ib primary years programme (pyp) exhibition

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Exhibition 2016May 3, 2016

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A celebration of who our students are as learners

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A culminating project for the PYP that demonstrates what was learned in previous years.

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A collaborative inquiry that students have interest in


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An opportunity to take action as a result of learning

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A culminating project for the PYP that demonstrates what was learned in previous years

A collaborative inquiry that students have interest in exploring

A celebration of who our students are as learners

An opportunity to take action as a result of learning

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It is not• A science fair• A competition• Product driven• Poster contest• Individual• Adult directed

It is • Self directed• Exciting• Action provoking• Rewarding• Student driven• Supported• Process driven

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Decide on an area of interest Use the concept questions to inquire into the

area Conduct research Document our process Produce a knowledge product and come up with

other creative ways to present work Engage in positive action

How will we do this?

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Action samples - Inspire

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Action samples – Make a differenceMy Exhibition and Action reflection-By Isabella Hall

Exhibition has changed me in a positive way by allowing me to be more confident, more open-minded, a better thinker, and a better learner. I learned that I have a very long attention span, I can help other people well, and I know how to do many thing that I wasn’t aware of before Exhibition. For example, my mentor, Ms. Ljepoja says that I have great leadership skills which is something that I didn’t expect or know about myself.

Something that went really well was that our group worked really well together. Something that was challenging was making sure that everyone’s ideas got included in our actions. For example, in the game animal tag we had to make sure that everyone could have a different part in explaining the game, make sure that if someone had an idea about how to tweak the game a bit, we had to really think about it, and how we can include the ideas.

I was a bit surprised about how much our group could accomplish, about how valuable the information we had was, and how getting this new information has made us better people. Exhibition turned out better than I thought it would because everyone worked really well together, did many amazing things as a group and as individuals. I am most proud of the presentation and the actions because it made all of our hard work pay off. We had to be more confident, make and keep eye contact, and do many other thing that require you to be mindful (focused, open-minded, and present) and resourceful. I am very proud of what I accomplished!

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Action samples – Make a difference

My Action reflection-By Nadia Stern

One thing that went really well during Exhibition was how excited people were. It feels really good when people talk and get excited about something that you did. One example was when ‘Lunch buddies’ happened. A lot of the LE kids waiting to enter the different classes for lunch. Everyone was really building community with LE, and were laughing, chatting and buzzing with each other. I felt like people were getting really happy because of one fabulous idea that my group and I had arranged to happen and I had thought of.

Another thing that I thought was great was how building community happened between Stepping Stones and Middle Elementary. When I saw how the ME students could do things with SS, like having a ME student read to a SS student and the SS student pointing to the pictures. I thought it was amazing how they got to know each other in such a short time. I thought these two things went well because everybody was able to build community and that was our action goal. But, I think we’ve reached more than our goal. We reached giving people friends and making them happier than they would be. We’ve changed the lives of Stepping Stones, now they have big kids buddies. One idea for the future is for these community ideas to continue for years ahead. This will help kids feel comfortable with older kids.

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Apply all essential elements of the PYP:Transdisciplinary SkillsLearner ProfileKnowledgeConceptsAction

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Students use transdisciplinary skills

• Communication skills• Research skills• Self management skills• Thinking skills• Social skills

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• Communicator• Principled• Reflective• Balanced• Caring

• Inquirer• Knowledgeable• Thinker• Risk taker• Open minded

Students should demonstrate attributes of the learner profile

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Students Explore their area of interest through a variety of conceptual

lenses applying key questions through their inquiry process:Causation: Why is it the way it is?Form: What is it like?Function: How does it work?Reflection: How do we know?Change: How is it changing?Responsibility: What is our responsibility?Perspective: What is our point of view?Connection: How is it connected to other things?

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Students become knowledgeable about an area of their

interest collect and use significant and relevant information use a wide variety of relevant resources including

primary resources keep detailed notes about their learning journey demonstrate academic honesty

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What should the Exhibition topic be?

• Something that is of high interest to students• Something that affects the student’s life,

locally and/or globally• Something that inspires taking action

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• Students decide whatissue to explore based on interest• Students research theissue• In their collaborative inquiry groups students create:

• Big questions around their issue• A timeline• A work plan

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Process continued

• Students take their inquiry further and take action

• Students choose and plan their presentation

• Students present research to school community

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Every inquiry group has a mentor to help them with the process.

Meet with groups regularly Assist with organization and research Provide students with a “sounding board” for their ideas Encourage the student to be thorough and creative in how

they display the data they research and collect Discuss possibilities for the student action component of the

exhibition Ensure that students reflect on the work that is being done in

their individual learning journals or websites.

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Exhibition is about the process not the product There will not be a final grade at the end of

Exhibition Students create rubrics for the Exhibition process

with their mentors and teachers Mentors and teachers provide ongoing feedback Students record and self assess their Exhibition

journey ongoing in their online journals

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How can parents support?

• Ask your child open ended questions about the exhibition and the process

• Support and encourage, monitor and challenge, question and clarify

• Provide background knowledge• Help locate resources • Let students solve their own problems and be

responsible for their own learning• Attend Exhibition night