ians moveboard

By Ian Heritier

Upload: hurtwoodhousemedia5

Post on 11-Jul-2015




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By Ian Heritier

Opening shot • Establishing shot of the car driving thru the woods has a boat attached to the back of the car.

• Classical music being played over the top, Diegetic sound we know this by the Speech heard later in the exert. As the woman tries to guess the name of the song and composer

The shot continues to follow the car as the music continues, the car follows down the road calmly.

The shot cuts and reappears on a close up of the car, the diegetic sound is still heard.

The car continues driving in the county side showing that they are far from any large city.

In this shot the female voice keeps talking and the male voice says that she is correct, the music stops and the C.D is being ejected.

Another cut shot to the interior of the car, C.D rack with many C.D’s on it and a hand reaches over to select one, the car sound can be heard as the hand reaches for a C.D

The female voice says “don’t look” and the male responds with “im not”, the female then asks “Did daddy look?” and then a new voice is heard of a child saying “no.”

Cut to hand placing a C.D into a C.D player in the car, showing that someone placed a C.D to be played.

Dialogue continues as the mother re-asks if the father cheated, and the son says once again that he didn’t.

Next cut is that of the car driving thru the woods further accenting that the travellers in the car are isolated and far from any major city.

The shot is still in wide shot of the car.

It keeps following the car thru the winding road, normally winding roads are associated with mountain passes. more isolation.

Male voice tries to guess but cannot answer correctly.

The shot then cuts to the car driving on the same road by what we presume to be a lake. The lake further shows that they are far from a city and are quite far into the woods.

The music continues and the man guesses, the guessing game is to show later in the movie what happens but right now has no immediate meaning other than that of a long journey car game.

The cut changes to a medium tracking shot following the car, as it keeps driving down the road.

The music continues and the man says that he gives up, the woman announces the score of the game as being 3,2

The music continues and there is a POV shot of the C.D player, the mans hand is reaching to hit the next button but the female hand reaches over to stop him, it is shown that they are married as the woman has a marriage ring on her finger.

Then a quick cut to them on the car, this is the first time we see the family, they all seem happy.

The classical music is still playing in the background as they fidget under the dash board.

The music suddenly changes to a scream with metal music and the title finally comes up onto the screen.

The title disappears and the names of the actors and the producers appear on the bottom of the screen.

The music is clearly not being heard by the family as they are still happy and not disturbed by the music.

The music continues and the shot changes to the car driving on the road but no longer next to the lake.