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  • 7/23/2019 ICC Assignment


    SHM 1023 - Cultural Identity Paper

    My Culture, Bengali, Its Values, Beliefs and Norms

    Having come from a culture which has shaped my worldview, beliefs and values in

    unique patterns, I have felt curiosity to research in depth of Bengali culture and all its aspects

    from its roots. Therefore, this paper not only demonstrates the cultural patterns oriented with

    Hofstedes, Strodtbecs and Halls indices, but also discusses the cultural norms, social and

    personal identities that Bengali culture and its people possess.

    !irstly, looing into Hofstedes value dimensions, it says to consider four identified value

    dimensions "Individualism#collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity#

    femininity$ while describing cultural patterns. However, Bengali culture prefers collectivism.

    Though a wind of moderni%ation has blown inside the culture, it did not yet become a

    individualist culture. &eople in Bengali culture are well concerned of relationships. In any

    problem, conflict or solution they rely on each other and see for others to get supported and

    protected. Besides, Bengali is a low'uncertainty avoidance culture which is strongly tolerant of

    the unusual, concerned with few rules, fle(ibility and much riss. !or e(ample, people in

    Bengali culture is mostly business and agriculture oriented) they lie to tae initiatives on their

    own and fle(ible in hardworing for respective *obs regardless of riss. +ccording to Hofstedes

    third value dimension, Bengali culture is High'power istance oriented. Since the era of ancient

    ynasty "thousand years ago$ Bengali culture accepts power as part of society. !or e(ample, the

    more the hierarchy of a person is in a village government or a company would surely be bossy

    than the lower one and try to control all of them. Therefore, the power distance is more in among

    Bengalis. !urthermore, Bengali is a masculine and male'dominant culture gives priority to male


  • 7/23/2019 ICC Assignment


    SHM 1023 - Cultural Identity Paper

    over female and does not concentrate on gender equality. Bengali people believe man as chief

    and woman as care'taer of the family.

    Secondly, the definition of cultural patterns by Strodtbec and other anthropologists have

    introduced five questions which determine value orientations with cultures. !or e(ample,

    answering the first question by Strodtbec where he inquiries on the character of human nature,

    Bengalis believe human is greedy, romantic, ego'centric, slanderer and traitor. Since we have the

    history of infidelity during -ughal mpire and so the fall of the empire held in Bengal. The

    second question was about human beings sub*ect to nature. In the point of view of Bengalis,

    nature is beyond the control of human being. +s Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism are the three

    main religions in Bengal region, naturally the belief goes to birth, death and a life'cycle that is

    controlled transcendentally "more e(actly by the creator of nature$. Bengalis also believe nature

    is for human pleasure and protection from natural disasters. !urthermore, according to the third


    Fig 1: Bengalis sharing views in tea-stalls

  • 7/23/2019 ICC Assignment


    SHM 1023 - Cultural Identity Paper

    question, Bengali is a past oriented culture who always remember the golden history of their past

    and thin past as a guide for maing decisions and determining the future. !or e(ample, the

    nation has faced difficulties at past while trying to get independent. The memories and lessons

    from revolution, procession, strie, war and courage made Bengalis to go for further

    development after the independence. +ccording to fourth question, Bengali culture is being and

    being'in'becoming oriented. +s Bengalis lie entertainment, *oy and share with people their

    ideas, personal life and stories) they have many days and occasions of celebration living the

    tribal and Bengalis in harmony. In case of low'conte(t or high'conte(t which has been ased to

    consider in question five, Bengali is a high'conte(t culture. &eople in Bengali culture prefer deep

    relationship with family members, relatives, friends and others. They understand each other in

    such way that if an elderly man loos at a young boy with big eyes, it is understood that in that

    situation something is not appropriate to be done by the young boy.

    Thirdly, Hall e(plained cultural identity as indicators of either /ommunal,

    Social#0elational or &ersonal identity. !irstly, looing into communal identities of Bengal

    people) they have unique worldview, beliefs, values and norms which consists of lots of

    superstitions and influence of Hindu'-uslim mi(ed cultural characteristics. !or e(ample,

    Bengalis perceive the world as there is an end of everything lie human and animal death. They

    believe there will be a life after death either in Heaven#Hell or in the arth "depending on

    -uslim#Hindus point of view$. They also believe there is punishment for bad deeds and reward

    for good deeds and all the deeds will be or have been done before are written by +lmighty

    /reator. So they rely on fate when it is gone beyond the control of human hands. The verbal and

    non'verbal norms are spread out all over the culture whether in occasion or in informal activities.

    !or e(ample, if somebody say I will slap you in Bengali culture would be a verbal norm but a


  • 7/23/2019 ICC Assignment


    SHM 1023 - Cultural Identity Paper

    raising hand would easily remind of a upcoming slap. -oreover, they believe in superstitions

    lie if somebody calls you from bacside while you are on the way to somewhere, it is bad to

    loo bac) otherwise something bad will happen.

    Bengalis also possess unique national, ethnic, regional, gender, religious and political

    affiliations. 1e the Bengalis are purely nationalistic minded and proud of our nations. 2ur

    national identity is we spea in same language, have same flag and stay in same region which

    also goes with our regional identity. 2ur gender identity has been mentioned at the section of

    Hofstedes value dimensions before in this paper. !urthermore, we do not consider equality

    among man and woman. -an is always dominant over woman and it is a constant belief that

    Bengali nation is carrying on for ages. 0egarding ethnic identity, Bengalis are from +ryan or

    ravidian races) though there is a conflict between opinions, we consider ourselves as unique

    ethnic groups mi(ed with +rabian, +fghan, nglish, -ughals, &una*abi and 3ree ethnicity.

    !urthermore, politically Bengalis are prone high'power. Though we have been ruled over

    centuries and years, sometimes being independent, sometimes being oppressed, the tendency of

    sitting on throne of power did not demolish yet. The democracy is still going on under political

    turbulence in Bangladesh.

    !inally, regarding my personal beliefs and views, I believe in an independent lifestyle

    being a person of superstition'free, conscious, thinable perception. Being a follower of Islam, I

    have got moral and ethical lessons that I try to follow in my lifestyle even though the different

    Bengali culture may affect my values and norms. I en*oy travel across countries and learn their

    own values and beliefs. I am completely open'minded and lie open minded people to tal with.

    I lie the marriage ceremony and id celebration in my county than other places as it is more


  • 7/23/2019 ICC Assignment


    SHM 1023 - Cultural Identity Paper

    entertaining, gorgeous and en*oyable there. I am agreed with our Bengali view that we should

    respect the elderly people and care the youths and children. Thus being a person to accept and

    access other cultural view, values and norms maes me a cosmopolitan.
