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ARFF Professional Services LLC ARFF Professional Services LLC www.APSSafety.net www.APSSafety.net IAFPA / ARFFWG IAFPA / ARFFWG Joint Conference 2009 Joint Conference 2009 Tools in the Toolbox Tools in the Toolbox Copenhagen Airport, Copenhagen Airport, Denmark Denmark

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IAFPA / ARFFWGIAFPA / ARFFWGJoint Conference 2009Joint Conference 2009““Tools in the ToolboxTools in the Toolbox ““

Copenhagen Airport,Copenhagen Airport,DenmarkDenmark

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Tactical Considerations inTactical Considerations inARFF:ARFF:

TheThe ““Smart ApproachSmart Approach””

Jack KreckieJack Kreckie

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Smart ApproachSmart Approach

DonDon’’t let tradition impede progresst let tradition impede progress

Learn from cumulative experienceLearn from cumulative experience

Look beyond the face value ofLook beyond the face value oftechnologytechnology

Develop CRM model that facilitatesDevelop CRM model that facilitatessuccess in emergency managementsuccess in emergency management

Keep all plans and programs inKeep all plans and programs inDRAFT formatDRAFT format

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Targets of StudyTargets of Study

Integrating Safety ManagementIntegrating Safety ManagementSystems (SMS) into EmergencySystems (SMS) into EmergencyPlanning.Planning.

Airfield Response PlansAirfield Response Plans

Advanced Technology IntegrationAdvanced Technology Integrationand ARFFand ARFF

Historical Aviation Accident Review &Historical Aviation Accident Review &Lessons LearnedLessons Learned

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Integrating SafetyIntegrating SafetyManagement SystemsManagement Systems(SMS) into Emergency(SMS) into Emergency


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Integrating Safety Management Systems (SMS)Integrating Safety Management Systems (SMS)into Emergency Planninginto Emergency Planning


SMS: (ICAO)SMS: (ICAO) ““the state in which the riskthe state in which the riskof harm to persons or of property damageof harm to persons or of property damageis reduced to, and maintained at or below,is reduced to, and maintained at or below,an acceptable level through a continuingan acceptable level through a continuingprocess of hazard identification and riskprocess of hazard identification and riskmanagement.management.””

SMS: (FAA)SMS: (FAA) ““the formal, topthe formal, top--downdownbusinessbusiness--like approach to managing safetylike approach to managing safetyrisk.risk.””

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Fire Service >>>>>SafetyFire Service >>>>>Safety

Fire Ground SafetyFire Ground Safety

FireFire -- SafetySafetyInspectionsInspections

Safety Tips /Safety Tips /RemindersReminders

Ramp SafetyRamp Safety


Fire PreventionFire Prevention

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Safety CultureSafety Culture

ARFF should take a proARFF should take a pro--active role inactive role incommunity safety services.community safety services.•• Airport working communityAirport working community

•• Airport transient communityAirport transient community

•• Flying publicFlying public

BenefitsBenefits•• Community (s)Community (s)

•• Relationship buildingRelationship building Emergency ManagementEmergency Management

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Community Resource ManagementCommunity Resource Management(CRM)(CRM)

Hybrid of Cockpit/Crew ResourceHybrid of Cockpit/Crew ResourceManagement concept developed fromManagement concept developed fromNASA researchNASA research

Main problems in majority aviation accidents causedMain problems in majority aviation accidents causedby human factors were failures of interpersonalby human factors were failures of interpersonalrelationships, leadership and decision making inrelationships, leadership and decision making incockpitcockpit

Definition expanded by Fire Service, nowDefinition expanded by Fire Service, nowby ARFFby ARFF

ARFF serves as the nucleus, drawingARFF serves as the nucleus, drawingcommunity together to foster Safetycommunity together to foster SafetyCulture and plan for Emergency EventCulture and plan for Emergency Event

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ARFF Based Safety CultureARFF Based Safety Culture

Logical role for ARFFLogical role for ARFF –– Problem SolversProblem Solvers

No competition in SafetyNo competition in Safety

Natural attraction to Fire ServiceNatural attraction to Fire Service•• Culture, equipment, brotherhoodCulture, equipment, brotherhood

BenefitsBenefits•• Safer WorkplaceSafer Workplace

•• Relationships, cooperation, informationRelationships, cooperation, informationexchange, reduced injuries, accidents, $$$exchange, reduced injuries, accidents, $$$

Improved Emergency ManagementImproved Emergency Management Smart???Smart???

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ARFF Airfield ResponseARFF Airfield ResponsePlansPlans

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Problem:Problem: Airfield Response PlanningAirfield Response Planning

Has Become More DifficultHas Become More Difficult

In late 1990In late 1990’’s inordinate number of Runways inordinate number of RunwayIncursionsIncursions

FAAFAA’’s drawn conclusions to the causes:s drawn conclusions to the causes:

•• ATC errorsATC errors

•• Pilot errorsPilot errors

•• Vehicle Drivers and PedestriansVehicle Drivers and Pedestrians FAA released study and recommendations inFAA released study and recommendations in CertalertCertalert

#07#07--10 Vehicle Pedestrian Deviation (VPD) Runway10 Vehicle Pedestrian Deviation (VPD) RunwayIncursionsIncursions

Overall result is added complexity to planningOverall result is added complexity to planning

and training for emergency responseand training for emergency response

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Runway IncursionsRunway Incursions Runway Incursion has beenRunway Incursion has been

onon NTSBNTSB’’ss Most Wanted ListMost Wanted ListSince 1990Since 1990

Sixteen (16) ARFF relatedSixteen (16) ARFF relatedrunway incursions fromrunway incursions fromJanuary 2006January 2006

through April 2007 (FAAthrough April 2007 (FAACertalertCertalert #07#07--10 Study)10 Study)

ICAO and FAA now shareICAO and FAA now sharedefinition of Incursion due todefinition of Incursion due toseriousness of issue globallyseriousness of issue globally

ARFF Vehicle Access hasARFF Vehicle Access hasbeen reduced, yet Familiaritybeen reduced, yet Familiaritywith Runway Needs to bewith Runway Needs to beMaintainedMaintained

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Solution: Low Risk Airfield TrainingSolution: Low Risk Airfield Training

Conduct off peak runway familiarizationConduct off peak runway familiarization

Perform tabletop drills and exercises:Perform tabletop drills and exercises:

•• Street Drills: CStreet Drills: Common practice in structuralommon practice in structuralfire stationsfire stations Sit around table and talk through scenarios /Sit around table and talk through scenarios /

response routes, conditions, traffic, etc.response routes, conditions, traffic, etc.

•• Airfield Communications Exercise:Airfield Communications Exercise: PartnerPartnerwith ATC personnel and conductwith ATC personnel and conductcommunication exercise for simulated eventcommunication exercise for simulated event

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Solution: Develop New AirfieldSolution: Develop New AirfieldResponse ModelResponse Model

Informal study conducted to determine currentInformal study conducted to determine currentmethods of airfield responsemethods of airfield response

Typically traditional response model followed,Typically traditional response model followed,which has been standard for 30 years, is lesswhich has been standard for 30 years, is lessthan idealthan ideal

New airfield response model should be developedNew airfield response model should be developedwith goals to:with goals to:

•• Reduce delays and risksReduce delays and risks

•• Better accommodate response, size up, set upBetter accommodate response, size up, set upand implementation of Incident Action Plansand implementation of Incident Action Plans((IAPsIAPs))

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Traditional Response Model LogicTraditional Response Model LogicGoalsGoals

Reduce delays in response to landing runway by preReduce delays in response to landing runway by pre--positioningpositioningresponse assetsresponse assets

Provide forward position in optimum viewing location to observeProvide forward position in optimum viewing location to observeapproach and landingapproach and landing

Provide position of immediate access to runway for pursuit ofProvide position of immediate access to runway for pursuit ofaircraft as soon as it passed ARFF vehicleaircraft as soon as it passed ARFF vehicle’’s standby positions standby position

Separate response assets out along landing runway to provideSeparate response assets out along landing runway to providenearly immediate access by one ARFF vehicle at any point atnearly immediate access by one ARFF vehicle at any point atwhich aircraft comes to stopwhich aircraft comes to stop

Provide distance between ARFF vehicles so that if aircraft leaveProvide distance between ARFF vehicles so that if aircraft leavessrunway during landing, number of ARFF vehicles in harmrunway during landing, number of ARFF vehicles in harm’’s ways wayminimizedminimized

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Traditional Response ModelTraditional Response ModelIssuesIssues

If we follow aircraft down landing runway, we areIf we follow aircraft down landing runway, we areapproaching from downwind; we have learned that we wantapproaching from downwind; we have learned that we wantto be upwind from a fireto be upwind from a fire

Approaching aircraft from behind traveling on landingApproaching aircraft from behind traveling on landingrunway would require us to pass through debris fieldrunway would require us to pass through debris field

Approaching from the rear of aircraft may require vehicle toApproaching from the rear of aircraft may require vehicle todrive around aircraftdrive around aircraft

•• Potential JPotential J--TurnTurn

•• Escape slides may be deployedEscape slides may be deployed

•• Driving offDriving off--road may be risky maneuverroad may be risky maneuver•• Risk AnalysisRisk Analysis

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New Response Model GoalsNew Response Model Goals

Reduce delays and risksReduce delays and risks

•• Use of a Discrete Emergency Frequency (DEF)Use of a Discrete Emergency Frequency (DEF)

•• Avoidance of primary taxiways favored by the Tower to taxiAvoidance of primary taxiways favored by the Tower to taxiaircraftaircraft

Better accommodate response, size up, and setBetter accommodate response, size up, and setupup

Improve Incident Action Plans (Improve Incident Action Plans (IAPsIAPs))

Avoid high risk airfield locationsAvoid high risk airfield locations

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Highest Risk Airfield LocationsHighest Risk Airfield Locations

AvoidAvoid ““hot spotshot spots”” identified by the airport,identified by the airport,particularly in designating standby positionsparticularly in designating standby positions

Avoid areas of radio interference or dead spotsAvoid areas of radio interference or dead spots

Avoid areas that may be impacted by known orAvoid areas that may be impacted by known orsuspected aircraft problemsuspected aircraft problem

Identify areas of airfield most likely to becomeIdentify areas of airfield most likely to becomeactual site of an aircraft incidentactual site of an aircraft incident

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Runway Approaches and Departures areRunway Approaches and Departures areHigh Risk Areas to OccupyHigh Risk Areas to Occupy

ACRP Risk AssessmentACRP Risk Assessment ““Analysis of Aircraft Overruns andAnalysis of Aircraft Overruns andUndershoots for Runway Safety AreasUndershoots for Runway Safety Areas”” (2008) provides(2008) providesmodeling data and formulas to analyze runway safety areasmodeling data and formulas to analyze runway safety areasfor airfield response planning and improvement of areasfor airfield response planning and improvement of areas

Airline Pilots Association Report (1997) reported consistentAirline Pilots Association Report (1997) reported consistentoverall pattern as illustrated in graphoverall pattern as illustrated in graph

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Conclusions:Conclusions: ““SmartSmart”” AirfieldAirfieldResponse PlanningResponse Planning

ReRe--evaluate existing Airfield responseevaluate existing Airfield responseroutes, procedures and standby positionsroutes, procedures and standby positions

•• Utilize airfield characteristics and risk analysisUtilize airfield characteristics and risk analysis

Response routes may not be shortest distanceResponse routes may not be shortest distance

ConsiderConsider ““hot spotshot spots”” and dead spotsand dead spots

Avoid, when possible, following aircraft down runwayAvoid, when possible, following aircraft down runway

Harmonize with department tactical plansHarmonize with department tactical plans

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Advanced Technology Integration IsAdvanced Technology Integration IsPart of OurPart of Our ““Smart ApproachSmart Approach””

We have the ability to move the advancedWe have the ability to move the advancedtechnology market forwardtechnology market forward

•• Participation in Working Groups and Committees toParticipation in Working Groups and Committees toaffect minimum standardsaffect minimum standards

Advanced Technology allows us to:Advanced Technology allows us to:

•• Increase vehicle stability and safetyIncrease vehicle stability and safety

•• Respond faster and more effectively in low / no visibilityRespond faster and more effectively in low / no visibilityconditionsconditions

•• Knock down an aircraft fire fasterKnock down an aircraft fire faster

•• Be better prepared and trained for emergency responseBe better prepared and trained for emergency response

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Problem: Vehicle Stability and SafetyProblem: Vehicle Stability and SafetySolution: Advanced Suspension SystemsSolution: Advanced Suspension Systems

ARFF Vehicle Rollovers increasingly disturbing trend:ARFF Vehicle Rollovers increasingly disturbing trend:•• 48 between 1977 and 200248 between 1977 and 2002•• 27 of those were between 1995 and 200227 of those were between 1995 and 2002

Although change in industry standard for new vehicleAlthough change in industry standard for new vehicledesigns was evolving, retrofit design would be needed fordesigns was evolving, retrofit design would be needed forthousands of existing ARFF vehiclesthousands of existing ARFF vehicles•• New apparatus design includes Independent SuspensionNew apparatus design includes Independent Suspension

System and other technologies designed to increase stabilitySystem and other technologies designed to increase stabilityversus Solid Axles with Springsversus Solid Axles with Springs

FAA Tech Center conducted StudyFAA Tech Center conducted Study ““Evaluation of RetrofitEvaluation of RetrofitARFF Vehicle Suspension Enhancement to Reduce VehicleARFF Vehicle Suspension Enhancement to Reduce VehicleRolloversRollovers””

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Advanced Suspension SystemsAdvanced Suspension Systems

ARFF vehicles must beARFF vehicles must beresponsive to largeresponsive to largecenter of gravity shiftscenter of gravity shiftsunder high speedunder high speedturning radiusturning radius

Testing was conductedTesting was conductedto define performanceto define performancerequirements for newrequirements for newstandardstandard

•• Slalom CourseSlalom Course

•• NATO Lane ChangeNATO Lane Change

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Advanced Suspension SystemsAdvanced Suspension Systems

Test Vehicle equipped with outriggers to ensure safetyTest Vehicle equipped with outriggers to ensure safety

Test Results showed that certain dynamic stability suspension syTest Results showed that certain dynamic stability suspension systemsstemsreduce vehicle roll rates and body and chassis deflectionreduce vehicle roll rates and body and chassis deflection

Tilt Table test method used which was guided by SAE J2 180 testTilt Table test method used which was guided by SAE J2 180 test proceduresprocedures

At time of study, vehicle tested to 28At time of study, vehicle tested to 28ºº established minimum angle on table;established minimum angle on table;standard now revised to 30standard now revised to 30ºº

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Most Effective Tool is OperatorMost Effective Tool is OperatorTrainingTraining

Lateral G Indicators provide audible and visualLateral G Indicators provide audible and visualindicators of reduced stabilityindicators of reduced stability

Concern That Superior Ride Quality DiminishesConcern That Superior Ride Quality DiminishesAwarenessAwareness

Driver Training is CriticalDriver Training is Critical•• NFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Department VehicleNFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Department Vehicle

Driver/Operator Professional excellent starting point forDriver/Operator Professional excellent starting point forLesson PlanLesson Plan

•• Areas of concentration for ARFF Operations;Areas of concentration for ARFF Operations; Pump & RollPump & Roll Pump & Roll ReversePump & Roll Reverse

Turret Range exercisesTurret Range exercises Aiming exercisesAiming exercises


Blind operationBlind operation

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Problem: Response in Low Visibility ConditionsProblem: Response in Low Visibility ConditionsSolution: DriverSolution: Driver’’s Enhanced Vision Systems Enhanced Vision System


In mid 1990In mid 1990’’s FAA implemented Surface Movements FAA implemented Surface MovementGuidance Control Systems (SMGCS) to continue flightGuidance Control Systems (SMGCS) to continue flightoperations in very low visibilityoperations in very low visibility

Prior to DEVS, three major aviation accidents occurred inPrior to DEVS, three major aviation accidents occurred inlow visibility => ARFF response was affectedlow visibility => ARFF response was affected

FAA Advisory Circular 150/5210FAA Advisory Circular 150/5210--19 DEVS provides19 DEVS providesexcellent overview of problem and technology (currentlyexcellent overview of problem and technology (currentlyunder FAA update)under FAA update)

Integrated System comprised of following subsystemIntegrated System comprised of following subsystemcomponents:components:•• Night Vision => Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR)Night Vision => Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR)

•• Navigation => Global Positioning System (GPS)Navigation => Global Positioning System (GPS)

•• Tracking => Wireless CommunicationTracking => Wireless Communication

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Problem: Response in Low Visibility ConditionsProblem: Response in Low Visibility ConditionsSolution: DriverSolution: Driver’’s Enhanced Vision Systemss Enhanced Vision Systems


Touch screen displayTouch screen displayprovides operators withprovides operators withability to enter a route onability to enter a route onmoving map and navigatemoving map and navigatein low/no visibilityin low/no visibility

On/off course indicator,On/off course indicator,along with voice prompt,along with voice prompt,warns drive if off coursewarns drive if off course

In combination with FLIR,In combination with FLIR,which shows obstacles inwhich shows obstacles inpath, allow safe navigationpath, allow safe navigationto scene in poor visibilityto scene in poor visibility

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DriverDriver’’s Enhanced Vision Systems (DEVS)s Enhanced Vision Systems (DEVS)

Onboard computer andOnboard computer anddisplay avail storage anddisplay avail storage andaccess of criticalaccess of criticalinformation from cab ofinformation from cab ofvehiclevehicle

Any file that can be savedAny file that can be savedelectronically can beelectronically can beindexed, quicklyindexed, quicklyreferenced, and clearlyreferenced, and clearlyilluminated on displayilluminated on display

Examples: Crash charts,Examples: Crash charts,PrePre--fire plans, SOPs,fire plans, SOPs,Hydrant mapsHydrant maps

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Problem: Faster Extinguishment of FireProblem: Faster Extinguishment of FireSolution: High Reach Extendable Turret (HRET)Solution: High Reach Extendable Turret (HRET)

and Piercing Devicesand Piercing Devices

FAA Testing compared PFAA Testing compared P--19 roof turret with HRET in19 roof turret with HRET inpooled fuel fire in samepooled fuel fire in sameconditions as HPRV attackconditions as HPRV attackmode comparison testsmode comparison tests

Result: HRET in downResult: HRET in down--inin--front position extinguishedfront position extinguishedburn area an average ofburn area an average of53% faster53% faster

Revert to training, come inRevert to training, come inlow, attack low.low, attack low.

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High Reach Extendable TurretsHigh Reach Extendable Turrets

HRET and skinHRET and skin--penetrating nozzle evaluated at fire testpenetrating nozzle evaluated at fire testfacility outperformed the standard rooffacility outperformed the standard roof--mounted turret andmounted turret andhand line in all aspects:hand line in all aspects:

•• Extinguished fire fasterExtinguished fire faster

•• Increased accuracy of firefighting agent application byIncreased accuracy of firefighting agent application bypositioning HRET close to the source of firepositioning HRET close to the source of fire

•• Used less firefighting agentUsed less firefighting agent

Other performance advantages:Other performance advantages:

•• Extended reach ofExtended reach of HRETHRET’’ss nozzlenozzle

•• Increase in firefighting agent throw rangeIncrease in firefighting agent throw range

•• Ability to reposition without moving vehicleAbility to reposition without moving vehicle

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High Reach Extendable Turrets (contHigh Reach Extendable Turrets (cont’’d)d)

HRET with skinHRET with skin--penetrating nozzle, when used on fullpenetrating nozzle, when used on full--scalescalefire field test using training aircraft:fire field test using training aircraft:

•• Controlled and contained fire from spreading beyond tailControlled and contained fire from spreading beyond tailsectionsection

•• Reduced high cabin temp from over 1500Reduced high cabin temp from over 1500ºº to approxto approx250250ºº

•• Provided rapid smoke ventilation and ability toProvided rapid smoke ventilation and ability toextinguish fireextinguish fire Less manpowerLess manpower--intensive and timeintensive and time--consuming versusconsuming versus

traditional ventilation fanstraditional ventilation fans

•• Cabin conditions after spray discharge allowed fireCabin conditions after spray discharge allowed firefighters to enter aircraftfighters to enter aircraft

Benefits can only be realized in hands of skilled, qualifiedBenefits can only be realized in hands of skilled, qualifiedoperators!operators!

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HRET and Piercing TrainingHRET and Piercing Training

No standard exists for trainingNo standard exists for traininginin HRETsHRETs and Piercing Devicesand Piercing Devices

ARFF Department needs toARFF Department needs todevelop internal trainingdevelop internal trainingprogram to qualify and reprogram to qualify and re--qualify operatorsqualify operators

Training Officer qualificationsTraining Officer qualificationsmust be establishedmust be established

May be necessary to trainMay be necessary to trainoperators from two positionsoperators from two positions

Training methods range fromTraining methods range frombasic training aids to fullbasic training aids to full--sizesizecab mockcab mock--ups with virtualups with virtualtrainingtraining

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HRET and Piercing Training (contHRET and Piercing Training (cont’’d)d)

Technology available fromTechnology available fromdesktop PC via joysticksdesktop PC via joysticksand controls identical toand controls identical tothose in vehiclethose in vehicle

Training can be conductedTraining can be conductedduring:during:

•• Daily check out / run upDaily check out / run upusing an area marked offusing an area marked offby cones and delineatorsby cones and delineators

•• ““TT--ball competitionball competition””

•• Practice using section ofPractice using section oftall chain link fence andtall chain link fence andcolored ribboncolored ribbon

Obviously best scenario isObviously best scenario isusing aircraft fuselageusing aircraft fuselage

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HRET and Piercing Training (contHRET and Piercing Training (cont’’d)d)

FAAFAA CertalertCertalert # 0807 encourages hands on training in use# 0807 encourages hands on training in useofof HRETsHRETs with skin penetrating nozzleswith skin penetrating nozzles

When HRET purchased with AIP funds, purchase ofWhen HRET purchased with AIP funds, purchase offollowing training aids also authorized via AC 150/5220following training aids also authorized via AC 150/5220--10D:10D:

•• Eight days of training from manufacturerEight days of training from manufacturer

•• ““Aircraft Skin Penetrating Training DeviceAircraft Skin Penetrating Training Device””

•• CBT programCBT program

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Familiarity with Interior ConfigurationFamiliarity with Interior Configuration

ARFF Personnel shouldARFF Personnel shouldbecome familiar withbecome familiar withinterior configurationinterior configurationof each type of aircraftof each type of aircraftthat normally operatethat normally operateat airportat airport

RecommendedRecommendedPiercing Points, DepthPiercing Points, Depthof Penetration, FLIR,of Penetration, FLIR,HandheldHandheld PenetratorsPenetrators

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Historical Aviation Accident ReviewHistorical Aviation Accident Review

UPS Airlines Flt. 1307 , PHL, Philadelphia, PAUPS Airlines Flt. 1307 , PHL, Philadelphia, PA

The following information was taken from theThe following information was taken from the ““NTSBNTSBSurvival Factors/Airport And Emergency Response GroupSurvival Factors/Airport And Emergency Response GroupChairmanChairman’’s Factual Report, Docket NO. SAs Factual Report, Docket NO. SA--228 EXHIBIT228 EXHIBITNO. 16ANO. 16A””


On February 7, 2006, at 2359 (EST), a Douglas DCOn February 7, 2006, at 2359 (EST), a Douglas DC--88--71F,71F,N748UP, operated by United Parcel Service Company (UPS)N748UP, operated by United Parcel Service Company (UPS)as flight 1307, landed at Philadelphia International Airportas flight 1307, landed at Philadelphia International Airport(PHL), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, after the crew reported a(PHL), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, after the crew reported acargo smoke indication. The three flight crewmemberscargo smoke indication. The three flight crewmemberswere able to evacuate the airplane using the L1 slide. Firewere able to evacuate the airplane using the L1 slide. Firesubsequently caused substantial damage to the airplanesubsequently caused substantial damage to the airplaneand numerous cargo containers on board. The threeand numerous cargo containers on board. The threecrewmembers received minor injuries.crewmembers received minor injuries.

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UPS Flight 1307UPS Flight 1307

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Presented as Excellent Case StudyPresented as Excellent Case Study

There was no loss of life.There was no loss of life.

The incident has been used by the aviationThe incident has been used by the aviationindustry to highlight the need for ARFF Trainingindustry to highlight the need for ARFF Trainingon cargo aircraft.on cargo aircraft.

The Philadelphia Fire Department has taken theThe Philadelphia Fire Department has taken thelead in effecting change. The PHL Chief haslead in effecting change. The PHL Chief haslectured extensively at ARFF venues to raiselectured extensively at ARFF venues to raiseawareness to the lessons learned. PHL hasawareness to the lessons learned. PHL hasdeveloped a unique database to serve as adeveloped a unique database to serve as atactical tool for Incident Commanders, providingtactical tool for Incident Commanders, providingdata they needed, but could not obtain on thedata they needed, but could not obtain on theday of the incident.day of the incident.

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Fire Control TimeFire Control Time

According to the City of Philadelphia FireAccording to the City of Philadelphia FireDepartment FCC dispatch logs, ARFF arrived atDepartment FCC dispatch logs, ARFF arrived atthe accident site at 2359 local time.the accident site at 2359 local time. A period ofA period of4 hours and 8 minutes elapsed from the4 hours and 8 minutes elapsed from theinitial arrival on scene to the time theinitial arrival on scene to the time theincident commander radioed to dispatch forincident commander radioed to dispatch forfire control (e.g., fire under control) (atfire control (e.g., fire under control) (at0407 local time).0407 local time).

(Editorial Comment) A control period of 4(Editorial Comment) A control period of 4hours is the first printed indication that thehours is the first printed indication that theselected tactics were not effective.selected tactics were not effective.

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Fire Conditions OnFire Conditions On--SceneScene

When ARFF vehicle arrived onWhen ARFF vehicle arrived on--scene, no fire wasscene, no fire wasvisible, but smoke could be seen coming from thevisible, but smoke could be seen coming from theopen L1 door and the outflow vent in the tail. Theopen L1 door and the outflow vent in the tail. Thefirst indication of visible flame came whenfirst indication of visible flame came whenfirefighters opened the right over wing emergencyfirefighters opened the right over wing emergencyhatchhatch. Flames were observed rolling on the fuselage ceiling. Flames were observed rolling on the fuselage ceilingover the tops of the cargo containers. Smoke beganover the tops of the cargo containers. Smoke beganemanating from all open exits. All fire was located aft ofemanating from all open exits. All fire was located aft ofthe over wing exits toward the aft bulkhead. Burn throughthe over wing exits toward the aft bulkhead. Burn throughof the fuselage roof occurred at several locations betweenof the fuselage roof occurred at several locations betweenthe trailing edge of the wing, aft toward the tail.the trailing edge of the wing, aft toward the tail.

(Editorial Comments)(Editorial Comments) No signs of significant fireNo signs of significant fire

No blistering of paintNo blistering of paint No visible deformity to the skinNo visible deformity to the skin Based on the smoke report, a containable volume of fireBased on the smoke report, a containable volume of fire First action was to open an over wing hatch which introducedFirst action was to open an over wing hatch which introduced


A similar level of effort may have been able to secure theA similar level of effort may have been able to secure theopen Lopen L--1 door, cutting off the source of oxygen.1 door, cutting off the source of oxygen.

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Firefighting StrategyFirefighting Strategy

The ARFF units surrounded the airplane and aThe ARFF units surrounded the airplane and awater attack was ordered. Access to the mainwater attack was ordered. Access to the maincargo area was obtained via the right overcargo area was obtained via the right overwing doors, andwing doors, and an exterior hand linean exterior hand lineattack was initiated from this location.attack was initiated from this location.Turret streams were applied into the R4Turret streams were applied into the R4doorway while a Snozzle piercingdoorway while a Snozzle piercingoperation was conducted on the left side.operation was conducted on the left side.The piercing operation began behind the leftThe piercing operation began behind the leftaft over wing exit, in line with the windows,aft over wing exit, in line with the windows,and continued aft toward the tail. The entireand continued aft toward the tail. The entireoperation switched to a foam attack.operation switched to a foam attack.Eventually hand lines were advanced to theEventually hand lines were advanced to theinterior of the airplane through the R4 andinterior of the airplane through the R4 andleft side over wing doors until totalleft side over wing doors until totalextinguishmentextinguishment was completed.was completed.

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Firefighting StrategyFirefighting Strategy

(Editorial Comments)(Editorial Comments) Streams were not effective in controlling fire, based onStreams were not effective in controlling fire, based on

control time.control time. If water directed to top of the fuselage, of which doors hadIf water directed to top of the fuselage, of which doors had

been secured, metal could be kept cool. Cool metal doesbeen secured, metal could be kept cool. Cool metal doesnot melt.not melt.

Reaction to water as it flows over metal is an excellentReaction to water as it flows over metal is an excellentmethod of evaluating temperatures inside the aircraft. Ifmethod of evaluating temperatures inside the aircraft. Ifwater immediately turns to steam, in an area of thewater immediately turns to steam, in an area of thefuselage roof, that is area directly over fire.fuselage roof, that is area directly over fire.

As time goes on and the fire uses available oxygen, amountAs time goes on and the fire uses available oxygen, amountof heat on fuselage roof should diminish and size of heatedof heat on fuselage roof should diminish and size of heatedarea of fuselage may diminish (good indicator ofarea of fuselage may diminish (good indicator ofeffectiveness).effectiveness).

As outside resources arrive, aerial platform could beAs outside resources arrive, aerial platform could bepositioned to monitor activity and report conditions topositioned to monitor activity and report conditions toCommand Post. Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) would beCommand Post. Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) would beexcellent tool to be used in monitoring position.excellent tool to be used in monitoring position.

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Hazmat Information ExchangeHazmat Information Exchange

Multiple Efforts / Conflicting InfoMultiple Efforts / Conflicting Info•• Unable to locate NOTOCUnable to locate NOTOC

•• Firefighter threw NOTC out of Aircraft ??Firefighter threw NOTC out of Aircraft ??

•• UPS kept some of the contents, passedUPS kept some of the contents, passedon the rest?on the rest?

•• Ops tried to flag downOps tried to flag down

UPS Officials.UPS Officials.

Would CRM and ongoingWould CRM and ongoing

Relationships have helped?Relationships have helped?

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Hazmat Information ExchangeHazmat Information Exchange

(Editorial Comments)(Editorial Comments)

Hazmat onboard was not a significant hazard toHazmat onboard was not a significant hazard toresponders or the airport community.responders or the airport community.

There was a greater danger created by the burning ofThere was a greater danger created by the burning ofaircraft components than by what might have beenaircraft components than by what might have beenonboard.onboard.

The report would seem to indicate that a significantThe report would seem to indicate that a significantlevel of effort and time was committed to trackinglevel of effort and time was committed to trackingdown the NOTOC.down the NOTOC.

The conflicting reports would seem to suggest thatThe conflicting reports would seem to suggest thatall information was not being routed through theall information was not being routed through theCommand PostCommand Post

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Water SupplyWater Supply

IC sent Ops to locate closestIC sent Ops to locate closesthydrant.hydrant.

Police sent officer to check forPolice sent officer to check forhydrant locations on Hog Island Roadhydrant locations on Hog Island Roadas back up.as back up.

•• Technology, Training, Planning,Technology, Training, Planning,ExperienceExperience

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Technology with Potential Benefits toTechnology with Potential Benefits toIncidentIncident

DEVS would have identified closestDEVS would have identified closesthydrant locationshydrant locations

Working FLIR Cameras would have helpedWorking FLIR Cameras would have helpedto locate hot spotsto locate hot spots

DEVS of Mobile Data Terminals (DEVS of Mobile Data Terminals (MDTsMDTs))would have provided accurate crash chartwould have provided accurate crash chartfor aircraftfor aircraft

Proficiency in operation of Snozzle wouldProficiency in operation of Snozzle wouldhave improved piercing attempthave improved piercing attempt

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Lessons Learned inLessons Learned in ““Smart ApproachSmart Approach””

Lesson 1: Emergency PreparednessLesson 1: Emergency Preparedness

CRMCRM –– TeambuildingTeambuilding –– Safety PartnershipsSafety Partnershipsprovides ARFF with a support system,provides ARFF with a support system,communications systems, resourcecommunications systems, resourcesources, and an attitude of cooperation.sources, and an attitude of cooperation.

AEPsAEPs,, SOPSOP’’ss, agreements and, agreements andunderstandings all developed through theunderstandings all developed through thesame methods with buy in from thesame methods with buy in from thestakeholders. All of this translates intostakeholders. All of this translates intosuccess at the CP.success at the CP.

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Lessons Learned inLessons Learned in ““Smart ApproachSmart Approach””

Lesson 2: Technology IntegrationLesson 2: Technology Integration

MDTMDT’’s, DEVS or CP Fixed Equipment.s, DEVS or CP Fixed Equipment.•• Aircraft Crash Charts, Configurations,Aircraft Crash Charts, Configurations,

PX or Cargo, Piercing Points,PX or Cargo, Piercing Points, ERGERG’’ss

FLIR / HRET & Hand Held PiercingFLIR / HRET & Hand Held PiercingToolsTools

Tools / Technology / Training =Tools / Technology / Training =ProficiencyProficiency

Interoperability of Mutual Aid &Interoperability of Mutual Aid &TechnologyTechnology

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Lessons Learned inLessons Learned in ““Smart ApproachSmart Approach””

Lesson 4: MaintainLesson 4: Maintain ““Smart ApproachSmart Approach””!! Pressure from others whoPressure from others who

dondon’’t understand ARFFt understand ARFFmethods can influence usmethods can influence usto make decisionsto make decisionsdifferent than thosedifferent than thoseguided by our trainingguided by our training

Bottom Line is that weBottom Line is that wemust bemust be::

•• Well PreparedWell Prepared

•• Well TrainedWell Trained

•• Confident in our skillsConfident in our skills

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Lessons Learned inLessons Learned in ““Smart ApproachSmart Approach””

Lesson 3: TrainingLesson 3: Training

ARFF is a Highly Specialized Fire Fighting SpecialtyARFF is a Highly Specialized Fire Fighting Specialty

Any Dept or Group that takes part in Airport Emergency PlanAny Dept or Group that takes part in Airport Emergency Planshould have ARFF Trainingshould have ARFF Training

Never forget Original Training which provided basic skill setsNever forget Original Training which provided basic skill sets

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““Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous, butAviation in itself is not inherently dangerous, butto an even greater extent than the sea, it isto an even greater extent than the sea, it isterribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacityterribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacityor neglect.or neglect.””

C.R. SmithC.R. Smith

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This presentation and the paper fromThis presentation and the paper fromwhich it was derived, as well as allwhich it was derived, as well as allreferenced documents, are availablereferenced documents, are availableon my company website:on my company website:
