ibm lotus domino administrator training

What is Domino Domain and What is Domino Domain and Domino Directory? Domino Directory? A Domino domain is a collection of Domino servers and users that share a common Domino Directory. The Domino Directory is a directory of users, servers, groups, and other entities. The primary function of the Domino domain is mail routing. Users‘ domains are determined by the location of their server-based mail files.

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What is Domino Domain and What is Domino Domain and Domino Directory?Domino Directory?

A Domino domain is a collection of Domino servers and users that share a common Domino Directory.

The Domino Directory is a directory of users, servers, groups, and other entities.

The primary function of the Domino domain is mail routing.

Users‘ domains are determined by the location of their server-based mail files.

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New Domino Server LicensingNew Domino Server Licensing

Domino Messaging Server This is the Domino server that provides messaging services. It allows access to the messaging and calendar functions of

Domino. This option includes the partitioning feature that allows

customers to have multiple instances of Domino servers on the same machine.

Note that it does not include support for application services or Domino clusters.

Use this server for e-mail, calendar and scheduling, and if you do not need clustered servers.

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Domino Enterprise Server The Domino server that provides both messaging and

application services, with support for Domino clusters.

It provides access to full collaborative functions of Domino as well as the messaging and calendaring features of the Domino Messaging server.

Use this server for applications and messaging and if you need clustered servers.

Domino Utility Server The Domino server that provides access to

application services only, with support for Domino clusters.

Note that it does not include support for messaging services.

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The Domino Utility Server is a new installation type for Lotus Domino 6 that removes client access license requirements.

Use this server for applications where mail is not required.

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First server SetupFirst server Setup

The Domino server is supported on Windows

NT /2000,Several types of Unix (including Sun Solaris, HP-UX, and IBM AIX), AS/400,OS/2,

and Linux.Before you install and set up the first Domino server,

you must plan server and organizational naming and security.

You must understand your existing network configuration and know how Domino will fit into

the network

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Run the setup program by selecting SETUP.EXE from your server install directory (either from a CD or a local drive); click Next for the next screen.

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License Agreement screen Use the Page Down key to read the complete license

agreement. If you agree click Yes, which is selected by default.

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Specify your registration information, such as your name and your company’s name, and click Next to continue.

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Select the installation directory for both your program directory and your data directory. Click Next to continue.

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Select the type of Domino server to install. Choose among the three displayed server installation

types. The default setting is Domino Messaging Server; in our case we selected the Domino Enterprise server.

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End of Domino installation. The Domino install process is ready to install code.

You can specify a Program group where you can launch your Domino server later if you don’t want to start it as a service. By default the selection is Lotus Applications.

Click Next to complete the installation process.

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After the progress bar reaches 100%,

the Congratulations screen is displayed. Click Finish to exit the installation.

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Configuring the First ServerConfiguring the First ServerThe installation setup is the first process. After you

complete the installation, you need to configure the server. Click Start->Program->select Lotus Domino Server.

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Click Next

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First or Additional serverFirst or Additional serverSet up First server or Stand-alone server

This will setup a new Domino server and new domino domain

Setup an additional server This will setup a additional server into an existing

Domino Domain. This requires that the server is already registered in the Domino Directory.

Since we are configuring first server so select first


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Click Next.

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Provide server name and Title. You must provide unique name for your domino

server. Setup recommends that you use the computer’s host name as the server name.

Title is optional.

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Choose your Organization name. The organization is usually your company name.

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Choose the domino domain name. Domino domain can be the same as the Organization


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Specify an Administrator name and Password To create the Administrator's id, You must provide

administrator’s name and Password. You can use name of specific person or a last name

Only to create a generic Administrator ID that can be used by several people.

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Internet services to the Domino server Select the Internet services this domino server will

Provide. Basic notes and Domino services are setup

by default (you always choose these option later in the Domino Directory).

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Domino Network settings. Setup automatically detects the port on this computer.

To additional port Click Customize.

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Secure Your Domino server. Prohibits Anonymous access to all database and


• To increase the security and prevent unauthenticated access of database from the internet, setup recommends to configure Access Control List of all databases and templates to prohibit Anonymous access.

Add LocalDomainAdmins group to all databases and templates.

• For better managebility and Administration, setup will add the systemgroup “LocalDomainAdmins” with “Manager” Access to all databases and templates

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Click Next.

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Click on Setup

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Setup will start.

Click on Finish to Complete Server Configuration.

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Notes Client SetupNotes Client Setup

Domino has several methods of installation. Single User Client Installation.

• This installation is usually done from the CD or from files placed on the network.

Multi-user installation• This option is available only for Notes client installation.

Multi-user installation is not available for installing the Domino Administrator client or Domino Designer.

Shared installation• This option installs all program files to a file server

while the users' data files reside on their local workstations.

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Automated client installations (silent installation)

• This option can be used with or without a transform file depending on whether you want to customize the silent installation.

Single Client Installation steps. Run SETUP.EXE from Lotus Notes Release 6.5CD

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Accept License Agreement.

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Enter User name and Organization.

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Installation path selection.

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Select / De-select options as required.

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Click on Install to begin the Installation.

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Wait for the status bar to complete 100%.

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Click on Finish to complete the Installation.

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Client ConfigurationClient ConfigurationTo configure client you must usually know the name of

your server, your user name (or have your ID file), and your password.

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Enter your name and domino server name and

“I want to connect to Domino server”.

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You can connect directly to a Domino server if you are on a local area network (LAN), or you can connect by using a phone line.

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Domino server network information. Enter the Domino server name, Specific Network

Information and Server address (Host name or IP address).

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Enter the password for user.

De-select the Instant Messaging and Click Next.

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Select the services you would like to configure.

Click Finish.

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Organizational Unit Organizational Unit RegistrationRegistration

To create an Organizational unit (OU), Open Domino Administrator to the Configuration tab and select the Registration….Organizational Unit tool

When you register an OU, you use either the O or OU to certify the OU’s ID file.

In this case, you only use the O (the CERT.ID)Select the certifier ID to use o register the OU, and type

password.Select a Registration server----this should be the server

that contains the certification log.

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The ‘Use the CA process’ option to allows you to specify a certifier without access to the certifier ID file or certifier password.

Click on OK

Enter the Certifier Password

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Register Organizational Unit Certifier

Select the Registration Server Select which certifier ID to use to register the new

certifier ID.

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Set ID File (Optional) Click the Set ID file button if you want to

change the location where Domino stores the certifier ID.

By default the ID is stored in C:\.Organizational Unit:

A name for the new organizational unit.Certifier password

A case-sensitive password for the certifier. The characters you use for this password depend on the level set in Password Quality Scale.

Password Quality Scale Level of complexity and variety of characters

entered for the password. Domino sets the default value to 10.

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Mail certification requests to (Administrator) The name of the administrator who handles recertification

requests. The name specified here appears in the Certifier document in

the Domino Directory. If you are creating a certifier ID for an off-site administrator,

enter that administrator's name in this field. Location

(Optional) Text that appears in the Location field of the Certifier document.

Comment (Optional) Text that appears in the Comment field of the

Certifier document. Click On register to register the OU.

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User RegistrationUser Registration

It is highly likely that you will have more users than just your self in an Organization, so you will need to register user.

You may also migrate users from other system.You can register users using either the O certifier or any

OU certifier.You can use the Register People tool from the People

and Groups tab or the Registration.... Person tool from the Configuration tab to register new user into Organization.

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Basic RegistrationBasic RegistrationWhen you use the Basic Registration many Option are

set by default. In this you should provide name, password and other

basic information for the new user.

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Informations in the Basic Informations in the Basic registrationregistration

Registration Server Click Registration Server to change the registration

server, select the server that registers all new users, and then click OK.

If you have not defined a registration server in Administration Preferences, this server is by default one of these:

• The local server if it contains a Domino Directory.

• The server specified in NewUserServer setting of the NOTES.INI file.

• The Administration server.

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First name, Middle name, Last name. The user's first and last names and (if necessary)

middle name. The user's Short name and Internet address are

automatically generated. To change the Short name or Internet address, click

the appropriate space and enter the new text.

Password options. Click Password options to set a level for the

password in the Password Quality Scale. The default level is 8.

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Click the check box "Set Internet password" to give Internet users name and password access to a Domino server and to set an Internet password in the Person document.

Click "Synch Internet password with Notes ID password" to make the Internet password in the Person document the same as the Notes password. This is a requirement for users who want to use Domino Web Access to read encrypted mail or work offline.

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Mail system. Click to change the user's mail system from the

default of Lotus Notes to an Internet-based system or Domino Web Access.

Explicit policy. Select the explicit policy to apply to this user.

Enable Roaming for this person. Click to enable roaming capabilities for this user.

Doing so enables the Roaming tab.Create a Notes ID for this person.

Click to create a Notes ID for this person during the registration process.

Import Text File. Use this button if you registering users via a text file.

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Advanced RegistrationAdvanced RegistrationYou can also choose Advance Option and complete all

the configuration yourself.With advance registration you can Internet domain, and

password, mail file name, and the location, mail server and other items.

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Mail TabMail Tab

Mail system. Choose one of the available mail types and complete

the necessary associated fields:

• Lotus Notes (default)

• Other Internet



• Domino Web Access

• Other

• None

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If you select Lotus Notes, POP, or IMAP, the Internet address is automatically generated.

If you select Other Internet, POP, or IMAP, the Internet password is set by default.

If you select Domino Web Access, you can change other user registration selections to Domino Web Access defaults by clicking Yes when prompted.

If you select Other or Other Internet, enter a forwarding address. This address is the user's current address, where the user wants mail to be sent.

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Mail server. The user's mail server. If you have not defined a mail

server in Administration Preferences, this server is (by default) the local server if it contains a Domino Directory; otherwise, it is the Administration server.

Mail file name. By default, the path and file name are mail\

<firstinitial><first7charactersoflastname>.nsf.Create file now/Create file in background.

Create file now (default) Create file in background - Creating mail files in the

background forces the Administration Process to create the files and saves time during the user registration process.

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Mail file template. A mail template from the list of available mail

templates. For a description of the template, select the template

and click About. The default is Mail(R6) (MAIL6.NTF).

Create full text index. Click to generate a full-text index of the mail database.

Mail file replicas. Click to open the Mail Replica Creation Options

dialog box on which you can select the servers to which the mail file will replicate.

This option only applies to clustered servers.

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Mail file owner access. Select the level of access in the access control list to assign to

the user of the mail database from the Mail file owner access list.

By default, mail users have Editor with Delete documents access to their own mail files; all other users have no access.

This option can be used to prevent mail users and/or owners from deleting their own mail file.

Set database quota. Click to enable, and then specify a size limit (maximum of

10GB) for a user's mail database. Set warning threshold.

Click to generate a warning when the user's mail database reaches a certain size.

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Address TabAddress Tab Internet address.

The Internet e-mail address assigned to this user. Internet Domain.

The domain to be used in the Internet address.Address name format.

The format of the Internet address. The default format is FirstNameLastName@Internet domain without a separator -- for example, [email protected].

Separator. The character inserted between names and initials in

the Internet address. The default is None.

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ID Info TabID Info Tab

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Create a Notes ID for this person. Click to create a Notes ID for this user.

Use CA process. Click to use the Lotus Domino 6 server-based

certification authority (CA) to register this user. The certifier ID and password will not be needed to

complete the user registration process if you use the Lotus Domino 6 CA.

Certifier ID. To change to a different certifier ID, click Certifier

ID, select the new ID, enter the password, and then click OK.

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Security type. Choose either North American or International. The security type determines the type of ID file created and

affects encryption when sending and receiving mail and encrypting data. North American is the stronger of the two types.

Certification expiration date. The default is two years from the current date.

Location for storing user ID. In Domino Directory (default). The ID file is stored as an

attachment to the user's Person document. In file(default location: datadirectory>\ids\people\ In mail file. This option is only available with Domino Web


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Group TabGroup TabAssign person to groupsSelected groups

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Roaming TabRoaming Tab

Put roaming user files on mail server. Click to store the user's roaming information on the

same server used for mail.

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Roaming Server. Click Roaming Server to open the Choose Roaming

User Files Server dialog box on which you specify the server that stores the user's roaming information.

If you select Put roaming user files on mail server, the Roaming Server defaults to the user's mail server.

Personal roaming folder. The subdirectory that contains the user's roaming

information. By default, this is based on the sub-folder format you specify, but you can customize it.

Sub-folder format. This determines the default Personal roaming folder

for each user.

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Create roaming files now/Create roaming files in background. Create file now – Default. Create roaming files in background - Click to create

the user's roaming files the next time the Administration Process runs.

Clean-up option. Choose one of the following roaming user client

clean-up options. Clean-up will only occur on clients that have been

installed and configured for multiple users.Roaming Replicas.

This option only applies to clustered servers.

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Other TabOther Tab

Setup profile. Name of an R5 User Setup profile to assign.

Unique org unit. A word that distinguishes two users who have the same name

and are certified by the same certifier ID.

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Location. Departmental or geographical location of the user.

Local administrator. The name of a user who has Author access to the

Domino Directory but who does not have the UserModifier role.

This setting allows the local administrator to edit Person documents.

Alternate name language. Choice of alternate name language. The certifier ID

used to register this user must contain the alternate name language for it to appear here.

Alternate name. The alternate name of the user.

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Alternate org unit. A word that distinguishes two users who have the

same name and are certified by the same certifier ID.Preferred language.

Choose a preferred language for the user.Windows User Options.

Opens the "Add Person to Windows NT/2000" dialog box on which you can specify whether to add the user to Windows NT and/or the Windows 2000 Active Directory.

Enter the Windows account name for the user, and select the name of the Windows NT/2000 group to which you are adding the user.

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Using GroupsUsing Groups

For ease of in your Access Control List, server documents, and for mailing use you will want to have variety of group available in your Domino Directory.

You can create Groups view by opening and selecting the Add Group action button or using create Group tool.

When Creating a Group, you must give the group name, type, and members.

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Group TypeGroup TypeMulti-Purpose.

‘Multi-Purpose’ groups are the default group type. They can be used for access control and Email

purpose.Access Control List.

‘Access Control List’ groups are used for database and server access authentication only.

They can not be used for e-mail purpose.Mail Only.

‘Mail Only’ groups are used for e-mail purpose only. They cannot be used for Access Control List (ACL).

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Server Only. ‘Server Only’ groups can be used for connection

documents and in the Domino Administrator Client’s Domain Bookmarks for grouping purposes.

Deny List Only. ‘Deny List Only’ groups are used for server access

control only. They are only visible to administrators They can not be used for any other purpose.

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Notes Named NetworkNotes Named Network

Notes Named Networks are determined by two Characteristics: The Same protocol. Constant connectivity.

A Notes named network is a grouping of servers that share a LAN protocol and are connected by a LAN or by modem connections.

If the two servers are in the same Notes named network, the Router immediately routes the message from the MAIL.BOX file on the sender’s server to the MAIL.BOX file on the recipient’s server.

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Configuring Notes named network

From the Domino Administrator, select the server you just set up.

Click the Configuration tab. Expand the Server section in the view pane. Click Current Server Document. Click Edit Server, and then click the Ports - Notes

Network Ports tab. In the Notes Network field for each port, enter a new

name for the server's Notes named network. The name can include space characters.

Click Save and Close.

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Connection DocumentConnection Document

Connection documents have two parts, a network part and a schedule part.

The network part defines the connection: which server to connect to and how that connection is made.

The schedule part determines when to perform activities such as replication and routing to a particular server.

If the two servers are in different Notes named networks, the Router on the sender’s server needs to find a connection between the two networks.

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A Connection document specifies the sending and receiving servers, when and how to connect, and what tasks — such as, replication and mail routing — to perform during the connection.

Connection documents specify connections in one direction and are generally found in pairs.

For example, one Connection document schedules a connection from Server A to Server B, and another Connection document schedules a connection from Server B to Server A.

After the Router finds a connection between the two Notes named networks, it routes the mail to the next server along the connection path.

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Creating Connection documents From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration

tab. Click Server, and then click Connections. Click Add Connection. Complete the following Fields

• Connection Type

• Source server

• Source domain

• Use the port (s):

• Usage priority :

• Destination server

• Destination domain

• Optional network address.

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Routing TableRouting Table

When you start the Router on a server, it gathers information from the Connection, Domain, and Server documents in the Domino Directory.

When a user sends mail to a recipient in the local domain, the Router looks in the Domino Directory (or a secondary directory) for the recipient’s Person document, which lists the recipient’s home server.

The Router consults the routing table to determine the optimal (least-cost) path to that server and routes the message along that path.

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The Router uses information in Server, Domain, and Connection documents to create the routing tables.

A LAN connection has low cost; a dialup modem connection has high cost.

By default, each LAN connection has a cost of 1, while each dialup modem connection has a cost of 5

The routing tables reside in memory and are dynamic. When you restart the server or modify a Connection,

Server, Configuration Settings, or Domain document, the Router rebuilds the routing tables.

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Router TasksRouter Tasks load router

The Router task starts and begins routing and delivering mail

Tell Router Delivery Stats Shows Router delivery statistics.

Tell Router Show Queues Shows mail held in transfer queues to specific


>tell router quit/Exit This shuts down the Router. Mail accumulates in

MAIL.BOX, since other servers and clients continue to deposit mail, but the Router does not deliver or transfer the messages.

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Tell Router Compact Compacts MAIL.BOX and cleans up open Router

queues. You can use this command to compact MAIL.BOX at any time. If more than one MAIL.BOX is configured for the server, each MAIL.BOX database will be compacted in sequence.

By default, MAIL.BOX is automatically compacted at

4 AM.

Tell Router Update Config Updates the server's routing tables to immediately

modify how messages are routed.

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MAIL.BOXMAIL.BOXDomino mail servers use a MAIL.BOX database to hold

messages that are in transit. Mail clients and other servers use SMTP or Notes

routing protocols to deposit messages into MAIL.BOX. The Router on each server checks the address of each

message in MAIL.BOX and either delivers the message to a local mail file or transfers it to the MAIL.BOX database on another server.

The Router on the server reads the messages and either delivers them to a mail file on that server or transfers them to the MAIL.BOX database on another server.

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you can improve server performance by creating multiple MAIL.BOX databases on a server.

Using multiple MAIL.BOX databases removes contention for MAIL.BOX, allows multiple concurrent processes to act on messages, and increases server throughput.

Having multiple MAIL.BOX databases provides failover in the event that one MAIL.BOX becomes corrupted.

To create multiple MAIL.BOX databases Make sure you already have a Configuration Settings

document for the server (s) to be configured.

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From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

Click Configurations. Select the Configuration Settings document for the

mail server or servers you want to restrict mail on and click Edit Configuration.

Click the Router/SMTP - Basics tab. Complete the ”Number of Mailboxes” field and then

save the document

Note:- If this field is blank, one mailbox is used. You can Configure a maximum of ten mailboxes.

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Commonly used Mail ProtocolsCommonly used Mail ProtocolsSMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol)

Specifies a protocol for sending e-mail messages between hosts, although with the use of Domain Name Service (DNS) and Mail eXchange (MX) records, it can be thought of as sending e-mail messages to users between domains.

Most e-mail systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to another.

In addition, SMTP is generally used to send messages from a mail client to a mail server.

Any host that supports SMTP can also act as an SMTP relay, in which case it can forward messages to another SMTP host.

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POP (The Post Office Protocol). The Post Office Protocol, Version 3 (POP3) is used

to pick up e-mail across a network. Not all computer systems that use e-mail are

connected to the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Some users dial into a service provider on an as-needed basis, while others may be connected to a LAN with a permanent connection but may not always be powered on.

In cases such as these, the e-mail addressed to the users on these systems is sent to a central e-mail post office system where it is held for the user until they can pick it up.

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POP3 allows a user to log onto an e-mail post office system across the network.

The post office system authenticates the user using an ID and password, allows mail to be downloaded, and optionally allows the user to delete the mail located on the central post office system.

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol, version

4; ) is a newer protocol, used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail messages from a mail server and work with the mailboxes on the server.

The latest version, IMAP4, is similar to POP3 but offers additional and more sophisticated features. With IMAP, for example, it is possible to work with the e-mail on the server, and sort and manage the e-mail in server-side folders.

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Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) MIME is a specification for formatting non-ASCII

messages so that they can be sent over the Internet.

MIME extends the specification by allowing binary data to be repackaged in text form and transmitted over the Internet in mail messages that are compliant with the original specification.

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Mail RoutingMail Routing Planning Mail Routing

Domino presents many possibilities for configuring your mail system infrastructure, whether you want to use Notes routing, SMTP routing, or both, for internal and external messages.

Before you set up mail routing, there are a number of decisions and factors to consider:

• How clients access the server

• How internal mail routes

• How external mail routes When you plan a mail routing topology, consider the types of

clients that will access the Domino server. Domino supports Notes, IMAP, POP3, NNTP, and Web


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Notes clients Notes clients access the server via Notes protocols, POP3,

IMAP, and NNTP. IMAP clients

IMAP clients access mail on the server via IMAP and send mail to the server via SMTP.

POP3 clients POP3 clients access mail on the server via POP3 and send

mail to the server via SMTP. NNTP clients

NNTP clients access news groups and discussion databases on the server via the Domino NNTP service.

Web clients Web clients access mail on the server via the Domino HTTP

service and send mail via SMTP using the Domino HTTP service and the Router.

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Internal mail Routing. For mail within your organization and local Internet

domains, decide how clients will access their mail files on Domino servers and how the servers will route mail to each other.

The Router uses both SMTP and Notes protocols to route mail and handles both MIME and Notes format messages.

Notes clients use Notes protocols, which are enabled by default with the Notes client, to access mail on a Domino server.

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To use Notes protocols for mail, enable: Internet client access protocols on all mail servers.

Notes client access protocols are enabled by default. The Router on each server. The SMTP listener task in the Server document of

each server you want to receive mail via SMTP. The option “SMTP allowed within the local Internet

domain” for “MIME messages only” in the Configuration Settings Document for each server you want to send mail via SMTP.

If your servers are in more than one Notes named network, enable “Servers within the local Notes domain are reachable via SMTP over TCPIP” in the Configuration document for each server you want to send and receive mail via SMTP.

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External mail Routing. To route mail to external Internet domains, you must

set up at least one server to connect to the Internet and route mail over SMTP. You can choose how many servers route mail directly to the Internet.

All mail servers route mail directly to external Internet domains In this configuration, every mail server connects to

the Internet and runs the TCP/IP network protocol. Each server has the setting “SMTP used when

sending messages outside of the local Internet domain” enabled in its Configuration Settings Document.

When a user sends a message to a recipient in an external Internet domain, the Router looks up the domain in the Domain Name Service (DNS) and uses SMTP to connect to the receiving server in that domain.

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Only designated mail servers route mail directly to external Internet domains. In this configuration, a few designated mail servers

connect to the Internet.

Other mail servers route messages addressed to recipients in external Internet domains to these servers.

To set this up using SMTP, configure the servers that are connected to the Internet as relay hosts.

To set this up using Notes protocols, create Foreign SMTP Domain and SMTP Connection documents.

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Only one server routes mail directly to external Internet domains In this configuration, one designated mail server

connects to the Internet. Other mail servers route messages addressed to

recipients in external Internet domains to this server. To set this up using SMTP, configure the server that

is connected to the Internet as a relay host. Enter the host name in the “Relay host for messages

leaving the local Internet domain” field in the Configuration Settings document for all servers that do not connect directly to the Internet.

To set this up using Notes protocols, create a Foreign SMTP Domain document and an SMTP Connection document.

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Dial-up connection. Your organization may connect to the Internet and

external Internet domains through a dialup connection — for example, to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). To set up a dialup connection in your Domino mail system, create a Notes Direct Dialup Connection document and then configure how Domino exchanges messages over that connection.

Relay host You may want to route all mail for recipients in

external Internet domains through a certain server or servers — for example, through a firewall server. Set up a relay host to which the Router forwards all mail for recipients in external Internet domains. The relay host then connects to the recipient’s domain and routes the message.

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Sample mail routing configurations

These sample mail routing configurations represent typical messaging implementations, however other configurations are possible. Use these sample configurations to help you plan and refine the messaging infrastructure in your organization:

• Use one server for all Internet messages

• Use one server for inbound and one server for outbound messages

• Use two servers to balance Internet mail load

• Set up mail routing in the local Internet domain

• Set up mail routing between a third-party server and Domino in the same Internet domain

• Use a smart host

• Use all servers to route outbound mail and one to route internal mail

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Shared mailShared mailyou can set up a shared mail database on each mail

server.A shared mail database is a space-saving feature that

stores a single copy of mail messages that are addressed to multiple recipients.

When multiple recipients whose mail files are on the same server receive a message, the shared mail database stores the message content, while each recipient’s mail file stores the message header.

When a recipient opens a message, a link between the mail file and the shared mail database causes the message to appear in its entirety.

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Users can delete, reply, change the view or folder, edit, save, resend, and perform all the same tasks on a mail message stored in a shared mail database as they would with the same message stored in their own mail files.

Each user can edit, save, and resend the original message, without affecting how the message is presented to the other users.

Shared mail works for all messages, regardless of the mail client used to compose the message.

That means that users who use a POP3, IMAP, or Notes mail client and who have a mail file on the Domino mail server can all use shared mail.

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How shared mail works? The Router on a server receives a mail message

addressed to two or more recipients whose mail files are on that server.

The Router splits the incoming message into two parts: the header and the content. The header consists of the message’s To, cc, bcc, Subject, and From fields. The content contains the body of the message, along with any file attachments.

The Router stores copy of the header in each recipient’s mail file and stores a single copy of the content in the shared mail database.

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When the recipient opens the message, the header activates a link to the message content, which is stored in the shared mail database. The message appears as though the entire message is stored in the recipient’s mail file.

If the recipient deletes a shared message, Domino deletes only the header in the recipient’s mail file. The content is not affected because it is stored in the shared mail database.

After all of the recipients delete the message header from their mail files, the Object Collect task runs and purges the obsolete message, including the content from the shared mail database. This task runs daily at 2 AM, by default.

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Setting up a shared mail database Before you create the shared mail database, decide

where to locate it. The shared mail database must reside within the

logical directory structure that is controlled by the server.

The database may become quite large, so make sure that the directory you choose has enough free disk space to accommodate future growth.

If you choose a directory that is not a subdirectory of the Domino data directory, you must create a link to point to the shared mail database.

Otherwise, the next time the server starts, it will not be able to locate the shared mail database.

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The Router can only route incoming mail to one shared mail database. Therefore, you use only one active shared mail database at a time.

Once a message is stored in a shared mail database, it remains there until the message is purged

If the shared mail database becomes too large, create a new shared mail database and direct the Router to use it.

The links between the user’s mail and the original shared mail database continue to work, but the new shared mail database will store all new shared mail messages.

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server Commandsserver CommandsOverview

The server console displays server events as they happen and responds to commands you enter at the prompt.

For certain commands, such as Load, the server doesn’t issue a response to the console. Instead, the server’s log file (LOG.NSF) records the results of these commands.

You can view the log file from the Server - Analysis tab in the Domino Administrator.

You can also use the Domino Administrator to issue server commands that affect a remote server.

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There are several ways to enter server commands: Enter commands from the console Enter commands from the Domino Administrator Run a batch file of console commands (UNIX only) Use the Domino Character Console to

access the server consoleEntering server commands from the console

Double-click the Domino server icon if the server isn’t running, or switch to the console.

Press ENTER to display the console prompt (>). Enter a server command.

Note:-If a command parameter contains a space, enclose it in quotation marks - for example: Pull "Acme Server"

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To save time and space at the command line, enter the abbreviation for the server command. You can also press the Up arrow to display a command that you previously entered.

Press CTRL+Q or PAUSE to stop the screen display and suspend access to the server and events in process.

Press CTRL+R to resume display and access to the server.

Press CTRL+R (or ENTER) to restore a command line.

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Entering server commands from the Domino Administrator From the Domino Administrator, click the Server -

Status tab. Click Console. Do one of the following:

• Enter a command at the command prompt.

• Click Commands, and then select a command.

• Choose the command from the list, and then send or modify it.

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Domino Server TasksDomino Server TasksServer tasks perform complex administration


You can run a server task manually, by loading the task at the server console. Or you can run the task automatically when the server starts by adding the name of the task to the ServerTasks or ServerTasksAt settings in the NOTES.INI file.

you can create a Program document in the Domino Directory to run a task at scheduled intervals.

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Tell Adminp Process All Processes all new and modified immediate, interval,

daily, and delayed requests. This command doesn’t override timed requests execution time.

Tell Amgr Run Runs the agents that you designate with these

arguments: "db name" 'agent name' • Example: Tell Amgr Run "DatabaseName.nsf"

'AgentName‘Tell Amgr Schedule

Shows the schedule for all agents scheduled to run for the current day.

Tell Collector Collect Runs a statistic collection on all the servers specified

and generates statistic reports.

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Tell Router Delivery Stats Shows Router delivery statistics.

Tell Clrepl Log Records information in the server log (LOG.NSF)

immediately, instead of waiting for the next log interval.

Dbcache Flush Closes all databases that are currently open in the

database cache.Load Calconn

Processes requests for free-time information from another server.

Load Clrepl Performs database replication in a cluster.

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Load Fixup Locates and fixes corrupted databases.

Load http Enables a Domino server to act as a Web server so

browser clients can access databases on the server. load imap

Enables a Domino server to act as a maildrop for IMAP clients.

Show users Displays a list of all users who have established

sessions with the server.Show Stat

Displays a list of server statistics for disk space, memory, mail, replication, andnetwork activity.

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Show Server Shows server status information including the server

name, data directory on the server, time elapsed since server startup, transaction statistics, and the status of shared, pending, and dead mail.

Show Port portname Displays traffic and error statistics and the resources

used on the network adapter card or communications port.

Show Directory Lists all database files in the data directory and

specifies whether the data directory contains multiple replicas of a database.

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Show Cluster Displays the local server’s cluster name cache, which

includes a list of all cluster members and their status, based on information received during the server’s cluster probes.

Set Secure currentpassword After you password-protect the console, you can’t

use the Load, Tell, Exit, Quit, and Set Configuration server commands or other programs that aren’t run automatically through Program documents in the Domino Directory or through the NOTES.INI file until you enter the password.

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Database ReplicationDatabase ReplicationReplication

Replication is the process of keeping data in multiple replica copies of a database synchronized.

There is a server- to- server replication as well as server- to – workstation replication.

Replicas To make a database available to users in different

locations, on different networks, or in different time zones, you create replicas.

All replicas share a replica ID which is assigned when the database is first created.

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The file names of two replicas can be different, and each replica can contain different documents or have a different database design; however, if their replica IDs are identical, replication can occur between them.

To ensure that the content in all replicas remains synchronized, you use Connection documents to schedule replication between the servers that store the replicas.

Using replicas and scheduling replication reduces network traffic.

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Types of ReplicationTypes of Replication

When you choose replication direction, you identify which server(s) send and receive changes.

Pull-Push Pull-Push is the default replication direction, is a

two-way process in which the calling server pulls updates from the answering server and then pushes its own updates to the answering server.

Using Pull-Push, the replicator task on the calling server performs all the work.

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Pull-Pull Pull-Pull is a two-way process in which two servers

exchange updates. Using Pull-Pull, two replicators — one on the calling server and one on the answering server — share the work of replication.

Push-only Push-only is a one-way process in which the calling

server pushes updates to the answering server. One-way replication always takes less time than two-way replication.

Pull-only Pull-only is a one-way process in which the calling

server pulls updates from the answering server. One-way replication always takes less time than two-way replication.

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Replication ProcessReplication ProcessThe Replicator remains idle until Server A initiates

replication to Server B.As a security precaution before replication, the two

servers authenticate their identities in an exchange involving their public and private keys. First, the two servers find a certificate in common. Next, they test each other’s certificate to ensure it is authentic.

The two servers compare lists of databases to identify databases with identical replica IDs.

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The servers check the time when each database was last modified to see if that time is more recent than the date of the last successful replication event recorded in the replication history. This step enables servers to determine that a database needs to be replicated.

For each modified database, both servers build a list of the document, design element, and ACL changes that occurred since the last replication with the other server.

For each modified database, Server A checks the database ACL to determine what changes Server B can make to its replica, and Server B checks the ACL to determine what changes Server A can make to its replica.

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The transfer of document, design, and ACL changes takes place. For documents, the servers replicate only the fields that have changed, rather than replicating the entire documents. For documents that were deleted, deletion stubs remain, enabling the replicator to replicate the deletions. To save disk space, Domino removes these deletion stubs according to the purge interval that is set in the database replication settings.

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One of the following occurs: If replication completes successfully, Server A uses

the time stamp from Server B to record in the replication history the time when replication was completed. Server B uses the time stamp from Server A to do the same.

If replication fails to complete successfully, the time stamps aren’t recorded in the replication history so that future replications use the earlier time stamp. The replication failure is recorded in the Replication Events view of the log file.

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Basic Tab

• Choose “Normal” to force the server to use the network information in the current Connection document to make the connection.

Source server• The name of the calling server.

Source domain• The name of the calling server’s domain

Use the Port(s)• The name of the network port (or protocol) that the calling server uses.

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Connection documents for Connection documents for replicationreplication

Basic Tab Usage Priority

• Choose “Normal” to force the server to use the network information in the current Connection document to make the connection.

Source server• The name of the calling server

Source domain• The name of the calling server’s domain

Use the Port(s)• The name of the network port (or protocol) that the

calling server uses.

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Destination server

• The name of the answering server. You can also specify a Group name that contains server names so that the Source server replicates with each server listed in the group you specify.

Destination domain

• The name of the answering server’s domainRouting / Replication Tab

Replication task

• Choose Enabled Replicate databases of Priority

• Choose one:

• High

• Medium & High

• Low & Medium & High (default)

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Replication type

• Choose one:

• Pull Pull

• Pull Push (default)

• Pull Only

• Push OnlySchedule tab,


• Choose Enabled Call at times

• The times between which you want replication to occur each day; the default is 8 AM - 10 PM.

• The number of minutes between replication attempts; the default is 360 minutes

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Days of week

• The days of the week to use this replication schedule; the default is Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

Console Comman. PULL ServerName DataBaseName PUSH ServerName DataBaseName Replicate ServerName DataBaseName for Pull –


Note:- You can not initiate Pull-Pull replication from

server console.

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The Domino Security ModelThe Domino Security Model

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Physical SecurityPhysical SecurityPhysically securing servers and databases is just as

important as preventing unauthorized user and server access.

It is strongly recommend that you locate all Domino servers in a ventilated, secure area, such as a locked room.

If servers are not secure, unauthorized users might circumvent security features — for example, ACL settings — and access applications on the server, use the operating system to copy or delete files, or physically damage the server hardware itself.

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Network SecurityNetwork Security

Network security applies to the technologies and equipment that permit the communication of data between devices.

This can be communications between servers; it can be also between clients and servers.

In regard to the client/server communications, it can be from a Notes client to a Domino server or a Web browser to a Domino server.

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Server securityServer securityThis is the first level of security that Domino enforces

after a user or server gains access to the server on the network.

You can specify which users and servers have access to the server and restrict activities on the server — for example, you can restrict who can create new replicas and use passthru connections.

Certain task to restrict the activities that users and servers may perform on the server are given below. Allow or deny access to a server

• Specify which Notes users and Domino servers are authorized to access the server.

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Cross-certify Notes user IDs and Domino server and certifier IDs• Allow Notes users and Domino servers in different

hierarchically certified organizations to ascertain the identity of users and servers in other Notes organizations.

Allow anonymous server access• Give server access to Notes users and Domino servers

outside of the organization without issuing a cross- certificate.

Allow access to create new databases or replicas• Allow specified Notes users and Domino servers to

create databases and replica databases on the server. Control access to a server’s network port

• Allow specified Notes users and Domino servers to access the server over a port.

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Encrypt server’s network port• Encrypt data sent from the server’s network port to

prevent network eavesdropping. Password protect the server console

• Prevent unauthorized users from entering commands at the server console.

Restrict access to the Web Administrator• Specify which Internet/intranet users can use the Web

Administrator to administer a server from a browser. Secure the server with name-and-password

authentication• Identify Internet and intranet users accessing the

server and control access to applications based on the user name.

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Application securityApplication securityAfter users and servers gain access to another server,

you can use the database access control list (ACL) to restrict access that specific users and servers have to individual applications on the server.

In addition, to provide data privacy, encrypt the database with an ID so unauthorized users cannot access a locally stored copy of the database, sign or encrypt mail messages users send and receive, and sign the database or template to protect workstations from formulas.

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ID securityID securityA Notes or Domino ID uniquely identifies a user or

server.Domino uses the information in IDs to control the

access that users and servers have to other servers and applications.

One of the responsibilities of the administrator is to protect IDs and make sure that unauthorized users do not use them.

Some sites may require multiple administrators to enter passwords before gaining access to a certifier or server ID file.

This prevents one person from controlling an ID.

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Following are tasks apply to Notes users and Domino servers. Require a password for all user and server IDs

• Prevent an unauthorized user from using an illicitly obtained ID to authenticate with a server.

Enforce password quality testing for IDs

• Prevent unauthorized users from guessing passwords.

Assign multiple passwords to server and certifier IDs

• Require multiple users to enter passwords before gaining access to the ID file to prevent one person from controlling a server or certifier ID.

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Recover lost or damaged IDs or forgotten passwords

• Regain access to a user ID file instead of issuing a new ID.

Lock the user ID after x minutes of inactivity

• Automatically log off servers to prevent an unauthorized user from using the workstation.

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ID and password recoveryID and password recovery If you have ID and password recovery in place, when a

user loses an ID file or forgets the password to the ID file, a group of administrators can work together to recover the ID file.

Losing an ID file normally prevents users from accessing servers and reading messages and other data that they encrypted with the ID.

Using the ID file recovery feature, administrators can prevent this loss of access and prevent unauthorized users from illicitly recovering IDs.

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Setting up ID and password Setting up ID and password recoveryrecovery

Before users can recover their ID files, you must set up a centralized mail or mail-in database to store encrypted backups of ID files and specify information about which administrators are allowed to recover IDs. You must perform these steps before anyone loses or corrupts an ID. Create a mail or mail-in database on a server that all

users and servers can access. You can use any template to create the database.

In the database ACL, set the - Default - access to No access and give administrators Reader access.

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From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab, and then click Certification.

Select the certifier ID file, and then enter the password.

Click Add and select the names of the administrators who are authorized to recover ID files.

Click Address and select the e-mail address for the mail or mail-in database that will store the encrypted back up ID files.

Enter the number of administrators required to unlock an ID file.

Click OK. If user IDs do not already contain recovery

information, complete the procedure “Preparing IDs for recovery.”

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Preparing IDs for recoveryPreparing IDs for recoveryAfter you specify recovery information in the certifier

ID, when you register users, the user IDs automatically contain recovery information.

However, if you specified recovery information after generating user IDs, users must update their user IDs with recovery information supplied by the administrator.

Updating IDs with recovery information automatically sends an encrypted backup of the user ID to the centralized mail or mail-in database.

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How to send recovery How to send recovery information to the user?information to the user?

From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab, and then click Certification.

Click Edit Recovery Information.Select the certifier ID file, and then enter the password.Choose Export, and then enter the certifier ID’s

password. In ‘To’ field Enter the name of user and groups whose

ID files you want to backup.

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How to accept recovery How to accept recovery information in the ID file?information in the ID file?

After the administrator sends the recovery information, open the message in your mail database.

Choose Actions - Accept Recovery Information, and then enter your password.

In ‘To’ field Name of the mail or mail-in database that will store the backup copy of your ID. Domino enters the name of the database specified by your administrator.

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Administration ProcessAdministration Process

The Administration Process is a program that automates many routine administrative tasks.

For example, if you delete a user, the Administration Process locates that user’s name in the Domino Directory and removes it, locates and removes the user’s name from ACLs, and makes any other necessary deletions for that user.

The Administration Process automates following tasks: Name-management tasks, such as rename person,

rename group, delete person, delete group, delete server name, recertify users, and store Internet certificate

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Mail-file-management tasks, such as delete mail file, and move a mail file.

Server-document-management tasks, such as store CPU count, platform, and place network protocol information in Server document

Administration servers Administration servers control how the

Administration Process does its work. You specify an Administration server for the

Domino Directory and for each database. By default, the first Domino server you set up in a

domain is the administration server for the Domino Directory.

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Administration Requests databaseAdministration Requests databaseThe Administration Process primarily interacts with the

Administration Requests database, which is created on the administration server for the Domino Directory when that server starts for the first time.

When other servers start, if the Administration Requests database does not exist, the server creates a replica stub of the Administration Requests database and waits for it to be initialized from another server in the domain.

Every server in the domain stores a replica of the Administration Requests database and the Domino Directory.

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Certification LogCertification LogTo use the Administration Process to perform name

changes and recertification's, you must set up the Certification Log (CERTLOG.NSF) on the server that stores the Domino Directory in which you will initiate the name change or recertification.

If the Certification Log exists on another server, move the Certification Log to the server containing the Domino Directory on which you are initiating the name change or recertification.

This log contains a permanent record of how you register servers and users, including information about the certifier ID.

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Setting up the Administration Setting up the Administration ProcessProcess

To set up the Administration Process, you must complete these tasks: Specify the administration server for the Domino

Directory in the domain. This is done during installation.

Specify an administration server for databases in the domain.

(Optional) Set up cross-domain processing to enable an administration server in one domain to export requests to and/or import requests from an administration server in another domain.

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Verify that the Administration Process is set up correctly. Set up ACLs for the Administration Process.

To specify an administration server for databases From the Domino Administrator, open the domain containing

the server with the database for which you are setting an administration server.

From the Servers pane, select the server containing the database you are setting as an administration server.

Click the Files tab and then select the database. From the Tools pane, click Tools - Manage ACL. Click Advanced.

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Complete these fields and then click OK: Choose one of these: Keep current Administration Server setting

• Select this setting to keep the current administration server setting. The database’s ACL is automatically updated when the Administration Process is run on the server.

• Deselect this setting and then choose “None” if you do not want an administration server assigned for the database, or select a new administration server from the drop down list. The database’s Access Control List is not automatically updated when the Administration Process runs.

Modify fields of type Reader or Author

• This field is active only when “Keep current Administration Server setting” is not selected.

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Choose one of these:

• Select to update the Readers and Authors fields for this database. This is recommended.

• Deselect is you do not want these fields updated. At the prompt, click OK.

Verifying that the Administration Process is set up correctly Open the Administration Requests database

(ADMIN4.NSF) on the administration server for the Domino Directory.

Verify that the request to add the server’s build number to the Server document exists.

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Sixty minutes after the Administration Process begins running, open the Administration Requests database again and look for a response document indicating that the Administration Process added the server’s build number to the Server document.

Open the Server document, and do the following:

a. From the Domino Administrator, click Configuration – Server Configuration - All Server Documents.

b. Choose the server whose document you want to open.

c. On the Basics tab, verify that the “Server build number” field contains a number .

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5. Complete the procedure, “Setting up ACLs for the Administration Process.”

Setting up ACLs for the Administration Process Each administrator who uses the Administration

Process to perform tasks must have the appropriate access rights and roles in the Domino Directory, (ADMIN4.NSF), and (CERTLOG.NSF).

For the Domino Directory, create an administrator group of type Person Group with Editor access, and list the administrators in the group.

For the ADMIN4.NSF, give Author access to most administrators. If an administration will be approving requests, give Editor access.

For the CERTLOG.NSF, give Author with Create documents access.

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Database ManagementDatabase ManagementUpdating database indexes

A view index is an internal filing system that Notes uses to build the list of documents to display in a database view or folder.

View indexes should be kept up-to-date so that information in views and folders stays synchronized with document updates.

A full-text index is an index of the text in a database. To perform advanced searches for text in a database,

users need an up-to-date full-text index that reflects the latest content of a database.

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You can use any of these methods to update database indexes: The Update task.

• Update is loaded at server startup by default and runs continually, checking its work queue for views and folders that require updating.

• When a view or folder change is recorded in the queue, Update waits approximately 15 minutes before updating all view indexes in the database so that the update can include any other database changes made during the 15-minute period.

• After updating view indexes in a database, it then updates all databases that have full-text search indexes set for immediate or hourly updates.

• When Update encounters a corrupted view index or full-text index, it rebuilds the view index or full-text index in an attempt to correct the problem. This means it deletes the view index or full-text index and rebuilds it.

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The Updall task.• Updall is similar to Update, but it doesn’t run continually

or work from a queue; instead you run Updall as needed.• You can specify options when you run Updall, but without

them Updall updates any view indexes or full-text search indexes on the server that need updating.

• Like Update, Updall rebuilds all corrupted view indexes and full-text search indexes that it encounters.

• By default Updall is included in the NOTES.INI setting serverTasksAt2, so it runs daily at 2 AM. Running Updall daily helps save disk space by purging deletion stubs and discarding unused view indexes.

Updall option. From console.

• Load updall databasepath options

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Using the Task - Start tool

• From the Domino Administrator, select the server on which to run Updall in the Server pane on the left. To expand the pane, click the servers icon on the left.

• Click the Server - Status tab

• In the task panel on the right, click Task - Start.

• Select “Update all.” Do not select “Update.”

• Do one of the following:

• To customize how Updall runs, click “Show advanced options,” click Start Task, specify options to customize how Updall runs, then click OK.

• To run Updall without options, deselect “Show advanced options” A nd then click Start Task.

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Keyboard shortcuts.

• F9 Updates the current view

• SHIFT+ F9 Rebuilds the current view

• CTRL+SHIFT+F9 Rebuilds all views in a database that are not built; updates all other views.

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Fixing Corrupt DatabaseFixing Corrupt Database

If you encounter database corruption in a database, you can use any of these methods to try to fix the problem.

When you restart a server, a few minutes after server startup is complete, the Fixup task then runs on these databases to attempt to fix any inconsistencies that resulted from partially written operations caused by a failure.

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Ways to run Fixup Command Manually. Run Fixup using the Fixup tool in the Files tab — use

this method to run Fixup on one or a few databases; you can easily select the databases and you don’t have to remember command-line options, but you can’t use the Domino Administrator until Fixup finishes.

Run Fixup using the Task - Start tool — use this method to run Fixup on all databases; you can continue to use the Domino Administrator while Fixup runs and you don’t have to remember command-line options.

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Run Fixup using a console command — use this method if you are comfortable using command-line options or to run Fixup directly at the server console when there isn’t a Domino Administrator client available. For Eg. > Load Fixup options.

You can Fixup on Scheduled basis using program document.

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Backing up Domino serverBacking up Domino serverBack up important Domino server files in case you

encounter errorsFollowing are the files need to be backed up.

Back up the data directory on your server (for example, C:\Lotus\Domino\Data). This backs up DESKTOP.DSK, all ID files (including the server ID and certifier IDs), LOG.NSF, NAMES.NSF, MAIL.BOX, and any other Public Address Books located on the server.

Back up the contents of any directories pointed to by links (DIR files) from your data directory.

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Back up the NOTES.INI file for the server. This file is located in the system directory by default (for example, C:\Lotus\Domino).

Back up any other Notes databases (NSF), Notes templates (NTF), and any databases pointed to by directory links (DIR).

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Guidelines to back up a Guidelines to back up a Domino serverDomino server

Back up all Domino server data files including databases, template files, the NOTES.INI file, and ID files. Following your company's standardized backup procedures, back up files directly to tape or to a file server and then to tape.

Never rely only on replication as your method of database backup.

A damaged or accidentally changed database may replicate, and then your only recourse is to recover the database from a server backup tape.

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Follow these guidelines to back up a Domino server: Domino requires that these files be open when it

runs: LOG.NSF, NAMES.NSF, MAIL.BOX and the server ID file. If your backup utility cannot back up open files, you must shut down the server before you create the backup file.

Copy the server ID file to a disk, and store the disk in a secure place.

Make a replica of the Domino Directory on a workstation and keep it up-to-date by replicating the local replica with the server replica.

If your system uses a shared mail database, back up the shared mail database (s) along with user mail files.

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Troubleshooting server CrashesTroubleshooting server CrashesHow to troubleshoot server crashesThe most common causes of server crashes are the

following: Low or depleted system resources High server workload Software problems Network problems Changes to network or operating system

environments Changes in hardware configuration — for Example,

upgraded NICs — or software configuration

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Collect system information: Domino server version Operating system version (SYSLEVEL information

if the operating system is OS/2, by typing SYSLEVEL at an OS/2 prompt).

Network type and version; network protocol(s) and version(s) (including file dates)

System level patches Server hardware Names of API programs and tasks, gateways, backup

programs, executable scripts, third-party programs.

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Note any changes to these elements of the Domino environment. If possible, revert to the previous configuration to determine if the problem still occurs. Operating system changes — for example, did you

upgrade the operating system or apply a new patch? Network changes — for example, did you add a new

router or upgrade the network software or firmware? Network interface card (NIC) changes — for

example, is the NIC new, or is the NIC software driver old and the operating system new?

Domino changes — for example, did you upgrade to a new release of Domino or migrate new users?

Other hardware or software changes.

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If possible, capture the last screen displayed on the console.

Stop all tasks running on the Domino server, and then stop the Domino server.

Restart the server.Check the Miscellaneous Events view in the log.

Record all entries that occurred immediately before and after the crash. To do this, double-click the appropriate entry to open it. In particular, look for an .NSF file in the entry, which may indicate where the crash occurred. If a particular database appears to have caused the crash, check the replication history of that database for additional information.

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10. Collect these configuration files: CONFIG.SYS - for OS/2 NOTES.INI - all platforms STARTUP.CMD - for OS/2 PROTOCOL.INI - for OS/2 NET.CFG - for OS/2 and NetWare AUTOEXEC.NCF - for NetWare STARTUP.NCF - for NetWare Windows diagnostics file - Windows NT

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Troubleshoot modems and Troubleshoot modems and remote connectionsremote connections

Restart the modem and the remote server or workstation. Doing this usually helps when the modem is behaves erratically — for example, if the modem dials invalid phone numbers, refuses legitimate modem commands, flashes the LEDs in irregular patterns, or displays other unusual behavior.

Make sure that the modem is the correct type and model for the server or workstation. If you think the hardware is damaged, replace the damaged part with one that you know is working. Make one change at time so that you can evaluate the effect.

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Check the modem configuration. Check the DIP switch settings, the telephone line, and option buttons on the modem.

Verify that you’re dialing the correct number. If you’re dialing from an office that requires it, be sure to precede the phone number with a 9 followed by a comma. Also, be sure to include a 1 and the area or country code. If you’re sure of the number, contact the remote server administrator to determine what the problem is.

Disable call-waiting. You can temporarily disable call-waiting for tone dialing by entering *70 as a prefix for the number you dial. For pulse-dialing, enter 1170 as the prefix. Alternatively, you can permanently disable call-waiting.

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Unplug other telephone extensions before you make an outgoing call. You’ll lose the connection if someone attempts to use an extension on the line you’re dialing out on.

Make sure that you’re using an analog line. If the phone system is digital and your modem is analog, you won’t get a dial tone. Contact your local phone company for an analog line.

Check the COM port, hang-up, dial time-out, and hardware flow control settings. Port speed and hardware flow control settings should be the same for modems that are trying to connect. To check these settings, choose File - Preferences - Notes Preferences, select Ports, select the COM port you want to check, and click COM options.

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Check the modem command file. Make sure that it’s the correct one for your modem. Make sure it uses the correct syntax and is free of any spelling errors, missing command parameters, and incorrect settings or responses. Check the operating system time stamp and last revision date of the file to make sure you’re using the correct version of the file. To do this, use a file manager such as Windows Explorer. Make sure you specified the correct directory for the file — for example, the Notes\Data\Modems directory.

Check the Connection document in the Domino Directory. Make sure the fields in the Connection document contain the correct information for a dial-up modem connection.

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Check the Miscellaneous Events view in the log (LOG.NSF). Sometimes modems that use the same modem standards can’t connect to each other because of the way the manufacturer implemented the standard. Contact the modem manufacturer to resolve the problem.

Check the Phone Calls view in the log. Numerous CRC or retransmission errors indicate that one or both modems detect transmission errors. A damaged RJ-11 cord and/or poor phone line quality may cause these errors. Try another cord and ask the phone company to check the phone line.

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Log FileLog File

The Domino server log (LOG.NSF) Every Domino server has a log file (LOG.NSF) that

reports all server activity and provides detailed information about databases and users on the server. The log file is created automatically when you start a server for the first time. You can do the following:

• Record additional information in the log file

• View the log file

• Search the log file

• Control the size of the log file

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Viewing the log file (LOG.NSF) From the Domino Administration, click the Server -

Analysis tab. Select the server that stores the log file you want to

view. Click Notes Log. Click the desired view. Open the desired document.