idea journal


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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Idea journal


Page 2: Idea journal

3 Photos of Similar Business Concepts to understand different business models

There are 3 similar businesses. First picture is History bar, than picture on the right shows Bulldog bar, and bottom picture is Hemingway bar. All three are in Zagreb. On first sight they look very similar, but there are some differences. One of differences is people who visit these bars. For example History is cheaper than other two and that already makes big difference and advantages. Another difference is supplier. Not all of them use Coca Cola products. Some bars use Pepsi, and this give us one more difference.

Page 3: Idea journal

Research ideas from ordinary to extraordinary social enterprise.

Eco Industry

Producing very big amount of electricity without damaging environment and people’s health. You can produce electricity on many ways but almost all of them are very impolite like nuclear energy, coal plants… On the other side there are hydro plants and wind plants, but they do not produce so great amount of energy. Solution for this could be nuclear fission plant. It is very productive and very ecological because you don’t have to hold off nuclear waste so often like in ordinary nuclear plants that produce a great amount of nuclear waste.

Page 4: Idea journal

How to combine one word that is something you care about (heart) and another word that you are skilled at (head, hands or both) to come up with 3 business ideas.

Bicycling Photography

I really like to ride a bike and I am very skilled at photography so I have in mind these three ideas.

1. Invent some good camera so you can easily take photos or film while driving a bike.

2. Open workshops where some photographers go around in nature with their apprentice and learn them about photography. Whole trip would be done by bicycles.

3. Open photo studio specialized only for shooting cyclists.

Page 5: Idea journal

Products that can inspire innovation, which type?

My product that can inspire innovation is airplane. I personally fear the planes because I have a phobia of heights. I think that we could change something about planes. Planes are very fast means of transport, but are they fast enough? Fastest plane people carrier in this moment is Boeing 747 and it goes 0,92 mach ≈ 977 km/h. This look fast, but it’s not fast at all. For example Concord started to fly in 1976. and his top speed was 2,2 mach ≈ 2330 km/h. Why does nobody invests in airplanes? My opinion is that production companies are making big mistake by not investing in planes R&D. My idea is to create an electric jet! Aircraft carriers have nuclear reactors on the ships so they can move all the time because otherwise they will be sitting ducks. We know that nuclear reactor give a huge amount of energy. It is not so hard to transfer that energy in to electricity and power jet engines. Also electric engines producing much more power than regular engines.

Page 6: Idea journal

Imagine/Image of a Customer First and describe

This is John and he is successful businessman. He have company that operates world wide. He travel a lot to get his business done. He is 35 years old, married, have one child, live in big city, have big apartment, buy products of best quality. This is why I chose him as perfect customer for a new plane I would produce. Usually he always fly in business class and he is always in hurry.

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Write a review of a favorite talk This is a link of my favorite ted talk video.

I like very much this video because I am interesting in science a lot and in this video William Noel reveal the lost codex of Archimedes. Codex was ruined in 1227. by some priest who wrote a book over it. They bombard that book with X-Ray-s to get text 2500 years old. Now Archimedes C codex can be read by everyone who knows ancient Greek because it’s available to the public.

Page 8: Idea journal

Research a business innovation in an industry of your choice from

In Russia, supermarket checkouts will read emotions to offer personalized deals. I think that is a great idea to find out is the customers of the supermarket really satisfied with their shopping. This is very vital innovation for all supermarket stores. On these way managers in supermarket can easily change few things in the stores and see what do customers want an how happy are they with their shopping.

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Understand the simply steps to know “how” something works @

How to prevent a cold by gargling salt water??? Till now I didn’t know that you can prevent a cold by using salt water. Now I know that I can’t wait to try it. These are few steps you have to follow:

Warm 8 oz. of water in a saucepan on the stove. The water doesn't need to boil, but it should be as hot as your mouth can tolerate.

Pour the warm water into a drinking glass.

Add 1/2 tsp. of salt to the warm water, and stir until it dissolves completely.

Pour approximately 2 tbsp. of the salt solution into your mouth, and swish it around. Tilt your head back, and let the solution settle in the back of your throat.

Gargle for 10 to 30 seconds, and spit the solution into the sink. Repeat this process with the remaining solution, if desired.

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Trendwatch pairing...pick a trend and a business idea related to it that interests you

We all know that mobile applications are very popular today. So I have idea to combine mobile apps with every day purchasing. Imagine mobile application that allow you to scan QR code of few product from catalog or city light and after that products land in your online cart. After that you can chose when the company can deliver products to your home address. It’s very great idea for people who don’t have so much time to go every day in grocery store.

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Find a space that is vacant and imagine what business could thrive there and why?

This is photo of abandoned and unfinished hospital in Zagreb near Arena center. This building is there for a very long time and nobody is doing anything about it. My idea is to raze everything to the ground. Hospital have very big plot and it could be used for something else. I would built a sport center on this spot. I would be great to have almost all sport events in one place. Imagine to have football stadium there, basketball, handball halls, ice hooky court and few more sport events over there.