ieee transactions on information forensics and...

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 1 Data-Driven Feature Characterization Techniques for Laser Printer Attribution Anselmo Ferreira, Luca Bondi, Student Member, IEEE, Luca Baroffio, Paolo Bestagini, Member, IEEE, Jiwu Huang, Fellow, IEEE, Jefersson A. dos Santos, Stefano Tubaro, Senior Member, IEEE, and Anderson Rocha, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Laser printer attribution is an increasing problem with several applications, such as pointing out the ownership of crime proofs and authentication of printed documents. However, as commonly proposed methods for this task are based on custom-tailored features, they are limited by modeling assump- tions about printing artifacts. In this work, we explore solutions able to learn discriminant-printing patterns directly from the available data during an investigation, without any further feature engineering, proposing the first approach based on deep learning to laser printer attribution. This allows us to avoid any prior assumption about printing artifacts that characterize each printer, thus highlighting almost invisible and difficult printer footprints generated during the printing process. The proposed approach merges, in a synergistic fashion, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) applied on multiple representations of multiple data. Multiple representations, generated through different pre- processing operations, enable the use of small and lightweight CNNs whilst the use of multiple data enable the use of ag- gregation procedures to better determine the provenance of a document. Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust to noisy data and outperforms existing counterparts in the literature for this problem. Index Terms—Laser printer attribution; deep learning-based document provenance analysis; convolutional neural networks; multiple representation; multiple data. I. I NTRODUCTION Printed documents are found everywhere. From simple documents available today such as homeworks and warnings, to more crucial ones such as contractual clauses and scientific articles, a printer is always involved, being it a dot matrix, dye- sublimation, thermal, ink-jet or laser. The last one has been the choice of ordinary people and offices in the last decade because of its speed, quality of printing and decreasing price. However, with this massive access to printing devices, a new threat has also emerged: the use of laser printers for criminal intentions. Additional contractual clauses inexistent before, child pornography and animal abuse photos, life threatening letters, illegal correspondence, terrorist plots, fake currency Anselmo Ferreira and Jiwu Huang are with the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Media Security, College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, P. R. China Anderson Rocha is with the Institute of Computing - University of Camp- inas (Unicamp) - Av. Albert Einstein, 1251, CEP 13083-852, Campinas, S˜ ao Paulo, Brazil. Jefersson A. dos Santos is with the Department of Computer Science - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Av. Antˆ onio Carlos 6627 - Pr´ edio do ICEx - Pampulha, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil, 31270-010. Luca Bondi, Luca Baroffio, Paolo Bestagini and Stefano Tubaro are with the Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria - Politecnico di Milano - Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133, Milano, Italy. and fake documents can now be easily printed by anyone. Hence, providing ways of pinpointing printing ownership of documents is paramount, mainly to link them to criminals. Also, linking a document to a printer is another way of authenticating official documents. Several approaches have been proposed for this task in the literature. Some techniques are based on laboratory analysis of the actual used paper [1], [2]. However, these methods can damage or even destroy investigated documents as chemical and physical procedures are involved. Another branch of ap- proaches exploits the so called extrinsic signatures, which are characteristic footprints printed on documents, either visible or not to the naked eye. These signatures can be embedded into printed material by modifying the printing process to encode some sort of source identification [3]. This can be done, for example, using watermarks, pulse width modulation, QR- codes or security deterrents [4], [5], [6], [7]. Recently, it has been reported that some printers encode, on the printed pages, some provenance information using tiny yellow dots spread over the printing material, no matter if the document is colored or not [8], [9]. The limitation of these approaches is the fact that they do not represent a golden standard followed by the whole industry, and an expert user can change the printer’s firmware maliciously. Finally, another group of methods aims at solving printer attribution in a non-invasive (i.e., preserving the original document) blind fashion. This means these methods do not rely on printer information embedded into documents. Rather, they rely on signatures left by mechanical imperfections specific of printers that can be searched for on the printed material [10], [11], [12], [13]. These techniques use computer vision and machine learning approaches applied to scanned versions of suspected documents. More specifically, existing methods for text (non-colored) documents make use of hand-crafted features generated by an initial assumption about printing imperfections. These features are then extracted from a limited part of the data (e.g., one symbol or letter of the raw text) [11], [14], [15], [16] and fed to supervised classifiers for reaching a decision upon the printer source of the document. As the use of engineered features has been recently chal- lenged by feature learning paradigms in many detection and recognition tasks [17], in this paper, we present a data-driven printer attribution approach. This is the first deep learning solu- tion for laser printer attribution that uses several Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in parallel, extracting meaningful discriminative patterns straight from the analyzed documents

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Page 1: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND … · Jefersson A. dos Santos is with the Department of Computer Science - Universidade


Data-Driven Feature Characterization Techniquesfor Laser Printer Attribution

Anselmo Ferreira, Luca Bondi, Student Member, IEEE, Luca Baroffio, Paolo Bestagini, Member, IEEE,Jiwu Huang, Fellow, IEEE, Jefersson A. dos Santos, Stefano Tubaro, Senior Member, IEEE,

and Anderson Rocha, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Laser printer attribution is an increasing problemwith several applications, such as pointing out the ownership ofcrime proofs and authentication of printed documents. However,as commonly proposed methods for this task are based oncustom-tailored features, they are limited by modeling assump-tions about printing artifacts. In this work, we explore solutionsable to learn discriminant-printing patterns directly from theavailable data during an investigation, without any furtherfeature engineering, proposing the first approach based on deeplearning to laser printer attribution. This allows us to avoid anyprior assumption about printing artifacts that characterize eachprinter, thus highlighting almost invisible and difficult printerfootprints generated during the printing process. The proposedapproach merges, in a synergistic fashion, Convolutional NeuralNetworks (CNNs) applied on multiple representations of multipledata. Multiple representations, generated through different pre-processing operations, enable the use of small and lightweightCNNs whilst the use of multiple data enable the use of ag-gregation procedures to better determine the provenance of adocument. Experimental results show that the proposed methodis robust to noisy data and outperforms existing counterparts inthe literature for this problem.

Index Terms—Laser printer attribution; deep learning-baseddocument provenance analysis; convolutional neural networks;multiple representation; multiple data.


Printed documents are found everywhere. From simpledocuments available today such as homeworks and warnings,to more crucial ones such as contractual clauses and scientificarticles, a printer is always involved, being it a dot matrix, dye-sublimation, thermal, ink-jet or laser. The last one has beenthe choice of ordinary people and offices in the last decadebecause of its speed, quality of printing and decreasing price.

However, with this massive access to printing devices, a newthreat has also emerged: the use of laser printers for criminalintentions. Additional contractual clauses inexistent before,child pornography and animal abuse photos, life threateningletters, illegal correspondence, terrorist plots, fake currency

Anselmo Ferreira and Jiwu Huang are with the Shenzhen Key Laboratoryof Media Security, College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University,Shenzhen, P. R. China

Anderson Rocha is with the Institute of Computing - University of Camp-inas (Unicamp) - Av. Albert Einstein, 1251, CEP 13083-852, Campinas, SaoPaulo, Brazil.

Jefersson A. dos Santos is with the Department of Computer Science -Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Av. Antonio Carlos 6627 - Predio doICEx - Pampulha, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil, 31270-010.

Luca Bondi, Luca Baroffio, Paolo Bestagini and Stefano Tubaro are withthe Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria - Politecnico diMilano - Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133, Milano, Italy.

and fake documents can now be easily printed by anyone.Hence, providing ways of pinpointing printing ownership ofdocuments is paramount, mainly to link them to criminals.Also, linking a document to a printer is another way ofauthenticating official documents.

Several approaches have been proposed for this task in theliterature. Some techniques are based on laboratory analysisof the actual used paper [1], [2]. However, these methods candamage or even destroy investigated documents as chemicaland physical procedures are involved. Another branch of ap-proaches exploits the so called extrinsic signatures, which arecharacteristic footprints printed on documents, either visible ornot to the naked eye. These signatures can be embedded intoprinted material by modifying the printing process to encodesome sort of source identification [3]. This can be done,for example, using watermarks, pulse width modulation, QR-codes or security deterrents [4], [5], [6], [7]. Recently, it hasbeen reported that some printers encode, on the printed pages,some provenance information using tiny yellow dots spreadover the printing material, no matter if the document is coloredor not [8], [9]. The limitation of these approaches is the factthat they do not represent a golden standard followed by thewhole industry, and an expert user can change the printer’sfirmware maliciously.

Finally, another group of methods aims at solving printerattribution in a non-invasive (i.e., preserving the originaldocument) blind fashion. This means these methods do not relyon printer information embedded into documents. Rather, theyrely on signatures left by mechanical imperfections specific ofprinters that can be searched for on the printed material [10],[11], [12], [13]. These techniques use computer vision andmachine learning approaches applied to scanned versionsof suspected documents. More specifically, existing methodsfor text (non-colored) documents make use of hand-craftedfeatures generated by an initial assumption about printingimperfections. These features are then extracted from a limitedpart of the data (e.g., one symbol or letter of the raw text) [11],[14], [15], [16] and fed to supervised classifiers for reachinga decision upon the printer source of the document.

As the use of engineered features has been recently chal-lenged by feature learning paradigms in many detection andrecognition tasks [17], in this paper, we present a data-drivenprinter attribution approach. This is the first deep learning solu-tion for laser printer attribution that uses several ConvolutionalNeural Networks (CNNs) in parallel, extracting meaningfuldiscriminative patterns straight from the analyzed documents

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instead of using ordinary feature engineering. Our approachexploits the advantages of back-propagation procedures, com-monly used in CNNs, to automatically learn discriminantfeatures from a set of existing training documents. It also usesdifferent data representations to better identify printing patternartifacts on an input printed character, further enhancing thecharacterization process and the analysis of provenance ofa printed document (attribution task). Finally, we apply alate-fusion paradigm to integrate the classification outcomescoming from different letters within the same document.

The proposed approach is tailored to blind laser printerattribution for grayscale text documents. This means we do notrely upon any prior information such as inserted watermarks,and the traces we exploit can be extracted by the analysison sets of letters. As the proposed method builds upon amachine learning framework, we assume the availability of aset of training documents as for any other supervised learningapproach in the literature [12], [18]. More specifically, weconsider that the only available data are scanned versionsof: (i) the questioned document, and; (ii) a set of trainingdocuments coming from a set of suspect or candidate printers.The available training documents are considered to be printedwith the same font and approximately the same font-size ofthe document under analysis. Moreover, we assume that sometraining documents actually come from the printer used togenerate the document under investigation. In this setup, weconsider that all the documents have been scanned with thesame scanner, in order to avoid introducing any additional bias.

Notice that, even though these hypotheses may seem strict,we are not bounding our method neither to work with asingle font and font-size, nor to work with a fixed character.Moreover, in courts of law, it is common that: (i) the analysthas direct access to many documents printed with the suspectprinter, or; (ii) the analyst has access to the suspect printeritself. In the first case, as the commonly used fonts and sizesfor official documents are not many, the analyst has a highprobability of owning sufficient data with the same font and(approximate) size. In the second case, the analysis is evensimpler, as the analyst can print as many documents he/shewants, with any font and size.

In summary, the main contributions of this paper are:1) The design and development of an ad-hoc CNN for

laser printer attribution based on the analysis of smallpatches representing text characters. The network ischaracterized by a small amount of parameters, thusallowing a fast yet reliable training with a limited setof labeled data.

2) The use of CNNs on multiple representations of thesame character to learn complementary features that arefused together for an increased recognition accuracy.

3) The use of a late-fusion paradigm to merge results com-ing from the analysis of different characters within thesame document. In this way, each character is classifiedseparately, and individual results contribute to the finaldocument label. This is useful especially for documentscontaining repetitions of some letters.

We organized the remaining of this paper into six sections.Sec. II discusses the most important techniques in the liter-

ature to identify the intrinsic artifacts of laser printers usingcomputer vision and machine learning approaches. Sec. IIIintroduces the concept of CNN, which is necessary for under-standing the rest of the work. Sec. IV introduces our approachfor source printer attribution. Sec. V reports all the detailsabout the experimental methodology used for validating theproposed method and compare it to the existing counterparts inthe literature while Sec. VI shows the performed experimentsand results. Finally, Sec. VII concludes this work reportingour final considerations and proposals for future work.


Laser Printers (LPs), differently from ink-jet printers, use adry painting process based on the electromagnetic attractionof sooty powders inside a toner and the paper to be printed, ina process conducted by modifying charges on a light-sensitiverevolving drum by a laser light source reflected by mirrors.The laser printer process occurs, in a nutshell, by chargingthis drum by a laser reflected by a mirror, which attracts thepositive charged toner. Finally, the paper attracts the toner anda fusing process, by heat, joins the toner to the paper.

The intrinsic characteristics that can be seen on printedpages during this process are generated by imperfections inthe manufactured parts of LPs, such as the leak of electriccharges in some parts of the drum, different patterns ofmirrors angle for different manufacturers, different speed ofthe revolving drum, among others. One of these intrinsiccharacteristics is called banding and is the most considered bythe literature. Banding is defined as light and dark lines in aperpendicular direction to where the paper is moved inside theprinter [4], [19]. Different brands are characterized by almostunique banding frequencies on different models of printers[12]. Several techniques in the literature have been focused ondetecting such banding artifacts. Most of them can be dividedin approaches focused on color documents (images) and text-only-documents. We discuss both of them in the followingsubsections.

A. Solutions for color documents

Existing methods to identify the source printer of colordocuments (i.e., documents with images) often exploit intrinsicsignatures in the printing process, such as noise and geomet-ric distortions, or in statistics derived from the transformedscanned images.

1) Solutions based on noise analysis: Lee et al. [20], [21]used the CMYK color space to detect the printer sourceof a document. The authors calculate a residual image bysubtracting the scanned version of a document to its Wiener-filtered version. The residual image is then summarized usinggray-level co-occurence matrix (GLCM) statistics [22] andclassified using a machine learning algorithm. Following asimilar path, Choi et al. [23] and Tsai et al. [24] incorporateddifferent color channels in the analysis and employed waveletsfor feature extraction.

Elkasrawi and Shafait [18] also used the noise residualpattern to identify the printer even with common-resolution

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scans (400dpi). For this they propose a descriptor based onthe work of Khanna et al. [25], in which statistics of the rowand column directions of the image are calculated. However,image filtering is performed differently, with the aid of theOtsu’s threshold method [26].

2) Solutions based on the analysis of geometric distortions:Bulan et al. [27] used geometric distortions to identify thesource of a color document. First, geometric signatures areextracted by estimating the positions of dots in halftone intraining scanned documents of a given set of printers. Then,by correlation, the halftone points in a test document are linkedto their source. Wu et al. [28] created printer models composedof distance and angles of halftone dots. K-means clustering onthese Euclidean distances help in the final printer attributionprocess.

3) Solutions based on the analysis of statistics of thetransformed image: Ryu et al. [29] proposed the analysis ofvery high-resolution scanned images through histograms ofHough transform angles in CMYK color channels, generatinga feature vector of printing patterns for each document printedby a given printer. The printer attribution is performed bycorrelating this pattern with a reference created for eachprinter.

Kim and Lee [30] used the halftone patterns for laser printeridentification, acquiring images by photography, instead ofscanning. First, the image is preprocessed to eliminate illu-mination variability using each channel in the CMY domain.Then, a set of 15 halftone texture features are extracted inthe discrete Fourier transform domain and are used to feeda machine learning classifier. This work was extended uponin [13] using the curvelet transform and correlation-basedattribution.

B. Solutions for text documentsFor text documents, most of the approaches to printer

attribution rely upon texture, noise and geometric distortionanalysis in the printed letters to find the extrinsic signaturesof the banding process common to different printers.

1) Solutions based on the texture of printed letters:Mikkilineni et al. [10], [31] proposed the use of texturedescriptors based on statistics of gray-level co-occurrencematrices to identify the source of text documents. A set ofletters “e”, which is the most used letter in English texts [32],is chosen for feature extraction. Then, 22 statistics of gray-level co-occurrence matrices are extracted and used as inputto a previously trained 5-nearest neighbors classifier, with themajority voting of the classified letters defining the final sourceof a document. In follow-up works, support vector machines(SVM) were used [14], as well as clustering and Euclideandistances [33]. Jiang et al. [34] proposed the extraction offeature vectors based on Benford’s law. The extracted featureswere the first digit probability distribution of discrete cosinetransform coefficients from multi-size blocks. Following adifferent path, Ali et al. [35] used the linearized pixel values ofletters “i” as features properly mapped onto lower dimensionalspaces through Principal Component Analysis. The decisionmaking is then performed using a Gaussian mixture modelmachine learning classifier.

Ferreira et al. [12] proposed a series of approaches basedon the multidirectionality and multiple resolution bandingtexture effects present in printed letters in a document. Theauthors extended the GLCM texture descriptor to considermore directions and scales in the analysis of the input letter.They also proposed another descriptor, called the convolutionaltexture gradient filter, which filters textures with specificgradient, present in areas that better differentiate the printers.The authors used the proposed approaches on “e” letters andproposed to consider another region for analysis: the frames,which are rectangular areas with sufficient printing material.

Finally, other authors have focused on the attribution prob-lem for languages using different alphabets. Tsai et al. [36],[15] combined features from statistics of gray level co-occurrence matrices and sub-bands of wavelet transform forlaser printer source of Chinese printed documents. As withEnglish language, a specific symbol of Chinese language waschosen for analysis. Tsai et al. [16] extended upon this methodby using statistical features from a gray-level co-occurrencematrix, discrete wavelet transform, spatial filter, Wiener filterand Gabor filter to identify the source of Japanese printeddocuments.

2) Solutions based on the analysis of noise and geometricdistortions: Kee and Farid [11] proposed to use referencecharacters and the reconstruction error to identify the sourceof text documents. The authors start with a reference “e”character of each printer. Then the search of similar charactersfrom the same printer is done in a training step by templatematching. These letters are then used to build the printerprofile, useful for printer attribution later on. This profile isfirstly built by preprocessing letters with histogram normal-ization and registration with respect to the reference letterof the printer. Then the mean character is calculated and thetop p eigenvectors from principal component analysis [37] arecalculated on aligned characters, yielding the printer profile.

Wu et al. [38] used geometric distortions to identify the laserprinter source of documents. They first model a projectivetransformation using the center of characters and the wholescanned image in uncompressed format. Then, they solve thismodel with least squares and singular value decompositionfor outliers removal. The estimated model parameters areused as geometric signatures inserted in a machine learningclassifier. Finally, Schreyer [39] used statistical features fromnoise images in the discrete cosine transformed domain andin the multi-resolution wavelet domain, to train a machinelearning classifiers for source printer attribution.

C. Remarks

In this work, instead of grappling with the printer attributionproblem with hand-crafted features, similarly to previous so-lutions in the literature, we set ourselves the following guidingresearch principles:

1) Learn the discriminative features directly from the avail-able collected data in a totally data-driven fashion.

2) Extract meaningful discriminative characteristics from areduced set of training data, instead of the large ones

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often necessary for training deep Convolutional NeuralNetworks.

Before we discuss how we deal with these requirementsin our proposed method to perform laser printer attribution,it is worth discussing some basic concepts about deep neuralnetworks. We do this in the next section.


Since 2012 [40], convolutional neural networks have shownto be very effective in complex image classification tasks. Pi-oneered by LeCun et al. [41], the main benefit of using CNNswith respect to traditional fully-connected neural networks isthe reduced amount of parameters to be learned. Convolutionallayers made of small size kernels allow an effective way ofextracting high-level features that are fed to fully-connectedlayers. The training of a CNN is performed through back-propagation and stochastic gradient descent. The misclassifi-cation error drives the weights update of both convolutionaland fully-connected layers. After training, it is possible to usethe output of a network’s layer as feature vector paired withan external classifier, rather than simply relying on networkclassification layer. The basic layers of a CNN are listed below:

1) Input layer: where data is fed to the network. Input datacan be either raw image pixels or their transformations,whichever better emphasize some specific aspects of theimage.

2) Convolutional layers: contain a series of filters withfixed size used to perform convolution on the imagedata, generating a so called feature map. These filterscan highlight some patterns helpful for image character-ization, such as edges, regular patterns, etc.

3) Pooling layers: these layers ensure that the networkfocuses only on the most important patterns yielded byconvolution and ReLU. A pooling layer summarizes thedata by sliding a window across the feature maps andapplying some linear or non-linear operations on the datawithin the window, such as generalized mean or max,reducing the dimensionality of the feature maps used bythe following layers.

4) Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU): ReLU layers normallyfollow a convolution operation and are responsible forapplying a non-linear function to the output x of theprevious layer, such as f(x) = max(0, x). Accordingto Krizhevsky et al. [40], they can be used for fastconvergence in the training of CNNs, speeding-up thetraining as they deal with the vanishing gradient problemby keeping the gradient more or less constant in allnetwork layers.

5) Fully-connected layers: used for the understanding ofpatterns generated by the previous layers. They arelocated at the end of the network and act as classifiers,usually followed by a soft-max layer to determine theclass associated to the input image.

6) Soft-max layer: typically used at the end of the networkduring training. It normalizes input values in order toguarantee they sum to one. In doing so, its output can

Fig. 1. Common architecture arrangement of a CNN. The input image istransformed into feature maps by the first convolution layer C1. A poolingstage S1 reduces the dimensions across the feature maps. The same processis repeated for layers C2 and S2. Finally, the last layer is used to classify theinput.

be interpreted as a probability distribution (e.g., pointingout the probability of a sample to belong to each class).

Fig. 1 depicts one possible CNN architecture whose outputat a given layer is fed to an external classifier. The type andarrangement of layers vary depending on the target application.

Although very powerful at representing patterns present inthe data, the main drawback of deep learning is the fact thatcommon CNNs normally need thousands or even millionsof labeled data for training. This is an unfeasible conditionin many applications due to the lack of training data andto the big amount of time needed to train a model. In thiswork, we present an alternative approach that deals with theserequirements by considering several lightweight CNNs forlaser printer attribution, as we shall discuss in Sec. IV.


The proposed solution for laser printer attribution works ac-cording to the following supervised machine learning pipeline.First, documents under analysis are digitalized and differentsets of characters Schar are extracted from them (e.g., Se andSa for characters “e” and “a”, respectively). Each character ofeach set is processed separately. Characters are processed toobtain multiple representations of them (i.e., S raw

char, Smedchar and

Savgchar contains the raw, median filtered residual and average

filtered residual versions of the characters). For each repre-sentation, different features f raw

char, fmedchar and f avg

char are extractedusing small CNNs trained for this problem. These featuresare combined for each character set into a single featurevector fchar, which is used to classify each character separately.Finally, a voting step aggregates all labels lprint

char assigned toeach character into a final decision lprint. In the following, weprovide a detailed description of each step.

A. Characters extraction

Choosing the appropriate input data to solve laser printerattribution problem with the proposed architecture is an im-portant step. As a matter of fact, selected data should containenough information to characterize the used printer (e.g.,banding artifacts). However, this data should not be stronglyinfluenced by the semantic of the content, otherwise thenetwork training would be negatively affected. As a goodcompromise, and motivated by state-of-the-art methods using

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dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum

dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum

dolor sit amet

Se = {e, e}

Fig. 2. Document digitalization and character extractor pipeline. Printeddocuments are scanned, and letters are extracted by template matching usingthe procedure described in [12]. The set Se is composed by the detected pixelpatches containing character “e”.

characters as the minimal entity for text documents analysis[12], we also decided to start the analysis at character level.

To extract characters from printed documents, a digitalversion of them must be obtained. To this purpose, ouralgorithm starts by scanning all documents under analysisand extracting from scanned versions sets of characters usingthe same extractor devised by Ferreira et al. [12], as shownin Fig. 2. The extractor works according to the followingpipeline. First, we generate a reference letter, which has thesame font typeface and is adjusted to have the same size asone letter from the scanned documents. Then, the algorithmslices the letter in eight regions and counts the proportion ofblack and white pixels in each one, yielding a feature vectorused for letter extraction later on. To extract letters from thedocuments, black pixels connected components are extracted(i.e., character candidates) and the black/white ratio descriptoris computed again (the same as did before for the referenceletter) for each connected component. Candidate letters whosedescriptor has low cosine distance with respect to the referenceletter descriptor are selected. Although the extractor is notperfect (the images of extracted letters have not the same sizeand some false positives may happen), it guarantees that mostof the letters extracted are the same as the reference letter.

B. Multiple representation of input data

By using different characters and different representations ofthem, it is possible to separately train several small networksin parallel instead of a single complex network, thus reducingthe computational complexity and still achieving promisingresults. The intuition is that: (i) several simpler deep networkscan be effectively trained using less training examples and(ii) early layers of simple networks are sufficient to iden-tify interesting artifacts contained in the pixel domain (e.g.,banding). Moreover, we also decided to consider differentrepresentations of the input data along with multiple simpledeep networks. Different data representations rather than rawimage pixels have already been considered in the forensicliterature, such as for median filtering detection [42].

To this purpose, from each document, different sets Schar ofgrayscale characters of the same font and approximately thesame size are extracted. As an example, a set Se of letters“e” and Sa of letters “a” are used. In order to exploit theadvantages given by multiple representation, for each set Schar,we resorted to the following three different representations:

1) Raw data (S rawchar): image pixels are used as input to the

network as they are. This is the common representation

Fig. 3. Same letter “e” printed by different printers.

Fig. 4. Median filter residual representation of the same letters “e” showedin Fig. 3. Here, some minimal borders are highlighted. Pixel values (blackand white) are inverted in this figure for better visualization.

Fig. 5. Average filter residual representation of the same letters “e” showedin Fig. 3. Here, natural borders are highlighted. Pixel values (black and white)are inverted in this figure for better visualization.

used as input for CNNs, as it contains high and lowfrequency components that can be isolated by the CNNfilters and can be useful for image classification (seeFig. 3).

2) Median filter residual (Smedchar ): we apply a 3× 3 median

filter over the image and subtract the image from thefiltered version. The yielded noise pattern is used as in-put to the network. As the median filter better preservesedges, the median filter residual will contain, mostly,high frequency imperfections, which can be regarded asthe banding (see Fig. 4).

3) Average filter residual (Savgchar): we apply a 3× 3 average

filter over the image and subtract the image from its fil-tered version, using this residual as input to the network.This residual isolates border effects (see Fig. 5).

C. Feature extraction

To extract relevant features from our input data, we usea deep learning approach as discussed in Sec. III. Morespecifically, we train a simple CNN for each character andeach set S raw

char, Smedchar and Savg

char. Then we feed again patchesfrom S raw

char, Smedchar and Savg

char to the networks to obtain threefeature vectors f raw

char, fmedchar and f avg

char for each character withineach set, using these vectors in a supervised classifier.

The used network architecture is common to each characterand set and is similar in spirit to the MNIST network fordigit recognition [43]. However, for a better representationof the data of interest herein, we train the network fromscratch, yielding new filter weights able to recognize inter-esting characteristics for laser printer attribution. As far aswe know, this is the first deep network custom-tailored to theprinter attribution problem. The used CNN architecture hasthe following layers:

1) One input layer, where the raw image or a differentrepresentation (median filter residual or average filterresidual) is used. It requires 28× 28 images as input.

2) The first convolutional layer is made of 20 5× 5 filtersand is followed by a non-overlapping max pooling layerof size 2× 2 and stride 2.

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3) A second convolutional layer, with 50 filters of size5× 5× 20 is followed by another non-overlapping maxpooling layer of size 2× 2 and stride 2.

4) An inner product layer, which generates a vector ∈ R500.5) The 500 dimensional vector is non-linearly processed

with a ReLU function applied element-wise.6) An inner product layer acts as classifier with as many

output confidence scores as the number of printersavailable during training.

7) A soft-max layer finally outputs the index and theconfidence of the most probable printer.

In our proposed approach, we train the network usingthis architecture and then feed the training images again tothe already trained the network, extracting 500-dimensionalfeature vectors in the last but one layer and repeating theprocess for the testing images. To follow the literature, we usedthe network as a feature extractor only, transferring the featurevectors to another and well used classifier for this application.The network autonomously learns which characteristics ofthe input images are relevant for discriminating the differentprinters.

Specifically, the network is trained using stochastic gradientdescent with a momentum set to 0.9. We used an initiallearning rate of 0.001 and a weight decay of 0.0005 withoutdropout. We used a batch size (subsampling of image examplesused in one forward/backward pass through the network)of 100 images without batch normalization. The number oftraining epochs, which is the number of one forward and onebackward pass of all training examples through the networkwas set to 30, and the model generated at the epoch with thesmallest validation loss (20 epochs) was selected.

Fig. 6 and 7 depict the 20 5 × 5 filters of the firstconvolutional layer and also the characteristics they highlightfrom a letter printed by a given printer in the case the set S raw

eis considered. These figures show that different filters enhancedifferent areas of letters, such as texture and borders, whichhave been shown to be important to detect banding for LPattribution by existing methods in the literature such as [12].

D. Classification with early and late fusion

The proposed CNN architecture is characterized by a limitedamount of parameters, in order to allow a fast and reliable

Fig. 6. Example of filters weights for the first convolutional layer operatingon the raw input image pixels. Weight values are mapped in grayscale.

Fig. 7. Convolutional output of the first layer of the trained network, given aninput letter from an investigated printer. For each filter, different areas insideor outside the borders are highlighted.

training even with a small number of labeled samples avail-able. Small networks, as the one we are using, are expectedto have worse performance with respect to bigger and deepernetworks typically used in the computer vision community[17]. To compensate for this issue, we propose to use twolightweight fusion methods depicted in Fig 8:

1) Early fusion – multiple representations of the samedata: we apply three different networks on input charac-ters (of one type) coming from S raw

char, Smedchar and Savg

char. Weconcatenate the generated feature vectors f raw

char, fmedchar and

f avgchar into a single vector fchar in an early-fusion fashion

[44]. This vector is fed to a set of linear SVMs usedwith a One-vs-One classification policy [45] to classifyeach character separately assigning a label lprint

char to eachone of them. The rationale for using this technique isthat different representations highlight complementaryartifacts.

2) Late fusion – multiple representations of differentdata: after taking decisions at the character level withina document, we apply a late-fusion technique [44] byusing majority voting on sets of different characters.This is useful especially when dealing with documentspresenting a limited amount of characters within a singleset (e.g., only a few “e” letters). The obtained documentlabel lprint allows us to pinpoint which printer was usedto print the document.

For final decision making, we analyze the list of classifi-cation outcomes (votes) of letters from a document. In thecase of ties, we decide the mode as being the first mostfrequent value that appears in the list. For example, in a list



Fig. 8. Proposed multiple representations of different data for laser printerattribution through a set of lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks. Earlyand late fusion steps are highlighted in blue and green, respectively.

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of classifications x = [9, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9], the final classificationwould be 7. This can be thought of a pseudo-random tie-breaking and its most important advantage is simplicity. Amore interesting tie-breaking policy would be be summing upthe distances to the hyperplane of each classified letter in adocument, per class, and then deciding the final class as beingthe one with the highest sum (i.e., surer about the classificationfrom the classifier).

E. Remarks

As we show later on in this paper, it is indeed possibleto train effective deep learning networks (DNNs) with lessdata if we take appropriate actions such as: (i) not selectinga too deep network, (ii) learning the features on different,and complementary, representations of the data; and (iii)combining the different outputs in the end through fusion.That being said, our motivation for using a solution based ona DNN for feature extraction and a discriminative classifierat the end was threefold. First, we wanted to evaluate therichness of data-driven features directly and not the DNNas a full-fledged feature extractor + classifier. Altough it isstraightforward to attach a last soft-max layer in the end ofthe network for classification, we opted to use a discriminativeclassifier at the end to have a standardized form of comparisonwith previous works, which have used SVMs for classification.By doing this, we ended up having just one free comparisonparameter (the features themselves). Second, our own previousexperience with DNNs show that the combination of a DNNfor feature extraction and a discriminative classifier at the endare very powerful, especially if we intend to perform fusionlater on. Finally, our third motivation comes from that factthat by using a discriminative classifier at the end of theDNN-based feature extraction, we could simplify the fusionof different methods at the end, thus creating a lightweightintegrated solution. The positive effects of these early and latefusion techniques will be discussed on Sec. VI.


This section presents the experimental methodology usedin this paper along with the used evaluation metrics, datasetand statistical tests. Finally, it details all the tested algorithms,some of which are baseline methods whereas some others areindividual parts of our algorithm used to separately validateeach step.

A. Dataset

For validation, we considered the same dataset of documentsproposed by Ferreira et al. [12] and freely available fordownload at Figshare1. It comprises 120 Wikipedia documentscontaining up to three pages each converted to PortableDocument Format (PDF). These documents were printed by10 printers using 75g/m2 letter paper and scanned using a600 dpi resolution Plustek SO PL2546 device, generating atotal of 1,184 images. Table I shows the printers breakdown




ID Brand Model DocumentsB4070 Brother HL-4070CDW 120C1150 Canon D1150 116C3240 Canon MF3240 120C4370 Canon MF4370DN 120H1518 Hewlett Packard CP1518 120H225A Hewlett Packard CP2025 119H225B Hewlett Packard CP2025 110LE260 Lexmark E260DN 119OC330 OKI Data C330DN 120SC315 Samsung CLP315 120

Total 1,184

along with their main characteristics. This is the first stan-dardized dataset in the literature containing documents in twolanguages: English and Portuguese. Although the characters inthese two languages appear to be similar, in Portuguese texts,there are some accentuation signals in some letters (e.g., e anda) that can confuse the letter extraction or the classification.

In [12], the authors have used two different datasets,one considering regions of interest of 980×800 pixels ex-tracted from the input documents — referred to as FramesDataset — and another one with only detected and ex-tracted characters from the input documents — referred toas Letters/Characters Dataset. After strongly rea-soning about this problem, we further motivated our researchto cope with the following real-world setups: (i) classifyingdocuments for which only a few printed lines are available,making it impossible to extract many frames and end up with areliable attribution solution in an investigation; and (ii) havingavailable only small pieces of document, a torn apart documentor a shredded one. Those cases would render the analysis offrames impossible or useless.

Based on this motivation, we set forth the objective oftailoring a solution to the problem that would allow usto have the highest possible attribution effectiveness while,at the same time, not requiring large input regions fromthe investigated document. Thus, we decided to use theLetters/Characters Dataset presented in [12] as ourreference benchmark. In addition, we also established theobjective of exploring data-driven features directly learnedfrom the data instead of hand-crafted oriented solutions asthe ones exploited and reported in [12]. For that, we wouldneed inputs that would not lead to an explosion of parametersin our DNN-oriented solution.

In addition to only using the “e” letters extracted from thedocuments as [12], in this paper, we go beyond and exploitthe impact of using different letters as well, as the authorsin [12] did not consider these cases. Table II summarizes thedatasets of letters used for the tests we generated from theaforementioned documents. As already mentioned, these havebeen extracted exploiting the characters extractor devised byFerreira et al. [12]. With this method, we extracted severaldifferent letters of approximately 38× 47 pixels printed withthe Wikipedia font from the documents according to theirfrequency in the English language [32], resulting in fourdatasets of different letters De, Da, Dd, Do as reported inTable II.

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Dataset Letter SamplesDe “e” 245,650Da “a” 286,098Dd “d” 185,009Do “o” 351,850De “e” 131,435Dframe frames 352,433

30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [



30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




30 35 40Width [pixel]





ght [




Fig. 9. Distribution of the extracted letter “e” sizes for each printer. Mostof the characters have a resolution of 38× 47 pixels, but some have slightlydifferent sizes.

As the extractor in [12] also detects letters of similar fontand size, these datasets can be regarded as affected by asmall amount of noise. As an example, Fig. 9 shows thedistribution of sizes of the extracted “e” letters for each printer.Although most of them share a common size, some of themslightly deviate. These datasets are then very useful to test theperformance of the proposed algorithm in adverse conditions.

To validate the proposed method in a noiseless scenario,we also created a clean dataset De of 131, 435 “e” letters.This dataset was created starting from the noisy “e” datasetDe keeping only the most similar letters sharing a (38± 1)×(47± 1) resolution.

At this point, it is worth mentioning that the input of ournetwork is always a 28×28 pixel patch. Therefore, we alwayscrop the center region of the letters so as to have inputs exactlymatching this network requirement. We do not perform anyresampling/resizing in order to avoid introducing additionalprocessing artifacts that can hinder attribution performancesby masking part of the telltales left behind by printers.

Finally, to validate our idea of using characters to train oursmall CNNs, we also built a dataset of small frames (e.g., smallrandom patches). To this purpose, we applied a 28×28 frameextractor in the documents, extracting 300 valid frames whoseratio between black and white pixels r is 0.6 ≤ r ≤ 0.8 fromeach scanned document. This resulted in the Dframe dataset.

B. Experimental methodology, evaluation metrics and statis-tical tests

For validation, we consider the same 5 × 2 cross-validationprotocol used in [12]. In this protocol, we replicate thetraditional 2-fold cross-validation protocol five times (thus5 × 2). In each of these 2-fold cross validations, a set ofdocuments (not characters) D is split into D1 and D2. In eachof the five executions, a classifier is trained with characters

of documents in D1 and tested on characters present in D2,and then vice-versa. After that, we report the results basedon documents classification (after majority voting of testdocuments letters) and perform the statistical tests after 10rounds of experiments. In this experimental protocol, eachcombination of training and test will use letters from 592documents for training an one-against-one SVM classifierwhile the remaining 592 documents letters are used for testingthe classifier. The number of letters used in the training andtesting of each of 10 experiments (which we call fold) willdepend on how many letters are extracted from each trainingand testing document and will also depend on which letter isbeing used in the analysis. For example, in the total 5 × 2protocol, there are a mean of 122,825 letters ‘e’ for trainingand the same for testing. According to a study conducted byDietterich et al. [46], the 5 × 2 cross-validation is consideredan optimal experimental protocol for learning algorithms.

In a multi-class problem with n classes, the classificationresults may be represented in an n × n confusion matrix. Inthis case, the main diagonal contains the correct classificationswhile the other entries contain misclassifications. In the 5× 2cross validation protocol, one confusion matrix is yielded perexperiment. Therefore, we present results by averaging thesematrices.

To test the statistical relevance of the obtained experimentalresults, we consider a two-level statistical test. In the first level,we use the Friedman test as a pre-test to point out whether ornot there is statistical difference in the obtained results. Thenwe refine these results with the Tukey-Kramer post-test, alsoknown as honestly significant difference (HSD) test to pointout statistical differences (if any) pairwise. In all tests, we setthe confidence level to 95%.

C. Tested algorithms

We performed several tests to validate the proposed ap-proach. First, we conducted a set of experiments aimed atselecting the reference CNN architecture. Then we tested eachseparate step of our algorithm (e.g., robustness to noise, earlyfusion, late fusion, etc.). Finally, we validated the proposedalgorithm against state-of-the-art baseline methods.

At first we compared several different Convolutional NeuralNetwork architectures in order to find the right balance be-tween complexity and accuracy. To this purpose, in addition tothe architecture proposed in Section IV, hereinafter denoted asS2-Conv, we also tested some deeper solutions. By adding oneand two more convolutional layers, each followed by a max-pooling layer, we created two CNNs, denoted as S3-Conv andS4-Conv. Two additional state-of-the-art network architectureswere used as benchmark: AlexNet [40], denoted as SAlexNet,and GoogLeNet [47], denoted as SGoogLeNet.

After validating the use of S2-Conv as CNN (hereinaftersimply denoted as S for the sake of clarity), we also testedeach data representation separately. This means we extractedfeatures using CNNs on a single representation of the inputdata (e.g., raw letters “e”) and used the obtained feature vectorsfor classification with SVM. Majority voting was appliedto letters to take a decision at document level. As single

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representations, we tested the median filter residual of theimage (Smed

char ), the average filter residual (Savgchar) and the raw

image pixels (S rawchar). We also tested different representations

inspired by the existing methods in the literature. As a matterof fact, we tested the filtered image from the ConvolutionalTexture Gradient Filter (CTGF) using both the 3× 3 (SCTGF3

char )and the 5 × 5 (SCTGF5

char ) filters from the work of Ferreira etal. [12] and also the Wiener filter residual [48] (SWiener

char ). Foreach approach, the subscript “char” represents the letter wetested (e.g., SWiener

e for the Wiener-based representation on “e”letters). With an abuse of notation, we use the symbol S torefer to both the algorithm and the set of input data.

We also tested the performance of the early fusion approach.For this, we concatenated the feature vectors from the last butone layer of CNNs applied on three different representationsof the same data, making them the input of an SVM classifier.We refer to early fusion methods as {S raw,Smed,Savg}char,where the methods in the brackets represent the used datarepresentations, and the subscript indicates the used letter (i.e.,“e”, “a”, “d”, “o” or 28× 28 frames).

To test the late fusion, we performed majority voting toclassification labels obtained with early fusion methods runon different character families. We call these approaches{S raw,Smed,Savg}char1, ..., charN, specifying the different sets ofcharacters used for fusion. Notice that late fusion approachesalso embed early fusion. The source-codes for all the proposedapproaches will be available at GitHub2 upon the acceptanceof this paper. The same applies to all used dataset variations,which will be available through FigShare.

We also compared our proposed technique to eight state-of-the-art methods (see Sec. II) focused on text documents.The first one is the GLCM-based method from Mikkilineni etal. [10], [31], which describes the signature present in thebanding with 22 statistics calculated per matrix. We referto this approach in the experiments GLCM. The next fourmethods used in the experiments were proposed in the workof Ferreira et al. [12]. The first one uses GLCM with multipledirections (GLCM-MD), while the second uses GLCM withmultiple directions and multiple scales in the input data(GLCM-MD-MS). The third one uses CTGF with size 3 × 3(CTGF) and the fourth method uses a combination of all thesemethods (CTGF-GLCM-MD-MS).

The sixth implemented method from the literature wasproposed by Kee and Farid [11] (RECONST-ERR) and usesreference characters to extract letters from documents. Todetect the source of a document, letters “e” are extractedand compared with the profile of each printer to obtain areconstruction error for each printer. The printer with thesmallest mean error is detected as the source. Finally, wealso tested two well-known texture descriptors widely usedin the literature: (i) local binary patterns (LBP) [49]; and (ii)histogram of oriented gradients [50] (HOG).


We now turn our attention to the experimental resultsobtained with different methods. First, we test our proposed


lightweight CNN fusion approach against several individualCNN architectures . Second, we dissect the proposed approachto test each of its steps separately. Third, we show resultsconsidering the effects of training CNNs on noisy rather thannoiseless data. Then, we compare different representationsof the input data. Afterwards, we show the advantages ofusing multiple representations (early fusion) and multiple data(late fusion). Finally, we present experiments comparing theperformance of our approach to the methods discussed inSec. V-C. All experiments were performed using the method-ology presented in Sec. V-B on the dataset with 1,184 printingspresented in Sec. V-A.

A. Evaluation of the CNN model

The first step toward the development of our proposed deeplearning approach for laser printer attribution is to determinethe kind of CNN architecture that best suits the problemat hand. One natural solution would be using the wholedigitalized document as input for a Convolutional NeuralNetwork, but this procedure have the following drawbacks: (i)it requires the designing of deeper networks, which will requirea larger amount of data, computational time and memoryresources to train the network; and (ii) the network trainingprocess will be strongly influenced by the semantic of thedocuments. Conversely, smaller areas with fixed patterns usedas input to smaller networks do not require as many layersas using the whole document as input and also can lead to afaster learning of network parameters and weights.

In this vein, we selected CNNs whose input are smallpatches of size as 28× 28, 227× 227 and 224× 224 as can-didate architectures for our proposed multiple representationof multiple data approach. For each candidate architecture, wetrain and test the first split of the raw “e” dataset De, trainingthese architectures for 30 epochs. The model generated at theepoch with the smallest validation loss is selected as the bestcandidate for each CNN. We show in Table III results con-sidering our fusion approach, denoted as {S raw,Smed,Savg}a,e,using six lightweight networks with 2 convolutional layers(architecture that we denote as S2-Conv) and some individualdeeper architectures, using the networks as feature extractorsand a linear SVM as the classifier.




Method Accuracy TTE [s] Size [MB] Input Data

{Sraw,Smed,Savg}a,e 98.30% 20.22 9.84 Da,De

SGoogLeNet [47] 98.30% 886.00 39.40 De

SAlexNet [40] 98.13% 290.00 217.00 De

S4-Conv,rawe 97.29% 21.70 15.43 De

S3-Conv,rawe 96.10% 8.10 2.92 De

As shown in Table III, the proposed approach, underpinnedby six lightweight networks instead of one, has similar results

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to a more complex network (SGoogLeNet) while presenting amemory footprint 75% more efficient and being, approxi-mately, 43× faster to train. Moreover, each individual networkof the proposed late-fusion approach consumes 1.64MB, thusthe final footprint is 6 × 1.64 = 9.84MB of space. This is afurther confirmation that the use of the proposed lightweightsimple networks in a fusion framework outperforms deepersolutions in terms of complexity-accuracy trade-off, at leastfor the particular setup considered herein. Indeed, the fusionapproach with six networks reaches an accuracy equals the onegenerated by a deeper network, but with a reduced complexity.

We also evaluate the solutions for laser printer attributionwith different training set sizes. We start comparing ourproposed lightweight fusion of CNNs to existing solutionsfor laser printer attribution on different proportions of trainingdata. For this experiment, we separated one combination oftraining and test data, sub-sampling the training data to be1%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 100% of the original trainingdata, classifying the same testing data using the same SVMlinear classifier used in the experiments. We show the resultsin Table IV. Each column shows a percentage of the trainingdata used.




Method 1% 10% 30% 50% 70% 100%

{S raw,Smed,Savg}a,e 91.20% 97.29% 97.63% 97.63% 97.96% 98.30%

SGoogLeNet [47] 87.64% 96.27% 94.92% 94.07% 98.13% 98.30%

SAlexNet [40] 89.00% 96.44% 95.77% 96.44% 97.29% 98.13%

Normally, deeper networks require more data to show goodresults if compared to smaller ones. As Table IV shows, theproposed approach outperforms more complex CNNs for 1%,10%, 30% and 50% of training data proportion used. A deepernetwork (GoogLeNet) starts to catch up and outperforms theproposed method when using 70% of data. In summary, thefusion of S2-Conv networks has the following advantages (i) itrequires less data for effective training; and (ii) individually,each network (S2 architecture) used in the fusion requiresless memory and time to train than using more complexnetworks. Therefore, we chose S2-Conv architecture in ourproposed fusion approach. In the following, we will denotethe S2-Conv architecture simply as S in order to allow for amore compact notation.

B. Dealing with noisy dataIn order to be useful in a real-world scenario, it is important

that the developed method is robust against non-ideal workingconditions. More specifically, it is paramount that the featureslearned by the CNNs are generalizable enough to guaranteegood performance also on noisy data (e.g., letters of slightlydifferent sizes). To test this property, we trained and testedthe algorithm using different single representations of the “e”character (i.e., S raw

e , Savge , and Smed

e ) on different combinationsof datasets (i.e., the noiseless De and the noisy De).

Table V shows the achieved results. For each representation,the best accuracy (around 97%) is obtained when the algorithmis trained and tested on clean data not containing charactersat different size (De). When the same network trained onclean data (De) is tested against dirty data (De), accuracy fallsdown at approximately 85%. However, it is sufficient to trainCNNs on De to obtain results comparable to the noiseless caseeven when dirty data is tested (94%). Therefore, to ensureenough robustness, from this point on, we always considernoisy datasets for both training and testing, as they are closerto a real-world setup.



Method Mean Training Data Test Data97.95% De De

Srawe 96.13% De De

84.43% De De

97.56% De DeSavg

e 94.50% De De

85.81% De De

96.87% De DeSmed

e 94.30% De De

85.58% De De

C. Choice of multiple representations

The proposed algorithm works exploiting multiple repre-sentations of the input data. It is therefore important to detectwhich representations contain more discriminative informationfor LP attribution. Table VI shows the best results obtainedusing different representations (e.g., S raw

char, SWienerchar , etc.) on the

different datasets (e.g., Da, De, Do, etc.).



Method Mean ± Std.Dev. Input DataSraw

e 96.13% ± 0.00 DeSavg

a 94.89% ± 0.30 DaSavg

e 94.50% ± 0.03 DeSmed

e 94.30% ± 0.01 DeSmed

a 93.34% ± 0.02 DaSraw

a 93.07% ± 0.03 DaSCTGF3

e 89.12% ± 0.03 DeSWiener

e 84.84% ± 0.30 DeSCTGF5

e 83.15% ± 0.06 De

Representations yielding higher accuracies are S rawchar, S


and Smedchar , whereas the use of CTGF or Wiener-filtered versions

of the characters provide the worst results. The best results areobtained using “a” and “e” datasets. This can be explainedas they are the most common characters in English andPortuguese. Therefore, Da and De are larger than Dd, whereasDo probably is affected by too much noise as “o” can be oftenmistaken with other letters during the characters extractionphase.

Interestingly, for some data (letters), the raw representationin deep networks is not good enough. For instance, deepnetworks applied on average filter residual (Savg

a ) of letters

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“a” yielded an accuracy of 94.89%, against the accuracy of93.07% on letters “a” raw image pixels (S raw

a ). This justifiesthe use of multiple representations and motivates the use ofdata fusion.

D. Early and late fusion

To validate the early and late fusion stages, we tested onlythe three selected best representations S raw

char, Savgchar and Smed

char .Table VII shows the results of the 5 × 2 cross-validationexperiments considering this scenario.



Method Mean ± Std.Dev. Input Data{S raw,Smed,Savg}a,e 97.33% ± 0.00 Da,De

{S raw,Smed,Savg}a 96.89% ± 0.00 Da

{S raw,Smed,Savg}a,e,d 96.87% ± 0.00 Da,De,Dd

{S raw,Smed,Savg}e 96.84% ± 0.00 De

{S raw,Smed,Savg}a,e,o 96.24% ± 0.03 Da,De,Do

{S raw,Smed,Savg}d 93.67% ± 0.03 Dd

{S raw,Smed,Savg}o 92.21% ± 0.03 Do

{S raw,Smed,Savg}a,e,frame 88.72% ± 0.02 Da,De,Dframes

{S raw,Smed,Savg}frame 73.69% ± 0.05 Dframes

Fusion approaches typically outperform the ones using onlysingle representations. This is because different representationsin the input layers of CNNs can contain important informationthat better identifies the banding over the different networks, aswell as other printing artifacts left behind during the physicalprinting of a document. For example, banding in the borderscontained in the average filter residual are better highlighted inits CNN and can complement the information found in the twoother CNNs that use information from the raw image data andmedian filter residual. Moreover, different letters (late fusion)can contain even more explicit banding patterns than usingthe same letter. With these findings, we conclude that bothmultiple representation approach and late-fusion are useful forlaser printer attribution using deep networks.

A special comment is in order regarding the use of frames({S raw,Smed,Savg}frame). As a matter of fact, their use, insteadof letters, is not as effective when deploying a solution usingdeep learning. This is explained by the fact that different dataare used as input at the same time to the same network,each of them presenting different printing patterns, probablydemanding a different and deeper CNN architecture. Thisfurther confirms the idea of using characters for the proposedmethod.

Considering all the presented results, the statistical test usingthe Friedmann pre-test yielded the p-value of 7.55 ×10−154,helping us to state that the approaches have a statistical signif-icant difference. Table VIII shows the statistical Tukey HSDtests. This confirms that our proposed fusion approaches havestatistically significant difference when compared to all thesingle representations. Notice that, even if the results obtainedusing early and late fusion are statistically equivalent, the useof late fusion is strongly motivated whenever a document doesnot contain enough letters from the same set (e.g., enough “e”letters).



Rank Method


1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 115 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 26 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 27 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 08 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 19 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 010 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 011 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 012 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 013 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 -114 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1415 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1216 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 -117 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1418 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -14

1 = Line method is better than column method 0 = Line method is equivalent to column method

-1 = Line method is worse than column method

{Sraw, S

med, S


{Sraw, S

med, S


{Sraw, S

med, S


{Sraw, S

med, S


{Sraw, S

med, S








{Sraw, S

med, S






{Sraw, S

med, S




{Sraw, S

med, S






{Sraw, S

med, S


{Sraw, Smed, Savg}a,e

{Sraw, Smed, Savg}a

{Sraw, Smed, Savg}a,e,d

{Sraw, Smed, Savg}e

{Sraw, Smed, Savg}a,e,o





{Sraw, Smed, Savg}d



{Sraw, Smed, Savg}o


{Sraw, Smed, Savg}a,e,frame



{Sraw, Smed, Savg}frame

E. Comparison with existing techniques in the literature

Table IX shows the results of the 5 × 2 cross-validationexperiments considering our best approaches and existingcounterparts in the literature. In this scenario, we are usingall approaches as feature extractors and feeding a linear SVMclassifier with these vectors in the training and testing step.




Method Mean ± Std.Dev. Input Data{Sraw,Smed,Savg}a,e 97.33% ± 0.0065 Da,De

{Sraw,Smed,Savg}a 96.89% ± 0.0052 Da

{Sraw,Smed,Savg}a,e,d 96.87% ± 0.0087 Da,De,Dd

{Sraw,Smed,Savg}e 96.84% ± 0.0068 De

CTGF-GLCM-MD-MS [12] 96.26% ± 0.0054 De

S4-Conv,rawe 95.84% ± 1.4700 De

S3-Conv,rawe 95.40% ± 0.8400 De

GLCM-MD-MS [12] 94.30% ± 0.0110 De

GLCM-MD [12] 91.08% ± 0.0089 De

HOG [50] 90.59% ± 0.0214 De

LBP [49] 88.66% ± 0.0145 De

RECONST-ERR [11] 78.90% ± 0.0210 De

GLCM [10], [31] 77.87% ± 0.0459 De

CTGF [12] 72.46% ± 0.0377 De

Table IX shows that the first proposed method that outper-forms the state-of-the-art is the one that uses multiple repre-sentations of the letter “e” ({S raw,Smed,Savg}e), classifying,on average, three more documents in each fold of the crossvalidation when compared to the best existing solution in the

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literature.When using a different letter rather than “e”, such as the

letter “a”, we also see an improvement in the results. The useof multiple representations of letter “a” ({S raw,Smed,Savg}a)enables to classify a mean of four more documents ineach fold when compared to state-of-the-art techniques.The multiple representation of multiple data “a” and “e”({S raw,Smed,Savg}a,e) shows its efficacy by showing the bestoverall accuracy of the experiments (97.33%), classifying sixmore documents than the best existing counterpart in theliterature, on average. The reason for this good performancerelies on the fact that this method takes into account multipledata with different banding artifacts that can be better high-lighted using different representations in the specialized deepnetworks.

To validate the efficacy of the proposed methods, we alsoperformed statistical tests. The Friedmann test showed a p-value of 3.16 × 10−138, which helps us to state that thedifference amongst the methods’ performance is statisticallysignificant. Table X shows the Tukey-HSD pairwise tests.



Rank Method




S [12]



-MS [12]





[50]LBP [49]


ST-ERR [11]G

LCM [10,32]

CTGF [12]



1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 102 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 93 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 94 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 95 CTGF-GLCM-MD-MS [12] -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 68 GLCM-MD-MS [12] -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 -19 GLCM-MD [12] -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 -410 HOG [50] -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -511 LBP [49] -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -712 RECONST-ERR [11] -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 -1113 GLCM [10,32] -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 014 CTGF [12] -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 = Line method is better than column method 0 = Line method is equivalent to column method

-1 = Line method is worse than column method

{Sraw, S

med, S


{Sraw, S

med, S


{Sraw, S

med, S


{Sraw, S

med, S






{Sraw, Smed, Savg}a,e

{Sraw, Smed, Savg}a

{Sraw, Smed, Savg}a,e,d

{Sraw, Smed, Savg}e



Considering the best performing configuration of our algo-rithm ({S raw,Smed,Savg}a,e) and the best literature approach(CTGF-GLCM-MD-MS), Table XI and Table XII show con-fusion matrices representing the classification accuracies perprinter. In Table XI, the confusion matrix of the proposedmethod shows that it is possible to identify 100% of threeout of ten printers used in the experiments. These printersare Canon MF4370DN, OKI Data C330DN and SamsungCLP315. The CTGF-GLCM-MD-MS confusion matrix in Ta-ble XII, on the other hand, shows 100% classification for onlyone printer, the OKI Data C330DN.

It is also remarkable the fact that we are using two printersof the same model and brand (H225A and H225B) and it ispossible to see, in Tables XI and XII, that there are just some



BEST PROPOSEDAttributed Printer

B4070 C1150 C3240 C4370 H1518 H225A H225B LE260 OC330 SC315


al P



B4070 99.50 0.00 0.33 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00C1150 0.52 99.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00C3240 0.67 0.00 98.83 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00C4370 100.00H1518 0.33 10.50 89.17H225A 93.10 6.90H225B 0.18 6.37 93.45LE260 0.17 0.33 99.50OC330 100.00SC315 100.00



CTGF-GLCM-MD-MS [12]Attributed Printer

B4070 C1150 C3240 C4370 H1518 H225A H225B LE260 OC330 SC315


al P



B4070 98.67 0.33 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00C1150 1.72 98.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00C3240 0.00 0.00 97.83 2.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00C4370 0.00 1.00 0.50 98.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00H1518 1.33 10.33 0.00 0.00 86.83 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.17H225A 0.00 0.50 96.98 2.52H225B 12.90 87.10LE260 0.67 0.50 0.17 98.66OC330 100.00SC315 0.50 0.33 99.17

misclassifications between them. The errors in these cases arelikely related to the printing artifacts generated by these twoprinters, which are similar for some documents. The proposedapproach misclassified an average of 6.6% of the documentsin these two classes, while the best existing method in theliterature did it for 7.7% of the documents. It is also importantto note that there are some misclassifications when classifyingprinters H1518 (an HP printer) and C3240 (a Canon printer)in both cases. This happens because these two printers presenta slightly smaller average font size with respect to the othereight, as can be seen in Fig. 9. Therefore, they probably sharesome common artifacts.


Laser printer attribution is a difficult task that involvesinvestigating several printing patterns, created with differentmanufacturing processes, models and brands. Existing meth-ods in the literature rely on computer vision and machinelearning algorithms applied to scanned versions of documents,aiming at finding intrinsic signatures on printed material thatbetter discriminate different printers. The main problem withthese approaches is that they are underpinned by so-calledhand-crafted features, which often require expert domain-knowledge to proper capture discriminative artifacts usefulin the attribution process (e.g., intrinsic texture, geometricdistortions in the printed material, etc.). Ideally, it would beinteresting to also be able to detect important discriminativefeatures directly from training data (data-driven methods).Those features could be even combined with hand-crafted onesfor a more effective method.

In this vein, in this work, we have proposed a solution capa-ble of learning discriminative features for the printer attribu-tion problem directly from available training data (i.e., scannedversions of printed papers). The solution inherits the benefitsof convolutional neural networks and back-propagation proce-dures, evolving the descriptor during training, thus making

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these networks tailored to the analyzed data. The methodrelies on artifacts captured from different letters of documentsin different languages. It also uses other letters rather thanthe commonly used “e”. To better highlight characteristicartifacts, different data representations through some imagetransformations were also investigated.

As we discussed thoroughly in this work, the use of multiplerepresentations of multiple data allows to outperform the stateof the art when for the laser printer attribution problem. Multi-ple representations fed as input to the used deep networks areimportant because they highlight different characteristics of theinput images. We also showed that multiple representations ofmultiple data is a reasonable choice for laser printer attributionwith deep networks. Indeed, with the benefits of the multiplerepresentations presented before, multiple data also ensures alarger amount of voters per document.

One interesting finding in this research is the promisinguse of these different representations, composed by low-passfiltering residuals, as input to Convolutional Neural Networks.In a real-world setup, in which a suspect document was printedusing a toner different from the one used for training themethod, these low-pass filtering residuals can work betterfor pointing out the source than raw image inputs, as thislast representation is more affected by the change of tonerdue to the increased presence of high-frequency componentslinked to toner artifacts. One natural extension of this proposedapproach for this cross-dataset setup is replacing the rawimage representation with other low-pass filtering residualanalyses, such as the Gaussian filtering residual [51], bilateralfiltering [52] and guided image filtering [53].

With current solutions to the printer attribution problemachieving high classification results, we believe it is time toaim at more daring challenges. For instance, current methodsin the literature have shown great potential for classifyingdocuments printed in similar conditions (both physical butalso temporally close together. As a matter of fact, the printerattribution problem is much more difficult than its relatedproblem of sensor attribution (for cameras and scanners). Thereason is that the printing process has much more mechanicalelements involved and intertwined when printing a document.Such elements surely play different roles in the creation of aunique signature for each printer. However, and the literatureneeds more study in this regard, it is natural that such signaturewill not last forever and will surely degrade over time asdifferent elements in the printer age and defects appear. Thenthe next question is what happens if a document was printedseveral years ago and the printer under suspicion was justrecently seized. A thorough investigation of this problemconsidering data captured in several moments along the yearswill be a significant contribution to the field.

Additional future work may be devoted to developing deepnetworks to be applied on different types of data, such asbigger letters and frames. Finally, we believe that also otherdifferent representations can be taken into account in furtherinvestigations. Finally, we also plan to study the behavior ofthe proposed approach on interpolated (rather than cropped)data.


This work was supported partly by NSFC(61332012, U1636202) and the Shenzhen R&D Program(JCYJ20160328144421330). We also thank the financialsupport of Brazilian National Council for Scientific andTechnological Development (Grants #477662/2013-7,#304352/2012-8 and #449638/2014-6, and #304472/2015-8),the Sao Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP (Grant#2015/19222-9, DejaVu project), Minas Gerais ResearchFoundation – FAPEMIG (Grant APQ-00768-14), theBrazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher LevelEducation Personnel (Grant #99999.002341/2015-08 and theDeepEyes project) and Microsoft Research.


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