iconnect summer 2011

Summer 2011 College of Information Sciences and Technology

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Summer 2011College of Information Sciences and Technology

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This issue highlights our College’s activities related to online programs. In the past two years we have initiated an online professional master’s degree program, provided online access to our IST undergraduate major, and are in the process of adapting the SRA undergraduate major to be accessible online.

We are also developing an online professional master’s degree program in Enterprise Architecture and another program in Homeland Security. In addition, this spring we conducted a highly successful experiment with an e-learning course, IST 297 C: Gender and Global Information Technology Sector, a course shared with multiple campuses using a hybrid delivery environment.

We’ve made these efforts because we recognize that our student population is evolving – going beyond the traditional full-time resident student to working professionals around the world who want to continue their education in the information sciences.

Development of online courses involves new challenges for both course developers and instructors. We seek to ensure that the quality of our courses remains high, regardless of the location of the students or the instructor.

Our professional staff of instructional systems designers, led by Amy Garbrick, supports the development of high quality materials that can be accessed anywhere in the world. In addition, our faculty are being trained in how to teach in an online environment, providing students throughout the world with individual attention.

Online programs allow our College to have a truly global reach and enrich our own resident instruction by creation of source materials for use by all students.

I hope that you enjoy this issue of iConnect. If you’re interested in learning more about IST’s online course offerings, please visit worldcampus.psu.edu.

David Hall, Dean, College of IST

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4-5 Research Briefs

6-7 Student News

8-9 First Person: Amy Stever, Senior Program Manager, Online Education

10-11 IST’s online education: Convenient delivery, world-class results

12-13 Beyond the Personnel File: Deyo Olorunnisola, Director of Recruiting

14-16 IST Alumni Society News and Updates

iConnect, the magazine of the College of Information Sciences and Technology, David Hall, Dean

EDITORS: Julie Coughlin and Jaime Lynch



CONTRIBUTORS: Katie Moffitt and Lauren Wells

iConnect [email protected]

WEB SITE: ist.psu.edufacebook.com/ISTatPennStatetwitter.com/ISTatPennState



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The devastating earthquake that struck Haiti just over a year ago was the beginning of IST’s innovative research infrastructure, EMERSE (Enhanced Messaging for the Emergency Response Sector), which categorizes tweets and texts from disaster sites into data that non-governmental organizations can use to aid victims.

Over the course of the past several months, Associate Professor Andrea Tapia has been researching the trustworthiness of Twitter and whether or not it is a suitable medium for emergency responders to use to allocate aide resources.

“To them (emergency responders), trust is more important than speed,” Tapia said. According to Tapia, emergency

responders have concluded that Twitter is not a trustworthy resource, but it is useful as a broadcast medium.

In times of disaster, such as the recent tsunami and earthquake in Japan, Twitter plays a large role in citizen-to-citizen communication and informing the public outside of the country experiencing the disaster.

However, Tapia explained, “it is exceptionally good at getting information out of the country, but it would be a mistake to assume it’s from everyone; it’s only from an elite group”. Still, Tapia pointed out, there is no denying that social media has played a large role in relaying information to outside countries quickly.

E M E R S E : New findings on Twitter’s role in disaster responseBy Lauren Wells

Exergaming: Health or Hype?By Lori Shontz, senior editor, The Penn Stater magazine

Erika Poole, an assistant professor in the College of Information Sciences and Technology, describes herself as “part nerd, part athlete.” Which explains the title of the presentation she gave in the IST Building’s flashy “cybertorium” recently: “Exergaming: Health or Hype?”

Poole explained the two things that researchers know are contributing fac-tors in childhood obesity: sugar-sweet-ened drinks, and sedentary activities in front of a screen. My first reaction, I’ll admit, was this: “Turn off that com-puter and get outside!” But Poole did

a great job of explaining why that’s not always possible: Kids don’t always live in neighborhoods where it’s safe to go outside and play, for one thing.

And it turns out that 83 percent of American households—”rich to poor,” Poole said—have a video-game system in their homes. So it’s logical to wonder whether it’s possible to turn enough of that sedentary screen time into more moving-around-in-front-of-the-screen time. And to determine whether that activity can make a differ-ence.

Most of Poole’s audience was IST students, and she gave them a lot of things to think about as they design games. For instance, what will keep Wii Fit from joining a treadmill or Bow-flex as a very expensive clothes rack? Her research is showing that kids get

bored, and she showed some awe-some examples of what’s apparently a YouTube sub-genre: kids cheating on exergames.

She also gave a synopsis of her cur-rent research on the American Horse-power Challenge, in which schools compete against each other in a virtual road race, tracking their daily steps with pedometers and, ideally, becom-ing a group social activity that kids get excited about.

Poole says that her research is in its early stages, and she’s recruiting stu-dents who are interested in participat-ing. As for me, perhaps the next time I visit my nieces, I’ll let them talk me into a game of ski slalom on the Wii.

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Professor James Wang, Information Sciences and Technology

Professor James Wang was recently awarded US Patent #7,929,805 for his collaborative research in computer security.

Wang worked with Jia Li, Associate Professor of Statistics, and Ritendra Datta, a 2009 Penn State Ph.D. graduate, to create the image-based CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) Generation System.

The system uses different colors, shapes, and textures to create an image, from which users must identify the image and determine its geometric center. Wang said that this method is much more effective than distorted texts in determining if a real user or a computer robotic program is trying to gain access to a website.

Wang said they filed for the patent in January of 2007 and its approval recognizes they have created something interesting and of value. He said the system will prevent the frequency of online hackers; however, it will constantly be improved in hopes of preventing hackers all together.

“I hope this product can change people’s lives on the Internet,” said Wang.

The Center for Network-Centric Cognition and Information Fusion (NC2IF), is currently researching the gap between the collection of reports and data in computer systems and the knowledge and information collected by human observers.

Sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, NC2IF is using a synthetic data set inspired by a Counter Insurgency scenario in Iraq, to evaluate hard and soft sensors.

“Hard sensors are a product from a machine, such as a photo, or a video,” explained Col. Jacob Graham, U.S.M.C. (Ret.) professor of practice and researcher for NC2IF. “Soft sensors are reports, stories, and descriptions given by observers.” The issue, with these soft sensors, is their accuracy.

The data fusion set developed by NC2IF works to fuse these two sensors together to get the accurate, entire story. “If you think of the data as points in a story, with pieces of the story missing, a good fusion will connect the dots to give the entire story,” said Graham.

In addition to research, NC2IF supports IST curriculum, particularly Security and Risk Analysis courses. It also supports undergraduate and graduate research in the College, with seven graduate student researchers and a dozen undergraduate researchers.

NC2IF: Data fusion research

Wang receives patent for image-based CAPTCHAs

By Lauren Wells

By Katie Moffitt

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This past semester marked the beginning of a new student group in the College of IST, the IST Diplomats. These student ambassadors assist in the College’s recruitment and outreach initiatives. They give building tours, meet with prospective students, and serve in any capacity needed when it comes to representing the College.

The Diplomats work closely with the Office of the Dean, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and the Advising Center and have the opportunity to de-velop communication skills, network with profes-sionals, and mentor students.

Julie Coughlin, interim manager of communica-tions and outreach at IST and adviser to the group, said the Diplomats take part in a variety of events such as open houses, parent’s weekend, alumni events, accepted student programs and phone-a-thons. They are also are the College’s official bloggers.

One of the Diplomats’ primary responsibilities is connecting to prospective IST students on a more personal level from a student perspective. One Diplomat, Caitlin Doyle, said her main objective in this role is to attract high school students to the College of IST and to spread the word about the great opportunities that IST has to offer.

Doyle said she and the group want to share the experience of being a student in the College of IST and give students a taste of what it’s like to be a part of Penn State’s IST community.

“I love how the College of IST is a small community where students, faculty, and staff are more than willing to help one another. I feel very comfortable stopping a friend in the hallway and asking for help with classwork or projects,” Doyle said. “Faculty in the College do everything they can to make sure that their students succeed. The staff members in the College assist the students with internships, class scheduling, and so much more.”

If you would like to request an IST Diplomat(s) for an event or activity, email [email protected] and include the event title, date, time, location, and brief description of your needs. For more information about the program contact Julie Coughlin at 814-865-8718 or [email protected].

Student diplomats represent ISTBy Lauren Wells

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An interdisciplinary team of Penn State students and faculty participated in the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance’s 2011 Open Minds Showcase, where they presented their product, WishVast.

WishVast, a service-learning project several years in the making, is a cell phone-based social network forum designed to facilitate business in third-world countries and improve the quality of life for impoverished farmers.

Penn State faculty began the ground work for this product more than three years ago by interviewing 50 female farmers and landowners from Tanzania about their businesses. They discovered the farmers were restricting their business transactions to groups that they had high levels of trust and respect for, like close friends and family. Approximately 96% of those interviewed said they would only do business with people they trust, so the Penn State team designed WishVast in hopes of strengthening, utilizing, and expanding social and business networks for the people of Tanzania.

WishVast is used as a forum to rate other companies’ trustworthiness at the conclusion of business transactions. Since more than 97% of Tanzanians have access to a cell phone or Internet service, WishVast uses both the Internet and short message service (SMS) as its rating forum. This requires no changes to the cell phone being used and easy set-up and maintenance for the users in African countries. Within the WishVast forum, small-scale farmers have access to a feedback rating system on their cell phones.

The team hopes to encourage companies to do business with companies outside of their typical business network by giving them access to this rating information from fellow farmers. They also believe it will cut down on time and money spent on daily tasks that generate little return.

WishVast enables farmers to connect with the highest bidders for their goods, stimulating the local economy and ultimately, alleviating poverty throughout Africa.

WishVast service learning project: Three years and growingby Katie Moffitt

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What do you do in your current position in the College of IST?

I am part of the IST Online Education team, managing the portfolio of IST degrees and courses delivered online through the Penn State World Campus. We operate somewhat like a “mini-college” within the College of IST, managing student recruitment and enrollment and serving as faculty liaisons, and we interact with nearly all IST departments and units to achieve success for our students, faculty, and the College of IST.

Who should be interested in IST’s online education offerings, and why?

Considering the predicted enrollment and program growth for Penn State World Campus, plus the overwhelming support from industry and government for employees to earn credentials through the

convenience of online delivery, I feel IST’s online education offerings should be of interest to anyone connected with IST at Penn State. From ensuring quality of students and curriculum to expanding offerings and programs, IST faculty, staff, and alumni are contributing greatly to the overall success of online learning. And that ultimately contributes to the continued success of the College!

Prior to IST, where did you work? What did you do there?

I have been working in higher education since I earned my master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from Penn State in 1990. At Syracuse University, I was as an admissions officer and recruiter for the international programs unit, recruiting U.S. students to study abroad; at Northeast Ohio Universities College of Medicine in Ohio, I worked as an admissions officer, recruiting and admitting high

Amy Stever, Senior Program Manager, Online Education

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school students to the six-year accelerated medical school program. In 2000, I immigrated to Australia and worked at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, as registrar and academic advisor for undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Economics. And finally, I have been a part of the Penn State family since 2003, first as an academic advisor in the Penn State World Campus and then as a client development manager for Outreach, developing and maintaining relationships with corporations and industry.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy working in my yard, creating perennial gardens around our property, so I am usually outside doing something! I am also an avid bird watcher and often participate in the annual bird count at the state game park. At the same time, I love animals and have 3 cats who view me as staff! I am actively involved in my church as chair of the staff-parish relations committee, am in my second term as school director at the Tyrone Area School District and have been an active Rotarian, serving on the district youth exchange committee. We have hosted 3 exchange students, giving back to the next generation as I am a former exchange student to Sweden, just after graduating from Tyrone Area H.S.

You’ve lived in other countries and traveled extensively. Can you tell us about that?

At age 14, I was fortunate to be invited to spend the summer in Germany with friends who were stationed

Us at Encounter Bay, South Australia,

enjoying Aussie seafood!

there in the Army. That radically changed my life! Transitioning from a small-town girl, I quickly realized that I loved international travel, wanted to learn languages and other cultures and was destined to a life where I would work to feed my travel habit! Since then, I have traveled to 43 states, and more than 25 countries, most memorable being a month in Turkey, three work trips to Saudi Arabia, and some monster-magic in Scotland on Loch Ness.

Living in Australia for nearly three years after meeting my husband Revel transformed me into a person who accepted that less was better and simple was good. Our drinking water came from the eaves of the house, our washing water came unfiltered from the Murray River, and cars and household appliances were not disposable but were built to last for 30+ years! I am forever grateful for this experience as I feel I am very satisfied with what I have, even if it’s not the biggest and best on the block.

After travelling and living abroad, you’re back in your hometown. And you’re civically involved in your community. Can you tell us what returning to your hometown has been like, and why you feel civic involvement is important?

When we first returned to central Pennsylvania, I worried I would not fit in, that I had changed too much during my nearly 20 years away to connect with residents who had been grounded between the beautiful Alleghenies. But I quickly realized that Tyrone had actually prepared me well and that I was the same person I was as when I left – solid values, civically minded and happy to spend an autumn Friday night under the lights, watching the high school football team and cheerleaders enthrall the community.

And I also realized that, in addition to my close-knit family, it was because of the people in this small community who had volunteered their time to the school board, to my church, and to other civic organizations that I had to thank for my grounding and giving me a good start in life.

That’s why I feel it’s so important to serve our communities with our time and talent because if everyone would become engaged in community service, what a gift we could give to the next generation of leaders, teachers, parents, and individuals. And besides, they are the ones who we are entrusting our 401K accounts with – let’s help them get off to a good start!

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IST’s online education:

Penn State’s College of IST offers a convenient and flexible delivery method for students to obtain an IST degree independent of location, age, or work situation.

Amy Stever, senior program manager of IST online education, said the IST online programs specifically cater to students whose lifestyle cannot accommodate traditional in-classroom learning.individuals who want to complete a degree or who want to add advanced skills to their portfolio,” said Stever.

Convenient delivery, world-class resultsby Katie Moffitt

Ranked #1 for online Information Sciences and Technology (IST) degree programs

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“In this economy, most adult learners cannot afford to take time out of their careers to gain advanced credentials, so extending and adapting traditional degree programs to the online environment is an excellent way to reach

The College of IST offers students a full portfolio of degree programs delivered online via the Penn State World Campus, including an undergraduate certificate in IST, an Associate in Science in IST, a Bachelor of Science in IST, a Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security (Information Security and Forensics option), and a Master of Professional Studies in Information Science (IS). A new industry-focused Master of Professional Studies in Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been proposed with anticipated rollout in fall 2012.

While the online learning environment is unique, Stever says students should still expect courses to have the same academic rigor and workload as a traditional classroom setting.

“I find myself learning a lot more [in online courses]. No one is there prodding you to study, you don’t have a professor physically staring at you saying, ‘Where is your work?’” said Jason Nalewak, who is working towards a second bachelor’s degree through the online IST program while he is in Afghanistan serving as a military contractor. “It is difficult and challenging, but I think that makes it more rewarding.”

IST online courses do not have set meeting times, however, students are still required to complete

assignments or required lessons in accordance to a timeline set by the course professor. “As an online student, you have to balance life and school work at the same time,” said Nalewak.

Professors often use instructional videos, the Penn State course management system: ANGEL, the virtual Penn State library, threaded discussions to encourage classroom participation, and Skype or other online meeting places to facilitate group projects.

“The environment really has the feel of a small, intimate class setting, even though one of my classmates is in Kansas City, another is in London, and still another is in Afghanistan,” said Steve Grant, an IST online education student. Students can still expect to interact with professors through email, live video chats, and traditional phone calls for additional assistance or course concerns.

Stever advises that students interested in obtaining an IST degree through the online program investigate the programs available to them, discuss an academic plan with an admissions counselor or academic advisor, and set a goal start date and prepare for online academic study.

“It’s interesting to me that my course of study is also responsible for providing the platform enabling the studies,” said Grant. “What a great time to be in the field of IST.”

The MPS in Information Sciences program trains professionals to take on greater IT responsibilities or make a career change into the field of IST, with the flexibility to maintain their current jobs as they learn.

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In her 16 years at Penn State, Olorunnisola has worked in the College of Communications, the Graduate School, and the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. She joined the College of IST in February.

What are your responsibilities as director of recruitment at IST?

My primary responsibility is to identify and recruit undergraduate students. I will be engaging in various ongoing and new events to accomplish this goal. These events include IST’s annual spring Open House, Spend a Summer Day, a university-wide open house event in the spring. I will also be traveling to schools and participating in other off-site events to build awareness of and interest in IST. I am also planning to start online events to encourage those who cannot come to visit campus to interact with us.

Why did you choose to come to IST?

I came to IST because I was intrigued by the challenge of helping the College achieve its enrollment goals. I feel that my past experiences and skills are well suited to accomplish these goals. I was also attracted to the college because of its commitment to work/life balance.

What did you do before you came to the College of IST?

I worked in Penn State’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions as a counselor. My job included recruiting students domestically and internationally and evaluating applications.

How do you spend your free time?

I have three wonderful children that keep me very busy outside the office, so I have very little free time. I enjoy reading when I have time and travel is a great passion for our whole family, so we are on the road as often as we can to visit family and friends.

Where are you from originally?

This is a really hard question to answer. I was born in the U.K. and spent my younger years there. My parents, both of whom are Nigerian, moved back to Nigeria when I was 3 and I lived there with them for 13 years. I came to the U.S. when I was 16 and have lived here since. All of the countries I have lived in are part of my identity and origin, especially the U.K. and Nigeria.

What is your favorite part of your job so far?

Meeting all my new colleagues and developing a recruitment strategy.

Beyond the Personnel FileBy Lauren Wells

Moradeyo Olorunnisola

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What are your hobbies and interests?

Reading, crafting, sewing, and traveling.

Where are your favorite places to travel?

Anywhere in the world really, but I have developed a great interest in African countries recently.

What influenced you to choose this career?

When I was in college studying Political Science, I was drawn into mentoring new students and realized that I really liked it. Throughout college I worked in various student affairs offices doing a variety of things. After college, and quite by happenstance, I ended up working at another school in the graduate student office. That experience made me consider a career in working with students in transition. The rest is history.

What’s on your iPod right now and what was the last book you read?

I have lots of inspirational music from various artists on my playlist. My favorite at the moment is Nicole C. Mullen. As for reading, I just finished The Kite Runner by Khaeid Hosseini.

Anything else you would like to share with iConnect readers?

I am excited to be working in IST with such wonderful people. I look forward to getting to know more people and collaborating with you to enroll more students in IST.

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It’s the end of another school year and the beginning of a new year for the IST Alumni Society. Blue and White weekend was a perfect way to mark the past year. On Saturday, April 16, the cloudy skies and the downpour of rain couldn’t dampen the spirits of the IST crowd. Students, staff, alumni, and advisory board members alike, all gathered to enjoy the annual Spring Tailgate held in Reese’s Café.

Despite the gloomy weather, a record-breaking number of attendees still enjoyed a wonderful spread, classic tailgate games like ladder ball, and the chance to catch up and network with one another. The following day, we held our annual spring meeting and election where we welcomed Mark Poblete, the new alumni relations chair, to the ranks. Also joining us is director of alumni relations, Jennifer Stubbs.

This year, we’re looking to celebrate our past successes while improving Society events and programs. In addition to growing our membership numbers, our goals include finding new ways to provide added value to alumni. How? You tell us!

To our alumni and members of the Society: Tell us your stories, share your experiences, celebrate your achievements with your fellow alumni. We want to hear from you! Let us know what we can do for you and what you’ve been up to.

To the recent graduation class of 2011 and our newest members of the Penn State Alumni Association and the IST Alumni Society: Welcome to the Pride! We hope that you’ll stay connected to the University and to other Penn Staters. Look to the Society as your constant connection to your old classmates, IST, and Dear Old State; a way to stay informed and involved.

Go State!

Prerana [email protected]

Share.Celebrate.Stay Connected!

IST Alumni Society


Prerana Dalal

IST Alumni Society President’s Message

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Ryan Pfister, IST Alumni Society Marketing and Communications Committee Chair

It was a busy spring for the IST Alumni Society! Here are highlights from our events this past spring.

Alumni Society News

Future Forum bowling night February 13

The night before the Future Forum, alums and students had a friendly bowl-off at Northland Bowling. It was a great chance to catch up with old friends and network. During Future Forum, Dan Hansel and Byron Parry served the best creamery ice cream.

Prospective Students Chat Sessions February 22 and March 29

IST alumni joined other IST colleagues includ-ing the recruiting team and current students to field questions regarding life at PSU and IST and career opportunities with the degree. It was great to see this innovative use of technology at play in helping bring the IST experience to life for prospective students.

The IST Alumni Society also worked with the College this spring to reach out to prospective students through phone-a-thon and the IST Open House.

Pittsburgh networking eventMarch 25

Pittsburgh area IST alumni met up at Easy Street bar and restaurant in the downtown area. Alumni from University Park and other common-wealth campuses got together to catch up while cheering on the Pens.

King of Prussia networking eventApril 7

Philadelphia - area IST alumni met up at the Fox and Hound restaurant. In addition to swapping work stories, we enjoyed some intense pool games and tasty appetizers.

Blue-White Tailgate April 16

Despite the pouring rain outside, the large crowd at this year’s Blue White tailgate was dry and happy inside the IST building by Reese’s Café. This year’s tailgate featured great food, great networking, and some expertly prepared snow-cones.

Phillies Thon nightApril 18

Penn State alumni got a chance to see the sold-out Phillies battle the Milwaukee Brewers while raising awareness and funds for THON.

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Class Notes Ryan Pfister, IST Alumni Society Marketing and Communications Committee Chair

In this edition of iConnect, we’d like to recognize and thank our two outgoing Alumni Society board members: David Horne and Brian Freas. We’d also like to welcome the newest member of our board, Mark Poblete.

David Horne, Strategic Committee Chair

David Horne is originally from Edinboro, Pennsylvania, and graduated from the College of IST in 2008. Since then he has earned a Masters in Project Manage-ment (also from Penn State), and moved to Washington DC to become an IT con-sultant. In his free time he likes to ski, golf, read, and spend time with his friends.

David helped develop our society’s strategic plan and worked with our committees to develop their organizational structures. He also helped identify key metrics to help measure our society’s success.

Now that our society’s organization has matured, we’ve decided to transfer the responsibilities of the Strategic Committee to our president-elect, Paul Horn.

Brian Freas, outgoing Alumni Relations Committee Chair

Brian started at Penn State Abington in 2000, transferred to University Park in 2002, and graduated from IST in 2004. He then went to work for the United States Defense Logistics Agency as a network security technician. In January 2006, he began working at Lockheed Martin, where he is currently a network security engineer.

Over the past three years, Brian has taken the lead in organizing a number of great events, including our spring and fall tailgates and networking events. He also started a commonwealth campus outreach program, which puts IST alumni in front of current IST students at the commonwealth campuses.

Mark Poblete, incoming Alumni Relations Committee Chair

Mark is a 2007 graduate of IST and currently works for KPMG’s Federal Advisory practice in northern Virginia as an IT risk and compliance analyst. In addition to his position as Alumni Relations Chair, Mark is the current president of the Alumni Blue Band Association and an active alumni volunteer with the Undergraduate Admis-sions Office.

Mark’s goals for the IST Alumni Society are to continue and expand efforts to reach out to and connect IST alumni from all Penn State campuses and to provide outlets for networking, professional development, and opportunities for participation in the society.

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“As a Schreyer Scholar, I’ve been challenged to become a better student both inside and outside of the classroom. Engaging in real academic research is helping me to prepare for a career developing the next generation of cutting-edge software, but thanks to scholarships, I can freely explore other educational opportunities at Penn State as well. I’m excited to be participating in 400-level German course work as a sophomore.” - Benjamin Dodge is a second-year Schreyer Scholar and a recipient of the Edward M. Frymoyer Honors Scholarship. In his first year, he was awarded the President’s Freshman Award and was nominated for IST Freshman of the Year.

“Building relationships with professors and pursuing my own interests have been important parts of my experience as an IST Schreyer Scholar, and travel opportunities have helped me to learn more about the global impact of information technology. I am also grateful for the

supportive honors community. Having friends who are motivated to succeed and want to help you succeed as well is a tremendous advantage.” - Steven Dodge was a Schreyer Scholar and graduated this spring with a B.S. in IST. He was a recipient of the Class of 1934 Scholarship, The Hassel Foundation Scholarship, the Betty Hackman Memorial Scholarship, and the Lockheed Martin Corporation Scholarship. Steven is now working as an IT consultant for High Performance Technologies in Reston, Virginia.

To support honors education at IST or explore other giving opportunities, please contact the College of IST Office of Development:

Joyce MatthewsDirector of [email protected] www.giveto.psu.edu

Enhancing Honors Education at IST

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2011 IST Professional ExpoMonday, September 19, 2011

Save the date for the Pro Expo, the College of IST’s annual fall job and internship fair. Recruit our best and brightest students for internships and full-time jobs at your organization.

For more information, visit proexpo.ist.psu.edu

The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal character-istics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimination, including harassment. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits discrimination and harassment against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status. Discrimination or harassment against faculty, staff, or students will not be tolerated at The Pennsylvania State University. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802-5901; Tel 814-865-4700/V, 814-863-1150/TTY. U.Ed. IST 11-14.