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Leading from the Bench: Ethical Leadership for Technical Professionals IEEE Education Division December 1, 2010

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  • 1. Leading from the Bench:Ethical Leadership for Technical Professionals IEEE Education Division December 1, 2010
  • 2. Agenda Introduction: Challenges and Opportunities Engaging Technologists (or other humans) Virtues of Ethical Leadership Specific Skills
  • 3. Business ethics is sonegative.
  • 4. Two Ways to Drive Change People are the power (and competitive advantage) of any organization. Vision and strategyset and maintain direction
  • 5. Ethical Leadership:empower others to improve the world
  • 6. Learning from Sisyphus Sisyphus angered gods through a variety of antics. Accounts vary. His sentence was the worst thing the storytellers could imagine for a smart, engaged person.
  • 7. A virtuous cycle Purpose Pride Expectations Performance
  • 8. What drives employee engagement?Source: Gallup G12 Summary
  • 9. Gallups six key factors Clear expectations for my performance Materials and equipment Ability to do good work in assigned roles A supervisor who cares about me Co-workers committed to quality work Opportunities to learn and growSource: Gallup G12 Summary
  • 10. Ethical Leaders in ActionLeadership Development Model Leading Self Leading Leading Others in Context
  • 11. Pursue Greatness with Humility Humility is realism. Envision a better you. Be firm and kind. We help one another.
  • 12. Ethical Leaders in ActionVirtues of Ethical Leadership Clarity Creativity ServiceCompetence Courage
  • 13. ClarityImaginationand VisionReality andanalysisMoral Clarity:Values
  • 14. CreativityDivergentthinking:out of the boxConvergentthinking:in the boxProblem-solving
  • 15. CompetencePracticalwisdom andjudgmentTechnicalknowledgeCommuni-cation
  • 16. CourageDoing right,In the face ofdifficulty
  • 17. JFKs Profiles in Courage 1955 Pulitzer Prize winning history/biography Described multiple 19th Century Senators who did what was right for their nation at great personal risk and loss. Tells stories of moral and political courage in the U.S. Senate.
  • 18. Three Fears That Call for Courage Fear of disdain or social isolation. Fear of material loss job, future opportunities Fear of failing in ones responsibilities or commitments to others whether right or wrong.
  • 19. Drivers of Courage Clarity of Vision Belief in the organization Self-confidence and self-regard The moment Kennedys subjects were achingly human!
  • 20. ServiceBeing seriousaboutempoweringothersExercisingwill in supportof collectiveaims
  • 21. Working without a net Describe a past leadership challenge A time when you were ledbadly. A mistake that you made as a leader. An instance when things fell apart.What occurred?Why was it a problem or issue?
  • 22. Relational Leadership Model HIGH TO WITH punitive relational authoritarian authoritative Pressure stigmatising respectful NOT FOR neglectful permissive indifferent protective passive easy/undemanding LOW HIGHAdapted from Social Discipline Window - Paul McCold and Ted Wachtel - 2000
  • 23. How do you lead? TO WITH Relational Leaders Pressure offer high pressure, high FOR support NOT
  • 24. Leaders Listen! Perceive with whole being Most people blunt their own perceptions. Cops sharpen perceptions to survive and succeed Suspend analysis and action Cops learn to draw conclusions and to act swiftly Act, but deliberately. Ask, ask, ask ask Action bias leads to internal storytelling. Inform your narrative with input from others. We need to learn how to deliver pressure and support to each person
  • 25. Giving Feedback Past: What happened Observable events and facts Fair First person and objectiveProcess is working WITH Present: Why it matters others Consequences of actions. Implications Future: Required Changes, Directions Changes in actions or behaviors Reinforcement to repeat positive actions What does Relational Leadership teach us about giving feedback?
  • 26. The Critical Art of Apology I am sorry I understand your concerns and my mistake(s) I sincerely regret both my actions and their impact It wont happen again I commit to change I am accountable for that commitment Thank you for bringing this to me I appreciate the trust you demonstrated I appreciate the opportunity to apologize and changeA mistake or crisis - becomes an opportunity to strengthen a relationship
  • 27. The Three Elements of Fair Process Engagement Stakeholders invited to participate Fair Participants have an opportunity to be heardProcess is working Explanation WITH Process and rationale are clearly explained, along with others decisions and outcomes. Explanation is respectful it is also often educational. Expectation Clarity When decisions are made, implications for all stakeholders are clearly articulated. Everyone knows what to expect, and what is expected of them.
  • 28. Fair Process does not mean: Democracy Consensus Happiness or Contentment Accommodation of individual wishes or whims Command relinquishing legitimate decision authority or accountability A good indication of a fair process is when people who do notget their way understand why and how a decision was made, and acknowledge that the process was fair.
  • 29. The Oldest Leadership Program Comfort and Safety If we arenttellingstories, Current, tacticalothers information.surely are! Ancient stories that reinforce shared values. New stories that also reinforce those values.
  • 30. Pick your own virtues! Break into groups, one for each virtue or value. Group members each describe instances of those virtues at work. They share stories. Groups illustrate one story on a flip chart, and select a storyteller. Time to share!
  • 31. Tomorrow you can: Frame and share your personal vision for your virtue of service. Begin improving that vision with input from others! Convene a group to talk about purpose and leadership. Begin getting to know one person with whom you work better. Make a connection. Observe an opportunity to do something better, and make it so. Direct or engage others as necessary. Improve life for your team in some small but significant way. Reward yourself for taking an important step.
  • 32. Thank you for your attention!Chad WeinsteinEthical Leaders in Action, [email protected] We enable ethical leaders to achieve extraordinary results