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IC PRESENTATION IC PRESENTATION Conducted by: Nguyen Thi Hang Nguyen Huu Trong Sang Thai Ngoc Thuy Trang

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. IC PRESENTATIONIC PRESENTATION Conducted by: Nguyen Thi Hang Nguyen Huu Trong Sang Thai Ngoc Thuy Trang
  2. 2. Values & Beliefs Values: Collectivity Filotimo means the love of honour. Filoxenia literally translates as the love of foreigners. Axioprepia refers to a persons dignity.
  3. 3. Values & Beliefs Values: Ypohreosi is ones sense of obligation or duty to another person for a special favour or service received Masculinity. The Greek culture is very competitive and assertive Time. It is very important not to make elderly members of the community wait.
  4. 4. Values & Beliefs Beliefs: Christian Orthodoxy Greek customs and practices Superstition
  5. 5. Values & Beliefs Beliefs: ChristianOrthodoxy: the most followed religion (98%) and recognized by The Greek Constitution as the prevailing faith of the country
  6. 6. Values & Beliefs Greek customs and practices: Tihi(Tyche) = luck or fate. Mira(Moira) = portion and refers to ones destiny in life. Mira(Moira) = portion and refers to ones destiny in life. Matiasma= "the evil eye Katara= curse.
  7. 7. Values & Beliefs Superstition: Handing a knife to someone Crows Tuesday the 13th day of the month Shoes turned with the soles facing up Touching a red-coloured item Using the same door Placing money in something new
  8. 8. Tradition & Gestures Tradition - Festival: January 1st, the New Year's Day celebrated with church services cut the vassilopitavassilopita, a sweat bread with a coin inside which brings good luck for the year to come to its finder.
  9. 9. Tradition & Gestures Tradition - Festival: THE POTHARIKO Pay particular mind to the good/bad omen regarding who will first enter their home in the new year ( pothariko).
  10. 10. Tradition & Gestures Tradition - Festival: THE POTHARIKO Ask a close friend or relative, whom they consider lucky, to be the first to come into their house the following day. innocent malice-envy
  11. 11. Tradition & Gestures THE KALI HERA THE SQUILL (SEA-ONION) FOR LUCK Its long surviving power can be transmitted to humans and inanimate objects => hung in the home at the New Year. It is an ancient good luck custom which has been around since the 6 th century B.C., but it has more or less been abandoned today.
  12. 12. Tradition & Gestures Tradition - Festival: January 6th, the Epiphany celebrated with church services A priest throws a cross into the water, thus blessing the waters. The younger people of the village - jump in the usually icy water and compete in retrieving the cross. The one who brings the cross up to the surface will enjoy good luck and health for the entire year.
  13. 13. February-March, The Carnival
  14. 14. Easter The priest appears holding a lighted torch and shares the Holy Flame on the candles of near worshippers
  15. 15. Share at their turn the Holy Light with their close neighbours until the entire church and the courtyard get it.
  16. 16. Moussaka Tiropites - Phyllo Cheese Triangles Horta Vrasta - Boiled Leafy Greens Chicken Soup Avgolemono Stuffed Grape Leaves - Dolmathakia Tsoureki - Greek Easter Bread Tzatziki - Creamy Cucumber-Yogurt Dipv
  17. 17. Traditional Clothing Desfina(Stere a Helladas) Karagouna Vraka Foustanella/ Tsolias Crete
  18. 18. Gestures Displaying your palms In Greece, keep your palms to yourself. Holding your palms out towards a person is a highly insulting gesture.
  19. 19. Gestures thumbs up: an obscene sexual gesture in some parts of Greece
  20. 20. Gestures Personal distance : .
  21. 21. Gestures No This is done by raising the entire head in a backwards movement and clicking the tongue. Yes A slow down movement of the head to one side, slightly closing the eyes as the head is lowered.
  22. 22. Gestures I want to tell you something Touching or patting the lower lip with the index finger, and can easily be misunderstood, as it looks as if you are being told to be quiet.
  23. 23. Gestures "What do you want / what do you mean? With a quizzical expression in his/her eyes, the Greek will shake his/her head from side to side a few times. "Thank you very much my friend The "Yes" gesture is followed by putting the right hand to the heart.
  24. 24. Rituals & Practices
  25. 25. Rituals & Practices Greek welcome their guests with warm hugs and kisses on both cheeks. They are dead absorbed in arguments. Body Language
  26. 26. Rituals & Practices What some gestures in Greece mean Body Language a romance excellence insult/ doubt NoYes
  27. 27. Rituals & Practices What some gestures of Greek mean Body Language rudeness (called as moutza)how Greek wave an obscene insult
  28. 28. Rituals & Practices Meeting and Greeting Shake hands with everyone present--men, women and children--at a business or social meeting. Shake hands again when leaving. Good friends are most likely to embrace and kiss. Daily Communication Etiquette
  29. 29. Rituals & Practices Gifts Always bring the hostess a gift when invited to someone's home. Give: expensive wines, brandy, pastries, whiskey, cut flowers. Do not give: inexpensive wines, knives, sharp objects. Daily Communication Etiquette
  30. 30. Rituals & Practices Gifts Business gifts are commonly exchanged among business colleagues. Give: expensive wines, something for the home, Greek handicrafts, gifts with company logo. Do not give: inexpensive wines, sharp objects. Daily Communication Etiquette
  31. 31. Rituals & Practices Dining and Entertainment 30 minutes late = punctual. Greeks are extremely generous hosts. Greeks may share the bill with the host, but a foreigner should not try to do so. The person who extends the invitation pays. Daily Communication Etiquette
  32. 32. Rituals & Practices Dining and Entertainment Eat everything on your plate. Eat more, stay longer or do whatever a host insists upon. The offer will be very sincere. Daily Communication Etiquette
  33. 33. Rituals & Practices Dining and Entertainment Try to join in Greek dances. It is greatly appreciated. Business dinners are social occasions. Follow your host's lead as to whether or not business is discussed at dinner. Be extremely careful of your wine intake. Daily Communication Etiquette
  34. 34. Rituals & Practices Dress Attire Dress conservatively for business functions. Men may wear a nice, dark-colored suit, while women may wear a dark-colored dress or suit. Business Communication Etiquette
  35. 35. Rituals & Practices During the business meeting Understand that nepotism is acceptable and common in Greek business. Try to schedule a meeting 1 to 2 weeks in advance, and confirm the meeting by phone the day before. Dont expect business to be conducted immediately. Business Communication Etiquette
  36. 36. Rituals & Practices During the business meeting Have your information and business cards printed in Greek, and consider hiring an interpreter. Don't be aloof, irritable, or angry at meetings. Be patient. Business happens at a much slower pace in Greece. Business Communication Etiquette