if conditional

Pengertian, Tipe, Susunan, Makna dan Contoh Conditional Sentences Pengertian Conditional Sentences adalah kalimat bersyarat. Kalimat ini memiliki dua klausa-induk kalimat dan anak-kalimat-yang dihubungkan dengan menggunakan "IF". Kalimat ini memiliki makna "seandainya" atau "jika". Di dalam bahasa Inggris, tipe

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Pengertian, Tipe, Susunan, Makna dan Contoh Conditional Sentences

Pengertian Conditional Sentences adalah kalimat bersyarat. Kalimat ini memiliki dua klausa-induk kalimat dan anak-kalimat-yang dihubungkan dengan menggunakan"IF". Kalimat ini memiliki makna"seandainya"atau"jika". Di dalam bahasa Inggris, tipe kalimat ini dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu :

1. First Conditional

2. Second Conditional

3. Third Conditional

A. FIRST CONDITIONAL1. SusunanIf + S + V1, S + will + V1 + O

Contoh :

a. If I see Barlie, I will tell him.

(Jika saya bertemu Barlie, saya akan mengatakan kepadanya.)

b. If Julie is free tomorrow, he will invite her.

(Jika Julie libur besok, dia akan mengundangnya.)

c. If it rains tomorrow, will you stay at home?

(Jika besok hujan, apakah kamu akan diam di rumah?)

d. If it rains tomorrow, what will you do?

(Jika besok hujan, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?

2. MaknaKalimat dalam konstruksi ini berarti mungkin benar-benar terjadi jika syratnya terpenuhi. Oleh karena itu, makna kalimat ini disebut sebagai possibility (kemungkinan). Pemaknaan kalimat pada tipe ini dapat disusun sebagai berikut :

S + may + V1 + that + S + may + V1 + O

Dalam pola susunan tersebut, kalimat-kalimat contoh di atas dapat diuraikan maknanya menjadi berikut :

a. I may see Barlie that I may tell him.

b. Julie may be free tomorrow that he may invite her.

c. It may rain tomorrow, may you stay at home?

d. It may rain tomorrow, what may you do?

B. SECOND CONDITIONAL1. SusunanIf + S + V2, S + would + V1 + O

Contoh :a. If I married Rania, I would be happy. (Jika saya menikah dengan Rania, Saya akan senang.)b. If Jack became rich, he would marry her. (Jika Jack menjadi kaya, dia akan menikahinya.)c. If it snowed next July, what would you do? (Jika musim salju bulan July yang akan datang, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?)

2. MaknaApa yang dikatakan dalam induk kalimat tidak pernah terjadi karena syarat yang dikatakan dalam anak kalimat tidak terpenuhi. Oleh karena itu, kalimat ini disebut sebagai Unreal Present. Tenses untuk makna kalimatnya berubah dan polanya disusun sebagai berikut :

S + dont/doesnt + V + that + S + will not + V1 + O

Dalam pola susunan tersebut, kalimat-kalimat contoh di atas dapat diuraikan maknanya menjadi berikut :

a. I don't marry Rania that I am not happy.

b. Jack doesn't become rich that he will not marry her.

c. It doesn't snow next July, what do you do?

C. THIRD CONDITIONAL1. SusunanIf + S + had + V3, S + would have + V3 + O

Contoh :a. If I had seen Diana, I would have told her. (Jika saya bertemu Diana, saya akan mengatakan padanya.)b. If it had rained yesterday, would you have stayed at home? (Jika kemarin hujan, akankah kamu tinggal di rumah?)c. If Shinta had been free yesterday, I would have invited her.) (Jika Shinta libur kemarin, saya akan mengundangnya.)

2. MaknaApa yang dikatakan dalam induk kalimat tidak pernah terjadi karena kalimat syarat yang dikatakan dalam anak kalimat tidak pernah terpenuhi. Karena dinyatakan dalam bentuk Past Tense, kalimat ini disebut sebagai Unreal Past. Tenses untuk makna kalimatnya juga berubah :

S + didnt + V1 + that + S + would not + V1 + O

Dalam pola susunan tersebut, kalimat-kalimat contoh di atas dapat diuraikan maknanya menjadi berikut :

a. I didn't see Diana that I would not tell her.

b. It didn't rain yesterday did you stay at home?

c. Shinta wasn't free yesterday that I would not invite her.

Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Conditional Sentences Type 0, 1, 2, 3

Soal Conditional SentencePengertian Conditional Sentence

Conditional sentenceadalahcomplex sentence(kalimat majemuk) yang dibentuk darisubordinate clauseyang diawali dengansubordinate conjunctionifberupacondition(syarat)danmain clauseberuparesult/consequence(hasil).

Ada 4 tipeconditional sentenceyang biasa digunakan, yaitu:tipe 1,tipe 2,tipe 3, dantipe 0.Conditionpadaconditional sentencetipe 1mungkin dipenuhi, tipe 2 tidak atau hampir tidak mungkin dipenuhi, tipe 3 tidak mungkin dipenuhi (unreal), sedangkan tipe 0 selalu terwujud karena merupakanscientific fact/kebenaran ilmiah.

Rumus Conditional Sentence

Rumus Umum

Secara umum, rumus kalimat pengandaian ini adalah sebagai berikut.

if + condition, result/consequence

atau tanpa tanda baca koma:

result/consequence + if + condition

Rumus Conditional Sentence berbagai tipe

TypeRumus Conditional Sentence

0if +simple present, simple present

1if + simple present, will + bare infinitive

2if +simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive

3if +past perfect, would/should/could/might have +past participle

Contoh Conditional Sentence

Berikut contohconditional sentencepada berbagai tipe sesuai dengan rumus di atas.

TypeContoh Conditional Sentence

0If we burn paper, it becomes ash.(Jika kita membakar kertas, itu menjadi abu.)

1If I meet him,I will introduce myself.(Jika saya bertemu dia, saya akan memperkenalkan diri.)

2If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.(Jika besok hujan, saya akan tidur sepanjang hari.)

3If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.(Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya akan hadir di pestamu.)

Negatif if + condition

Rumus:ifnotdapat digantikan denganunless.

Contoh conditional sentence: ifnot dan unless:

Dengan menggunakan rumusnegatif if, contohconditional sentenceseperti di bawah ini.

Ifthe students donotunderstand, they will raise their hand to ask.

Unlessthe students understand, they will raise their hand to ask.

1. If a customer chocolate ice cream from the restaurant, he or she will get extra toppings.



2. The hotel front desk clerk you special price room rates if you dont ask.

won't offer

wouldn't offer

3. If you call Tessa, I others.

would call

will call

4. If I tell the truth, hurt?

will he get

will he gets

5. Unless it snows, the pavements slippery.

will not

will not be

6. If he the book, I will borrow it in my university library.

doesn't have


7. The manager your current income if you can stay focused when working from home.

will double


8. You will make your parents sad if you responsible for your life.



Incorrect | karena responsible = adjective, maka perlu digunakan verb to be. Verb to be yang cocok dengan subject you adalah are.

9. If you come to her house, she something delicious for you.

will cook

will be cooked

10. If it rains heavily, under water?

will your home end up

will your home be ended up

1. If I his mind, I wouldnt let him touch my PC.

would read

could read

2. If I him, I would quit my job and start a business.



3. If he were here, I him not to enter the room without permission.

would advise

would advice

4. It appreciated if you returned the form as soon as possible.

would be greatly

would greatly

5. I rich, I would send my son to study overseas.

were if


6. If he studied harder, he the best score in his class.

would get

would got

7. Your parents wouldnt be angry if you to them.

don't lie

didn't lie

8. Unless Reny got enough sleep, she productive.


wouldn't be

9. If I won a god medal at the international physics olympiad, I admision in some universities without test.

could get

can get

10. If you had a sister, clothes with her?

would you share

you would share


If you an umbrella, you wouldnt have got wet.

had took

had taken



If you about personal financial planning, you couldve spent your money wisely.

had knew

had known



She your calls if you had reply her text message fast.

wouldn't have been ignored

wouldn't have ignored



Had you treated your maid better, she

wouldn't have ran away

wouldn't have run away



If he had come to ask forgiveness, his apologies?

would you have accepted

would you have accept



If our friend hadnt forgotten to renew his visa, he

wouldn't have been deported

wouldn't have deported



If the student the instructions carefully, he wouldnt have broken an dessicator.

had listened and followed

have listened and followed



If the driver , he wouldnt have crashed concrete road separators.

hadn't got enough sleep

had got enough sleep



If you that you couldnt handle the pressure anymore, your parents might have helped you.

have told

had told



If you earlier, you could have saw the beautiful sunrise.

had woken up

had woke up

1. 1.If you got a bunch of money, it on stupid things?

would you spend

would you have spent


2. 2.If the student had got enough sleep, she difficulties in reading the material.

wouldnt has faced

wouldnt have faced


3. 3.If I you, I would look for my passion to find a new career.




4. 4.When he to sleep, he never counts sheep leaping over fences.


will go

Incorrect | zero conditional berupa habitual activity (kebiasaan)

5. 5.If I advise her about travelling by plane with children, to me?

she will listen

will she listen


6. 6.It would be fun if the button to lower volume on my PC properly.

could worked

could work


7. 7. good quality cookware, we mightnt have needed to get rid of burnt taste in this food.

We had used

Had we used


8. 8.Your calls if you had replied her text message fast.

wouldn't have ignored

wouldn't have been ignored


9. 9.Unless it rains, I clothes in the sun instead of using the dryer.

will dry

would dry


10. 10.Your sister to you if you dont stop yelling at her.

wouldn't be nice

won't be nice


11. 11.If adults a single espresso, it can slow the flow of blood to their heart.


will drink

Correct | zero conditional berupa scientific fact

12. 12. I tall, I would consider joining the army.

If were




















































































