iggy analysis

Within Iggy Anzlea’s music video Fancy it is clear to see that she is mimicking the famous film Clueless. Although she has copied several elements from the film it is not a parody of the film. Now from the use of this film clueless as inspiration it I clear to see that Iggy is representing young teens within her music video. This is just an indignation that I have gotten from who the film is aimed at themselves. If I focus on elements within the music video itself I can see that the location at the start of the film has the artist speaking to her peers during lesson (figure 1). Not only is this a moment from the film (figure 2) but it also helps to show that the artist herself is playing a teen within her high school years. The film clueless is based around a group of teenagers at school both the popular and the unpopular. Listening in to the music of the video you can hear the artist claiming that she is "so fancy" help to present the idea that she is representing a teen of a popular status within school. Within the music video. Although I do not live in America or am not use to the lifestyle of teens I would say that the stereotype of teens that this artists is following helps to clearly present her representation within the music video. Within this music video Iggy is portraying herself to the audience through the use of the narrative so that certain aspects of her personality comes through. Iggy, and also Charlie XCX, are portraying themselves as rebellious females which reflect what they are like within the music industry. (Figure 1) (Figure 2) After reflecting on the representation of the music video I would have said that the audience that the music video is aimed at would be young teens. However the sexual imagery and ravelling clothing makes me think otherwise (figure 3). Within the music video the artist is seen wearing short skirts and tight clothing. By wearing such clothing the artist is encouraging people of a young age to do the same. However I would also suggest that the artist is targeting

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Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Iggy Analysis

Within Iggy Anzlea’s music video Fancy it is clear to see that she is mimicking the famous film Clueless. Although she has copied several elements from the film it is not a parody of the film. Now from the use of this film clueless as inspiration it I clear to see that Iggy is representing young teens within her music video. This is just an indignation that I have gotten from who the film is aimed at themselves. If I focus on elements within the music video itself I can see that the location at the start of the film has the artist speaking to her peers during lesson (figure 1). Not only is this a moment from the film (figure 2) but it also helps to show that the artist herself is playing a teen within her high school years. The film clueless is based around a group of teenagers at school both the popular and the unpopular. Listening in to the music of the video you can hear the artist claiming that she is "so fancy" help to present the idea that she is representing a teen of a popular status within school. Within the music video. Although I do not live in America or am not use to the lifestyle of teens I would say that the stereotype of teens that this artists is following helps to clearly present her representation within the music video. Within this music video Iggy is portraying herself to the audience through the use of the narrative so that certain aspects of her personality comes through. Iggy, and also Charlie XCX, are portraying themselves as rebellious females which reflect what they are like within the music industry.

(Figure 1) (Figure 2)

After reflecting on the representation of the music video I would have said that the audience that the music video is aimed at would be young teens. However the sexual imagery and ravelling clothing makes me think otherwise (figure 3). Within the music video the artist is seen wearing short skirts and tight clothing. By wearing such clothing the artist is encouraging people of a young age to do the same. However I would also suggest that the artist is targeting an audience of 20 + this me purely because the film that inspired the music video would be unknown to individuals of a younger age. Which makes her choice of clothing more acceptable because people of that age group are not easily influenced by what they see celebrities wearing. However the settings and events that are shown in the music video makes me question whether or not this is the right target audience as the events that unfold i.e. being a new driver, going to school are not activities that people of an older age group can relate to so I assume that the artists is trying to aim it at a younger age group which makes her music video inappropriate for the age group that she is targeting due to the sexual clothing and the drug substances such as alcohol (figure 4).

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(figure 3) (figure 4)

As I mentioned before the narrative of this story is based on the film clueless. A lot of the events that transpire happen in the same linear narrative at which they do in the film. By basing the narrative of the music video upon a film that was famous at the start of the 20th century it allowed the artist to gain an audience because those who enjoyed the film would enjoy the song fancy due to is close link with the film. The narrative of the music video also helps to portray the ideologies Iggy is trying to show. In "Fancy" Iggy Azalea is talking about fame. She starts the song off 'First thing first I'm the realest'. This line seems to suggest that the artist is removing herself from all the fakes of Hollywood stating that she still tries to be real. 'I'm still in the Murda Buzness.' Still in the business. 'Cuppa Ace, cuppa Goose, cuppa Cris.' All of these are related to alcohol, so I think she's referencing drug/alcohol abuse. The chorus line is obviously relating to her fame and fortune, saying that with her money she is indeed fancy. 'In the fast lane, from LA to Tokyo,' is likely relating to her traveling from city to city on tours. The second verse is talking about 'haters', honesty, and money. They are all about the partying and having a good time with thing that come their way as well as working extremely hard and being very successful at the same time. The title of this video, 'Fancy'(figure 5), explains the narrative very well as they are showing that they are superior and above the others. The extremely short skirt and fancy clothing show that she is not only interested in school, she is wanting to be a fashion icon within the video like what she is known for as a celebrity so that girls and women look up to her and want to be like her.

(Figure 5)

The single was released 17th January, 2014 under Def Jam recordings and Virgin EMI who are both major labels who mould and adapt artist to become a product to sell to audiences. The single is mainstream and there is a mass audience that the institution are appealing this video to, and to achieve major success they have to sell Iggy and portray her with a certain criteria. The Richard dyers star theory applies within this particular music video as the record labels have to

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make her fit into stereotype and make her have that 'star' image that celebrities have in order to appeal to an audience and make them idols.

Within Iggy Azalea’s music video “Fancy” the codes and conventions of a hip-hop music video is clearly shown. From the first few minutes of the video we can see that the video is performance based and is based around a story about the singer herself at school, we hear her proclaiming how she is ‘the realist’ as she is the one who has the spotlight and who the story is about.

The music video incorporates bright colours in different ways, the clothing, background and even the props are brightly coloured, this helps to make the video seem more lively and outgoing which is very common in hip-hop music videos. This is done so that the genre can appeal to a young audience due to

the upbeat, fun and light hearted nature of the video.

As we can see Iggy Azalea is dressed in fashionable clothing that are the current trends, this appeals to a young audience because they will want to own the bright and colourful clothing. At the start of the music video we see the singer using the app ‘revolve’ helping her pick an outfit to wear. The app is showing flicking through a number of outfits. Despite the music video being set in a certain era it still holds the fashion that is current. And we fail to see a fashion faux pas in the music video.

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The music video uses several mid and close up shots of Iggy Azalea this helps to show her innocence to the audience. The close up shots are a great way to connect with the audience through the music video, allows the audience to feel


This music video is based on the movie ‘clueless’ it shows the singer Iggy at school. Partying and shopping, doing all the things a teenager would. These things are very conventional in a hip-hop music video as they are usually based on partying, school life or teenage crushes. Which is exactly the same in this music video as it allows the audience to have a common ground with the artists.

Within the music video we can see that Iggy Azalea and the rest of the people in the music video are portrayed as happy, and that they are enjoying life going well with the upbeat and lively atmosphere that surrounds the music video. 

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