iclicker guide for teachers - university of toronto · uploading to quercus 4 grade book e...

iClicker Guide for Teachers For more information, please contact us at [email protected] a After you have downloaded and installed the iClicker software from the University of Toronto support website, plug the white base unit USB cord into your laptop, then access the iClicker application to do an initial configuration. Typically the first time you run the software, it will invite you to register. b Create a course profile for the course where you intend to use iClicker. If you teach the same course frequently and others are listed, add the term and lecture section details to ensure you consistently select the correct one when it’s time to do a poll. Click ‘Create’ to confirm once the course name has been entered. Course Setup 1 Starting a Polling Session 2 Syncing a Class 3 Uploading to Quercus Grade Book 4

Upload: others

Post on 05-Apr-2020




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Page 1: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

iClicker Guide for Teachers

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

a After you have downloaded and installed the iClicker software from the University of Toronto supportwebsite, plug the white base unit USB cord into your laptop, then access the iClicker application to do aninitial configuration.   Typically the first time you run the software, it will invite you to register.

b Create a course profile for the course where you intend to use iClicker.  If you teach the same coursefrequently and others are listed, add the term and lecture section details to ensure you consistentlyselect the correct one when it’s time to do a poll.   Click ‘Create’ to confirm once the course name hasbeen entered.

Course Setup1 Starting a Polling Session2

Syncing a Class3 Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


Page 2: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

d A small menu will appear which floats on top of all your other windows.   When you reach apresentation slide with a multiple choice polling question, select the multiple choice button to beginthe poll.

iClicker Guide for Teachers

Course Setup 2 Starting a Polling Session1

Syncing a Class3 Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


c select a course and then ‘start a new session’ to launch the polling session (usually one per class).

e If it’s the first poll in your session, a base frequency warning may show.  These instructions are forstudents who bought a used iClicker and may need to reset the base frequency code to the one beingused in the class in order for their votes to register correctly.

Page 3: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

iClicker Guide for Teachers

Course Setup 2 Starting a Polling Session1

Syncing a Class3 Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


g Select Show/Hide Results to illustrate the poll results to the class.

h Click on the bar of the correct answer.  The colour of the correct response bar changes to green, and incorrectresponse bars change to red.   When you hide the results, the identity of the correct response is written to theiClicker polling results for scoring student responses.

f As the poll starts, the counter on the left shows the time elapsed while the counter on the rightregisters the number of student responses.   Either of these will give you a good indication if youshould stop the poll or provide additional time to respond.  Reselect the multiple choice button to endthe poll.

Page 4: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

a Sync the Quercus class roster periodically with iClicker to transform anonymous clicker codes tostudent names, for those who have registered their remotes.  From the main iClicker menu, select‘Open Gradebook’.

iClicker Guide for Teachers

Course Setup


Starting a Polling Session1

Syncing a Class


Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


b A table will appear with unidentified iClicker codes (e.g. 3D93208E) and students in red for theselected course.  To match clickers to students via the Quercus iClicker registration system, selectthe ‘Sync Roster’ link.

Page 5: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

iClicker Guide for Teachers

Course Setup


Starting a Polling Session1

Syncing a Class


Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for theiClicker software to connect.   Select ‘Authorize’ to continue.

c If you have correctly installed the University of Toronto iClicker software, the university’s standardUTORid login page now prompts to authenticate to Quercus.  Enter your UTORid and password, thenselect the login button to continue.

Page 6: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

iClicker Guide for Teachers

Course Setup


Starting a Polling Session1

Syncing a Class


Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


f A smaller dialogue box displays progress while syncing the rosters.   Upon completion of the sync, itdisplays ‘Student roster downloaded successfully’.   Select the ‘Close’ button to continue.

g Now inspect the Gradebook.  Students who registered iClickers are identified in blue, andcorresponding iClicker codes have disappeared from the list.  Remaining iClicker codes in red arestudents who have voted in a poll but have not registered.  Remaining student names in red areenrolled but whose iClickers are unregistered.

Page 7: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

iClicker Guide for Teachers

Course Setup


Starting a Polling Session1

Syncing a Class


Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


a Select the three vertical dots to fold out the menu, and then select ‘+ Enable’.   Then select the ‘Save’button, at the bottom of the page to confirm the change.

b From the main iClicker menu select ‘Open Gradebook’, then select the ‘Reports’ icon.

c Select ‘Reports’ and download a spreadsheet of the relevant information.   Be sure to includeStudent Name and Student ID, and any specific session data.  Select ‘Excel’ for the format.

Page 8: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

iClicker Guide for Teachers

Course Setup


Starting a Polling Session1

Syncing a Class


Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


d Review the spreadsheet report that was produced.  Lesley-Anne, Laura, and Ana are correctlyidentified with their iClickers and polling records because they registered iClickers in Quercus andthe sync updated the iClicker gradebook.  These are the students whose names appeared in bluetext in the previous step.

e Create a simplified spreadsheet with just the student IDs and totals.  Save this simplifiedspreadsheet as a new Excel file.

Page 9: iClicker Guide for Teachers - University of Toronto · Uploading to Quercus 4 Grade Book e Instructure Canvas, the Quercus learning management software, prompts for confirmation for

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

iClicker Guide for Teachers

Course Setup


Starting a Polling Session1

Syncing a Class


Uploading to Quercus Grade Book


f In the Quercus browser window, select the UT OMR Grade Upload tool which you previously enabledin the navigation.   Select ‘Browse’ or ‘Choose File’ and then the simplified spreadsheet saved in theprevious step.  Uncheck ‘File contains column headings’ to ensure all the data is included.

g Once the upload has occurred, the OMR Grade Upload tool will prompt you to create a newassignment or select an assignment you previously set up.  Then you must identify which datacolumn is the unique student identifier, and which is the grade.  In this case the first column, theiClicker Student ID is the UTORid, and the fourth column contains the iClicker grade out of 100. Select ‘Update Grades’ to confirm the import, and Quercus Grades view should now contain theimported iClicker grades.