that was far from beingll a tame affair, a!a their gestures and loud conversation indicc caned to a few officers who were in thit

d. vicinity that something would blow oiluittless they took the foreignters ill towiThiy were accordlingly incarcerated, alllth•is morning appeared before Judge BIoyle:i They asked for a postpoelmetnt anid gavi

. 11nd11 in the ntllll of $_5. They will appealfor trial ibefore Judlgci Boyle Fridlay.

There Is More to Come.It is quite probable, that thely will il) aiil arrested itt the next 24 lttirs, ,

they displayed the same savage dislipsitiottowards each other after court was oveIIs wh(en they were arrested. As soonll l:iath brothers and P'ernice arrived apolice headquarters they engaged int htur

in ricane conversation, which was climaxesby A. Ticus striking I'crnice in the faceSol .levy, who happened to, be nearbyns threatened to put themn back in jail a

once. if they did not ldesist, and the:1w wnit along quietly out of the building.

ay Itth leaders of the two factions hav,substantial followings among the (Greekor and Assyrians, atnd there is liable to bt

al con,iderable trouble before the attelmptelcotmbinie nt one side or tile other i


Question of Poolrooms Causes a Splitand Two Reports Will Be Pre-

sented Tonight.

\Ycr.trday's session of the judiciaryconimtittce of the city council was takenup alno•st entirely in the discussion of therecently introduced ordilnanitcf providingfor the licensing of poolrooms under anannual fee of $50o, payable iin advance.

li he debate on the bill was extremely hotandI resulted in a stand-off. Two reportscill be submitted to lhe council tonight.Aldermen Manchester, Kelly and Doiuliw ill make the adverse report, in whichthey will advise the exclusion of pool-rlnts andl horse races front the city.Aldermeni Cohen, M. Ryan and Kroger willrecommend the passage of the ordinance.

It is predicted by the racing elementthat the ordinance wi. pass after a hotandi interesting light.


Just $55,000 Is the Price Paid for theFamous Las Vegas in Nevada-

An Ideal Location.

Salt lake agents of Senator W. A. Clarkhave bought for himi the famous I.as\'cVgas ranch, in Nevada, owned by Mrs.Stewart.

'[The ranch is known as the beauty spotof Nevada and makes a valualle nlidwaystation for the new Clark railroad, theSan Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt I.akerailway.

U The ranch is an oasis in the desert andsituated mnidway between os Angeles an.,

t ~ Salt Lake. It contains 1,8oo acres of araible land, supplied with 5oo00 inches oi

water for irrigation purposes.The purchase price is quoted at $55,oot

rand it is the intention of the senatoe-to make it a famous place when the

e San Pedro road reaches I.os Angeles antl" is used as a short line to the coast.



Chief of Poliob Will Be Administrator olo Property Left by the Late Cap-

tain E. B. Everte.

In Judge McClernan's court this mnorning Chief of Police James Reynolds waiappointed administrator of the estate oi the late Police Captain E. B. Everts.

Special letters of administration wereasked, with an immediate appointment oan administrator. A telegram from therelatives of the deceased, asking that th,y c jief of police be appointed, was shown

The attorneys stated that the estatianlouttted to about $5,.1oo, and was in sutelcondition that an iImmediate supervisiotby an administrator was necessary.

Judge McClernan appointed Chief IReynolds with a bond of $o10.7,.


East Copper Street Man Tries to Kili His sIife and Baby-Full of Very

is Bad Whisky.

S Lawrence Connolly, a mitiner of i16 Ils(t'opper strect, became crared with a superlr Ilousu amount of whisky early this. after

noon and was arrested by I itllier Thotupson, after driving hisi wite fromt the hoetstCoiinnolly is of a qoiet disposition whenl his not drinking, but is a terror to the eoin

I inunsity when lie imbtibes o the fluid, whlic'Scai elfect as muICh tOiltle ils a Imyriad iswild cats.

11 horly after ion le iade his wift give hinti their t molnlsths-od hlia•s andll the

re pickinig up an axe, told her to leave tht

l house. Shie endeavored to pancify hims, liitks in so loin shte inarrowly escapedl with he

ir lile, as 'i l,,n lly tIlreatened Ito swinlgn axe oil hier. Shli callted inl Jhiti I Fern, wihctmditdt alt it•ocery store nierhy, anid I,5s stei for (lhceer tliompison. The laltic

was joined blly I)uanI Harley, the elcctricial

ty of the police department, and hutllh lhaf their hands fll takinig the iant to thry paitrol box. (lonnolly hit Ilarley in Ite heald amid attacked Thom p son, but hit w;I

Io til) isatch for the tall, strong tilecut1;andl he was, itotall! I~lal~l'I l in lthe %%'.1ro1.


He Was Killed in the N. P. Yards in Juneof 1900 and She Asks $20,000

r Damages From Railroad.

I'roceedings ill the ease of I liz;i tlli Foster vs. the Nrtlhern I'f;iic Railway

cmiipnany were begun in the faliteld Stlatescourt befoire Judge Knowles this morning.t Mrs. "oster is the iadliiuistratrix iu theestate of Iuobert J. Ioster, her sOil.

Aceording to the iimplaiiht, luster wasSwirkiiig in the Northernl l'acific cliimn-

p :uliy's yards l s a I laborer on June ,n.,Ilioo, iandl while coupling two cars, ione ofSwhich was in i ntiut, his foot caight inI the flrog o[f rail andil he was thrlownbenleath the cars ;tl.l fatally nlanigleld.

Mrs. oster alleges that tIhe unfortunatemant alone contributed to her support, and,

elinig derlrived of this snource of iincom•ie,

S she asks damages to the extent of $.il,lOuu.

At jury was drawn in tihe case thisnr morning and witnesses will be examulitedfor several days, as there are ninny colscerrnlcd in the case.

ct Mrs. Foster is represenlted by R. 11,Sithlll and C. R. Leonard. Coulnsel forthe Northern Pacific is Williamt WVal-h lace, Jr.

o In the action of John Mac(;inliss vs.i. the lioston & Mointaia comiipany land C. S.

l laitteriman, Judlge. Kinowles this mornriiitnallowed the plaintifl's bill of exceptihons.

lran;lk Faley tind J:ancs Jensen, both ofAnainonda, were discharged from hank-ruitcy in the federal court by JldgeKntii les.

Gates Is Here.

New York, Oct. 15. -John W. Gates ar-rived today on the stiaishlip Otceanic frouti1 Iiverpool.


e, U. S. Land Office, ielena, Montana,y, Septelmber la, 19oz.1t Notice is herc'ey given, that Frank I.

.y Miles, whose postoflice address is Fee-

leys, Silver Bow county, Montana, hasre this day filed an application for a patent

Is for the Queen Mary and Youno Places

,e mining claims situated In unorganizedII mining district Silver Bow county, Mon-

is tana, the position, course and extent ofthe said mining claim designated by anofficial sarvey thereof, as Survey No-.6604 and 6648, Township No. i N., RangeNo. 9 W., a notice of which was postalN on the claim on the Iuth day of August,

190, and beinlg more particularly etlit forth and described in the otffclal field

notes and plat thereof on file in thisoffice, as follows, to-utit:

Survey No. 6604, the Queen Mareplacer.ry Beginning at tihe northeast corner, a

n granite stone, 8xiaxa6 inches set z9iC tnches deep, nlarked 1-6,604 for Cornet

ig No. I, with mound of earth alongside,in from which the southwest corner to sec.

e. tion 4, Fractional Township I north,rt Range 9 west, bears south 71 degrees

ts 28 minutes cast 1,030 feet, and runningit. thentce south Go degrees 25 minute.ill -west 1,399 feet to Corner No. a; thenceclf south 5 degrees 53 nminutes east 369

,1- feet to Corner No. 3; thence north 71ty. degrees 23 minutes east 1,362 feet tE

ill Corner No. 4; thence north to degrees:e. 5 minutes west 633 feet to Corner No

it t and place of beginning, containing a,at area of 15.t8 acres as claimed by thi

above named applicant for patent.Survey No. 6648, Youno pl icer.Beginning at the southeast corner, a

granite boulder in place, 6x6x8 leet aboveM ground marked 1-6648 for Corner N_

t, from whence the southweet corner v!he Section 4, Fractional Township a north

l{ange p west, bears south 14 degree

55 minutes west 5.15 feet, and runnin,thence north 2 degrees 45 mitlutts we.567 feet to Corner No. a; therce soutl

rk 54 degreer, 54 inii,utes west 1333 feet t,.as Corner No. 3; thence south so degtecrs. 5 minutes east 632 felt to Corner No 4

thence north 50o degrees 46 minutes sas,ot 1,299 feet to Corner No. i and place o

ay beginning, containing ani area of 15,,lie acres as claimed by tihe alhpve named apke ulicant.

'lThe lecation of these mines is recordenrd in the office of tie recorder of SilvetIln. Bow county, on nagcs 5 and 7 in Boor;- F of Quartz Lode:..

of The only adjoiuing claim is on titwest of Survey No. b6o4, the Dlxle Lannoo jlacer, Survey No. 5617, Eigere Carroltar applicanmt.

Ahe FRANK D. MIRACLE,mnd Register.

JOS. i. HARPl.R,U. S. Claim Agent,


And Therefore His Honor Declines toMake American Citizene of Them,

Admitting Nine Only.a- Judge Knowles did not seem very favor,

as ably impressed with a number of candi-of dates who presented themselves for natur,

alization this morning, and as a conse're quence 17 men were turned down. Theseof could not give satisfactory answers to there questions that Judge Knowles propounded.

tc The result is that manty of those who weren. coutling on casting their vote at the corm.te ing election will Iwe deprived of thaih" pleasure.n Among thlose v lto were refused the

rights of American citizenship and told tccall later were liarney Savoja, G. W. McKeen, John (Caregrada, John Berra, MartirMay, Joe I)eppo, lIat Roletto, Antonic)l'tcssery, John ('oitway, James Ieery,Pat I)eery, Pat Murphy. Patrick White

E l;allo J. Yelich, Yule Gnbribratch, ConFlening, Richard Hardy,

ill iOf' thie a•, r;ca lidate wih Ipresentetthemtselves but itine were ahle to come u1Ito the requirements. Trhose who wern

at granted the privileges of citizenship weerr- Achilla I)eAndai, Italy; Peter Peceolo,

Italy; 'Til ()'Irien, Ireland; John Riva- Italy; Johni Savoga, Italy; teorge t:hynee. weth, I'nglauad; Tliithy Nolan, Ingland

Ile William ('haplman, Englalnd; John I logan

nt England.

ch ---------------It 1lUTT•, AN.ACONDA & PACIFIC RAIL


,t ()ctobcr ,i, 190-2.nr WI ;STI(UN I).

yr l e.rave Arrive

t No. Durant. Anacondaie t It., A. & P. 1.. ,t o a. in. . :.5 a. lner Leave Arrive

a Ilutte. Anacondai

ad .1 II., A. & P. 1.. 7 :oo a. mn. 7 :5 a4 .i1li 5 -II., A. & P' l...In:ooa.m . ,: Su a.mnhr 7--It., A. & P. l.. I :20 p. i. . p. ni

as -I4., A. & IP. L... :S5n p. m. 5:45 p.I, .I it., A. & '. l., H :.15 p. m. 9 :.$5 p. m

1.1 II., A. & P. .. I : to. it.m. a :oo a.I;AS'l'lt )t N Ii.

Ieave ArriveNn. Attac,,n,la, I turatit." II, A . & I. I.. 2 :.s5 ., .1i. n .| , t. I

no .eave ArriveAnaconda. fIllte.

"4 It,, A. & I'P. I.. 4:5 a. m. .5 : da.n1a Ii., A. & I'. I.. 8 :.i a. . 4) :.a5 a. nH II., A. & I'. l..Ia:o5p.m. :55s p. i

aa- It., A. & I. I.. 7:.i m. 4:i. p.anS ii. I., A. & Ii. ,. 7 :1l p. ml. :,5 p. n

r.le lTo miake ,coniilnl ll,•tns with Norther

I'acific railway \11Waeitlihn l, trains aIlurant leavel A aii:tcotlda at iI : p . in. an7:1o p. Ii .

To malke i unnllltions with Norther

i l I'acilic railway, I'ast llound. trainxs aIt Ilttirnt leave A ;naconda i.iii t t I : p. toI. an

.:,i a. In.t,. 'Passenigers hIolutIig tickets via (I. S. Ind, I1. R. leave Anatondila at .3:,ti p. mi. ian

hie, change cars at Silver Ilow.n. Tickets onil sale at city ticket oflice (G. i

his Ily.), No. 41 North Main street, and Ied plassenger station ultte, Anaconda

oIL- Pacific railway, Butte.Railroad and stealmship tickets to

11l points on sale at passenger station, Asnfor canda.

al---"Train No, 4 carrIes passengers f(

Du)rant, Rocker and Butte only.

Invite YourFriends

The present is a splelndidtime to send for your Katerllfriendsl and show therll theNorthwest. The ratis via thelBurlilngton IRoutet ae wonder-fully low, and the through trainservice exccllent.

If you care to sctl ime tilhenames and addresses of yourfriends who nlight be inducedto visit the Northwest, I willteill ) hea the ltIe, arrangetheir trip aend check thtir bag.


'r H. F. RUGCER Ag* te, s sas 3roaddmyo , su, lol.

h N. .. QUR. General I.geni,B 11llngs, Mlolt.

the NorthwestAt

t The Best Friendr the Northwest

5'{ Ever Had'The Road That Macde th•

ed Northwest Famious."

.LEAVES BUTTE.k For St. Paul and Eat,,, daily,.3:3o p. m.

l Great Falls local, daily......9:45 a. n.ARRIVES IBUTTE.

eli, From St. Paul, daily........ 9:45 ..in.From Great Fallt and llelena,daily .......... 50 p. Im.

FULL INFORMATION FROMCity T'icket Office, No. 41 North Main