ibsssbesissibsinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1867-04-11/ed-1/seq-2.pdfr^.- ....

m I W: f\* I W P I -1 "^t'.-' * : aw* |?.f\ ft IT* t of it* huttc our ytgwi^."!. «f the Seaantfeto River. fioea t*» W point to SMranndO is a dint*** of «Ul; mik*. OathUbeyaod rim.wrigaii' more perfect and trataa*™*ed, Od ^-^WpNftS jjgtt<tii*»i«a<>•*•>*&»*- MI iK Mia* 4w«fiKll«eM at •«* j^TITfi TAXAiTIMf, I the J Tfi < WT r' TTliniiL ° of lh* Butld.L iMpferb&t letter, from Curiipif«>H? flowing erro- -tiHoa. D P ; Wood, Chairman of ill* III lhe/j**ip iWW*® of Ways kod Meaua, on btxpNMt* JjpjfBlof 8l»tc Ei|n;n»<» and Ti G«ur.i '"-Age*** '.mMi* W^i^^i 8 * ^ or »iur •"-.'• i the People as well as to the L*«l*l|Aure scalded, »nd Mr. Gellmui, Vt^htly .teur»-.f*TH*»*x*. ig«|e*rtook fire »ndev4«y ihtagindde waaTHirned, The expressAafc - T&c iborc i»*rtgr»pb,l«kottjrooi the New iMfc' «i»fW cf tlte Mth ait.,«goitiK'thi .A^aB^eWrw^Pnv-- IRMHi* ^ev^eV^n5eV^sr>TH»v***As*^PWwH ^aaaA^*^n\e*wB)nh)n;. ajF.^arw, y*» *#«*l<f W*^tt* B*»*r A y 6f Ckn«di., * 4«l!l **€j Aaocwtjr fox ipn r^N: to foltowit**,.„••.: , ,.,- ;.;i:..:.,,.:.,.,...,.•" .-..:,'..," wt|l pcMihly pass, it will be necesnerytoIn- crease the sata* loit ,S«D^M c«e*»<=•««»* ftud ftW| otht* point* ju propdrtiotf. *e?rJEHtta»;nwy m.^iut..^ Bm'e Si, t47, B«lr» FemirOolli«.,;., »^*0 Brn'e Nil, Aw'jBtU, JuTiMitog p t o < ^ , »rid tliet work tniogo Mlon^tathtrt Isopportunlly forlmpro Jkqfjsarhers thr MiHer, Hot*e »t«ncft, would, «dd tiHRh to the *ppe«r«nce of the village, iWJiBiii^nBBriiig fortnore e*te»»i»e Hotel ^fjp^^wite | I accommodation^ Parties »pd ftimllie* about »]tep<«eflt i»,«iin^»t an impoaaibility. Men Qfctl>ttti, *iio WUh to «e« the ptactprot. l i U t ^ H M i y W Itt&e^ild ii^pftenemfi?u and poblio hon|et. t H teems tous that UicxentB, and «ahaaced value of ib put up'flejjt bufldings, >ve are gjad to see th<c old «net remodkd and Impnmd and mwiirre B^KAGA*-will get Wpddfor what hehiiS doiie and Is dolnft about JiU premlsftt, and, W«Idf» H wiir revive the thanks of the L*"--,5 vj'i-.yt;** ii' T',*'''''' '' '• ii'i't'rut 1. '•"''•'' '.'•• •-mie«n&om'iheO e deiiW^Mur/.aZ ,w>^,lu«been:!fcr some lime la Uw *ud (tOBfe4uerillj! closed, has by an arra,ugeme^» pro}»j»«tO:bo*greai'fleld lor gold hunters Bc«rs»ra«mti ^utingthrpreseni summer. The mbst direct S » 8 ^ ^ ^ i i ^ g ^ »;^%a»e ;m^^la^./pd'tw>.^ Q dlscor- jetpy* ilerwa^ocaUtie* ia the town ~of Ma r doc. The gol3"region is iu the northern " """ *p'fA^aingtbo.Hastin^a'apdTe^er. 4fa-.f;gifflr ft,0),|; t'" ?i)'•-"'" •'"' '"'i•" '.-*'•': ^HD**K 3S>OTai.—During the recent pas- sage of ^ e sWsmer CAiea^t from Liverpool "" ' : e W j | t o ^ ! J b j . | ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ e j r e d i ; " sj^^ih^Jft^tosrlow.itndifor sev'- efil d»J*«he was in itominenv danger of ajeeiage passenfers furDuhed a little melso- ntt o« iboatasdc^ru^lheotmos^ if they would Inip, JShe was*goodChritUaa,Uesaid, ready to go; and would rather get io Ne^; Yoi^tlrsjt, wliere he-sfould have time for re- « ^ > ^ ^ y5-:'",i''::/-;u^':wj - < i;J*S* •Bi/iJIfiBfe^^aiiS., of fittrlingWn,; . ,. 3'ljSlfe iife::;. : g|ibje»a,' -wW«•«•''alriM^wakjeri , ^..^•re^^-'^b-jsajp ' '•.'••BY??™*} iHsH ortaw »iss«;.liitUltiis«j ; ffjt t^*rrifey - i s ^ s s l ^ ^Wr'waig he •A'iUi HI •l&WM-'.aiH 1ks4s»«assMpi«'.i<>4MUM May. r^.- . ^^WJ*^^S^KPPS^H^*fl*»^S^(S^S»j(|jflSJS^B^SS^nSj^^Fi^S^ps^ ^^^^^^gsj|u4|bi(•—^^j^^ js^-jj^^^^^-j^^^^^l#i^»i •lhA~ AaSkMshkMH^s* Isf^lfyiikiBt-, 'llie AMdefadoi «wuot 40^ «HMM AMIftuMB«n» lUWVil lO »U CttlUf- ^F^'^sw^ ^s^SffBMBHr ^^a^^w ^^»^^^BI ^W*^^^SV"*W.^^SP - ww ' ^^^^ r -Tff*T*^.^ «a*f v«*te. Mr M«ni«ts> a n m f «R ; «Bt bt aa «r*ot lo.^ t« be- rcmttnberw!. 1 We |*Nesus»aia^ 4 a»1wtmi^tj»e_flkct, «Ui be : j?!liit«X--S «0t**4 of arTM^wiMrtt*, that no patea '" -mi siwItnwasrsiJs I.' jjpiWa MjWJW! 0* awannBrwnwij eagen- ,Tsw asHiiJeet wilt. W m&\ »eirt tin [iif>)(i a t i n .1 Si -».».- fltariahitt ZsasuMSarSL^ I ;"ipr fter fcalriinvt ' , died te Mt4ta,o« Mfifiday, 94 years. He waaiafeeof i(^I^W J |N» ! '»**? te#wp&l»u> ine miitinM^m. M i l Itt see rtavfortaU nlray- CUMori tBeili for 1 ' fuMiier Infor iyt^aJ^^ySfeBoad/;.^- '.*' *' BBatoVA»tai.^-ft>aKAdi;K, proprietor oi theMiirer Hoiel.lb^ re^ntly tboroughly .taron.ihewalls-aodoeiliDjr.iiasbee.remoTcd ^^^^^Ui^tfVOfim.^. ««d *•<»« Of hard-finish-•pplled', which la -'•• •'•;',•;." ., '""•" , r T'-:'" t "";•/;-^'itT 1i«^pe^B4%iEtoi : share ift the re- on dostry aaddrr up the sotiroesor •. 8oob«<»l«Bhftycaaeaty b*a*r*«twiby 4 pra<rtlcebfirigia e«M!ioeiytootfce part of |be Lejrislaiure'aed all otkef bodies havintfbe p^wtota^tod^hritouTOiH^epetttyijrthe Btale mntt la a great m<asunB dwaftd on the degree in wbkA 4UI«p«wer Is heM In <*eck the next few years. ..• •; '.'-.;''''•' *'l --~^f> '• '• In vie* of tb»ife»e»^sk*Jsta4et«e*»s, ft ie - of s«io»* e^nsttwailon wfeetbir ap- iato^onSundfyniai.t androbt^dof *n the *^m(0^^i'Bu l i^im^ki!^BSr- ;At Bev. 6. IfcflsslWrd;vabsedatatoot $600 and $&%1^mmmif$. robfced s*d soeisailrer gel^etaaalcetoi^horeaiiseiits>mmk>< ^hfr .„„..,.-,-_,.-_-.„.,... .^. r „. ....... -..-_.,.. ... ; jst^iriM^s^iistV^^*^^^ ' :i§at'|*lna-ifcs0^;^ ^>^^^i^Mim^»>-Ji^^|it^ lisweefc^WefcW. seUaAed t^tt tfceeW *tout »4tp,.|i,«« ( t>ii|ir.la!4n|nr s 'of Ift.- Jpft-, I M M J i i s slock <sfbatJiAin^ bw MwUe Is |«r*r, s«4 he 1* wwe I*KO to Itla^^ -•^sitk« •»* ' ali^iralea^liMitikeVaa' |0 .varalst>m)MNsscd wi* Ustcooalry* that sw bs*.peielk tot A sot tkere, ^ssd kt atamt to erect*dwelling thereon andi^e?l»ela»d .. .Mrftrtnrety ^ v W« f«|C»e< ^ fm io fpod ; | t] '#;«*fei.^ , i j X-^... T -r .^-.- ,«,/' : , ,V">h.„ "WASflis!- rW# IWP UHdM oWlgslliHi* to Hon. J WiK»*BAi.r, «ftSe Axeembly; for Tran»actioB.« of the IT, Y. Biatle Agricolt^r'al Society ior i«5-, tranaactJowf of Hw Awer* a w IneUtetiJfor18M f and the Transact ioba oTthe Medical Socjety of jibe jttra»« «r Kew -folk, for 1800. the Uuree iar«e volumes eontalst moch vala«W laf^rmatloe not touil* elsewhere. A ' '-, i ••< y A Washington dlspa'ch say|» that Presi- eVut Joeaee* tied an attack of Mlueae 8ani^ deyeTeeasf, whVdtareeuitedlair strlesof spessnsdbrlngtnenlgbi which alarmed the jf bote hoosehoIO, iu»d renddreii even the at- teodswf BJajaleiiMi appwhsaeitje «Ta tWal ter- Oa a*os»d«y ««e>t*4be "reekleat JllilHt. iMsti^ir'eV e^fctaacy of xVe« »Vt aW'M IBSSSBEsissiBSi DsUK8i«:~By wflrrftt^tt»1e*i «a- uwl report from this Ueptgimeut.tPMPe^ systeuwi ^ BiearthsA g^^'yas;^. #f »ra*!e; A strtet account was k^pt of the stealings of each member, and' tbet value accredited Jo him on the society book.; Profit, enough: had been already been secured diienable two families _ cfea«1etia : ^witlf^ Pmz~^0m$%&*' : \."• Jtwotttah in^Huuson OKy, N,jl,, ftcllng ggWe«^ilthV"ca^igatron,whi^ talS^b^J^-hJidtog t^ the maleprincipal and female assistant. ^Be^ fcr^e*jsii|t^-:rB_;Ber;A^ AbA aakeo.:'the>«sia* «rf Uw ^y tsAcher. , *^^fc*wa* tfee 'rei^^V*^;^; ««aA»* eob-web iiF-yw," whi^thejHuiiy-,. ha»c*bfla 'Jreior^:,.a*: atraJgbiway.she seiied ^ the astonished teacher by the chhjDou and; ,, ^ 1 i ^ t e - f s ^ i ^ . s t H K 3 a M « l ^ »Be|tJ^pi ittppl^J M f t h ^ v W d n ^ t ;greav various objects^payable ifru^ii the, G«eral Fund, and not included in ' Ch»t». U IU1 (Vut ndnaUra'. * s*»»^to t47,BBirsPea\a»Oo» Ch«rtlyWU««m Mfitoi Ml1|H'lifl'»M' 6?if'mHisto ; meeti#W estimate i f li mills, thus -iner. ._ „.. Besides these >ppropriatfens, there numlw of important bilUv some of.w Iuivepais^ f iw«tsintog;ptovieioiMi Tor ^j;,. levyofaspec'HH taxia•WBtK&tfi.y.>;3ibA jol* lowtagstatemeaVt»ntaias*JM!ofbiUe 1 )|M^; ofUiia^arac^iio.iiras^hej^baveeo&^to thejknowlsdge oftbL* Deparuntontiirr- • ^ ^ <*a».iw<»n8«i, , :aatfinan«Mersir .. . >-—•sfc«Mi.VwA;W.,iiW." lf«: ^S^JP**Kfej .,«f jwui am.r-.^ v- ltaUrsti'l jof >6?k»i ffaaii< -.*.'• -J-» -^Wa.cliat.tsi<»v>'.*»>-.. !•'*• •-4/ '* ••tJ^uM.&i^^^~ii.>J-*'t$& Assuming that the specific approprlstions and special tax.es wiUcorrespoBd with the foreg^om^statementt'a t»rrecrtd'esaraW|of the fiiaie'meffo? alioWec^ generaf aiid^ special, will ^vetMfonowiaj^resultir and i -The winter hae been s|rTlWe oa the PUlus. Ta^waA^'<^e/aor»«,mule.«^ t :fsmHitsp*risfaed wiA cold *nd hunger. eatatierisflQ the orerlaBd'-KMdl line have isilimfAB^fttH^*^' 1 ***' thc^iaAiAtmpaaeabfc^iiitieB. In s " ••••-"'' ''*" ? ' ; ? h ^ * % i t £ ^ ^ •«e^|«u^ed'..?»fti ffiipty de^refe^vw tmi fofseveratdayadariog March* : A JE» J3<^-<^vioaeph Bailey, aheriff, of de^ while ;<ihfcUarging the duties ol his of- i1«;s^iw^')B^ii*rav.i^wia.and. p^ny.plx-' 'fj^6i^\^^-^ «^Bailey^Hl?bA re- nemDertd ai the gaUant officer whose inge^ <*t4&ie&icatedCk^ Aotn-aperiloas.sitaatlon at tli« tim^i of - the dtsaetroua Banks* eipeditloo up Bed River l^- ^^^M^^^mosmVi^ -|iiS ; the deAthttfMr.Wnw^ queet'waa ever held on his body: no legal ji»|» a'slpgle person,, accused of.conow tion'srtth it, ever brought into a,cann df n t t o n y w b ^ e ^ s j t p ^ manner h/h^^ the.ca^cj-it; or who killed blm.' •r'&*#»lBwii^i•» iuiflfee «f th^ear*, of lig^^^;ip,A^biun4^ a^ rested apder (he Civil Right* Bill and held Belma Atswswgsr aay* the negr»> prefer- f<*3)t-ISg>f»t-&i>*{&9*4?4 was taken afbis word. ThertWiUT^rMulrM^w'thef ^ •• •••' . . if- , u « ; ( --• ;...,-.t '-,V^iJ>i:f . ; 5 .' •; tj^j^, . ~OwOt.RMtlBiD.bt Use...U .......... •.;$•*,.. ;" 0Mii»li«k«laijrpv.^B»at zm «•.. * It will beeeen that lb# adoption of ilie messurea now before theWL«*ishitura» in ad? dition to those already psssedVwiil cairy the 8tateUx tooveronepercenu Thisia«er- (alnlyaiMJxttaordinaryjate^ greatly exceed- ing those of previous years, as wi& appear from the subjoined, table, ;giving« the j a w per cent, of the State tax for all purposes for a period often years: >;?-••-'*• .'•% •-''• i '----; *.-••. IritSRV-im.>:l1p*i Jilietf/.lill. *»»1»>UJ».,.,» ,-.. **#,-.-*»«? I-I*..-:1M The averago rate for the ten years; ,here given» which include tho period, ofthe war, was a M u ' . p 4 inilhi,' lest thah one- half the rate tuat>ill be Squired this y ear to meet appropr&tybits pasaedArid pdntem- plated. ^ A B ^ ' l a x j p i c « e fiercent. wlU Sraw t l f i . O W . ^ f t ^ the ptoSuctlTe inter- ests of the 8tato, to %Wkmm MadftW not lesatha^^,W,(W0^1O(»ltaxe4/4ndat least $50,000,000 more tw^otir 1 proportion of United 8^Te«rTn 1M8 ofai pr^ortloo was lri*ft*n40(H^ tarn an annual barthen of over $100,W«,000, may well be .jajwttpiwd. Undai' ordiniry circumstances, and in a normal ctaditloa of Ote^rnmcyild t&Ka&kfm^biSixri it would atosOfb:tBela^^iuH3!B«ritoa^»a*an- profits <*<AWtat a^ laix^pa^Miin- "A writer in the Galveston Bulletin demoh- Jtrates thai the building fll I he Paciflc Rail- road wilVputau end to Mprmqnisni| i ' , s foulest fMture, as it would draw a large male popu- ^ M ^ V ^ U b V i v v ^ a C t poor women there frb^ld ndV^Jf?; p,^t^tt%lq;|ej|fHwit»» fractions of-dinsbands^ as- tliey; htveto do H^£tf..%^:.*:'--/ ',• •'•'" situ^d^^^ltbo^|;fduhdaU6ii| IJaJ Great. Britain hatrefoaed toconsent4d^tis^-.«AItra* Um^Bta^-agree t^surrender ceribsin im- intridrjdph^.ttf^kichifhehas alwayfl ^ge^^i^te^iCwft.b4po.. aibte-wift^ttsl^l^lMnj^ing.^h^ Mseo£tb^jbe4uiB7(.to'.returatO]Specie pay- ment wltWitwdyears'i^udbelievija that, it .t^$i|ie^!Sajj!a$^^ is ^ | ^ ^ ; » ^ ( a ^ o 3 i f ambhg the'toglojfes, D^Ving the lastt'wo or three days several of the^olde»Lci>n^uclor>x>n the xosid have been suddenly removed, causing the liveliest Horace Gre^ey ssys that the dafkest d*J in any man's earthly career i» thai wherein, be first faacieethatthere is some easier way of naming a dollar (ban TjysquarerV earnlos; wiH fitijon the eosnawinitf, a«dtf there can b e « o rs4u<H»a a* thiaMsa*, t b # , p a ^ f have Ayhm tho rifhttomufiarf Jhek rep«s*nV 4 avc*aiMth«t»shaHhbiw^Usc»eafe. Jtt may n^b^^peactioaWo tow*»«#theratji^efthe to the average ofpwfliHpyaara, batU.cah •b» Jcept-miolt hftWw whe* wlU he wquired, •b^<* tlMrWUSJMQWwaijjsn^t^ ......_,_ .... ^..^ .•'•.•- ; , i 5: , ^^ ,..„.._._ act^js*"bs' tkA irfariisatios> isfsurAss^iilBreA. and' the beta k^^F** ^ v^a>^s^^^^iT^^ ^?w *^^™sj^^^^ssw^^^B*^^^p,^5rV* a^^pv a ^^"^^^ set forth in thia e«w««itMM^>a^ iwpect- tojly sobsaiu^, M »havfog ^n J^#*^i -t iJ v.i. 4 Ti^«|«iBWal«.#M«P^I^ aloctlon of elecUoA lajhesevwraf of the State, by Te*rriat to of the lawtatntatw* to the of delegate*to the the Oesistltntloaal OosiveHtion, will see that they Hrt»tnp<»r. tan t duties to perform. On the 19th In»i ajt, thei are to mpttat lht« plsces designated for hoiaing the eleMrtn, and make * register of the *oteri rptitlHt in vote at wKh-eleetkw, In district^ in or connected with c clU« or incorporated villages, they shall meeUt eight o'clock la lite morning, and remaia in ses- slon till nioe in (ht- evnting, and shall also coailaitie their scesbw daring ibeMtuwinf dafv In saakusf ttielr regteier, Ussy shall take as a basis the register tbrtha generat Uucti«nofl«Jo\ nakiogawsbaddithMtand •meodtaeat* an may be necassary.. By tefer- Hstg to the net' poorUned elsewhere, the in- spectors will beUar nnderstaad-thnlrdallas. The time for mwkiog the i>re«8a*a«ry ar- raagnueat* for the eksetiou c* issegsles ia extremely short, and hence Uss snasaslly shr Immediate preparatksa, •_' la U»eteet»w twe^nttst becaa aae toha ewei atsaplT aoltr «a» aer fcligetanytorge •aal iato she sUsasslH a« ileasajwnM a^satfiK The last I 11 id> tail II Ifi fcrtaslejU aac* Us* tahsshsgaa'the boa**. -Jii ,1-tt.y, .,-.•-, iy^-. not iotarlered^w, WMTfj rcan-hriB Hnoeii^.^. Ida. evening "put through " the batch to *?'facilii niv" raUroadi) by atli>w MIS.' fbej'sttick iif stichfii- fjsiritfhli' to a«»u me i Ii a i i In. " *" these.inea^irt'j* 1»HI Uptroller ILilll.i. >n-<.-. Considered ii» s u n mense burden .i »n the i>eople. lite in^xplioablr in l^giaJatfon.- That entarprlse and sa- ,i #r,'W|! gadtyahonld,fitthe Ace of pending enorm- ous ohngaUona,he wUltag to^donateTKihv twenty*v« to thirty per cent. Qfiheasawsed property valuation..of whole »dislriciB, to schamea^r.v-" * ty,isafactni or" """ %\ ..,., r th«e^ \i no jwbiic uecessl- jh>ne accounted for by any - - • — - da . We hardly.daie . the result of this in- •f 'y- . - y" , 1 ', The Midland bill was amended in one put> dealer ye*erda%,»8 ii tb-make itlfeM'objeo- tlonable. The bonds are not to be exempted ftom taxation for Btate purposes. If the peo- ple in the districts where they are taken choose to allowva class of securities to be.ex-. empted fhjm taxes from* local objects, *md pay theee themselves, they will be the chief iuflerers. But the authority ti> hood 'the towns sill remains and Is- a vital teatnr* <>i thf act. »nd <'W which should insure Ii- r»-- jection. •"»-'-•.•' ;••;... -A ..-'--• •• The Troy Wbht earnestly prnteem uSHiust. the section Including Rensselaer cooni> Hu the provisions or life Whitehall und Plaits- burgh railroad bill. It saya: "That section is nothing tnpre or less th-ni an attempt to dragoon the inx.ptiyurs nl towns in Beusselaer county into niortgtt^btg their farms for the benefit of the Whitehall road. We beg our citiesus to took iu the bill, and we trust our member will de'maad that every phraae and paragrapbol it. that shall in any way tend to drag this city into 'the scheme of robbing our citixeus shall be atrickenout." - The pubift mind is becoming aroused and alarmed upon thb) subject, anif we trust that bur legislators will yet bear and heed the warnings against course which cshmit fall to make IbelB the. victims of popular iudig nation, when its fruits become manifest. ? -"' [AVxiHy Journal^ Apr. 0. An E'llfcc ' Brown'* Vei On w ^ax Loiuiuta. -SI u^t..' ioo«M*Ub^i'^iUdi:.^niti TilaatSf «ealilssj1i» hV..becD^»a^M«^.«isl|y^tJclejs^.ae<ta^ rhlldrea bavins Wormi rei^retmraedUt* •ttaWon. at neglect of Die trouble often cauiet protoag- e<l atSoess. 8ymptoau of Worms In ClOldreat an ert r^r tntnlnatlen, as follows CUATSaOOAT, April iStb. j-t -oft«n orcriooted.- . Worm* ^ Uic.«lttia«cb »Q(t.-tol»|i>« Sliaaa. April Tajjhjl Tww.. lrriUtfon, Klilct, can be rcmored only by the «w I HAXONEriprirHnoV»t Cotrrt Booae vl s sarc remedy. The combinatloo of InsiSaleoM Ilea In muVlng Bain's " Vti tiilfuyt Comjttt" lirucb at to glre the Bf6t passible effect wttt iafetjr. , A OrHnken Senator. ~ The 8enate Chamber has recently been re- lieved of the. present* of one poor vagabond, —MacDoUgall of California—who&e displays 6f maudlin Imbecility and gibbering Tul^uri i»f frequently brought tbe"blU3h to the cheeks of his fellow-members. But it iB.disxruced, by another common sot—Saulsbury of Dela- ware. This Individual has lately Appeared ,up6n.the floor almost uniformly In a state <>f grrtss and shameful intoxication. He stag-- CL'liTlSl BROWS. Proprietor., Nen Vo**. ^lld.tjj all Dealer, to Medicine• .at 25 cU. a b»jj( t. £ rfajtSjl " 'CtKAN^'IPJttBrBlOOsV'" dlseur, or It may merely keep you UiUeu, deprmed yoar blood HBpure. *T«»'» SaaMr* iiOuii>urge. outlbe.e Impurltle. it eitpebdlaeau and reSbr^^tKatH.ittou^-tlAtetSi irtfi. Into •viiiraaM-totimJ"- UtMk ll Jrap(*y-«iji*ii variety of tt<)b$ , « F*r*- Bote, or Ei^HpOat, Tettv Hk Salt , Vuetuu toetl at Be- . Jon, WHita.SttrilSy, flitmsti. Ltvir Complaint* Ivaa'sSaasapiaiiLa and »ee IfaUie Water Works toapani. ritafK .ABSfJAx AEETIKC o r T U B :M. StoekfcoWar. of the M.lorie Wai'er Wvrk. C. » u btbtldsl tbt pfflce of Wm A Wheeler, Widat.dajr (In daj)of Maj.-.S*;, at i o cloek v «, for tbt purpote of eltctlof nlue Wrector. for e«.d i ir, daily for the eoratog year, n.d for tbe lr«o«ii:ou „• •tber boilDeaa. f. c ! TH0BNU1KK, ."., , * Dated Malooe, April lutb <:.-•:, TEACHERS'EXAMINATIONS. m H E VffBBasMCSNBjp WILL MEI-T TESCH BEU.MO.VT, lpr|l SSib,»t Orcett Bcbool Boiut. Eaamlnattooj to comoieoce at 10 o'clock A. U EUOXHB WILSES. Aprtl%a>. Coro'r Ht I>Ui tijj *A reatioab , apetaln 1..pu regtitartti/, Sapprtt alio SVJJ/MU or Ventreiu;/H$L and Heart Dileasr*. Try ATI* Daring late yean the public have been milled by large b«tjr», ptetendingVto gl»« » quart of Extract of Sara»p*rll!a, but often DO curative Ingredient whatever. lWe^W»^ff>ppotntjMnt|iaf fattstwd. the ate of .the] various extracts of 8ariiparUla_jrhSchJflood the maMtetj until the ns^e Itself EarlJeiainesyobnylmoas wltfi impoiltlon and cheat., Still we call this.spjopouad •' Barsaparilla," apdlDtend to supply aucb a remedy as •hill rescue tin name, from the load of oblojjuy which rests upon It. We think we have ground for believing lV Ihss virtues which are Iweslstlble by the clan of die- eases It Is Intended to cure We can assure tbe sick, that we offer tbem the best alterative we know bow to produce, and jie.have reason to believe, it is by far tbe tnoitodnectast purlfler or the stood yet discovered. 'AvKn - ^ OBKEBT PstionjL Is so universally known to suijm»> ev<*ry ether medicine for tbe cure of Coughs, COHID, Influenza, Hoarseness; Croup, Bronchltlf, Inclpl- eu& UomhMplldn, iaid.' foe the reBef of Consumptive Patlenu> In advanced stages of the disease, that It Is useless here to, rectfunt Ounnfluenee »f Its virtues. The world knows them. prepared b.v DR. J. C. ATKB A Co., Lowell, tlass.,sold by all DruKglsis »D.l dealer* in medicine every»here, l} Jri|E j . A i y i;B0tLAMATjp\. ' M'berrn. ( "Hf (.ropertv of every resident of tb« Ceuo- if »f«Vr«>.Mr?i I. on^aWliav^iiiirsyt^eeo .sposed to ureli of hiri-ndlstfes, who for private eeda bars fullLrd Au'f liild desolate many a homestead. t !, \\< .: .,., Insurance Caiupaoles are ctutrteie4 ii. It,.or- | i. |-.-',i .gall.nt l.wa t.\ tire, »bd .re lu* ready .*n,d wIlllnM '" U>- ir^ lhe-i.topert> of ever) persou against AUhopeaforthe safety of Dr. l ^mgstmapJ^&tlS VSPtt&S&Z the celebrated ArHcan explorer, hive been abandone^r^t#^Wc^0fr6m the Cape of Good ,.^?peji J^?®to^*Py»». n tf J^^JWWfc ^fe report of his death. -. "f»i» t-.'..j-' '>».-« - >•; /•Tl^ijbwti-ofMlJ , tainliter,doctor, Ta^fyllrj sequentry the A r t ^ t ^ ^ ^ g o . ^ . chui 'er nor! town farm, cph- are suits not sick, do t^ort'becoi^e'i'nvolv|d in law J»"hlli "t^f4^ Ben^b^flc IWut^ b Moqi-, pelier,''on the"fetthst:,Tbver\h*1^onnectfcut^ election, a gun. expJ<34e<i t blowlii|; off the arms and one leg of Peter Lemaiue, and .aeverely-la^^ifi^ani^ertt '" ;>•! ". T h a U g ^ t o r e off North Carolina has paseed a law tniutohmg horse-steajing with -geaiuse.' ^ c ^ i f:'-^^^!x'-:^-^^%tii j ^^iw~''ji : ;',*^^, The reoeipUfrom Itcettsca foraell^igliquor in the NeW York-Metpipoj|j6ah d|tr.lct,\-f^. the y t ^ ^ i i a g I4.« iOtlt oi. MHrd, were *j> mm \i •; -.'• ; '""" V'r-W- frosa ;*a«»j, ahai«:^.al^^jl^ i i|^#frA: eight hundredapplfcatkms 1 . ' [ ;3; * ^'lir^'lease'of ^'Tre^^sg^io^: h^>aaW : twwed;&>en 1 ^ ••tot^tt'pix^rietor,^^ Ave thotmod dollars a year. '__,,^ ^A'-y^^ ...ixiw: UfvmMmtm wp*if^;i»uAdjwa sad nfty ntfles west *f Sr/ Ii«ila,Vsiid the tree* tfhfto^lald at ti^kte^a^n.iBver|'- ^Nffr .,_ ^'.it-i, .'f...j:'i^'l '•<- wW'iAl- 'U' J - ; - Ai*WMstT|S]a4*srat*d.ltt<*c^jsai*^^ kkgiatsry that If n»« were not bora t depraved they btcaroa so "pretty m' eetly." ". , ,--.'. ; ,:vr> -.' -•!'>;--• «r ; ; '-. ;"' there' were no h e g r ^ ' % % tenn«-»ee PonaervatlT* Ccnfe^l»pR^r;(i»e nafc#B tj»*t none won!d go in, i; < 1 There are almost doe u^tndr*! artdsi* roll- lions ofdollar<<»f, f gQhl coiw'ln tbt>l + nWed IkaieaTreasury. ;i • ,* .» + • Dispatches from Sari Franctaci* state that the Mlssltmaryakip " Morning iiar " srriTfd at Honotein on March 13. Sou>nras* tMrt BA«O p»niAHs«ti».~ WllHam firland Bowrt«?,editor of mnmer JrWrad, New Tork, has again otTered premt* urns to wiseourage soldiers who have tost these aight arasa, 1st learning to write With their sWUaw»s)aW The prssBlunts aaa-iuntto $600, a*4 gWrjpsindfllons on which tbey will t*Mate>j0s$ iwny be learned by addressing Jts-.J—ni «ena. Oraal, Hlsettssus plan and wW afrard the gersHboui among the benches, loll*. ^^"'^^"'^^^'^"Vjr^iTfpoott^ui^stkioiria and sleepssnoringly in hie place, .-r mi|r''""'..-—-..-; •.*...-. —ixz.^-* .„._ ..._ incdhereBt and diacunnecied aiiei-tUee, Hill of alchohnlic vehemence and buniira^ 1 . Mur- TDbngall is a scholar and u«iur<tily a^^eu'lp- man; cut Saulsbury Mlow ufcoarae and brutal instincts, and lacking* in those huh qualities which make his iiinrnu'y compar.i Uvuly tolerable. What makes bw.habits the mora odimts, w tbe fact that when in liquor, he becomes coarse and abnsiv« in his attacks upon tbe majority of the Senate, and upon Iba party repiesentctt by them. Hia misbe- haviour during last wwk became so flaginni that Senator Bomnex gave notice of an inten- tion, unless there was immediate improve- ment, to move lor his expulsion; deeming such a course essential to preserire the dig- nity of the Senate. The threat seemed to haye had its desired effect, as it is recorded that Saulsbury actually attended p^e session in a spbsr condition.—A(6a*yy«Hmat f _,;,-,f L •, i NIKS TENTHS olthe Hair Preparation* codtain 'injurious substances which soonerorlater wilt entirely destroy the healthy growth of the hair. The best cbenjists . testify that " 8.«rrett*a"Vegei table Hair Restorative^ possesses NO IN- JTJBOIIS SUBSTANCES .WHATEVER that can by any pbasibiitty untkvbxi'ibly ufiVct the hairor scalp,- but thin on"»lH- ctmir..ry. its ingredientl are the best known to science for the Hair, tmd a healthful preservation of the scalp.. It Is sold by all Druggist ,, •"• :— TT'"'-'''^. ;t—fr~,.- ••• The President baa nominated ex-Senator Sr^mitbj, qlf Oregop, as-^inis^r'.lo Anuria. [hlglit, deprive then\ of Ihelr hornife,' ant? I#n tfcesr^ tl^u upon the cold charity of jn-|^f^|In'|'warld.' rii.,1, ni . „ . , , W B. PON'IUEE.'of iraloae, ha* be*% applulute.i agent of rtiefollowlni ifb. }CompSW«, tla: Hosie tusurance Co., of New Haven, Cono., ' Capital and Surplus over S1.-J5.86S 00 Ootooierce tn«araneeCo., Albany "06,000 00 Ali.I Will Insure first flasa property la the above named cu.ujianles at renaonable rates, W.tt, iherelnre, all persons are hereby Solicited to lo- eur* their property at nnre In the above MH^d rotnpa- nlHi[ Hut If you do not, and you are burned.out^ j o u r creditor- will rail at ones, and take your last farthing's worfh. But If Insured In the above named companies y«*ir . re.llt'in* are hereby prohibited from calling for or tnole»i|nit'5<ihr property far oh.e.year'frotn the tuna of you| loss. Have you lrtMtivil youHiroperty t tf not call at the Age hey ana ilo so. - If you cannot go, write and have youfirKl huuled. bo not fall, for you may just now be wBbpan;,iiiico4f.4»tf5l P. O V .1 . " r , '- ; 1>V,rtte tu cue anil I will retnsln,„yburs truly, . • W. 8. O0N1HKB, Agent, Malone, N, T. A Cough, A-Cold, or m ore Throat, READY ROOFING. '. —AMD— T H*? BEST ANO MUSI* DlBAHLK now in use. A sample of Roofing Pelt can be seeu at Flanagan's'Hotel. Investigation and competition challenged. As Agent wanted In tvtry Vtllag* AddrtM. J. W. NOTT. aprlltf American Hotel. Watsnown, v. r Two Farms for Sale. O N E S l T P r A T E D IN THE VILLAGE Ot Chai eaugay.of over one hundred acrea, all under em tivatlon, well fenced and watered. A nve act* He-,. Vard. Boliainisgbod. OTHBR1NTHBTOWK of BUUKc ona mile north af Mitchell's Store, consisting ot seventy-five acres, also well watered and fenced, a good Cedar Swamp oT about ten acrea, and over three bund red Fralt Trees, alt of which will be sohf on reasonable terms. For further particulate enquire of tbe autwrrfh. •. aprl I ml «. 0. 8TVA KT, Cha(eauga> jSLUCTioisr SJLLJT: J There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, oo Tuesday, April 16, 1867 ! AT TBS RESIDENCE Or A. L. CROSBY, MALOftK, One Mite Waal of tho village, tb* fellowlag proper! > I nalr (Ue^Bay Uurse.. I b/ui«),.4;>e».-oiaCo)l,; »,Let. But Colt,1 l.ainber Wagon, 1 Open 'Boggy, i To(. Buggy, 1 floe Cow. 1 set Traverse Sleds, 1 Cut ler. 1 Harrow, 1 Plow, also a lot of Bay. x'hrr Fanning Tools ana Houee hold Pariilnfr- Tbrab»ve properly'itlj to be osld, as ifaeSubs^rau Sate to commeutie'at I o'clock, P. M A. L. CK080V, Aurllooeer l*|t>lng West. *z> J $Vv 0P0<J j ^ l H^il C«;S* fff Vfarnlnf aaaioitrncflos fsKrouai Man. Also; Dis- «Me»<and abases which prottrale the vital powers, with sun lasatu of react UrenT»lopej. Add. Beat tree of charge Add/eat. Dr. J. SmMS HOUGHTON, U ]iuilH»,niui ilo sealed let- IQCOHTOn febaSmlU Jatsiaou>'aXxT«ic>Veoav. Ndlaat •etetatlsle M^dlclnea, ^ arwiby «l«aa«»»salt«M» «M«,»i» elssjaso tbe ble>d' tad tawtor^^htaJUi u^ tiatoiraua,CASOERS, A ^ *^4a«Ala« I^MAswaWwltt^ . Atldresi wlSl^Se^®...._ aM *dor, Uameaiate ta Its a'4tton, a,nd tres frp tOvipRosa IniUthdr ' HBAst WklAT WB 8AT t •v ",-:",.*• - .#-.,i-- fT,.'e 'it K .'-vis -. .. •: diet, no la; taste .' J.s I, ... -'• H CQUGH : wq BR S lilllSDIATB ATTSWlOS, SSS j ' ,/^Uiifc.l,)i na nikra.D. Is aixowjao ^W*-ii : ' • TO eosTiafs, •Uon af tbe (.una*, A k>eriuai>ent.'71jroat 1»1»» : iriaae o^ConininpHoii _. 13 OFTEa.tHB SESC Lr. -.. _ __AI*'liipCBsSi* - ; a»vua AMsAcrbtrtOKycpM^BpRiars, oiv» For Bwne^U, A.^a|>Cat«rrh, Cen- 1 eiiSsB]^^#^pfpW^f%|ilaeaaM. ,' TaocBiis as* ffsTO"'1»w»,.-j^^aSa%cS> sucoass. •" SINGERS AND PSBLIC SPEAKEE8 will £od TrouJics useful In clearing the voice when takel oelbre' Singing or SpeikSij;, - sad reliivlng thi throat; attar an unusual exertton fit &ve yoeal or(kwh Tbe STrocha are recommended and drescrtbed by Pby- aW<ois).»tta*aTe BaA tes|atoSi»l| «t«W emtatet rata Jlarojjgtivui.fe.lr'Ooiintry. fcln* s^ar^«o Q£tr»S »srlt, r aad jAvlng^ proved their efficacy by a test of Btaay '•yeaYi.i each yetr finds them'H new teeatiuS, la varloas parts) of the world, and tbe Trocket are nnlversall^ 1 it any of the Worthiest Imitation* that any b* Sdu> tvcarwtfna/ ' ' airrSissf Imported Wall Paper jtl I n t h * a Wide. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW & PUllRCTRIMItllNiis Pictures Framed with any k ind of Moulding, at Wti|t»^ At €o0lejr*si Warns R o o m A Booh gftorc. .aprllw4 SOUTHAflD'S ELEMENTS '_H"«J*. •'• ^_o r _. ' -^ ••'-' Thorough Bass and Harntonj J Designed for tbe use-Bf Schools, Classes and Conservatories, AN AID IN ACQUIRING THE AltT -OF- Playinf Chuitbffiwiiand Exlrmpomijis. i, a. secrBaan. This new work Is a short and lucid «i»t meut of the kHemeotary Law* of Harmony, adapted to the want. of81n(er»aBd-those-who desire atnoderate faeDlty or pl*yl«rg,.Church Music and extemporlslog. The ruin and axamplea are ssostly condensed from tbe text boow> of^^be, Xte$jfflHg .Voa^eevatvHum and tna £ation>tl Academy Sf'-iOuTc.-Uondou, In the first ten chapter. sutBctenV isstructlon Is given to enable the pupil ^ He,correct and graceful plain hannony in four parts mud In Clolh. J"rlce SI eta. Sent by mall, post-paid. 0LIVEB DITSON A CO . Publishers, S77 Washington Street, Boston. CHARLES NEW W» beg leave to Inform tbe ladles or That we have opened a 1st JsTra. Vli&nsi'e «1*] WTIIUisery Store, «6i4S«nrr.^*is«>aJrW)qa|faTreBoooia, WltiaaliBUs sad welluleete* stock consisting of 8wiw^M^Xi»uliaT:,iruJiai, JttetutU s Ring-Bone *B|l Spavli Cir«. rj. i».;:.'> V.->f;.V.w:*"fa.'r "3S B- '"!•'«-' '•-'» '•'•'••' ;• W* kaya^tha • ( ^ • a y - t ^ ^ . a a * * t f . U t * cattsbrated wa.a^)€rsUss»HATsu>ronx»,AHnspeor», which •ft'pta^^l»isii,rt««i»t^ <shka*trA4:.^ 'ji..',:<;f.i.- { :->^'Wu^iA.-i^t ;•';,? "''::<,., .. ': WauInsulathvorlglaal wpgtrs •ba b*!*" t$>«»> : SKtoiti^'i^^aaa^arkstep^ CaUA«4a««~t««.a««^attb«St«ca#{ .';,>;:;:•.•;.;'.; : ; :; jj •..;..;,. v-,ii* <.-,-i -.- •";' •• mvu$m^in^A^" itaJ^^ : ^|isJ^^8^!^ AlAiA:&' : 1^ •^gt^^wMta^r^iris^ vatl hnwr saaasaikia .vwaiaSaat allawaayaa af Ui»yaar -4e> a^l»rtaa»t» »a«M»»>^"^ *»tr baBafalle^ ' i»7"liw»tsaVl«"Wa«mm*M-,^"^^ atftwi^>.all.1t>aMa^ |)ta|Masisth*ata! 'iMi^iktAski-1* aa»aaiBt"h6t ,J»^*.ala»-wtwWi*s^'a^i-|i»^^ amfcHteawUcattoaof tftta Mtbtaf, kasOtagMd; wou- lisrals^aissaataasit tsasjitAli.»*•'itvaaiarsad'Tis. 1 *^^^^^— 'aJgissT SstslBsssTSsat* JM ^aMsssssssst'BaAsfaJsaJt- "*'"* *^ .•"''" -if "At nAta*^^ll»jaw»walNs|swftip, J#T^sd?«i;,- - 5.; . ^ l»«a«»4»»*a«lga*«tog^aa* settle of ih. aaJaasa far say #»*, Ms^rJatairfAb* Wa« thai In cats testrtrksawta, % Msnrti iksUls. My wjfe at tat* itaw was *• *•* with what tba SVatsUs* tinned •UTW* Ouaarsovnos at W W fnsa His wad, aaagthag a.aatally ajser'aSHSBj «*r*«r leasalood. ii-oaweflaawstrlag the tnd wa« w sswew aJtaaaa) wttk Iff oparaOaa that T ok UI*«t»rwOi*i'boUle,aad««tUaa»d giving It Betore UdswaiU* was *nttr*tyB**d, ah* teased eeflgWngan* waasarasig aaaagsito alt**. Tb* STHt SWtte soiirely asseoatv aac TO aaitra, doing that wbleh several %H stelaaslMdteteStasokatkadntned.'* . PrSHiad by aBTB W. H V U A SON, isTr«fto«t >, Baatia, aM Jar aato-bar Pwigg**** <»a»r»l!y • , This 1. au old and reliable Medlojue, and-durlng e»J, l .fH l Wi'*^' r « yea, < of Ita manoraotnra.lt has ca rafledyo'sure KINO BONE. SPAVIN, WlNBGAL CAtttTS, CUBB and THOBOUGHMN op HOlBJta o»n| «Me».B«fect cure*. hav«.fiesn t effected of I Bode and Bone and Blood Spavin of tbe cassr. RlDf- foor years stsadlng. Olve it a single trial. Hundreds of vatuabls Haiscsv made toselessl* thy abovi diseases have been aavti" "Id by . HKATH A BBB8D, Malone, N. V. « B*« m A CP.^'ASSBI , bcriiyi Proprietor, .wa*li.r.. 'Wi^Hbo^IfW T^r^kr-W ^0^8 WrVreWtttei. ydNtJomJ^iAv 1 aO.lb-Xlhu lniU« will. b*»"., ,r*> OCXWbD I ^-'t%-^..i.^ : ireor/.Dd f t s o a b ,iu5tal,'St , # aa'^eahi*^, a«* ... »1 cino He.rea'ed tbrrood ithalesoin/tool trl A, '• i U/ko.*n*iU&^toi.&>m*h-h*ttliL aaa; ] :r*WXti '•e*'b». biooi. inaJc;. ilwr.fc»,.jiiW u|i tV- ,«v« :uv<iu. Mi:Hk\tjf3 SiA.NUUALr. fit. _s .' la: tm. c id,.ti;«.u.ing the, fesa Weei 'iv.".a'.A'tv> J'lrf'eV,, i!ui»p;»itit« b re.awd. ''•'"• '. '• -'•'--'••'. '•'-''" '•&-.. :• Nt-K-frWtttbsic SVUlf » o^ .-' {•''<•**$'?• ,i't^^!i^,¥mvi0^b^mk^' : i«•-' •, ,-«j jti ; p'ur'.i »• Ario oipe"e4.Irom ,tb«.»/jou«,.»*a... > *-«i,Ht ivhule^tuiib Ueod maae,tvhlet* will' repAl' . t d"-<t«. ,' piijejli (^Ul tsA*Uw^e ii>cdle'iat»aAu-... la: fo direction;. Catumjipllaai»crr tr.-suenll• .».• V1J***J*<aitlP;«.eJs^a3«4s)«tl»WaSi*Mlliua.-U. ., bu*AVr^a«itda«*aw*.- ^Ta^MAAat bast be tv. 'HJ&VftV* 1 * ^>«:.;»«^t»sd«» ! AB*w-fl»-*.i *j *'! 3 ie^--t^,»»«0«!te,.oe<pl!rAJa»jraiis»»-»(tp»< j, ! -sMi*^Jai.^;a^tiy^i«^1'TiiMraaiiB^4s't»|««ws S 1 -' '. 'fpirm^ t pflVta-wtat .-civ >s, r "W pl^oot ^ ; , , • r 'aoii' 'tUi-tvisc^trotmbe r*i-ii^a* •awti t , u , n , t" M ^ W ^ l i l ^ ^ i . . S*.' fio'*]?...eUK ,aj-ji> • » « - " • • - asd. Bra***) jTejj, Bresaaudaugle Trla»ad«i,. ' - - - • - - - - Jit, ate*!. Btart and VWi!r**«rl, .^W^^^-i^ . acres*;", hot ^ M ; I n tbU t<»Wo, ah:S-|,iir»day.t»nni! Oairtarse,flAbAter'Offtt«ainW»n< i:jnooths,«D,d It Osjc; 1 to cure ;T-» Ptswtiaav -ynrpfa pWteirW. aMwwran.A. Dc. UMOL.arrerls, •*>•*< lb* m,n<ew.l»eotCI)«M "the «*»*>'setsiraSNg reawlta asay be aatte^taW wkM r*MHwa •«• w# StasalvW la pare wateV." Br. M. Asmssa, a/Mr SfWaa ywara *r setswtlSc re- SISBBBBBMSBB' SBaaWat a%SHSBa*lsBBBBBBBBas>L aWSBSl aaBBBBattstaWssttaff Sstt aaBBBBaaWs'trVwMAf MM3ft «nd em* i*i*4tr fwim 1 faAas ta saw* eats one— af Waasr.aM Stssaawl •afswwsKwf rwaWs AeHw >*• smswil **s -as, aawtlialsriy la acrVraki sat *Hta*«r =tT .. r ... ith.HlTT(l lira Crooks, agad of aS'sorts, Yetvet, Crocket, .... _ . . . _.. Fancy Dress Button*, Steel SDdes or all slses. Lace tJndersleeves, I*ee, Appllgue, Hemstitched, OJld- rens' and Plate Linen Handkerchiefs, Linen, Work In*artinf«, Baby Want* «ad Caps. «a- .;.,, lenclans, Lac«*«d Tkresd adglnga-asAIa- Trisiausg*. tarMDtmt, BWt and 'Wot»v l _ tsd Imbrotdtry BraUs^m Sewlag ,Y.a^"_ " " " '"" •-Alts- aJ5^uwU^=i*wt^ ....'•-; .'T^Afsi^Wl A - V'- ; 'i* ' !/, -lEs**al^fA|»\»r - ,- 'aA4A*Tt«*npsax«fc, . swo-aaaffirttliWW'! which w* submit to yoHirliiseitetioa.aa- kllul^w^saatw^rWsa^a^o^o d«enr.y gtrta^a ianeTvarartleUtJsra Law tries. WsMataia, "v. i '-n*»a*«tr»^L**w*4' , ' w '' 1> -'' .•- : *''."- Wilfeotl April U^im-Hast ne-aad* Wooster N. r. %-'i 'j'v j»'t W~ SCALES it Br. a. Aaalwrt'todto*Waavr atftroaks %*#. P. MX« Mona^SSPry Stnat, Haw Vwrtr, aad by sji,av« n W«. HfsnRtwV IstXHaWLTS rjbfit BITAMuT -At Brui*!s MUhj, March iuth, 18*7, lU*iA..awly eltlM orjtenry «, and Jane *. »}»*«*«»Se. aged « aioa. bhrftwojtays. "' " -•' Uxlag, «>U(. ahe w«« Oyiag,' ~~ fttr so beaaUful astst para, . .. l»a«%-- . OA* 1 ••» bar ealaaly Jylag. While death Ss«*r*d ai Uw Soor '—- wia«*«a\*w4|B«g. - .twffswtljf IBaart 42&Srtt;& -It'.ai.-.i i.a,< etii^iu. b'.Aft < * . .. . . AB ageuey for th* sal* of the** .aperUj* Aafc. t»< .*«» fc »J"W,a<arwwW*wajsjettsa . . . l?to*e*^Mt«».wf^w)iawrti-wrt%e*»,as*^ offered than tUtth^ylwv* be««a*W(ed Ay th* I', s OovanuaMt;aada*0»a*ctwartb«A*ra*(ALr. bu glRRorder*that MSUWSCtkat.MSi U* deptm m«r>f, and^fhat, all Seals* on hand shall he test id b.i baw*Jd*o»aAea V t t ^ S ^ r a a u U several' iT3LaV7-'*?'*. ** *»»*h*aa> a^a)a*,~,aA#rer all 'V&iJlL ^t»«*»«<b**wt»,,tev^iW|3rtt** hav: i5«ft•MI b «?* , Il?i^**raWrwssav^th***Aar- %sl^$8£iMfr**& *9 tm: ** y «wft A*Triti»w^«L5^ nnuATTgtniTO UL W«BK I> TV hltltee e/ Btulnesson aad after this date f», JJeaJaraUenU-npald to repairing Water Works Ii, .. It* branches. rAimrrs wktblng to conduct water txou rpriags tb tbatr AvaUlDgs are nottaed that he Is prep.,,. to furnish pip* and do the plumbing oo short notice sa J kble ttiaW. . Office hj Hortou 1 . Block. a| Ir M a j- V*- : "r ^^sWfWiiitoiffcS^

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Page 1: IBSSSBEsissiBSinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1867-04-11/ed-1/seq-2.pdfr^.- . ^^WJ*^^S^KPPS^H^*fl*»^S^(S^S»j(|j flSJS^B^ SS^nSj^^Fi^S^ps ^ ^^^^^gsj|u4|bi(•—^^j^^ js^-jj^^^^^-j^^^^^l#i^»i


I W:





-1 "^t'.-' *

: aw*


ft IT*


of it* huttc our y t g w i ^ . " ! . «f the Seaantfeto River. • f ioea t*» W point to SMranndO is a dint*** of «Ul; mik*. OathUbeyaod rim.wrigaii' more perfect and trataa*™*ed, O d

^-^WpNftS jjgtt<tii*»i«a<>•*•>*&»*-

MI i K Mia* 4 w « f i K l l « e M at •«*


I the J

Tfi < WT r' TTliniiL ° —

of lh* Butld.L iMpferb&t letter, from Curiipif«>H? f lowing erro- -tiHoa. D P ; Wood, Chairman of ill*

III lhe/j**ip iWW*® of Ways kod Meaua, on btxpNMt* JjpjfBlof 8l»tc Ei|n;n»<» and Ti

G«ur.i '"-Age*** '.mMi* W^i^^i 8 * ^ or »iur •"-.'• i the People as well as to the L*«l*l|Aure

scalded, »nd Mr. Gellmui, Vt^htly .teur»-.f*TH*»*x*. ig«|e*rtook fire »ndev4«y

ihtagindde waaTHirned, The expressAafc

- T&c iborc i»*rtgr»pb,l«kottjrooi the New iMfc' «i»fW cf tlte Mth ait.,«goitiK'thi

.A^aB^eWrw^Pnv-- I R M H i * ^ev^eV^n5eV^sr>TH»v***As*^PWwH ^aaaA^*^n\e*wB)nh)n;. ajF. arw, y * »

* # « * l < f W * ^ t t * B*»*rAy 6f Ckn«di.,


4«l!l **€j

Aaocwtjr fox ipn

r^N: to

foltowit**,.„••.: , ,.,- ;.;i:..:.,,.:.,.,...,.•" .-..:,'..,"

wt|l pcMihly pass, it will be necesnery to In-crease the sata* loit ,S«D^M

c«e*»<=•««»* ftud ftW| otht* point* ju propdrtiotf.

*e?rJEHtta»;nwy m . ^ i u t . . ^

Bm'e S i , t47, B«lr» FemirOolli«.,;., »^*0 Brn'e Nil, Aw'jBtU,

JuTiMitog p to<^ , »rid tliet work tniogo Mlon^tathtrt Isopportunlly forlmpro

Jkqfjsarhers thr MiHer, Hot*e »t«ncft, would, «dd tiHRh to the *ppe«r«nce of the village,

iWJiBiii nBBriiig fortnore e*te»»i»e Hotel ^ f j p ^ ^ w i t e | I accommodation^ Parties »pd ftimllie* about

»]tep<«eflt i»,«iin^»t an impoaaibility. Men Qfctl>ttti, * i io WUh to «e« the ptactprot. l i U t ^ H M i y W Itt&e ild ii^pftenemfi?u and poblio hon|et. t H teems tous that UicxentB, and «ahaaced value of

ib put up'flejjt bufldings, >ve are gjad to see th<c old «net remodkd and Impnmd and mwiirre B^KAGA*-wil l get Wpddfor what hehiiS doiie and Is dolnft about JiU premlsftt, and, W«Idf»Hwiir revive the thanks of the

L * " - - , 5 v j ' i - . y t ; * * ii' T',*''' ' ' ' ' ' '• i i ' i ' t ' r u t 1 . ' •" ' ' • ' ' '.'••

• - m i e « n & o m ' i h e O e d e i i W ^ M u r / . a Z

,w>^,lu«been:!fcr some lime la Uw *ud (tOBfe4uerillj! closed, has by an arra,ugeme^»

pro}»j»«tO:bo*greai'fleld lor gold hunters Bc«rs»ra«mti ^utingthrpreseni summer. The mbst direct

S » 8 ^ ^ ^ i i ^ g ^ »; %a»e ; m ^ ^ l a ^ . / p d ' t w > . ^ Q dlscor-jetpy* ilerwa^ocaUtie* ia the town ~of Mar

doc. The gol3"region is iu the northern """" *p'fA^aingtbo.Hastin^a'apdTe^er.

4fa-.f;gifflr ft,0),|; t'" ?i)'•-"'" •'"' '"'i•" '.-*'•':

^ H D * * K 3S>OTai.—During the recent pas­sage of ^ e sWsmer CAiea^t from Liverpool "" ' : e W j | t o ^ ! J b j . | ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ e j r e d i ;

" sj^^ih^Jft^tosrlow.itndifor sev'-efi l d»J*«he was in itominenv danger of

ajeeiage passenfers furDuhed a little melso-

ntt o« iboa tasdc^ru^ lheo tmos^ if they would

Inip, JShe was*goodChritUaa,Uesaid,

ready to go; and would rather get io Ne^; Yoi^tlrsjt, wliere he-sfould have time for re-

« ^ > ^ ^ y5-:'",i''::/-;u^':wj - <


•Bi/iJIfiBfe^^aiiS., of fittrlingWn,;

. ,. 3'ljSlfe iife::;.:g|ibje»a,'


^..^•re^^-'^b-jsajp '

'• . '••BY??™*}

iHsH ortaw »iss«;.liitUltiis«j ; ffjt t^*rrifey - i s ^ s s l ^ ^Wr'waig he

•A'iUi HI


1ks4s»«assMpi«'.i<>4MUM i » May.

r^.- . ^^WJ*^^S^KPPS^H^*fl*»^S^(S^S»j(|j flSJS^B^ SS^nSj^^Fi^S^ps^

^^^^^^gsj|u4|bi(•—^^j^^ js^-jj^^^^^-j^^^^^l#i^»i •lhA~ AaSkMshkMH s*

I s f ^ l f y i i k i B t - , ' l l ie AMdefadoi «wuot

4 0 ^ «HMM AMI ftuMB «n» lUWVil lO »U CttlUf-^F^'^sw^ s SffBMBHr ^^a^^w ^ ^ » ^ ^ ^ B I ^ W * ^ ^ ^ S V " * W . ^ ^ S P - ww ' ^^^ r -Tff*T*^.^

«a*f v«* te . Mr M«ni«ts> a n m f «R;«Bt bt aa «r*ot lo .^ t« be- rcmttnberw!. 1 We |*Nesus»aia^4a»1wtmi^tj»e_flkct, «Ui be

: j ? ! l i i t « X - - S «0t**4 of arTM^wiMrtt*, that no patea k« '" -mi siwItnwasrsiJs I.' jjpiWa MjWJW! 0 * awannBrwnwij eagen-

,Tsw asHiiJeet wilt. W m&\ • »eirt tin [ i i f>) ( i a t i n .1 Si

-».».- fltariahitt ZsasuMSarSL^ I

;"ipr fter fcalriinvt ' , died te Mt4ta,o« Mfifiday,

94 years. He waaiafeeof

i ( ^ I ^ W J | N » ! ' » * * ? te#wp&l»u> ine miitinM^m. M i l Itt see rtavfortaU nlray-

CUMori tBeili for1' fuMiier Infor

iyt^aJ^^ySfeBoad/;.^- '.*' *'

BBatoVA»tai. -ft>aKAdi;K, proprietor oi theMiirer Hoiel . lb^ re^ntly tboroughly

.taron.ihewalls-aodoeiliDjr.iiasbee.remoTcd ^^^^^Ui^tfVOfim.^. ««d *•<»« Of hard-finish-•pplled', which la -'•• •'•;',•;." ., '""•" ,rT'-:'"t "";•/;-^'itT

1i«^pe^B4%iEtoi : share ift the re-on

dostry aaddrr up the sotiroesor •. 8oob«<»l«Bhftycaaeaty b*a*r*«twiby

4pra<rtlcebfirigia e«M!ioeiy too tfce part of |be Lejrislaiure'aed all otkef bodies havintfbe p^wtota^tod^hritouTOiH^epetttyijrthe Btale mntt la a great m<asunB dwaftd on the degree in wbkA 4UI«p«wer Is heM In <*eck the next few years. ..• •; '.'-.;''''•' *'l --~^f> '• '• In v ie* of tb»ife»e»^sk*Jsta4et«e*»s, ft ie

- of s«io»* e^nsttwailon wfeetbir ap-

iato^onSundfyniai.t androbt^dof

*n the *^m(0^^i'Buli^im^ki!^BSr- ;At

Bev. 6 . Ifc flsslWrd; vabsedatatoot $600 and

$&%1^mmmif$. robfced s*d soeisailrer gel^etaaalcetoi^horeaiiseiits>mmk>< ^hfr .„„ . . , . - , -_ , . -_- .„ . , . . . .^ . r „. ....... -..-_.,..

. . . ;jst^iriM^s^iistV^^*^^^ ' :i§at' |*lna-ifcs0^;^ ^ > ^ ^ ^ i ^ M i m ^ » > - J i ^ ^ | i t ^

lisweefc^WefcW. seUaAed t^tt tfceeW *tout

»4tp,.|i,«« (t>ii|ir.la!4n|nrs 'of Ift.- Jpft-, I M M J i i s slock <sfbatJiAin^ bw MwUe Is |«r*r, s«4 he 1* wwe I*KO to

I t l a ^ ^

-•^sitk« • » * ' ali^iralea^liMitikeVaa' | 0

.varalst>m)MNsscd w i * Ustcooalry* that sw bs*.peielk tot A sot tkere, ssd kt atamt to erect*dwelling thereon a n d i ^ e ? l » e l a » d .. .Mrftrtnrety ^ v W« f«|C»e< fm io fpod;| t] '#;«*fei.^,i j X-^... T-r . -.- ,«,/':, ,V">h.„ J«

"WASflis!- rW# IWP UHdM oWlgslliHi* to Hon. J WiK»*BAi.r, «ftSe Axeembly; for Tran»actioB.« of the IT, Y. Biatle Agricolt^r'al Society ior i«5-, tranaactJowf of Hw Awer* a w IneUtetiJ for 18M f and the Transact ioba oTthe Medical Socjety of jibe jttra»« «r Kew -folk, for 1800. t h e Uuree iar«e volumes eontalst moch vala«W laf^rmatloe not touil* elsewhere. A ' '-, • i ••< y

A Washington dlspa'ch say|» that Presi-eVut Joeaee* tied an attack of Mlueae 8ani deyeTeeasf, whVdtareeuitedlair strlesof spessnsdbrlngtnenlgbi which alarmed the jf bote hoosehoIO, iu»d renddreii even the at-teodswf BJajaleiiMi appwhsaeitje «Ta tWal ter-

Oa a*os»d«y ««e>t*4be "reekleat

Jl l i lHt . iMsti^ir'eV e^fctaacy of xVe« »Vt aW'M


DsUK8i«:~By wf lrr f t t^t t»1e* i «a-uwl report from this Ueptgimeut.tPMPe^

systeuwi ^

BiearthsA g ^ ^ ' y a s ; ^ .

#f »ra*!e; A strtet account was k^pt of the stealings of each member, and' tbet value accredited Jo him on the society book.; Profit, enough: had been already been secured diienable two families _ cfea«1etia:^witlf^

Pmz~^0m$%&*' :\."• Jtwotttah in^Huuson OKy, N,jl,, ftcllng ggWe«^ilthV"ca^igatron,whi^

talS^b^J^-hJidtog t ^ the maleprincipal and female assistant. ^Be fcr^e*jsii|t^-:rB_;Ber;A^ AbA aakeo.:'the>«sia* «rf Uw ^ y tsAcher. , * ^ ^ f c * w a * tfee ' r e i ^ ^ V * ^ ; ^ ; ««aA»* eob-web iiF-yw," • whi^thejHuiiy-,. ha»c*bfla 'Jreior :,.a*: atraJgbiway.she seiied the astonished teacher by the chhjDou and;

,, ^ 1 i ^ t e - f s ^ i ^ . s t H K 3 a M « l ^ »Be|tJ^pi ittppl^J M f t h ^ v W d n ^ t ;greav

various objects^payable ifru^ii the, G«eral Fund, and not included in '

Ch»t». U IU1 ( V u t n d n a U r a ' . *

s*»» to

t47,BBirsPea\a»Oo» Ch«rtlyWU««m



6?if'mHisto ;meeti#W estimate i f l i mills, thus -iner. ._ „ . .

Besides these >ppropriatfens, there numlw of important bilUv some of .w Iuivepais^fiw«tsintog;ptovieioiMi Tor ^j;,. levyofaspec'HH taxia •WBtK&tfi.y .>;3ibA jol* lowtagstatemeaVt»ntaias*JM!ofbiUe1)|M^; ofUiia^arac^iio.iiras^hej^baveeo&^to thejknowlsdge oftbL* Deparuntontiirr- • ^ ^

<*a».iw<»n8«i, , :aatfinan«Mersir .. . >-—•sfc«Mi.VwA;W.,iiW."


^S^JP**Kfej .,«f jwui am.r-.^ v-

ltaUrsti'l jof >6?k»i ffaaii< -.*.'• -J-» - Wa.cliat.tsi<»v>'.*»>-.. !•'*•

•-4/ '* „ ••tJ^uM.&i^^^~ii.>J-*'t$& Assuming that the specific approprlstions

and special tax.es wiUcorrespoBd with the foreg^om^statementt'a t»rrecrtd'esaraW|of the fiiaie'meffo? al ioWec^ generaf aiid^ special, will ^vetMfonowiaj^resultir and

i -The winter hae been s|rTlWe oa the PUlus. T a ^ w a A ^ ' < ^ e / a o r » « , m u l e . « ^

t:fsmHitsp*risfaed wiA cold *nd hunger. eatatierisflQ the orerlaBd'-KMdl line have

isilimfAB^fttH^*^'1***' thc^iaAiAtmpaaeabfc^iiitieB. In •s" ••••-"'' ''*"?' ; ? h ^ * % i t £ ^ ^

•«e |«u^ed'..?»fti ffiipty de^refe^vw tmi fofseveratdayadariog March* :A

JE» J3<^-<^vioaeph Bailey, aheriff, of

d e ^ while ;<ihfcUarging the duties ol his of-i1«;s^iw^')B^ii*rav.i^wia.and. p^ny.plx-' 'fj^6i^\^^-^ «^Bailey^Hl?bA re-nemDertd ai the gaUant officer whose inge^

<*t4&ie&icatedCk^ Aotn-aperiloas.sitaatlon at tli« tim i of - the dtsaetroua Banks* eipeditloo up Bed River

l^-^^^M^^^mosmVi^ -|iiS ; the deAthttfMr.Wnw^ queet'waa ever held on his body: no legal

ji»|» a'slpgle person,, accused of.conow tion'srtth it, ever brought into a,cann df

n t t o n y w b ^ e ^ s j t p ^ manner h/h^^ the.ca^cj-it; or who killed blm.'

•r'&*#»lBwii^i•» iuiflfee «f th^ear* , of l i g ^ ^ ^ ; i p , A ^ b i u n 4 ^ a^ rested apder (he Civil Right* Bill and held

Belma Atswswgsr aay* the negr»> prefer-f<*3)t-ISg>f»t -&i>*{&9*4?4

was taken afbis word.

ThertWiUT^rMulrM^w'thef ^ •• •••' . . if- , u « ; ( --• ;...,-.t '-,V^iJ>i:f .; 5 .' •; t j ^ j ^ ,

. ~OwOt.RMtlBiD.bt U s e . . . U . . . . . . . . . . •.;$•*,..

;" 0Mii»li«k«laijrpv.^B»at

zm «•..

* It will beeeen that lb# adoption of ilie messurea now before theWL«*ishitura» in ad? dition to those already psssedVwiil cairy the 8tateUx tooveronepercenu Thisia«er-(alnlyaiMJxttaordinaryjate^ greatly exceed­ing those of previous years, as wi& appear from the subjoined, table, ;giving« the jaw per cent, of the State tax for all purposes for a period often years: >;?-••-'*• .'•% •-''• i

'----; *.-••. IritSRV-im.>:l1p*i J i l iet f / . l i l l . *»»1»>UJ».,.,» ,-.. **#,- .-*»«? I-I*..-:1M

The averago rate for the ten years; ,here given» which include tho period, ofthe war, was a M u ' . p 4 inilhi,' lest thah one-half the rate tuat>ill be Squired this y ear to meet appropr&tybits pasaedArid pdntem-plated. ^ A B ^ ' l a x j p i c « e fiercent. wlU Sraw t l f i . O W . ^ f t ^ the ptoSuctlTe inter­ests of the 8tato, to %Wkmm MadftW not l e sa tha^^,W,(W0^1O(» l taxe4 /4ndat least $50,000,000 more tw^otir1 proportion of

United 8^Te«rTn 1M8 ofai pr^ortloo was

l r i * f t * n 4 0 ( H ^ tarn an annual barthen of over $100,W«,000, may well be .jajwttpiwd. Undai' ordiniry circumstances, and in a normal ctaditloa of Ote^rnmcy i ld t&Ka&kfm^b iS ixr i it would atosOfb:tBela^^iuH3!B«ritoa^»a*an-

profits <*<AWtat a ^ l a i x ^ p a ^ M i i n -

"A writer in the Galveston Bulletin demoh-Jtrates thai the building fll I he Paciflc Rail­road wilVputau end to Mprmqnisni|i'

,s foulest fMture, as it would draw a large male popu-^ M ^ V ^ U b V i v v ^ a C t poor women there frb^ld ndV^Jf?; p,^t^tt%lq;|ej|fHwit»» fractions of-dinsbands^ as- tliey; htveto do

H ^ £ t f . . % ^ : . * : ' - - / ',• •'•'"

situ^d^^^ltbo^|;fduhdaU6ii| IJaJ Great. Britain hatrefoaed toconsent4d^tis^-.«AItra*

Um^Bta^-agree t^surrender ceribsin im-intridrjdph^.ttf^kichifhehas alwayfl

^ge^^i^te^iCwft.b4po.. a i b t e - w i f t ^ t t s l ^ l ^ l M n j ^ i n g . ^ h ^ Mseo£tb^jbe4uiB7(.to'.returatO]Specie pay­ment wltWitwdyears'i^udbelievija that, it

.t $i|ie !Sajj!a$^^ is ^ | ^ ^ ; » ^ ( a ^ o 3 i f ambhg the'toglojfes, D^Ving the lastt'wo or three days several of the^olde»Lci>n^uclor>x>n the xosid have been suddenly removed, causing the liveliest

Horace Gre^ey ssys that the dafkest d*J in any man's earthly career i» thai wherein, be first faacieethatthere is some easier way of naming a dollar (ban TjysquarerV earnlos;

wiH fitijon the eosnawinitf, a«dtf there can be«o rs4u<H»a a* thiaMsa*, tb# ,pa^f have Ayhm tho rifht to m u f i a r f Jhek rep«s*nV 4avc*aiMth«t»shaHhbiw^Usc»eafe. Jtt may n^b^^peactioaWo tow*»«#theratji^efthe

to the average ofpwfliHpyaara, batU.cah •b» Jcept-miolt hftWw whe* wlU he wquired, • b ^ < * t l M r W U S J M Q W w a i j j s n ^ t ^ ......_,_ . . . . ^ . . ^

.•'•.•-;,i5:, ^ ^ ,..„.._._ act js*"bs'

tkA irfariisatios> isf surAss iilBreA. and' the beta k F** ^ v^a>^s^^^^iT^^ ^?w *^^™sj^^^^ssw^^^B*^^^p, 5rV* a pv a ^ " ^ set forth in thia e«w««itMM^>a^ iwpect-tojly sobsaiu^, M »havfog ^n J ^ # * ^ i

-t iJ v.i. 4 T i ^ « | « i B W a l « . # M « P ^ I ^

aloctlon of elecUoA lajhesevwraf

of the State, by Te*rriat to of the law tat ntatw* to the

of delegate*to the the Oesistltntloaal OosiveHtion, will see that they Hrt»tnp<»r. tan t duties to perform. On the 19th In»i ajt, thei are to mpttat lht« plsces designated for hoiaing the eleMrtn, and make * register of the *oteri rptitlHt in vote at wKh-eleetkw, In district^ in or connected with cclU« or incorporated villages, they shall meeUt eight o'clock la lite morning, and remaia in ses-slon till nioe in (ht- evnting, and shall also coailaitie their scesbw daring ibeMtuwinf dafv In saakusf ttielr regteier, Ussy shall take as a basis the register tbrtha generat Uucti«nofl«Jo\ nakiogawsbaddithMtand •meodtaeat* an may be necassary.. By tefer-Hstg to the net' poorUned elsewhere, the in­spectors will beUar nnderstaad-thnlrdallas. The time for mwkiog the i>re«8a*a«ry ar-raagnueat* for the eksetiou c* issegsles ia extremely short, and hence Uss snasaslly shr Immediate preparatksa, •_'

la U»eteet»w twe^nttst becaa aae toha ewei atsaplT aoltr «a» aer fcligetanytorge •aal iato she sUsasslH a« ileasajwnM a^satfiK The last I 11 id> tail II I f i fcrtaslejU aac* Us* tahsshsgaa'the boa**.

-Jii ,1-tt.y, .,-.•-, iy^-.

not iotarlered^w, WMTfj

rcan-hriB Hnoeii^.^.


evening "put through " t h e batch to *?'facilii niv" raUroadi) by atli>w MIS.'

fbej'sttick iif stichfii-fjsiritfhli' to a«»u me i Ii a i i In.

" * " these.inea^irt'j* 1»HI Uptroller • ILilll.i. >n-<.-. Considered ii» sun mense burden . i »n the i>eople.

lite in^xplioablr in l giaJatfon.- That entarprlse and sa-



gadtyahonld, fit the Ace of pending enorm-ous ohngaUona,he wUltag to^donateTKihv twenty*v« to thirty per cent. Qfiheasawsed property valuation..of whole »dislriciB, to schamea^r.v-" • * ty,isafactni or" """ %\

..,., rth«e^\i no jwbiic uecessl-jh>ne accounted for by any

- - • — - d a . We hardly.daie t« . the result of this in-•f 'y- . - y" ,1',

The Midland bill was amended in one put> dealer ye*erda%,»8 ii tb-make itlfeM'objeo-tlonable. The bonds are not to be exempted ftom taxation for Btate purposes. If the peo­ple in the districts where they are taken choose to allowva class of securities to be.ex-. empted fhjm taxes from* local objects, *md pay theee themselves, they will be the chief iuflerers. But the authority ti> hood 'the towns sil l remains and Is- a vital teatnr* <>i thf act. »nd <'W which should insure Ii- r»--jection. •"»-'-•.•' ;••;... -A ..-'--• ••

The Troy Wbht earnestly prnteem uSHiust. the section Including Rensselaer cooni> Hu the provisions or life Whitehall und Plaits-burgh railroad bill. It saya:

"That section is nothing tnpre or less th-ni an attempt to dragoon the inx.ptiyurs nl towns in Beusselaer county into niortgtt^btg their farms for the benefit of the Whitehall road. We beg our citiesus to took iu the bill, and we trust our member will de'maad that every phraae and paragrapbol it. that shall in any way tend to drag this city into

'the scheme of robbing our citixeus shall be atrickenout." -

The pubift mind is becoming aroused and alarmed upon thb) subject, anif we trust that bur legislators will yet bear and heed the warnings against • course which cshmit fall to make IbelB the. victims of popular iudig nation, when its fruits become manifest.

? -"' [AVxiHy Journal^ Apr. 0.

An E'llfcc

' B r o w n ' * Vei

On w ^ax Loiuiuta. -SI

u t..' ioo«M*Ub i' iUdi:. niti TilaatSf «ealilssj1i» hV..becD^»a^M«^.«isl|y^tJclejs^.ae<ta^

r h l l d r e a b a v i n s W o r m i rei^retmraedUt* •ttaWon. at neglect of Die trouble often cauiet protoag-e<l atSoess.

8 y m p t o a u o f W o r m s In ClOldreat an ert r r tntnlnatlen, as follows

CUATSaOOAT, April iStb. j-t -oft«n orcriooted.- . Worm* ^ Uic.«lttia«cb »Q(t.-tol»|i>« S l iaaa . April Tajjhjl Tww..

lrriUtfon, Klilct, can be rcmored only by the «w I HAXONEriprirHnoV»t Cotrrt Booae vl s sarc remedy. The combinatloo of InsiSaleoM Ilea In muVlng Bain's " Vti tiilfuyt Comjttt" lirucb at to glre the Bf6t passible effect wttt iafetjr.

, A O r H n k e n S e n a t o r . ~

The 8enate Chamber has recently been re­lieved of the. present* of one poor vagabond, —MacDoUgall of California—who&e displays 6f maudlin Imbecility and gibbering Tul uri i»f frequently brought tbe"blU3h to the cheeks of his fellow-members. But it iB.disxruced, by another common sot—Saulsbury of Dela­ware. This Individual has lately Appeared ,up6n.the floor almost uniformly In a state <>f grrtss and shameful intoxication. He stag--

CL'liTlSl BROWS. Proprietor., Nen Vo**. ^lld.tjj all Dealer, to Medicine• .at 25 cU. a b»jj( t. £ rfajtSjl

" ' C t K A N ^ ' I P J t t B r B l O O s V ' "

dlseur, or It may merely keep you UiUeu, deprmed

yoar blood l» HBpure. • *T«»'» SaaMr* iiOuii>urge. outlbe.e Impurltle. • it eitpebdlaeau and

r e S b r ^ ^ t K a t H . i t t o u ^ - t l A t e t S i i r t f i . Into •viiiraaM-totimJ"- UtMk ll Jrap(*y-«iji*ii variety of

tt<)b$,« F*r*- Bote, or Ei^HpOat, Tettv Hk Salt

, Vuetuu toetl at Be-. Jon, WHita.SttrilSy, flitmsti. Ltvir Complaint* Ivaa'sSaasapiaiiLa and »ee

IfaUie Water Works toapani. ritafK .ABSfJAx A E E T I K C o r T U B :M. StoekfcoWar. of the M.lorie Wai'er Wvrk. C. »u b t b t l d s l tbt pfflce of Wm A Wheeler, Widat.dajr (In daj)of Maj.-.S*;, at i o cloek v «, for tbt purpote of eltctlof nlue Wrector. for e«.d i ir, daily for the eoratog year, n.d for tbe lr«o«ii:ou „• •tber boilDeaa. f. c ! TH0BNU1KK, ."., , * Dated Malooe, April lutb <:.-•:,


BEU.MO.VT, lpr| l SSib,»t Orcett Bcbool Boiut.

Eaamlnattooj to comoieoce at 10 o'clock A. U EUOXHB WILSES.

Aprtl%a>. Coro'r Ht I>Ui

tijj *A

reatioab , apetaln 1..pu

regtitartti/, Sapprtt alio SVJJ/MU or Ventreiu;/H$L and Heart Dileasr*. Try ATI*

Daring late yean the public have been milled by large b«tjr», ptetendingVto gl»« » quart of Extract of Sara»p*rll!a, but often DO curative Ingredient whatever. lWe^W»^ff>ppotnt jMnt | ia f fattstwd. the ate of

.the] various extracts of 8ariiparUla_jrhSchJflood the maMtetj until the n s ^ e Itself EarlJeiainesyobnylmoas wltfi impoiltlon and cheat., Still we call this.spjopouad •' Barsaparilla," apdlDtend to supply aucb a remedy as •hill rescue t in name, from the load of oblojjuy which rests upon It. We think we have ground for believing lV Ihss virtues which are Iweslstlble by the c lan of die-eases It Is Intended to cure We can assure tbe sick, that we offer tbem the best alterative we know bow to produce, and jie.have reason to believe, it is by far tbe tnoitodnectast purlfler or the stood yet discovered. 'AvKn-^ OBKEBT PstionjL Is so universally known to

suijm»> ev<*ry ether medicine for tbe cure of Coughs, COHID, Influenza, Hoarseness; Croup, Bronchltlf, Inclpl-eu& UomhMplldn, iaid.' foe the reBef o f Consumptive Patlenu> In advanced stages of the disease, that It Is useless here to, rectfunt Ounnfluenee »f Its virtues. The world knows them.

prepared b.v DR. J. C. ATKB A Co., Lowell, tlass.,sold by all DruKglsis »D.l dealer* in medicine every»here,

l} Jri|E j . A i y i;B0tLAMATjp\. ' M'berrn.( "Hf (.ropertv of every resident of tb« Ceuo-

if »f«Vr«>.Mr?i I. on^aWliav^iiiirsyt^eeo .sposed to ureli of hiri-ndlstfes, who for private eeda bars

fullLrd Au'f liild desolate many a homestead. t !, \\< .: .,., Insurance Caiupaoles are ctutrteie4 ii.

It,.or- | i. |-.-',i .gall.nt l.wa t.\ tire, »bd . r e l u * ready .*n,d wIlllnM '" U>- ir^ lhe-i.topert> of ever) persou against

AUhopea for the safety of Dr. l ^ m g s t m a p J ^ & t l S VSPtt&S&Z the celebrated ArHcan explorer, hive been abandone^r^t#^Wc^0fr6m the Cape of Good ,.^?peji J^?®to^*Py»».ntf J JWWfc ^fe report of his death. -. "f»i» t-.'..j-' '>».-« - >•; • /•Tl^ijbwti-ofMlJ ,

tainliter,doctor, Ta fyllrj sequentry the A r t ^ t ^ ^ ^ g o . ^ . chui

'er nor! town farm, cph-

are suits

not sick, do t^ort'becoi^e'i'nvolv|d in law

J»"hlli "t^f4^ Ben^b^flc IWut^ b Moqi-, pelier,''on the"fetthst:,Tbver\h*1^onnectfcut^ election, a gun. expJ<34e<itblowlii|; off the arms and one leg of Peter Lemaiue, and .aeverely-la^^ifi^ani^ertt '" ;>•!

". T h a U g ^ t o r e off North Carolina has paseed a law tniutohmg horse-steajing with

-geaiuse.' ^c^if:'-^^^!x'-:^-^^%tiij^^iw~''ji: ;',* , The reoeipUfrom Itcettsca foraell^igliquor

in the NeW York-Metpipoj|j6ah d|tr.lct,\-f^. the y t ^ ^ i i a g I4.« iOtlt oi. MHrd, were *j>

mm \i •; -.'•;'""" V'r-W-

frosa ;*a«»j, ahai«:^.al^^jl^ ii|^#frA: eight hundredapplfcatkms1. ' [ ;3; *

^'lir^'lease'of ^ ' T r e ^ ^ s g ^ i o ^ : h ^ > a a W : t w w e d ; & > e n 1 ^

••tot^tt'pix^rietor,^^ Ave thotmod dollars a year. '__,, ^A'-y^^

...ixiw: UfvmMmtm wp*if ;i»uAdjwa sad nfty ntfles west *f Sr/ Ii«ila,Vsiid the tree* tfhfto^lald at t i^kte^a^n. iBver | ' -^Nffr . ,_ ^'.it-i, .'f...j:'i^'l '•<- wW'iAl- 'U' J -;- Ai*WMstT|S]a4*srat*d.ltt<*c^jsai*^^ kkgiatsry that If n»« were not bora t depraved they btcaroa so "pretty m' eetly." ". , ,--.'.; ,:vr> -.' -•!'>;--• «r ;;'-. ;"' there' were no h e g r ^ ' % % tenn«-»ee PonaervatlT* Ccnfe^l»pR^r;(i»e nafc#B tj»*t none won!d go in, i; <1

There are almost doe u^tndr*! artdsi* roll-lions ofdollar<<»f,fgQhl coiw'ln tbt>l+nWed IkaieaTreasury. ;i • ,* .» + •

Dispatches from Sari Franctaci* state that the Mlssltmaryakip " Morning iiar " srriTfd at Honotein on March 13.

Sou>nras* tMrt B A « O p»niAHs«ti».~ WllHam firland Bowrt«?,editor of mnmer JrWrad, New Tork, has again otTered premt* urns to wiseourage soldiers who have tost these aight arasa, 1st learning to write With their sWUaw»s)aW The prssBlunts aaa-iuntto $600, a*4 gWrjpsindfllons on which tbey will t*Mate>j0s$ iwny be learned by addressing J t s - . J — n i «ena. Oraal, Hlsettssus

plan and wW afrard the

gersHboui among the benches, loll*. ^^"'^^"'^^^'^"Vjr^iTfpoott^ui^stkioiria and sleepssnoringly in hie place, .-r m i | r ' ' " " ' . . - — - . . - ; •.*...-. —ixz.^-* .„._ ..._ incdhereBt and diacunnecied aiiei-tUee, Hill of alchohnlic vehemence and buniira^1. Mur-TDbngall is a scholar and u«iur<tily a^^eu'lp-man; cut Saulsbury b » Mlow ufcoarae and brutal instincts, and lacking* in those huh qualities which make his iiinrnu'y compar.i Uvuly tolerable. What makes bw.habits the mora odimts, w tbe fact that when in liquor, he becomes coarse and abnsiv« in his attacks upon tbe majority of the Senate, and upon Iba party repiesentctt by them. Hia misbe­haviour during last wwk became so flaginni that Senator Bomnex gave notice of an inten­tion, unless there was immediate improve­ment, to move lor his expulsion; deeming such a course essential to preserire the dig­nity of the Senate. The threat seemed to haye had its desired effect, as it is recorded that Saulsbury actually attended p^e session in a spbsr condition.—A(6a*yy«Hmat

• f _,;,-,f L •, i


olthe Hair Preparation* codtain 'injurious substances which soonerorlater wilt entirely destroy the healthy growth of the hair. The best cbenjists . testify that " 8.«rrett*a"Vegei table Hair Restorative^ possesses NO IN-JTJBOIIS SUBSTANCES .WHATEVER that can by any pbasibiitty untkvbxi'ibly ufiVct the hairor scalp,- but thin on"»lH- ctmir..ry. its ingredientl are the best known to science for the Hair, tmd a healthful preservation of the scalp.. It Is sold by all Druggist

, , •"• : — T T ' " ' - ' ' ' ^ . ; t — f r ~ , . - •••

The President baa nominated ex-Senator Sr^mitbj, qlf Oregop, as-^inis^r'.lo Anuria.

[hlglit, deprive then\ of Ihelr hornife,' ant? I#n tfcesr tl^u upon the cold charity of jn-|^f^|In'|'warld.'

rii.,1, n i . „ . , , W B. PON'IUEE.'of iraloae, ha* be*% applulute.i agent of rtiefollowlni ifb. }CompSW«, tla:

Hosie tusurance Co., of New Haven, Cono., ' Capital and Surplus over S1.-J5.86S 00

Ootooierce tn«araneeCo., Albany "06,000 00 Ali.I Will Insure first flasa property la the above named

cu.ujianles at renaonable rates, W.tt, iherelnre, all persons are hereby Solicited to lo-

eur* their property at nnre In the above MH^d rotnpa-nlHi[ Hut If you do not, and you are burned.out^ jour creditor- will rail at ones, and take your last farthing's worfh. But If Insured In the above named companies y«*ir . re.llt'in* are hereby prohibited from calling for or tnole»i|nit'5<ihr property far oh.e.year'frotn the tuna of you| loss.

Have you lrtMtivil youHiroperty t tf not call at the Age hey ana ilo so. - If you cannot go, write and have youfirKl huuled. bo not fall, for you may just now be wBbpan;,iiiico4f.4»tf5l P. O V .1 . " r , '-;

1>V,rtte tu cue anil I will retnsln,„yburs truly, . • W. 8 . O0N1HKB, Agent,

Malone, N, T.

A Cough, A-Cold, or m ore Throat,


TH*? B E S T A N O MUSI* D l B A H L K now in use. A sample of Roofing Pelt can be seeu

at Flanagan's'Hotel. Investigation and competition challenged. As Agent wanted In tvtry Vtllag*

AddrtM. J. W. NOTT. aprlltf American Hotel. Watsnown, v. r

Two Farms for Sale. ON E S l T P r A T E D IN THE VILLAGE Ot Chai

eaugay.of over one hundred acrea, all under em tivatlon, well fenced and watered. A nve act* He-,. Vard. Boliainisgbod.

O T H B R 1 N T H B T O W K of BUUKc ona mile north af Mitchell's Store, consisting ot

seventy-five acres, also well watered and fenced, a good Cedar Swamp oT about ten acrea, and over three bund red Fralt Trees, alt of which will be sohf on reasonable terms. For further particulate enquire of tbe autwrrfh. •.

aprl I ml « . 0. 8TV A KT, Cha(eauga>

jSLUCTiois r S J L L J T : J There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, oo

Tuesday, April 16, 1867 ! AT TBS RESIDENCE Or A. L. CROSBY, MALOftK,

One Mite Waal of tho village, tb* fellowlag proper! >

I nalr (Ue^Bay Uurse.. I b/ui«),.4;>e».-oiaCo)l,; »,Let. But Colt,1 l.ainber Wagon, 1 Open 'Boggy, i To(.

Buggy, 1 floe Cow. 1 set Traverse Sleds, 1 Cut ler. 1 Harrow, 1 Plow, also a lot of Bay.

x'hrr Fanning Tools ana Houee hold Pariilnfr-

Tbrab»ve properly'itlj to be osld, as ifaeSubs^rau Sate to commeutie'at I o'clock, P. M

A. L. CK080V, Aurllooeer l*|t>lng West.

*z> J $Vv

0P0<J j ^ l H^il C«;S*

fff Vfarnlnf aaaioitrncflos fsKrouai Man. Also; Dis-«Me»<and abases which prottrale the vital powers, with sun lasatu of react UrenT»lopej. Add.

Beat tree of charge Add/eat. Dr. J. SmMS HOUGHTON,

U ] i u i l H » , n i u i i lo sealed let-



Ndlaat •etetatlsle M^dlclnea, ^ arwiby «l«aa«»»salt«M» «M«,»i» elssjaso tbe

ble>d' tad tawtor htaJUi u^ tia toiraua, CASOERS,

A ^ * 4a«Ala« I MAswaWwltt . Atldresi

wlSl^Se^®...._ aM *dor, Uameaiate ta Its a'4tton, a,nd tres frp

tOvipRosa IniUthdr

' HBAst WklAT W B 8AT t •v ",-:",.*• - .#-.,i-- fT,.'e 'it K .'-vis • -. .. •:

diet, no la; taste

.' J.s I, ... -'• H

C Q U G H :

wq BR

S lilllSDIATB ATTSWlOS, SSS j ' ,/^Uiifc.l,)i na nikra.D. Is aixowjao

^W*- i i : ' • TO eosTiafs,

•Uon af tbe (.una*, A k>eriuai>ent.'71jroat 1»1»»

:iriaae o^ConininpHoii _. 13 OFTEa.tHB SESC Lr.

-.. _ __AI* ' l i ipCBsSi* -; a»vua AMsAcrbtrtOKycpM^BpRiars, oiv»

For B w n e ^ U , A . ^ a | > C a t « r r h , Cen-1 eiiSsB]^^#^pfpW^f%|ilaeaaM. ,'

TaocBiis as* ffsTO"'1»w»,.-j^^aSa%cS> sucoass. •"

SINGERS AND PSBLIC SPEAKEE8 will £od TrouJics useful In clearing the voice when takel oelbre' Singing or SpeikSij;,- sad reliivlng thi throat; attar an unusual exertton fit &ve yoeal or(kwh Tbe STrocha are recommended and drescrtbed by Pby-aW<ois).»tta*aTe BaA tes|atoSi»l| «t«W emtatet rata Jlarojjgtivui.fe.lr'Ooiintry. fcln* s^ar^«o Q£tr»S »srlt,

r aad jAvlng^ proved their efficacy by a test of Btaay '•yeaYi.i each yetr finds them'H new teeatiuS, la varloas parts) of the world, and tbe Trocket are nnlversall^1

it any of the Worthiest Imitation* that any b* Sdu> tvcarwtfna/ ' ' airrSissf

Imported Wall Paper jtl I n t h * a W i d e .


WINDOW & PUllRCTRIMItllNiis Pictures Framed with any

k ind of Moulding, at Wti|t»^ At €o0lejr*si Warns R o o m A

B o o h gftorc. .aprllw4

SOUTHAflD'S ELEMENTS ' _ H " « J * . •'• ^ _ o r _ . ' -^ • • ' - '

Thorough Bass and Harntonj J Designed for tbe use-Bf

Schools, Classes and Conservatories,


Playinf Chuitb ffiwii and Exlrmpomijis. i» i, a. secrBaan.

This new work Is a short and lucid «i»t meut of the kHemeotary Law* of Harmony, adapted to the want. of81n(er»aBd-those-who desire atnoderate faeDlty or pl*yl«rg,.Church Music and extemporlslog. The ruin and axamplea are ssostly condensed from tbe text boow> of^^be, Xte$jfflHg .Voa^eevatvHum and tna £ation>tl Academy Sf'-iOuTc.-Uondou, In the first ten chapter. sutBctenV isstructlon Is given to enable the pupil ^

He,correct and graceful plain hannony in four parts mud In Clolh. J"rlce SI eta. Sent by mall, post-paid. 0LIVEB DITSON A CO .

Publishers, S77 Washington Street, Boston. CHARLES

NEW W» beg leave to Inform tbe ladles or

That we have opened a

1st JsTra. Vli&nsi'e «1*] WTIIUisery Store, «6i4S«nrr.^*is«>aJrW)qa|faTreBoooia,

WltiaaliBUs sad welluleete* stock consisting of

8wiw^M^Xi»uliaT:,iruJiai, JttetutU

s Ring-Bone *B|l Spavli Cir«.

rj. i».;:.'> V.->f;.V.w:*"fa.'r "3S B- '"!•'«-' '•-'» '•'•'••' ;• W* kaya^tha • ( ^ • a y - t ^ ^ . a a * * tf .Ut* cattsbrated wa.a^)€rsUss»HATsu>ronx»,AHnspeor», which •ft'pta^^l»isii,rt««i»t^ <shka*trA4:. 'ji..',:<;f.i.-{:->^'Wu^iA.-i^t ;•';,? "''::<,., .. ': WauInsulathvorlglaal wpgtrs •ba b*!*" t$>«»>:

SKtoiti^'i^^aaa^arkstep^ CaUA«4a««~t««.a««^attb«St«ca#{ .';,>;:;:•.•;.;'.; :;

:; jj •..;..;,. v-,ii* <.-,-i -.- •";' •• mvu$m^in^A^" • i t a J ^ ^ : ^ | i s J ^ ^ 8 ^ ! ^ AlAiA:&': 1^

•^gt^^wMta^r^iris^ vatl hnwr saaasaikia .vwaiaSaat allawaayaa af Ui»yaar -4e> a l»rtaa»t» »a«M»»> " *»tr baBafalle

' i»7"liw»tsaVl«"Wa«mm*M-,^"^^ atftwi^>.all.1t>aMa^ |)ta|Masisth*ata! 'iMi^iktAski-1* aa»aaiBt"h6t ,J»^*.ala»-wtwWi*s^'a^i-|i»^^ amfcHteawUcattoaof tftta Mtbtaf, kasOtagMd; wou-lisrals^aissaataasit tsasjitAli.»*•'itvaaiarsad'Tis.1

* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — 'aJgissT SstslBsssTSsat* JM ^aMsssssssst'BaAsfaJsaJt- "*'"* *^ .•"''" - i f

"At nAta* ll»jaw»walNs|swftip, J#T sd?«i;,- - 5.; . ^ l»«a«»4»»*a«lga*« to g^aa* settle of ih. aaJaasa far say #»*, Ms^rJatairfA b* Wa« thai In cats

testrtrksawta, % Msnrti iksUls. My wjf e at tat* itaw was *• *•* with what tba SVatsUs* tinned •UTW* Ouaarsovnos at WW fnsa His wad, aaagthag a.aatally ajser'aSHSBj «*r*«r leasalood. ii-oaweflaawstrlag the tnd wa« w sswew aJtaaaa) wttk Iff oparaOaa that T ok UI*«t»rwOi*i'boUle,aad««tUaa»d giving It Betore UdswaiU* was *nttr*tyB**d, ah* teased eeflgWngan* waasarasig aaaagsito alt**. Tb* STHt SWtte soiirely asseoatv aac TO aaitra, doing that wbleh several % H stelaaslMdteteStasokatkadntned.'* .

PrSHiad by aBTB W. H V U A SON, isTr«fto«t >, Baatia, a M Jar aato-bar Pwigg**** <»a»r»l!y • ,

This 1. au old and reliable Medlojue, and-durlng e»J,l.fHlWi'*^'r« yea, < of Ita manoraotnra.lt has ca rafledyo'sure KINO BONE. SPAVIN, WlNBGAL CAtttTS, CUBB and THOBOUGHMN op HOlBJta o»n| «Me».B«fect cure*. hav«. fiesn t effected of I Bode and Bone and Blood Spavin of

tbe cassr.

RlDf-foor years stsadlng.

Olve it a single trial. Hundreds of vatuabls Haiscsv made toselessl* thy abovi diseases have been aavti"

"Id by . HKATH A BBB8D, Malone, N. V. « B*«m A CP. 'ASSBI ,

bcriiyi Proprietor,


' W i ^ H b o ^ I f W T^r^kr-W ^ 0 ^ 8 WrVreWtttei.


1 aO.lb-Xlhu lniU« will. b*»"., ,r*> OCXWbD I ^-'t%-^..i.^:ireor/.Dd f tsoab ,iu5tal,'St,# aa'^eahi*^, a«* ... »1 cino He.rea'ed tbrrood ithalesoin/tool trl A ,

'• i U/ko.*n*iU&^toi.&>m*h-h*ttliL aaa; ] :r*WXti '•e*'b». biooi. inaJc;. ilwr.fc»,.jiiW u|i tV-

, « v « :uv<iu. M i : H k \ t j f 3 SiA.NUUALr. f i t . _s

.' la: tm. c id,.ti;«.u.ing the, fesa Weei 'iv.".a'.A'tv> • J'lrf'eV,, i!ui»p;»itit« b re.awd. ''•'"• '. '• -'•'--'••'. '•'-''"

'•&-.. :• Nt-K-frWtttbsic S V U l f » o^ . - ' {•''<•**$'?• ,i't^^!i^,¥mvi0^b^mk^':i«•-' •, ,-«j jti;p'ur'.i »• Ario oipe"e4.Irom ,tb«.»/jou«,.»*a...

>*-«i,Ht ivhule tuiib Ueod maae,tvhlet* will' repAl' . t d"-<t«. , ' p i i j e j l i (^Ul tsA*Uw^e ii>cdle'iat»aAu-...

la: fo direction;. Catumjipllaai»crr tr.-suenll• .».•

V1J***J*<aitlP;«.eJs^a3«4s)«tl»WaSi*Mlliua.-U. .,

bu*AVr^a«itda«*aw*.- ^Ta^MAAat bast be tv. 'HJ&VftV*1* *° ^>«:.;»«^t»sd«»!AB*w-fl»-*.i *j *'!3ie^--t^,»»«0«!te,.oe<pl!rAJa»jraiis»»-»(tp»< •

j,!-sMi*^Jai.^;a^tiy^i«^1'TiiMraaiiB^4s't»|««ws S1-' '. 'fpirm^ t pflVta-wtat .-civ >s,r"W pl^oot ^ ; , , • r 'aoii' 'tUi-tvisc^trotmbe r*i-ii^a* •awti t , u , n ,

t" M ^ W ^ l i l ^ ^ i . . S*.' fio'*]?...eUK ,aj-ji> • » « - " • • -

asd. Bra***) jTejj, Bresaaudaugle Trla»ad«i,. ' - - - • - - - - Jit, ate*!. Btart and

VWi!r**«rl, .^W^^^-i^ . acres*;", hot ^ M ;

I n tbU t<»Wo, ah:S-|,iir»day.t»nni! Oairtarse, flAbAter'Of ftt«ainW»n< i:jnooths,«D,d It Osjc;

1 to cure

;T-» Ptswtiaav -ynrpfa pWteirW.

aMwwran.A. Dc. UMOL.arrerls, •*>•*< lb* m,n<ew.l»eotCI)«M "the «*»*>'setsiraSNg reawlta asay be aatte^taW

wkM r*MHwa •«• w# StasalvW la pare wateV." Br. M. Asmssa, a/Mr SfWaa ywara *r setswtlSc re-

SISBBBBBMSBB' SBaaWat a%SHSBa*lsBBBBBBBBas>L aWSBSl aaBBBBattstaWssttaff Sstt aaBBBBaaWs'trVwMAf MM3ft

«nd em* i*i*4tr fwim 1 faAas ta saw* eats one— af Waasr.aM Stssaawl •afswwsKwf rwaWs AeHw >*• smswil **s -as, aawtlialsriy la acrVraki sat *Hta*«r

=tT . . r . . . ith.HlTT(l lira Crooks, agad

of aS'sorts, Yetvet, Crocket, . . . . _ . . . _.. Fancy Dress Button*, Steel SDdes or all slses. Lace tJndersleeves, I*ee, Appllgue, Hemstitched, OJld-rens' and Plate Linen Handkerchiefs, Linen,

Work In*artinf«, Baby Want* «ad Caps. «a-.;.,, lenclans, Lac«*«d Tkresd adglnga-asAIa-

Trisiausg*. tarMDtmt, BWt and 'Wot»vl_ tsd Imbrotdtry BraUs^m Sewlag

,Y.a^"_ " " " '"" •-Alts- aJ5^uwU^=i*wt ....'•-; . 'T^Afs i^Wl

A - V ' - ; ' i * '!/,-lEs**al^fA|»\»r - ,- • 'aA4A*Tt«*npsax«fc,

. swo-aaaffirttliWW'! which w* submit to yoHirliiseitetioa.aa-

kllul^w^saatw^rWsa^a^o^o d«enr.y gtrta^a ianeTvarartleUtJsra Law tries. WsMataia, "v.i'-n*»a*«tr»^L**w*4','w''1>-'' .•-:*''."-Wilfeotl

April U^im-Hast ne-aad* Wooster N. r.

%-'i 'j'v j»'t W~



Br. a. Aaalwrt' todto* Waavr at ftr oaks %*#. P. MX« Mona^SSPry Stnat, Haw Vwrtr, aad by sji,av«nW«.



-At Brui*!s MUhj, March iuth, 18*7, lU*iA..awly eltlM orjtenry «, and Jane *. »}»*«*«»Se. aged « aioa. bhrftwojtays. "' " -•'

Uxlag, «>U(. ahe w«« Oyiag,' ~~ fttr so beaaUful astst para, . .. l»a«%-- .

OA* 1 ••» bar ealaaly Jylag. While death Ss«*r*d ai Uw Soor

'—- wia«*«a\*w4|B«g. - .twffswtljf IBaart


-It'.ai.-.i i.a,< etii^iu.


• < * . .. . . AB ageuey for th* sal* of the** .aperUj* Aafc. t»<

.*«»fc»J"W,a<arwwW*wajsjettsa • . . . l?to*e* Mt«».wf w)iawrti-wrt%e*»,as* offered than tUtth^ylwv* be««a*W(ed Ay th* I', s

OovanuaMt;aada*0»a*ctwartb«A*ra*(ALr. b u glRRorder*that MSUWSCtkat .MSi 1» U* deptm m«r>f, and^fhat, all Seals* on hand shall he test id b.i

baw*Jd*o»aAea V t t ^ S ^ r a a u U several' iT3LaV7-'*?'* . * * *»»*h*aa> a^a)a*,~,aA#rer all

'V&iJlL ^t»«*»«<b**wt», ,tev^iW|3rtt** hav: i 5 « f t • M I b « ? * , I l ? i^**raWrwssav^th***Aar -

%sl^$8£iMfr**& *9 tm: ** y a«


A*Tr i t i »w^«L5^

n n u A T T g t n i T O U L W « B K I> TV hltltee e/ Btulnesson aad after this date f»,

JJeaJaraUenU-npald to repairing Water Works Ii, .. It* branches. rAimrrs wktblng to conduct water txou rpriags tb tbatr AvaUlDgs are nottaed that he Is prep. , , . to furnish pip* and do the plumbing oo short notice sa J

kble ttiaW. . Office hj Hortou1. Block. a|





V*-: "r ^^sWfWiiitoiffcS^