icts azken proiektua

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Post on 26-May-2015




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  • 1. ICTs
    • Hello! My name is Ander Uranga and I'm going to present you what I learnt and did in the ICTs classes. I hope you like it.

2. Creating a group of contacts

  • Before we started blogging all people who are in the ICT class had to make a group of contacts in which the colleagues and the teacher were included.

3. Social Websites

  • After making the group of contacts,what we did was to have a debate about social websites such as Tuenti and Facebook and we spoke about their good and bad things.

4. Making our blog

  • After debating about social websites we made our own blog designing and giving it a name. Designing was very hard work, because apart from giving the appearance we wanted, we had to add what our ICT teacher said like useful links, the counter of viewers...

5. Our fitst published post

  • Our first published post was our opinion of the social websites. Apart from that we had to include videos and images which had to be related with the social websites. We mainly spoke about tuenti and facebook because these are the most used in this area.

6. Linking

  • Another thing we learned was how to make links but in words which were in the text likeclick here ... Apart from that, we also used links in our blog which were for using different websites while we were working in our blog.

7. Our second article

  • Our second article was free for us, we could write about music, Steve Jobs, Parents vs. Teen... Personally, as I love music and as I form part of an orchestra I wrote about music. I wrote things like how is the orchestra, the tours we do, the concerts we give... If you are interested in itclick here.

8. Collaborative stories

  • After writing about music, we got in 8 groups of 2 people. To start, each pair had to start with a story and the next had to go completing and the next too... until the story was finished As our story was a bit terrible, my colleague Oier and I had to rewrite almost all the story. We had a lot of fun and the story was very good. If you are interested in itclick here .

9. Timetable

  • Another useful link was the timetable. It was for informing our viewers what type of subjects we have...

10. Nobel prize winners

  • This is one of the strangest works I've ever done. All of us were given a year and in an excel document we had to put the winner's name, the reason of giving that prize, and where was he/she from. But it was't only that, we had to do that with each type of Nobel prize. If you are interested in itclick here .


  • After working in the spreadsheet, we had to choose a person who won a nobel prize and write about him/her. I was going to choose Obama but it was already chosen by my colleague Oier, so I chose Jimmy Carter If you want to see itclick here .


  • These has been all what we've done this term I hope you like it and don't live visiting my blog.