ias prelims general studies 2009

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    IAS Prelims 2009



    GENERAL In Ote tndiqdual Smyng-raha. Vinob~ Bhave was rhost,J as the lirst Satyagrnht. Who 11 as Ute second'/ n. Dr R.11endra Prasad b. Pw1dit Ja'' aharlal Nehru c. C R:\j :tgopai!ICh~n d. Sardar V:ll labhbhni Patel e. b

    Const d~r il1e follo\\tllg statements The Cripps Proposals include Ole pro,, LSi on lor I. Full independence for India. :! CR'31Jon tlfCon$ u rution-rnahin~ bud~ Which of lh

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    I 5.



    stnndlng beside A only. A is f o11rth from F. Who are st~ndlng OJ!ll!e e;.:trernt;s? ~ . A and F

    2. The l11ird Piw - Year Plan introduced the concepr oJ' imJlOrl s ubstitolion as a stralet,y lor industria lisation .

    b. B :ond D \Vhlch ofUu:: sfa!emcnts uiv~n abov.:. os;an: " c. B aml F corn:cl'?

    d. None o!'lhe above

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    d. 120 ('. " How many letters of the F.nglish alphabel (caplt:ls) appear sam.: ~>hen looked at iu a rnilTOJ'] 3 . \1 h. HI c. ll d. 12 2~. 1'. c

    H ow many Uuee-digit numb

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    \vl ricb of the sL.1tcmen!s given above is. art: corred'!

    ~ . 1 only b. 2 only . Both l and 2 d. Neilb. Kenva .:. Son;ulia d. Sudan e. b Consider the following names I 1. ll\e Z.. Kat~,; 3. Gusta\



    42 .

    Which of tlte abo\'e arc U1e names of !lun1caues thar had oeauned vel'y recen.t.ly'l a. 1 and l on I~ b. 2 and 3 only c. I mul ;\ only d. t 2 and 3 l'. c

    ln Lb.:: contc~l of ,aJtemativc sources of ent:fgy. ethanol ~~ a viable hio-fuel can be obl:tine

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    (Counme~ lhey belong 10) l. Ktmya 2. 1\for.arnt>ique .1. Zambb 4. Zimb:tbwc C'ocle:

    A a. 1 t>. 2 c. 2 d. (', b

    I'l 2 I 1 2

    r: 3 3 4 4

    43. Con:;ider Lbe following regioruJ:



    I. Eastet'Tl fl.imolnyas 2. Eas lem ~cd.iterrancan region .1. Nortllwesl

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    c. h.c,.ala d. Tamil Nadu e . ..

    Whi.:b on" of U1c following rxlrs is nul conectl y matclied? a. J:~pan :Nikkei b. Singlhir J ~ Dance -l. Wstory writing f'ode:

    A B a. 2 I h. 2 4 c. ' ~ I d.

    ' 4

    "- a

    {' D 4 3 1 '

    ' .~ 2 I 2

    With reference to Stree Sbak'ti Puraskar. l(>r which one of the fO llowing is ' 'Devi Ab.il ya Bai Holka1 Award" given? a, Al!ministrative ~.kills b. Acbievcnienls in Scientific Research c. Achie\'Cment~ in Spmts ;tnd (hnne.; d. Courage and valttur e. d In (lhich St>tc is the Buddhist site l'~bo l\ ton.1stery located?

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    6 1.

    a. Arunachal Pradesh b. Himm::hal Pradesh c. Sikkim d. u uar:okhand c. b \\TlJich one or t)le following tS not ij drug'pharrna comp:my? a. Chevron b. Nicholas l:'ir.nmal c. Pli.ze.r !1. Zydus Cadila t'. II

    62 Wh

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    d. Monte Carlo e. d The rnMine animal called 1\Jgong whicl1 is vulnerable to extinction is alan a. Amrh.ibi;m b. Bo.ny fish c. Shark d. i'vbnHnal e. d The Dul I J'osli Power Stn tion is b;tsed on which. l)fl~ of the fi)llowiog rivers'/ a_. Bea~ b. Cb.:nab i Daru~salam 2. Eas t Timor




    3. Laos Which of the a!>ove member tu

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    82. Match List 1 with List II and sdecl U1c con-ed answl!l using t.he c.odll given below the lists:

    Li~ I (Famou~ Temple) A. v:dyash:tnk:lra krul?le B. Rajarani temple C. Kandariy~ 1\ lnhadeo temple IJ. Bblmesvara temple Lisl Jl (SI ate) t. f\n(llu~ Pradesh 2. Karnatab 3. 1\ladhva 1-'r~desh ..J. Orissa Code:

    1\ B c D ;1, 2 ..J 3 I b. 2 ~

    ' I l

    C, 1 4 3 2 d. 3 4 2

    ~. a

    &3. Cons iaer ll1~: fo llowing Slllt"utcnls: 1. In the world, the tropical deserts occur

    along the western margfns of co_nl inmls within the tr;dl:' wind belt.

    2. In litdia. the t';;1sl ! liJllalnyal gets high minl'n ll from no ....,_, winds,

    Which of the stillemenL~ gin~n ab com.lCl? - .. -.,; u. l only b. :?oJiy c.. Both I ancl2 d. '1 R

    ith . illt n and seJeot the [ng U1.: code given bdow

    eogr aphic feaJurP) 'N~Il:t:a Victoria Desert

    r;md Canyun Lake Winnipeg

    D. SuuiJJen1 Alps List II (Country) 1. Austrn liD 2. Canada 3. New Zealand 4. USA C'odcs:




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    89. \n10 of the following cicnti~t. provctl ll13t Ute blurs W1th ~~~~~~ le.~ tlwn IH tim.:s the mass of the Sun end up as \\Thitc

    D~> arll! "hcu tho~ diu'/ a. Edwin lluhhh: b. S. C'lwndr.tsbcl.h~r c. St.:phen II a~> km!j d. :, t..-ven \\ eiubcr! e. b

    90 \\'hi.:h one of tbc lctlltm ing brings out tbc: publi.:;ahoo c:.tlh:d "Encrg) St:lli~tics- from time to time'7 a. Central Po\\er R~.-scarch ln~titute b. Pl.tru1in11 Comnuss run c. Power Finance C:orpor:1tion Ltd. d. Central Suni~t ieal Organintinn e. d

    91. With which Ctnll of the lollowing has tlm B.K. Chatun-cdi Commiucc: llcJI1'1 a. Revi.:w of Cc111rcSt:ne relllion~ b. Review of Oel imitat ion Act c. T~x reforms and me~sun: In Increase

    r.:vcnut:s cl. P1icc r.:fonm in th~ oil s.:cto1 t"l_. II

    92 Mah:unastakahhi~hd;;l. o grcnl rcligio cn:nL is assoc1ul

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    c. Both l and l d. N.:ither l nor 2 e. c Consider th~ following pairs: Persons Sport I. A11nnd Pawar : Chess 2. Akbil KuJnnr : Oox]ug 3. Shiv Shankar Prasad Chowrnsia : Golf Which of the fl~ ir given above is1ore correctly mntcbed'l n. l and 2 onl.v b. 2 nod 3 only c. 3 only d. J. 2 :tod '1 e. b

    98. MMcb List I wiU1 List II and scle.:t U1c coned answ~r LJ.~ ing the ~ode given hi' lO W the listq:


    List J (Bovkl A. ln Custody [l, Sea ofPoppies C. The Argumcnintive lndian D. U111!cCostumed EaJ'lb List 11 (Jlut/ivr ) I. Amartya Sen 2. Amit.~v G:bosh .:; . Anita De~ai 4. J11umpa Lahiri


    a. b. c.


    /\ 4 4 3 3 + 4

    . who me the Agatia

    ~''Col';JII~I,In:l toddy tappers oc,rmmunily Pradesh "'...,~ditional fl.shing c.ommunity or ""'''ll~~bharaslt1ra c. A tr;oditi()nnl ~ilk-we;lving cornmunit) '

    of' Kam nta ka d. /\ Ltaditio.nal sail pan workers

    community uf Gujanlt e. b

    1M. Recently, which one of il1e following wa$ included rn thu CNESCO 's World Heritage lisr? a. bilw~ta Temple b. f.:alkaShimla Railway

    ~. Bhiterkanika Mangrove Area d. \ ' i.sttkha f)~lnam tCJ Ar:okl1 vu lley

    rnilwa) line e. b

    lOt. Where is the famous Virupa~ba temple located?



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    I. IJ>dia does nol have any deposits of Thnri~m.

    2. ~ernla 's monazite sand~ contaln Ur:millm.

    \\'lUcb oJ' Uu: slat"mcnts given a bovc is /are con-eel'! a. 1 only b. 2 only c. BoU1 1 ami 2 d. f\[ either 1 nor 2 e. b

    107. Whi;:h one among the following Smith Asian counbies has ll1e ILighest population dens ity? a. India b. N.:pal c. Pal;_i,~tan d. S:ri Lanh11 e, :,

    I 08. Cons iJcr Lb" foiJm~ ing statcmllnts:


    1. The discussions in ll1e Third Round Tiu: Cont

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    c. II ~uU10tizcd lhu gov~mrncnl to i mpr~~on people 11 llltoutlr~:tl

    u. Ll curbcu thc Lrudc union fictlvitics e. c

    I 16. Which one of lite lo llow t11 g heg~n 11 ith the D3ndi ~larch ? a. I lnltle Rule Mnl'et11C111 b. Non-CoopC111tion ~ J01emen 1 c. Civil Disobcdknc:c ~ luv.:rm:nl cl Quit India f\ lo,emcrll e. c

    117 ,\nek:1ntn viida i~ a .:on: ll1eor, nnd philosophy of which nna of tho follo"11 ing'l a. Buddhism b hini~m c. Sikh.ism d, \ n iJOhnnvi~ n e. b

    118. With which one of the follo11 ing movcmcnb 111 tho s lo,gan "Du or dio .. ~~so.:iut.:d? :1. Swadcshi ~lovemunt b. Non-Coop~.Tnlion Movement c. C' ivil l)i~oh c. N.:\l J,hi d

    e. a 121'1 In the coni Indian freedom

    struggle. II)().S is 11 o:llknown for wl 1 1c: l'ollo11 ing 1'011> 'l

    I pmclamatinn of S11 adesl11 1!1~kmcnt wa~ made m Cnlcuua Lo11n

    3i1ition nf Rgoal of Indian 'i.lhQnDI C'ongre>$ wn~ Swarnj

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    125. With reference lo tl1c Vnilcd Nations. COn$ider rhe fol lowing si31ement~: I. T he Economle and Social Council

    !ECOSOC) of UN consiJ>TS of 24 m_ember Stales.

    2. Jt is e lected by a 2Snl majori ty of tlu: General Assembly for a 3,year leon.

    Wbich oft he statements given above isiarc con-eel? a. I only b. 2only Q, Both I and 2 d. Neither I o(!r' 2 e. ~~~~ i\

    126. In whiuh one. of the li>llowing pl:u.:cs is Uu; Shompen tribe found'! -a. Nilgiri Hi lls h. Nicohar ls1411M c.. Spiti Va lley d. Lakshadwec:p lsltmds c. b

    127. Cons ider 1J1efollowing statements: I. The !\dvocnlc Gcn ~-ral of a Stale in

    India is appointed by tlte President of India upon the r~onuncmdation r!f If Governor or the concerned State.

    2. A.~ l>rovided ir1 Civil Pmeedure High rourts have Ori!!innl, pp and advisory jurisdiclion.ca!:t!~.i lwei.

    Which of lhe statements correct?

    ~1. 1 only b. 2only



    128. first }.:lunicip~ l rnrl'oratinn up in wh id1 onr;; among lin~

    ing7 a. Caloultr h. Madras c.. Bombay d. Dt:lhi c. b

    129. With reference to Lok A dalals. consider the following ~ta1,mleJ1L~: I. An ward made by a Lrik Adalal is

    tleemed to he a decree of a ,;;ivi l court

    and nu app,;al lies against Utcrclo before ;ony court.

    2 . MatrimonialiFamily disput~s arc not covered umlc:r Lok Ad;t la t.

    WJ1ich of U1e slah:mcots gh-

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    c. BoUt l aJ1(12 d. N eitlter I nor 2 ' ' b

    IJ3. With reference to Union Govcmm..:nL consider the ft) l!owirtg statement~ I . Th~: number of Ministries :tl U1e Centre

    on 15th August 1947 was 18. 2. l'he owubet of['vlinistries a 1 Ut~(\:nlrr:

    at present is 36. Which of the statements given above is are cnno::ct'/ a. I. only b. 2 only c. BoUt I and 2 d. Neither 1 nnr 2 P . . ,.,

    L34. Consider lhe following sl:tlements:



    I. Ttoe [irot h:!egrapb line ul l11d ia was laid bl!tWeen Ko lbt.1 ('filrmerll' C:a lculta) and Diamond l:lllrbuur. ~- TIJe l!rst F.xporl Pmces~ing 7.one in

    rndia was s..:t up in Ka:ndl:t. Whicl1 of the stalcml:nU given above is1arc correct'/ a . l only b. 2 only c, RotJ1 I and 2 d. Nei tlwr I nor 2 e. b Which nne of the


    b. c.


    n game competition, m b , l n girls (m .:. n > 1) ot' a school

    v~rc in which cvc.Ty student ha> to play actJy one game with every other student 0111 c>f the tol;!l g;~otes played, it was found that in 221 games one player was a boy and the: oiJtt!l playo.:r ~>a> n girL Consider the following slltemenls: i. The total oumbe.r of siudenls tlmt

    pnrticipaJc.:d in Uu: competition io 30. 2. n,c oumher of g:tmcs in 11 hich both

    players wc.1c girls is 78. Whicl1 of Ut e s tatements gi1 en a bow is/arc.:

    comx:t? :1. I only b. ~on ly t:. Both I and 2 cL Neillt.er l nor 2 l'. c

    137. There are three ~.a ns A, B and C. 1l1e capncities o l' A. 13 and C are n lilres, l 0 litrcs and 16 litrcs n::spcdiwly. lltc can C ~ontains l6 litrcs of mill-. 'l'he k has to be divided in them u~ing tli cans



    nnly. Consider lb" follow in I.

    eacb in can ~iiit

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    \Vhich of llu: ~bovc i;;!arc auctioneer/ auctione\!1'~ '! a. l only b. l and 3 onJy c. 2 nn1l 3 only d. l, 2 ami 3 e. d

    I 4 I. In the context of C01 emission and Global W;nming. wlmt is the n;1mc of 01 market driven del'icc under tJn~ U}lFCC thai

    allow~ leveloping co\lntries to gel fundsli ocenl iws lrom !he developed co uolrie~, to adopt better l"choo logit:~ thai

    rc:duc~: grcenhou5e ga~ emission