iii test booklet serial no. : law test subject code k-1815...

Test Paper : III Test Subject : LAW Test Subject Code : K-1815 Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________ OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________ Roll No. (Figures as per admission card) Name & Signature of Invigilator/s Signature : _________________________________ Name : _________________________________ Paper : III Subject : LAW Time : 2 Hours 30 Minutes Maximum Marks : 150 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 75 K-1815 1 ±Üâ.£.®æãà. /P.T.O. Instructions for the Candidates 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. This paper consists of seventy five multiple-choice type of questions. 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of the cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker seal or open booklet. (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. 4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item. Example : A B C D where (C) is the correct response. 5. Your responses to the question of Paper III are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet kept inside the Booklet. If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in OMR Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. Read the instructions given in OMR carefully. 7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. 8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the OMR Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 9. You have to return the test OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must NOT carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. 10. You can take away question booklet and carbon copy of OMR Answer Sheet soon after the examination. 11. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 12. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited. 13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers. 14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada translation of a question booklet the question in English version shall be taken as final. A»Ü¦ìWÜÚWæ ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá 1. D ±Üâo¨Ü ÊæáàÆᤩ¿áÈÉ J¨ÜXst ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ¯ÊÜá¾ ÃæãàÇ ®ÜíÃÜ®Üá° ÃæÀáÄ. 2. 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Post on 23-May-2018




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Test Paper : III

Test Subject : LAW

Test Subject Code : K-1815

Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________

OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________

Roll No. (Figures as per admission card)

Name & Signature of Invigilator/s

Signature : _________________________________Name : _________________________________

Paper : IIISubject : LAW

Time : 2 Hours 30 Minutes Maximum Marks : 150

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 75

K-1815 1 ���������/P.T.O.

Instructions for the Candidates1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page.2. This paper consists of seventy five multiple-choice type of questions.3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will

be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested toopen the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :

(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paperseal on the edge of the cover page. Do not accept abooklet without sticker seal or open booklet.

(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questionsin the booklet with the information printed on thecover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questionsmissing or duplicate or not in serial order or anyother discrepancy should be got replaced immediatelyby a correct booklet from the invigilator within theperiod of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the QuestionBooklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given.

4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C)and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on thecorrect response against each item.

Example : A B C D

where (C) is the correct response.

5. Your responses to the question of Paper III are to be indicatedin the OMR Sheet kept inside the Booklet. If you mark at anyplace other than in the ovals in OMR Answer Sheet, it will not beevaluated.

6. Read the instructions given in OMR carefully.7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the OMR

Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevantentries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourselfliable to disqualification.

9. You have to return the test OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilatorsat the end of the examination compulsorily and must NOTcarry it with you outside the Examination Hall.

10. You can take away question booklet and carbon copy ofOMR Answer Sheet soon after the examination.

11. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.12. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada

translation of a question booklet the question in Englishversion shall be taken as final.

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5. ��'3"4�H4�G1����4������"�9��������III �������+�������IJ7��"��OMR G#��7��E,������"�)#��"�����K��#���L&��M%�OMR G1�����)7��������> :7(�J&�)���1����5��D���E����������������4�����&����9�>������LM N�E������E:��74����� �%

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9. ��$�(6������������ 1���9� (�:7<��7�� OMR G1�����)7������"� �� -�(�6(�$4�����R &������D�(�����1������$�(76� (�S�5���)���4� OMR ���"� ���� �4(� :���N(��:����.

10. ��$�(6����� 1���9���$�(76���'3"���&'(�����"����1������(� ��OMR G1�����)7������"��� �4� 14���(� :���)��4�!)�����%

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Paper III 2 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24


����7O�– III

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K-1815 3 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

1. The following are enshrined in thePreamble of the Constitution of India.I) Equality of status and of opportunityII) Liberty of thought, expression, belief,

faith and worshipIII) Justice – social, economic and

politicalIV) Fraternity assuring the dignity of the

individualV) Unity and integrity of the nationWhich of the following is the correct orderin which they appear in the preamble ?(A) V, I, II, IV, III(B) III, II, I, IV, V(C) III, I, II, V, IV(D) I, II, IV, III, V

2. Match List – I and List – II and select thecorrect answer by using the code givenbelow the lists :List – I List – II

(Features of the (Borrowed from)Indian Constitution)

I) Fundamental Rights a. U.K.II) Parliamentary Form of b. U.S.A.

GovernmentIII) Emergency Provisions c. IrelandIV) Directive Principles of d. German

State Policy Reiche. Canada

Codes :(A) I – b, II – d, III – e, IV – a(B) I – e, II – a, III – d, IV – c(C) I – b, II – a, III – d, IV – c(D) I – a, II – b, III – d, IV – c

3. The protection and improvement ofenvironment including forests and wildlife of the country is

(A) Directive Principle

(B) Fundamental Duty

(C) National Policy

(D) Both (A) and (B)

4. What is zero hour in Parliament ?

(A) When the proposals of oppositionare considered

(B) When matters of utmost importanceare raised

(C) Interval between the morning andthe afternoon session

(D) When a money bill is introduced inthe Loksabha

5. Assertion (A) : All minorities, whetherbased on the religion or language, shallhave the right to establish and administereducational institutions of their choice.

Reason (R) : Institution established bythe minorities are not entitled toGovernmental aid and Government is notunder an obligation to give aid.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) isthe correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) isnot correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true



Note : This paper contains seventy-five (75) objective type questions. Each questioncarries two (2) marks. All questions are compulsory.

Paper III 4 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

6. ��(�������E����'(���d�������� -.7�������(76 1���-���]�(7��������"���k�FO�l��7N�E �����/&�R5���̀(A) =)����)��7�)��� Vs ��m�? �(B) ()���� 4��Vs ���������*n��A 5�E(C) �����E�� ���(�17���Vs ���������*n�

A 5�E(D) A ��7�47 ]�Vs �7P�����o��

7. �� (�������E�� ��'(���d����� � ���(� �� ��1����7N�����1�7�����1��7�����87��1���� -.7������� 8��1����O���E��4�����&�(� 5��`(A) A ��7�47 ]�Vs �7P�����o��(B) -����F�-���a� Vs ��������� *n�

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A 5�E(D) ()���� � 4�� Vs ��������� *n�

A 5�E

8. ��� 8��1�� )�(��,4�H� 1�� ���F3�(�� 1�1�C4�H4�7'B�-�(���7����(�b@����������� -.7������E�&���K��5�����̀(A) 16���&���K��5(B) 44���&���K��5(C) 42���&���K��5(D) 25���&���K��5

9. �� ��&���� [ b�>]�3�����E���>.�N(�61������:���1����̀(A) 87��1�����7;�^��&(B) 87��1����G���7;�̂ ��&(C) �7[N��8���O���F���(��87��&)(D) ���(���87.�N(�6

10. *:�H1��(7�������/ ���(A) ��'='���(7������(B) ��� �(7������(C) ����e&�)74����7N#�(��&��EF�������� (�

�7'���7������(D) 37���71��(��(7������

11. (��7F�(�����(7���(���(7+�K��������(7&�!4pG��! ]1�7��%(A) �!q� ���(7���(� � � )74��� �!q

G�����(7���(��(B) �!q� ���(7���(� � � )74��� A!q���

G�����(7���(�����(C) (�� ��!q����(7���(��(D) �!q� ���(7���(� � � )74����E����

�� hN���G�����(7���(�����

12. ��C87�����e��7N�����1�1�C4������"����4� 5��������(A) ��(�6�71��-�����e������(B) *5�>�7@���L����(�6(C) ��'17N+��Y1��(7���������O��(D) (A)���1����(B)�/��:���(��:�

13. (������(��:����� (����b@�X� I���"����b@��X�II���P�14�)� �����$�E���G1��������"�4�����&�%��IJ��X�I ��IJ�X�II

a) /%(%�(r�7�� Vs 1. ��� ������������*n� ��7 (���A 5�E &��EF����


b) ���7(��7���Vs 2. o��=�(����(�6�71�:7%��'��L�O� ��

c) ����(7�47 ]�Vs 3. *ZF(����(�6�71����������*n�A 5�E

d) � 4��s�����Vs 4. ����7�c4����(���D7 D�������7�� >�(73�(7�kF��3���

��:OZ� Ha b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 1 3 4 2

(C) 2 3 1 4

(D) 3 2 4 1

K-1815 5 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

6. The Constitutionality of Anti-DefectionLaw has been upheld by the SupremeCourt in which of the following case ?

(A) Kihota Hollohon Vs Zachilu

(B) Kehar Singh Vs Union of India

(C) Paramananda Katara Vs Union ofIndia

(D) Indira Gandhi Vs Raj Narian

7. In which of the following cases free andfair election is recognised as basicstructure of Indian Constitution ?

(A) Indira Gandhi Vs Raj Narian

(B) Minerva Mills Vs Union of India

(C) Maneka Gandhi Vs Union of India

(D) Kehar Singh Vs Union of India

8. Which Constitutional Amendmentaccorded the position of primary to theDirective Principles over FundamentalRights ?

(A) 16th Amendment

(B) 44th Amendment

(C) 42nd Amendment

(D) 25th Amendment

9. Joint Session of the Parliament ischaired by

(A) President of India

(B) Vice-President of India

(C) Chairman of the Rajyasabha

(D) Speaker of the Loksabha

10. Administrative Law is a

(A) Procedural law

(B) Substantive law

(C) Evolved through practices andJudicial decisions

(D) Statutory law

11. The Karnataka Lokayukta Act providesfor appointment of

(A) One Lokayukta and oneUpalokayukta

(B) One Lokayukta and twoUpalokayuktas

(C) Only one Lokayukta

(D) One Lokayukta and any number ofUpalokayuktas

12. The principles of natural justice includes

(A) Rule against bias

(B) Audi-alteram partem

(C) Delegated legislation

(D) Both (A) and (B)

13. Match List – I with List – II and indicatethe correct answer using the codes givenbelow :

List – I List – II

a) A.K. Kraipale Vs 1. Post decisionalUnion of India hearing

b) Manaklal Vs 2. Personal biasDr. Premchand

c) Maneka Gandhi 3. Pecuniary biasVs Union of India

d) Volga Tellis Vs 4. ReasonableBombay Municipal opportunity ofCorporation hearing

Codes :

a b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 1 3 4 2

(C) 2 3 1 4

(D) 3 2 4 1

Paper III 6 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

14. ��(�������E��;���1���4������ �-�O��7](7����������+��4��*4���������"�tR���7���`a) >���?1��G�K�3�(,�G��+��4�

b) ���87F��

c) �� ! .����@�-O7��4����

d) >�� ! .��-O7��4��������7�c

��:OZ� H(A) a��E1�'���$(B) a���1����b��E1�'���$(C) a, b ��1����c��E1�'���$(D) a, b, c, d / ��k���$

15. (�������E�� (7��d4�H4� ��bF+����$�����")���5��!)������̀(A) ��C87�����e��7N���1�1�C���G � \�(B) >](7���7Nj����������'�E��(C) �7u�7���(7�����������( ������;�(D) A, B ��1����C / ��k���$

16. (������(��:����"�G��+�����G1��$�%

*:�H171��(����'='+������"����� 1�'d����:� ���(�������E�� ��7e 1�4������"� �7N�E ����>U�J�e��5���`a) 747K���-! .����7e 1�

b) (7������������1���$�(�6c�����7e 1�

c) >](7������������)74���(7�������>]��1�N����7e 1�

d) �7N#�(��(7��F

��:OZ� H(A) /�7���a, b, c ��1����d ��$(B) a, b, c �E1�'���$(C) a���1����c��E1�'���$(D) b ��1����d �E1�'���$

17. v(7������� ���[�71��7������9� A�����O���E4����� �w�/ ������'&�7�����K

(A) 7���-(��(7�������(� ��'

(B) �7C87-(��(7�������(� ��'

(C) _&)7�(��(7�������(� ��'

(D) ��(7�71��(��(7�������(� ��'

18. 17#����4�8�F�����������4���/ ���

(A) 4�8�F.7��c��� ����������[����74������=, 1���������&�$�)�����(7���������Jf@������N=�

(B) 4�8�F.7��c��������������Y�� 1�7�)��b@����(7���������Jf@������N=�

(C) (7���������Jf@������N=��� �

(D) 4�8�F.7��c��������������� 2��;�F����4Y�� 1�7���K��(7���������Jf@������N=�

19. ��'(���d����&��EF�����*.7���/ ���

(A) �7N�E �����> &���*��3�

(B) �7N�E ���(�b@�����&����F

(C) (�b@����� 1�1�C4����� >B�7� (7������(7��d4����*.7��������4���'(���d�(��$(>� V���������

(D) 874�3�x�&�jF4���$c7��(7$��'���c

20. (�������E���7N��37��y[z����v(7�������!��e�)�(��,w��1����vD7.�N1�w4������"��v(7����71��(����)��� ! .��w��1����v(7����71��(��U��"1�w4�����/ �����IF��7K��̀

(A) �����,��M :�

(B) )���7 :�

(C) )���L�a

(D) )��n��<

K-1815 7 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

14. In which of the following conditions theabuse of discretionary power is inferred ?

a) Use for improper purpose

b) Malafide

c) Relevant consideration

d) Hearing out irrelevant consideration

Codes :

(A) only a is correct

(B) a and b are correct

(C) a, b and c are correct

(D) a, b, c and d are correct

15. On which of the following grounds a Writof Certiorari may be issued ?

(A) Violation of principles of naturaljustice

(B) Error of jurisdiction

(C) Error apparent on the law of record

(D) All A, B and C are correct

16. Answer the following using the codesgiven below :

Which of the following doctrines weredeveloped by the court to control theadministrative actions ?

a) Doctrine of promissory estoppel

b) Doctrine of legitimate expectations

c) Doctrine of suppression of power andrule of law

d) Judicial activism

Codes :

(A) All a, b, c and d are correct

(B) Only a, b and c are correct

(C) Only a and c are correct

(D) Only b and d are correct

17. "Law is found, it cannot be made" isadvocated by

(A) Realistic School of Law

(B) Natural School of Law

(C) Historical School of Law

(D) Positivist School of Law

18. A child in the mother’s womb is

(A) A legal person from the time ofconception even if it dies before itis born

(B) A legal person from the time ofconception provided it is born alive

(C) Not a legal person

(D) A legal person from the time ofconception provided it lives upto2 years

19. Ratio Decidendi of a case means

(A) The final order of the court

(B) The judgement delivered by thecourt

(C) The underlying principle or legalreasons on which the request of thecase depends

(D) That part of the judgement whichhas persuasive effect

20. Which of the following jurists hasexplained ‘Legal Rights and Duties’ interms of Jural Co-relations and JuralOpposites ?

(A) Roscoe Pound

(B) Hollond

(C) Holmes

(D) Hohfeld

Paper III 8 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

21. �����,&���� (A)� H�87��1������ (7����71��(����1���.���F� �����1�� �:1���4���� ��:��� �N17N������"> ��(�$������ �%

�,7�R� (R)� H� �'�@4����� �'��@� � ��1���� �'�@4�H4�� ! ]����(7����4����4��d7���'��@���EF��(���*��3��� 1�(7��F��FR��D�(74��1���%

(A) (A)���1����(R) /��:�����$���1����(R)A���(A)�����$�E���-���c

(B) (A)���1����(R)�/��:�����$�*����(R)A���(A)�����$�E���-���c�> �

(C) (A)���$�*����(R)�1����0

(D) (A)�1����0�*����(R)���$

22. (������ �� (�1�4������"� !���(� :��� ��b@� -I���"��b@�-II �� �4�)� ���!�#�$%

�����IJ��X�I ��IJ�X�II

��[",�� \ [�,3=��#��������,7�\

I) ��[�E���1���"�������4������" a. ��'1�N(�6�+����������(6�j��������

II) u$���7����� b. �����(�6> 4�5���� ���������(�����"u$����������

III) �:���1���"��7O����" c. >7���-(�(�����(����{�����

IV) 4�' B�(�1�F���(�J&�7C��N���)�(��, d. 7���-(�


(A) b a d c

(B) a b d c(C) b d c a

(D) b a c d

23. )�:��� a� �� '( �� �d����� �E�� ��������� "


(A) �7������N������

(B) >B7F��C��������

(C) =54�51���������

(D) �!F ]1�������

24. (�������E����'(���d������E����)�(��,�G � \�

� ���� ( ��;� @ � �1�� �� > ���� �7�&� / ���

���j'� (��s�F�|��f���`

(A) -37h7���'(���d����

(B) 4�4�����}���'(���d����

(C) ��dV����� 4����'(���d����

(D) ~;7N:��4��L�a����'(���d����

25. ���� [��7��� (���@�L�4� �� ! ]��� 1� (�����

)�H(4�������E������� ����1����0�)�H(�E����̀

(A) A�����7'?���1�)� ���D�(��

(B) A�����7N�E ��� �����$4�I��D�(��

(C) A���� �il1�1 � ��1�� �� ~(������1����� "

)� ���D�(��

(D) A���� 37 &���1�7�� A���� 1


26. McNaghten 1�1�C4����-�� &4����

(A) >�7�E��N

(B) h7������(�6c

(C) ���a��$

(D) (���@�s7@���)�c47$(

K-1815 9 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

21. Assertion (A) : In India, the distinctionbetween legal and equitable ownership

is not recognised.

Reason (R) : The trustees are subject to

the law relating to trust and trustees,bound to carryout the trust according to

the dictates of the maker of the trust.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is

the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) isnot the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true

22. Match List – I with List – II by usingfollowing codes :

List – I List – II

(Statement) (Kind of possession)

I) Principal deposits a. Immediategoods with an agent

II) Buyer purchasing b. Mediatea book from the


III) Owner loosing his watch c. Incorporeal

IV) Author’s copyright d. Corporealto his work

Codes :


(A) b a d c

(B) a b d c

(C) b d c a

(D) b a c d

23. Which was the rule laid down in Haydon’s

case ?

(A) Harmonious Rule

(B) Constructive Rule

(C) Mischief Rule

(D) Restrictive Rule

24. In which of the following case, the

Supreme Court has declared that non

payment of minimum wages as violation

of basic human right ?

(A) Vishaka case

(B) Airhostess case

(C) Ranbir Singh case

(D) Asiad Games case

25. Which one of the following statements

relating to a valid custom is a false

statement ?

(A) It must have antiquity

(B) It must be judicially recognised

(C) It must have certainty and


(D) It must have been enjoyed


26. McNaghten principles are with respect to

(A) Insanity

(B) Private Defence

(C) Mens rea

(D) Strict liability

Paper III 10 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

27. ��b@�– I�)74�����b@�– II ���"����$�P��5����1���(��:�4������ (��@� ��$�E���G1��������"�*+�,�E5%

��IJ�X�I ��IJ�X�II

a) IPC �(�6���141 1. O�

b) IPC �(�6���171-B 2. (����1�"

c) IPC �(�6���268 3. (7�������D7R��>� V�

d) IPC �(�6���307 4. �7�F[�(��1� ���

��:OZ� H

a b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 3 1 4 2

(D) 4 1 3 2

28. ��(������ �� ��8�F4�������E������ 87��1����7N�E ��4����7Nj�4�)� ����1����`

(A) 87��&����/��4����-��i�>���7.�

(B) -��i���/��4����87��&����>���7.�

(C) 87��&������'P�E���!q��N=�� /��4���>���7.�

(D) /�7���A, B ��1����C���$

29. 1��h4��E��$�&�����'O������A��!)������`

(A) �E1��7:��������4������� (�

(B) ��1�'������ (�

(C) �1�F������� (�

(D) /�7���A, B ��1����C 4�������$�E�

30. %K#��E����� (A)�H�/�7��(��4�����u :���������)�1N���1����/�7��u :����������)�1N4�����(��> �%�,7�R������(R)������a��$�E���� ����(����>���7.�(7,��>1�N4�1�N�\�(�7��%��:O������ H(A) (A)���1����(R) /��:�����$���1����(R) (A)4

��$�E���-���c(B) (A)���1����(R)/��:�����$9�*����(R)(A)4

��$�E���-���c�> �(C) (A) ������$�*����(R)1����0(D) (A)����1����0�*����(R)��$

31. (���������������E��������$�`(A) /�7�������:(����1������ (���{1���� ��1���

!�717,���/��:���A���1���(B) /�7�������:�������!�717,����E1�'-���1���(C) /�7�� �����:����� ( �� � {1 �� �� A ��

!�717,���A���1���(D) /�7�� �����:����� � ( �� � (�� � {1 �� �


32. �E�������E�����;�@���E:�!)������`(A) Y�� 1���N=�4��E1�'(B) Y�� 1���N=����)74�����J1���N=���(C) �!q� �N=���9� � ���� (� �����9�� ���

�� �����>B�7��N=�4����4�� ���(D) B���1����C�/��:��

33. ~��� *(�@� 1981 � �E�� n��17 3����� "��'&V V���1����`(A) 1972�������7@(����L�����E�3��������:��

�E������$����(B) 7����E���N���1���� ��� 1�'d� (��$1��

> 1����7f^�������������(C) (� V�E��� ��8����� � ��1�� �

7���4��d���@� ��1�� �� �7�F[�(�*���4�N�(��$1���> 1����7f^�������������

(D) )�7�E��� !���7�c� ��1�� �7����E���N(,� (7:��4���� Po-(�� �����(�'��4����> 1����7f^�������������

K-1815 11 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

27. Match List – I with List – II and select the

correct answer by using the code given


List – I List – II

a) Sec. 141 of IPC 1. Bribery

b) Sec. 171-B of IPC 2. Attempt to murder

c) Sec. 268 of IPC 3. Unlawful


d) Sec. 307 of IPC 4. Public nuisance

Codes :

a b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 3 1 4 2

(D) 4 1 3 2

28. Under which of the following situations

would Indian Courts have jurisdiction ?

(A) Crime committed by an Indian in a

foreign country

(B) Crime committed by a foreigner in


(C) Crime committed by a person on


(D) All A, B and C are correct

29. Abetment by investigation may be

(A) By words spoken

(B) By letters

(C) By conduct

(D) All A, B and C are correct

30. Assertion (A) : All murders are culpableHomicides and all culpable Homicidesare not murders.

Reason (R) : Mens rea is an essentialelement for an offence of murder.

Codes :(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is

the correct explanation of (A)(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is

not correct explanation of (A)(C) (A) is true but (R) is false(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

31. Which of the following is true ?(A) In all robbery there is both theft and

extortion(B) In all robbery there is an extortion

alone(C) In all robbery there is either theft or

extortion(D) In all robbery there is theft alone

32. Defamation can be(A) Only of a living person(B) A living person as well as deceased

person(C) An individual, a company, an

association or group of persons(D) Both B and C

33. The Air Act, 1981 reflects the outcome of(A) Stockholm Conference on Human

Environment, 1972(B) International Conference on Air

Pollution and Control(C) Colombian Meeting and

International Conference on AirQuality and Public Health

(D) International Conference on“Biological Re-actions of Forests toClimate Change and Air Pollution”

Paper III 12 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

34. ��b@��– I �)74�����b@��– II ���"�P��5����$������ ��(� 6c� (7#��9� 1986( ,� � � ! ]��� 1(��:��4������"�(��4���:��7��%

��IJ�X�I ��IJ�X�II

a) �(�6���2(b) 1. ��$����

b) �(�6���2(c) 2. 3�!K�E���N

c) �(�6���2(a) 3. ��$������E���N(7��(�

d) �(�6���6(2) (b) 4. ��$�����E���N


a b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 3 4 1 2

(C) 2 3 4 1

(D) 3 4 2 1

35. �� -.7�����_________����-]�������$������)�(�,���"�>���5���7��%

(A) 22���-]

(B) 51���-]

(C) 21���-]

(D) 44���-]

36. ��(�������4������P74�&(��17���E��(,���E�����!4)�$���-(�� ���̀

(A) (7:��4������"�(�1��$�������$ ��

(B) )O��l���:���:������$ ��

(C) >� ���!��(�(�5���E:������$ ��

(D) (B) ��1����(C) /��:��

37. ��$������� ��(�6c4��� ! ]��� 1���(�������E�

(7+�K���� 2002����� ���(�� �8#� ��


(A) 7����(7+�K

(B) 3�!K�E���N�(7+�K

(C) >��dN�(7+�K

(D) Po-(��&������(7+�K

38. 1�� D7� ������F(�� [7D7K$� ��&����A�����"

)� ��%

(A) ������ �74�$(�� ( ��7Nd� ��(� Vs

(� �'����87��1�

(B) / %�%��)7��Vs (� �'����87��1�

(C) �o�7N :�a��Vs ��O���

(D) (������7B��Vs (� �'����87��1�

39. 87��&������$�������&�87��1������P7$�E����K

(A) 1988 ����

(B) 2008 ����

(C) 2006 ����

(D) 2003 ����

40. vvG�K�i1�� (7������ww� / !� 3�!K����"� �1��

��� ��G��+�������K

(A) P-�F�D B7�L�

(B) ����R��L�

(C) )7D�a

(D) )7��

K-1815 13 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

34. Match List – I with List – II with reference

to the Environment Protection Act, 1986

by using the codes given below :

List – I List – II

a) Sec. 2 (b) 1. Environment

b) Sec. 2 (c) 2. Noise pollution

c) Sec. 2 (a) 3. Environment


d) Sec. 6 (2) (b) 4. Environment


Codes :

a b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 3 4 1 2

(C) 2 3 4 1

(D) 3 4 2 1

35. The right to wholesome environment is

envisaged in ______ of the Constitution.

(A) Article 22

(B) Article 51

(C) Article 21

(D) Article 44

36. Which of the following is not a solution

for Global Warming ?

(A) Deforestation

(B) Planting more trees

(C) Reducing fossil fuel consumption

(D) Both B and C

37. Which of the following Act was enacted

by the Parliament in 2002 to protect

environment ?

(A) Air Act

(B) Noise Pollution Act

(C) Forest Act

(D) The Biological Diversity Act

38. Doctrine of ‘Absolute Liability’ was

evolved in

(A) Vellore Citizen Welfare Forum Vs

Union of India

(B) M.C. Mehta Vs Union of India

(C) Rylands Vs Fletcher

(D) Kamal Dath Vs Union of India

39. National Environment Policy was

adopted in India in the year

(A) 1988

(B) 2008

(C) 2006

(D) 2003

40. The word ‘International Law’ was used

for the first time by

(A) Jermy Bentham

(B) Oppenheim

(C) Hobbes

(D) Hall

Paper III 14 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

41. ��(������ �E����'(���d���*� �L����'(���d(,��'��e�E���̀(A) (7 b� ��������(B) (�n��F�O7������'(���d(C) )��E�5% %�s������'(���d(D) ���������'(���d

42. ��"��2�����(A) : G�K�i1�� > 1����7f^���(7���������'1�N��Fd���)O7l�vG8�������0 ���w(,��� ! ]����K*��%

�,7�R�(R) H ='-�����a4������'1�N��Fc4��� ! ]��� 1� ��3������ �E�����7�E��N�(�1�F�N���A������ �%

�� ��#�������H

(A) (A)���1����(R)�[���1����(R)/ !�����(A) 4��$�E���-���c

(B) (A)���1����(R)�[�*����(R)�/ !�����(A)�4��$�E���-���c�> �

(C) (A) �[�*����(R)�������{(D) (A)�������{�*����(R) �[

43. � ������3���� �E��N1#� ��� ��1���� �E��N1� ��$ ����� v> 1��7f^���� �N= �1 �Cw���� ")� ����������"��R�4�(�����17��%(A) �!q �1����7e 1�(B) |��f1����7e 1�(C) �� -.7�71��(����7e 1�(D) �7(76.7$1����7e 1�

44. > 1����7f^�����7N�E �����&����F�(���� *4�D�(7����D�(7����7N�E]�3����(A) 9 �7N�E]�3����(B) 10 �7N�E]�3����(C) 7 �7N�E]�3����(D) 8 �7N�E]�3����

45. (��4�(��@���� (�1������)7��� ������b@��I ��1�����b@��II ���"���$�)� ��%

��IJ�X�I ��IJ�X�II

I) ������N���� !�� a. 5���-]

II) -s�������� b. 6���-]

III) �(�'�$�[�������������(7& c. 27���-]

IV) �'�@i�����������G�K�3� d. 76���-]

e. 97���-]

��:O� H


(A) c b a e

(B) a c d e

(C) a c e d

(D) c b e a

46. -3�C�� ��4� )���� ������N��� ����F:4� �7�E��N��8����.7F�������(������������N��

(A) �������������N����� hN

(B) 32 ���;��@�������N���

(C) �7�E��N�������N���)7[$���-(���1������1�A���-(

(D) 32 ������N��� )7[$��������� ��1���� ��1�A��������

47. �-7)���;�.�(,��� ! ]��������������(������E��1�1�C(,�)� ���`

(A) A :�4�-�

(B) ���4�-�

(C) �7�4�-�

(D) /(�a4�-�

K-1815 15 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

41. Which of the following cases is popularlyknown as the Asylum case ?

(A) Continental self

(B) Corfu channel case

(C) Haya de la Torre case

(D) Lotus case

42. Assertion (A) : Under International Lawextradition is mostly a matter of bilateralTreaties.

Reason (R) : There is no general duty ofstates in respect of extradition ofcriminals.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) isthe correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) isnot correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

43. A state becomes an International personby recognition and recognition alone.This is called as

(A) Facultative Theory

(B) Declaratory Theory

(C) Constitutive Theory

(D) Evidentiary Theory

44. The quorum of the International Court ofJustice is

(A) 9 Judges

(B) 10 Judges

(C) 7 Judges

(D) 8 Judges

45. Match List – I with List – II with the help of

codes given below :

List – I List – II

I) Suspension of members a. Article – 5

II) Veto power b. Article – 6

III) Appointment of the c. Article – 27

Secretary General

IV) Objectives of the d. Article – 76

Trusteeship system

e. Article – 97

Codes :


(A) c b a e

(B) a c d e

(C) a c e d

(D) c b e a

46. The decisions of the General Assembly

on admission of new members to the

UNO shall be made by

(A) Simple majority

(B) Two third majority

(C) Simple majority present and voting

(D) Two third majority present and


47. The rules relating to prohibited degrees

for marriage are based on the principle of

(A) Endogamy

(B) Monogamy

(C) Polygamy

(D) Exogamy

Paper III 16 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

48. ��@��N3���� *n�� (� [�4���a� )�(��,4�H4��(7���������$)7�����:��1���(A) [�$3��(7������(B) * 4���(7������(C) n' O��(7������(D) 87��&����(7������

49. R ����37��y�������4������"����1����14���(����{����(,�7'&�.�N1�(�:����������(�������E$4�`(A) ��4��4(B) ����4��4(C) P�;�T�����4��4(D) A, B ��1����C

50. R ������1���� �C�(7�����1���� ��F)�c� (7+�K� 91956�����9�R ������&����1���"�) :�&4�(�1�F�N��F)�c��E:��74��A���� �4���)�(�$��D�(��%(A) ��)�87�1�C�*��+� �4(B) o��=�(��4� �� (C) A ��1����B /��:��(D) A >B�7�B

51. ��(������ �� (�1�����"�G��+����9� ���17����������I. 1717,�(�������II. i�E�(7��������E��N1III. ����"�(7��������E��N1IV. �4��1��>�]4�-7)�V. �����=6c� ��:��������� "� ����������

A���������� ��#�������H

(A) I, III ��1���� IV(B) I, III, IV ��1��� V(C) I, II ��1��� IV(D) II, III, IV ��1��� V

52. u�E��XG��X!��74��/ !����(A) ���N!bF4�>�(73�(B) � ����$�&���-.�7 3�(C) �E��N1�A�����-7)����$�&(D) � ����1���)������F)�c

53. ��(�������E����'(���d�����3'�;�T��7N�E �����7�E��N��74�$(���� (�1�����"��O�?F������ ��`(A) ������������p�����'(���d(B) �����B���������'(���d(C) ���E�Vs >iC����'(���d(D) 4������7���Vs R��7D7o���'(���d

54. v�E���� )�(��,4���� �� ��(�6c� (7+�K9� 1993w� ��7NhN�����"���(��������$O�������7Nh7N����1���(A) �(�6�� 2 (5)

(B) �(�6�� 2 (�)

(C) �(�6�� 2 (/)

(D) �(�6�� 2 (V)

55. ��(�������� (�1�����"��!������b@��I ��1������b@��II ���"��$�)� ��%

��IJ� – I ��IJ� – II

a) �47"�(7s7F 1. 1945

b) )�������V�37���� 2. 1215

c) ���%5%�/O�%*��% 3. 1948

d) W.N. O7�F�� 4. 1750 B.C.

�� ��#�������H

a b c d

(A) 1 4 2 3

(B) 4 2 3 1

(C) 2 4 3 1

(D) 2 3 4 1

K-1815 17 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

48. Restitution of conjugal rights is a remedyhaving its origin under

(A) Jeurish Law

(B) English Law

(C) French Law

(D) Indian Law

49. Existence of which of the following is abar to the adoption of a son by a Hindu ?

(A) Son

(B) Grandson

(C) Greatgrandson

(D) A, B and C

50. Under the Hindu Adoption andMaintenance Act, 1956 the obligation ofHindu husband to maintain his wife is

(A) Co-extensive with property

(B) Personal obligation

(C) Both A and B

(D) Either A or B

51. Answer the following by using the codes :A muta marriage is

I. A temporary marriage

II. Recognised under Shia Law

III. Recognised under Sunni Law

IV. A marriage for a fixed period

V. One in which Dowry need not to bespecified

Codes :

(A) I, III and IV

(B) I, III, IV and V

(C) I, II and IV

(D) II, III, IV and V

52. Khyal-Ul-bulug is

(A) Option of puberty(B) A form of dowry(C) A form of valid marriage(D) A type of maintenance

53. In which of the following case, theSupreme Court has not discussed aboutUniform Civil Code ?(A) Sarala Madgal case(B) Lilly Thomas case(C) Seema Vs Ashwini case(D) Gurupad Vs Hirabai case

54. Section _________ of the protection ofHuman Rights Act, 1993 defines the term"Human Rights"(A) Sec. 2 (d)(B) Sec. 2 (c)(C) Sec. 2 (a)(D) Sec. 2 (b)

55. Match List – I with List – II and select thecorrect answer by using the code givenbelow :

List – I List – II

a) Magna Carta 1. 1945

b) Code Hummurabi 2. 1215

c) UDHR 3. 1948

d) W.N. Charter 4. 1750 B.C.

Codes :a b c d

(A) 1 4 2 3(B) 4 2 3 1(C) 2 4 3 1(D) 2 3 4 1

Paper III 18 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

56. �7�E��N� ��8#� ��� &�����1���� �3��f1����

�� ���(����7;�^4����G��"1��*+��4�9��7�����E��


(A) 1951

(B) 1953

(C) 1955

(D) 1957

57. (��7F�(�������E����)�(��,4�����7N�E ������"

��$O�#�������7N�E ����

(A) �-����7N�E ����=$���-874��

(B) �-����7N�E ����R$���-874��

(C) D7�7���7]��7N�E ��

(D) Y�7����7N�E ��

58. 87��1������ -.7�����������4� :��( ����E���


(A) 874��– III ��1����874��– IV-A

(B) 874�� – III ��1����874�� – IV

(C) 874�� – IV ��1���� 874�� – IV-A

(D) 874�� – II ��1����874��– IV-A

59. �7f^���� �E���� )�( �� ,4 �� �� *+��4�( ,

O�������������(7&����A�$ ���*4�������

(A) G��"1���7N�E ��������uN��7N�E]�3�$ ��

(B) 3'�;�T��7N�E ��������uN��7N�E]�3�$ ��

(C) 3'�;�T��7N�E �������7N�E]�3�$ ��

(D) G��"1���7N�E ������7N�E]�3�$ ��

60. ��(�������� (�1�����"�G��+�����1�h���A ��1���1�h���B �����"����$�)� ��%

#�!��H – A #�!��H – B

a) ��� �1���E$�� 1. _5�E��@(��E����)�=,���G����� (7���������7e 1�

b) /��:����1���E$�� 2. �� 4�'R1�7�� �)�(��,�E����)�=,���G�����

c) ��������1���E$�� 3. �74�$(��)74����E�����)�=,���G���� �7[=����)�(��,4����

d) �E����)�=,�����7e 1� 4. *ZF(�9��7�EY(���1�����7 ���&(��)�(��,

�� ��#�������Ha b c d

(A) 1 3 2 4

(B) 4 3 2 1(C) 3 4 1 2(D) 3 4 2 1

61. vj�[���)����w���7e 1�����7���(�

(A) -������< (B) *�@��

(C) �7��� :� (D) (7�(�F

62. ������F(��[7D7K$���

(A) �E����� >��7��4�� �� �� "> ��(�$������ �

(B) (7�������(�:7<���[7D7K$�� 1�( ��>��7��4�� ��� (7������� �7��-;�������"��G���}���1��

(C) -(7$�����[7D7K$�� 19�A1����( ��>��7��4�� ��� (7������� �7��-;�������"��G���}���1��

(D) �7�E��N� /�7�� >��7��4����� -;���G���}���1���

K-1815 19 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

56. United Nations High Commission for

Refugees was established by the General

Assembly in which of the following years ?

(A) 1951

(B) 1953

(C) 1955

(D) 1957

57. Which of the following Court is

designated as Human Rights Court in

Karnataka ?

(A) Civil Court (Junior Division)

(B) Civil Court (Senior Division)

(C) Juvenile Courts

(D) District Courts

58. Some of the Human Rights are contained

in the Indian Constitution under

(A) Part – III and Part – IV-A

(B) Part – III and Part – IV

(C) Part – IV and Part – IV-A

(D) Part – II and Part – IV-A

59. Who can be appointed as the Chairman

of National Human Right Commission ?

(A) has been a Chief Justice of High


(B) has been a Chief Justice of

Supreme Court

(C) has been a Judge of Supreme Court

(D) has been a judge of a High Court

60. Match items in Table – A with items inTable –B using codes given below :

Table – A Table – B

a) The first generation 1. Idealisticof Human Rights Theory of Law

b) The second 2. Collectivegeneration of Human RightsRights

c) The third generation 3. Civil andof Human Rights Political Rights

d) Theoretical approach 4. Economic,to Human Rights Social and


Codes :

a b c d

(A) 1 3 2 4

(B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 3 4 1 2

(D) 3 4 2 1

61. The profounder of 'Pigeon hole' theory is

(A) Winfield

(B) Austin

(C) Salmond

(D) Clerk

62. The absolute liability

(A) Does not recognise any exception

(B) It subject to the same exceptions asthe rule of strict liability

(C) Is subject to the same exceptionsas the rule of vicarious liability

(D) Is subject to all the generalexceptions

Paper III 20 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

63. [ b�R �71��(��[�������1����A1������[7D7K$���

�� ����N=����9

(A) 1���� 0 � �E5������ ��� �� [ b�E�

7���!)������*����D���E��> �

(B) ���uN7�� 1���� 0 � �E5������ ��� �



(C) 1���� 0 � �E5��� /�7�� � � N= �4 �� � �4

[ b�E�� >B�7� D��� D���E�


(D) A���1����B�/��:��

64. ��"��2�����(A)�H (7�������� " � � G � ����

\������� � �� ��� �N=����



�,7�R�(R)�H �� ����N=�4�����������;�@��

��$)7����� *1���� �� " � >��

(7������5����� � *1����

A��"!q�4� �E5��� ��;� @( ,

��$)7�����:��� 1��7��%

�� ��#�������H

(A) (A)���1���� (R)��[9�*���� (R)���$�E��


(B) (A)���1���� (R)��[9�*���� (R)���$�E��

-���c�(A)4���:����� �

(C) (A) �[9�(R) 1����0

(D) (A)�1����0��(R) �[

65. (�������� (�1��!������b@ – I ���"����b@��– II��� �4��$�P��5�%��IJ – I ��IJ��– II

a) )o��a Vs )7����:� 1. �E��)7�b) $�:� Vs �E��a 2. >��8�N1

��1����(� %c) :����4��Vs 3. 1� ���4����474�������

�@��������d) D�� @�� Vs ��@��� 4. D�[7D7K$

5. 1�� D7 [b 7��[7D7K$

�� ��#�������H

a b c d

(A) 1 2 4 5

(B) 2 4 1 5

(C) 3 5 4 2

(D) 4 5 2 1

66. v47')�(�w�A�����>B�F(A) )�d��7�&��E5�����(���u$����>B�7

�������"�!�����17��(B) )�d��7�&4� 1�(�,� � ����=���u$���>B�7

�������"���:�������(C) )�d�7�&��E:��� ����(��� >B�7� ��

!����������(D) (A)���1����(B)�/��:�����$

67. �!q� ��N=�� Y�7�� � 47')�(�� �7N�E ��(,� 8�b��:�������(A) ������������� �(B) 7�(C) ���������:�������(D) >YF�7���7�

K-1815 21 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

63. ‘The liability of joint tort-fensors is joint

and several’. It means the aggrieved party

(A) May sue all the wrong doers jointly

but not separately

(B) May either sue all the wrong doers

or only the principal wrong doer

(C) May sue all the wrong doers jointly

or separately

(D) Both A and B

64. Assertion (A) : In the event of violation

of any legal right (tort),

the aggrieved party is

entitled to recover

unliquidated damages.

Reason (R) : The object of awarding

damages to the

aggrieved party is to put

him in the same position

in which he would have

been if the wrong would

not have been committed.

Damages are therefore,

assessed on that basis.

Code :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is

the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is

not correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true

65. Match List – I with List – II and select thecorrect answer by using the code givenbelow :

List – I List – II

a) Haynes Vs Harwood 1. Defamation

b) Read Vs Lyons and 2. NuisanceCompany

c) Donoghue Vs 3. AssumptionStevenson of risk

d) Bolton Vs Stone 4. Negligence

5. Strict liability

Codes :

a b c d

(A) 1 2 4 5

(B) 2 4 1 5

(C) 3 5 4 2

(D) 4 5 2 1

66. Consumer means

(A) One who purchased goods oravailed services by payment ofmoney

(B) One who purchased goods oravailed services by promising topay money

(C) One who procured goods or availedservices without any payment

(D) Both A and B

67. A person who approach the DistrictConsumer Disputes Redressal Forum isknown as

(A) Petitioner

(B) Plaintiff

(C) Complainant

(D) Applicant

Paper III 22 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

68. G=�� vv���-�������������N� ���������7���/��@ww����>B�F

(A) ����"��7 ��7������7 ��7�������4�>�3�N(�1A �����7 ��7��

(B) ����"� �7 ��7������7 ��7��� ����"�>�3�N(��7 ��7��

(C) �7 ��7���(7�������D7R��74������

(D) �7 �47$(���� ������ ='+�#� ��!4)�$��������

69. 87��&�����7 �47$(�(7+�K9�1932 �7 ��7����)�( �� ,� ��1�� �� ( �1 �F�N4������ "� ���-����1� ��9&H���1������1����A1�����7 ��7����������&�)74����:��H(#� ���*4�������%

(A) �(�6�� 12

(B) �(�6�� 11

(C) �(�6�� 13

(D) �(�6�� 14

70. ����(��4���� �E�7���� (7+�K� ,1930 ��� ��'(7��vu$���7���w���7NhN���

(A) �(�6�� 2 (2)

(B) �(�6�� 2 (3)

(C) �(�6�� 2 (1)

(D) �(�6�� 2 (4)

71. �E�7�����0 ��� �(�6��� 4� ��� ��'(7��� ����(��4����E�7����(7+�K�9�1930 / !����

(A) ������F(�7��

(B) ;���1���4��7�

(C) (A)���$�(B)���$�> �

(D) (A)�>B�7�(B)

72. v�4��f+�!���A�����^� s��(7+�K�, 1881 ����'(7��� v�4��f+�!���A�����^� s�w�A����7NhN�����"����(��������$O�������7Nh7N����1���%(A) �(�6�� 12(B) �(�6�� 13(C) �(�6�� 13 A(D) �(�6�� 2 D

73. (��4�(��@���� (�1��G��+�������b@ – I ���"��b@��– II�+� �4����$�)� ��%��IJ – I ��IJ��– II

a) )�� <�� 1. �(�6�� 9 *n��/��%_%*N(�@

b) )�� <���A���:��N 2. �(�6�� 14 *n��/��%_%(����F *N(�@

c) / :����F� s� 3. �(�6�� 15 *n��/��%_%*N(�@

d) �4��f+��;��� 4. �(�6�� 8 *n��/��%_%*N(�@

�� ��#�������Ha b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4(B) 4 3 2 1(C) 3 1 4 2(D) 4 1 3 2

74. :7=^��� *n�� >�7^� o�������"� ��� �����'(���d������(7d�7��%(A) >s7�F�[�������Vs 4�'s�����@��F��o�C��(� %(B) *3�!$��o���(7N��P���1����_����"�(� %��%

Vs�$O�(C) :����(� b'�(M�a���Vs >s7�F�[������(D) ����������Vs �����������1����(� %��%

75. (� ����(7+�K�9�2013 �� 1�(7�k�F��s���7�EY(�[7D7K$�����"���(�������(�6����&H���1���(A) �(�6�� 135(B) �(�6�� 136(C) �(�6�� 134(D) �(�6�� 138

K-1815 23 Paper III

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

68. The maxim "Socii mei socius meu socius

non est" means

(A) My partners partner is not

necessarily my partner

(B) My partners partner is necessarily

my partner

(C) The partnership has become illegal

(D) The partnership stands dissolved

by the Act of God

69. The rights and duties of partners inter-se

can be regulated and varied by the

consent of the partners by virtue of the

Indian Partnership Act, 1932.

(A) Sec. 12

(B) Sec. 11

(C) Sec. 13

(D) Sec. 14

70. The term 'buyer' under the Sale of Goods

Act, 1930 has been defined under

(A) Sec. 2 (2)

(B) Sec. 2 (3)

(C) Sec. 2 (1)

(D) Sec. 2 (4)

71. A contract of sale under Sec. 4 of the Sale

of Goods Act, 1930

(A) May be absolute

(B) May be conditional

(C) Only A and not B

(D) Either A or B

72. The term 'negotiable instrument' isdefined in the Negotiable InstrumentsAct, 1881 under(A) Sec. 12(B) Sec. 13(C) Sec. 13 A(D) Sec. 2 D

73. Match List – I with List – II and select thecorrect answer by using the code givenbelow :List – I List – II

a) Holder 1. Sec. 9 of N.I. Act

b) Holder in due 2. Sec. 14 of N.I. Actcourse

c) Endorsement 3. Sec. 15 of N.I. Actd) Negotiation 4. Sec. 8 of N.I. Act

Codes :a b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4(B) 4 3 2 1(C) 3 1 4 2(D) 4 1 3 2

74. The ‘Doctrine of Ultra-vires’ was firstdemonstrated in the case of(A) Attorney General Vs Great Eastern

Railway Co.(B) Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron

Co. Ltd. Vs Riche(C) London Country Council Vs.

Attorney General(D) Saloman Vs Salmon & Co. Ltd.

75. Which Section of the Companies Act,2013 deals with the corporate socialresponsibility ?(A) Sec. 135(B) Sec. 136(C) Sec. 134(D) Sec. 138

Paper III 24 K-1815

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

K#����@7�E��,L4���]��Space for Rough Work