iii test booklet serial no. : management test subject code

Test Paper : III Test Subject : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code : K-1017 Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________ OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________ Roll No. (Figures as per admission card) Name & Signature of Invigilator/s Signature : _________________________________ Name : _________________________________ Paper : III Subject : MANAGEMENT Time : 2 Hours 30 Minutes Maximum Marks : 150 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 32 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 75 K-1017 1 ±Üâ.£.®æãà. /P.T.O. Instructions for the Candidates 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. This paper consists of seventy five multiple-choice type of questions. 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of the cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker seal or open booklet. (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. 4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to darken the circle as indicated below on the correct response against each item. Example : A B C D where (C) is the correct response. 5. Your responses to the question of Paper III are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet kept inside the Booklet. If you mark at any place other than in the circles in OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. Read the instructions given in OMR carefully. 7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. 8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the OMR Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 9. You have to return the test OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must NOT carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. 10. You can take away question booklet and carbon copy of OMR Answer Sheet after the examination. 11. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 12. Use of any calculator, Electronic gadgets or log table etc., is prohibited. 13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers. 14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada translation of a question booklet the question in English version shall be taken as final. A»Ü¦ìWÜÚWæ ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá 1. D ±Üâo¨Ü ÊæáàÆᤩ¿áÈÉ J¨ÜXst ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ¯ÊÜá¾ ÃæãàÇ ®ÜíÃÜ®Üá° ÃæÀáÄ. 2. 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Page 1: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Test Paper : III

Test Subject : MANAGEMENT

Test Subject Code : K-1017

Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________

OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________

Roll No. (Figures as per admission card)

Name & Signature of Invigilator/s

Signature : _________________________________Name : _________________________________

Paper : IIISubject : MANAGEMENT

Time : 2 Hours 30 Minutes Maximum Marks : 150

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 32 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 75

K-1017 1 ���������/P.T.O.

Instructions for the Candidates1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page.2. This paper consists of seventy five multiple-choice type of questions.3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will

be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested toopen the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :

(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paperseal on the edge of the cover page. Do not accept abooklet without sticker seal or open booklet.

(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questionsin the booklet with the information printed on thecover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questionsmissing or duplicate or not in serial order or anyother discrepancy should be got replaced immediatelyby a correct booklet from the invigilator within theperiod of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the QuestionBooklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given.

4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C)and (D). You have to darken the circle as indicated below onthe correct response against each item.

Example : A B C D

where (C) is the correct response.

5. Your responses to the question of Paper III are to be indicatedin the OMR Sheet kept inside the Booklet. If you mark at anyplace other than in the circles in OMR Sheet, it will not beevaluated.

6. Read the instructions given in OMR carefully.7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the OMR

Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevantentries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourselfliable to disqualification.

9. You have to return the test OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilatorsat the end of the examination compulsorily and must NOTcarry it with you outside the Examination Hall.

10. You can take away question booklet and carbon copy ofOMR Answer Sheet after the examination.

11. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.12. Use of any calculator, Electronic gadgets or log table etc.,

is prohibited.13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada

translation of a question booklet the question in Englishversion shall be taken as final.

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9. ��$�(6������������ 1���9� (�:7<��7�� OMR G1�����)7������"� �� -�(�6(�$4�����R &������D�(�����1������$�(76� (�S�5���)���4� OMR ���"� ���� �4(� :���N(��:����.

10. ��$�(6����� 1���9���$�(76���'3"���&'(�����"����1������(� ��OMR G1�����)7������"��� �4� 14���(� :���)��4�!)�����%

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Page 2: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 2 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

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(A) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6

(B) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6

(C) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6

(D) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

3. (�������4������"�)� ���!�#�$%

��5 – A ��5 – B

a. �����E.7$1� 1. G170������� �����V�$��N��� d5�>B�7�U�(7����7��


b. ? ���������N��� 2. 1���4��R���7��( ������"��4��1�>�̂ ���������(7-�F(�����F�������������9�*1��4>^(���7�&

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( ���������/;��@��������N#���7K�/ !��������*.7������( ��47���4��7�&

d. �7,eN ���+��V� 4. (7-�F(��O�f����"(�5�4�H������G��N�����7��g���Z-(�����"h7&'4�H��������

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(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 1 4 2 3

(B) 4 3 2 1(C) 2 3 1 4

(D) 3 1 2 4

Page 3: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 3 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

1. Which of the following term is used to

describe the process intended to help the

fresh employee to socialise with the

people and the work environment in a

particular organisation ?

(A) Empowerment (B) Induction

(C) Engagement (D) Training

2. The following encompasses the various

steps in manpower planning.

1. Collecting information regarding

sources of manpower supply

2. Forecasting demand for human


3. Determining manpower requirements

4. Manpower inventory

5. Recruitment and selection

6. Placement

Arrange the above in the order in which

they happen and select the correct

answer using the codes given below :

(A) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6

(B) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6

(C) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6

(D) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

3. Match the following :

Column – A Column – B

a. Time wage 1. A worker is paidsystem of a stipulated

rate per piece orunit of output

b. Piece rate 2. A worker is paidsystem more if he finishes

the assigned taskbefore the stipulatedtime

c. Taylor’s piece 3. A worker is paid onrate system the basis of the

time spent on thework irrespectiveof the work done

d. Scanlon plan 4. Ensuring employeeparticipation inreducing labourcost

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 1 4 2 3

(B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 2 3 1 4

(D) 3 1 2 4


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy-five (75) objective type questions. Each questioncarries two (2) marks. All questions are compulsory.

Page 4: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 4 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

4. �����,&����(A) :�G��N�4��-3��;�i��ER&���

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(A) ������/��:���)�H(4�������1�N7�

(B) ������/��:���)�H(4�����>��1�N7�

(C) ��� ����)�H(���� (A)� ��1�N7��9


(D) ��� ����)�H(����(A)�>��1�N7��9


5. (�������4�������E������k��.�N��(�l�����)�17���


(A) ��'(���W���>4�1�N14����4��W7����.�N��(�����"


(B) �7��� 1�� ������ ��.�N��( � )O�� f


(C) ��.�N��(��� &���F���"� �7�FV�(�7�

m��n����������$ ���>�����"


(D) ������(A), (B) ��1����(C)

6. kk���������"4����� ! :�7���7��� -���^�� ��4��� �� %�>��4������(��;7@ 3��j��7V=����A �%>��4������'���o�4��$+� ���9�>��4����* 1�$(�! ����"��J�p��������9�*1���7=64����4��W7��( ���E:�������� ��1���� (7-�F(�$4�)�=,��� ��'(7��!��D�(7��K=, 1�� )?f���� ���K���"� �E��(�$ ����:���(����Z�����ll%

(����������� ������ �7 �4������"� )�H�������E����\

(A) (7��F��E(�_F (B) q:���(7��r�

(C) A ��7�47 ^ (D) ��)71���47 ^

7. (� ������ ���� �E��� “Designing and

Managing Human Resources System

with Special Emphasis on HRD” ������(���(�1�JF�*��7K��\

(A) G���L����$�(����1�����7�

(B) ������0

(C) P7N(��q���_

(D) �����:�

8. (��4�����4��������E��/��:���“G��N�4��������������1 �� �D�&”� Y*��� �� P7D�� b '�� 4�[� 4G�7)���i4��7��\

1. s��O7$(��1���D�&�(�����F4����

2. ��)����N��+���F� ����E4�F��3�F��

3. ��Ct>.�N�����(�����F4����

4. D���-874�4�H4��47F�i

(��4� ��:��7��� �� Pc4������"� !���� ��$�E��G1��������"�*+�,��E5$%

(A) 1 ��1����2 (B) 2 ��1����3

(C) 3 ��1����4 (D) 2 ��1����4

Page 5: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 5 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

6. “Unions are not anti-capitalist

organisation. They are in the least degreepolitical. Their main aim is to increasetheir internal strength, to workconscientiously and to take from theemployer no more than what is rightfullydue to the labourers”.

Who among the following stated theabove lines ?

(A) Karl Marx

(B) Fidel Castro

(C) Indira Gandhi

(D) Mahatma Gandhi

7. Who among the following authored thebook, “Designing and Managing HumanResource System with Special Emphasison HRD” ?

(A) Udai Pareek and Rao

(B) Monappa

(C) Jack Philips

(D) Ray Faidley

8. Which two of the following are examplesof “on the job training” ?

1. formal training courses

2. mentoring by a colleague

3. self study courses

4. transfers to other departments

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below :

(A) 1 and 2

(B) 2 and 3

(C) 3 and 4

(D) 2 and 4

4. Assertion (A) : Job analysis information

provides the basic foundation of an

organisation’s Human Resource

Information System (HRIS)

Reason (R) : The job analysis

information can be collected through

interviews, juries of experts, mailed

questionnaires, employee log book,

direct observation or some combinations

of these techniques.

In the context of the above two

statements, which one of the following is

correct ?

(A) Both the above statements are true

(B) Both the above statements are false

(C) First statement (A) is true, but the

second statement (R) is false

(D) First statement (A) is false, but the

second statement (R) is true

5. Which of the following are the major

advantages of arbitration ?

(A) Arbitration can be chosen as per the

need of the case

(B) Arbitration is faster as compared to


(C) Arbitral award can be made

confidential as they are not

announced publicly

(D) (A), (B) and (C) above

Page 6: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 6 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

9. �� � �+� ���� >�����G��N��4�H4� �7$4�M(���F4����9�4�J)���EFW��M(���F4�������1���3u(�6I(���M(���F4����������������'+��V��4������"�������1���%�����J;7@ 1������ 9� �� ������ 1���"G��N��4�H4� �E�� -.���� �78����� "��:��&���\(A) G1��V(�4����(B) D������(C) >��'.7����78�4����(D) �����(�617��78�4����

10. �E���� �� ������ � ��F)�i� (HRM)�� ��8�F����� � �� �!�7V�� 8�-;�N7I���R�4 ����(��:��(���� 0:��1���(A) �E����3�=��+��V�(B) �E����3�=��1���̀ � ����a@(C) �E����3�=��-3��;�i(D) �E����3�=��8�-;�N7I

11. �� ��+� �������������G��N�4�� ��F)�i4�� ! .���a@����� ��'&v� 4����� (�������4������ �����"H����-�(, ���4������"����4� 5(A) -��+��V�4����(B) +��4�N17�+��V�4����(C) �1�����R1����P7���4����(D) �1���� ��R1�� ��w7F�^� ��P7���4����


12. ? ������������p&�Y]������b�����@�L��[�/ ���(A) )O��f�G170������( ��47���)O��f���'&v�

��:���17��(B) )O��f�(7 �( ����E:��71��)O��f���'&v�

��:���17��(C) *��3����4��W7��G170����71��)O��f

��'&v� ���:���17��(D) �7�(73�7��G170����71���)O��f���'&v�


13. HR ��$3��.���A�����"����4����Z1���(A) ! :�7���)��5(����LM N�E����(B) �E����! :�7������LM N�E����(C) (7��F��4������C1���4�����LM N�E����(D) ������ (A)9� (B)� ��1���� (C) � 4 �� �

�� ���(��������

14. �� ��+� ��������(7-�F(��! ����"�1�(�F!��p7���(��4�H����� ��� (�� ��0.7F1��(�1�����"�7^�����1� 1�'�R�4 ����(���� 0:��1���(A) :M����u$x� 4�(B) D O���E=F 4�(C) 14���)7(��������Y$b' O�� b��[(D) *]@�u��3����Y��'3����7����-(�[

15. (�������4������ ��E������ D7)�N� ����(7&��'+��V��4������� ����*������� ���\(A) )����7������(�4� :�������� ��;��@�V��

)����� ���! ����7���D�( ������'����1�37�����-^���1���

(B) �� U�����)���4�:���'&84����(����)O��f��:�<�7����1���

(C) )������������"� ����(��E:������$ ���� U��+���4� )���� �������4������"��1����(7i,4������"��1���!)���7��

(D) 17 &'(�9�(��3� ���1��������B�F�(�-�F4������")����� ���1����������)� ���D7$�(�5�O�f���K����1����)O��f���� 8��7K����1���

16. kk�=Ca�y��$�*v���(�F���a�3���llA�$ ���>z�J�p4�H�� 0a@�(A) P%�@���*N:��L�_(B) P%>���i��(M��(C) )�'�v�+���(D) -� b�_!4�F

17. G��N��+���F����1���D�&���:� 0�@��)� 1���*1��4� (�����7�����$(� 0�4�������1���� (M3� 4���>��C#�(�1 4 � � � ! ^��� / !���( ,R�4���"17���\(A) A�����r� b7�a�Y�7.���[(B) ���(����*v�� (� b�'���� Y��� 1�'W��

P74�[(C) v� (�6�7�a�Y(7��F(�6��1[(D) ������7�1�F�

18. �E(��F��-3��;�i�/���"������8�-;�N�=���� ����-.7��(A) )����� ���(7-�F(��������!�7V�(B) ����� ���(7-�F(��������!�7V�(C) G��N��4������C�� ���J&�(D) �� U��������U;�Fi������@

Page 7: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 7 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

9. An organisation provides employees,benefits in the form of conveyancefacilities, housing facilities andeducational facilities for the children ofthe employees. What kind of benefits isthe organisation providing to theemployees in this instance ?(A) Incentives(B) Bonus(C) Fringe benefits(D) Security benefits

10. Supply forecast in the context of HRM isalso known as(A) manpower planning(B) manpower inventory(C) manpower analysis(D) manpower forecasting

11. Formal rewards provided by organisationsthat do not lend themselves to beingrelated to performance include all thefollowing except, which one of thefollowing ?(A) insurance plans(B) merit plans(C) paid holidays(D) paid vacations

12. Piece rate system means that a worker(A) Who produces more, will be

rewarded more(B) Who works for more time will be

rewarded more(C) Who produces as per order will be

rewarded more(D) Who produces leisurely will be

rewarded more

13. HR audit includes(A) Valuation of capital investment

(B) Valuation of human capital(C) Valuation of non performing assets

(D) Combination of (A), (B) and (C)above

14. The strategy of achieving competitivenessthrough rational reduction of workforce inan organisation is called(A) Down sizing(B) Benchmarking(C) Retrenchment(D) Optimisation

15. Which of the following is not one of theadvantages of external recruitment ?(A) Current legislation mandates that a

certain percentage of the newincumbents be obtained fromoutside the organisation

(B) The pool of talents is much largeroutside the organisation

(C) New insights and perspectives canbe brought into the organisation byhiring from outside

(D) It is often cheaper and easier to hiretechnical, skilled and competentemployees from outside

16. “Equity theory of work motivation” hasbeen developed by(A) J. Stacy Adams (B) J. Arun Kaul(C) Henry Fayol (D) Mintzberg

17. Degree to which an employee beingtrained is concerned with the immediateapplicability of the concepts and skillsbeing taught is known as(A) Instrumentality(B) Locus of control(C) Functionality(D) Repetitiveness

18. Markov analysis is a method of predicting(A) External supply of labour(B) Internal supply of labour(C) Voluntary retirement of employees(D) Attrition level in the organisation

Page 8: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 8 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

19. A ����7N3������ )��N����� $�����F���EN��P�� b��!4g�MNC’s �C�(�$����-z��"�E4�F4�����(� �1�����(��4�)��� 0a@%�(� �2MNC’s #� ���>�����$�� 0:����-z��"��E����� ������ � 1� 1�'4������"� �������1���%� (� � 1 ��{� 4������"�(� �2 ���{� 4��� �4�)� ��$%

��5 – 1 ��5 – 2a. V�7 4�(� �'1� 1. ��'&+� ���� -��`

�E4�F ����������"�3�4��� �4�N�)�$�� �HR *O���i4������"�C�(�$���7��

b. !)��(� �'1� 2. ��C��3������E4�F !�����74����HR ��&

��1����*O���i4�������v����E:� 0��@�-��`���������>��C��4�H�� 0a@�

c. ��'��3�(� �'1� 3. HR *O���i4�����E4�F ��'��3�����4

�� +��X�� 0a@��1����> 4��� ��4�H4��'��3����������E�������3���V�������"��!| ��E���-���

d. 8��(� �'1���E4�F 4. v��17 3�����"4�$;�T4�H�������(7,�HR ��&4������"� �� �����������>4�1�N14����4��W7��C�(�$���7��

�� ��#�������H a b c d

(A) 2 1 3 4(B) 4 3 2 1(C) 3 2 4 1(D) 1 2 3 4

20. � ���� ����4�'� HRD �N���� � -�7N��(�$�� �

�� U����� (���������� �� ��jWF�&����H(��

>4�1�N-�%� (��4� (�a@�������$ ���>1�N 1�� ���(��


(A) >z�J�p� >�3� N( �1 4 �� ��9� s��N-�(�

�� ! .�4�������1������.�N��(�-.7��4����

(B) �� U��9��� ��}&9�)7��HRD *O���i4����


(C) G1�0�� "19� �E���� 3�=��+��V�� ��1���


(D) �� U��� �� ��}&9� �7 ��(��U;�Fi���1���

�7 ��(��>z�J�p

21. �E��D�5(���&������47')�(������E���(�b@����

A$���7��� /�7��G1�0�� "4������"� ������F(�7�


(A) ��jWF=, 1� ��>^(��D�5(

(B) �������D�5(

(C) ��jWF�D�5(

(D) >���-�1��D�5(

22. *.7��������4����Z�� ��C������ �7��>�����"

P7$4� 1���������� �E���(�b@�7��$4� ��'���o

��$i7������Z�7K4��1���%�A����/;��@� � �� hN��

>����N�4�����1����� hN�Y����(��{: aq(�3���

�� !���[�)� ����1����\

(A) 10 (B) 11

(C) 13 (D) 12

Page 9: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 9 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

19. The different approaches adopted byMNC’s towards International HumanResources Management (IHRM) arestated in Column 1 below. Column 2provides the different HR strategiesbeing followed by MNC’s. Match theitems in Column 1 with items in Column 2.

Column – 1 Column – 2

a. Ethnocentric 1. HR practices areapproach adapted to meet

the circumstancesin each foreignlocation

b. Polycentric 2. HR policies andapproach practices used in

the home countryare simply exportedand applied in anoverseas location

c. Regiocentric 3. HR practices areapproach coordinated within

the region andsubsidiaries arestaffed with peoplefrom any of thecountries in the region

d. Geocentric 4. HR policies areapproach adapted to the

needs of theindividual locationsto maximise results

Codes : a b c d

(A) 2 1 3 4

(B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 3 2 4 1

(D) 1 2 3 4

20. Designing an integrated HRD system

requires a through understanding of the

following in the organisation. Select the

most appropriate answer from the


(A) Development needs, industrial

relations and arbitration methods

(B) Organisation, culture, existing HRD

practices and the development


(C) Productivity, manpower planning

and the incentive system

(D) Organisation culture, organisational

conflict and organisational


21. In which demand state, consumers are

adequately buying all products put into

the market place ?

(A) Overfull demand

(B) Latent demand

(C) Full demand

(D) Irregular demand

22. Implementation Aadhaar, has important

implications for marketers because of its

inclusive nature. How many digits unique

identification number it carries ?

(A) 10 (B) 11

(C) 13 (D) 12

Page 10: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 10 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

23. * 1�$(�� �E(Fb�4� R$��*:�H1��� :�H+� �4� ________ V14��:�����1�� �� A1���� -874�4��� �4� ________

V14��:���� >�3 � N( �1 #��%� *�����$ ���� '&+�!|���� �E(Fa 4�� ��1� " �� �� "�� '3 � ����17�� � ��1�� �� D !����17�� %(��54�����7��7�� ��$�E��� (7 d��3����"(� :��R5#�$%

I. ����1�

II. d���

III. 3����N

IV. (�I�F��

�� ��#�������H

(A) I ��1��� III (B) II ��1��� I

(C) III ��1��� IV (D) III ��1��� II

24. *~.��~�(�� �E~(Fb���EN~��~P�~� b�� �7 �,

P 4������"� �)� ��%� (��~5~4�~���~�7��� ��~$~�E��(7 d~��~3�~�����"�(� :��R~5~#�~$%

I. Promotion

II. People

III. Processes

IV. Place

V. Programmes

VI. Performance

�� ��#�������H





25. �E(F~a 4����~(�6i7�(�'~�����>~���~��~��~&~������(�~5�

�E~�7~�~4�����>~B�7��7~8�~4�~H4� (7~��~W~7~4���

>�7~���~(�� ���'~�J~&��>~B�7�D~��~�~I~4�����~:��<�

�� ~7 �� / ���� ( ~�� ~�~�� ~�� ~4� ~����� ��E~�� ~�����"


(A) Pu~-~(�

(B) ��$������

(C) ��~�E~P��t��7 ��}~&~(�

(D) (7~���~���t�7~V~=�~��

26. (~��4���~5~��~��~4�~H ���A ����(� �~�~4������ �~)���

1 � 1� ' ~� ���� � �E�� �� ��} ~&���� �� 0 ~; � @ ~7 ~��

/ !�~��~�����"��4��~���1��~R~5~#�~$�\

(A) )�~�~)�~�~��

(B) �7 ��'~�7~#�~(�

(C) ��~�@~)P��A~(��,~�

(D) 17~���~WN

27. �E~(Fb��o 5�~(�~�� ~W��� A5�� 17~��~-�~�����9

�E(F~a 4�� (7 ~��F~( � ' ~ ��� ~� �� " � � A~��( ,

)� �~����������~i7F~��~(�~7~�~�%

(A) �E~(F~b��47~1�'~����"��E~������E~:��~�����

(B) 47'~)�(��z~�7"~z~�7'~��(,���~��"i���~:��~��~���

(C) v7N~(�@~$~����� �G~1�0~��"~4�~���Z�� ��~��~(��~4�~�����"


(D) (� ���G~1�0~��"~4����!4g� 47'~)�~(�~$4� &~���~�~H(


Page 11: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 11 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

23. Internal marketing requires ________

alignment with senior management and

______________ alignment with other

departments. So, everyone appreciates

and support the marketing effort. Find the

correct combination according to the


I. Horizontal

II. Vertical

III. Zero

IV. Diagonal

Codes :

(A) I & III (B) II & I

(C) III & IV (D) III & II

24. Modern marketing management has four

P’s. Find out the correct combination

according to the code.

I. Promotion

II. People

III. Processes

IV. Place

V. Programmes

VI. Performance

Codes :





25. Which threat from the following is

considered as a challenge posed by an

unfavourable trend or development that,

in the absence of defensive marketing

action, would lead to lower sales or profits ?

(A) Biological

(B) Environmental

(C) Socio-cultural

(D) Legal-political

26. From the given below, identify which

culture is evident in the communication

strategy of today’s companies ?

(A) Teenage

(B) Traditional

(C) Toddler

(D) Youth

27. In the entire exercise of market

segmentation, the key is adjusting

marketing programme to

(A) measure the size of market

(B) recognise the customer differences

(C) sell the goods being produced in


(D) educate the customers about

company’s products

Page 12: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 12 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

28. )�4� ������;����� ��1���� ��~R~�~������ 37~] 4��E:��~17���/ ������~$�~=6~������ ������ 3��~.��7>~.�N~����� (� :��(� :�~���K��� _______ � ���G1� 0� � " � ~� �� " � ��� ~��@ ~ � 1� )� ~ ��� D7$*�� &'�� 0:�D�(7���9�________ )�~H~�~(�~��Z�>~�����"���)=,(����Z~�������� 8�~�~����%�________G1�0~��"(,�)O��f��u~��~=�(����~�@~�������� ! .�~87�(��0�(���Z!~)�����%�________ )�~ ~j���G~1�0��" �ER~&~����� "� Q~�� �� !~��~� �� ~17 �� %(��~5~� �����$�E���(��~:��~-~(~�����"�4��~���~&~�~$%I. ���~���~;�~���II. ��R~�~��~���III. `~=6~1�~���IV. >~`~=6~1�~���

�� ��#�������H





29. (� �~����O�f� �-~�7N�����1���� 47'~)�~(�~$4�A~�����LM N���'~�7�~���/~��:�����~(7�7~1��~(�~7����~$i7��G b7~4��~� 1� � ��J~n@`� ��N~�~)7~���~��N~��~����"-~�7N~��~4�~H~���~��~�����"� _____ -~O7���/~���"~17�~�%(A) d~H (B) ( ���(C) ��~� (D) )�~�~���

30. __________ D7'eN 5 4�~������� �����~�Z���~ ����`�����1����)�J~�����/~��~:����"�*~(�~nF~����z~�7"z~�7'������1������~�E~�7~z~�7'���> 3�4������")� �~��~D�~(��%(A) D7�eN (~b�(B) 1�~�E~��~(�~��(C) ��0~.7F~1�0~(�(D) 87~�~�7~1��~(�

31. (~��~�~��~��~4�~H ����]_���1���� (��~(�t(��~ ~�� 1�)�>~�E~��( �� �7~����� (� � ~� ~4 � ~H ��� �E��E~��~$����!~��~��~ 0~a@��/ !�~�����"��4��~���~&~�~$%(A) �~�������1�������ND�(B) (� ��'���1����>��Y~)�D����1������0�~(�~[(C) / X�����1����>~��~����u�Y~D7~5[(D) (�~W��~4�������1����=~-~4�~���

32. ?~ ���7N~�7~$~4�������~4�~����"��1�� :�~$����~��~(��~4�~�����")�~ ��� D7$� ��W�� � ��'~�E~W~4�~�����9� d~5~�E��E~$~�74��A����__________ ������'~&~(�� ��$i7~���d�~���~1��~�%(A) o~$�~�~�7~������7~�7~)�F1(B) (� ��~�~4����D7'eN :���~-�F~�������'~��~1�"~4�~���(C) (� ��~�~4����D���~4�~�~��~5~�����1� 1�'(D) ?~ ���7N~�7~$~4�����7~�7~)�F~1

33. (�������4������"�)� ���!�#�$%��IJ� – I ��IJ� – II

1. �7����u ��Q5���1�� I. �7���3�=������"�j�u���1��

2. �7�����'&14���� II. �7����ER&�����"G��(���W����" )� O��1��1��E$���1��

3. �7����b�'������1��� III. �7������4�H45������E���1�� ��1����(���$4�H4

717���W��� 1�'W����"�������1��

4. �7���O� ��?1�' IV. (���$�G1�0��"1�����"1��E$���1�� ���.7$�� ���7��

���74��1��5. �7���-3�C(��3�����" V. �7���V�������1���

�E���1�� ����(��4����O7 (����6. �7���)�7 VI. �7��

��� 1�'(�4������" ������ V������"1��E$���1�� �E(Fb�

�E:��1���� ��#�������H


Page 13: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 13 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

28. A research study examining how men

and women shop found that, ________often need to be invited to touch a

product, whereas _________ are likelyto pick it up without prompting. ______

may relate to product on a more personallevel, ____________ often like to read

product information.

Identify correct combination from code.

I. men

II. women

III. literates

IV. illiterates

Codes :





29. Designing creative business venturesto positively affect both company’s cost

structure and its value proposition toconsumers is known _______ thinking.

(A) White (B) Red

(C) Blue (D) Green

30. In _______ branding, a good positioningshould contain points-of-difference and

points of party that appeal both to thehead and to the heart.

(A) Blanket

(B) Manufacturer’s

(C) Competitive

(D) Emotional

31. Identify from the following, which modelhas been utilised by soft drink companieslike Pepsi and Coca-cola to reach ruralmarkets ?(A) Tyre and Tube(B) Hub and Spoke(C) Engine and Body(D) Eyes and Ears

32. When rural retailers ‘break the bulk’ andsell goods in loose form, often in smallquantities. It adversely affects(A) Credit-worthiness of buyers(B) Brand building efforts of companies(C) Pricing strategies of companies(D) Credit-worthiness of retailers

33. Match the following :

List – I List – II

1. We run trains I. We supply energy

2. We make II. We distributecopying informationequipment

3. We sell petrol III. We provide climateand diesel control in homes

and offices

4. We make IV. We help improvemovies office productivity

5. We sell V. We are peopleencyclopedias and goods mover

6. We make air VI. We marketconditioners entertainment

Codes :1 2 3 4 5 6


Page 14: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 14 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

34. �����,&���� (A) H�( ����;�F4�H ���87��1������� ��1��G��N������ ����!J)�1��!���7�i4���474��&��%

#����� (R) H�(���@4�������1�����54��� 1�)��8M&(��E.�N��4�H ���*�7����� (������&��9�*������@� *�7��(,� �Du��� )7N :�t�b�4������ (�����N�(��:M�����:�4��� 1�)���Du��7N �N�*N::����-F����� (VAS)� (�:��4���)O��f&��%������ /��:��� )�H(4 �� �� � � ��8�F����(�������4��������E������� ������$�E���\

������������ ��#������ :(A) (A)���1����(R)�/��:���)�H(4�������1�N7�%

��1���� (R) � A���� (A)��� ��$�E��-���i�E��

(B) (A)���1����(R)�/��:���)�H(4�������1�N7���1���� (R) � A���� (A)��� ��$�E��-���i�E������� �

(C) (A) ������1�N7��9�*����(R)�>��1�N7��(D) (A) ����>��1�N7���*����(R)���1�N7��

35. (�������4������"�)� ���!�#�$%��IJ� – I ��IJ� – II

1. D7)7N 4�W I. )O��f& ������4���K

2. ��������� II. D�4�����R51�1���0!)�����

3. 717F��1�' III. ��$-�1��(����4����Q���4������$-�1�*+�,��7.�N1

4. > 1�P7F IV. �7��(�67��)O��fO�f

���� ��#������ : 1 2 3 4





36. (� ������ 1��� "� �7X�@(�_� !4g� �7 �,� !J)�1��.7F��4�� �� �� " � 1 �� �� �� ( � �4 � ��:��7���� Pc4�H �����$�E���>���(�'-�(�����"�4�����&�$%

I. 3'�I�(���WII. 1���̀ � ����a@III. *:�F����j'������E:�������IV. ��.�N�&F1�CV. ����(��4������"��� 4�'R�:�������VI. �74�i

�� ��#������ :





37. u��=�(���E�7��� �����7'?���� (���E��%��$i7��(7$� �E�7�47������ A ���� ��)�V�� '� J& �� 1�� )O7f�������� " � )� ����17�� %R�����K�9�(� ���4������4��>�$4�1���D�&���:� ���'&��;�F�����7����-����4���;��@�:7 ���4������"�N#����&�%� *� $�&�����9��� (����� 1�)���'3"4��� �4���UF�(7 ����� ! .�4������"��7�]�� ���'&�^4�H4�-.7��4������"�(�����74��&��%

I. �����N���'3"4����II. >4�1�N��7�&���'3"4�����Y��:����t*v�[III. ��$i7�����'3"4����IV. �� ��8�F���'3"4����

(������ (��:�4�H ��� (��� 0:�D�(7��� ��'3"4�����$�E���(�'������"�(� :��R5#�$%

���� ��#������ :





Page 15: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 15 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

34. Assertion (A) : The music industry inIndia has been undergoing a majorchange over the last few years.

Reason (R) : Revenues from sales ofphysical media like cassettes and CDshave been declining but the contributionof mobile Value Added Services (VAS)such as music downloads through mobilehand-sets to the total revenue has beenincreasing.

In the context of the above twostatements which one of the following iscorrect ?

Codes :(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is

the correct explanation of (A)(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is

not the correct explanation of (A)(C) (A) is true but (R) is false(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

35. Match the following :

List – I List – II

1. Outdoor I. Increasing clutter

2. Direct mail II. Costs couldrunaway

3. News letter III. Limited audienceselectivity

4. Internet IV. Relatively high cost

Codes : 1 2 3 4





36. Identify the right sequential order from thecodes given under for the firm to makefour major decisions about its logistics.

I. Gradation

II. Inventory

III. Order processing

IV. Intermediation

V. Warehousing

VI. Transportation

Codes :





37. Personal selling is an ancient art.Effective sales people today have morethan instinct, however companies, nowspend hundreds of millions of dollarseach year to train them. In that way repsare taught a method to build long-termrelationships, with questions such as

I. Problem questions

II. Need pay-off questions

III. Implication questions

IV. Situation questions

Find out, the correct order in whichquestions are to be asked, from codesgiven below.

Codes :





Page 16: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 16 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

38. ��'1�N(�67���E������(�67��*�7���G1�0��"

�E:���� ��N�)7��4��� �4� � (� ���+� �4

( uP��5����� � 47')�( �� �� � G�K;� @ � � *��( � �

-;����� �4��_____��E(Fa 4���(� �����


(A) ����4�'�Y)����@(�[

(B) ��$�����"�R

(C) -;����� ! ^�Y(7��t$��b:�[

(D) {(�N��jWF�YA a4'�b:�[

39. �����,&���� (A)� ����`���� ��E(Fb���7(�;��@

��:�<���K��9��)?f����(� ���4��������`���7�+��


#����� (R)�����'! .�(�$4�>��N�87;4������"� ���1���

(7������4������"��(������9���'(��6!p��(���_4��� �4

�N�)�$����9� � �7V=������1���� (7����71��(�

>� f̀1�14������"��/���$������>�3�N(�1#������� ��%

������ /��:��� )�H(4 �� �� � � ��8�F����

(�������4��������E�������� �������$�E���\

(A) (A)���1����(R)�/��:���)�H(4�������1�N7�

��1���� (R) � A���� (A) ��� ��$�E��

-���i�E������� �

(B) (A)���1����(R)�/��:���)�H(4�������1�N7�

��1���� (R) � A���� (A) ��� ��$�E��


(C) (A)�������1�N7��9�*����(R)�>��1�N7��

(D) (A)�����>��1�N7��9�*����(R)���1�N7��

40. (�������4������"��)� ���!�#�$%

��IJ��– I ����������IJ��– II

;�� #��R���"���� ���Z,���E�0��,.��

1. 7nF(��+��V� I. G��"1���EN��P�� b�

��� 1�'W �E(Fa 4�


2. �78��7#�1�C II. G��"1����EN��P�� b�

��� 1�'W ��.�N����EN��P�� b�

3. ��(�61���� 1�'W III. �E(Fa 4����� 1�'(�

4. 1� 1�'���� 1�'W IV. �u�����1�����!| �

�EN��P�� b�

�E(Fa 4����� 1�'(�

�� ��#�������H

1 2 3 4





41. � �����7'P(�@����%�209609000�t�O�f�7����K�9

12%5������������ ����(�H����� 1���� Y������u��

���� p&[9� *���� 50� �� 1$4��� ��� �


�7'P(�@������D7N(��>�̂ ���7����1����\

(A) 6%67��;�F4����

(B) 5%00��;�F4����

(C) 4%00��;�F4����

(D) 7%00��;�F4����

Page 17: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 17 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

38. __________ marketing links the firm’s

contributions to a designated cause to

customers’ engaging directly or indirectly

in revenue producing transactions with

the firm.

(A) Holistic

(B) Eco-friendly

(C) Cause-related

(D) Integrated

39. Assertion (A) : Most companies would

prefer to remain domestic if the domestic

market large enough.

Reasoning (R) : Managers would not

need to learn other languages and laws,

deal with volatile currencies, face political

and legal uncertainties etc.

In the context of the above two

statements which one of the following is

correct ?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is not

the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the

correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

40. Match the following :

List – I List – II

Type of control Prime Responsibility

1. Annual-plan I. Top Management

control marketing auditor

2. Profitability II. Top management

control middle management

3. Efficiency III. Marketing controller


4. Strategic IV. Line and staff

control management

marketing controller

Codes :

1 2 3 4





41. A project costs Rs. 20,60,000/- and yields

annually a profit of Rs. 3,00,000/- after

depreciation @ 12.5% (straight line

method), but before tax 50%. What will

be the pay back period for the project ?

(A) 6.67 years

(B) 5.00 years

(C) 4.00 years

(D) 7.00 years

Page 18: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 18 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

42. > 17�7nr����)�W(7���� (7�j�F��3���� ��

)�W���:��D�(7�����9� � �����7'P(�@� � (��4

)�H��� ��������� )� 7���� �E4�F��`F


a. �7'P(�@��h7����� ��������D�(��

b. A����17 &'(�7������J��7���D�(��

c. A���� �78��7��(�74��� 1�)�� �$�(6

Y�����(73�[�)� ���D�(��

d. A���� >z�J�p`� ���3�4���� *yF(�14


(�������4�H �����$�E���(��:����"��*+�,�E5$%

(A) (a), (b) ��1��� (c) �E1�'

(B) (b), (c) ��1��� (d) �E1�'

(C) (a), (b) ��1��� (d) �E1�'

(D) (a) ��1��� (d) �E1�'

43. E����� (I) :�87��1������ �-����F���-����1

Y$���F���VF��[���� �1�1��eC��� �*�7��


E�����(II) :�5���VF�����1$4���:�� �9�>���

*�7���1$4�(7#��9�1961����(�6���12 (19 AA)��

> 1��7B�F������D�(��%

(�������4�H �����$�E���(��:����"��*+�,��E5$%

(A) )�H(�(I)���$�E��9�*����)�H(�(II)�1����0

(B) )�H(�(II)���$�E��9�*����)�H(�(I)�1����0

(C) (I)���1����(II)�/��:���)�H(4�������$�E�

(D) (I)���1����(II)�/��:���)�H(4�����1��70�

44. �����,&������(A) ��(7�jF��b���������-�7N����(7�jF��b�� ��F)�i����� � ��$i7��(7$���.7��i4�(7��W7��%

#�����(R)�H�(7�jF��b���������-�7N�����P74�&(���0.F9� 17 &'(����$)7��4����� 9��EN��P�� b�*-;7,��4 �� ��9� ��� 1� '( �� !���7�i4�� ����� 17����>��(��-.������ 4�&4�H ���O��7�i4! ��%

�����$�E����(��:����"��4�����&�$��(A) ��'&�7���� (A) ��1��� �� 1�(�F� (R) /��:��

��1�N7��� ��1���� (R)� A���� (A)����$�E���-���i�E��

(B) ��'&�7��� (A) ��1���� 1�(�F (R) /��:����1�N7��*���� � (R) A���� (A) ����$�E����-���i�E������� �

(C) ��'&�7���� (A) ���� ��1�N7��9� *���1�(�F�(R)�>��1�N7��

(D) 1�(�F�(R)���1�N7��9�*�������'&�7�����(A)>��1�N7��

45. ��IJ� – I ���"���IJ��– II��� �4�)� �����$�E��G1��������"�*$�%���IJ� – I �������������IJ��– II

a. �=C5a�>����71� i. :b����-F��(���P��>����71�

b. ����P��>����71� ii. ��!���(7��@>����71�

c. *�����F)�i iii. 5v�_��A ���C��>����71� >����71�

d. *����a 4��>����71� iv. D7N:��:b�_�������_ �>����71�

�� ��#��H

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

(B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)

(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

Page 19: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 19 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

42. In order to receive International Finance

Corporation (IFC) funding, a project mustmeet number of guidelines like

a. The project must be in private sector

b. It must be technically sound

c. It must have a good prospect ofbeing profitable

d. It must benefit the economy ofdeveloping countries

Choose the correct code from thefollowing :

(A) Only (a), (b) and (c)

(B) Only (b), (c) and (d)

(C) Only (a), (b) and (d)

(D) Only (a) and (d)

43. Statement (I) : The basic philosophy ofreverse merger, in India, is to takeadvantages of provisions of Income TaxAct, 1961.

Statement (II) : To avail the taxadvantage of demerger, it should be inthe spirit of Section 12(19AA) of theIncome Tax Act, 1961.

Choose the correct code from thefollowing :(A) Statement (I) is correct but statement

(II) is incorrect(B) Statement (II) is correct but

statement (I) is incorrect(C) Both the statements (I) and (II) are

correct(D) Both the statements (I) and (II) are


44. Assertion (A) : Corporate restructuringhas let to dramatic improvement incorporate performance.

Reasoning (R) : Corporate restructuringhas been fuelled by a variety of factorslike global competition, technologicalbreakthrough, managerial innovations,regulatory changes etc.

Identify the correct code :(A) Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R)

both are correct and (R) is thecorrect explanation of (A)

(B) Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R)both are correct but (R) is not thecorrect explanation of (A)

(C) Assertion (A) is correct butReasoning (R) is not correct

(D) Reasoning (R) is correct butAssertion (A) is not correct

45. Match the items of List – I with the List – IIand choose the correct combination.

List – I List – II

a. Liquidity Ratio i. Debt ServiceCoverage Ratio

b. Leverage Ratio ii. Labour CostRatio

c. Asset Management iii. DefensiveRatio Interval Ratio

d. Operating Ratio iv. Bad debts toSales Ratio

Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

(B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

Page 20: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 20 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

46. ���IJ� – I ����{� 4������"����IJ� – II���{� 4��� �4

)� ���!����� ���$�E���(7 d��3����*+�,


���IJ� – I �������������IJ��– II

a. )����5-: 5�� i. �7�&���7 (�


��7 (�

b. ������N����F���)����� ii. /(�_�t5-: :�

������N���$X��@$���� ��7 (�

(7I�(����Z����7 (�

c. ��'(�a1��5-: :����" iii. 5-: :�

��:�����)�=, �� m��;�i���7 (�


�7'�� z�������7 (�

d. (� �������7����7� iv. �(7:�F���7 (�

5-: :��7�� b����"

�������E:������7 (�

�� ��#�������H

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(C) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

47. (����������� � �E���� � (7N3���EN��P�� b�


a. -� ���tQ��'

b. DM����

c. ������E�t-� ���

d. ��������tAP7'

�� ��#�������H

(A) (a) ��1��� (b) �E1�'

(B) (a), (b) ��1��� (c) �E1�'

(C) (b) �E1�'

(D) (a) ��1��� (d) �E1�'

48. {� � � ��( ,� 7nF(�� � D�5(� 3,200

����b�4����%�����b��O�f� ���%� 6/-���1���

A�C �$�����N��O7P�F�7nF(��25%%�� ���

�j'(��N��� b�� D�� ���%� 150/-� *����� 9

A(��7-�(��*:�F���(7C aa�(EOQ)�/;��@�\

(A) 400 ����b�4����

(B) 600 ����b�4����

(C) 680 ����b�4����

(D) 800 ����b�4����

Page 21: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 21 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

46. Match the items of List – I with List – II

and choose the correct combination.

List – I List – II

a. The date on which i. Payment date

the announcement

is made of new


b. The date on which ii. Ex-dividend date

a member’s name

appear in the register

of members

c. The date from which iii. Dividend

the stocks begins to declaration date

trade without right to

receive the dividend


d. The date on which iv. Record date

the company

actually mails the

dividend warrants

Codes :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(C) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

47. Who among the following has/have given

cash management model/s ?

a. Miller – Orr

b. Baumol

c. Modigliani – Miller

d. Solomon Ezra

Codes :

(A) (a) and (b) only

(B) (a), (b) and (c) only

(C) (b) only

(D) (a) and (d) only

48. The annual demand for an item is 3,200 units.

The unit cost is Rs. 6% and inventory

carrying charges 25% p.a. If the cost of

one procurement is Rs. 150/-. What will

be Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) ?

(A) 400 units

(B) 600 units

(C) 680 units

(D) 800 units

Page 22: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Paper III 22 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

49. v7�F:�F� (7 b7'(� @� !4 g � ( � ������4 �� ���

�E��������$�A ��\

(A) (7 b7'(�@� D������"� � �7�FV�(�7�

!R�� 4���5���74��1���

(B) (7 b7'(�@� � /������� ��(� 6� ��� 5v7��@

>�7��(,�1��:� 0:��1���

(C) ��'&+� ���� (7 b7'(��@� >����� 471�' �9

���(7������7 (����1������C&�����������


(D) (7 b7'(�@���=C5a�������N4��:74�!)�����

50. �E����� � *yF(�� 8�-;�N��� (7 b7'(�@����

�70eN :�:uF��<�{� 4������A7�%

a. > :����u#� 4�������'�EW

b. > :����u#� 4����4��W���@

c. !�7:�����7 (����1����& 4����

d. D�� ���������������b�4����� ��1�� �


e. A1�NB�F���P74�

�� ��#�������H

(A) (a), (b), (c) ��1��� (d) �E1�'

(B) (b), (c), (d) ��1����(e) �E1�'

(C) (a), (c), (d) ��1��� (e) �E1�'

(D) /�7� (a), (b), (c), (d) ��1��� (e)

51. E�����(I) : v7N(�@$ 4��/ !�������� ����*yF(��N�)7�����1����:����)�W(7����� ����������%A������� � � ���� d����9� �C�(�$���=,����>(M �_���"������������7aF4�AH(�(5�M, b� )�������E���1���%

E����� (II) : ( j����d�����1���"���'����1����1���1 �( � 6W��� ��4 ����� >�3� N( �1 4 �� �� �� " � ��j� u� � �$��!�����C1���4������"�v7N(�@����E:��1���%(A) )�H( (I) ��$�E��9�*����)�H(� (II) 1����0(B) )�H(� (II) ��$�E��9�*����)�H(� (I)1����0(C) (I) ��1��� (II) /��:���)�H(4�������$�E�(D) (I) ��1��� (II) /��:���)�H(4�����1��70�

52. (�������4������ ��E������ � ���� >����71�-3��;�i���A&-�&�*����1����\

a. D�� ���@4�� ������ � !���7�i4�� �� �� "��$4�I�����K������`+��>�7�����������Zv��17 3�4�H4�(7��W74�!)�����%

b. ��`+��>�7�����4��i71��(���� 4�&4������"(�:4�I���1���%

c. ��̀ +�� >�7����� �� '�Ei71� �( ��� 4�&4������"�(�:4�I���1���

d. ��`+��>�7�����O7$&'(��-3��;�i�E��%

�� ��#�������H(A) (a), (b) ��1��� (c) �E1�'(B) (b), (c) ��1����(d) �E1�'(C) (a), (c) ��1��� (d) �E1�'(D) (a), (b) ��1��� (d) �E1�'

53. � ��� $�&����N�)7����� �u������� � >B�7���E��� ��������O����a(4������ 1�:���(� :�/��:��� >B�7� ������� ( � ���4����� �b7@�>����b���E:� ��(uP��5������9��7���>�����"R�4 ����(�����1��%(A) ����1� �-����(B) d����-����(C) R����o�-����(D) ] 5�(�J1��-�����((� 4�������b����VF��)

Page 23: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 23 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

49. Which among the following is not correct

about forward contract ?

(A) The contract price is publically


(B) The contract is exposed to default

risk by counterparty

(C) Each contract is unique in terms of

size, expiration date and asset type/


(D) The contract is exposed to the

problem of liquidity

50. The standardized items in any financial

future contract are

a. Quantity of the underlying

b. Quality of the underlying

c. The date and month of delivery

d. The units of price quotation and

minimum change in price

e. Location of settlement

Codes :

(A) (a), (b), (c) and (d) only

(B) (b), (c), (d) and (e) only

(C) (a), (c), (d) and (e) only

(D) All (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e)

51. Statement (I) : Factoring is a financialtransaction and a type of debtor financein which a business sells its accountsreceivable to a third party of a discount.

Statement (II) : A business will sometimesfactor its receivable assets to meet itspresent and immediate cash needs.(A) Statement (I) is correct, but (II) is not

correct(B) Statement (II) is correct, but (I) is not

correct(C) Both the statements (I) and (II) are

correct(D) Both the statements (I) and (II) are


52. Which of the following are limitations ofratio analysis ?

a. Ratio analysis may result in falseresults if variation in price levels arenot considered

b. Ratio analysis ignores qualitativefactors

c. Ratio analysis ignores quantitativefactors

d. Ratio analysis is historical analysis

Codes :(A) (a), (b) and (c) only(B) (b), (c) and (d) only(C) (a), (c) and (d) only(D) (a), (b) and (d) only

53. When two or more firms engaged in sameline of business or similar lines ofactivities join hands together to operatecollectively; we call it as(A) Horizontal merger(B) Vertical merger(C) Backward merger(D) Conglomerate merger

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Paper III 24 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

54. ���@�t> ?����(��N$a4������"�A3��N��E:�������(A) h7����d������� ��4����(B) �7�FV�(�����-�1��(� ���4����(C) ����(7��(D) D7N =�� 1�)����7��� ��4����

55. ��'����1���k/l�(� ������;����4������E���(�b@�������%�40/- ������������74��1��%�k/l�(� ������;��� ��(,� ���%� 2/- 5-: :���7�&���1���%)��5(�7������7nF(��10% �D���I4���������"�$�=6���17��%�k/l�(� �������=Ca�! :�7����O�f�/;7@4����\(A) 5% (B) 10%

(C) 15% (D) 20%

56. XYZ ���-�1�� !5<� � ��1���� 1$4� �7�&����� �� 2� (�6� ���%�7nF(�� �� �7���4������"�$�= 6� ��& �� % � ( � � ������ 1 �� � " � ! :�7� �-�7N������� � 10%�5D O����4����� ��� %�8� (�6)� ����1���%��=Ca�! :�7H�(���W������12.5%*����1���%� ��C��� *�7���>�j'�O����'(7��(� �������LM N�/;7@4����\(A) Rs. 16,00,000/-

(B) Rs. 17,60,000/-

(C) Rs. 19,20,000/-

(D) Rs. 12,00,000/-

57. �=Ca����(�������4�H ���(��5�a. ���(���-���� �4����b. -�4�1��78�4����c. *(���(�� (�7��7C��� )�O�f4�H4�-�O��7

���4�id. >z�J�p��$D�b��-���� �

�� ��#�������H(A) (a) ��1��� (b) �E1�'(B) (a), (b) ��1��� (c) �E1�'(C) (c) ��1��� (d) �E1�'(D) /�7� (a), (b), (c) ��1��� (d)

58. �^� �� 4�')�i� A1���� �� 4�&4��� �4� A�����"���4����Z1���

a. )�W(7������� ���4�����&���-(b. )�W(7����-�(�_����.�F��ic. �^�/1��������d. 5-: :�4�� ��� � ��1�� �� GH�(� :�

�787 3�4������:����78�4����-8�V�

�� ��#�������H

(A) (a), (b) ��1��� (c) �E1�'(B) /�7� (a), (b), (c) ��1��� (d)

(C) (b), (c) ��1��� (d) �E1�'(D) (a), (c) ��1��� (d) �E1�'

59. ��IJ��– I ���{� 4������"���IJ���– II���{� 4��� �4��$)� ��$���1������$�E����� +��V�4������"*+�,��E5$%

���IJ� – I ����������� ��IJ��– II

a. *����a 4������P� i.EBIT%EPS%


b. ���P��)� 1� ii.EBTEBIT

c. *yF(������P� iii. EBIT


d. *yF(������P��� iv. SALES%EBIT%


)� 1�

�� ��#�������H

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

Page 25: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 25 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

54. Gilt-edged securities are issued by

(A) Private business firms

(B) Public limited companies

(C) Government

(D) Services firms like banks

55. “A” company’s share is quoted in marketat Rs. 40/- currently. “A” company pays adividend of Rs. 2/- per share and investorsexpect a growth rate of 10% per year.What will be “A” company’s cost of equitycapital ?

(A) 5% (B) 10%

(C) 15% (D) 20%

56. XYZ Ltd. is expecting an annual earningsbefore the payment of Interest and Taxof Rs. 2 lacs. The company has in itscapital structure Rs. 8 lacs in 10%debentures. The cost of equitycapitalization rate is 12.5%. What will bethe value of firm according to Net IncomeApproach ?

(A) Rs. 16,00,000/-

(B) Rs. 17,60,000/-

(C) Rs. 19,20,000/-

(D) Rs. 12,00,000/-

57. Equity consists of the following :

a. Free reserves

b. Surplus profits

c. Discretionary provisions forcontingency

d. Development rebate reserveCodes :

(A) (a) and (b) only

(B) (a), (b) and (c) only

(C) (c) and (d) only

(D) All (a), (b), (c) and (d)

58. Procurement of funds inter alia includes

a. Identification of sources of finance

b. Determination of finance mix

c. Raising of funds

d. Division of profits betweendividends and retention of profits

Codes :

(A) (a), (b) and (c) only

(B) All (a), (b), (c) and (d)

(C) (b), (c) and (d) only

(D) (a), (c) and (d) only

59. Match the items of List – I with the items

of List – II and choose the correct

combination :

List – I List – II

a. Operating Leverage i.EBIT%EPS%


b. Degree of Operating ii.EBTEBIT


c. Financial Leverage iii. EBIT


d. Degree of Financial iv.SALES%EBIT%



Codes :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

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Paper III 26 K-1017

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60. �����,&����(A) :�;�����7�����5-: :���$�(64����

�7�E��N7�� P7$��������� !5<� ����=, 1�


#�����(R) :�5-: :��4������78�4����-���� ��)�W

��1����*�7���1$4� (7#��9� 1961�����'(7��

>��4������"�oO��F�/ ����1��$�� ��>�(73�- �%

(�������4�H �����$�E���(��:����"�*+�,��E5$%

�� ��#�������H

(A) ��'&�7��� (A) ��1���� 1�(�F (R) /��:��

��$�E��*���� (R) (A)������$�E��

-���i�� �

(B) ��'&�7��� (A) ��1���� 1�(�F (R) /��:��

��$�E�����1���� (R)�(A)������$�E��


(C) ��'&�7��� (A) �E1�'���$�E��

(D) ��'&�7��� (A) ��1����1�(�F (R) /��:���1����0

61. (��������������E������� ������$�E���\

P74�&�(���W4���Z ��!�������� ����87��&���

(� ������A�����"��E:�D�(��%

(A) $���F�D7N =� ���>�����&���:��D�(��

(B) (� ��'�����(7��� ���>�����&���:��D�(��

(C) -��`���)�+��4�����"���'�`��D�(��

(D) > 17�7nr���7�� �C�(7�7)�F

�7@eN :�:�F4������"���1�����j'��V��4������"


62. (�������4�������E������ �R7��� �!F .�)����-(������oN�G�K�3�7���\(A) D7N ��_� *v�� ��� b�_� ��&����� "

>���(�� (���7��� �(B) ��0;�@4��O������0.F�����"��j'�17_R�� �(C) ��3�j �����-��`�-�����

-���� �4������"��N#��� �(D) �������E������> �

63. �����,&���� (A) :�> 17�7nr�����R7a����b7N$v�� /��� "������ > 17�7nr���7��R7a4���474���� ����(��4���� ����-^������ (�4�������1����1$44����%

#�����(R)������ ����$����7;�r4������b7N$v�4������7��$����@������AH(�A�%������/��:���)�H(4������ ��8�F����� 9�(�������/��:�������E��������$�E���\(A) ��'&�7��� (A) ��$�E��9�*����1�(�F (R)

��$�E� �(B) ��'&�7��� (A) ��1���� 1�(�F (R) /��:��

��$�E�(C) ��'&�7��� (A) ��1����1�(�F�(R)�/��:���1����0(D) ��'&�7��� (A) ��$�E� ����1����1�(�F (R)


64. *N a�:� ] 4�4� �� ! ^��� 1� (�������4������E������� ������$�E���\(A) :� ����E:� 0�@�*����������(��4�����*�����

�E:������3��������`����G�K�4�H44� z����)7�4�(7��W74�����7���*N a�:� ] 4��(�'���(u4���Z�74�������

(B) :� ] 4�����EXF���G1�0��"�����v����D���3%�*����� 9�*N a�:� ] 4�� (�'��4�H4>�(73�- �

(C) :� ��� �E:� 0�@� *������ ����( ��4������v7�4������3��������`����G�K�4�H44� z���� )7�4� (7��W74�����7���*N a�:� ] 4��(�'���(u4���Z�74�������

(D) (A) ��1����(C)�/��:��

Page 27: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 27 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

60. Assertion (A) : The dividend

expectations of shareholders are

normally higher than the prevalent rate

of interest.

Reasoning (R) : Dividends are an

appropriation of profits; and not allowed

as an expense under the Income Tax Act,


Codes :

(A) Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R)

both are correct but (R) is not the

correct explanation of (A)

(B) Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R)

both are correct and (R) is the

correct explanation of (A)

(C) Assertion (A) only is correct

(D) Both Assertion (A) and Reasoning

(R) are incorrect

61. Which one of the following is correct ?

An Indian company which wants

globalize would have to

(A) Obtain permission from the

Reserve Bank of India

(B) Obtain permission from the Central


(C) Enter into foreign collaboration

(D) Adopt Internationally acceptable

standards and procedures

62. Which of the following is main objectiveof importing trade barriers ?(A) to make balance of payments

position favourable(B) to encourage conspicious competition(C) to spend the foreign exchange

reserves of a country(D) none of the above

63. Assertion (A) : Tariffs in internationaltrade refers to the duties or taxes imposedinternationally traded goods.

Reasoning (R) : There has been areduction in the average level of tariffs inthe advanced countries.

In the context of the above twostatements, which one of the following iscorrect ?(A) A is correct but R is not correct(B) Both A and R are correct(C) Both A and R are not correct(D) A is not correct but R is correct

64. Which one of the following is correct inthe case of anti dumping ?

(A) Anti dumping measures areemployed if dumped imports arecausing serious damage todomestic industry in the importingcountry

(B) Anti dumping measures are notallowed if the margin of dumping is3 percent of the export price of theproduct

(C) Anti dumping measures areemployed if dumped imports arecausing serious damage todomestic industry in the export country

(D) Both (A) and (C)

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Paper III 28 K-1017

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

65. (�������4�������E������ *B�F��� :� (����

��'�7���4����v��17 3�7������� ��\

(A) TRIM’s

(B) V��H�G��N�������(��b7�1�:���)7(��-(

(C) TRIP’s

(D) ��4��������R7��

66. E����� (A) H� � ���� *yF(�� �����'�(���W


��EFW�D7�(��/ ������$4�I�� 0a@�%

E�����(B) H�*���9�( j���A����D7�=���)���4


������ /��:��� )�H(4 �� �� � � ��8�F����

(�������4�������E������� ������$�E���\

(A) A���$�E��9�B ��$�E� �

(B) A ��$�E� ��9�B���$�E��

(C) A���1����B�/��:�����$�E�

(D) A���1����B�/��:�����$�E� �

67. (�������4������ �E������ TRIM’s ��


(A) > &��� G1� 0� � "� �� 8747 3���� ��v�� �

(�:7<��74����� �

(B) -��`�! :�7����������!F .�4����)�$(

(C) -�� �̀! :�7�������'�EW�������4�$;�T�-�&

(D) )��5(����E����� ( 6�1� '��� �� �

�!F .�

68. ��IJ�– I���{� 4������"���IJ� – II���{� 4��� �4)� ���!�������$�E���(7 d��3������"�*+�,�E5$%

��IJ� – I ��IJ� – II

i. NAFTA a. ?�9� �= _( ��9� ����9���74C��9� G��4C��9(� d��9�A(C:����9���V� 9�D����

ii. ASEAN b. � 47�����9�!�'��9�����̀ �E9q��u��_�9�B7�L��7N :�9A :����`��

iii. LAIA c. 87��1 �9� D7 47���3�98��17��9� �7=�7���9�E�<��_� 9� ���7 9`'� (79�>v�w7��7���

iv. SAARC d. ���%/��%/%9� ( � �:79�=_(��

�� ��#�������H(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(A) b d a c(B) a d c b(C) d b a c(D) b c a d

69. E����� (A) H�*�������E5(����Z�� ����(��4���D����� ��`���� ��� �( ��4�� �� D�� 1�>^(�7��������$ ��9�*�������E5(����Z���3�4 �� �� G1� 0� � "4 �� ��� �E���( �b @����� "(� :��(����Z1��%

E����� (B) H� ��v���� �E:������3�4�����>��4���G1�0��"4�H49��E�7�4�H4�D�5(�����"� ��1����78�4������"��(�����(����Z1��%������)�H(4���� �� ��8�F�����9� (�������4������E������� ������$�E���\(A) A���$�E��9�B ��$�E� �(B) A���1����B���$�E� �(C) A ��$�E� ��9�*����B���$�E��(D) A���1����B�/��:�����$�E�

Page 29: III Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

K-1017 29 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 32

65. Which of the following is not the outcome

of the proposals of Arthur Dunkel ?

(A) TRIM’s

(B) Quota abolition in textiles

(C) TRIP’s

(D) Trade in services

66. Statement (A) : An economic integration

scheme is considered as a building block

of economic development of the member


Statement (B) : However, it some times

became a stumbling block for firms

located outside the block.

In the context of the above two

statements, which one of the following is

correct ?

(A) A is correct B is not correct

(B) A is not correct B is correct

(C) Both A and B are correct

(D) Both A and B are not correct

67. Which of the following is a significant

feature of TRIM’s ?

(A) Export of the part of the final product

will not be mandatory

(B) Imposing of restrictions on foreign


(C) Ceiling on the quantum of foreign


(D) Restrictions on any area of


68. Match the items of List – I, with the itemsin the List – II and choose the correctcombination.

List – I List – II

i. NAFTA a. Chile, Mexico, Peru,Paraguay, Urguay,Colombia, Ecuador,Venuzuela, Boliva

ii. ASEAN b. Singapore, Brunei,Malaysia, PhilippinesThailand, Indonsia

iii. LAIA c. India, Bangladesh,Bhutan, Pakistan,Maldives, NepalSri Lanka, Afghanistan

iv. SAARC d. USA, Canada, Mexico

Codes :(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(A) b d a c(B) a d c b(C) d b a c(D) b c a d

69. Statement (A) : The products of theimporting country would find market asthe cost of imported goods is higher thanthat of domestic goods.

Statement (B) : The industry of theexporting country loses the demand forits products, sales and profit.

In the context of the above two statements,which one of the following is correct ?(A) Statement A is correct but

Statement B is incorrect

(B) Statement A and B are incorrect

(C) Statement A is incorrect butStatement B is correct

(D) Statement A and B are correct

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70. NAFTA� �7�� (������ ��3�4�������E�����8�-;�N���-��`�! :�7���)��5(���:������)O��f��78��)� ����1����\(A) ���%/��%/% (B) (��:7(C) ��;7N (D) �=_(��

71. (�������4�������E������������]��������������� -(7��� U�@����� � �$�E��>���(�'-�(�E����1����\(A) ������]����� (�����/ :�� �@���

(����N�a→������]����� (7�����E(Fb�→������]�����A(��7-�(���������

(B) ������]����� (�����/ :�� �@���(����N�a→������]�����A(��7-�(���������→������]�����(7�����E(Fb�

(C) ������]����� (7������E(Fb�→������]����� (�����/ :�� �@���(����N�a→������]����A(��7-�(����������

(D) ������]����� A(��7-�(���������→������]�����(����/ :���@����(����N�a→������]����(7������E(Fb�

72. (�������4�������E������ (M ���tb'�:�� Y��'&�R7��[�*����1����\���$�E���(��:����"�*+�,�E5$%

a. (M ����o$��b. �CO���R7��c. ��$)7����R7��d. ]�����R7��

�� ��#�������H(A) (a) ��1��� (b) �E1�'(B) (a), (b) ��1��� (c) �E1�'(C) (b) ��1��� (d) �E1�'(D) (a), (c) ��1��� (d)��E1�'

73. (�������4�������E������ -��`� -������E���( �b @����� �E���( �b @ � � ��.�N�&F*������� ��\

(A) d���D�'�(����4����

(B) ��3����(� �'����D7N (�

(C) ;������R7���7�����

(D) �C�(�J&�4�J)�4�����Y/(_�@��_�)M����[

74. E�����(A) H�����7#������$�1�F����1���O7���h71����������R7�����1�����7�&4����������� �� '�EI(�� �!F .�4�� �� �� "14���)7(���������74��1���%

E����� (B) H� 87��1�� ����(7����� ����7#���874�3�����$�1�F����1�����"�m��n������ 1���87��&���� *yF(�1 ����� "� -3�C��� A1���*yF(�14��� �4�����4�'4�H��%

������ /��:��� )�H(4 �� �� � � ��8�F�����9(�������4�������E������� ������$�E���\

(A) A���$�E��9�B ��$�E� �

(B) A���1����B�/��:�����$�E�

(C) A ��$�E� ��9�*����B���$�E��

(D) A���1����B�/��:�����$�E� �

75. 87��1������ ( � ����� �E������ MNC4�� �� �� "��� &'����������4� 5 ��\

(A) �(��N$a������1����/(�_O� P��D��:�F*v��A 5�E

(B) (� �����N�)7��4����A�7h(C) $���F�D7N (��*v��A 5�E(D) )�W(7������?7 ��

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70. Which of the following country benefitedmore to secure future foreign investmentbecause of NAFTA ?

(A) USA (B) Canada

(C) Russia (D) Mexico

71. Which of the following is a correctsequence in the evolutionary stage ofEuropean Union (EU) ?

(A) European Coal and SteelCommunity → European CommonMarket → European Economic Union

(B) European Coal and SteelCommunity → European EconomicUnion → European Common Market

(C) European Common Market →European Coal and SteelCommunity → European EconomicUnion

(D) European Economic Union →European Coal and SteelCommunity → European CommonMarket

72. Which of the following is a type ofcounter-trade ? Choose the correct code.

a. Counter purchase

b. Switch trading

c. Compensation trade

d. Flip trading

Codes :

(A) (a) and (b) only

(B) (a), (b) and (c) only

(C) (b) and (d) only

(D) (a), (c) and (d) only

73. Which of the following is not a marketintermediary in the Foreign exchangeMarket ?

(A) Bill Brokers

(B) Central Bank of the Country

(C) Stock traders

(D) Acceptance Houses

74. Statement (A) : Convertibility of therupee helps in the removal of quantativerestrictions on trade and payments oncurrent account.

Statement (B) : After the government ofIndia announced partial convertibility ofthe rupee in order to integrate the Indianeconomy with the rest of the globe.

In the context of the above twostatements, which one of the following iscorrect ?

(A) Statement A is correct butStatement B is not correct

(B) Both, statement A and Statement Bare correct

(C) Statement A is incorrect butStatement B is correct

(D) Both, Statement A and statement Bare incorrect

75. Which one of the following in India is notinvolved in controlling the MNC’s ?

(A) Securities and Exchange Board ofIndia

(B) Department of Company Affairs

(C) Reserve Bank of India

(D) Ministry of Finance

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