ii house no. 21 albany street, at prereni › newspaper 18 › troy ny...-•+ -*r: i .• . u* .....

-•+ -*r: i .• . u* .. . «•• ' - *.* . .. ; (| | M .-The copartnership b. * 11 tsjhtoikait. wAntr thoaw* erhoB, Catlla * Gale, wti disa-1 v rd oa the lit instant, by latitat. consent, Th* THUMB** of the late firm will ft*. **ttl*d by E. Thompson Gal*, who is hereby authorised to use the name fe< that purpose. Troy, March*. 18*3 ,, WM. BRINCKJKRHOFF, ISRAEL II. CATLIN, S THOMPSON GA LE. Th« subscriber will continue the Hardware bos*- oeaa, (as heretofore conducted by Brinckerhoti, Cat- lia ft Gale) at No. 169 River at. mht g. THOMP8QH G A LK T UB copartsership of BrinckerhofF ft Catlin was diaaaived on the 1st instant, by mutual cousent. The unsettled business will be closed by I R Callui, who is for that purpose authorized to use the name of the him. Troy, March 2d, 1848. WM. BRINCKERHOFF, _snh8 ISRAEL R. CATLIN ( P O P A R T W E R S H I P . - W e e d f c Thufman have v^ taken into copartnership Henry E. Weed, aud will continue Ihe Wholesale Grocery and Commission business under the firm of WEEDS ft THURMAN, at 848 Rtv*r st. Troy, March 1st, 1843. AL80P WEED, R. H. THURMAN, mht HENRY E. WEED. U . LADlTS'^R~i^C*i 8UUE8—Received •*• this day at the Cannon Place Bool and Shoe Store, a large lot of ladies' Frenoh Morocco Raskins—thick soled , Do do do —pump do Do do Ties, Do do Slippers , Kid do Dark green and colored French Morocco Buskins, a splendid article. These, sod a general assortment of gentlemen's, ladies' and childien'a Shoes, are offered at low prices for cash, st No 4 Cannon Place. mhl E. TALMADGE ^IjiH'SlnfaTfibie Health Plac GEO. H. BULL^ mh2 K MICttEHBOCKijlTToTMan-hTjust received by 8TEDMAN * REDFIELD. Agents, mhS Troy Book Store S ~~PHTTCE CIJM.—A choice Tot of Spruce bum, for sale at Dr. HErMSTREET'8, 10 State st, and at mhl Apothecary Hall, 240 River st D R. BENJAMIN Pills, for sale at 48 Congress st—Morris Place M UKPaV-MUFF* at groat bargaias—Just re- c*iv*d at 1 Cannon Place, a contigooMut of aa- •ortod Muffs froat a Broadway e»tabUdw*»nt, which will be sold withoui regard to cost,owing to the ad- vancement of the seasonj blk Genet, 9 60. short Lynx, 4 88, Liberia*," 4 to 6 dollars: blue Vox, 9 60, Russia Cub, Fitch, and Rabbit. Ladies will do well to look at this lot, aa they will buy litem now 30 per cent cheeper than at the first of the season. Crimpolme Bands (or collar* i crimped Dimity for raffling ; Thread Lacea ; Silk Cravats ; and the usu- al variety of Lace and Fancy Dry Goods, all of which are offered at the lowest prices Tor cash. febU E. B. 8TR0UT. A LTERAT.VB OB STOMACH PILLS— These Pills gently sad gradually cleanse the stomach and bowela, without any sensible cathartic effect, and are an excellent medicine for sour or sick stomach;, headache, dizziness or distress in the head, liver complaint, jaundice, habitual costivaness,piles, and all other ailment* arising from a dyspeptic hab- it—sold at the Botanic Medicine Store, 181 Fourth street, price 3a per boz. feb88_ O PERATIONS UPON THE TEETH, at pricea to suit the times.—Win. W. Brock way A H.J. Paine, Dentists, have entered into a copartner- ship and taken rooma at No 8 Second street, former- ly occupied by Dr Brock way, where, by constant at- tendance end by their united skill and experience, they hope te give entire satisfaction in every opera- tion performed In the Denial Art. H J. Paine, formerly of 22 Fifth street, returns his cordial thanks to Ins former patrons, and invites them to call la future at 8 Second st. _febS8 BROCKWAY & PAINE. G RASS SEED.—160~bbla just received aud lor sale in lots to suit purchasers by MOWRY * VAIL, febSS 127 River St. „_ n>*ir * tftTa. BROCKWAY * FAIRS, DIHTUTS, fe|H ••* • • • • • 4 *ti**t, corner of Albany. S9- IHlli ... O vado Sugars, lor sale by the hhd or bbl, by MOWRY 4 VAIL, feb2i 127 River st O HIO I'l.lil'K A small good article. F.6S4 XV loijusi received—a T. WILLARD, 193 Riverst *BT8I)WELI„ DENTI8T8, No. 14 VfMn avnjtJKT, (CTGold awl Tiu Foil for sale for cash. n7 BOOT AND SHOK^WA REHOUSE; W IIOIHSAI. E AND H E ! A I L , No. 8 Washington Square. Just received at the Bool and Shoe Warehouse, men'* Cowhide Boot*, a prima article j men's Kip do. do. ; large and small boys' Boots, first quality ; winch will be sold at reasonable prices to correspond with the times. 8AMUEL BRACKET! - . o4 tf S ALJERATUH.—7 casks are offered lor sale by HAKES Si BATTERSHALL, M EDICATED COUGH CANDY, an excel. lent article for coughs, hoarseness, tickling in the throat, ate &c-»for sale at 48Congress st.—Mar- ri* Place, by GEO H.BULL mhl 1 C A S M P E A R L B 4 R LEY. for sale Tow by HAIGHT.GILLESPY A CO del 327 River st feb!3 269 River st /CHRISTIAN OBSERVER for February D Dublin University Magazine Northern Light " " 8TEDMAN A REDFIELD, Agents, mhl Troy Book Store. ~ R l l i n b r p E A C H E S . ^ mhl -For sale by MOWRY A VAIL, 127 River st. W ARRANTED TO CURE JONES' HU- MOR DROPS, a warranted cure for salt rheum. scrofula, leprosy, erysipelas, and all their kindred liseases The money will be refunded in all cases where the Drops do not effect a cure, or the patieot la dissatisfied with the effects of the medicine. The gentlemen who hare freely given their names in ic commendation to this valuable medicine, say— We. the undersigned, having long born personally acquainted wtrh Mr Charles Jenes of Claremoot, N. H., and with the effects of his Humor Drops, do cer- tify, that of the many persons they have known to use these Drops according to the directions, all have been entirely, or so far cured as to have no doubt of the certain good effects of this medicine, lor all the liseases it is recommended. [The names of the gentlemen given are too well known at heme and abroad, to have their recommen- dation doubted by any one ] Erastua Glidden, Cashier Claremoot Bank ; Joaiah Richards, M D Claremont, TlmotlryS Gleason, M D " Newton Whittelsey, town clerk, Simeon Ide. " Asa Sartwell, Joseph Weber. Associate Editor "Eagle, " R F Lawrence, Pastor Cong Church, H 8 Smith, Minister Episcopal Church, W Clare- mout. Claremoot, N H.June 28, 1841. )rops can Or C HEIMSTREET'S, rahfi No 10 Htste at, Troy. C ~ARD MACHINERY EOR SALE—My vir- tne of a chattel mortgage executerl to the sub- scribers by Messrs. Phillips & Co., of Troy. Rensse laer county, we will sell on Tuesday the 14ih day of March, 1843, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, all the f iroperty mortgaged as aforesaid, consisting of a arte number of Card Machines for ihe manufacture of Cards, of great value. The sale will be absolute, and to the highest bidder, ID the building where the machinery is now stored, near ihe Rail Road Bridge. Troy, February 2Sih, 1*43. The President, Directors, and Company of ihe Springfield Bank, Springfield, Ms. mhl 144 OTOVE, T I N , At SHEET IRON WARE. O The subscriber having purchased on ihe 30lh day of January last the entire stock in trade of Mr John Lock wood—consisting of an assonmeui of Cooking aud Parlor Sloves, and a good assortment of Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, Ac Ac—would respect- fully solicit a share of ihe public patronage in thai line. The subscriber has obtained the services el John Lockwood, who will remain in the concern, and consequently leels confident that he shall give entire satisfaction lo those who may favor him with their custom. WILLIAM LOCKWOOD, Ieb2l 194Jtiverst G ODEY'S LADY'S BOOK for Msrch] Graham's Magazine do The Lady's World ol Fashion do Received and for sale at the Book and Music Store IK6 Hiver st A KIDJJER Ieb2l i tUSE YtfUR <'6UGHS7— BARRINGEK A NEW BOOK STORE. W. Jt H . M8RRIAN, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, AND STATIONERS, No. 8 CaiuroB PLACE, TBOT, N. Y. sepl8 ^ "" WII.LlAH T. WILUARD, 193 River street, COMMISSION MERCHANT A GEN'RAL AGENT Office of Regular Line Boston Packets is under his charge. jy30 tf 8TEDMAN A RJEDPIEL.D, ( Succtttor* to EJuta Ualtt,) BOOK-SELLERS AND 8TATI0NER8, 't't& Rivta STSEET, Taor, Respectfully announce to ihe patrons of Mr GATES and ihe public generally, that it is their intention to keep up the assortment, by additions of standard and new publications of merit, and hope, by fidelity and strict atteution lo ihrir business, lo preserve for the establishment it* former good name. Particular atteution will be paid to procuring the best of Paper and Stationery in general, and any rare or other Books which may not be on hand. iuy4 CROCKERY. PEIRCE A. KELLOGG, IMPORTERS * WHOLESALE DEALERS, 236 Rivttt STSEET. iuyl7 R. am !BH HOUSES TO LET, &C. of8«con3 nan Hon. T O L E T ^ h * Coltaae, *a*t i atre*t, formerly occupied by -tarya-from 1st May neit. ' Also, house oa alley between River and North Second streets, abort Vanderbeydan street, in roar of C. Williamson'* bra** foundry Also, house on alley in rear ol No. 89 Seventh at. Inquire of GEO. GOULD, ' «6f OTtiwress st. TO LET, from the 1st May aext, the 8d and 34 stories of the brick store No. 164 River. corner of Congress si —entrance on Congress si—a most desirable locafon for office- of any <fe» tripliou, or mechanical purposes. Rent exceedingly low. In- quire immediately of J. B. WILKINSON* CO. _jnhj^ _____^ 180 River si. A TO LET, from the lit May next, the large brick house on the west side of River St., be- low Washington, and the seven vacant lots adjoin nig il on the south. Inquire of GILES B. KELLOGG, mill tf 29 f First st. TO LET, from the 1st May next7~thje~dT sirable residence, No. 8 Washington Park, now occupied by Mr Shaw. Also,store No. 307| River st. J. C. HEARTT A BROTHER, Feb28 t< 181 River st I T O L E T , that well known grocerylsiure No. 39 Grand Divison, corner of North Third street. Also, the dwelling house attached to the said store, suitable for 2 families. Posaesslou given 1st May uejit. Inquire of JOHN MORRISON, Feb28 Iw 269 River st HOUSES TO LET. &q * r#| l , ATI HilA*.* ..'•-. «.!'•• '»!/ '** ««••« -JM I' | , i»» ,©i » ,v •—>• 4»?»f i#» fW«i , » WOO »«f» I ..... m t«. .'ianif ,(1 Md4.. »>6M»t4 LVr % mfb, »31nIiT siorsn over No. SFraBklia Square i both sLov.es will be r *fck!r. t 0 t f l W TW 3T <t!»*«lfc ' CAwR* CO. M il Feb28 ' r « > R E N T , store" No 64 Fourth sis., now occupied by 8 Feb28 'PO LET 1 No.8i«i corner Congress and by 8. K. Sterne ^GEO. M TIBBITS^ ••uses Nos. 6 and 8 Liberty st.— TRKETER'S Cough Lozenges are used daily with the most happy results in cases of colds, coughs, hoarseness, lightness an.I pains in the chest, and all bronchial affections. A trial ol a single box is suffi- cient to prove their efficacy. Sold at 121 Fourth st. Price 26 cents per box. Ieb21 H ~ERKIMER CO. CLOVER SEED.— 40 bush els prime new Seed sale by MOWRY & VAIL, feb31 127 River st R ~ EIHOVAL.—Dr~H~T~ removed to No. 8 Second St.. corner of Albany Iebl5 / MEAT BARGAINS—eelling at cost—The j U subscriber, about to make a change in his bus<- iiess, offers his large and extensive assortment of i goods, consisting in part of Hardware, Watches, I Clocks, Jewelry, Fancy and Shell Goods, for sale at i cost prices. Dealers in this line and others would ! do well to call and examiue, aa his slock is very heavy and bought at liut lowest rale. Terms cash. JAMES DECKER, _d21 337$ River »t. i ^OMMISSldYXGENTS IN BOSTON.— vV The subscribers offer their services for ihe sale of Woolen and Cofon Goods, and other descriptions oi American Manufacture* STEELE,DEXTER k BUSH. Boston, Jan. » t h . 1648 ja25 3m K V GOO 1 >8^1>ry~ Goods.—SH ATv^^fuTL^ No S Cannon Place, are now offering their stock of Goods al very reduced prices, in order to reduce 'heir stock before the opening of navigation Their sssortmsai consist* in part of the following, viz:— Plain and flg'd Monsseliae de Lames. Chene Chusan Lustres, Foulard Silks, Balzannes, blk, blue blk,fig'd light and dark Silks, blk and blue blk Crapes and Bombaaines, plaid shad> d Crapes, Worsted and Car- oline plaids French and English Calicos and Meri- nos, red, yellow and white Flannels, superfine Cloths Vesiings and Cassimers, Broche, Cashmere and Worsted Shawls, ladies' Paris Kid Gloves, Silk D. MAR D W E L L , 23 4 River street. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of Tortoise Shell, Manilla do, Fancy buffalo, Horn and Ivory COMBS, with a general assortment of useful aud FANCY GOODS N. B. Shell Combs neatly repaired. ap8 JAMES WEED «STC0^ Importers and Dealers in CHINA,GLASS AND EARTHEN WARE, 343 River street—store formerly occupied by u26 Ledyard A Weed. j p HEAP GOODS.—AUG'8 C. TAYLOR", - ,^ vV River street, offers the following desirable goods | at greatly reduced prices, viz : j Ladies' best quality Kid Gloves at 3s per pair Fancy Merino aud Silk Cravats and Scarls Is lo 2s each 4-4 real French Calicos, Is fid and 2s per yard Mous de Lames of rich and Fa-hionable Styles ; blk and colored French Thibet Cloths ; blk and Fancy Silks j Bombazines, Family Flannels, 8 4 Wool, M de Lame and Thibet Shawls and Scarfs, Worsted Plaids, Scotch Ginghams, Silk, Cotton, Wool aud Worsted Hosiery, French Crapes, Green Barrages, heavy blk Silk Net, Toilet Covers, French Qoilis, Worsted Damasks, Tickings, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, "; j Skirts, Sann Jeans, plain Swiss, Friends, Nrtnsook, PAINE, Deulivl, has India. Jaconet and plaid and sinped Cambric Mus- ; lins. Transparent, French Chintz and Holland Win- I dow." hades with fixtures, Linen andCnuon Sheetings : and Shirtings, fine Collar Linens, Linen Cambrics and ' Lawn, Linen Damasks, Damask Clorhs and Napkins ! and heavy Towellings, colored Worsted Table Cov. I era, American and French Cambrics, fine Swiss Mus- lin Bands at 2s each. feb22 for Lauaingburgh, or H. H.8EAR8, Feb2b iMyl* 92 River St., Trey. 1 ~"0 LET, from ihe 1st May uext, ihut large ami commodious boarding house No. 66 Fourth si., now ocupied by Mrs Win T Smith. Inquire of S KENDRICK, Agent, Feb2S 33 Third st I T O L E T , the Sstory brick slore No 11 Con- gress si. Also, the 3 storv brick slore No 14 Con- gress st. Apply to JOHN T McCOCN, tf No. 45 Second st. TO LET, from 1st Mav neit, the slore and house No 17 Stale st, now occupied by S Duffy ; Also ihe house and store Nos. 22 and 24 Slate st, aud the stable adjoining ihe same. Apply to JOHN HUNTER, Feb27 lN3Uiverst TO LtCT, from the I n day of May next, the convenient modern built brick dwell- lag house No S 8ixfh st., opposite the Second Presbyterian Chun li. Also, the convenient wooden dwelling hone No. 80 Rive* st. Also, ihe convenient wooden dwelling house No. 48 Fourth *t.; next noith of the residence of the sub. soriber. Also, the small wooden dwelling house No. 18 Di- vision st. Inquire of JOHN I). WILLARD. feb!7 fin TO LET, froufihe 1st of May neat, the brick dwelling house now occupied by 8. W. Brilloo, No. 18 Sixth st. It is in complete repair, with every convenience that can be desired, a id a Beautiful flower garden with shrubbery, fruit, fee. Rent lo suit the times. Inquire of 8. W. A D. B. BR1TTON, febl7 32o River st. FOR SALE, or in exchange for unincumbered real estate in this city, a Farm of »9 acres IU ihe town of Berlin. 88 miles from Troy. For panic ulars, call al 191 River st. feb!6 HORACE HERRINGTON mm aW!»»WR»« HOUSES _ II' I\ Blair, >cc*4 of State and Fourth Mi Judge Hunt The pret Tented from 1st May next. Apply to Geo. T.JMakrj Warn No. 9 Flrrt kl. fab3 p ft) LkviP.froiu the 1st of may next, aeveral couveuieut dwellings on Ferry, eaat of Sev- euihsi. Apply to SMITH A WOOD, 837 River st. ' M l TO L E T , for one, or for a term of years, from the 1st of May next, the two story brick house No. 83, oo ihe west tide of North Second st, a lew steps from King st. The house is in (mod order—ha* a two story briek kitch ea aud a wasliroom connected—* spacioas yard with fruit tree* and grope arbor, and a well of excellent **'?» / or l * Tm *> "Pply. »t the Mansion House, lo itba tf ALEX. McCALL. MAit,JRUADS,*K;C:. cms il.« foot ol M IJ.! jicr to uisuM TO LET. store No 240 River si , recently oc cupied by H Curtis as a dry goous store. Pos- session may be had now. Also store No. 246, now occupied by John Bruce as a *hoe store, from 1st May Also slore No. 260 River st., heretofore occupied as a grocery store. Possession given now. Inquire of Leggeti A Russell, 24S River st., or febIS J. PATER. TO L E T , Ihe Sstory brick house" No 68 Norih Second si. 'I'liree looms deenou the m _feb2_ ' a ho wit feba II M f 1st ami 2d floors, built in modern si vie with no basement—Willi 4 marble mantles. The house is uearly new and finished m a first rute man- ner—occupied by A Stearns. Possession given im- mediately, or the 1st of May Inquire of _JebJ4 ANTHONY A MORRISON i'O L E T , for one or more years, trom the 1st of May next, the 2 siory brick house, suitable for one or iwo families, situated on the east side of Eighth si., first house north of Gillespie's brick yard II': TO LET, from ihe fir-t of May store with dwelling attached, No River st ; Also two or three «mall tenements suit able lor small families—rent very low For particulars, inquire of A SNYDER, Feb27 221 River st. M l I)' MURDER WILL OUT. i. B. WILKINSON announces the fact that he has taken the well known and Central Store No '11% River st , between ihe Steamboat Landing and the Troy House, for the purpose of establishing a MA- NUFACTORY OF CLOTHING, where lie will atleud personally lo inking measures and receiving or- ders, and will al all limes be ready to show any kind ol CLOTHS, CASSIMERS or VKSTINGS lhat I are ever called for iu a similar e«lablishmeat. My I arrangements are such in the department of MANU- | FACTORING, that I DEFY ANY and ALL COM. i PETITION Fn this assertion. I do not mean lo j wage WAR WITH THE TRADE, but toinlorm the PUBLIC that I will MAKE TO ORDER and in as | GOOD STYLE as the customer can desire, at a price j at least 311 PER CENT, less than ihey have been sold for in this city the last season. The attention of the public is requested to the above statement, and N O T I C E — T h e partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of KEL LOGGS A CO., ha* this day expired by its own limi- tation. The firm will hereafter be discontinued, except for the purposes of Milling and closing the business of the concern. Immediate payment of all debt* due them is earnestly requested, which may be made to either of the subscribers, who are severally authorized lo receive and pay all debts due to, or owing by said firm. Troy, March 1, 1843. DAY OTIS KELLOGG, CHA8.H. KELLOGG, HENRY TATOR. fXT" The undersigned will continue the same busi ness, at the old stand, under the firm of KELLOGG A CO., and respectfully solicit a continuance of the public patroasge DAY OTIS KELLOI.G, mhl j:(iARLESH. KELLOGG pLOTH*, CASSIMERS A VE*TING«>.- VJ The subscriber has on hand and offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, th.j following desirable goods, vix : Heavy brown, olive, green, mned and blk wool- dyed Cloths ; Fin* and superfine olive, invisible green, bottle green and wool-dyed blk American, English and French Cloths; Blue, blk and blue blk American and English Bea- ver Cloths ; Plain, ribbed, diagonal blk and lancy American, English and French Caasiraer* ; | heavy cadet mixed and sheep's grey America i Cloths , Plain Cassimer, Silk, Mohair, Satin, flg'd Velvet, Thibet, Marseilles and Valencia Vesiings. AUG'S C TAYLOR, mhl 182 River si snd j ascertain if it is the FACT. Velvet Cravats, Daisy Butmn«, Silk Fringes, Cords and Tassels, Silk, Saxony, Worsted and Col Hosie- ry, Ac. Ac. febl7 A>K OF TROY.—Notice is he B AMC OF TROY Notice is he.eby given lo the stockholders ol ihe Bank of Troy, thai an election of l"urleen Directors and three Inspectors of election will be held ut iheir banking house n the city of Troy, on the lirst Tuesday of March next, al 12 o'clock M Troy, January 2d, 1643. By order of the Directors. ja27 rawtd JOliN J^AJNR, Cashier. TTBY GOODS—CHEAP DRY GOODS.-The 1 ' subscriber being as anxious as any of h:s netc.h- liors to reduce his stock before April, will sell his goods tt very reduceil price* for <a«h, nnd many ar- ticles Uss than cost. All as low as at any store in the city. Cloths, Cassimers, Flannels, Prints, Shirtings, Sheetings, Hosierv, Silks, I.mens, Diapers, 'licking, Merino, Mous. de Lame, heavy Linen Sheeting, 8tr. *c. in great varielv. fip. F. MORGAN, febll No.2l8Riverst. FOR SALIC O R T O LET.—The sub senber offers for sale the brick house and lot occupied hv him. situated at ihe aoiuli east corner of River and Division streets be. mg 72 feet front and rear, 130 (eet deep—wuh exieu- st"e barns and oilier oui buildings thereon—a good situation for a oarmin or teamsier. Also, lot and house No. 109 Third street, now oc- cupied by R. Wasson. If the above premises are ant sold by the Kith March next, they will be rented i tx-ap. Also, lor sale, a number < f Horses, Lumber Wag 0ns, Meiglis, Harnesses, Ac. CALEB PTELD, Feb27 lw No 88 River st of Also the \k story wood house situated on the east side of Eighth st., near the corner of Eighth aud Ja- | cob sis., suitable for one family only. ; Also one or two rooms iu ihe 2d slory of No. 2 ' Franklin Square, suitable for offices or mechanics 3 I work shop.. All will be rented on the most reason I able terms. For terms, applv al No. 2 Franklin | Square, upstairs. JOHN ROBINSON. Iebl4 tMyl IO LET. from the 1st day of May next, the convenieni 2 slory brick dwelling house No 73 North Third st. Also a small tene- ment on the alley in the rear. Also the 4 slory brick slore No. 441 River st. Im- mediate possession given Apply lo febl4 tf K WICKKS, No. 4^ Fourth st TO L E T , tiu- rTon-c NoTsS Third si7~Ah7.i Hie barn upon the alley iu ihe rear of Ihe same | loi, and possession iri\ en on the Isl of May next Inquire of KELLOGGS&CO. ,eb2(J TO LET, from the lirst of May neit, house Si. No. 07 Fourth, corner of Sla'e si , now occu- pied by Philip Hart, jr., Esq Inquire of CALVIN WARNER, feb!7 119 Fourth si. TO LET, fr-'in the 1st of May next, the dwell- ing house No 2t> Jacob si lnqoire of S. KENDRICK, Agent, febl4 31 Third st. ro LET, from ihe 1st May next, dwelling '•H house N o . 4-2 C,ingress st.. i.ext east of ihe TO LET, from ihe 1st day of Mav nexi, the two story dwelling house No. 118 Sec- ond st., now occupied by Mr John B Tur- ner. Inquire of Z.CLARK, or Young A Hunt. 216 River *t. FOR sVl.F.orTO LET. dwelling house Nu. iy Fifth st., wuh a good brick burn to rear. The house aud barn will be lei to- geiher or separately, as may best suit those rho wish lo hire. J. A. ZANDER. feba VALUABLE FAHM FOR 8ALI&T— This farm is situate iu the township* of Greenbush mid Schodack, Rensselaer coun- ty, four miles distant from ihe South Ferry crossing from Albanv, composing 364 acres of firsl rale laud, and is well known as ihe Slock Farm lately owned by Charles Henry Hall, esquire, of New York The land is admirably wooded and watered, having never-failing streams ruuning through it and border nig upon n, affording supply to every field. There is a comfortable farm house, out buildings and very spa- cious excellent barns suitable forull purposes, us also a cider null. Younij urcjja'd* of best fruit are planl ed.ainl oruamenial trees n> well as locu»t trees for use upoa the premises, all In a flourishing slate ol gtowib. The fenctni; upon the farm is probably ihe best in the county, ill.- posts heiHg ol Canada cedar, boarded, capped with plank, and batinned in m ihe most substantial ami hamlsoiiie manner The wood, lands and streams ar.- very beauulul and useful, the former comprising many sons of timber—oaks, wa|. nuts, maples, pines, hemlocks, &c. Ac. in great varie- ty. More ihan one hundred head of cattleand horses have been sustained upon ihe farm for many years past, aud ai ihe same tune, large quantities of hay have been sold nffil ;,arly Wheat, corn, rye, oats, tools, Ac. Ac. flourish upon this land exceedingly well. The terms ol sale n .11 be liberal, and $8000 can re- main upon b I an.I mortgage, if desirable. For lenns and a view ol a mao of ihe fann, apply to HARRIS & RHOADES, Au'ysal Law.Sic. Exchange Building*, Albany McCOUN « CLARK, All'ys at Law, He, No. 53 Wall s i , N . York Janusry 28, IM3. jaSO if FlIH NAlie, or'ff) RENT, ihe large three slory brick house No. S3 Third si., now oc- TO LET, from 1st May next, the collage. dwelling house on Eighth, a few doors norih of Federal st. Inquire of ' R D A DMcMURRAY, 210 River st. H Feb27 T O LET, from Isl Vluv next, ihe cottage dwell- . ing house No 117 Fourth st. Inquire of R I) & D McMURRA Y, Feb27 210 River st. ML FOR RALE or TO LET', "the 4 slory brick |I]I house wuh barn in rear No 23 west side of i River si, now occupied by Wane Lowrey ; I Also one small 2 slory I rick house, convenient for I 2 families, No 13a Fifth st. Apply lo JOHN B. i COLEGROVB, 100 Pfrst st. or at shop, 17 Ferry st. copied by E. Wilson. Esq. Possession given on th- i-t of May next. Also, the ci ttag • on Eighih st , near Hoosick si , formerly owned bv Daniel Sheldon, deceased. In- quire of the subscriber, No IS9 River st. J«3I A.CLARK. and pos- ALBANY AND BOSTON BAILROAO. Jrar* th ro%»h to Boston, $e' Morula* tpm through lo Boston, |,,.v,, the depot mo2,inl U «'* h , " * bt?ore 7 °' clwk »'«»"«». ?- T morning, Sundays excepted—arrives ui Bosun, ai o i . Brtakfattat Chatham. Tne afternoon train to Springfield only depot in Greenbush at } before l , v i „ L Passengers can leave Spuugfield u t i A M arrive in Boston III A. M Passengers must leave Albany, Iron Lane, at 6 | , or I2J o'clock :....! nui passage. For N«w Yoa* via HABTIOKO mid . \ i w II ( VEN - Passengers leaving Greeubiu-h \ b.u.re 7 A M i„k. stave at Springfield.al 124 M —i.•... I, llarilor I ... 4 P. M.and New Ha,»ea ai 7 P. M.-lclgo- have N t » Haven by steamboat at b* A. M , and arrive m New York at 2 P. M. Passengers may also leave Grevnbi.-h at j before 1 P. M., arrive in Spriugfurld al 6^ I' M , ihenee .y stage at 8Jto Hartford—lodge—lea vit ll.ii II..id ul ).» next morning iu cars for New Haien and ilu-uce / steamboat, arriving in N , . w York m i P M. Fare lluough to New York, $6. For NEW Voax, by the Housammc Fare ihrough, $b. A tram of cars will leave Greenbusl i*y« "Cjpted) at 9 A. M., reach H, P.M., take boat al 7 A M , and 11* A. MJ Passengers must be at the leoi ..I Maiden 1 Albany, to take R R. Ferry Boat, si - j A M Freight transported daily by ibis line' I.MW bany and New York at rales Iron, $n i„ | i U ,, Flour in lots of'500 bbls. al 60c per bbl., and I less quantity fjOc. per bbl Passengers are particularly request.- ! t u ) tickets before taking seals u, ihe m i . . Tickets can be obtaiued iu A Ihan) Olnce in Maiden Lane. Rail Road - tlailv, (Sun lyrfort ai o eaeli .New i ork al •r any hell. IP" FREIGHT DEPART.VKNT - - \ I Train will leave Greeubush daily, (bun-iuvs <-i ed) lor BOSTON ai ft} A. M. Every Information will be given at the Ire in the depot at Greenbush, by S WITT \t? WM. H. TOWNSKMi, J'«2I Master oil it i.flu * uE^^tj^ac M TO LET, si.ire No. 129 River St. i session given immediately. Aiqdy ja2b J. A ZAN- DER. ingress st. Court House. Apply to TH.CLOWES. febU TO LET. from ihe 1st of May next, house No 61 Norih 1'liird st. For pariiculars. inquire of ! CuRNINGS& PATT1SON, (<bll ?27 River st. 1 of May next, house No 17 : For particulars, inquire of | H~. TO LET. from Is Mm. Norih Third st CORNlNl.S A PATTISUN, febll 227 (liver st TO L E T , Ihe 2 story brick hou-e No 69 Fifth st. Said house is in Hrst rale repair — wuh upper kitchen in rrnr brick i istern, S.c. Inquire al No. 50 Fourth st. febll CIIARI FS Vs'*7IF Feb25 tf M l ;' FARM Si DWELLING 1 »* t , tJ S, tuate neir me resi- euce of the subscriber fifth'- t wn of Hoosick, i convenieni dwel- lini; hou-e of su room-, and wuh il an orchard and TO LET, from ihe 1st Mav next, at tht I g'"l<">' oi ftarres. The irees are grafted und bear most reasonable rents, ihe stores A houses I fruit ol sn,.e..o' quale v, and il marketed wi'l more mentoned below ; : than pay all I ne rent. whu h » ill be put low to suit The 4 story brick stores No*. 32S and , l!l « times The bull lings are al some distance from 330 en the east side of River street, being | «ne highw iv oil pleasantly located If the lessee the comer of River and Federal streets. Ironting ihe i snnuUl r e q i n •• it, a farm ol one hundred and snciy FOK H4L14 on credit, or TO LET, store No. 304 River st , a house aim loi on Fifth st , and oiw on Third si. near the Washing ton Park, a lesirable lot. Also for sale, »r to let, a W ioi lot by 130 on east side ol Third ,>t , la-eU owned by Henrv Sinuh, near Lii.eriy. This loi wil 1 be sold on easy terms In- quire of U GARDNER a27 tf TO L E T , the two new bnrk stores south of and adjoining the Fulton Market. Also, the slore now occupied by N . D Sherwood, No. V|2 River si. Apply to GEO. B. WARREN T O L E T " , TrTim the 1st .lay of May next, Ihe house conunonl) known as the Citv Hall, situated on ihe comer of Second and Con- cress sts—very convenient for a boarding house and offices. The hoii e will be lei cilner wilh or withoui the victualling cellar Inquire at No. S6 Third st. ja24 LLINTON FLACET—TO LET,from the lt-t of May next, h.-use No. I Clinton Place, Albany si. Saul n-use t« s i present occu- pied by E. Gates, Esq. Inquire at Ho. So Fourth st. CHARLES VEAZIE. port WINTER 4HH \ Nl. l:>M VI . SCHENECTADY A. THOI ROAD— Thi* Road is now <,,., traosportaMon of i ussen.-er- so ! i. runuiugin connection wuh the trams on the I i Schenectady Rail Roud ami the boats on i h.- river. The arrangements for the comfort an ! . ou> ol ihe traveler are not excelled on any olher The cars are of the largest class, made and in in the best style, and drawn by new und innr gmes on 'T''rail. The cars will start from the east end ol th.. The hours of departure, uunl further unie . « FROM TROY. 9 A M. to lake the 11 o'k A M run fn m ^ ' . , FROM SCHENECTADY 3 P M., or on arrival of the run from Cm a Fare, 25 cents Siages will be ill readiness to t -on\rv pa•••• the depot al (ireenbush lor HOMOII nr See ^ Stages will also be in readiness n gers lo Albany inn..edioiely uj...» th, ,r .ur;-, ihe West. Fare ihrough lr«m S V . , ia 'i ' ny, hy way of Troy, and from Albany to >cl dy. on the same route, 311 c-ehis. d!9 c. L. LYNDS, SHI.i , ' It til H, < -r.,| shed •rlul en. IIABNJ^LN & CO.'S r|' ja31 mm AUB iii , ja24 if li ihe J TLTAPLE SUGAR.—200 lbs on consignment, 1V1 sale by MOWRY A VAIL, lor mhl 127 River «t N O T I C E . — The undersigned would respectlully inform his customers, and the public generally, that he ha* come to the conclusion to close his shop on the Sabhatb, believing It to be no more than my duty. I shall be happy at all times lo watt on them until IS o'clock Saturday evening. F«b28 Iw _F FLETCHER W ANTED, * situation, by a young man, as Book-keeper, by single or double entry. He would eirpect a moderate salary, and would devote his whole attention tn the interests of hia employ, srs. Address through Tost Office, J I L L Feb?* O RRIS TOOTH PASTE.—Royce k EsierK's superior Tooth Paate for cleansing the Teeth. For sale at DR. HEIMSTREET'S, 10 State st , and at Feb28 Apothecary Hall. 240 River st. i7 - SRlfiirjR'ETH'9 V«getable~Un7versal Pills—warranted genuine. For sale at BARDWELL'S, FebSS 23» River st I ITST R E C E I V E D , a larg* loi of lovTprued PRINTS : also a beautiful article of coarse and whit* mixer! Wollen Yarn at DAY'S New Store. 156 River street, corner ol Congress. F>bt7 Iw F OR MALE CHEAP, 6 superior Dry Goods Counter*, Inquir* of WM. W Feh97 WIGHT. 74 River st. 9 FOR SALE OR RENT—The subscriber offer hi* Farm on Mt. Ida for sale, or will rent it for the Coming rear. The premises produce a large quantity of apples, plums, English and com- mon cherries, pears, grapes, Ac of superior quality. Febtft _K. P HEARTT. D RIED PEACHES *~PLt7MS can1* had at th* eld stand No 90 Congress st. rehaa ^^ c. FALES. I ^ORBST DAYS, a Romance at Olof Times,Vy G P R James—1 vol 8vo, 140 op—price I3A c u. For saMwf BTEDMAN A AcDFIELD, Febaft Troy B"Q% Store. P E V r V A I ^ M E L O D I E S , or Song* of Z.on— F°o' Twentieth edition ; For sale at i n . new Book Store, 9Cannon Placf, try W. A H MERR1AM. OREJrTDAYS, a feemanr* of Old 1 ime«, hy F R Jams*, aalhor of Morlsy ErnaUin, The Robber, Aw tus— Harper*' sdKton—pvic* IS| ct*. Just received and tor •*)« Mr TO J H. POILLON'8 FLOUR OF COCOA, a delicate preparation and wholesome substi- tute for Tea or Coffee, and J. Wallace's No 1 Choco late, a first rate article, for sale at No 65 Congress st by J. F. SIMMONS. febll N OTICE.—Application will be made lo the Le- gislature at its present session, lor an act au- thorizing the setting off of a part of the Sixth Ward i of the city ol Troy, and attaching the same to the i town of Greenbush, embracing ihe iwo Iron Works, Flouring Mills, and Paper Mills upon Wynanis Kill ; and also the Farms owned by'llmmas Buinsiead, Abraham W. De Freest and heirs of John De Fr est. Troy, February 13, 1843. feh!5 JOd AYNE'S EXPECTORANT.—Jayne'sTn" dian Expectorant, for coughs, colds, asthma, in- flammation of the lungs, Ac. for sale st Dr. HEIMSTREET'S, 10 State st. febl3 And at Apothecary Hall, 240 River st. O FFICE of the Rensselaer and Saratoga Insu ranre Company, Troy, January 9. 18-43.—Notice is hereby given to theslockholders of the above Com- pany, lhat an annual eWlKwj will be held at the Of. nee of said Company, on the first Monday of March next.ata o'clock P. M. of thai day, for the purpose of electing twenty-nin* Directors, and also three Inspectors of election. yalO DANIEL HALL, 8*c'y. T AKE NOTICE.—Those wishing Leaf'Lard, or pots filled with Lard, can be accommodated by the subscriber. Likewise Trnderlines, Sparerib, Pork and Beef Hams and fresh Eggs constantly on hand. CHARLES FALES, feb9 No. 90 Congress «t. G < A R 0 E N S E E DSL—^^e~7ubscr7ber Wirt* I" been appointed general agent for the sale oT Garden Seeds raised by the United Society of Shakers in Watervliet, would inform the citizens of Troy and vicinity, that he has lust received a full supply, put up expressly 'or this market, which can be had in any quantity, st the same prices for which they can be obtained at the settlement. 8AMUEL TAPP1N, General Agent, feblO a46RiveTst., Troy S_TOV"E"ES r A B I i l S l f M E N T F O R SALE~. O M. N. STANLKY It CO, desirous of closing their interest in the nove business in this city, will sell their slock ol Sloves and Fixtures, ai very re- duced prices. Our stock Is now very much reduced, and theHlrt reputation acquired for oiir COAL BURNER, Psrlor and Cooking Stoves, together with an opportunity of drawing supplies ss they may be wanted from the Foundry at Poultney, on very favorable terms, with- out any expense for Patterns, are inducements now offered to any one desirous of engaging in a »nug and f irofllable business, without the necessity of a very am* investment, rarely lo be met wuh. For further particular*, apply at No. 231 River St., Troy. feb7 C OPARTNERSHIP.—The subscribers have associated themselves under the firm of FAS- SETT ft CO., and will continue Ihe business of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oft and Dye Stuffs, in all their several branches, at the old stand of J. V. Fassett A Co., 201 River strevt. Troy, February I. 1843. J. V. FA88ETT, D ROBINSON, r«hfl J. A.ORIHWOLD. K" r«M» UTNOfc HARTT. | lit T HE MISSIONARY HERALD for March, r*p*tr*4 by STKDMAN ft REDFIELD, Agents, FshM , ^ Tray Boo* Store. A OBarrrY, Ifl River *ir*»t, tfOT-^Wantel bar*H. Iaw*tr*»r W. f. WILLARD, A«'l. F«bS4 B<w«_drsiar^sAfiS sad snr**. L*«Ifl*a\ eaatrkl and war R.v.r street prafatmi, Aiy n»r*on (boarding how* keeper or »«4) hnfSK nUnJAot room* in lot with hoaVd **r V Imm, wiU jhVaW addr*M Box Foal Ofle*. "I fin rrr i, betv *m-< HEAP DRY GOODS.—Thesubscr.beTwTTh- a* to rednce hit present stock of goods a* much a* poMtkle before prctuuing a Spring stock, and h* lharefore offer* to nit customers a variety of articles tt reduced price*. An opportunity it offered for pur- chasing Flannels, Worsted, W oolen and other Ho •far*; Cloths, 8atra«t*,Calicoe», ftc. A c . t « y cheap at th* O M Fife* Cash Store. fab? Q, V. 9. QOACtCENBUSH. MAM^OT^ CLOTHING STORE, 16*1 LF1 Rtrer st—Received thii day • lot of Pilot Oath flack Coat*» do. Overcoat* | Frock and D»*«* do.; Ptntaloont and a great variety af Vent*. Th* ci(M«n* of Troy sad th* pablra gsawrally, will always find at thi* old established stand the cheap •at, best and most axtansiv* ataortnwat of RM«W Marks Fathionabl* joining north of N*w York— R**tf article will po*it)tely/ be mid at lew pr.ee tnaaf at any other establishment in th* city. W* rw spsMtfully solicit a conliasianc* of the pmnwiRge of oar old customer*, and all other* who are in want of The subscriber has constantly on hand Ready Made Clothing of every kind and quality, consisting of 500 Beaver'itnd Pilot Cloih Top Coals from $4 lo $IS ; splen- id Broadclolh Dress Coats from $8 to $16; 500 pairs of Pants of every quality aud lashion from b'2 c e n t s lo $9 ; a splendid assortment of best Silk Velvet Ve«ts, plain Blk. bg'd, check, Ac from $2 76 to $4 ; Cloth do $1 50 to »2 60 ; and »U kinds of Furnishing Oood«, at prices never belore dreamed of Remember the New Slote No 222 River st., near the Troy Honse. J.B.WILKINSON. P. 8 All goods which do not prove as recommend- i ed—proper remuneration made on application. G*r- I ments warranted to suil, or no sale. feb!8 N OTICE.—The ssbscriher has on hand a good assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERS, SATI- ' NETS, Ac—consistine of Wool-dyed blue blk Broadcloths 1 " blue " " invisible green " " bolile green 1 Olive green " Dark and light mixed ("assimers and SatinetR of all kinds. | Sheep's grey and brown Fulled Cloths, Ac Ac Which will be sold at greatly reduced prices Per- sons in want of any ot the above articles, will do well to rail at ihe Chenp Cash Store, 164 River st , where they will find them at prices which cannot fail to suit. N B. For the purpose of reducing stock as mu< h as possible belore taking an inventory, his valuable stock of English, French and American Prints will be sold oi cost. S.F.MATHER £eb8 ~»OliERT ilSHEH, No" 10 Congress st., has on hand and offers lor sale a general assortment of Oroceries nnd Provisions, viz 6000 lbs. Hams. 6000 lbs. Shoulders. 10 hbls clear Pork. lOhbls. Nos. I and 2 Mackerel 60 firkins choice Dairy Butter. 20,000 lbs. do. do. Cheese. 10 bbls. small White Beans. 4000 Ihs. Buckwheat Flour. 30 bbls. Apples. 30 dozen Pails. 26 do Brooms. 10 bbls Boston Crackers 6 bbls Koda iro. 10 boxes Colegate Pale Soap. 10 do. Candles. Sugar*, Coffee, Teas, Ac Ac. All of which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, by febl ROBERT USHER. B ATES - * SAGE, No. IS0 River streel~h»ve on hand a full and complete assortment of ORO CERIE8, FISH and PROVISIONS, which ihey are prepared to sell on as reasonable terms as can be f iurchased elsewhere—consisting in part of the fob owing articles : 100 packages Tea, consisting of Hyson, Y, Hyson, H Skin and Black Teas. 40 hhds. 8t. Croix, P. R. and Muscovado Sugars. 40 hhds. do do MolaRses. 90 boxes W. and W Loaf and Lump Sugar*. 60 bags Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee. 75 boxes M. R. Rsisins. 60 do Soap and C«ndlr*«. 26 kegs snd boxe* C»vendish, Nail Rod and Ping Tobacco. 100 doz. Broom*. 50 boxes (3 and 6 gross) Pipes 1000 gals. Sperm Oil 46 ribl*. Soda. Sugar and Boston Crackers, (E* Tread well.) 125 qil*. Codfish. 60 bbls. No*. 3 and 3 Mackerel. 30 hall bbls. do do do 10 do Shad. 76 keg* Troy and Northern Nails. 100 bnia* scaled Herring. 60 keg* pure Ginger, (E. Wilhington ) 600 sacks Table Salt. 100 bbls. Western do 100 sacks Liverpool do—fine. Old Wines, a lull and complete assortment. For tale low hy BATES ft SAGE, die" No. IS»_R<»«r •_!;_ A DAM BROWN, the Merchant, by th*"*uthor of Bramhletye House. Ac. Price 19) cts. Jutt published and for sale by STEDMANft REDFIELD, FeMj Troy Book Store. f^URS, Game Btg», Powder Flask* and Shot bridge ; The five brick houses adjoining the above, on ihe north side of Federal st - Nis. 3, 5. 7, 9 and 11— well calculated for r. special le families ; The ? story woodeu house wiih large trardens call- ed the Bathing lloue.on the east side of Seventh n, between Congress and Stale sts—for several years pasl occupied by two lamtli'-a; The 2 story brick house 135 with a large busemenl ) on ihe north side of Congress si, adjoining on the I west to Ihe corner of Eighth and Conwresa sis; The dnuole wooden house called ihe Hurdick house on the south side o| Congress st, cakuialed to ac- commodate several (amines; The double house, adjoining Joseph Stone's store, north side Congress st. continued, calculated for iwo families; The house calle ! the Stocking Factory wuh a sales shop snd woodshop in ihe rear, situate on the north side ol Ongiess st. Under the prevrnl stale of the limes, il is not ex. | fleeted that Ihe rents hereiofore paid can now be nb I lamed from sale prompt paying persons, and no nth- ; r-rs are invited lo call, but such persons as are Utn-wn, or can make ihemselves known to be snle prompt i payers, may calculate on obtaining tenements al rea- I sonnble rents. Inquire of (). Pierson, or i Feb24 _ GEORGE TIBBITS._ | TO I.ET, frortTthe jst~of May nexi.a ' wood cottage 4b' No ih Second str»ei, opposite Christ Church ; Inrpnre of ihe subscriber, S37| River st JAMES DECKER Pos- I one hu seres will be l<u with the house and orcliard session given 1st April next. febll dAc GEO. M TIBHTTS TO Ls : T, hois""""lJo 45~Sixili st., three d»»rs north ol Albany*' Apply at the Mansion H ir*e, to AL X. McCALL. lehIO To LET, from the 1st of May next, the central store No i97 Hive,. s t. now occu- I pied by I). M Filch. Tlie store, from its capacity, localiiy, (kc. is well calculated for almost any kind of bu-iuess The store, together wuh Ihe lofts and lock in rear, will be based I'nr one or more years. For further parluuljrs, inquire on lh. premises of D M. Fitch, or P. H. Ill LK I E Y. fehIO River t Fo* SALE <>H KENT, bnrk house N... 5S King -I. P-ssession given 1st of Mav next. Inquire ai No. 417 in".) ja23 T O L R T , an office, No 2r«3 River 81. fronl- ing on Washington Squa'e. Rent |ow, and possession given immeilialely. Inquire of C. IL A I. JMERRITT. Boston, Liverpool, London, Paris, Hav New York, Philadelphia, A bany, Trm Package Express, Foreign Leiler and I warding Office OFFICES; Messrs Mnclenn, Maris A Co . I.on In Wilmer A Smiih, l.iv " Emerson & Co . p^.ris J A J. G. Woodward, St J.dins, N. li J. B. Saxerac A Co., Havana. Samuel Haight, Esq., American Cnnsu W. Webb, 56 State st , New Haven, (.t nu (.. H Hamilton, Hariford. Conn. J M. Thompson, Sprinstfield, Mn^s. W. Dixey Worcester, Muss. Harnden A Co., 12 Exchange, A'bany. H W Wheeler, Provident.., R. I. Amasa Rice, Pitlsfie/d. Ma^s. ( 3 Wall si.. New York. I Harnden A Co. ? S Courl St., HOM..II, ( 43 SouthTlurd si., Phila.l I Btlhv of Exchange may be had al ihe H. -inn on England, Scotland, l-rance and Aniweiji i I lo 100/. Collections of Dralts, NoUs a-"! llii | purchases of Goods made as above P U L L E N ' *~l i > HP'S ' NEW-YORK.ALBAN Y.TRtiY ANIJ.NK I EXPMI>.s. ' n^HE subscribers, the old coiuli 1 1 ACo'i Antwerp I M I. It EX ! 0 rrai Eur \. i- Iphia. I.fTue. oui 3/ - II11-1 lei, VI I.I A I. .1 II.. York TO L E T , ihe Inree hsK near the rail road bridae It has formerly been occupied by the Union Temperance Society, alio is well filled up with seals. Il wil. teat five nr six hnnd ed persons li will be rented very low. Any society wi»hog IO be tccorumrxUted one or iwo eve- ning ui the week, can be, oo reasonable terms, Ap* <**MaV' .Sic. ply to ja23 _feb22 To TO L E T , the 3 storv hru k More No 2H) RIVT st. Possession given immediately, or on the 1st ol May nest A Uo the wooden store adjoining the above Also the 2 story dwelling house No. 4(1 North Third si., from the 1st of May Inquire of the subscriber at ihe office of the Howard Trust and Banking Co., or at his honse, 157 Second st. feb9 _ GKO Q POMKROY. TO LET, fro mi he 1st of May next, the 3 slory brick house wuh basements and deep cellar, No \f>2 Second st. One other 3 slory brick house with base- lent, No. 17 Liberty st. One other 3 slory brick house No. 112 River si The above houses arc finished in good style, with I ling doors, 2 ma-hie chimney pieces in each, set .,-.-, LET a small wood dwelling, convenient , nf Rr | or8 are new , lm) ,„ ,„„, ^ Te at „, \ V| i emu la.mlu r^nl Int., * Inonire nl . . . . . . . * » . for a small family— rent low : Inquire of JAMES DECKER, feb22 337J River St. TO LET, from the 1st of May nexi.a 2 g ory wood d welling house south of canal avenue on Third si. Il is conveniently situated for two small families; Inquire of ROBERT McKINNEY, II F. rrv «t. TO L E T , 4 three story brick houses, Nos. 167, 169, 161 and 1b3 First street- new and in good order—possession given 1st May : apply to J A ZANDER. febSt js TO LET, from the 1st day of Mav next, an elegam t,ree story brick dwelling house No 4> Norin Second st. Satd house is neatly fint-heii in modern style with marble man- lies. Attached to it is a large yard It is situated opposite ol cjknst church. Inquire of the subscriber, 3.1 4 River st. JAMES DECKER, febl TO LKT.II ~ri»t and flowermg mill in perfect ^ order, mlh house, shed and garden—situated very central position in ihe town of Hoosick, and does the busme.-s of a large section of country. feb'l GEORGE M TIBBITS. be rented nt vory redu Inquire ol fehfl d tents lo good families. PHILIP HEARTT, No. 156 Second st. To LET, Irom Hie 1st of May nexl, ihe 2 story woo.l dwelling No 'in Second st. Inquire at S3 River st. /NO. HUNTER. feb9 ANTHONY AMt'RRISON. TO LET, store No. 1ST) River street, nriu piel at present hy Vanderheyden, Morgan & Grander Possession given immediately.— Apply io MALLARi A DOUGHTY8, 187 River s' TO L E T . the beautiful and spacious house situate in t he village of West Troy, between the tipper and lower Ferries on the bank of ihe Hudson river, adjoining the residence of E. C. Litchfield, Esq , and for fome years past occu- pied by P Comstock , together with a dock 50 feet wide on the river adjoining the same Apply to M, R. Peak. West Tt4iy, Jan. 14, )K43. jaHS FOK s l A L E . five vacant lots on Hill st ; '•III dimensions, 25 by I3n deep Terms made I easy—lor ten jenrs. ,— * Also three l"ts with good wooden houses on each. These hits are in a central situation, near Ihe intended Depot "I ihe Great Western and Green- Inquire corner of State DAVID ELLIS. s Northern Express from New continue lo run as hereiofore. leaving N.m V bany and Troy, DAILY, and connect si li Jamb's Montreal Express, and will Inrwnr.l Bank Notes, Packages') Bundles.Cas«« ol i.o Ac, to any. place between Nrw York an! M nlieul, and throughout the Canadas ; also, east from I r.y and Albany lo Boston, and west Irom Altwn, <<> Buf- falo and intermediate places. All busiues- entrusted to their charge will by promptly attended to (Hikes—PULLEN A COPP. 2$ Wall st. Nc« V.-k, THOMAS GGUGH, 16 E n i liomi*. G. EILK1NS,238 River st JACOBS, Exi hange Courl. New York I Prime, Ward A King, Jacob Little A Co i J.ihn T. Smith & Co. i Pepooii A Hoffman, Carpenter A Vernnlye Houghton A Co. i Drew, Robinson A Co. I n22 REFERENCES A.I..T F. J. II. ii Thomas 1. •1 r..y John I'aim P. Weils.-, Silas K. Si,. (..' S. Ilouu !a F. Leake, 'Irr,. St I s Mi !irer) Cast... Ur, PAN \ l I A I bu-h Road no* building. and River sts. islfl ri) L E T , fr.,m the 1 si of May ncxl, the 2 story woo.len dwelling house No. S6 Third at , next south ol the Baptist church, now occiifried bv M II. Fraser Inquire of feb9 _ _ KEI.LOUGjs A CO.. 215 River st. TO LETVlhe iwo story brick dwelling house No. 21 Albany street, at preReni II occupied by L. R. Sargent, Ksq. FV>«- se»s|on mven on the 1st day of May next AI«w, the lhr. e story house No. 61 Fourth street, at present occupied by H E. Schoon- maker Possession given 1st of May next. Also, the two Rtoi y wooden dwelling house on the north west rorner of Eotirlh snd Albany st*. Pos- session given on the 1st day of May next. For terms, apply to the subscriber, at this office \| EW ARRIVALS The.pl.s. IN most respectfully tn innoiinc T O C A R R I A G E M A K B R " . - F o r sale or to lit, from 1st May next. The carriage shop* m Sixth st , now occupied by T Birge, and lately by llirge, Smith & Co., nre offered for sale, nr woiil-i be leased tor a term of yenrs The buildings are nil of brick built in the most sub- . stanli.l manner, and are now in good repn.r, wifb among which are an elegant ftssornrie, every facility lor doing all binds of work, there are [cloths, both French and English ; al--o j Vit H A"it ntt'o>% AM'ERICAN IV- for the cure if salt rheum, diseases of il,.- j ulcer sores and scrofula, arising ln.ni nn| in leui .,\o of mercury, rheumatism, i c . &c. This is to certify that havini had ihe salt tl.i-.nn j for four years, and having ined eve, y n, ng kn- »n •« 'cure wit'out relief, I was aliout .|es| aircur. wli'ua friend recommended the American Piiua, -a. and 1 ' am happy lo state lhat wuh n-ai,,' cue buliie n i l * half I was entirely cured. J. Seymour. V. .Iiiii!. N V Sold by WEED A W A T E R S . "23 il,-. e r s t , T . . • - manufactured by R. Richardson jaii 3m rd,.-r^ I .-•_. '.- M .i llic and patrons,and the public generally, that i just received an additional supply ol W.ni, i : s i - ^ II ma a,. every facility lor doing all kinds of work, there are cloth*, both Frencn artel Knglisn; al-o plain ami six inod fires, a cjvnven.etlt wood shop, show shop, i f »"cy elastlt French Cas«imef«, tbe Int. -. an-l most trimming shop, an extensive pa* loft and two con' !PP ro r* d ^T U > r ,0 «'' her Z' ." '"' '." '^ " vetnenres lor hoisltflg carriages Into either of ihe I «»"" V " m *'' f ? r , New , Y " r ' * P * r ; Al ' '"'^ l 0 j, g ° * | Goods have been laid in to the he«t ndvnni.ii - , m,l febS JAS. M. «TEVENS()t>r_ TO L E T , the second story ol store No 8IH River st, divided mto two well fin ished rooms, with an entrance on River _ st.. from l«t nf May nexi. The r.'oms I'O LET, Irom ihie 1st of May next, the 2 [ woold be pleasant for a lawyer's office or anv me- chanical business, F. MORGAN", febS 2 II River at. T O ~ L E T , from 1st Mar next, ihe 2 sio- jH& Ur B«f«, »I™*! **«ortnient on hand and fo* aale at KTn. 336 Aiver at. H HARRIS N. B. Powder and Shot, Percussion Cap*. Gun Wad Cnttcrt^atc. Ac. febj W bOL AMD F L A * . - 5 0 0 0 lb*, n e e c W o o l ; 4000 lb*, first quality Wesura FU*,ju*tr«- ceived and for **le hy MALLARY ft DOUOHTYS, febl 187 River st. story and basemeni brick dwelling house 47 Fourth st. Apply to 8.8. DAIICHV, feb21 233 River st. M COf'NTRY SEAT FOR SALE OR RENT - Pi|S The subscriber offers TOT sale Ins residence al Hoostok Falls, Rensselaer CO., N. Y. The dwelling house is of hrtek, 8 stories high, 52 by 34 feet, with wings 3> by 24 leet—the whole ele- gantly furnished and supplied with every possible convenience. The yards and walks arc neatly flag ged with bnck and marble, and the grounds around the honse, embracing three acres ha*e been laul oui with much care, and planted with floe shade trees and ornamental shrubs—together wuh one hundred young fruit trees, consisting of choice varieties of apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, apricots, qoincet ftc. The dwelling is situated on a gentle eminence over- looking the village, and commands an extensive view of the romantic valley of the Hoosick. Any quantity of choice improved land, from 8 to 140 acres, will be sold with the premises. Th* above property Is situ* ted in a noh and highly cultivated agricultural region, and is * most desirable location (or a gentleman nl isslo and leisure. If not sold, the house,'awti and garden will be leased for a te.m of years, at a very moderate rent, There la a flourishing and popular Academy in the village. Terms reasonable, and payments to suit the pur- ohtaer. For further particulars, inquire of J. H Thayer, Esq. N.York city, Daoi*l Gardner, Esq.. Troy, or on the premises, of (..CHANDLER BALL Hoosick Fall*, feb. tt, 1843. I«b90 ita» TO LET, from the Isi day of May next, two S ttary buck dwelling hwtrae* on the treat aid* of Rirar Nt. between Division and Liberty *ta.. No*. T) and 10, at p»e*%vntoceoy>feirfy ' Crsadall and z. Fields. Said MMMM are nearly m I>b8 li ry brick dwelling No. 33 Orand Division, it., now occupiedby J Morrison, jr. Il|.|li|ie of HAIGHT, GILLESPY A CO. 269 River St. TO LEI", from ihe~1»t "of" May next, the elegant brick dwelling bouse No. 66 wesl id* of Fifth M . now occupied by H. 7. Hayner, Esq. Trie house is in good repair throughout—has water privileges m the yard, nnd « tine brick barn snd cat nag* hoime on the rear of the lot r or pari unlars, inquire ol DM FITCH, feb7 IS' Riter st E irnf &*1H, latitat T tow '•* <*«h at the old stand af Clark ft Landou, corner of Utter and Waahmgton ttt by 419 H. LANDON. P fe¥i»T|r»' • B I / l « - t N « T I I t J C T O t l io Writ. lag, adapted w the *** of *ch«ol«, far tale at the Clothing. WILKINSON ft CO. _fek« '* *****.**- *** » f *« Fit- 'I'^ttaa oopart«*f«h»p «rr*tfM tfnaar the firm of -l AraAld ft Oardaer r* dltiomrj. A|l perions In. dehted to said Arm Eebmivy 7, 1S48 m a k e »>aym#rn tr> m e ^ T r e y ISOH ARNOLD. H lwpo»«pfhii««*v«k ilow co»t. t»» D. M. FTOMr**. - * ft.- All tho*e indebted ta me either by not* or bonk aeasMK, will plea** rail «nr{ tettl* th* s*m* withotM osllay. f #b7 Tarl*ty'8i<T*, eoraer Stat* a»l tfitth it*. Oi'tJIR ATtfi.—A »*» ttipply thi* day r*c*iv*d O from Bo«tan and for sale P«b24 kr\nV*. of tK« v,rt best quality ot HMOVHV tiU SEED, for sat* low by . M. 1 m The buildings being in a central situation, a good business might he done st repairing alone. Eor terms, Ac. apply lo ihe subscriber. E. ROSS, ja|6 63 Grand Division st. TO LET, from the 1st day "f May next, three dwelling houses, Nos. 60, 62 and 64, wi'h brii k fronts, on the east sulo of Fifth s t , corner of Albany st Rent will be very reasonable. Inquire at the office of the Rensselwer Saratoga Insurance Co. jalO TO I.KT. the livery stable in State street. opposite the co itre market ground. Pos- session given iinmediaiely. Inquire st lf»3 Hiver at j*7 M FOH SALR OM TO R E N T , from the 1st nf May next, ihe brick store coroer of River and Ferry SIB , formerly occupied by Dickmson A Curtis. For terms apply to «sM-4 1 HI, i!28 r. MOWI 127 River st. *mt ft VAtt, iVl River st lor* tha 1 PI bv CamnaJatstlFaafttrNsrl* Is Store MiRtrsfV.** iptrtar arii«l* t*d aot to ia- IIL FA8TE BLACklwa*,.« ' r *t ' j"t fclut JMlfiki •nil wsrranl th* Mtikwr. For Ml* at *8 Cmmm new and finished in rAadarn ttyl*, Willi marble tje« tod kitchen* in rear. Also th* dock in r**r of Mid h i i i n , which h«* an office and lumber thed* on it, Niaf well eatcnlatetl for a retail loanbar yard. Alto th* 4 story dw*llr*g rMWM with kitchen la rear, No. 96 Sixth tt.,« pre*—t oc*™pbj «by VVm A'|*O hrtek dweiliaft hooso Mo 144 Cv^tgres* tt cat- yn*«d,wri»*tof*an9«rit. Irrwireof ' wTJiRKI ft EDSON, febIS ^__1__ l " How it. QMOKVlTmNaisFw^ft *B>li' lot of superior rabtt Comer of Ptf\h ahif "^Tfa" *d1rT»#OI t. MORGAN, It River it Hfltva and | Ho**, of virions CiMriit it.—ManM J Mf **ry cheep at ABA SS Htl > m I* and t:> 11. a qualities, telling ft Q * l K H V . -^HHk, Wool, Merm H«. Mt. | Ho*,, of r.Ho„ j g j g t , ^ . , ^ ^ g ^ M f t s ^ ? TO LET,'fromTiuS 1st of May nexl. the S ttnry brick dwelling house No. 80, casi tide First St., now occupied hy G. V. S Qjiackenbush The 3 brick houies on State St., Nos. 47,54 and 68. The brick house No. 91 Sixth tt. Alto the barber «hop oppouie Mechanic*' Hall. River tt., and several tmall tentmenis. Inquire of B. T. CU<HMAN, ' e ' ,7 __^__ - r .Wathington Place, TO HEMT. the stor* No 3lfi River si now Occupied by Rlntc.hford ft Red held, and I ptvssesstoo given immedtalely. Inquireof wkaaaV KELLOGOS ft CO. febfi 816 Hirer tt. T o f i . u r . f l o m ih* ittof May next, th* 3 tlory brick dwelling houte No. 6S StAte tt.. which It well built m modern ttyl*. wtth marble manile pietet, ftc. Inquire of J . R. CA4j n , )l ^i*«.«,orof B m t t ., f.Mb,cftg . . , f&im «t. <MkjMTO R U N T , from 1st of May nswt, »!•*» 17» River «t., eccupied by Joba Kerr ft Co. Stor* 16V " " " "A- NOIWM*, Hou** 81 " " " " John Chritti*. HottM M " " " " Mk* R. Eddy. Al«o,600f*«tofdork. . Alto, teveral tmall lenementt. Inquire of E. Tattrnpaon 8*l*i 169 Rr*er * t a or ',, " ],!.„!- ' JOHN L THOMPSON, feh4 KumMj ISl River it. "SL^LLitt I O ; FLALIC-J O Ll|'l, irom the 1st nf May nexl, hoot** No. 1.1 and 6 Clin- too Place, Albany tt. laid bonne* *r* in Hrst rate r*p*if, "Hh trrry coovorHenc* for TO 1*»T, house No. 119 Fifth, betw.m State mod Congret* tit., convenient for two families. It will he rented with the privi- lege of oftder-lettirig lh* opper part of it.— 8 T O R E TO I,ET, and possession giv-n im nediately.No 3ftfl River street wlthl»rgc yard and shed attached, newly rcpa<red and in complete order—a desirable stand for country or city trade. Inquireof RMITH A WOOD T O L E T , a good -itualion for* public: house, on Congress .ireei, and well calculated for country business, on a term of years. The buildings will be lined up to tun the conve- nience of the lessee, and the rent will he put very low Inquireof HEO. M. TIBBITS. d22 Til TBI'MK. one small dwelling »f four rooms, yard anil cistorn. Rent low. 11 <• , Inouireof jsi. nl!) GEOi M- TIBBITS^ Tl» L E T , the upper rooms •< bans* No. 10« Third st. Rem low Inqnir* of J. F. SIMMONS, 65 Cnnirrets st. Goods have been laid in to the he«t sdvanui shall be disposed of«t much reduced pru COONKV k MDNTV.n:. d24 Merchant Tailors, No. 7 C innmi PI icy . H A R O T I M E S pulnt defiance ' Just rrren-l at 246 River street, a grneia nssorlmetit ol La- dies' and Gents - GLOYES, Mill ENS and \ . o i i A fINH. Also,s..me more ol lho.e cheap iJuti-, fnr which there has been so great a demand I.ikewiso an assortment ol Fur and Cloth CAl'N The above arti.'le* will be sold so very l»v as m put tl» hard lines at defiance. All rampemion, with respect to good articles and low prim**, is use- less , so lhat th..so wishing to pur. base. |.y call.ng on the subscriber, a ill h**e no occasion lo go ..is^ where, ai thry m»y be sure ol bring »uit<-d (all at 246, and call in season. S TAPI'IN dlo__ _ I iA»*t1 TAILOftlfvG i.H TA BL1SII \i 1 '.NT - [' .1 KJ HKNDRYX, corner ol River nnd first street,, (up stairs) tenders his servlres to hi-. <•: I i U-II.UI.TS and the pnblic generally, al nnres corri pon.l-og > ''> the limes. A foil share nf ] ttronnge is resp>. t, ,,:y •alicitexl:" N B Very particular sttenton paid In cutl. dlO tf H ABTVWARK BRINCKERHOFF, CA . . i ^ A OAI.E have received their Fall imporrii s of Hard wore and Cutlery, which, with the floods re reived from th* American m**unV»nrie», makes 11.-ir assortment full sndcomtdete. Merchants ond . n . n wishing lo purchase, c*n be lurnish*4 *n faio, n.te terms._ _ "* . C»n be found ai Ifls River \ i x Blue 'tot, naiural and coloreu Lynx and Grnneit Squirrel and i*oncy Muffs ; alto Sen 1 j..n. Leoinrd tfld GenneU Sleigh Robes, and an assoitmrat of Fur Cap* sn4 Hal* comtiintly on hand. 4i3 DAVID EI.LIS ft SON- FOB S4 L E — T h e thra* story brick HOBS* ... tad Let No. 16 Third st. A l*rg« portion o( !|Ji the [.iirchase money can remain on bond and mortgage. For particular* inquire on the premises, or of the subscriber, at his store, 172 Riv. «r tt. Ttoj- ofi CALEB HAZEN. |Bfc loss. In T«» I>ET, jUtrt ofbiiildmg 15| Congress •trtwt, pied At Inquire of ttrret, rill tr« r*t of Mtfiiext, lately occa pled • * * merchiwil last year. faflor'f shop. lUnl B. WIGHT ft SON, •''.-' yixiw^ TO*ME* Ir, hou*e' K o . 16 ElbOw ttreal.— Pbssetsion can be given imm«r)fcte||, It> qwr* of dAf*E ft CO. af 3 Eranklin Sqnar*. HTOTJTB LADIES.- A street, a general assnrtn eni of MI U s , *il*r\. M J O B •IOOOWAN • E I ) lor o n . or t w o •JP».)V f\f yetrton Bond and Morigag"-. on aistate in thit city worth f,400fi Post Offio*. R ..n I Ad.Ires. I . . i 1.H7 d«S "tASrt FOB FLAX.—the cath, on deliver* 193 River street. Troy, will be paid for s r '"' [ ^A8 I J at clean nnd well dressed Frax. W.T- WILLARO, An'i nlRittf , IMS Hiver pj I O t ft S k i - fothVMtVinmerc al B:\nk of T O tOthare* SchenectadA ^.nd Snra ng.i Rail I 12 90 dft * New Yfrk a*d Tmy-stetMnhoBi IN. , Adamt llntk, hw salt !•> A C F M . E J \ S . 82J* River ,t fay 1 tot family - mi Medn,.i Full* vt lit >L«sOR, of ehWe hyvtad* ri» . • ! . i , -.• •' pare ol b. Third tt. hjquire of M H. Frater, N o t W Hivei SI orooiiio ureitii-es, , «80 IO L E T , ihe r»om over Apo^mafy'riall, No. 840 Hirer tf reel, pleasest location for an office. Apply to HEIMSTREET ft ANORE8, 84«lt|v«rtt. •.wrr-pj ^laaati.niua*........!., ttgi .1*1(1 ~w --S.P .. '. .if •> 'j * TO L E T , at taw rent, ftir the k*ll»ne*o4 0?»l ^^aVia»<i .|»» 1 a*g.«4f W| .IsiitKl^rliMlkKMtlH Kj doxen hero-ttitched Line* trr u . r n r Hdkf*. **lling off M the low priea of »* Sd earl*. Thw h**t asaortmevit •! Moot, d* L*i«e In the- * r w « »*ry red»c*.l price*, ml a larg* lot of Fr*nch Calico am!JMu*lm, at cow aa I let* than co*t, by f. MORGAN, V Samtntt, Veniee, Eagle,* Also hrfcheaief, Loebpnn, »H«ck R ~ k a m ft<rur'**H warraittrdattd delivered in any , a-. . .,iv * #. N- H1> S I , M l c % -. T ^ J " • r Wifjht.deceated, in the stock and tra • Arm ofTv1*»*r*. AMen A Wight, uliere > good nt** h*sbe«n done A better opporim-.u '• i to be found, inquireof D. VVH.HT ft M'N nlrt Ml H-- I il.. hoi i.ii TON, »»8.R«»« »tr#*o**v» •"»"""'•* "'• /«MtW>4s*»it*^'..l Hllfil" ftldTtsMgrinife** be l...n <l i- f or els. w * * £ i t * * * * * , - 1 «* W AlrlKD LVMIlaW-tiasW wrr O ready tnpplwd theWlltUt) r*» "' » hn>e , . i a tnpplled thetwihtj, raw Is* have , I e , . ftkl* of doiig M , « r*di*Nf prires They " toU »t *t low • rat* •* t»r tteiweiyB* j d j < «milai ****. A.hil.i.KK Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: II house No. 21 Albany street, at preReni › Newspaper 18 › Troy NY...-•+ -*r: i .• . u* .. • . «•• • ' - *.* . M .-The copartnership b. * 11 tsjhtoikait. wAntr thoaw*

-•+ -*r: i

.• . u * . . • . «•• • '

- *.* . .. ; (| |

M . - T h e copartnership b. * 11 tsjhtoikait . wAntr t h o a w *

erhoB, Catlla * Gale , w t i disa-1 v rd oa the l i t instant, by latitat. consent, Th* THUMB** of the late firm will ft*. **ttl*d by E. Thompson Gal*, who is hereby authorised to use the name fe< that purpose. Troy, M a r c h * . 18*3 , ,


Th« subscriber wil l continue the Hardware bos*-oeaa, (as heretofore conducted by Brinckerhoti, Cat-lia ft Gale) at N o . 169 River at.

m h t g . THOMP8QH G A LK

TU B copartsership of BrinckerhofF ft Catlin was diaaaived on the 1st instant, by mutual cousent.

The unsettled business will be closed by I R Callui, who is for that purpose authorized to use the name of the h im. Troy , March 2d, 1848.


( P O P A R T W E R S H I P . - W e e d f c Thufman have v ^ taken into copartnership Henry E. Weed, aud wil l continue Ihe Wholesale Grocery and Commission business under the firm of WEEDS ft T H U R M A N , at 848 Rtv*r st. Troy, March 1st, 1843.

A L 8 0 P WEED, R. H. T H U R M A N ,

m h t HENRY E. W E E D .

U. L A D l T S ' ^ R ~ i ^ C * i 8 U U E 8 — R e c e i v e d •*• this day at the Cannon Place Bool and Shoe

Store, a large lot of ladies' Frenoh Morocco Raskins—thick soled ,

Do do do —pump do Do do T i e s , Do do Slippers ,

Kid do Dark green and colored French Morocco Buskins,

a splendid article. These , sod a general assortment of gentlemen's, ladies' and childien'a Shoes, are offered at low prices for cash, st No 4 Cannon Place.


^ I j i H ' S l n f a T f i b i e Health Plac

GEO. H. BULL^ mh2

K M I C t t E H B O C K i j l T T o T M a n - h T j u s t received by 8 T E D M A N * REDFIELD. Agents,

mhS Troy Book Store

S~ ~ P H T T C E C I J M . — A choice Tot of Spruce b u m , for sale at

Dr. H E r M S T R E E T ' 8 , 10 State st , and at mhl Apothecary Hall, 240 River st

DR . B E N J A M I N Pills, for sale at 48 Congress st—Morris Place

M U K P a V - M U F F * at groat bargaias—Just re-c*iv*d at 1 Cannon Place, a contigooMut of aa-

•ortod Muffs froat a Broadway e»tabUdw*»nt, which wil l be sold withoui regard to cos t ,owing to the ad­vancement o f the s e a s o n j blk Genet, 9 60. short Lynx, 4 88, Liberia*," 4 to 6 dol lars: blue Vox, 9 60 , Russia Cub, Fitch, and Rabbit. Ladies will do well to look at this lot, aa they wi l l buy litem now 30 per cent cheeper than at the first o f the season.

Crimpolme Bands (or collar* i crimped Dimity for raffling ; Thread Lacea ; Silk Cravats ; and the usu­al variety of Lace and Fancy Dry Goods, all of which are offered at the lowest prices Tor cash.

f e b U E. B. 8 T R 0 U T .

A L T E R A T . V B O B S T O M A C H P I L L S — T h e s e Pills gent ly sad gradually cleanse the

stomach and bowela, without any sensible cathartic effect, and are an excellent medicine for sour or sick s tomach; , headache, dizziness or distress in the head, liver complaint, jaundice, habitual costivaness,piles, and all other ailment* arising from a dyspeptic hab­it—sold at the Botanic Medicine Store, 181 Fourth s t r e e t , price 3a per boz. feb88_

OP E R A T I O N S U P O N T H E T E E T H , at pricea to suit the times.—Win. W. Brock way A

H . J . Paine, Dentists, have entered into a copartner­ship and taken rooma at No 8 Second street, former­ly occupied by Dr Brock way, where, by constant at­tendance end by their united skill and experience, they hope te give entire satisfaction in every opera­tion performed In the Denial Art.

H J. Paine, formerly of 22 Fifth street, returns his cordial thanks to Ins former patrons, and invites them to call la future at 8 Second st. _ f e b S 8 BROCKWAY & P A I N E .

GR A S S SEED.—160~bbla just received aud lor sale in lots to suit purchasers by

M O W R Y * VAIL, febSS 127 River St.

„_ n>*ir * t f t T a . B R O C K W A Y * F A I R S , D I H T U T S , fe|H • • * • • • • • 4 *ti**t, corner o f Albany .


IHlli ...

O vado Sugars, lor sale by the hhd or bbl, by MOWRY 4 VAIL,

feb2i 127 River st

OH I O I ' l . l i l ' K — A small good article.

F.6S4 XV

loi jus i received—a T. W I L L A R D ,

193 Riverst

* B T 8 I ) W E L I „ D E N T I 8 T 8 ,

N o . 14 VfMn avnjtJKT, (CTGold awl Tiu Foil for sa le for cash. n7


N o . 8 Washington Square. Just received at the Bool and Shoe Warehouse,

men'* Cowhide Boot*, a prima article j men's Kip do. do. ; large and small boys' Boots, first quality ; winch will be sold at reasonable prices to correspond with the times. 8 A M U E L B R A C K E T ! - .

o4 tf

SA L J E R A T U H . — 7 casks are offered lor sale by H A K E S Si B A T T E R S H A L L ,

ME D I C A T E D C O U G H C A N D Y , an excel. lent article for coughs, hoarseness, tickling in

the throat, ate &c-»for sale at 48Congress st.—Mar-ri* Place, by GEO H . B U L L


1 C A S M P E A R L B 4 R L E Y . for sale Tow by H A I G H T . G I L L E S P Y A CO

d e l 327 River st

feb!3 269 River st

/ C H R I S T I A N O B S E R V E R for February


Dublin University Magazine Northern Light " "

8 T E D M A N A REDFIELD, Agents, mhl Troy Book Store.

~ R l l i n b r p E A C H E S . ^


-For sale by MOWRY A VAIL,

127 River st.

WA R R A N T E D T O C U R E JONES' HU­MOR DROPS, a warranted cure for salt rheum.

scrofula, leprosy, erysipelas, and all their kindred l i seases The money will be refunded in all cases where the Drops do not effect a cure, or the patieot la dissatisfied with the effects of the medicine. The gentlemen who hare freely given their names in ic commendation to this valuable medicine, say—

We. the undersigned, having long born personally acquainted wtrh Mr Charles Jenes of Claremoot, N. H., and with the effects of his Humor Drops, do cer­tify, that of the many persons they have known to use these Drops according to the directions, all have been entirely, or so far cured as to have no doubt of the certain good effects of this medicine, lor all the liseases it is recommended.

[The names o f the gentlemen given are too well known at heme and abroad, to have their recommen­dation doubted by any one ]

Erastua Glidden, Cashier Claremoot Bank ; Joaiah Richards, M D Claremont, TlmotlryS Gleason, M D " Newton Whitte lsey , town clerk, Simeon Ide . " Asa Sartwell, Joseph Weber. Associate Editor "Eagle , " R F Lawrence, Pastor Cong Church, H 8 Smith, Minister Episcopal Church, W Clare-

mout. Claremoot, N H.June 28, 1841.

)rops can Or C HEIMSTREET'S ,

rahfi No 10 Htste at, Troy.

C~ A R D M A C H I N E R Y E O R S A L E — M y vir-tne of a chattel mortgage executerl to the sub­

scribers by Messrs. Phillips & Co., of Troy. Rensse laer county, we will sell on Tuesday the 14ih day of March, 1843, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, all the

firoperty mortgaged as aforesaid, consisting of a arte number of Card Machines for ihe manufacture

of Cards, of great value. The sale will be absolute, and to the highest bidder, ID the building where the machinery is now stored, near ihe Rail Road Bridge. Troy, February 2Sih, 1*43.

The President, Directors, and Company of ihe Springfield Bank, Springfield, Ms.

mhl 144

O T O V E , T I N , At S H E E T I R O N W A R E . O The subscriber having purchased on ihe 30lh day of January last the entire stock in trade of Mr John Lock wood—consisting of an assonmeui of Cooking aud Parlor Sloves , and a good assortment of Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, Ac Ac—would respect-fully solicit a share of ihe public patronage in thai line. The subscriber has obtained the services el John Lockwood, who will remain in the concern, and consequently leels confident that he shall give entire satisfaction lo those who may favor him with their custom. W I L L I A M LOCKWOOD,

Ieb2l 194Jtiverst

G O D E Y ' S L A D Y ' S B O O K for Msrch] Graham's Magazine do

The Lady's World ol Fashion do Received and for sale at the Book and Music Store

IK6 Hiver st A KIDJJER Ieb2l

i t U S E Y t f U R < ' 6 U G H S 7 — BARRINGEK A

N E W BOOK S T O R E . W . Jt H . M 8 R R I A N ,


No. 8 CaiuroB P L A C E , T B O T , N. Y. s e p l 8 ^

"" W I I . L l A H T . W I L U A R D , 193 River street,

COMMISSION M E R C H A N T A GEN'RAL A G E N T Office of Regular Line Boston Packets is under his

charge. jy30 tf

8 T E D M A N A R J E D P I E L . D , ( Succtttor* to EJuta Ualtt,)

BOOK-SELLERS A N D 8 T A T I 0 N E R 8 , 't't& R i v t a S T S E E T , T a o r ,

Respectful ly announce to ihe patrons of Mr G A T E S and ihe public generally, that it is their intention to keep up the assortment, by additions of standard and new publications of merit, and hope, by fidelity and strict atteution lo ihrir business, lo preserve for the establishment it* former good name.

Particular atteution will be paid to procuring the best of Paper and Stationery in general, and any rare or other Books which may not be on hand. iuy4



iuy l7

R .

am !BH

HOUSES TO LET, &C. o f 8 « c o n 3 nan H o n .

T O L E T ^ h * Coltaae , *a*t i atre*t, formerly occupied by

-tarya-from 1st May n e i t . ' A l so , house oa alley between River and

North Second streets, abort Vanderbeydan street, in roar of C. Will iamson'* bra** foundry

A l so , house on alley in rear ol No . 89 Seventh at. Inquire o f GEO. GOULD,

' « 6 f OTtiwress st.

T O L E T , from the 1st May aext , the 8d and 34 stories o f the brick store No. 164 River.

corner o f Congress si —entrance on Congress s i—a most desirable locafon for office- of any <fe» tripliou, or mechanical purposes. Rent exceedingly low. In­quire immediately of

J. B. W I L K I N S O N * CO. _jnhj^ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 180 River s i .

A TO L E T , from the l i t May next , the large brick house on the west side of River St., be-

low Washington, and the seven vacant lots adjoin nig il on the south. Inquire of

GILES B. KELLOGG, mill tf 2 9 f First st.

T O L E T , from the 1st May next7~thje~dT sirable residence, N o . 8 Washington Park, now occupied by Mr Shaw.

Also ,s tore No. 3 0 7 | River st. J. C. H E A R T T A B R O T H E R ,

Feb28 t< 181 River st

I T O L E T , that well known grocerylsiure No. 39 Grand Divison, corner o f North Third street.

Al so , the dwelling house attached to the said store, suitable for 2 families. Posaesslou given 1st May uejit. Inquire of

JOHN MORRISON, Feb28 Iw 269 River st


* r # | l , ATI

H i l A * . * . . '•- . «.!'•• ' » ! / '** « « • • « -JM I' |

, i » » ,©i » ,v •—>• 4»?»f i # » fW«i ,» WOO »«f»

I . . . . .


t « . . ' i a n i f , ( 1


» > 6 M » t 4 LVr%mfb, »31nIiT s i o r s n over No . SFraBklia Square i both sLov.es will be

r * f c k ! r . t 0 t f l W TW3T <t!»*«lfc ' C A w R * CO.


il Feb28

' r « > R E N T , store" No 64 Fourth s i s . , now occupied by 8


' P O L E T 1 N o . 8 i « i

corner Congress and by 8. K. Sterne

^GEO. M TIBBITS^ ••uses Nos . 6 and 8 Liberty st.—

TRKETER'S Cough Lozenges are used daily with the most happy results in cases of colds, coughs, hoarseness, lightness an.I pains in the chest, and all bronchial affections. A trial ol a single box is suffi­cient to prove their efficacy. Sold at 121 Fourth st. Price 26 cents per box. Ieb21

H~ E R K I M E R C O . CLOVER SEED.— 40 bush els prime new Seed

sale by MOWRY & VAIL, feb31 127 River st

R~ E I H O V A L . — D r ~ H ~ T ~ removed to No. 8 Second St.. corner of Albany


/ M E A T B A R G A I N S — e e l l i n g at c o s t — T h e j U subscriber, about to make a change in his bus<-iiess, offers his large and extensive assortment of i goods, consisting in part of Hardware, Watches, I Clocks, Jewelry, Fancy and Shell Goods, for sale at i cost prices. Dealers in this line and others would ! do well to call and examiue, aa his slock is very heavy and bought at liut lowest rale. Terms cash.

JAMES DECKER, _ d 2 1 337$ River »t.

i ^ O M M I S S l d Y X G E N T S I N B O S T O N . — vV The subscribers offer their services for ihe sale of Woolen and Cofon Goods, and other descriptions oi American Manufacture*

S T E E L E , D E X T E R k BUSH. Boston, Jan. » t h . 1648 ja25 3m

K V G O O 1 >8^1>ry~ Goods.—SH A T v ^ ^ f u T L ^ No S Cannon Place, are now offering their stock

of Goods al very reduced prices, in order to reduce 'heir stock before the opening of navigation Their s s sor tmsa i consist* in part of the following, v iz:— Plain and flg'd Monsseliae de Lames. Chene Chusan Lustres, Foulard Silks, Balzannes , blk, blue blk,fig'd light and dark Silks, blk and blue blk Crapes and Bombaaines, plaid shad> d Crapes, Worsted and Car­oline plaids French and English Calicos and Meri­nos, red, yellow and white Flannels, superfine Cloths Vesiings and Cassimers, Broche, Cashmere and Worsted Shawls, ladies' Paris Kid Gloves, Silk

D . MAR D W E L L , 2 3 4 River street .

Wholesa le and Retail Dealer in al l kinds of Tortoise Shel l , Manilla d o , Fancy buffalo, Horn and Ivory COMBS, with a general assortment of useful aud F A N C Y GOODS

N. B. Shell Combs neatly repaired. ap8

J A M E S W E E D «STC0^ Importers and Dealers in

C H I N A , G L A S S A N D E A R T H E N W A R E , 3 4 3 River street—store formerly occupied by u26 Ledyard A Weed .

j p H E A P G O O D S . — A U G ' 8 C. T A Y L O R " , - , ^ vV River street, offers the following desirable goods

| at greatly reduced prices, viz : j Ladies' best quality Kid Gloves at 3s per pair

Fancy Merino aud Silk Cravats and Scarls Is lo 2s each

4-4 real French Calicos, Is fid and 2s per yard Mous de Lames of rich and Fa-hionable Styles ; blk and colored French Thibet Cloths ; blk and Fancy Silks j Bombazines, Family Flannels, 8 4 Wool , M de Lame and Thibet Shawls and Scarfs, Worsted Plaids, Scotch Ginghams, Silk, Cotton, Wool aud Worsted Hosiery, French Crapes, Green Barrages, heavy blk Silk N e t , Toilet Covers, French Qoilis, Worsted Damasks, Tickings, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas,

"; j Skirts, Sann Jeans, plain Swiss, Friends, Nrtnsook, PAINE, Deulivl, has India. Jaconet and plaid and s inped Cambric Mus-

; l ins. Transparent, French Chintz and Holland Win-I dow." hades with fixtures, Linen andCnuon Sheetings : and Shirtings, fine Collar Linens, Linen Cambrics and ' Lawn, Linen Damasks, Damask Clorhs and Napkins ! and heavy Towell ings, colored Worsted Table Cov. I era, American and French Cambrics, fine Swiss Mus­

lin Bands at 2s each. feb22


Lauaingburgh, or H. H . 8 E A R 8 , Feb2b i M y l * 92 River St., Trey.

1~"0 L E T , from ihe 1st May uext, ihut large ami commodious boarding house No. 66 Fourth si. ,

now ocupied by Mrs Win T Smith. Inquire of S KENDRICK, Agent,

Feb2S 33 Third st

I T O L E T , the Sstory brick slore No 11 Con­gress si .

A l so , the 3 storv brick slore No 14 Con­gress st. Apply to

JOHN T McCOCN, tf No. 45 Second st.

T O L E T , from 1st Mav ne i t , the slore and house No 17 Stale s t , now occupied by S Duffy ;

Also ihe house and store Nos. 22 and 24 Slate st, aud the stable adjoining ihe

same. Apply to JOHN H U N T E R , Feb27 lN3Uivers t

T O L t C T , from the I n day of May next, the convenient modern built brick dwell-lag house No S 8ixfh st . , opposite the Second Presbyterian Chun li.

A l so , the convenient wooden dwelling h o n e N o . 80 Rive* st.

Also , ihe convenient wooden dwelling house No. 48 Fourth * t . ; next noith of the residence o f the sub. soriber.

A l s o , the small wooden dwelling house No. 18 Di­vision st. Inquire of JOHN I). W I L L A R D .

feb!7 fin

TO L E T , froufihe 1st of May neat, the brick dwell ing house now occupied by 8 . W. Brilloo,

No. 18 Sixth st. It is in complete repair, with every convenience that can be desired, a id a Beautiful flower garden with shrubbery, fruit, fee. Rent lo suit the t imes. Inquire of

8. W. A D. B. B R 1 T T O N , febl7 32o River st.

FOR S A L E , or in exchange for unincumbered real estate in this city, a Farm of »9 acres IU

ihe town o f Berlin. 88 miles from Troy. For p a n i c ulars, call al 191 River st.

feb!6 HORACE H E R R I N G T O N

mm a W ! » » W R » «


II' I \ Blair,

>cc*4 of State and Fourth Mi Judge Hunt The pret Tented from 1st May next. Apply to Geo.

T.JMakrj Warn No . 9 Flrrt kl. fab3 p

f t ) LkviP.froiu the 1st of may next, aeveral couveuieut dwell ings on Ferry, eaat of Sev-e u i h s i . Apply to SMITH A WOOD,

837 River st . '

Ml T O L E T , for one, or for a term of years,

from the 1st o f May next, the two story brick house No. 83, oo ihe west t ide of

North Second s t , a lew steps from King st. The house is in (mod order—ha* a two story briek kitch ea aud a wasliroom connected—* spacioas yard with fruit tree* and grope arbor, and a well of excellent * * ' ? » / o r l*Tm*> "Pply. »t the Mansion House, lo

i t b a t f ALEX. McCALL.


cms i l .«

foot ol M IJ.! jicr to uisuM

TO L E T . store No 240 River si , recently oc cupied by H Curtis as a dry goous store. Pos­

session may be had now. Also store No. 246, now occupied by John Bruce

as a *hoe store, from 1st May Also slore No. 260 River st., heretofore occupied

as a grocery store. Possession given now. Inquire of Leggeti A Russell , 24S River st . , or

febIS J. P A T E R .

T O L E T , Ihe Sstory brick house" No 68 Norih Second si. 'I'liree looms d e e n o u the

m _ f e b 2 _ • ' a ho wit



M f 1st ami 2d floors, built in modern si vie with no basement—Willi 4 marble mantles . The

house is uearly new and finished m a first rute man­ner—occupied by A Stearns. Possession given im­mediately, or the 1st of May Inquire of _JebJ4 ANTHONY A MORRISON

i'O L E T , for one or more years, trom the 1st of May next, the 2 siory brick house, suitable for one or iwo families, situated on the east side of Eighth s i . , first house north

of Gillespie's brick yard


T O L E T , from ihe fir-t of May store with dwelling at tached, No River st ;

Also two or three «mall tenements suit able lor small families—rent very low —

For particulars, inquire of A S N Y D E R , Feb27 221 River st.

M l


MURDER WILL OUT. i . B . W I L K I N S O N announces

the fact that he has taken the well known and Central Store No '11% River st , between ihe Steamboat Landing and the Troy House, for the purpose of establishing a MA­NUFACTORY OF CLOTHING, where lie will atleud personally lo inking measures and receiving or­ders, and will al all limes be ready to show any kind ol CLOTHS, CASSIMERS or VKSTINGS lhat

I are ever called for iu a similar e«lablishmeat. My I arrangements are such in the department of MANU-| FACTORING, that I DEFY A N Y and ALL COM. i P E T I T I O N Fn this assertion. I do not mean lo j wage W A R W I T H T H E T R A D E , but toinlorm the

PUBLIC that I will M A K E TO ORDER and in as | GOOD S T Y L E as the customer can desire, at a price j at least 311 PER CENT, less than ihey have been

sold for in this city the last season. The attention of the public is requested to the above statement, and

NO T I C E — T h e partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of KEL

LOGGS A CO., ha* this day expired by its own limi­tation. The firm will hereafter be discontinued, except for the purposes of Milling and closing the business of the concern. Immediate payment of all debt* due them is earnestly requested, which may be made to either of the subscribers, who are severally authorized lo receive and pay all debts due to, or owing by said firm. Troy, March 1, 1843.


fXT" The undersigned will continue the same busi ness, at the old stand, under the firm of KELLOGG A CO., and respectfully solicit a continuance of the public patroasge DAY OTIS KELLOI.G,


p L O T H * , C A S S I M E R S A V E * T I N G « > . -VJ The subscriber has on hand and offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, th.j following desirable goods, vix :

Heavy brown, olive, green, mned and blk wool-dyed Cloths ;

Fin* and superfine olive, invisible green, bottle green and wool-dyed blk American, English and French Cloths;

Blue, blk and blue blk American and English Bea­ver Cloths ;

Plain, ribbed, diagonal blk and lancy American, English and French Caasiraer* ;

| heavy cadet mixed and sheep's grey America i Cloths ,

Plain Cassimer, Silk, Mohair, Satin, flg'd Velvet, Thibet , Marseilles and Valencia Vesiings.

AUG'S C T A Y L O R , mhl 182 River si

— snd j ascertain if it is the FACT. Velvet Cravats, Daisy Butmn«, Silk Fringes, Cords and Tasse l s , Silk, Saxony, Worsted and Col Hosie­ry, Ac. Ac. febl7

A > K O F T R O Y . — N o t i c e is he BA M C O F T R O Y Notice is he.eby given lo the stockholders ol ihe Bank of Troy, thai an

election of l"urleen Directors and three Inspectors of election will be held ut iheir banking house n the city of Troy, on the lirst Tuesday of March next, al 12 o'clock M Troy, January 2d, 1643.

By order of the Directors. ja27 rawtd JOl iN J^AJNR, Cashier.

T T B Y G O O D S — C H E A P DRY G O O D S . - T h e 1 ' subscriber being as anxious as any of h:s netc.h-

liors to reduce his stock before April, will sell his goods t t very reduceil price* for <a«h, nnd many ar­ticles Uss than cost. Al l as low as at any store in the city.

Cloths, Cassimers, Flannels, Prints, Shirtings, Sheetings, Hosierv, Silks, I.mens, Diapers, 'licking, Merino, Mous. de Lame, heavy Linen Sheeting, 8tr. *c. in great varielv. fip. F. MORGAN,

febl l N o . 2 l 8 R i v e r s t .

F O R S A L I C O R T O L E T . — T h e sub senber offers for sale the brick house and lot occupied hv him. situated at ihe aoiuli east corner of River and Division streets be.

mg 72 feet front and rear, 130 (eet deep—wuh exieu-st"e barns and oilier oui buildings thereon—a good situation for a oarmin or teamsier.

Also, lot and house No. 109 Third street, now oc­cupied by R. Wasson.

If the above premises are ant sold by the Kith March next, they will be rented i tx-ap.

Also, lor sa le , a number < f Horses, Lumber Wag 0ns, Meiglis, Harnesses, Ac .

CALEB PTELD, Feb27 lw No 88 River st


Also the \k story wood house situated on the east side of Eighth st., near the corner of Eighth aud Ja-

| cob sis . , suitable for one family only. ; Also one or two rooms iu ihe 2d slory of No. 2 ' Franklin Square, suitable for offices or mechanics3

I work shop . . All will be rented on the most reason I able terms. For terms, applv al No. 2 Franklin | Square, upstairs . JOHN ROBINSON.

Iebl4 tMyl

I O L E T . from the 1st day of May next, the convenieni 2 slory brick dwell ing house No 73 North Third st. Also a small tene­ment on the alley in the rear.

Also the 4 slory brick slore No. 441 River st. Im­mediate possession given Apply lo

febl4 tf K WICKKS, No. 4^ Fourth st

TO L E T , tiu- rTon-c NoTsS Third si7~Ah7.i Hie barn upon the alley iu ihe rear of Ihe same

| loi, and possession iri\ en on the Isl of May next — Inquire of KELLOGGS&CO. ,eb2(J

TO L E T , from the lirst of May n e i t , house • Si. No. 07 Fourth, corner of Sla'e si , now occu­

pied by Philip Hart, jr., Esq Inquire of CALVIN W A R N E R ,

feb!7 119 Fourth s i .

TO L E T , fr-'in the 1st of May next, the dwell­ing house No 2t> Jacob si lnqoire of

S. KENDRICK, Agent, febl4 31 Third st.

r o L E T , from ihe 1st May next, dwelling '•H house No. 4-2 C,ingress st.. i.ext east of ihe

T O L E T , from ihe 1st day of Mav nexi, the two story dwelling house No. 118 Sec­ond st . , now occupied by Mr John B Tur­ner. Inquire of Z .CLARK, or

Young A Hunt. 216 River *t. F O R s V l . F . o r T O LET. dwelling house

Nu. iy Fifth st . , wuh a good brick burn to rear. The house aud barn will be lei to-geiher or separately, as may best suit those

rho wish lo hire. J. A. ZANDER. feba

V A L U A B L E F A H M F O R 8ALI&T— This farm is situate iu the township* of Greenbush mid Schodack, Rensselaer coun­ty, four miles distant from ihe South Ferry

crossing from Albanv, composing 364 acres of firsl rale laud, and is well known as ihe Slock Farm lately owned by Charles Henry Hall, esquire, of New York The land is admirably wooded and watered, having never-failing streams ruuning through it and border nig upon n, affording supply to every field. There is a comfortable farm house, out buildings and very spa­cious excellent barns suitable forull purposes, us also a cider null. Younij urcjja'd* of best fruit are planl ed.ainl oruamenial trees n> well as locu»t trees for use upoa the premises, all In a flourishing slate ol gtowib. The fenctni; upon the farm is probably ihe best in the county, ill.- posts heiHg ol Canada cedar, boarded, capped with plank, and batinned in m ihe most substantial ami hamlsoiiie manner The wood, lands and streams ar.- very beauulul and useful, the former comprising many s o n s of timber—oaks, wa|. nuts, maples, pines, hemlocks, &c. Ac. in great varie­ty. More ihan one hundred head of cattleand horses have been sustained upon ihe farm for many years past, aud ai ihe same tune, large quantities of hay have been sold nffil ; , ar ly Wheat, corn, rye, oats, tools, Ac. Ac. flourish upon this land exceedingly well.

The terms ol sale n .11 be liberal, and $8000 can re-main upon b I an.I mortgage, if desirable. For lenns and a view ol a mao of ihe fann, apply to

H A R R I S & RHOADES, A u ' y s a l Law.Sic. Exchange Building*, Albany

McCOUN « CLARK, All'ys at Law, H e , No. 53 Wall s i , N. York

Janusry 28, IM3. jaSO if

F l I H N A l i e , or ' f f ) R E N T , ihe large three slory brick house No. S3 Third s i . , now oc-

T O L E T , from 1st May next, the collage. dwelling house on Eighth, a few doors norih of Federal st. Inquire of

' R D A D M c M U R R A Y , 210 River st. H


TO L E T , from Isl Vluv next, ihe cottage dwell- . ing house No 117 Fourth st. Inquire of

R I) & D M c M U R R A Y, Feb27 210 River st.

M L FOR RALE or TO LET', "the 4 slory brick | I ] I house wuh barn in rear No 23 west side of i

River si , now occupied by W a n e Lowrey ; I Also one small 2 slory I rick house, convenient for I

2 families, No 13a Fifth st. Apply lo JOHN B. i COLEGROVB, 100 Pfrst st . or at shop, 17 Ferry st.

copied by E. Wilson. Esq. Possession given on th- i-t of May next.

Also, the ci ttag • on Eighih st , near Hoosick si , formerly owned bv Daniel Sheldon, deceased. In­quire of the subscriber, No IS9 River st.

J«3I A . C L A R K .

and pos-

A L B A N Y A N D B O S T O N B A I L R O A O . Jrar* th ro%»h to Boston, $e'

Morula* t p m through lo Boston, | , , . v , , the depot

mo2 , in l U «'* h , " * b t ? o r e 7 ° ' c l w k » ' « » " « » . ? - T morning, Sundays excepted—arrives ui Bosun, ai o i .

Brtakfattat Chatham. T n e afternoon train to Springfield only

depot in Greenbush at } before l , v i „ L Passengers can leave Spuugfield u t i A M

arrive in Boston III A . M Passengers must leave Albany, Iron

Lane, at 6 | , or I2J o'clock :....! nui passage.

For N « w Y o a * via H A B T I O K O mid . \ i w I I ( V E N -Passengers leaving Greeubiu-h \ b.u.re 7 A M i „ k . stave at Springfield.al 124 M —i.•... I, llarilor I ... 4 P. M.and New Ha,»ea ai 7 P. M . - l c l g o - have N t » Haven by steamboat at b* A. M , and arrive m New York at 2 P. M.

Passengers may also leave Grevnbi.-h at j before 1 P. M., arrive in Spriugfurld al 6^ I' M , ihenee .y stage at 8 J t o Hartford—lodge—lea vit ll .ii II . . id ul ).» next morning iu cars for New Haien and ilu-uce / steamboat, arriving in N , . w York m i P M.

Fare lluough to New York, $6. For N E W Voax , by the Housammc

Fare ihrough, $b. A tram of cars will leave Greenbusl

i*y« " C j p t e d ) at 9 A. M., reach H, P . M . , take boat al 7 A M , and 11* A. MJ

Passengers must be at the leoi ..I Maiden 1 Albany, to take R R. Ferry Boat, si - j A M

Freight transported daily by ibis line' I . M W bany and New York at rales Iron, $n i„ | i U ,, Flour in lots of'500 bbls. al 60c per bbl., and I less quantity fjOc. per bbl

Passengers are particularly request.- ! tu ) tickets before taking seals u, ihe m i . .

Tickets can be obtaiued iu A Ihan) Olnce in Maiden Lane.

Rail Road -

tlailv, (Sun lyrfort ai o

eaeli .New i ork al

•r any

h e l l .

I P " FREIGHT DEPART.VKNT - - \ I Train will leave Greeubush daily, (bun-iuvs <-i

ed) lor BOSTON ai ft} A. M. Every Information will be given at the Ire

in the depot at Greenbush, by S W I T T \t? WM. H. T O W N S K M i ,

J'«2I Master o i l

it i.flu *


MT O L E T , si.ire No. 129 River St. i session given immediately. Aiqdy

ja2b J. A ZAN­ DER.

ingress st. Court House. Apply to T H . C L O W E S .

febU TO L E T . from ihe 1st of May next, house No 61 Norih 1'liird st. For pariiculars. inquire of !

CuRNINGS& PATT1SON, (<bll ?27 River st.

1 of May next, house No 17 : For particulars, inquire of |

H~. TO L E T . from Is Mm. Norih Third st

CORNlNl .S A P A T T I S U N , febll 227 (liver st

T O L E T , Ihe 2 story brick hou-e No 69 Fifth st. Said house is in Hrst rale repair — wuh upper kitchen in rrnr brick i istern, S.c. Inquire al No. 50 Fourth st.

febl l CIIARI FS V s ' * 7 I F

Feb25 tf M l


F A R M Si D W E L L I N G 1 »* t , t J

S, tuate ne ir me resi- euce of the subscriber fifth'- t wn of Hoosick, i convenieni dwel-

lini; hou-e of s u room-, and wuh il an orchard and T O L E T , from ihe 1st Mav next, at tht I g'"l<">' oi ftarres. The irees are grafted und bear

most reasonable rents, ihe stores A houses I fruit ol sn , . e . .o ' quale v, and il marketed wi'l more mentoned below ; : than pay all I ne rent. whu h » ill be put low to suit

The 4 story brick stores No*. 32S and , l ! l« times The bull lings are al some distance from 330 en the east side of River street, being | «ne highw iv o i l pleasantly located If the lessee

the comer of River and Federal streets . Ironting ihe i s n n u U l reqin •• it, a farm ol one hundred and snciy

F O K H 4 L 1 4 on credit, or TO LET, store No. 304 River st , a house aim loi on Fifth st , and oiw on Third si. near the Washing ton Park, a lesirable lot.

Also for sale, »r to let, a W i o i lot by 130 on east side ol Third ,>t , la-eU owned by Henrv Sinuh, near Lii.eriy. This loi wil1 be sold on easy terms In­quire of U GARDNER

a27 tf

T O L E T , the two new bnrk stores south of and adjoining the Fulton Market.

Also, the slore now occupied by N . D Sherwood, No. V|2 River si . Apply to

GEO. B. W A R R E N T O LET", TrTim the 1st .lay of May next,

Ihe house conunonl) known as the Citv Hall, situated on ihe comer of Second and Con-cress s t s—very convenient for a boarding

house and offices. The hoii e will be lei cilner wilh or withoui the victualling cellar Inquire at No. S6 Third st. ja24

L L I N T O N F L A C E T — T O LET,from the lt-t of May next, h.-use No. I Clinton Place, Albany s i . Saul n-use t« s i present occu­pied by E. Gates, Esq. Inquire at Ho. So


port W I N T E R 4 H H \ N l . l :>M V I .

S C H E N E C T A D Y A. T H O I R O A D — Thi* Road is now <,,., traosportaMon of i ussen.-er- so ! i.

runuiugin connection wuh the trams on the I i Schenectady Rail Roud ami the boats on i h.-river.

The arrangements for the comfort an ! . ou> ol ihe traveler are not excelled on any olher The cars are of the largest class, made and in in the best style , and drawn by new und innr gmes on ' T ' ' r a i l .

The cars will start from the east end ol th.. The hours of departure, uunl further unie . «

FROM T R O Y . 9 A M. to lake the 11 o'k A M run fn m ̂ ' . ,

FROM SCHENECTADY 3 P M., or on arrival of the run from Cm a

Fare, 25 cents Siages will be ill readiness to t-on\rv pa••••

the depot al (ireenbush lor HOMOII nr See ^ Stages will also be in readiness n

gers lo Albany inn..edioiely uj...» th, ,r .ur;-, ihe West. Fare ihrough lr«m S V . , ia 'i ' ny, hy way of Troy, and from Albany to >cl dy. on the same route, 311 c-ehis.

d!9 c . L. LYNDS, SHI.i , '

It t i l

H, < - r . , |

shed •rlul en.

I I A B N J ^ L N

& C O . ' S

r | '


mm AUB

iii, ja24 if

l i ihe


T L T A P L E S U G A R . — 2 0 0 lbs on consignment, 1V1 sale by MOWRY A VAIL,


mhl 127 River «t

N O T I C E . — The undersigned would respectlully inform his customers, and the public generally,

that he ha* come to the conclusion to close his shop on the Sabhatb, believing It to be no more than my duty. I shall be happy at all times lo watt on them until IS o'clock Saturday evening.


WA N T E D , * situation, by a young man, as Book-keeper, by single or double entry. He

would eirpect a moderate salary, and would devote his whole attention tn the interests of hia employ, srs. Address through Tost Office, J I L L


OR R I S T O O T H P A S T E . — R o y c e k EsierK's superior Tooth Paate for cleansing the Teeth.

For sale at DR. H E I M S T R E E T ' S , 10 State st , and at

Feb28 Apothecary Hall. 240 River st. i 7 - S R l f i i r j R ' E T H ' 9 V«getable~Un7versal

Pills—warranted genuine. For sale at BARDWELL'S,

FebSS 23» River st

IITST R E C E I V E D , a larg* loi of lovTprued P R I N T S : also a beautiful article of coarse and

whit* mixer! Wol len Yarn at DAY'S New Store.

156 River street, corner ol Congress. F>bt7 Iw

FO R M A L E C H E A P , 6 superior Dry Goods Counter*, Inquir* of W M . W

Feh97 W I G H T . 74 River st.

9F O R S A L E O R R E N T — T h e subscriber offer hi* Farm on Mt. Ida for sale , or will rent it for the Coming rear. The premises produce

a large quantity of apples, plums, English and com­mon cherries, pears, grapes, Ac of superior quality.

Febtft _K. P H E A R T T .

DR I E D P E A C H E S * ~ P L t 7 M S can 1 * had at th* eld stand No 90 Congress st.

rehaa ^ ^ c. F A L E S .

I ^ O R B S T D A Y S , a Romance at Olof Times ,Vy G P R James—1 vol 8vo, 140 op—price I3A c u .

For s a M w f B T E D M A N A A c D F I E L D , Febaft Troy B"Q% Store.

P E V r V A I ^ M E L O D I E S , or Song* of Z.on—


Twentieth edition ; For sale at i n . new Book Store, 9Cannon Placf, try W. A H MERR1AM.

O R E J r T D A Y S , a feemanr* of Old 1 ime«, hy F R Jams*, aalhor of Morlsy ErnaUin, The

Robber, Aw tus— Harper*' sdKton—pvic* I S | ct*. Just received and tor •*)« Mr


J H . P O I L L O N ' 8 F L O U R O F C O C O A , • a delicate preparation and wholesome substi­

tute for Tea or Coffee, and J. Wallace's No 1 Choco late, a first rate article, for sale at No 65 Congress st by J. F. SIMMONS. febll

N O T I C E . — A p p l i c a t i o n will be made lo the Le­gislature at its present session, lor an act au­

thorizing the setting off of a part of the Sixth Ward i of the city ol Troy, and attaching the same to the i town of Greenbush, embracing ihe iwo Iron Works, Flouring Mills , and Paper Mills upon Wynanis Kill ; and also the Farms owned by ' l lmmas Buinsiead, Abraham W. De Freest and heirs of John De Fr est. Troy, February 13, 1843. feh!5 JOd

A Y N E ' S E X P E C T O R A N T . — J a y n e ' s T n " dian Expectorant, for coughs, colds, asthma, in­

flammation of the lungs, Ac. for sale st Dr. H E I M S T R E E T ' S , 10 State st.

febl3 And at Apothecary Hall, 240 River st.

OF F I C E of the Rensselaer and Saratoga Insu ranre Company, Troy, January 9. 18-43.—Notice

is hereby given to theslockholders of the above Com­pany, lhat an annual eWlKwj will be held at the Of. nee of said Company, on the first Monday of March n e x t . a t a o'clock P. M. of thai day, for the purpose of electing twenty-nin* Directors, and also three Inspectors of election.

yalO D A N I E L HALL, 8*c'y.

TA K E N O T I C E . — T h o s e wishing Leaf'Lard, or pots filled with Lard, can be accommodated

by the subscriber. Likewise Trnderlines, Sparerib, Pork and Beef Hams and fresh Eggs constantly on hand. CHARLES FALES,

feb9 No. 90 Congress «t.

G< A R 0 E N S E E DSL—^^e~7ubscr7ber W i r t * I" been appointed general agent for the sale oT

Garden Seeds raised by the United Society of Shakers in Watervliet , would inform the citizens of Troy and vicinity, that he has lust received a full supply, put up expressly 'or this market, which can be had in any quantity, s t the same prices for which they can be obtained at the sett lement.

8 A M U E L T A P P 1 N , General Agent, feblO a46RiveTst . , Troy

S _ T O V " E " E S r A B I i l S l f M E N T F O R S A L E ~ . O M. N. S T A N L K Y It C O , desirous of closing their interest in the n o v e business in this city, will sell their slock ol Sloves and Fixtures, ai very re­duced prices.

Our stock Is now very much reduced, and theHlrt reputation acquired for oiir COAL BURNER, Psrlor and Cooking Stoves, together with an opportunity of drawing supplies s s they may be wanted from the Foundry at Poultney, on very favorable terms, with-out any expense for Patterns, are inducements now offered to any one desirous of engaging in a »nug and

firofllable business, without the necessity of a very a m * investment, rarely lo be met wuh.

For further particular*, apply at No. 231 River St., Troy. feb7

CO P A R T N E R S H I P . — T h e subscribers have associated themselves under the firm of FAS-

S E T T ft CO., and will continue Ihe business of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oft and Dye Stuffs, in all their several branches, at the old stand of J. V. Fassett A Co., 201 River strevt. Troy , February I. 1843.

J. V. F A 8 8 E T T , D ROBINSON,

r«hfl J. A.ORIHWOLD.


r«M» UTNOfc H A R T T .

| l i t

TH E M I S S I O N A R Y H E R A L D for March, r*p*tr*4 by

STKDMAN ft REDFIELD, Agents, FshM , ^ Tray Boo* Store.

A O B a r r r Y , I f l River *ir*»t, t f O T - ^ W a n t e l

bar*H. Iaw*tr*»r W . f. W I L L A R D , A«'l . F«bS4

B<w«_drsiar^sAfiS sad snr**. L*«Ifl*a\ eaatrkl and w a r R.v.r street prafatmi, A i y n»r*on (boarding h o w * keeper or »«4) hnfSK nUnJAot room* in lot with hoaVd **rV Imm, wiU jhVaW addr*M Box M» Foal Ofle*.

"I fin rrr i, betv


H E A P D R Y GOODS.—Thesubscr.beTwTTh-a* to rednce hit present stock of goods a* much

a* poMtkle before p r c t u u i n g a Spring stock, and h* lharefore offer* to nit customers a variety of articles t t reduced price*. An opportunity it offered for pur­chasing Flannels, Worsted, W oolen and other Ho • far*; Cloths, 8atra«t*,Calicoe», ftc. A c . t « y cheap at th* O M Fife* Cash Store.

fab? Q, V. 9. QOACtCENBUSH.

M A M ^ O T ^ C L O T H I N G S T O R E , 1 6 * 1 LF1 Rtrer s t—Rece ived thi i day • lot of Pilot Oath flack Coat*» do . Overcoat* | Frock and D»*«* d o . ; Ptntaloont and a great variety af Vent*.

T h * ci(M«n* of Troy sad th* pablra gsawrally, will a lways find at thi* old established stand the cheap •a t , best and most axtansiv* ataortnwat of R M « W Marks Fathionabl* j o i n i n g north of N*w York— R**tf article will po*it)tely/ be mid at l ew pr.ee tnaaf at any other establishment in th* city. W* rw spsMtfully solicit a conliasianc* of the pmnwiRge of oar old customer*, and a l l other* who are in want of

The subscriber has constantly on hand Ready Made Clothing of every kind and quality, consisting of 500 Beaver'itnd Pilot Cloih Top Coals from $4 lo $IS ; splen- id Broadclolh Dress Coats from $8 to $ 1 6 ; 500 pairs of Pants of every quality aud lashion from b'2 cents lo $9 ; a splendid assortment of best Silk Velvet Ve«ts, plain Blk. bg'd, check, Ac from $2 76 to $4 ; Cloth do $1 50 to »2 60 ; and »U kinds of Furnishing Oood«, at prices never belore dreamed of Remember the New Slote No 222 River st. , near the Troy Honse. J . B . W I L K I N S O N .

P. 8 All goods which do not prove as recommend-i ed—proper remuneration made on application. G*r-I ments warranted to suil, or no sale. feb!8

N O T I C E . — T h e ssbscriher has on hand a good assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERS, SATI-

' N E T S , Ac—consist ine of Wool-dyed blue blk Broadcloths

1 " blue " " invisible green " " bolile green

1 Olive green " Dark and light mixed ("assimers and SatinetR of all kinds.

| Sheep's grey and brown Fulled Cloths, Ac Ac Which will be sold at greatly reduced prices Per­

sons in want of any ot the above articles, will do well to rail at ihe Chenp Cash Store, 164 River st , where they will find them at prices which cannot fail to suit.

N B. For the purpose of reducing stock as mu< h as possible belore taking an inventory, his valuable stock of English, French and American Prints will be sold oi cost. S . F . M A T H E R


~ » O l i E R T i l S H E H , No" 10 Congress st . , has on hand and offers lor sale a general assortment

of Oroceries nnd Provisions, viz 6000 lbs. Hams. 6000 lbs. Shoulders.

10 hbls clear Pork. lOhbls. Nos . I and 2 Mackerel 60 firkins choice Dairy Butter.

20,000 lbs. do . do. Cheese. 10 bbls. small White Beans.

4000 Ihs. Buckwheat Flour. 30 bbls. Apples. 30 dozen Pails. 26 do Brooms. 10 bbls Boston Crackers 6 bbls Koda iro.

10 boxes Colegate Pale Soap. 10 do. Candles.

Sugar*, Coffee, Teas , Ac Ac. All of which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, by

febl ROBERT U S H E R .

BA T E S - * S A G E , No. IS0 River s treel~h»ve on hand a full and complete assortment of ORO

C E R I E 8 , FISH and PROVISIONS, which ihey are prepared to sell on as reasonable terms as can be

fiurchased elsewhere—consisting in part of the fob owing articles : 100 packages Tea , consisting of Hyson, Y, Hyson,

H Skin and Black Teas . 40 hhds. 8t. Croix, P. R. and Muscovado Sugars. 40 hhds. do do MolaRses. 90 boxes W. and W Loaf and Lump Sugar*. 60 bags Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee. 75 boxes M. R. Rsisins. 60 do Soap and C«ndlr*«. 26 kegs snd boxe* C»vendish, Nail Rod and Ping

Tobacco. 100 doz. Broom*. 50 boxes ( 3 and 6 gross) Pipes

1000 gals . Sperm Oil 46 ribl*. Soda. Sugar and Boston Crackers, (E*

Tread wel l . ) 125 qil*. Codfish. 60 bbls. No*. 3 and 3 Mackerel. 30 hall bbls. do do do 10 do Shad. 76 keg* Troy and Northern Nails .

100 bnia* scaled Herring. 60 keg* pure Ginger, ( E . Wilhington )

600 sacks Table Salt. 100 bbls. Western do 100 sacks Liverpool do—fine. Old Wines , a lull and complete assortment. For ta l e low hy B A T E S ft SAGE, die" No. IS»_R<»«r •_!;_

A D A M B R O W N , the Merchant, by th*"*uthor of Bramhletye House. Ac. Price 19) cts .

Jutt published and for sale by S T E D M A N f t R E D F I E L D ,

F e M j Troy Book Store.

f ^ U R S , Game Btg», Powder Flask* and Shot

bridge ; The five brick houses adjoining the above, on ihe

north side of Federal st - N i s . 3, 5. 7, 9 and 11— well calculated for r. special le families ;

The ? story woodeu house wiih large trardens call­ed the Bathing l l o u e . o n the east side of Seventh n , between Congress and Stale sts—for several years pasl occupied by two lamtli'-a;

The 2 story brick house 135 with a large busemenl ) on ihe north side of Congress s i , adjoining on the I west to Ihe corner of Eighth and Conwresa s i s ;

The dnuole wooden house called ihe Hurdick house on the south side o| Congress st , c a k u i a l e d to ac­commodate several (amines;

The double house, adjoining Joseph Stone's store, north side Congress st. continued, calculated for iwo families;

The house calle ! the Stocking Factory wuh a sales shop snd woodshop in ihe rear, situate on the north side ol O n g i e s s st.

Under the prevrnl stale of the l imes, il is not ex. | fleeted that Ihe rents hereiofore paid can now be nb I lamed from sale prompt paying persons, and no nth- ;

r-rs are invited lo c a l l , but such persons as are Utn-wn, • or can make ihemselves known to be snle prompt i payers, may calculate on obtaining tenements al rea- I sonnble rents. Inquire of (). Pierson, or i

Feb24 _ GEORGE T I B B I T S . _ |

T O I . E T , frortTthe jst~of May nex i .a ' wood cottage 4b' No ih Second str»ei, opposite Christ Church ; Inrpnre of ihe subscriber, S37 | River st


Pos-I one hu

seres will be l<u with the house and orcliard session given 1st April next.

febl l dAc GEO. M TIBHTTS

TO Ls : T, hois""""lJo—45~Sixili s t . , three d»»rs north ol Albany*' Apply at the Mansion

H ir*e, to AL X. McCALL. lehIO

T o L E T , from the 1st of May next, the • central store No i97 Hive,. s t . now occu-I pied by I). M Filch. Tlie store, from its

capacity, localiiy, (kc. is well calculated for almost any kind of bu-iuess The store, together wuh Ihe lofts and lock in rear, will be based I'nr one or more years.

For further parluul jrs , inquire on lh. premises of D M. Fitch, or P. H. Ill LK I E Y.


River t

F o * S A L E <>H K E N T , bnrk house N... 5S King -I. P-ssession given 1st of Mav next. Inquire ai No. 417

in".) s«


T O L R T , an office, No 2r«3 River 81. fronl-ing on Washington Squa'e. Rent |ow, and possession given immeilialely. Inquire of

C. IL A I. J M E R R I T T .

Boston, Liverpool, London, Paris, Hav New York, Philadelphia, A bany, Trm Package Express, Foreign Leiler and

I warding Office OFFICES;

Messrs Mnclenn, Maris A Co . I.on In Wilmer A Smiih, l.iv

" Emerson & Co . p^.ris J A J. G. Woodward, St J.dins, N. li J. B. Saxerac A Co., Havana. Samuel Haight, Esq., American Cnnsu W. Webb, 56 State st , New Haven, (.t nu (.. H Hamilton, Hariford. Conn. J M. Thompson, Sprinstfield, Mn^s. W. Dixey Worcester, Muss. Harnden A Co., 12 Exchange, A'bany. H W Wheeler, Provident.., R. I. Amasa Rice, Pitlsfie/d. Ma^s.

( 3 Wall si . . New York. I Harnden A Co. ? S Courl St., HOM..II,

( 43 SouthTlurd si., Phila.l I Btlhv of Exchange may be had al ihe H. -inn

on England, Scotland, l-rance and Aniweiji i I lo 100/. Collections of Dralts, N o U s a-"! llii | purchases of Goods made as above

P U L L E N ' * ~ l i > H P ' S ' N E W - Y O R K . A L B A N Y.TRtiY ANIJ.NK I E X P M I > . s . ' n ^ H E subscribers, the old coiuli 1 1 ACo'i

Antwerp I M I. It EX ! 0 r r a i E u r

\ . i-

Iphia. I.fTue. oui 3/ - I I 1 1 - 1


V I I.I A I.

.1 I I . . York

T O L E T , ihe Inree hsK near the rail road bridae It has formerly been occupied by the Union Temperance Society, alio is well filled up with seals . Il wil. teat five nr six

hnnd ed persons l i will be rented very low. Any society wi»hog IO be tccorumrxUted one or iwo eve­ning ui the week, can be, oo reasonable terms, Ap*

<**MaV' .Sic.

ply to ja23



T O L E T , the 3 storv hru k More No 2H) R I V T st. Possession given immediately, or on the 1st ol May nest

A Uo the wooden store adjoining the above Also the 2 story dwelling house No. 4(1 North Third

si . , from the 1st of May Inquire of the subscriber at ihe office of the Howard Trust and Banking Co., or at his honse, 157 Second st.

feb9 _ G K O Q POMKROY. T O L E T , fro m i he 1st of May next, the 3

slory brick house wuh basements and deep cellar, No \f>2 Second st.

One other 3 slory brick house with base-lent, No. 17 Liberty st. One other 3 slory brick house No. 112 River si The above houses arc finished in good s ty le , with I ling doors, 2 ma-hie chimney pieces in each, set


L E T a small wood dwell ing, convenient , n f R r | o r 8 a r e n e w , l m ) ,„ ,„„, ^ Te a t „ , \ V | „ i e m u l a . m l u r ^ n l Int., * I n o n i r e n l . . . . . . .* » . for a small family— rent low : Inquire of

J A M E S DECKER, feb22 337J River St.

T O L E T , from the 1st of May nexi .a 2 g ory wood d welling house south of canal avenue on Third si . Il is conveniently situated for two small families; Inquire of ROBERT M c K I N N E Y ,

II F. rrv «t. T O L E T , 4 three story brick houses,

Nos. 167, 169, 161 and 1b3 First s t r e e t -new and in good order—possession given 1st May : apply to

J A ZANDER. febSt j s

T O L E T , from the 1st day of Mav next, an elegam t ,ree story brick dwell ing house No 4> Norin Second st . Satd house is neatly fint-heii in modern style with marble man-

lies . Attached to it is a large yard It is situated opposite ol cjknst church. Inquire of the subscriber, 3.1 4 River st. J A M E S DECKER,

febl T O L K T . I I ~ri»t and flowermg mill in perfect

^ order, m l h house, shed and garden—situated very central position in ihe town of Hoosick, and

does the busme.-s of a large section of country. feb'l GEORGE M TIBBITS .

be rented nt vory redu Inquire ol fehfl

d tents lo good families. PHILIP H E A R T T ,

No. 156 Second st .

T o L E T , Irom Hie 1st of May nexl , ihe 2 story woo.l dwelling No 'in Second st. Inquire at

S3 River st. / N O . H U N T E R . feb9


T O L E T , store No. 1ST) River street, nriu piel at present hy Vanderheyden, Morgan & Grander Possession given immediately.— Apply io

M A L L A R i A DOUGHTY8, 187 River s'

T O L E T . the beautiful and spacious house situate in t he village of West Troy, between the tipper and lower Ferries on the bank of ihe Hudson river, adjoining the residence of

E. C. Litchfield, Esq , and for fome years past occu­pied by P Comstock , together with a dock 50 feet wide on the river adjoining the same Apply to M, R. Peak. West Tt4iy, Jan. 14, )K43. jaHS

F O K s l A L E . five vacant lots on Hill st ; ' • I I I dimensions, 25 by I3n deep Terms made

I easy—lor ten jenrs. , — * Also three l"ts with good wooden houses

on each. These hits are in a central situation, near Ihe intended Depot "I ihe Great Western and Green-

Inquire corner of State DAVID ELLIS.

s Northern Express from New continue lo run as hereiofore. leaving N.m V bany and Troy, D A I L Y , and connect si l i Jamb's Montreal Express, and will Inrwnr.l Bank Notes, Packages') Bundles.Cas«« ol i.o A c , to any. place between Nrw York an! M nlieul, and throughout the Canadas ; also, east from I r.y and Albany lo Boston, and west Irom Altwn, <<> Buf­falo and intermediate places.

All busiues- entrusted to their charge will by promptly attended to (Hikes—PULLEN A COPP. 2$ Wall st. Nc« V . -k ,

T H O M A S GGUGH, 16 E n i liomi*. G. EILK1NS,238 River st JACOBS, Exi hange Courl.

New York I Prime, Ward A King,

Jacob Little A Co i J.ihn T. Smith & Co. i Pepooii A Hoffman,

Carpenter A Vernnlye • Houghton A Co. i Drew, Robinson A Co. I n22


F. J. II. ii Thomas 1.

•1 r..y John I'aim P. Weils.-, Silas K. Si,. (..' S. Ilouu !a F. Leake,

'Irr,. St I s



Cast... Ur,

PAN \ l I A

I bu-h Road n o * building. and River sts.


r i ) L E T , fr.,m the 1 si of May ncxl , the 2 story woo.len dwelling house No. S6 Third at , next south ol the Baptist church, now

occiifried bv M II. Fraser Inquire of feb9 _ _ KEI.LOUGjs A CO.. 215 River st.

T O L E T V l h e iwo story brick dwell ing house No. 21 Albany street, at preReni II occupied by L. R. Sargent, Ksq. FV>«-se»s|on mven on the 1st day of May next

AI«w, the lhr. e story house No. 61 Fourth street, at present occupied by H E. Schoon-maker Possession given 1st of May next.

Also, the two Rtoi y wooden dwelling house on the north west rorner of Eotirlh snd Albany st*. Pos­session given on the 1st day of May next. For terms, apply to the subscriber, at this office

\ | E W A R R I V A L S The .p l . s . I N most respectfully tn innoiinc

T O C A R R I A G E M A K B R " . - F o r sale or to l i t , from 1st May next. The carriage shop* m Sixth st , now occupied by T Birge,

and lately by llirge, Smith & Co., nre offered for sale , nr woiil-i be leased tor a term of yenrs

The buildings are nil of brick built in the most sub- . stanli . l manner, and are now in good repn.r, wifb among which are an elegant ftssornrie, every facility lor doing all binds of work, t h e r e are [ c lo ths , both French and English ; al--o

j V i t H A"it ntt'o>% AM'ERICAN IV- for the cure if salt rheum, diseases of il,.-

j ulcer sores and scrofula, arising ln.ni nn| in leui .,\o of mercury, rheumatism, i c . &c.

This is to certify that havini had ihe salt tl.i-.nn j for four years, and having ined eve, y n, ng kn- »n •« 'cure wit'out relief, I was aliout . |es | aircur. w l i ' u a

friend recommended the American Piiua, -a . and 1 ' am happy lo state lhat wuh n-ai,,' cue buliie n i l *

half I was entirely cured. J. Seymour. V. .Iiiii!. N V

Sold by W E E D A W A T E R S . "23 il,-. erst , T . . • -manufactured by R. Richardson jaii 3m

rd,.-r^ I .-•_. '.- M .i llic

and patrons,and the public generally, that i just received an additional supply ol W.ni,

i : s i - ^

II ma a,. every facility lor doing all kinds of work, t h e r e are cloth*, both Frencn artel Knglisn; al-o plain ami

six inod fires, a cjvnven.etlt wood shop, show shop, i f»"cy elastlt French Cas«imef«, tbe Int. -. an-l most trimming shop, an extensive p a * loft and two con' ! P P r o r * d ^TU> r

, 0 « ' ' h e r Z' ." '"' '." '^ " vetnenres lor hoisltflg carriages Into either of ihe I «»"" V"m*'' f ? r , N e w , Y " r ' *P*r; A l ' '" '^ l 0 j , g ° * | Goods have been laid in to the he«t ndvnni.ii - , m,l

febS JAS. M. «TEVENS() t>r_ T O L E T , the second story ol store No

8IH River s t , divided mto two well fin ished rooms, with an entrance on River

_ st . . from l«t nf May nexi. The r.'oms I 'O L E T , Irom ihie 1st of May next, the 2 [ woold be pleasant for a lawyer's office or anv me­

chanical business, F. MORGAN", febS 2 II River at.

T O ~ L E T , from 1st Mar next , ihe 2 sio-


Ur B«f«, »I™*! **«ortnient on hand and fo* aale at

KTn. 336 Aiver at. H H A R R I S N. B. Powder and Shot, Percussion Cap*. Gun

W a d Cnttcrt^atc. Ac. febj Wb O L A M D F L A * . - 5 0 0 0 lb*, n e e c W o o l ; 4000 lb*, first quality W e s u r a F U * , j u * t r « -

ceived and for **le hy M A L L A R Y ft DOUOHTYS,

febl 187 River st.

story and basemeni brick dwell ing house 47 Fourth st. Apply to 8 . 8 . DAIICHV,

feb21 233 River st.

M C O f ' N T R Y S E A T FOR S A L E OR R E N T -Pi |S The subscriber offers TOT sale Ins residence al

Hoostok Falls , Rensselaer CO., N. Y. The dwelling house is of hrtek, 8 stories high, 52

by 34 feet, with wings 3> by 24 leet—the whole ele­gantly furnished and supplied with every possible convenience. The yards and walks arc neatly flag ged with bnck and marble, and the grounds around the honse, embracing three acres ha*e been laul oui with much care, and planted with floe shade trees and ornamental shrubs—together wuh one hundred young fruit trees, consisting of choice varieties of apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, apricots, qoincet ftc.

The dwelling is situated on a gentle eminence over­looking the vil lage, and commands an extensive view of the romantic valley of the Hoosick. Any quantity of choice improved land, from 8 to 140 acres, will be sold with the premises. T h * above property Is situ* ted in a noh and highly cultivated agricultural region, and is * most desirable location (or a gentleman nl i s s lo and leisure.

If not sold, the house , 'awti and garden will be leased for a te .m of years, at a very moderate rent,

There la a flourishing and popular Academy in the village.

Terms reasonable, and payments to suit the pur-ohtaer. For further particulars, inquire of J. H Thayer, Esq. N . Y o r k city , Daoi*l Gardner, Esq.. Troy, or on the premises, of

( . . C H A N D L E R BALL Hoosick Fall*, f e b . tt, 1843. I«b90 ita»

T O L E T , from the Isi day of May next, two S ttary buck dwel l ing hwtrae* on the treat aid* of Rirar Nt. between Division and

Liberty *ta.. No*. T) and 10, at p»e*%vntoceoy>feirfy ' Crsadall and z . Fields. Said M M M M are nearly

m I>b8


ry brick dwelling No. 33 Orand Division, i t . , now occupiedby J Morrison, jr.

Il|.|li|ie of HAIGHT, GILLESPY A CO.

269 River St. T O L E I " , from ihe~1»t "of" May next, the

elegant brick dwelling bouse No. 66 wesl • id* of Fifth M . now occupied by H. 7. Hayner, Esq. Trie house is in good repair

throughout—has water privileges m the yard, nnd « tine brick barn snd cat nag* hoime on the rear of the lot r or pari unlars , inquire ol D M F I T C H ,

feb7 IS' Riter st

Eirnf &*1H, latitat T tow '•* <*«h at the old stand af Clark ft Landou, corner of Utter and

Waahmgton t t t by 419


Pfe¥i»T|r»' • B I / l « - t N « T I I t J C T O t l io Writ. lag, adapted w the *** of *ch«ol«, far tale at the

Clothing. WILKINSON ft CO. _fek« ' * *****.**- *** » f * « F i t -' I ' ^ t t a a oopart«*f«h»p «rr*tfM tfnaar the firm of - l AraAld ft Oardaer r* d l t i o m r j . A | l perions In.

dehted to said Arm Eebmivy 7, 1S48

make »>aym#rn tr> m e ^ T r e y ISOH ARNOLD.

H lwpo»«pfhii««*v«k

ilow co»t. t»» D. M. FTOMr**.

- * ft.- • A l l tho*e indebted ta me either by not* or bonk aeasMK, will plea** rail «nr{ tettl* th* s*m* withotM osllay. f#b7

Tarl*ty'8i<T*, eoraer Stat* a»l tfitth it*. O i ' t J I R ATtfi.—A »*» ttipply thi* day r*c*iv*d O from Bo«tan and for sale


k r \ n V * . o f tK« v , r t best quality ot H M O V H V t i U SEED, for sat* low by „ .



The buildings being in a central situation, a good business might he done s t repairing alone. Eor terms, Ac. apply lo ihe subscriber.

E. ROSS, j a | 6 63 Grand Division st.

T O L E T , from the 1st day "f May next, three dwelling houses, Nos. 60, 62 and 64, wi'h brii k fronts, on the east sulo of Fifth s t , corner of Albany st Rent will be very

reasonable. Inquire at the office of the Rensselwer Saratoga Insurance Co. jalO

T O I . K T . the livery stable in State street. opposite the co itre market ground. Pos­session given iinmediaiely. Inquire st lf»3

Hiver at j*7

MF O H S A L R OM T O R E N T , from the 1st nf May next, ihe brick store coroer of River and Ferry SIB , formerly occupied by

Dickmson A Curtis. For terms apply to

«sM-4 1


i!28 r. MOWI 127 River st .

* m t ft VAtt, iVl River st

lor* tha 1 P I bv

CamnaJatstlFaafttrNsrl* Is Store

MiRtrsfV.** iptrtar arii«l* t*d aot to ia-

IIL FA8TE BLACklwa*,.« ' r*t ' j"t fclut JMlfiki •nil wsrranl • th* Mtikwr. For Ml* at *8 Cmmm

new and finished in rAadarn t ty l* , Willi marble tje« tod kitchen* in rear.

Also th* dock in r**r o f Mid h i i i n , which h«* an office and lumber thed* on it, N i a f well eatcnlatetl for a retail loanbar yard.

A l t o th* 4 story dw*llr*g rMWM with kitchen la rear, No. 96 Sixth t t . , « pre*—t oc*™pbj «by VVm

A'|*O hrtek dweiliaft hooso Mo 144 Cv^tgres* t t cat-y n * « d , w r i » * t o f * a n 9 « r i t . Irrwireof

' w T J i R K I ft EDSON,

febIS ^ _ _ 1 _ _ l " How it. Q M O K V l T m N a i s F w ^ f t *B>li' lot of superior

r a b t t Comer of Ptf\h ahif

"^Tfa" *d1rT»#OI t . M O R G A N ,

• I t River i t

Hfltva and | Ho**, of virions C i M r i i t i t .—ManM J Mf **ry cheep at

A B A SS H t l > m I *

and t:> 11. a qualities, telling

f t Q * l KH V . -^HHk, W o o l , Merm H « . Mt. | H o * , , of r . H o „ j g j g t , ^ . , ^ ^ g ^ M f t s ^ ?

T O LET,'fromTiuS 1st of May nexl . the S ttnry brick dwelling house No. 80, casi t ide First St., now occupied hy G. V. S Qjiackenbush

T h e 3 brick houies on State St., Nos . 47 ,54 and 68.

The brick house No. 91 Sixth t t . Alto the barber «hop oppouie Mechanic*' Hal l .

River t t . , and several tmall tentmenis . Inquire of B. T. C U < H M A N ,

' e ' , 7 _ _ ^ _ _ ^ ° - r .Wathington Place,

T O H E M T . the stor* No 3lfi River si now Occupied by Rlntc.hford ft Red held, and

I ptvssesstoo given immedtalely. Inquireof wkaaaV KELLOGOS ft CO. febfi 816 Hirer t t .

T o f i . u r . f l o m ih* i t t o f May next, th* 3 t lory brick dwelling houte N o . 6S StAte t t . . which It well built m modern t ty l* . wtth marble manile pietet , ftc. Inquire of J . R.

C A 4 j n , ) l ^ i * « . « , o r o f B m t t . ,

f.Mb,cftg . . , f&im «t. <MkjMTO R U N T , from 1st of May nswt, »!•*»

17» River «t., eccupied by Joba Kerr ft Co. Stor* 16V " " " " A - NOIWM*, Hou** 81 " " " " John Chritti*. HottM M " " " " M k * R. Eddy.

A l « o , 6 0 0 f * « t o f d o r k . . A l t o , teveral tmall lenementt. Inquire of E .

Tattrnpaon 8* l* i 169 Rr*er * t a o r ',, " ],!.„!- ' JOHN L T H O M P S O N ,

feh4 KumMj ISl River i t .

" S L ^ L L i t t I O ; F L A L I C - J O L l | ' l , irom the 1st nf May nexl, hoot** No. 1 .1 and 6 Clin-too Place, Albany t t . l a i d bonne* *r* in Hrst rate r*p*if, "Hh trrry coovorHenc* for

T O 1 * » T , house No. 119 Fifth, b e t w . m State mod Congret* t i t . , convenient for two families. It will he rented with the privi­lege of oftder-lettirig lh* opper part o f it .—

8 T O R E T O I , E T , and possession g iv-n im nediately.No 3ftfl River street wlthl»rgc yard and shed attached, newly rcpa<red

and in complete order—a desirable stand for country or city trade. Inquireof RMITH A WOOD

T O L E T , a good -itualion for* public: house, on Congress . i r ee i , and well calculated for country business, on a term of years. T h e buildings will be lined up to tun the conve­

nience of the lessee, and the rent will he put very low Inquireof HEO. M. T I B B I T S .

d22 T i l T B I ' M K . one small dwelling »f four rooms, yard anil cistorn. Rent low. 11 <• ,


jsi. nl!)

GEOi M- T I B B I T S ^

Tl» L E T , the upper rooms •< bans* No. 10« Third st. Rem low Inqnir* of

J. F. SIMMONS, 65 Cnnirrets st .

Goods have been laid in to the he«t sdvanui shall be disposed of«t much reduced pru

COONKV k M D N T V . n : . d24 Merchant Tailors, No. 7 C innmi PI icy .

HA R O T I M E S pulnt defiance ' — Just r r r e n - l at 246 River street, a grneia nssorlmetit ol La­

dies' and Gents - GLOYES, M i l l E N S and \ . o i i A fINH. Also , s . .me more ol lho.e cheap iJuti-, fnr which there has been so great a demand I.ikewiso an assortment ol Fur and Cloth CAl'N

The above arti.'le* will be sold so very l»v as m put t l » hard l i n e s at defiance. All rampemion, with respect to good articles and low prim**, is use­less , so lhat th..so wishing t o pur. base. |.y call .ng on the subscriber, a ill h**e no occasion lo go ..is^ where, ai thry m»y be sure ol bring »uit<-d (a l l at 246, and call in season. S TAPI'IN

d l o _ _ _ I iA»*t1 TAILOftlfvG i.H TA BL1SII \i 1 '.NT - [' .1 KJ H K N D R Y X , corner ol River nnd first s treet , , (up stairs) tenders his servlres to hi-. <•: I i U-II .UI.TS and the pnblic generally, al nnres corri • pon.l-og > ''> the limes. A foil share nf ] ttronnge is resp>. t, ,,:y •alicitexl:"

N B Very particular s t t e n t o n paid In cutl. dlO tf

H A B T V W A R K BRINCKERHOFF, CA . . i ^ A OAI.E have received their Fall imporrii s

of Hard wore and Cutlery, which, with the floods re reived from th* American m**unV»nrie», makes 11.-ir assortment full sndcomtdete. Merchants ond . n . n wishing lo purchase, c*n be lurnish*4 *n faio, n.te t e r m s . _ _ "* .

C»n be found ai Ifls River \ i x —

Blue 'tot, naiural and coloreu Lynx and Grnneit Squirrel and i*oncy Muffs ; alto Sen 1 j . .n. Leoinrd tfld GenneU Sleigh Robes, and an assoitmrat of Fur Cap* sn4 Hal* comtiintly on hand.

4 i 3 DAVID EI.LIS ft SON-

F O B S 4 L E — T h e thra* story brick H O B S * ... t a d Let N o . 16 Third st. A l*rg« portion o(

!|Ji the [.iirchase money can remain on bond and mortgage. For particular* inquire on the

premises, or of the subscriber, at his store, 172 Riv. «r tt . T t o j - ofi CALEB H A Z E N .

|Bfc loss. In

T«» I > E T , jUtrt o f b i i i l d m g 1 5 | Congress •trtwt,

„ pied At Inquire of

ttrret, rill tr« r*t of M t f i i e x t , lately occa pled • * * merchiwil

last year.

faflor'f shop. l U n l B . W I G H T ft SON, •''.-' y i x i w ^

T O * M E * Ir, hou*e' Ko . 16 ElbOw ttreal.— Pbssetsion can be given imm«r)fcte| | , It> qwr* of dAf*E ft CO.

af 3 Eranklin Sqnar*.

H T O T J T B L A D I E S . -A street, a general assnrtn eni of MI U s ,

*il*r\. M J O B • I O O O W A N • E I ) lor o n . or two • J P » . ) V f \ f y e t r t o n Bond and Morigag"-. on aistate in thit city worth f,400fi Post Offio*.

R ..n I Ad.Ires. I . . i 1.H7


"tASrt F O B F L A X . — t h e cath, on deliver* 193 River street. Troy, will be paid for s r '"'

[ ^ A 8 I J at clean nnd wel l dressed Frax.

W . T - W I L L A R O , An'i n l R i t t f , IMS Hiver

p j I O t ft S k i - fothVMtVinmerc al B:\nk of T O tOthare* SchenectadA .̂nd Snra ng.i Rail I

12 90

dft *

New Y f r k a*d Tmy-stetMnhoBi IN. , Adamt l lntk , hw salt !•>

A C F M . E J \ S . 82J* River ,t fay1 tot family -mi Medn,.i Full* vt lit

> L « s O R , of e h W e hyvtad*

ri» . •!. i , -.• •' pare ol b. Third t t . hjquire of M H. Frater, N o t W Hivei SI o r o o i i i o ureitii-es, , «80

I O L E T , ihe r»om over A p o ^ m a f y ' r i a l l , No. 840 Hirer tf reel, • pleasest location for an office. Apply to

H E I M S T R E E T ft A N O R E 8 , 8 4 « l t | v « r t t .

•.wrr-pj ^laaati.niua*........!., ttgi .1*1(1 ~ w --S.P .. '. .if •> ' j * • T O L E T , at taw rent, ftir the k*ll»ne*o4 0 ? » l

^ ^ a V i a » < i . | » » 1a*g.«4fW |

. I s i i t K l ^ r l i M l k K M t l H Kj doxen hero-ttitched Line*

t r r u . r n r

Hdkf*. **lling off M the low priea of »* Sd earl*. Thw h**t asaortmevit • ! Moot , d* L*i«e In the- * r w « »*ry red»c*.l price*, m l a larg* lot of Fr*nch Calico am!JMu*lm, at cow aa I let* than co*t, by f . MORGAN,

V Samtntt, Veniee, Eag le ,* Al so hrfcheaief, Loebpnn, »H«ck R ~ k a m ft<rur'**H warraittrdattd delivered in any , a-. . . , i v * #. N- H 1 > S I , M l c % - . T ^ J " •

r Wifjht .deceated, in the stock and tra • Arm ofTv1*»*r*. AMen A Wight , uliere > good nt** h*sbe«n done A better opporim-.u '• i to be found, inquireof D. VVH.HT ft M'N

nlrt Ml H - -

I i l . .

h o i i . i i T O N , » » 8 . R « » « » tr#*o**v» •"»"""' •* "'•

/«MtW>4s*»i t*^' . . l Hllf i l" ftldTtsMgrinife** be l...n <l i-

f or els. w**£ i t * * * * * , - 1 «*

W A l r l K D L V M I l a W - t i a s W wrr O ready tnpplwd t h e W l l t U t ) r*» "'

» hn>e , . i a tnpplled t h e t w i h t j , raw I s * have , I e , .

f t k l * of do i ig M, « r*di*Nf prires They " toU »t *t low • rat* •* t » r tteiweiyB* j d j < « m i l a i * * * * . A . h i l . i . K K

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