identity short story

Moreno 1 Christian Moreno Ms. Gardner English 1, Period 0 2 September 2014 A Strange Encounter The day started off normally enough. It was a Saturday, and my friends and I were walking to get lunch. Walking behind them, I continued to keep up with our conversation. We got up to the corner. However, when I got to the corner, my friends were gone. I searched around, and then ran ahead to see if they had decided to leave me as a joke, but no one was there. I ran up to the restaurant, just a little further up the street. Outside, the patterns of the walls looked very worn and faded. When I got inside, the walls had the same coloring, but were much more vibrant and looked less worn. A man sat, at a table, the only person inside the entire restaurant. I went up to him, asking, “Excuse me, have you seen anyone walk in here recently?”

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Post on 03-Oct-2015




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This is my Identity Short Story, a story of my very odd encounter with my 73 year old self.


Moreno Christian MorenoMs. GardnerEnglish 1, Period 0 2 September 2014A Strange EncounterThe day started off normally enough. It was a Saturday, and my friends and I were walking to get lunch. Walking behind them, I continued to keep up with our conversation. We got up to the corner. However, when I got to the corner, my friends were gone. I searched around, and then ran ahead to see if they had decided to leave me as a joke, but no one was there. I ran up to the restaurant, just a little further up the street. Outside, the patterns of the walls looked very worn and faded. When I got inside, the walls had the same coloring, but were much more vibrant and looked less worn. A man sat, at a table, the only person inside the entire restaurant. I went up to him, asking, Excuse me, have you seen anyone walk in here recently?No, sorry, the man said. He turned to face me fully, and I was shocked to see who it was. It was a man, not a teenager, but, it was me! How is this possible!? My question took him by surprise. Excuse me? I dont understand. He looked at me as if I was crazy, and at this point, he was probably right. You look Well, you look just like me! I continued to stare at him to try to get a closer look.Well, I guess you do look kind of like me but it doesnt work like that. One person cant be two people!I know, but somehow this happened! Your name-what is it?Christian Moreno, the man mumbled.Mine is also, I answered. and you were born in 1999, yet youreIm 73, and the year is 2072, he answered.I looked around, realizing that there were no waiters and no one was walking by. Where is everybody? I confusedly stared at the front desk, which was empty.I dont know Its as if weve been closed off from the world. We cant see anybody, and nobody can see us.Like a giant bubble. We said this in unison. That was freaky, were so similar! I was surprised, even though I shouldnt have been.Well, we are the same person. We both stood there for a second, thinking.What do I end up doing as a job? I spurt out this question very suddenly.I dont think that I should tell you, maybe its better if you find out on your own. Trust me, in a few years youll know.Alright, I replied rather half-heartedly. What is your favorite book, assuming people still read in 2072?They do, all the time! But my favorite book is still the last Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.You still read that book!? I havent read it in two years, I got a little bored of it.Eventually, when I was around forty years old, I picked it up again. Reading is one of my favorite things to do now, even if it isnt your favorite now.Thats true, reading definitely isnt on the top of my priority list. By the way, are you in Petaluma right now? Do you still live here?Here? Im in New York. Thats amazing! I said, breathtaken by the fact that we werent even in the same place. I took another look around, wondering if this was truly possible.Can you prove to me that youre from the future? I began to question the reality of what was happening around me. The man pulled a wallet out of his pocket, and took out what seemed like a form of registration. He showed it to me. It read:Christian Moreno Age: 73Date: April 26, 2072In return, I showed him my school ID, in which he replied, Wow! I havent seen this in a long time! After that, we both sat there, unknowing of what to do, or say next. One more thing, I questioned, while standing up from the table that I was sitting at with myself. What is that?Have you had a good life? I asked quietly.Yes, He smiled. I am satisfied.With that, I looked down, setting the chair back in the table.Well, thanks for talking with me. I said, reflecting on everything that we had discussed. I dont know how long we should be talking, because you never know what could happen, talking to yourself like this.The man looked me in the eyes for one last time, and told me, See you in fifty years!Then, I waved goodbye, and walked out. As I walked outside, I turned my back for just a moment to look at the restaurant. The man that was in there before was gone. When I turned away from the restaurant, the world was back to normal, and there were many people on the streets. I still dont know how it came to be, that I found myself in a restaurant, alone, yet with someone that I know so well. All that I truly know, is that my experience changed the way Ill see myself, and the world forever.