if you want a 'big brother' you get all that comes with it!

Upload: thehiddensoldiers

Post on 09-Apr-2018




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    We Are Fighting For Your Freedom, Wake Up, And Join Us!



    Oisin, the son of Finn mac Cumhaill, leader of the Fianna. I have experienced many adventures in my

    life and so there are many stories told of me. I start my story today with my birth

    Finn mac Cumhaill was out hunting one day. His hounds, a large pack that always ran down their

    prey, ran down a doe that was strange in many ways. First of all, only two of the dogs, Bran and

    Sceolang, caught the doe, then the dogs refused to harm her! They just held her until Finn arrived.

    Second, while they were chasing the doe, neither Finn nor his men could catch up with them. And

    when they finally caught the doe, they were on the 'Hill of Allen.' A very magical place in Ireland. As

    Finn approached, as none of the rest of his men could, a strange and magical thing happened!

    The doe spoke to him! She said, "I am Sadb, a woman of your tribe enchanted by the Druid Fer

    Doirich. Finn immediately gave her his protection and told all his men, waiting at the bottom of the

    hill to leave. As soon as they were gone, another wonderous thing happened! The doe turned back

    into a woman. Finn and Sadb spent the night together. The next morning she was a woman, not a

    doe. They had fallen in love during the night and soon married. Soon, Sadb was with child, and Finn

    went back to travelling with the Fianna. As soon as that happened, Sadb turned back into a doe.

    After a little while, nine moons or so, Sadb knew that she was about to give birth. While still in the

    form of a doe, she went back to Finn and another amazing thing happened! She give birth to a

    human baby boy, which she left for Finn to find under a Rowan tree. My name is Oisn, which means

    'Little deer' in Irish. Finn found me and knew that I was his son and raised me until I was seven yearsold.



    He then sent me, out to foster parents. When I was is in my very early teens, I returned to the Fianna

    and asked to join them. I underwent the challenges, running through a forest without disturbing the

    hair on my head, plucking a thorn out of my foot while running, and running under a branch no taller

    that my knees while the rest of the Fianna chased me, as well as being buried in sand up to my waist

    and avoiding all the spears thrown at me by the rest of the band!

    Soon I was the leader of one of the bands of the Fianna. My fame grew as I led my band through the

    land. Answering the needs of the people by doing good deeds, my fame soon grew more as my band

    lived off the land. I was content in what I did and couldn't imagine any other way of life!

    And then magic happened! As I was sitting by the shore of the sea one day, a queen from the

    Fairyland, Niamh Chinn ir, Niamh of the golden Hair, looked across the seas and saw me sitting by

    the shore. She thought that I was the most beautiful and wondrous man that she had ever seen. She

    knew right then that she wanted me to be her lover.

    She rode across the waves on her magical white horse and stopped before me as I sat by the sea.

    She said to me "You are the most wondrous man I have ever seen. Come with me to my home across

    the sea and be my lover. My land is the most delightful land of all that there are under the sun; thetrees are stooping down with fruit and with leaves and with blossom. Honey and wine are plentiful

    there; no wasting will come upon you with the wasting away of time; you will never see death or

    lessening. You will get feasts, playing and drinking; you will get sweet music on the strings; you will

    get silver and gold and many jewels. You will get everything I have said and many gifts beyond ken

    which I have no leave to tell."

    I sat there in wonder for a minute and thought about what she had told me. If I went with her, what

    would happen to my people? What would happen to the world that I knew? Could I give up all that

    had made me happy so far, for her? I told her "I need time to think. This was an answer that would

    change my whole life. I beg of you, for the sake of my heart, give me until the morning to decide."

    And she did. She rode away over the waves to her land, only to return in the morning.All night long, I thought about my land and people. Who can know the thoughts that ran through my

    mind? I thought about travelling the countryside with the Fianna. I thought about the people I would

    never see again. It was a terrible night for me. What was I willing to give up for Niamh? Should I sit

    by the seashore and think of all the things I would never see? Should I only look forward to the

    pleasures I would find in Tir na n'Og, the Land of the Young?

    In the morning, Niamh came back and asked me once again, "Will you travel with me to my land?

    Will you join with me as my lover?" I answered, "I will! I have thought long through this night, about

    that which I must give up and about that which I will gain, but in truth, the answer came from within.

    Seeing you I knew that we would have to be together! There was no other answer! Take me with

    you to your land and let me be with you forever, my love!"

    We mounted upon Niamh's horse and rode off over the waves. It seemed like only a short time we

    rode, but to mortals on this world, it was a very long time. When we came to Tir na n'Og, it was

    everything that Niamh had promised. I would fight every day, feast every night, and each night I and

    Niamh would become one! And the next day it would happen all over again! Perfect bliss did I know!

    I bore two sons and a daughter to Niamh.

    Time passes differently in the land of Faerie than it does in the land of men. After 300 mortal years,

    but only a few months in Faerie, I found that I missed traveling with the Fianna. I missed old friends.

    I found I longed to be with them.

    One day, I told Niamh, "I miss my companions in the Fianna. Can I go back to see them for just a fewdays?" She said, "Time passes differently here than it does in Ireland. What has seemed like months



    to you has been centuries there. All your friends have been gone for a long time. Please stay with me

    and don't go back!"

    And I replied "But it will only be for a day! I need to see for myself that what you say is true." Niamh

    relented, what else could she do? But she said "you can only go on one condition, no matter what

    happens, you must stay on the horse's back at all times. If you don't, you will never come back to

    me! Will you agree to this?" And I agreed.

    I mounted on the magical white horse and rode off across the waves, landing on the shore of Ireland

    near the Hill of Allen. The hill had changed though. It was now abandoned and overgrown. The wide

    forests that I knew were gone! All that I saw was open pasture land. At first, I thought I was in the

    wrong place,then seeing familiar landmarks, I knew, I was not!

    I rode until I came to Glenasmole, in modern Co. Wicklow. There I saw a group of men, almost the

    size of boys to me, trying to rise up a stone. To them, the stone was larger than they could lift

    together. To me, it was a small stone I could raise with one hand! As I rode up to them, I called out,

    "Do you know where I can find Finn and the Fianna?" Laughingly they responded, "Finn? He's just a

    legend that our grandfathers used to tell us about. There's no truth to that legend!"Hurt, I still knew that as a Fianna, I must help them. I called out to them "Do you want a hand!" And

    again laughingly they responded "Aye, if you think you can help."

    I reached down with one large hand and grabbed the stone and slowly it started to move. It was

    almost fully raised when the unthinkable happened! The girth on the saddle broke and I fell to the

    ground! All the years that I had been in fairyland caught up to me in the wink of an eye! My skin

    wrinkled, my hair turned grey. The horse immediately ran out towards the sea and disappeared.

    The men looked at me in wonder and asked what had happened. I cried out, "All is lost! What have I

    done! Why would I give up all that I had for one last look at my homeland?" I sat there and wept as

    the men tried to figure out what had happened.

    The story of the man, who had appeared on a magical horse and then miraculously turned old,spread through the land. It finally reached the ears of St. Patrick who knew that he had to talk to this

    man and try to convert him to Christ.

    Within a day, St. Patrick reached me and talked to me. He asked me to tell him my story. As I told

    Patrick about Finn and the Fianna, Patrick had his monks write down everything I told him. And a

    good thing too, for this is where most of the modern knowledge of Finn and the Fianna comes from!

    After I had told Patrick the story, Patrick told me that I needed to be baptized in Christ to be saved. I

    thought for a few moments and then asked Patrick, "What had happened to Finn and the Fianna?

    Had they been baptized in Christ?" Patrick replied, "No, they were pagan sinners who had died

    unrepented and had gone to Hell!"

    To that, I replied, "Well, if heaven isn't good enough for Finn and the Fianna, then there is no way

    that it's good enough for me!" And with that, I died and joined Finn and the rest of the Fianna in Tir

    na n'Og, the Land of the Young!

    As they say in Ireland, "I haven't really gone away you know!"

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