ic-01: ivi content check - ereg - association design ic-01: ivi content check version nr.: 1.2...

Functional Design IC-01: IVI Content Check Version Nr.: 1.2 Version Date: 21-07-2016 Revision history Version Nr. Version Date Author(s) Description 1.2 21-07-2016 M.A. Juurlink (The Netherlands, RDW) Removed SmokeCorrectedAbsorptionCoeff check, changed checks for AxleTable, MakeTable, MaximumNetPower, MaximumSpeed and UnladenMassOfTheVehicle. Make it possible to receive a 1.2 version of the XSD. No further functional changes based on the 1.2 message yet. These changes will be implemented in Q4 2016. 1.1.1 M.A. Juurlink (The Netherlands, RDW) Added R025, modified R030 1.1 P. Oude Weernink (The Netherlands, RDW) Version for use with XSD version 1.1. 0.0.6 P. Oude Weernink (The Netherlands, RDW) MaximumSpeedNonPropulsion for version 1.1. only mandatory voor O and R vehiclecategories. The "S" vehicle category will be added in version 1.2 of the XSD. Rulenumbers R026, R027, R175 have been added to the documen-

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Functional Design

IC-01: IVI Content Check

Version Nr.: 1.2 Version Date: 21-07-2016

Revision history Version

Nr. Version

Date Author(s) Description

1.2 21-07-2016 M.A. Juurlink (The Netherlands, RDW)

Removed SmokeCorrectedAbsorptionCoeff check, changed checks for AxleTable, MakeTable, MaximumNetPower, MaximumSpeed and UnladenMassOfTheVehicle.

Make it possible to receive a 1.2 version of the XSD. No further functional changes based on the 1.2 message yet. These changes will be implemented in Q4 2016.

1.1.1 M.A. Juurlink (The Netherlands, RDW)

Added R025, modified R030

1.1 P. Oude Weernink (The Netherlands, RDW)

Version for use with XSD version 1.1.

0.0.6 P. Oude Weernink (The Netherlands, RDW)

MaximumSpeedNonPropulsion for version 1.1. only mandatory voor O and R vehiclecategories. The "S" vehicle category will be added in version 1.2 of the XSD. Rulenumbers R026, R027, R175 have been added to the documen-

Functional Design Version Nr:1.2. Version Date: 21-07-2016

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tation. 0.0.5 P. Oude Weernink

(The Netherlands, RDW)

Changes to controls of Height for N2 and N3 not applicable, SmokeCorrectedAbsorptionCoeff check has changed to check if a fuelgroup with a fuelcode is present the attribute has te be present. (R050)

0.0.4 Theo Jacobs (The Netherlands, RDW)

Amended version after meeting Groningen

0.0.3 Sjaak Kempe (The Netherlands, RDW)

Amended version after meeting Venlo

0.0.2 Sjaak Kempe (The Netherlands, RDW)

Amended version after meeting Venlo

0.0.1 Sjaak Kempe (The Netherlands, RDW)


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Revision history ............................................................................................................................................... 1

CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

1 GOAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 4

2 INPUT ............................................................................................................................................................ 4

3 PROCESSING (GLOBAL DESCRIPTION) .............................................................................................. 4

4 OUTPUT ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

5 PROCESSING (DETAILS) .......................................................................................................................... 4

5.1 VERSION OF MESSAGE BOOK .................................................................................................................... 4 5.2 GENERAL PRINCIPLES ............................................................................................................................... 4 5.3 LIST OF MESSAGE ITEMS AND APPLICABLE RULES ..................................................................................... 5 5.4 RULES .................................................................................................................................................... 34 5.5 ERROR MESSAGES .................................................................................................................................. 38

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1 Goal Content check of an electronically delivered Certificate of Conformity (CoC) or Individual Type Approval (IAC).

2 Input A message InitalVehicleInformation.

3 Processing (global description) The contents of a certain message InitialVehicleInformation are checked against a set of business rules (for de-tails see Chapter 5). If no errors are detected, the output of the process consists of CheckResult = ‘OK’, otherwise the output consists of CheckResult = ‘NotOK’, together with 1 or more error messages (code and description). For each error detect-ed, one message is given.

4 Output • CheckResult (OK or NotOK). • 0 …. NRuleNumber, MessageDesc. Only applicable If CheckResult = NotOK: 1 or more messages describ-

ing the error(s) found.

5 Processing (details)

5.1 Version of message book The checks described below are based on message book version 2014-10-20

5.2 General principles • Since a content check is performed after successful XSD validation, situations that would not pass XSD

validation are not checked (such as a string that is too long, or a disallowed value for an item with a value list).

• The scope of the check is the contents of the CocDataGroup only. On the contents of other data groups in the message no checks are performed.

• A content check is always carried out completely, so that all errors discovered are reported. • The order in which checks are carried out, is not specified. So, the order of checking does not necessarily

correspond with the numbering of the rules in this document. • StageOfCompletionCode must be present at all times.

5.3 List of message items and applicable rules Note: Message items not part of the CoC data group, are omitted from this list, since no checks are performed on those items. Rules mentioned in italic, are repeated per attribute they apply to, but in fact the rule has to be implemented only once. Item name Version Rule in message book Technical

rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)



1.0 If one of the fields mentioned below is applicable the ActualMassOfTheVehicle must be less then:

- TechnPermMaxLadenMass; - TechnPermMaxMassCombina-

tion; - MaxPermLadenMassInternation-

al; - MaxPermMassCombinationInt; - MaxPermLadenMassNational; - MaxPermMassCombination-



R201,R202,R203,R204,R205, R206

R201,R202,R203,R204,R205, R206

AdditionalInformation 1.0 --- --- --- --- AdditionalVehCat23WheelCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- AddressLine1 1.0 --- --- --- --- AddressLine2 1.0 --- --- --- --- AddressLine3 1.0 --- --- --- --- AddressTable 1.0 Mandatory, minimum 1 occurrence Ad-

dressGroup R001 R001 R001

AddressTypeCode 1.0 Mandatory for the specification of the Address

R001 R001 R001

AdvancedBrakingSystemCode 1.1 --- --- --- --- AllowedEuropeanMarketIndicator 1.1 --- --- --- --- ApprovalNrCouplingDevice 1.0 --- --- --- --- ArrangementOfCylindersCode 1.0 --- --- --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


AxleGroupNumber 1.0 --- R001,R301 R001,R301 R001,R301 Addition of rule 301 to enforce proper numbering.

AxleNumber 1.0 From front to rear of the vehicle, starting with number 1. If an AxleTable is entered, this entry is mandatory.

R001,R301 R001,R301 R001,R301 Addition of rule 301 to enforce proper numbering. No rule for the remark Kingpin or coupling is not an axle (see: DistanceCouplPointFirstAxle).

AxleSpacing 1.0 Mandatory for vehicles of the categories M, N with more than two axles. And for the O, R and S categories with more than one axle. The axle with the maximum number cannot have an axle spacing.




Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

AxleSpacingMaximum 1.0 As AxleSpacing R176 R176 R176 Note that R041.R042. also applies AxleSpacingMinimum 1.0 As AxleSpacing R176,R302,R

303 R176,R302,R303


Note that R041.R042. also applies Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items

AxleTable 1.0 Mandatory R001 --- --- AxleTrack 1.0 Mandatory for the vehicle categories M1,

M2, N1, in case of complete vehicles. The value cannot exceed the value for Width.


R209,R307 R209,R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

AxleTrackMaximum 1.0 As AxleTrack R209 R209 R209 Note that R044 also applies AxleTrackMinimum 1.0 As AxleTrack R209,R302,R

303 R209,R302,R303


Note that R044 also applies Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items

AxleWithAirSuspOrEquivInd 1.0 Mandatory for the vehicle categories O1, O2 O3 and O4 in case of complete vehi-cles.

R004 --- ---

BallastMassMaterial 1.0 --- --- --- --- BallastMassNumberOfComponents 1.0 --- --- --- --- BallastMassTotal 1.0 --- --- --- --- BaseVin 1.0 --- --- --- --- BodyIndicator 1.0 --- --- --- --- BodyworkTable 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of catego-

ries M,N,O R002,R003,R004

--- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


BrakedAxleInd 1.0 --- --- --- --- BrakingDesc 1.0 --- --- --- --- BrakingTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- CalculatedMaximumSpeed 1.0 --- --- --- --- CategoryOfHybridElectricVehInd 1.1 --- --- --- --- ClassOfVehicleCode 1.0 Mandatory for the vehicle categories M2,

M3 for complete vehicles and CodeForBod-ywork is CA-CW.

R012 --- ---

CngFuellingSystemIndicator 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule for the remark “To identify that the vehicle is equiped with a CNG fuelling system in case the fuel is compressed natural gas”

CodeForBodywork 1.0 Either CodeForBodywork or CodeForBod-yworkSpecPurpVeh must be filled in case of complete vehicles for the vehicle categories M,N,O.

R045,R304 --- --- R304 to prevent that CodeForBody-work/CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh have the same value. No rule for the remark “Please note that the values SA-SK have been moved to CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh in accordance with 678/2011.

CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh 1.0 Either CodeForBodywork or CodeForBod-yworkSpecPurpVeh must be filled in case of complete vehicles for the vehicle categories M,N,O.

--- --- --- Note that R045 also applies. No rule for the remark “Please note that the values SA-SK have been moved to CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh in accordance with 678/2011.

CombinedCO2 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M1 and N1 except for: pure electric vehicles (PureElectricIndica-tor=Y) heavy duty emission test (NrBaseRegu-lActLastAmendEngines) M1 with bodywork type SA, SC and SD (CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh or CodeForBodyWork) OVC-hybrid vehicles - Plug-in hybrids For OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids)


R210 R210

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


use the item WeightedCombinedCO2.

The value “0” is not permitted. CombinedCO2ConditionA 1.0 Use only for OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in


R016, R178 --- ---

CombinedCO2ConditionB 1.0 Use only for OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids)

R016, R178 --- ---

CombinedFuelConsConditionA 1.0 Use only for OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids)

R016, R178 --- ---

CombinedFuelConsConditionB 1.0 Use only for OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids)

R016, R178 --- ---

CombinedFuelConsumption 1.0 Use for non hybrid, non plugin (NOVC) vehicles only

R177 --- ---

CommercialName 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M,N and O.


--- --- No rule for the remark “Please use the exact commercial name as mentioned on the whole vehicle type approval and COC. As this field is used for statistical information it’s important to use consistent make descriptions for vehicles of the same commer-cial name. The field is also important in some memberstates for registration purposes.

CommercialNameTable 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of catego-ry M,N,O.


--- ---

CompletedAlteredCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- ConfigurationOfDoors 1.0 --- --- --- --- ContinuousBrakedTowableMass 1.0 --- --- --- --- ConvertingPerformanceIndic 1.1 --- --- CountryOfResidence 1.0 --- --- --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


CouplCharTechnPermTrailerMass 1.0 --- --- --- --- CouplingCharacteristicValueD 1.0 For complete vehicles of the vehicle catego-

ries M2-M3,N and O with a coupling device occurrence in the Mechanical-CouplingTable, at least one of the items CouplingCharacteristicValueD, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueDC, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueS, CouplingChar-acteristicValueU, CouplingCharacteris-ticValueV must be present

R013 --- ---

CouplingCharacteristicValueDC 1.0 . For complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M2-M3,N and O with a coupling device occurrence in the Mechanical-CouplingTable. At least one of the items CouplingCharacteristicValueD, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueDC, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueS, CouplingChar-acteristicValueU, CouplingCharacteris-ticValueV must be present

--- --- --- Note that R013 also applies.

CouplingCharacteristicValueS 1.0 . For complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M2-M3,N and O with a coupling device occurrence in the Mechanical-CouplingTable. At least one of the items CouplingCharacteristicValueD, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueDC, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueS, CouplingChar-acteristicValueU, CouplingCharacteris-ticValueV must be present

--- --- --- Note that R013 also applies.

CouplingCharacteristicValueU 1.0 For complete vehicles of the vehicle catego-ries M2-M3,N and O with a coupling device occurrence in the Mechanical-CouplingTable. At least one of the items CouplingCharacteristicValueD, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueDC, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueS, CouplingChar-acteristicValueU, CouplingCharacteris-

--- --- --- Note that R013 also applies.

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


ticValueV must be present CouplingCharacteristicValueV 1.0 For complete vehicles of the vehicle catego-

ries M2-M3,N and O with a coupling device occurrence in the Mechanical-CouplingTable. At least one of the items CouplingCharacteristicValueD, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueDC, Cou-plingCharacteristicValueS, CouplingChar-acteristicValueU, CouplingCharacteris-ticValueV must be present

--- --- --- Note that R013 also applies.

CouplingDevicesFittedTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- DateOfApplicationIndividualApp 1.0 Date cannot be in the future. R401 R401 R401 DateOfSignature 1.0 Mandatory for all COC’s. This is date of

signature of the COC. Date cannot be in the future.

R102,R401 R102,R401 R102,R401

DescriptionOfCompletion 1.0 For completed or altered incomplete vehi-cles only see 2007/46/EC 0.10(a) on the COC.

R179 --- ---

DirectInjectionIndicator 1.0 --- --- --- --- DistanceCouplPointFirstAxle 1.0 Mandatory for centre axle trailers, semi

trailers and rigid drawbar trailers R043,R060,R061,R307

R307 R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMax 1.0 As DistanceCouplPointFirstAxle --- --- --- Note that R043, R060 and R061 also apply DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMin 1.0 As DistanceCouplPointFirstAxle R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Note that R043, R060 and R061 also apply

Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items DistAxisFifthWheelForemost 1.0 --- R307 R307 R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or

range values. DistAxisFifthWheelForemostMax 1.0 --- --- --- --- DistAxisFifthWheelForemostMin 1.0 --- R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items DistCentreCouplDevRearVeh 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the

vehicle category O. The value “0” is not permitted.


R210,R307 R210,R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

DistCentreCouplDevRearVehMax 1.0 As DistCentreCouplDevRearVeh R210 R210 R210 Note that R047 also applies DistCentreCouplDevRearVehMin 1.0 As DistCentreCouplDevRearVeh R210,R227,R

302,R303 R210,R302,R303


Note that R047 also applies. Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items

DistFrontVehCentreCouplDev 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the R053,R307 R307 R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


vehicle category Nx with any CodeForBod-ywork is BC or BD

range values.

DistFrontVehCentreCouplDevMax 1.0 as DistFrontVehCentreCouplDev --- --- --- Note that R053 also applies DistFrontVehCentreCouplDevMin 1.0 as DistFrontVehCentreCouplDev R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Note that R053 also applies

Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items DistribMassCompletedVehAxleMin 1.0 Only applicable for incomplete vehicles --- --- --- DistribMassIncompleteVehAxle 1.0 Only applicable for incomplete vehicles --- --- --- DistribUnladenMassAxle 1.0 --- --- --- --- DistrMaxLadenMassTyreAxleSpec 1.0 --- --- --- --- DistrOfActualMassIncomplAxle 1.1 --- --- DistrOfMassRunningOrderAxle 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the

vehicle category M2, M3, N1-N3 and O1-4 R003,R004,R007

--- ---

DistrTechnPermisMassAxle 1.0 --- --- --- --- DriveAxleWithAirSuspOrEquivInd 1.0 Mandatory for the vehicle categories M2 ,

M3 , N2 and N3 in case of complete vehi-cles, in case of a powered axle. For the vehicle categories O1, O2 O3 and O4, please use the entry AxleWithAir-SuspOrEquivInd


R180,R181 R180,R181

DriverPerceivedSoundLevel 1.0 --- --- --- --- DriverPercSoundLevNrBaseRegAct 1.0 --- --- --- --- DrivingDirectionCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- DualFuelType 1.1 --- --- --- --- EcTypeApprovalNrFrameCab 1.0 --- --- --- --- EcTypeApprovalNrRollOverHoop 1.0 --- --- --- --- EcoInnovationsTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- ElectricEnergyConsConditionA 1.0 Only applicable for complete vehicles of the

vehicle categories M1 and N1 for OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids).

R016, R178 --- ---

ElectricEnergyConsConditionB 1.0 Only applicable for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M1 and N1 for OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids).

R016, R178 --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


ElectricEnergyConsPureElectric 1.0 --- --- --- ElectricEnergyConsWeightedComb 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the

vehicle categories M1 and N1 for OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids).

R016, R178 --- ---

ElectricEngineIndicator 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M,N and L. Needed to identify if the vehicle is powered by an electric engine as electricity is no fueltype.


--- ---

ElectricRange 1.0 --- --- --- ElectricRangeExternChargeable 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the

vehicle categories M1 and N1 for OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids)

R016 , R178 --- ---

ElectricVehicleConfigurCode 1.1 --- --- --- --- EmailAddress 1.0 --- --- --- --- EngineCapacity 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the

vehicle categories M,N and L with a fuelcode (FuelCode) <>50, 90, 91. Not applicable where electricengineindica-tor = Y and no fuelgroup with a fuelcode is present.

R029 --- --- No rule defined for the remark: For rotary-piston (Wankel) engines, double the nominal engine swept volume.

EngineCodeAsMarkedOnTheEngine 1.0 --- --- --- --- EngineEcTypeApprovalNumber 1.0 --- --- --- --- EngineNumber 1.0 --- --- --- --- EngineSpeedMaximumNetPower 1.0 --- --- --- --- EngineSpeedPowerPowerTakeOff 1.0 --- --- --- --- EngineTable 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the

vehicle categories M,N and L, T,C R002,R003,R005,R010

--- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


ExceedingDimensionsIndicator 1.0 Mandatory if the vehicle dimensions are exceeding the 97/27/EG,(article 7).

--- --- --- No rule defined for the remark: Mandatory if the vehicle dimensions are exceeding the 97/27/EG,(article 7).

Exemptions 1.0 --- --- --- --- ExhaustEmissionLevelEuro 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the

vehicle categories M,N with a fuelcode (FuelCode).

R017,R018 --- ---

ExtraUrbanConditionsCO2 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M1 and N1 except for: pure electric vehicles (PureElectricIndica-tor) heavy duty emission test (NrBaseRegu-lActLastAmendEngines) M1 with bodywork type SA, SC and SD (CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh) OVC-hybrid vehicles – Plug-in hybrids

For OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids) use the item WeightedCombinedCO2.

The value “0” is not permitted.


R210 R210

ExtraUrbanConditionsFuelCons 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M1 and N1 except for: pure electric vehicles (PureElectricIndica-tor) heavy duty emission test (NrBaseRegu-lActLastAmendEngines) M1 with bodywork type SA, SC and SD (CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh) OVC-hybrid vehicles – Plug-in hybrids

For OVC-hybrid vehicles (Plug-in hybrids) use the item WeightedCombinedCO2.

The value “0” is not permitted.


R210 R210

ExtSoundLevelNrBaseRegulAct 1.0 --- --- --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


FifthWheelLead 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories N1, N2, N3 and type of bodywork BC (CodeForBodywork)

R048,R307 R307 R307 No rule for the remark “In case of a complete or completed vehicle without coupling with slider (adjustable) state only one value.

In case of a complete or completed vehicle with coupling with slider (adjustable) use the FifthWheelLeadMinimum and FifthWheelLeadMaximum. Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

FifthWheelLeadMaximum 1.0 As FifthWheelLead --- --- --- Note that R048 also applies FifthWheelLeadMinimum 1.0 As FifthWheelLead R302,R303 R302,303 R302,303 Note that R048 also applies

Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items FiscalPowerOrNatCodeNrs 1.0 --- --- --- --- FiscalPowerOrNatCodeNrsTable 1.0 --- FiscPowOrNatCodeNrsCountryCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- FrameOrCabMake 1.0 --- --- --- --- FuelCode 1.0 Mandatory for non pure electric complete

vehicles of the vehicle categories M,N, L,T and C. A maximum of one value may be absent in the table.

R023 --- ---

FuelTable 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M,N,L,T,C


--- ---

FuelTypeCode 1.0 Trifuel shall not be used in case of a vehicle with a type approval as it is not possible to grant a type approval.

R306 R306 R306

GearboxTypeCode 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M2,M3 and N1,N2,N3. Not applicable where electricengineindica-tor = Y and no fuelgroup with a fuelcode is present

R015,R018 --- ---

GearGroup 1.0 Mandatory for complete vehicles of the vehicle categories M2,M3 and N1,N2,N3.

R015,R018 --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


GearNumber 1.0 Unique sequential number in order to identify the Gear informationset

R301 R301 R301

GearRatio 1.0 --- --- --- No rule defined for the remark In case of GearboxTypeCode = CVT,W or O.

GearRatioTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- GeneralCodeOfTheEcoInnovations 1.0 --- --- --- --- GroundClearanceBetweenAxles 1.1 … … --- --- Height 1.0 Complete vehicles maximum value 4000.

If the measurement exceeds the European legal boundaries, the ExceedingDimen-sionsIndicator has to be filled with the value “Y”. Height or HeightMini-mum/HeightMaximum are mandatory in case of complete vehicles Except for vehi-cles with the vehicle categories N2 and N3.


R307 R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

HeightCouplingAboveGroundMax 1.0 --- --- --- --- HeightCouplingAboveGroundMin 1.0 --- R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items HeightMaximum 1.0 As Height R220 --- --- HeightMinimum 1.0 As Height R220,

R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items

HybridApplicationCode 1.1 --- --- --- --- HybridIndicator 1.0 This field is mandatory for complete

vehicles of the categories M and N. R002,R003 --- ---

HydrLiftThreePointCouplingInd 1.0 --- --- --- --- IdentEngineTypeLocation 1.0 --- --- --- --- IdentEngineTypeMethodAffixing 1.0 --- --- --- --- IndependBrakedTowableMass 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule defined for the following remarks In case of an

incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle is equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped with a coupling state maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

IndividualApprovalNumber 1.0 The field has to be used to add the individu-al approval number in case of an Individual Approval Certificate (TypeApprovalType-Code = IND).

R101,R183 R101,R183 R101,R183

IndividualApprovalTypeCode 1.0 The field has to be used in case of an Indi-vidual Approval Certificate.

R101,R183 R101,R183 R101,R183

IndividualApprovalVersionNr 1.0 The field has to be used in case of an Indi-vidual Approval Certificate.

R101,R183 R101,R183 R101,R183 No rule defined for the remark The number has to be increased in case of a revision or correction of the original Individual Approval Certificate. If a new Individual Approval Certificate has been issued the number has to contain the value “0”.

InertiaBrakedTowableMass 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule defined for the remark In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle is equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped with a coupling state maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

InServiceMaxMassIntTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- InServiceMaxMassNatTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- IntendedCountryOfRegistrCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- InterconnOfBrakedAxle 1.0 --- --- --- --- InterconnOfPoweredAxles 1.0 --- --- --- --- InterconnWithBrakedAxleNumber 1.0 --- --- --- --- InterconnWithBrakedAxleTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- InterconnWithPoweredAxleNumber 1.0 --- --- --- --- InterconnWithPoweredAxleTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- IVIReferenceId 1.0 --- --- --- --- Length 1.0 Complete vehicles: maximum value

18750. R046,R221,R222,R223,R3

307 307 No rule defined for the remark If the measurement exceeds the European legal boundaries, the ExceedingDimensionsIndicator

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


M1, Nx max 12000 M2,M3 max 18750 Ox AND DB,DC,DE,SA,SG max 12000 If the measurement exceeds the European legal boundaries, the ExceedingDimen-sionsIndicator has to be filled with the value “Y”. Length or LengthMini-mum/LengthMaximum are mandatory in case of complete vehicles.

07 has to be filled with the value “Y”. Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

LengthMaximum 1.0 As Length R221,R222,R223

--- ---

LengthMinimum 1.0 As Length R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items LengthOfTheLoadingArea 1.0 --- R307 R307 R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or

range values. LengthOfTheLoadingAreaMaximum 1.0 --- --- --- --- LengthOfTheLoadingAreaMinimum 1.0 --- R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items LiftAxleInd 1.0 Mandatory for VehicleCategoryCode N2,

N3, O1, O2, O3, O4 R004,R020 --- ---

LoadableAxleInd 1.0 --- --- --- --- LoadCapacityIndexSingleWheel 1.0 --- --- --- --- LoadCapacityIndexTwinWheel 1.0 --- --- --- --- LoadPlatformDimensionsHeight 1.0 --- --- --- --- LoadPlatformDimensionsLength 1.0 --- --- --- --- LoadPlatformDimensionsWidth 1.0 --- --- --- --- LoadPlatformTechPermLoad 1.0 --- --- --- --- LocationOfTheVinCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- LocationOfTheVinCode23Wheel 1.0 Mandatory for VehicleCategoryCode Lx R005 --- --- LocOfTheStatutoryPlates23Wheel 1.0 Mandatory for VehicleCategoryCode Lx R005 --- --- LocOfTheStatutoryPlatesCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- LpgFuellingSystemIndicator 1.0 --- --- --- --- Make 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule defined for the remark Use the exact Make description

as mentioned on the whole vehicle type approval and COC. As this field is used for statistical information it’s important to use

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


consistent make descriptions for vehicles of the same make. The field is also important in some member states for registration purposes

MakeRollOverHoop 1.0 --- --- --- --- MakeTable 1.0 Mandatory R001 --- --- ManufacturerHybridApplication 1.1 --- --- --- --- ManufacturerOfTheEngine 1.0 --- --- --- --- ManufacturerPlateLocation 1.0 --- --- --- --- ManufacturerPlateMethodOfAffix 1.0 --- --- --- --- MassIncompleteVehRunningOrder 1.0 --- --- --- MassOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder 1.0 If applicable the value must be less then the

values for : TechnPermMaxLadenMass; TechnPermMaxMasCombination; MaxPermLadenMassInternational; MaxPermMassCombinationInt; MaxPermLadenMassNational; MaxPermMassCombinationNational.


R201,R202,R203,R204,R205, R206

R201,R202,R203,R204,R205, R206

Maximum15MinutesPower 1.1 --- --- --- --- MaximumAssistanceFactor 1.1 --- --- --- --- MaximumAssistanceSpeed 1.1 --- --- --- --- MaximumContinuousRatedPower 1.0 The field can be used for electric engines

only. It’s also allowed to add this field in case of a hybrid electrical vehicle.

R185 --- ---

MaximumNetPower 1.0 The field has to be used for combustion engines only.

R086,R186 --- ---

MaximumNetPowerElectricEngine 1.1 --- --- --- --- MaximumPermissibleHeight 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaximumPermissibleLength 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaximumPermissibleRearOverhang 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaximumPermissibleWidth 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaximumSpeed 1.0 MaximumSpeed must be present at least

once in a FuelTable. R025 --- --- R025 only applies for COC based on xsd version 1.0

MaximumSpeed 1.1 MaximumSpeed or must be present at least once in a FuelTable or MaximumSpeed-

R030 --- --- R030 only applies for COC based on xsd version 1.1

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


NonPropulsion must be present. MaximumSpeedNonPropulsion 1.1 Mandatory for complete vehicle categories

O,R R004,R008,R009

--- --- Note that R030 also applies

MaxPercentBiofuelAcceptInFuel 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermLadenMassAxleCountrCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermLadenMassAxleGrCCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermLadenMassAxleGrInt 1.0 The value has to be less then or equal to the

TechPermMassAxleGroup R211 R211 R211 Value has to be less or equal to TechPermMassAxleGroup

MaxPermLadenMassAxleGrIntTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermLadenMassAxleGrNat 1.0 The value has to be less then or equal to the

TechPermMassAxleGroup R211 R211 R211

MaxPermLadenMassAxleGrNatTable 1.0 --- MaxPermLadenMassAxleInt 1.0 The value has to be less then or equal to the

TechnicallyPermMassAxle. R213 R213 R213

MaxPermLadenMassAxleIntTable 1.0 --- --- --- MaxPermLadenMassAxleNational 1.0 The value has to be less then or equal to the

TechnicallyPermMassAxle. R213 R213 R213

MaxPermLadenMassAxleNatTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermLadenMassGrTrafficRegul 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermLadenMassInternational 1.0 The value has to be less then or equal to the

TechnPermMaxLadenMass. R207 R207 R207

MaxPermLadenMassNational 1.0 The value has to be less then or equal to the TechnPermMaxLadenMass.

R207 R207 R207

MaxPermLadenMassTrafficRegul 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermMassCombinationInt 1.0 The value has to be less then or equal to the

TechPermMaxMassCombination. R208 R208 R208 No rule defined for the remark

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle is equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped with a coupling state maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

MaxPermMassCombinationNational 1.0 The value has to be less then or equal to the R208 R208 R208 No rule defined for the remark

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


TechPermMaxMassCombination. In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle is equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped with a coupling state maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

MaxPermMassIntTrafficRegul 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermMassNatTraffCountryCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- MaxPermPosCOGCompletedVeh 1.0 --- --- --- --- MeansOfIdentificationOfType 1.0 --- --- --- --- MechnicalCouplingMake 1.0 --- --- --- --- MechanicalCouplingTable 1.0 --- R004,R020 --- --- MechnicalCouplingType 1.0 --- --- --- --- MethodOfAttachmStatPlatesCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- MetricImperialSpeedometerCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- MinMassVehCompleted 1.0 The field is mandatory for incomplete

vehicles of the vehicle category M,N and O --- R002,R003

,R004 ---

Name 1.0 --- R001 R001 R001 NameOfSigner 1.0 --- --- --- --- NrBaseRegulActLastAmendEngines 1.0 Either this field is mandatory for vehicles

with a WVTA and a combustion engine or the NrBaseRegulActLastAmendMotVeh depending on the method of testing. The field must always contain the character corresponding to the provisions used for the type approval. In some member states environmental zones for entering city centres are based on this field.

R111 --- --- Seems that a WVTA is mandatory in 2015. Simplified the rule to: For any vehicle with a combustion engine, either this field or NrBaseRegulLastAmendMotVeh is present. No rule defined for the remark “The field must always contain the character corresponding to the provisions used for the type approval”.

NrBaseRegulActLastAmendMotVeh 1.0 Either this field is mandatory for vehicles with a WVTA and a combustion engine or the NrBaseRegulActLastAmendEngines

--- --- --- See NrBaseRegulActLastAmendEngines

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


depending on the method of testing. The field must always contain the character corresponding to the provisions used for the type approval. In some member states environmental zones for entering city centres are based on this field.

NrOfPassSeatingPosLowerDeck 1.0 Forbidden for <> M2,M3 R190 R190 R190 NrOfPassSeatingPosUpperDeck 1.0 Forbidden for <> M2,M3 R190 R190 R190 NrOfSeatingPositionExclDriver 1.0 --- --- --- --- NrOfSeatingPositions 1.0 --- --- --- --- NrOfWheelchairUserAccessPos 1.0 --- --- --- --- NumberForBodywork 1.0 --- --- --- --- NumberOfAxles 1.0 This field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-

gories. The coupling device is not an axle. The vehicle categories M,N and L must at least have 2 axles. The vehicle categories T,C, R, S and O must at least have 1 axle.


R214,R215 R214,R215

NumberOfAxlesWithTwinWheels 1.0 --- --- --- --- NumberOfBrakedAxles 1.0 --- --- --- --- NumberOfCylinders 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule defined for the remark “For rotary engines count the

number of rotors, to determine the number of cylinders.” NumberOfDoors 1.0 --- --- --- --- NumberOfPoweredAxles 1.0 The field is mandatory for the vehicle

categories M and N R002,R003 --- ---

NumberOfRatiosFront 1.0 --- --- --- --- NumberOfRatiosRear 1.0 --- --- --- --- NumberOfStandingPlaces 1.0 Forbidden <> M2,M3--- R190 R190 R190 NumberOfSteeredAxles 1.0 --- --- --- --- NumberOfTheMemberState 1.0 This field is mandatory for the Individual

Approval Certificate (IAC). R101 --- ---

NumberOfWheels 1.0 This field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-gories. Twin wheels have to be indicated as two wheels.

R001,R216 --- ---

NumericAlphanumIdentifCode 1.0 --- --- --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


OdometerReading 1.0 --- --- --- --- OdometerUnitCode 1.0 --- R112 R112 R112 OffVehicleChargingIndicator 1.0 This field is used to identify Plug-in

hybrides. In some memberstates the field is relevant for taxation purposes of environmental policies.

--- --- --- No direct rule on the item itself. Item is, however, used in various rules to identify plug-in hybrids.

OptionalLightSignallingDevices 1.0 --- --- --- --- OtherEmissionLegislation 1.0 --- --- --- --- PartOfAxleGroupNumber 1.0 --- --- --- --- PhoneNumber 1.0 --- --- --- --- PlaceOfResidence 1.0 --- --- --- --- PlaceOfSignature 1.0 --- --- --- --- PositionOfSeats 1.0 --- --- --- --- PositionOfSigner 1.0 --- --- --- --- PositionRollOverHoopCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- PoweredAxleInd 1.0 This field is mandatory for the vehicle

categories M and N R002,R003 --- ---

PowerMassRatio 1.0 This field is mandatory for the vehicle category L and FuelCode is present.

R019 R019 R019

PowerPowerTakeOff 1.0 --- --- --- --- PressFeedLineSingleLineBraking 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule defined for the remark

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle is equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped with a coupling state maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

PressFeedLineTwoLineBraking 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule defined for the remark In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle is equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


vehicle can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped with a coupling state maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

PrimaryColourCode 1.0 This field is mandatory for the vehicle categories M1 and N1 for complete vehi-cles.

R006 --- ---

ProductionSequentialNumber 1.0 This field is mandatory for small series vehicles. As the regulations gives maximum values for the small series it is necessary to state the production sequential number of the vehicle.

R104 R104 R104

ProductionYear 1.0 This field is mandatory for small series vehicles

R104 R104 R104

ProvisionalApprovalIndicator 1.0 --- --- --- --- PureElectricIndicator 1.0 --- --- --- --- RearOverhang 1.0 This field is mandatory for complete

vehicles of the categories N2, N3, M2,M3 and O.

R049,R307 R307 R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

RearOverhangMaximum 1.0 As RearOverhang --- --- --- Note that R049 also applies RearOverhangMinimum 1.0 As RearOverhang R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Note that R049 also applies

Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items RecommendedTyrePressure 1.1 --- --- --- --- RecomTyrePressureLoadCode 1.1 --- --- --- --- RegulActApprovalCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- RegulActInclLastAmend 1.0 --- --- --- --- RegulActInclLastAmendRemark 1.0 --- --- --- --- RegulActInclLastAmendSubjNr 1.0 --- --- --- --- RegulationAct 1.0 --- --- --- --- RegulationsTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- Remarks 1.0 --- --- --- --- RetractableOrLoadableAxleInd 1.0 --- --- --- --- ReversibleDrivingPositionInd 1.0 --- --- --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


RevisionDate 1.0 --- R401, R401, R401, RightLeftHandTrafficCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- RimSizeIncludingOffSet 1.0 --- --- --- --- SeatForUseOnlyWhenTheVehStat 1.0 --- --- --- --- SecondaryColourCode 1.0 The PrimaryColourCode cannot be the

same as SecondaryColourCode R305 R305 R305

SigningAuthorityTable 1.0 Mandatory, at least 1 occurrence Sign-ingAuthorityGroup

R001 R001 R001

SoundLevelDriveBy 1.0 --- --- --- --- SoundLevelStatEngineSpeed 1.0 --- --- --- --- SoundLevelStationary 1.0 --- --- --- --- SpeedCategorySymbol 1.0 --- --- --- --- StageDate 1.0 Issue date of the stage approval for every

entry in the COC for multistage vehicles --- R401 R401 Assumed that date cannot be in the future.

StageEcTypeApprovalNumber 1.0 Type approval number of thestage for every entry in the COC for multistage vehicles.

--- --- ---

StageManufacturerName 1.0 Name of the manufacturer of the stage, for every entry in the COC for multistage vehicles.

--- --- ---

StageManufacturerNumber 1.0 StageManufacturerNumber should be used to indicate the subsequent stages.

--- --- ---

StageNrOfManufacturingTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- StageOfCompletionCode 1.0 This field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-

gories. In some member states the value is needed for registration purposes.

R001 R001 R001 No rule for the remark “For two and three wheeled vehicles state the value “C” with 2002/24/EC Approval. For approvals 168/213 or newer state the actual value. In the regulatory act 168/213 it’s possible to have incomplete vehicles for the L category.”

SteeredAxleInd 1.0 --- --- --- --- SteeringCategoryCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- TankCapacityTankerVehicle 1.0 --- --- --- --- TechnicallyPermMassAxle 1.0 --- --- --- --- TechnPermisMaxMassAxle 1.0 --- --- --- --- TechnPermMaxLadenMass 1.0 This field is mandatory for the vehicle

categories M,N,L and O. R002,R003,R004,R005,R208

R208 R208 Note that R208 is listed under TechnPermMaxMassCombina-tion

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


TechnPermMaxLadenMassTyreSpec 1.0 The technically permissible maximum laden mass according to the tyre specification is only used by agricultural vehicle. This entry makes it possible to differ in technical permissible maximummasses.

R187 R187 R187

TechnPermMaxMassCombination 1.0 This field is mandatory for the vehicle categories M2,M3 and N for complete vehicles if the vehicle is equipped with a coupling device. (DistFrontVehCentre-CouplDev) has a value.

R011 --- --- For the rule “The value has to be higher then the TechnPer-mMaxLadenMass” see TechnPermMaxLadenMass. No rule for the remark In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling system state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped state maximum value maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

TechPermMassAxleGroup 1.0 --- --- --- --- TechPermMaxStatMassCouplPoint 1.0 This field is only applicable for vehicles of

the categories O, R and S. R188 R188 R188

TechPermMaxStatVertLoadCouplPt 1.0 The technically permissible vertical load on the coupling point according to the tyre specification is only used by agricultural vehicles. This entry makes it possible to differ in technical permissible maximummasses due multiple tyre specifications.

R187 R187 R187

TechPermMaxStatVertMassCouplPt 1.0 This field is only applicable for vehicles of the categorie L,M , N, T and C..

R189 R189 R189 No rule for the remark In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling system state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


vehicle can not be equiped state maximum value maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

TechPermMaxTowableMassTrailer 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule for the remark In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling system state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped state maximum value maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

TechPermMaxTowMassBrakedTrail 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule for the remark In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling system state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped state maximum value maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

TechPermMaxTowMassCentAxTrail 1.0 For vehicles of the categories M, N1 the

value can not exceed the 3500 kg. R217 R217 R217 No rule for the remark

This field is also mandatory for the incomplete vehicles of the categories M and N which are suitable for a coupling device for the centre axle trailer. If the vehicle is not quipped with a coupling device the field has to be ignored In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling system state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped state maximum value maximum

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


value “0” or skip this entry in the xml TechPermMaxTowMassDrawbarTrail 1.0 For vehicles of the categories M, N1 the

value can not exceed the 3500 kg. R217 R217 R217 No rule for the remark

This field is also mandatory for the incomplete vehicles of the categories M and N which are suitable for a coupling device for the centre axle trailer. If the vehicle is not quipped with a coupling device the field has to be ignoredIn case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling system state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped state maximum value maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

TechPermMaxTowMassSemiTrailer 1.0 For vehicles of the categories M, N1 the

value can not exceed the 3500 kg.

R217 R217 R217 No rule for the remark This field is also mandatory for the incomplete vehicles of the categories M and N which are suitable for a coupling device for the centre axle trailer. If the vehicle is not quipped with a coupling device the field has to be ignored In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling system state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped state maximum value maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

TechPermMaxTowMassUnbrTrailer 1.0 For vehicles of the categories M, N the

value can not exceed the 750 kg. R218 R218 R218 This field is also mandatory for the incomplete vehicles of the

categories M and N which are suitable for a coupling device for the centre axle trailer. If the vehicle is not quipped with a coupling device the field has to be ignored

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


No rule for the remark In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling system state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling state maximum value

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped state maximum value maximum value “0” or skip this entry in the xml

TestprocElrSmokeValue 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEscCO 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEscExponentParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEscNOx 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEscNumberOfParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEscParticulates 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEscTHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEtcCH4 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEtcCO 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEtcExponentParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEtcNMHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEtcNOx 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEtcNumberOfParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEtcParticulates 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocEtcTHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrscCO 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrscExponentParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrscHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrscNMHC_Nox 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrscNOx 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrscNumberOfParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrscParticulates 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrtcCH4 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrtcCO 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrtcExponentParticles 1.0 --- --- --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


TestprocNrtcNMHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrtcNMHC_Nox 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrtcNOx 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrtcNumberOfParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrtcParticulates 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocNrtcTHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType1CO 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType1ExponentParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType1HC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType1HC_Nox 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType1NMHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType1Nox 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType1NrOfParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType1Particulates 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2CO 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2COAtHighIdleSp 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2COAtNormIdleSp 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2EngSpHighIdleMax 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2EngSpHighIdleMin 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2EngSpNormalMax 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2EngSpNormalMin 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2HC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2HCAtHighIdleSp 1.1 --- --- --- --- TestprocType2HCAtNormIdleSp 1.1 --- --- --- --- TestprocTypeVIICO2 1.1 --- --- --- --- TestprocTypeVIIFuelConsumption 1.1 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhscCH4 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhscCO 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhscExponentParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhscNH3 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhscNMHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhscNOx 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhscNumberOfParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhscParticulates 1.0 --- --- --- ---

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


TestprocWhscTHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcCH4 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcCO 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcExponentParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcNH3 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcNMHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcNOx 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcNumberOfParticles 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcParticulates 1.0 --- --- --- --- TestprocWhtcTHC 1.0 --- --- --- --- TotalCO2EmisSavDueEcoInnFuel 1.1 --- --- --- --- TotalCO2EmisSavingDueEcoInnov 1.0 --- --- --- --- TotalCO2EmisSavingDueEcoInnov 1.1 Forbidden R179 R179 R179 TrackOfAllOtherAxles 1.0 Mandatory for the vehicle categories M3,

O1, O2, in case of complete vehicles for the non steered axle. Also see: AxleTrack and TrackOfEachSteeredAxle. This entry has to be added per axlenumber. The value cannot exceed the value for Width.

R051,R209 R209 R209

TrackOfEachSteeredAxle 1.0 Mandatory for the vehicle categories M3, O1, O2, in case of complete vehicles for the steered axle. Also see: AxleTrack and TrackOfAllOtherAxles. The value cannot exceed the value for Width.

R052,R209 R209 R209

TrailerBrakeConnectionsCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- No rule for the remark: In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, equiped with a coupling and trailer brake connection state connection code

In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle, which can be equiped with a coupling and is equiped with a trailer brake connection state connection code

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


In case of an incomplete, complete or completed vehicle and the vehicle can not be equiped with a trailer brake connection skip this entry in the xml

TrailerBrakeTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- TwentyFourGHzRadarInd 1.1 --- --- --- --- TwinWheelsAxleInd 1.0 --- --- --- --- Type 1.0 This field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-

gories with a type approval. R102 R102 R102

TypeApprovalDateOfIssue 1.0 The field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-gories with a type approval.

R102,R401, R102,R401 R102,R401 No rule for the remark This is the date the type approval (00-extension) has been ap-proved by the type approval authority. For extensions (01+ extensions) the date of issue for the extension has to be used (see also : 0.10 of the COC 2007/46).

TypeApprovalNumber 1.0 This field is mandatory if the Type Approv-alTypeCode contains the value: EC, KS, NKS or NAT.

R102 R102 R102

TypeApprovalTypeCode 1.0 The field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-gories.

R001 R001 R001

TypeApprTranspDangerGoodsClass 1.0 --- --- --- --- TypeApprTranspDangerGoodsInd 1.0 --- --- --- --- TypeApprTranspDangerGoodsTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- TypeOfCouplingDeviceFitted 1.0 --- --- --- --- TypeOfRollOverHoopCode 1.0 --- --- --- --- TypeOfTyre 1.0 --- --- --- --- TyreAxlePressureTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- TyreAxleTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- TyreSize 1.0 --- --- --- --- TyreSpecification 1.0 --- --- --- --- TyreTable 1.0 --- --- --- --- TyreTubeTypeCode 1.1 --- --- --- --- UnladenMassOfTheVehicle 1.0 For the vehicle categories <> Lx

If applicable the value must be less then the values for : MassOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder TechnPermMaxLadenMass.

R201,R219, R228

R201,R219, R228

R201,R219, R228

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


For the vehicle categories = Lx If applicable the value must be less then or equal to the values for : MassOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder TechnPermMaxLadenMass.

UnladenMassVehRunningOrderMax 1.0 --- --- --- --- UnladenMassVehRunningOrderMin 1.0 --- R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items UrbanConditionsCO2 1.0 --- --- --- --- UrbanConditionsFuelConsumption 1.0 --- --- --- --- Variant 1.0 This field is mandatory if the TypeApprov-

alTypeCode contains the value: EC, KS, NKS.

For the L category if a variant is not appli-cable use the abbreviation : N/A.

R103 R103 R103

VehicleCategoryCode 1.0 This field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-gories if the TypeApprovalTypeCode contains the value: EC, KS, NKS.

R103 --- ---

VehicleClassTable 1.0 --- R012--- --- --- VehicleFittedWithEcoInnovInd 1.0 --- --- --- --- VehicleIdentificationNumber 1.0 This field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-

gories. R001 R001 R001

Version 1.0 This field is mandatory if the TypeApprov-alTypeCode contains the value: EC, KS, NKS.

For the L category if a version is not appli-cable use the abbreviation : N/A.

R103 R103 R103

VersionCoc 1.0 This field is mandatory for all vehicle cate-gories with a type approval if the TypeAp-provalTypeCode contains the value: EC, KS, NKS and NAT. .

R102,R184 R102,R184 R102,R184 No rule for the remarks For the first COC this entry is “1”. For the next versions (corrections) of the same COC this entry contains “2” etc.

Please note that this field has a relation with the COC versions

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


and not with multistage vehicles. VersionDateIVI 1.0 This is the sending date of the digital

information for COC or IAC, if there is a revision the date and time must be updated.

R001,R401 R001,R401 R001,R401

VersionNumberXsd 1.1 Mandatory as of v1.1 R001 R001 R001 WeightedCombinedCO2 1.0 This field has to be used for the off vehicle

charging vehicles (see also: OffVehi-cleChargingIndicator). OffVehicleChargingInd = N then the use of this field is forbidden.

R026,R027, R178

--- ---

WeightedCombinedFuelCons 1.0 OffVehicleChargingInd = N then the use of this field is forbidden.

R178 --- ---

Wheelbase 1.0 - R307 R307 R307 No rule for the remarks This is the total wheelbase: in case of the vehicle categories M,N,L,T and C this is the distance between the first and rear axle of the vehicle; in case drawbar trailer of the vehicle categories O, R and S this is the distance between centre of the first axle and the rear axle; in case semi trailers,centre axle and rigid drawbar trailers of the vehicle categories O, R and S this is the distance between centre of the coupling device and the rear axle; See also: DistanceCouplPointFirstAxle and AxleSpacing. Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or range values.

WheelbaseGroundRatio 1.1 --- --- --- --- WheelbaseMaximum 1.0 --- --- --- --- WheelbaseMinimum 1.0 --- R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items WheelbaseSideCar 1.1 --- --- ---- ---- Width 1.0 Must be less than (and equal to?) 2550 mm R046,R224,R R307 R307 Addition of rule 307 to enforce proper use of a single value or

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Item name Version Rule in message book Technical rule(s), vehicle com-plete (StageOfCompletionCode = ‘C’)

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =’ I’

Technical rule(s), multi-stage vehicle (StageOfComple-tionCode =‘V’)


if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘N’,’O’) AND ANY (ALL?) NumberForBodyWork <> 4,5 AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> ‘Y’ Must be less than (and equal to?) 2600 mm if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘N’,’O’) AND ANY (ALL?) NumberForBodyWork = 4,5 AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> ‘Y’ Must be less than (and equal to?) 2550 mm if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Mx’ AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> ‘Y’ Width or WidthMini-mum/WidthMaximum are mandatory in case of complete vehicles.


range values.

WidthMaximum 1.0 --- R224,R225,R226

--- ---

WidthMinimum 1.0 --- R302,R303 R302,R303 R302,R303 Rule 302,303 enforces proper use of minimum-maximum items WorkingPrincipleCode 1.0 --- --- --- ---

5.4 Rules Rule number Description Error message Variables to include in message R001 Mandatory E001 <checked item> R002 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Mx’ E001 <checked item> R003 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Nx’ E001 <checked item> R004 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Ox’ E001 <checked item> R005 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Lx’ E001 <checked item>

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Rule number Description Error message Variables to include in message R006 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘M1’,‘N1’) E001 <checked item> R007 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘M2x’,’M3x’) E001 <checked item> R008 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Rx’ E001 <checked item> R009 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Sx’ E001 <checked item> R010 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘Tx’, ‘Cx’) E001 <checked item> R011 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (M2, M3, Nx) AND MechanicalCouplingTable is present E001 <checked item> R012 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (M2, M3) AND ANY CodeForBodywork is IN


R013 At least one of the items CouplingCharacteristicValueD, CouplingCharacteristicValueDC. Cou-plingCharacteristicValueS, CouplingCharacteristicValueU, CouplingCharacteristicValueVmust be present if VehicleCategoryCode IN (M2, M3, Nx, Ox)


R014 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (M2, M3, N2, N3), AND PoweredAxleInd = ‘Y’ E001 <checked item> R015 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN ('M2x', 'M3x') AND FuelCode is present E001 <checked item> R016 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (M1,N1) AND OffVehicleChargingIndicator = ‘Y’ E001 <checked item> R017 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode =’Mx’ AND FuelCode is present E001 <checked item> R018 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Nx’ AND FuelCode is present E001 <checked item> R019 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Lx’ AND FuelCode is present E001 <checked item> R020 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘N2’, ‘N3’) E001 <checked item> R021 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = M1 AND FuelCode is present AND NrBaseRegulActLas-

tAmendEngines is absent AND ALL CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh <> (SA, SC, SD) AND ALL CodeForBodyWork <> (SA, SC, SD) AND OffVehicleChargingIndicator= ‘N’’

E001 <checked item>

R022 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = N1 AND FuelCode is present AND NrBaseRegulActLas-tAmendEngines is absent AND OffVehicleChargingIndicator = ‘N’

E001 <checked item>

R023 A maximum of one value in the table may be absent. E007 <checked item>,one,<null> R025 At least one value should be present in the table E009 <checked item>, one, <null> R026 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = 'N1' AND FuelCode is present AND NrBaseRegulActLas-

tAmendEngines is absent AND ALL CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh NOT IN ('SA', 'SC', 'SD') AND ALL CodeForBodywork NOT IN ('SA', 'SC', 'SD') AND OffVehicleChargingIndicator = 'Y'

E001 <checked item>

R027 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode = 'N1' AND AND FuelCode is present AND NrBaseRegu-lActLastAmendEngines is absent AND OffVehicleChargingIndicator = 'Y'

E001 <checked item>

R029 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘Mx’ ,’Nx’, ‘Lx’) AND ANY FuelCode is present AND NOT IN (50,90,91)

E001 <checked item>

R030 At least one value should be present in the table if MaximumSpeedNonPropulsion is absent in the table.

E003 <checked item>, MaximumSpeedNonPropulsion

R040 Mandatory if HeightMinimum is absent AND HeightMaximum is absent AND VehicleCategoryCode NOT IN ('N2', 'N3')

E002 <checked item>, HeightMinimum, HeightMaximum

R041 Mandatory if AxleSpacingMinimum is absent AND AxleSpacingMaximum is absent AND Vehi-cleCategoryCode IN (‘Mx’, ‘Nx’) AND number of AxleGroups > 2 AND not in the group with the highest AxleNumber

E002 <checked item>, AxleSpacingMinimum, AxleSpacingMaximum

R042 Mandatory if AxleSpacingMinimum is absent AND AxleSpacingMaximum is absent AND Vehi-cleCategoryCode IN (‘Ox’, ‘Rx’, ‘Sx’ ) AND number of AxleGroups > 1 AND not in the group with the highest AxleNumber

E002 <checked item>, AxleSpacingMinimum, AxleSpacingMaximum

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Rule number Description Error message Variables to include in message R043 Mandatory if DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMax is absent AND DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMin is

absent AND VehicleCategoryCode = ‘Ox’ AND ANY CodeForBodywork IN (‘DA’, ‘DC’, ‘DE’) E002 <checked item>, DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMin, DistanceCou-

plPointFirstAxleMax R044 Mandatory if AxleTrackMinimum is absent AND AxleTrackMaximum is absent AND VehicleCate-

gory IN (‘M1’, ‘M2’, ‘N1’ ) E002

<checked item>, AxleTrackMinimum, AxleTrackMaximum

R045 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘Mx’, ‘Nx’, ‘Ox’) AND CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh is absent.

E003 <checked item>, CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh

R046 Mandatory if corresponding minimum and maximum are absent. E002 <checked item>, <corresponding minimum>, <corresponding maximum>

R047 Mandatory if DistCentreCouplDevRearVehMin is absent AND DistCentreCouplDevRearVehMax is absent if VehicleCategory = ‘Ox’

E002 <checked item>, DistCentreCouplDevRearVehMin, DistCentre-CouplDevRearVehMax

R048 Mandatory if FifthWheelLeadMinimum is absent AND FifthWheelLeadMaximum is absent AND VehicleCategory IN (‘N1’, ‘N2’, ‘N3’ ) AND ANY CodeForBodywork = ‘BC’

E002 <checked item>, FifthWheelLeadMinimum, FifthWheelLeadMaxi-mum

R049 Mandatory if RearOverhangMinimum is absent AND RearOverhangMaximum is absent AND VehicleCategory IN (‘M2’, ‘M3’, ‘N2’, ‘N3’, ‘Ox’ )

E002 <checked item>, RearOverhangMinimum, RearOverhangMaximum

R051 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘M3’, ‘O1’, ‘O2’) AND SteeredAxleInd <> ‘Y’ E001 <checked item> R052 Mandatory if VehicleCategoryCode IN (‘M3’, ‘O1’, ‘O2’) AND SteeredAxleInd = ‘Y’ E001 <checked item> R053 Mandatory if DistFrontVehCentreCouplDevMin is absent AND DistFrontVehCentreCouplDevMax

is absent AND VehicleCategory IN (‘N1’, ‘N2’, ‘N3’ ) AND ANY CodeForBodywork = ‘BC’OR "BD"

E002 <checked item>, DistFrontVehCentreCouplDevMin, DistFrontVehCentreCouplDevMax

R060 Mandatory if DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMin is absent AND DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMax is absent AND VehicleCategory = ‘Ox’ AND ANY CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh = ‘SE’

E002 <checked item>, DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMin, DistanceCou-plPointFirstAxleMax

R061 Mandatory if DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMin is absent AND DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMax is absent AND VehicleCategory = ‘Ox’ AND ANY CodeForBosywork = ‘SE’

E002 <checked item>, DistanceCouplPointFirstAxleMin, DistanceCou-plPointFirstAxleMax

R086 For 1.0 Mandatory if ElectricEngineIndicator <> ‘Y’ and VehicleCategoryCode <> ('O1', ‘O2’, ‘O3’, ‘O4’) For 1.1 Mandatory if ElectricEngineIndicator <> ‘Y’

E001 <checked item>

R101 Mandatory if TypeApprovalTypeCode =’IND’ E001 <checked item> R102 Mandatory if TypeApprovalTypeCode IN (NAT, NKS, KS, EC). E001 <checked item> R103 Mandatory if TypeApprovalTypeCode IN (NKS, KS, EC). E001 <checked item> R104 Mandatory if TypeApprovalTypeCode IN (NKS, KS). E001 <checked item> R111 Is Present EOR NrBaseRegulActLastAmendMotVeh is present if VehicleCategoryCode NOT IN

(‘Ox’, ‘Rx’, ‘Sx’) AND ElectricEngineIndicator <> ‘Y’ E003 <checked item>, NrBaseRegulActLastAmendMotVeh

R112 Is Present equals OdometerReading is present E004 <checked item>, OdometerReading R175 Forbidden if ElectricEngineIndicator = ‘N’ E005 <checked item> R176 Forbidden in Group with highest number E005 <checked item> R177 Forbidden if OffVehicleChargingIndicator = ‘Y’ E005 <checked item> R178 Forbidden if OffVehicleChargingIndicator <> ‘Y’ E005 <checked item> R179 Forbidden E005 <checked item> R180 Forbidden if PoweredAxleInd <> ‘Y’ E005 <checked item> R181 Forbidden if VehicleCategoryCode IN (O1,O2,O3,O4) E005 <checked item>

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Rule number Description Error message Variables to include in message R183 Forbidden if TypeApprovalTypeCode IN (NAT, NKS, KS, EC). E005 <checked item> R184 Forbidden if TypeApprovalTypeCode=’IND’ E005 <checked item> R185 Forbidden if ElectricEngineIndicator <> ‘Y’ AND HybridIndicator <> ‘Y’ E005 <checked item> R186 Forbidden if ElectricEngineIndicator = ‘Y’ AND HybridIndicator <> ‘Y’ E005 <checked item> R187 Forbidden if VehicleCategoryCode NOT IN (Tx, Cx, Rx, Sx) E005 <checked item> R188 Forbidden if VehicleCategoryCode NOT IN (Ox, Rx, Sx) E005 <checked item> R189 Forbidden if VehicleCategoryCode NOT IN (Mx, Nx, Lx, Tx, Cx) E005 <checked item> R190 Forbidden if VehicleCategoryCode NOT IN (M2, M3) E005 <checked item> R191 Forbidden if VehicleCategoryCode = 'M1' AND FuelCode is present AND OffVehicleChargingIndi-

cator = 'Y' E005 <checked item>

R201 < TechnPermMaxLadenMass, if both present E023 <checked item>, TechnPermMaxLadenMass R202 < TechnPermMaxMassCombination, if both present AND TechnPermMaxMassCombination <> 0 E023 <checked item>, TechnPermMaxMasCombination R203 < MaxPermLadenMassInternational, if both present E023 <checked item>, MaxPermLadenMassInternational R204 < MaxPermMassCombinationInt, if both present E023 <checked item>, MaxPermMassCombinationInt R205 < MaxPermLadenMassNational, if both present E023 <checked item>, MaxPermLadenMassNational R206 < MaxPermMassCombinationNational, if both present E023 <checked item>, MaxPermMassCombinationNational R207 <= TechnPermMaxLadenMass, if both present E024 <checked item>, TechPermMaxLadenMass R208 <= TechnPermMaxMassCombination, if both present AND TechnPermMaxMassCombination <>

0 E024 <checked item>, TechPermMaxMassCombination

R209 <= Width, if both present E024 <checked item>, Width R210 Cannot be 0 E033 <checked item>, 0 R211 <= TechPermMassAxleGroup, if both present E024 <checked item>, TechPermMassAxleGroup R213 <= TechnicallyPermMassAxle, if both present E024 <checked item>, TechnicallyPermMassAxle R214 Must be > 1 if VehicleCategoryCode IN (Mx, Nx, Lx). E029 <checked item>, 1 R215 Must be > 0 if VehicleCategoryCode IN (Ox, Tx, Cx, Sx, Rx). E029 <checked item>, 0 R216 Must be equal to NumberOfAxles * 2 + NumberOfAxlesWithTwinWheels * 2, if both present E022 <checked item> R217 <= 3500 If VehicleCategoryCode IN ('M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'N1') E028 <checked item>, 3500 R218 <= 750 If VehicleCategoryCode IN ('Mx', 'Nx') E028 <checked item>, 750 R219 < MassOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder, if VehicleCategoryCode <> Lx, if both present E023 <checked item>, MassOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder R220 <= 4000 If VehicldeCategoryCode IN ('Mx', 'Nx', 'Ox') AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <>

'Y' E024 <checked item>, 4000

R221 <= 12000 If VehicleCategoryCode IN ('M1', 'Nx') AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> 'Y' E024 <checked item>, 12000 R222 <= 18750 If VehicleCategoryCode IN ('M2', 'M3') AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> 'Y' E024 <checked item>,18750 R223 <= 12000 If VehicleCategoryCode = 'Ox' AND ANY CodeForBodywork IN ('DB', 'DC', 'DE',

'SG', 'SE') AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> 'Y' E024 <checked item>,12000

R224 <= 2550 If VehicleCategoryCode IN ('Nx', 'Ox') AND ALL NumberForBodywork NOT IN (4, 5) AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> 'Y'

E024 <checked item>,2550

R225 <= 2600 If VehicleCategoryCode IN ('Nx', 'Ox') AND ANY NumberForBodywork IN (4, 5) AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> 'Y'

E024 <checked item>,2600

R226 <= 2550 If VehicleCategoryCode = 'Mx' AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> 'Y' E024 <checked item>,2550 R227 <= 12000 If VehicleCategoryCode = 'Ox' AND ExceedingDimensionsIndicator <> 'Y' E024 <checked item>,12000

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Rule number Description Error message Variables to include in message R228 <= MassOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder, if VehicleCategoryCode = Lx, if both present E023 <checked item>, MassOfTheVehicleInRunningOrder R301 The groups of the table should be numbered 1..N E040 <checked item> R302 Is present equals corresponding maximum is present

e.g. If AxleSpacingMinimum is present, AxleSpacingMaximum must also be present, and vice versa. E004 <checked item>, <corresponding maximum>

R303 < corresponding maximum, e.g. AxleSpacingMinimum < AxleSpacingMaximum

E023 <checked item>, <corresponding maximum>

R304 <> CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh, if both present E021 <checked item>, CodeForBodyworkSpecPurpVeh R305 <> SecondaryColourCode, if both present E021 <checked item>, SecondaryColourCode R306 <> 'T' If TypeApprovalTypeCode IN ('NAT', 'NKS', 'KS', 'EC') E032 <checked item>, T R307 Forbidden when corresponding minimum is present E005 <checked item> R401 Cannot be in the future E031 <checked item>

5.5 Error messages The values to include for the variables are listed in Chapter 5.2. MessageCode MessageDesc E001 {0} should be present. E002 {0} (or Minimum and Maximum equivalent) should be present. E003 Either {0} or {1} should be present. E004 {0} and {1} should either both be present, or both be absent. E005 {0} should be absent. E006 {0} should be absent in the group with the highest number. E007 {0} may be absent in no more than {1} group{2} in the table. E008 {0} must be absent in exactly {1} group{2} in the table. E009 {0} must be present in no less than {1} group{2} in the table. E020 {0} should not have value {1}. E021 {0} and {1} should not have the same value. E022 Value of {0} is incorrect. E023 Value of {0} should be less than value of {1}. E024 Value of {0} should be less than or equal to value of {1}. E025 Value of {0} should be greater than value of {1}. E026 Value of {0} should be greater than or equal to value of {1}. E027 Value of {0} should be less than {1}. E028 Value of {0} should be less than or equal to {1}. E029 Value of {0} should be greater than {1}. E030 Value of {0} should be greater than or equal to {1}. E031 Value of {0} should not be in the future. E032 Value of {0} should be equal to {1}. E033 Value of {0} should not be equal to {1}.

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E040 Numbering of items {0} incorrect. E041 Either {0} should be present in every FuelGroup or MaximumSpeedNonPropulsion should be present. E042 At least one of the CouplingCharacteristicValues (D, DC, S, U or V) should be present.